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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Populistická uskupení na území České republiky / Populist Movements in the Czech Republic

Bican, Jaroslav January 2013 (has links)
1 The thesis Populist Movements in the Czech Republic considers people and political groups using populist appeals which refer to "well-behaved people" and go against unfriendly élites. The thesis describes main topics of these political subjects, and on the base of it it develops a few populist families. In the introductory part, a few theoretical approaches to populism in general and its relationship with democracy are discussed. The main purpose of the thesis is to describe the environment of populist subjects in the Czech Republic and to classify them according to their similarities and cleavage lines.

Praví Finové. Etablování pravicového populismu ve Finsku? / True Finns. Establishment of right-wing populism in Finland?

Hudec, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis "True Finns. Establishment of right-wing populism in Finland?" deals with political party True Finns (The Finns, PS), its historical development and current position in Finnish party system. The master thesis is devided into three chapters. The first chapter deals with populist radical right political parties (PRR), which have established themselves in a lot of Western Europe party systém (inluding Scandinavia). Finland represented a state which had been immune of PRR. The aim of the first chapter is to answer an question, which are the main reasons of PRR emergence, respectively which were the reasons which delayed the Finnish PRR. The second chapter is concerned with political party True Finns (The Finns, PS), its historical development and ideological profile. The chapter reffers to ideological and personal roots in Finnish Rural Party. A part of the chapter is ideological core used by Cas Mudde (nativism, authoritarianism, populism) which is supplemented by an economical programme. The final part deals with the parliamentary election 2012. The final chapter concerns with current PS position in Finnish party systém and with impact on finnish politics. The chapter is closed with positive and negative factors for the future development.

Trump vs. Babiš: Komparativní případová studie populistického leadershipu, komunikace a stranické politiky v post-Gutenbergově éře / Trump vs. Babiš: Comparative case study of populist leadership, communication,and party politics in the post-Gutenberg era

Húsková, Eva January 2021 (has links)
The main purpose of this master thesis is to examine the concept of populism in the post- Gutenberg era. The research stems from a premise that the evolution of the political milieu and change of the media landscape implies a need for a different approach to analyzing populism. The decline of traditional political parties, the disappearance of political cleavages, and the personalization of politics precipitate the need to re-evaluate the debate about the right definition of populism. Based on a comparative case study of two leaders - Andrej Babiš and Donald Trump, this thesis examines how various theories of populism explain their behavior and tries to determine the most suitable option. Three definitions of populism are studied - populism as an ideology, populism as a discourse, and populism as a political style. While comparing political programs, discourse, and marketing strategies of both candidates, this thesis offers a complex insight into political campaigning on both sides of the Atlantic. At the same time, this research discusses the relationship between the concept of populism and personalized politics. These two concepts form a personalized leadership where the combination of populism and personality traits of the leader might influence the political programs, discourse, and marketing...

Populism, Religion, and Secularity in Latin America and Europe: A Comparative Perspective

Blancarte, Roberto 14 August 2023 (has links)
Much has been written in the past few decades about populism that most scholars approaching the subject feel obliged to begin by justifying their writing of yet another text. In this paper, the situation is somewhat different: whilst our analytical gaze is cast upon populism (and fascism, as a precursor or closely related social phenomenon), this is only indirectly the case. Our primary focus is, instead, on the relationship that populism has with religion and secularity. Or, more precisely, the relationships of diverse populisms with different religiosities and various secularities. While the religious and the secular are mentioned in numerous studies about populism, these topics have rarely been adequately elaborated. Even when they are discussed, they are treated only in a marginal way. The purpose of this work is, therefore, to highlight the complex and multi-faceted way that populisms in Europe and Latin America have related to religion and religiosity. A second, parallel objective of this work is to reflect on the particular relationships populism establishes with different understandings of the secular, specifically within the political sphere, i.e. ‘political secularity.’ Following the differentiation paradigm, another term one might see used for this is ‘laicity’ (laïcité in French, laicidad in Spanish). I understand this to refer specifically to the secularisation of the state and the areas of society which come under its control.

Populismus v politické komunikaci politického hnutí Úsvit přímé demokracie Tomia Okamury a jeho lídra Tomia Okamury / Populism in political communication of political movement Úsvit přímé demokracie Tomia Okamury

Janáková, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
The main goal of this master's thesis, which is written in the form of content analysis, is to elaborate political communication of the Dawn of Direct Democracy of Tomio Okamura movement which is led by Tomio Okamura. More specifically, the aim of this academic work is to find populist elements in its discourse. In the theoretical part the concept of populism is defined. Also, different interpretations of populism are mentioned, namely, populism as ‚thin- centred ideology' or for example the style of political communication. Moreover, in the theoretical part the origin of populism is briefly discussed. Als, the features of populism, which are determined for this master's thesis are explained. The concept of populism is also examined with Jan Charvát, a political sicentist. Furthermore, the concept of political communication with the focus on political online communication is explained. During the interview the spokesman of the Dawn of Direct Democracy of Tomio Okamura movement Jan Zilvar explains how political online communication of the party functions. In the practical part, the methodology which was used during the collection and subsequent processing of source is mentioned - i.e. quantitative content analysis. Subsequently, the master's thesis briefly summarizes the source: the blog of Tomio...

Eva Perón a Argentina v letech 1945 - 1952 / Eva Perón and Argentina in the years 1945 - 1952

Kočová, Linda January 2013 (has links)
(in English): The thesis "Eva Perón and Argentina between 1945 and 1952" provides a chronological overview of the historical events that influenced or could have influenced Eva Perón. The prime objective of this thesis is to show the consecutive events taking place in Argentina during the period of the so-called Peronist government. In the process, it outlines elements of the legacy that Eva Perón leaves behind on the current-day political scene in Latin America. The first chapters serve as an introduction and are dedicated to the childhood of Eva Perón and to the events characterizing Argentina in the first third of the twentieth century. The main part of the thesis consists of a detailed description of the life of one of the most important women of the twentieth century, together with an outline of Argentina's history of the relevant timeframe. The chapters are structured in chronological order and divided into several subtitles.

Ztracené děti Evropy: Evropská unie a nedoprovázené děti migrantů / Lost Children of Europe: European Union and Unaccompanied Migrant Children

Abuselidze, Salome January 2021 (has links)
The issue of unaccompanied migrant children (UAM) in the European Union is one of the most acknowledged and one of the most under researched topics. Close to 100,000 minors arrived in Europe in 2015 alone, without parents or guardians. And more than 10,000 disappeared shortly after. These children have been and continue to be under high risk of human trafficking, child labour, sexual and physical abuse, and exploitation of some other kinds. It has been 6 years since the initial crisis, but the statistics are not getting better. Tendency remains as close to 19,000 UAMs have perished in the past 3 years, which accounts to 17 disappearances a day. Despite the European Union's commitment to protect the rights of UAMs, the conditions of these children are dire. In some member states the situation is so much poorer, that basic human rights are violated. This raises the following questions: Q1: Why does the EU struggle to adopt common policies on unaccompanied migrant children? Q2: How does the EU contribute to the disappearance of UAMs? Qualitative and quantitative data, as well as large amount of primary and secondary sources help navigate through the problem of UAMs. Content analysis of European media contributes to the illustration of perceptions towards migration and unaccompanied children. Social...

Vývoj diskurzu pravicového populismu v České republice / The development of the discourse of right-wing populism in the Czech Republic

Němcová, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
The thesis examines the development of right-wing populist discourse in the Czech Republic and aims to define the forms and possible changes in populist discourse with a special emphasis on argumentation, then to interpret the changes in a broader social and political context. The research focuses on three organizational incarnations of right-wing populism: Public Affairs, Dawn of Direct Democracy - Tomio Okamura and Freedom and Direct Democracy - Tomio Okamura. The research method is a discursive-historical approach, which draws on the analysis of topoi. An analysis of the programs of the two movements and the party showed that the right-wing populist discourse has shifted from the original themes that the Public Affairs party has raised. These are included in the other two movements, but each adds something extra. From the initial anti-elite attitudes, social chauvinism and emphasis on direct democracy in the case of Public Affairs to nationalism and the promotion of national pride in the case of the Dawn, to the harsh euroscepticism, Islamophobia and anti-immigration appeals in the case of the SPD. The topoi used in the VV program is primarily topos of abuse, but the Dawn, with its specific appeal to national awareness, also introduces topos of people or topos of advantage, and the SPD clearly...

Změna v občanské společnosti? Souvislost globalizace a sociokulturní štěpící linie s růstem populismu / Change in Civil Society? Connecting Globalisation and Sociocultural Cleavage with the Rise of Populism

Coufalová, Linda January 2020 (has links)
This thesis employs the globalization and integration-demarcation cleavage theory formulated by Huttar [2014] and Kriesi [2012], conception of populism formulated by Mudde [2017] and draws on Gramscian conception of civil society and hegemony. Aim of this thesis is to build a model of causal influence of globalization on cleavage and on populism, as was suggested by Hutter [2014]. After building this model, the aim is to explore how this theoretical relationship hold's over the 30 years since 90's, when the connection between globalization and new sociocultural cleavage had been theoretically suggested. For this model I am using KOF Globalization Index, European Values Survey datasets and Authoritarian Populism Index constructed and published by Timbro in years 1990, 1999, 2008 and 2017. This model is built on a dataset containing 38 countries on European continent or being a candidate country for EU. I am elaborating Hutter's theoretical suggestion and framing it in Gramscian conception of civil society. This allows me to suggest that populists are using organic crisis in a society to attract people who feel disjointed from current hegemonical elite and to create counterhegemony. The theory is, that globalization increases the tension between winners and losers of globalization sides of cleavage...

Přímá demokracie ve veřejné diskuzi v České republice. Političtí aktéři, jejich návrhy a politická praxe / Direct Democracy in public discussion in Czech Republic. Political actors, their proposals and political practice

Havlík, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The Diploma thesis will deal the main actors who support elements of direct democracy in Czech political system. Concurrently I want critically approach to their thesis and valorize its relevance, viability and potential impact for Czech society. First of all I will present each of elements of direct democracy, which are town meeting, initiative, referendum and recall. I refuse that a direct election of president or other political actor is an element of direct democracy. I classify a direct election of political actor like a synonym of representative democracy in this Diploma thesis. I will also present examples of countries like Switzerland or California, which has huge experience with using of direct democracy. Focus of my interest will be also on Scottish independence referendum and Slovak referendum about family and marriage. After this theoretical and empirical introduction I will critically approach to thesis about elements of direct democracy of Czech political actor like the Dawn of Direct Democracy, the Public Affairs, the Movement for Direct Democracy and the Czech Pirates Party, however I will mention other political actors and theirs ideas of elements of direct democracy, mainly I will mention the Czech government's proposition of law about general referendum in Czech republic. The...

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