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Wake-Induced Oscillations in Cable Structures: Finite Element ApproachSnegovskiy, Dmitri 11 June 2010 (has links)
In this work we consider the overhead power transmission lines (OHL). Their specifics are related to the presence of cables (conductors) whose length between supporting towers may extend to dozens of thousand meters. The OHL components are exposed to a combination of natural actions wind, rain, ice / snow / frost deposits. Compared to other structural parts, conductors have the highest flexibility and very low structural self-damping (of the order of 0.1 % of critical damping or lower, depending on frequencies). They are among structural elements the most sensitive to these actions.
Since early fifties the increased energy demand gave a rise to large construction of high-voltage and extra-high-voltage overhead lines equipped with bundled electrical conductors. For such arrangements there was noticed a kind of wind-induced oscillations originated by a zone of disturbed and retarded air flow (wake), that the cables located upwind(windward) cast onto the downwind (leeward) ones. The effect of this phenomenon called Wake-Induced Oscillations (WIO) resulted in fatigue damages of conductors, failures of insulator strings and cable suspension hardware and fatigue failures of spacers.
There have been identified analogues to transmission lines WIO in other regular structures subjectto the cross-flow of viscous fluids (air, gas, water etc.): heat exchanger tubes, clusters of fuel rods of nnuclear reactors, groups of chimneys, buildings. Early works in this field relate to the aerodynamics of tandem and staggered twin struts to support the wings of biplanes and published by Pannell, Griffits and Coales in 1915. Other cable structures like suspenders in suspension bridges or stays in cable-stayed bridges may be also subject to wake-induced oscillations. In each of these cases, conditions of oscillations occurrence and structural response depend on cables specific mass and stiffness, kind of fixation, dimension scale versus fluid viscosity and velocity (Reynolds number) etc. The cables separation plays important role, as there are different kinds of wake interference especially when the cables are closely spaced.
A number of research projects were entertained to study the wake-induced oscillations of different structures, which brought to development of analytical and experimental models and methods of protection against this phenomenon. A particular solution to overhead lines was found by unevenly distributing the spacers along the line span. To achieve that, no unique approach exists; virtually each grid company, or manufacturer of spacers proceeds with its own method. It may rely on different basis, either field experience or analytical study or a mixture of them. And, despite advances in numerical modelling of latest decades, few publications uncover phenomenological side of WIO.
The issues of modelling WIO in a view of helping to develop methods for protection of line against WIO are a main subject of this work.
Original advances studied in this thesis include:
- Current state-of-the art for analytical calculation of WIO, including the loads in the wake
- Overview of classic theory of wake-induced flutter and its evaluation from the standpoint of modern numerical tools for analytical applications (e.g., Matlab)
- Nonlinear Finite-Element Modelling of WIO using classic theory of wake-induced flutter,
study of its domains of application, advantages and limitations, including validation upon field experiments
- Foundation of basic methodology for optimal placement of spacers over the bundle conductor span
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Το επιδερμικό φαινόμενο σε υπόγεια καλώδια για BPL εφαρμογέςΚακούτσης, Ζαχαρίας 04 November 2014 (has links)
Στα πλαίσια αυτής της διπλωματικής εργασίας θα εξετάσουμε το πρόβλημα
της εξασθένισης που παρουσιάζεται σε ένα BPL (Broadband over powerlines)
network (ευζωνικό δίκτυο), αξιολογώντας την αρνητική επιρροή των διαφόρων
καταστρεπτικών παραγόντων και ειδικότερα του επιδερμικού φαινομένου (skin
effect). Τα BPL συστήματα εισάγουν μια καινοτόμα τεχνολογία ευρυζωνικής
πρόσβασης στο διαδίκτυο και όχι μονό, η οποία δείχνει να ανταποκρίνεται στις
σύγχρονες απαιτήσεις, προσφέροντας ικανοποιητική ποιότητα υπηρεσιών και
μειώνοντας το κόστος υλοποίησης τους. Δεν χρειάζεται επενδύσεις για νέα υποδομή,
αφού οι γραμμές ηλεκτρικής ισχύος καλύπτουν σχεδόν όλες τις κατοικημένες
περιοχές του πλανήτη. Ιδιαίτερα σε αραιοκατοικημένες περιοχές με ελάχιστη
τηλεπικοινωνιακή κάλυψη και υποδομή, η τεχνολογία BPL είναι ίσως η μοναδική
λύση για ευρυζωνικές υπηρεσίες. Είναι κατανοητή τώρα η ανάγκη που προκύπτει για
περεταίρω διερεύνηση του επιδερμικού φαινομένου, ενός παράγοντα που ενεργεί
αρνητικά στη διάδοση του σήματος, διαμέσου του BPL δικτύου. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο θα μιλήσουμε γενικά για την BPL τεχνολογία, πώς και πού
ξεκίνησε. Θα δώσουμε ένα γενικό ορισμό με μια μικρή εισαγωγή στα συστήματα BPL.
Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο θα ασχοληθούμε με τα δίκτυα πρόσβασης, με άλλα λόγια την
δομή των δικτύων πρόσβασης BPL καθώς επίσης και τα βασικά στοιχεία των
δικτύων. Γίνεται μια εκτενής παρουσίαση των τοπολογιών και της αρχιτεκτονικής των
δικτύων BPL και τελευταία παρουσιάζεται η εμπορική αξιοποίηση στις διάφορες
εφαρμογές χρήσης της BPL τεχνολογίας.
Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο θα μιλήσουμε για το επιδερμικό φαινόμενο, που
εμφανίζεται, πώς επηρεάζει και τι προκαλεί στις BPL εφαρμογές. Γίνεται αναφορά
στα καλώδια, αλλά και στα δίκτυα διαμέσου των οποίων βρίσκει εφαρμογές η BPL
τεχνολογία, και συνάμα εμφανίζεται το επιδερμικό φαινόμενο.
Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζεται μια πειραματική εργασία, όπου φαίνεται ο
τρόπος με τον οποίον το επιδερμικό φαινόμενο επιδρά στο εσωτερικό των
καλωδίων, ένα πρόγραμμα σε Matlab όπου γίνεται εμφανής η σχέση της συχνότητας
με το επιδερμικό βάθος. Τέλος, παρουσιάζουμε τα συμπεράσματα που προκύπτουν
από όλη την εργασία. / --
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10kV linijų techninių financinių rodiklių tyrimas / Research of 10 kV lines' technical - financial measuresBertulis, Algirdas 07 September 2010 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjamas Radviliškio rajono 10 kV skirstomasis tinklas. 2009 m. duomenimis 10 kV elektros oro linijų ilgis buvo 988,62 km ir kabelinių elektros linijų 115,6 km. Visos elektros oro linijos yra statytos su gelžbetoninėmis atramomis. Linijų tankis 0,68 km/km2. Dėl elektros tiekimo nutraukimų vartotojai patiria materialinę žalą. Kadangi visos linijos buvo statytos tuomet kai Lietuva buvo TSRS sudėtyje. Lietuvai įstojus į Europos Sąjungą, pasikeitė reikalavimai skirstomajam tinklui. Apskaičiuosime kai kuriuos esamo tinklo parametrus ir pabandysime palyginti su normatyviniais. Šiame darbe pateikiame išvadas apie nagrinėjamo elektros tinklo patikimumą. Ar tinklą galima toliau eksploatuoti. Iš gautų rezultatų bus galima spręsti kokiais būdais galima pagerinti tinklo būklę. / In this final paper the 10 kV distributive networks in Radviliskis district has been analysed. According to the data of 2009, the length of 10 kV air route of electricity was 988,62 km and the length of cable route of electricity was 115,6 km. All the air route of electricity has been built using ferroconcrete supports. The density of routes is 0,68 km/ km2. The consumers of electricity experience material harm due to abortion of distribution of electricity. The requirements for distributive networks have been changed when Lithuania joined EU, because all the electricity routes have been built when Lithuania was part of the Soviet Union. We will try to evaluate some parameters of present network and to compare with normative. In this paper the conclusions about the reliability and further maintenance of electricity network has been formulated. Agreeably with results received, solutions for current network improvement have been given.
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Μελέτη των κύριων παραμέτρων ενός ευζωνικού δικτύου μέσω των γραμμών ηλεκτρικής ισχύος (BPL)Μιλτιάδου, Μίλτος 08 February 2010 (has links)
Η επίδραση της τεχνολογίας BPL (Broadband over Power Lines) στη ΔΕΗ, αλλά και στους φορείς ρύθμισης και λειτουργίας της -αναμενόμενης- απελευθερωμένης αγοράς ενέργειας, όπως είναι ο Διαχειριστής Ελληνικού Συστήματος Μεταφοράς Ηλεκτρικής Ενέργειας (ΔΕΣΜΗΕ), θα είναι άμεση και καταλυτική. Η ευρυζωνική μετάδοση πληροφορίας μέσω των γραμμών ηλεκτρικής ισχύος έχει τη δυνατότητα να προσφέρει υπηρεσίες τόσο στις επιχειρήσεις ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας (στην περίπτωσή μας τη ΔΕΗ) όσο και στους καταναλωτές. Με την εφαρμογή της τεχνολογίας BPL στο δίκτυο της ΔΕΗ οι γραμμές ηλεκτρικής ισχύος, εκτός από τη μεταφορά και τη διανομή ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας, μπορούν ταυτόχρονα να μεταδώσουν πληροφορία με ρυθμό μετάδοσης που φτάνει, προς το παρόν, τα 200 Mbps στο φυσικό επίπεδο. Μερικές από τις υπηρεσίες που προσφέρει η τεχνολογία BPL είναι υπηρεσίες τηλεφωνίας (VoIP), ευρυζωνική πρόσβαση στο διαδίκτυο, υπηρεσία τηλεόρασης (internet TV), υπηρεσία ραδιοφώνου, δυνατότητα φορητότητας και κινητικότητας των υπηρεσιών διαδικτύου, αυτοματοποίηση κατοικίας, απομακρυσμένος έλεγχος και λειτουργία του οικιακού εξοπλισμού, δυναμική ρύθμιση της κατανάλωσης ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας, παρακολούθηση για λόγους ασφάλειας, παιχνίδια βασισμένα στο διαδίκτυο, εφαρμογές quadruple play κ.ά. Η πρόσβαση των καταναλωτών πραγματοποιείται με ασύρματο τρόπο (Wi-Fi) από τη γραμμή χαμηλής τάσης (σύνδεση στο μετρητή του χρήστη) ή κατευθείαν από τη γραμμή μέσης τάσης. Ο νέος αυτός τρόπος ευρυζωνικής πρόσβασης στο διαδίκτυο είναι ιδιαίτερα σημαντικός, γιατί δε χρειάζεται επενδύσεις για νέα υποδομή, εφόσον οι γραμμές ηλεκτρικής ισχύος καλύπτουν σχεδόν όλες τις κατοικημένες περιοχές του πλανήτη. Ιδιαίτερα σε περιοχές αραιοκατοικημένες ή με ελάχιστη τηλεπικοινωνιακή υποδομή, η τεχνολογία BPL αποτελεί ίσως τη μοναδική λύση για ευρυζωνικές υπηρεσίες.
Στις επιχειρήσεις ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας προσφέρονται πολλαπλές και ιδιαίτερης σημασίας δυνατότητες. Μερικές από αυτές είναι η αυτόματη ανάγνωση μετρητών και η τιμολόγηση, η αυτόματη σύνδεση/αποσύνδεση φορτίων, η μέτρηση και η απεικόνιση των δεδομένων του δικτύου διανομής (τάση, ρεύμα, θερμοκρασία περιβάλλοντος, πραγματική ισχύς, άεργος ισχύς, συντελεστής ισχύος), η διαχείριση της ζήτησης, η μείωση των εκπομπών CO2 λόγω της βελτίωσης της ενεργειακής αποδοτικότητας, η ανίχνευση κλοπής ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας, ο εντοπισμός βλαβών, η απομόνωση και άμεση αποκατάσταση σφαλμάτων, η προληπτική συντήρηση του δικτύου (εναέριο και υπόγειο), η διαχείριση και ο προγραμματισμός του προσωπικού συντήρησης, η διαγνωστική παρακολούθηση του δικτύου, η διαχείριση ασφάλειας του δικτύου. Επιπρόσθετα, προσφέρεται η δυνατότητα στη διοίκηση να αναπτύξει, να ρυθμίσει και να ελέγξει την απελευθερωμένη αγορά ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας. Όλη η πληροφορία για τις συνθήκες λειτουργίας του δικτύου ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας θα διακινείται σε πραγματικό χρόνο και θα αξιοποιείται από τις ρυθμιστικές αρχές, με αποτέλεσμα τη δημιουργία μιας αξιόπιστης και ευέλικτης αγοράς ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας. Τα καλώδια του ρεύματος πηγαίνουν παντού και αποτελούνται συνήθως από καλής ποιότητας χαλκό. Επίσης, οι μόνες συχνότητες που χρησιμοποιούνται είναι αυτές του ρεύματος, δηλαδή τα 50 και 60 Hz. Έτσι, η μετάδοση σημάτων πληροφορίας μέσω των γραμμών ηλεκτρικής ισχύος είναι απλή στη σύλληψή της. Τέλος, γίνεται ένας σχολιασμός σε διάφορα μοντέλα εξομοιώσεων σε Matlab για την συμπεριφορά των διαφόρων παραμέτρων που επηρεάζουν το BPL δίκτυο. / -
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Análise do trabalho em espaços confinados : o caso da manutenção de redes subterrâneasAraújo, Adriana Nunes January 2006 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata de uma análise do trabalho de dez eletricistas que atuam em espaços confinados de redes subterrâneas de distribuição de energia, na Companhia Estadual de Energia Elétrica, Porto Alegre, RS. Foi identificada a demanda ergonômica dos eletricistas, com base em um método participativo (Análise Macroergonômica do Trabalho) de levantamento e avaliação dos dados, que gerou insumos para a melhoria das condições de trabalho e segurança e, conseqüente, promoção de prevenção de acidentes. A pesquisa revelou que os eletricistas consideram como aspectos mais positivos do trabalho os relacionamentos entre chefia, supervisores e colegas. Em contrapartida, apontam problemas críticos de diversas naturezas: biomecânico/posto, organização do trabalho, ambiental e relacionados à empresa. Também foram identificados níveis elevados de demandas físicas e mentais do trabalho, concluindo-se que o medo, evidenciado no discurso dos eletricistas, é referente ao trabalho com eletricidade e não ao trabalho em espaços confinados. Além disso, a pesquisa apontou cinco procedimentos, considerados como padrões mínimos, para a realização de trabalhos seguros em espaços confinados: reconhecimento, monitoramento da atmosfera, ventilação, treinamento e resgate.Apesar dos eletricistas não terem ciência da existência destes procedimentos, os mesmos foram citados, direta ou indiretamente nas entrevistas, como aspectos relevantes ao trabalho, sendo atribuído a maioria deles um baixo nível de satisfação. Com isso, conclui-se que a implantação de um programa de permissão de entrada em espaços confinados, além de promover a segurança neste ambientes tem relação direta com a satisfação dos trabalhadores. / The focus of this dissertation is the work analysis of ten electricians who act in confined space at underground power lines at the Estate Electricity Company in Porto Alegre, RS. It was identified the electricians’ ergonomic demand items. The research was carried out according to the participatory methods of survey and assessment of data, to improvement of safety and work conditions and, therefore, to prevent accidents. The research disclosed that the electricians have the relationship with their superiors, supervisors, and workmates as the most positive aspect of the job. On the other hand, they point out critical problems from different causes: biomechanical, task organization, environmental, and the ones related to the company. Overload regarding physical and mental work demand has been identified, proving that the fear, evident in the professionals’ speech is about the electricity, and not related to confined underground spaces. Besides, the research also displayed five procedures regarded as minimal standards to execute safe work in confined spaces: recognition, testing and monitoring atmosphere, ventilation, training and rescue. Despite the little knowledge electricians have on this criteria, some points of it were reported, some in an indirect way, during the interviews as relevant aspects to the work, being attributed to most of them a low level of satisfaction. Therefore, it comes to the conclusion that the implantation of a Permit-Requires Space Program, besides promoting accidents prevention in these spaces, has a direct relationship with the workers’ satisfaction.
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Uso do espaço e dieta do Bugio-Ruivo ALOUATTA GUARIBA CLAMITANS (PRIMATES: ATELIDAE) em uma área urbanizada no Bairro Lami, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, BrasilCorrêa, Fabiana Müller January 2015 (has links)
Entre janeiro e dezembro de 2014 um grupo de bugios foi acompanhado a fim de determinar o seu deslocamento e dieta, relacionando com a disponibilidade de recursos alimentares, em uma matriz alterada no bairro Lami, extremo sul da capital. Estes dados foram obtidos durante seis dias por mês, através do método de amostragem de todas as ocorrências e varredura instantânea, este último somente para dieta com 5 minutos de observação e 10 de descanso. As distâncias percorridas pelo grupo foram medidas e plotadas em um mapa, onde foi sobreposto um sistema de quadrados (25m x 25m). Adicionalmente foi feito um estudo fenológico, registrando as seguintes fenofases: folha nova, folha madura, fruto novo, fruto maduro e flor. O tamanho total da área de vida foi estimado em 4,9 ha e em média, a distância percorrida diariamente foi de 446 metros. Foi observada a utilização de diferentes elementos que compõem a matriz, como os fios da rede elétrica, que contribuíram em 23% no deslocamento. Os bugios incorporaram a dieta 30 espécies arbóreas, na qual oito são exóticas (20,8%), com destaque para Ficus cestrifolia (34,8%) e Morus nigra (9,7%). Houve um maior consumo de frutos (56,2%), seguido por folhas (39,8%) e flores (4%), onde foi observado uma alta correlação entre o consumo destes itens e a disponibilidade temporal dos recursos. De modo geral, os bugios mostraram certa habilidade em se deslocar em uma matriz alterada, utilizando os fios da rede elétrica para deslocamento quando ausência de árvores, para acessar os recursos. E mesmo estando inseridos em uma região fragmentada pela urbanização, esta área ainda oferece condições básicas à sua sobrevivência, com a disponibilidade de recursos de alta qualidade nutricional durante todo o ano. Porém, o crescente corte de árvores e a ocorrência de acidentes com estes primatas coloca em risco a existência das populações de bugios na região e reforça a necessidade de mitigação dos impactos causados pela urbanização. O conhecimento dos padrões de uso do espaço e preferências alimentares de Alouatta guariba clamitans em uma paisagem antropizada poderá fornecer subsídios para diminuir os efeitos da presença humana e evitar os acidentes com bugios, como choque na rede elétrica, atropelamentos e ataque por cães, no município de Porto Alegre, RS. / Knowledge of space use patterns and food preferences of Alouatta guariba clamitans in an anthropic landscape may provide subsidies to reduce the human presence effects and avoid accidents with red howler monkeys, as shock in the power grid, road kill and dog atacks in the municipality of Porto Alegre, RS. Thus, between january and december 2014 a red howler monkey group was followed aiming to determine its displacement and diet, relating to the availability of food resources in a modified landscape matrix in the Lami neighborhood, southernmost of the capital. These data were obtained during six days monthly, by all occurrences and scan sampling method, these latter only for diet by 5 minutes of observation with 10 minutes gap between samples. The distances covered by the group were measured and plotted on a map, which was overlaid a square system (25m x 25m). In addition was carried out a phenological study, recording the following phenophases: new leaf, mature leaf, new fruit, ripe fruit and flower. The red howler monkey group home range was estimated at 4.9 ha and the average distance daily traveled was 446 meters. It was observed the use of different elements that compose the matrix by the red howler monkey group, as the wires from the power supply, which contributed with 23% of the movements. The group entered the diet of 30 tree species, in which eight are exotic (20.8%), especially Ficus cestrifolia (34.8%) and Morus nigra (9.7%). There was higher consumption of fruits (56.2%), followed by leaves (39.8%) and flowers (4%), which was observed a high correlation between the consumption of these items and the temporal availability of the resources. Overall, howler monkeys showed some ability to move in a modified matrix, and even when inserted in a region fragmented by urbanization, this area still offers basic conditions for their survival, with the availability of high quality nutritional resources throughout the year. However, the increasing lumbering and accidents with these primates endanger the existence of populations of red howler monkeys in the region and strengthens the need to mitigate the urbanization impacts.
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Uso do espaço e dieta do Bugio-Ruivo ALOUATTA GUARIBA CLAMITANS (PRIMATES: ATELIDAE) em uma área urbanizada no Bairro Lami, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, BrasilCorrêa, Fabiana Müller January 2015 (has links)
Entre janeiro e dezembro de 2014 um grupo de bugios foi acompanhado a fim de determinar o seu deslocamento e dieta, relacionando com a disponibilidade de recursos alimentares, em uma matriz alterada no bairro Lami, extremo sul da capital. Estes dados foram obtidos durante seis dias por mês, através do método de amostragem de todas as ocorrências e varredura instantânea, este último somente para dieta com 5 minutos de observação e 10 de descanso. As distâncias percorridas pelo grupo foram medidas e plotadas em um mapa, onde foi sobreposto um sistema de quadrados (25m x 25m). Adicionalmente foi feito um estudo fenológico, registrando as seguintes fenofases: folha nova, folha madura, fruto novo, fruto maduro e flor. O tamanho total da área de vida foi estimado em 4,9 ha e em média, a distância percorrida diariamente foi de 446 metros. Foi observada a utilização de diferentes elementos que compõem a matriz, como os fios da rede elétrica, que contribuíram em 23% no deslocamento. Os bugios incorporaram a dieta 30 espécies arbóreas, na qual oito são exóticas (20,8%), com destaque para Ficus cestrifolia (34,8%) e Morus nigra (9,7%). Houve um maior consumo de frutos (56,2%), seguido por folhas (39,8%) e flores (4%), onde foi observado uma alta correlação entre o consumo destes itens e a disponibilidade temporal dos recursos. De modo geral, os bugios mostraram certa habilidade em se deslocar em uma matriz alterada, utilizando os fios da rede elétrica para deslocamento quando ausência de árvores, para acessar os recursos. E mesmo estando inseridos em uma região fragmentada pela urbanização, esta área ainda oferece condições básicas à sua sobrevivência, com a disponibilidade de recursos de alta qualidade nutricional durante todo o ano. Porém, o crescente corte de árvores e a ocorrência de acidentes com estes primatas coloca em risco a existência das populações de bugios na região e reforça a necessidade de mitigação dos impactos causados pela urbanização. O conhecimento dos padrões de uso do espaço e preferências alimentares de Alouatta guariba clamitans em uma paisagem antropizada poderá fornecer subsídios para diminuir os efeitos da presença humana e evitar os acidentes com bugios, como choque na rede elétrica, atropelamentos e ataque por cães, no município de Porto Alegre, RS. / Knowledge of space use patterns and food preferences of Alouatta guariba clamitans in an anthropic landscape may provide subsidies to reduce the human presence effects and avoid accidents with red howler monkeys, as shock in the power grid, road kill and dog atacks in the municipality of Porto Alegre, RS. Thus, between january and december 2014 a red howler monkey group was followed aiming to determine its displacement and diet, relating to the availability of food resources in a modified landscape matrix in the Lami neighborhood, southernmost of the capital. These data were obtained during six days monthly, by all occurrences and scan sampling method, these latter only for diet by 5 minutes of observation with 10 minutes gap between samples. The distances covered by the group were measured and plotted on a map, which was overlaid a square system (25m x 25m). In addition was carried out a phenological study, recording the following phenophases: new leaf, mature leaf, new fruit, ripe fruit and flower. The red howler monkey group home range was estimated at 4.9 ha and the average distance daily traveled was 446 meters. It was observed the use of different elements that compose the matrix by the red howler monkey group, as the wires from the power supply, which contributed with 23% of the movements. The group entered the diet of 30 tree species, in which eight are exotic (20.8%), especially Ficus cestrifolia (34.8%) and Morus nigra (9.7%). There was higher consumption of fruits (56.2%), followed by leaves (39.8%) and flowers (4%), which was observed a high correlation between the consumption of these items and the temporal availability of the resources. Overall, howler monkeys showed some ability to move in a modified matrix, and even when inserted in a region fragmented by urbanization, this area still offers basic conditions for their survival, with the availability of high quality nutritional resources throughout the year. However, the increasing lumbering and accidents with these primates endanger the existence of populations of red howler monkeys in the region and strengthens the need to mitigate the urbanization impacts.
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Análise do trabalho em espaços confinados : o caso da manutenção de redes subterrâneasAraújo, Adriana Nunes January 2006 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata de uma análise do trabalho de dez eletricistas que atuam em espaços confinados de redes subterrâneas de distribuição de energia, na Companhia Estadual de Energia Elétrica, Porto Alegre, RS. Foi identificada a demanda ergonômica dos eletricistas, com base em um método participativo (Análise Macroergonômica do Trabalho) de levantamento e avaliação dos dados, que gerou insumos para a melhoria das condições de trabalho e segurança e, conseqüente, promoção de prevenção de acidentes. A pesquisa revelou que os eletricistas consideram como aspectos mais positivos do trabalho os relacionamentos entre chefia, supervisores e colegas. Em contrapartida, apontam problemas críticos de diversas naturezas: biomecânico/posto, organização do trabalho, ambiental e relacionados à empresa. Também foram identificados níveis elevados de demandas físicas e mentais do trabalho, concluindo-se que o medo, evidenciado no discurso dos eletricistas, é referente ao trabalho com eletricidade e não ao trabalho em espaços confinados. Além disso, a pesquisa apontou cinco procedimentos, considerados como padrões mínimos, para a realização de trabalhos seguros em espaços confinados: reconhecimento, monitoramento da atmosfera, ventilação, treinamento e resgate.Apesar dos eletricistas não terem ciência da existência destes procedimentos, os mesmos foram citados, direta ou indiretamente nas entrevistas, como aspectos relevantes ao trabalho, sendo atribuído a maioria deles um baixo nível de satisfação. Com isso, conclui-se que a implantação de um programa de permissão de entrada em espaços confinados, além de promover a segurança neste ambientes tem relação direta com a satisfação dos trabalhadores. / The focus of this dissertation is the work analysis of ten electricians who act in confined space at underground power lines at the Estate Electricity Company in Porto Alegre, RS. It was identified the electricians’ ergonomic demand items. The research was carried out according to the participatory methods of survey and assessment of data, to improvement of safety and work conditions and, therefore, to prevent accidents. The research disclosed that the electricians have the relationship with their superiors, supervisors, and workmates as the most positive aspect of the job. On the other hand, they point out critical problems from different causes: biomechanical, task organization, environmental, and the ones related to the company. Overload regarding physical and mental work demand has been identified, proving that the fear, evident in the professionals’ speech is about the electricity, and not related to confined underground spaces. Besides, the research also displayed five procedures regarded as minimal standards to execute safe work in confined spaces: recognition, testing and monitoring atmosphere, ventilation, training and rescue. Despite the little knowledge electricians have on this criteria, some points of it were reported, some in an indirect way, during the interviews as relevant aspects to the work, being attributed to most of them a low level of satisfaction. Therefore, it comes to the conclusion that the implantation of a Permit-Requires Space Program, besides promoting accidents prevention in these spaces, has a direct relationship with the workers’ satisfaction.
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Análise do trabalho em espaços confinados : o caso da manutenção de redes subterrâneasAraújo, Adriana Nunes January 2006 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata de uma análise do trabalho de dez eletricistas que atuam em espaços confinados de redes subterrâneas de distribuição de energia, na Companhia Estadual de Energia Elétrica, Porto Alegre, RS. Foi identificada a demanda ergonômica dos eletricistas, com base em um método participativo (Análise Macroergonômica do Trabalho) de levantamento e avaliação dos dados, que gerou insumos para a melhoria das condições de trabalho e segurança e, conseqüente, promoção de prevenção de acidentes. A pesquisa revelou que os eletricistas consideram como aspectos mais positivos do trabalho os relacionamentos entre chefia, supervisores e colegas. Em contrapartida, apontam problemas críticos de diversas naturezas: biomecânico/posto, organização do trabalho, ambiental e relacionados à empresa. Também foram identificados níveis elevados de demandas físicas e mentais do trabalho, concluindo-se que o medo, evidenciado no discurso dos eletricistas, é referente ao trabalho com eletricidade e não ao trabalho em espaços confinados. Além disso, a pesquisa apontou cinco procedimentos, considerados como padrões mínimos, para a realização de trabalhos seguros em espaços confinados: reconhecimento, monitoramento da atmosfera, ventilação, treinamento e resgate.Apesar dos eletricistas não terem ciência da existência destes procedimentos, os mesmos foram citados, direta ou indiretamente nas entrevistas, como aspectos relevantes ao trabalho, sendo atribuído a maioria deles um baixo nível de satisfação. Com isso, conclui-se que a implantação de um programa de permissão de entrada em espaços confinados, além de promover a segurança neste ambientes tem relação direta com a satisfação dos trabalhadores. / The focus of this dissertation is the work analysis of ten electricians who act in confined space at underground power lines at the Estate Electricity Company in Porto Alegre, RS. It was identified the electricians’ ergonomic demand items. The research was carried out according to the participatory methods of survey and assessment of data, to improvement of safety and work conditions and, therefore, to prevent accidents. The research disclosed that the electricians have the relationship with their superiors, supervisors, and workmates as the most positive aspect of the job. On the other hand, they point out critical problems from different causes: biomechanical, task organization, environmental, and the ones related to the company. Overload regarding physical and mental work demand has been identified, proving that the fear, evident in the professionals’ speech is about the electricity, and not related to confined underground spaces. Besides, the research also displayed five procedures regarded as minimal standards to execute safe work in confined spaces: recognition, testing and monitoring atmosphere, ventilation, training and rescue. Despite the little knowledge electricians have on this criteria, some points of it were reported, some in an indirect way, during the interviews as relevant aspects to the work, being attributed to most of them a low level of satisfaction. Therefore, it comes to the conclusion that the implantation of a Permit-Requires Space Program, besides promoting accidents prevention in these spaces, has a direct relationship with the workers’ satisfaction.
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Technická řešení přepojení hladiny VN z 35 kV na 22 kV / Technical proposal of distribution system using 22 kV instead of 35 kVKopunec, Kristián January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of the connection of the Svratecko area with the distribution network of the company E.ON Distribuce, a.s.. The theoretical part describes the energy legislation and the individual standards on which the thesis is based. It also describes the concept of a 22 kV high voltage network. The practical part of the thesis is focused on the creation of line models in the program E-vlivy, which will supply the Svratecko area and the model of the monitored area. Outputs from the thesis will be used by E.ON Distribuce, a.s. to evaluate the connection of the Svratecko area.
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