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Reforma rozpočtu Evrópskej únieZruban, Maroš January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this thesis was to outline a reformed budget for the European Union. The focus was on the fight between net contributors and net recipients with regards to the theory of fiscal federalism and the current levels of integration by the EU. The advent of the crisis was the motivation for the authorities to learn from the crisis and then to implement reforms. An analysis of the theory of public finance, the theory of fiscal federalism and the current state of the EU budget reveals three main areas that need to be resolved by this reform. The lack of a stabilisation function, inefficient allocation of expenditure chapters and, mainly the inequity in the distribution of funds between Member States indicated the need for radical change. Optimising operational budgetary balances with a mathematical model that would calculate these balances ex ante was not technically feasible. Thus, the author presents a model that could despite its simplifications bring significant benefits to the problems of "Juste Retour" by contributing towards fairer allocation and a reduction conflict between groups of beneficiaries and contributors. Additionally, significant outcomes were achieved with regards to the EU Budget notably greater flexibility and an overall simplification of the budget. Symptomatically a partial automatic stabiliser will be created for special cases such as asymmetric shock. The reform could serve to address the problem of "Juste Retour". Its weaknesses can be removed by further research.
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Postoje žáků základních škol k integraci žáků se sluchovým postižením / Attitudes of elementary school children toward integration of students with hearing disabilities.MUŽÍKOVÁ, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the attitudes of primary school pupils to integrate pupils with hearing disabilities. The aim was to highlight the current attitudes of pupils towards intact peers with hearing disabilities and evaluation of attitudes towards peers in the educational environment. In the theoretical part I defined the basic concepts and describe the differences. In the practical part, I described research the hearing-impaired student. The research was conducted in the fourth grade in elementary school Pod Marjánkou, where I examined the position of hearing-impaired individuals in the classroom.
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Pedagogika jógy vzhledem ke zdraví populace se zaměřením na rotační polohy a jejich přínos pro fyzioterapii. / Pedagogy of yoga with regard to population health: a focus on rotational positions and their contribution to physiotherapy.Hloušková, Pavlína January 2018 (has links)
Title: Pedagogy of yoga with regard to population health: a focus on rotational positions and their contribution to physiotherapy. Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to briefly summarize the general knowledge of the positive influence of yoga on the human musculoskeletal apparatus, and then to focus on the description of the rotation movements, consdiering both terms of yoga practice and the anatomical- kinesiological (physiotherapeutic) point of view. Three selected yoga positions will be examined; Bharadvádžásana, Maríčjásana and Parivrtta trikonasana, based on literature dealing with the practice of yoga asanas. In the practical section, the discrepancies between theory and practice will be evaluated, as well as the quality of yoga provided during the lessons in relation to population health. These discrepancies will be assessed from the perspective of a physiotherapist. Methods: It is a descriptive theoretical-empirical type of research. The methods used to collect data were - search research, observation, interview. Results: Discrepancies between the theoretical description in the literature and practice have been present. It was also confirmed that the rotational positions were part of all the attended yoga lessons. The assumption that the lecturers know the health of their trainees has not...
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Účinky specifických poruch učení na self-koncept a sociometrickou pozici dítěte ve třídě (práce je součástí rozsáhlejšího výzkumného projektu "Morfologické uvědomění u dyslektiků") / Self-concept and sociometrical position in children with learning disabilitiesKULÍŠKOVÁ, Klára January 2012 (has links)
Specific learning disabilities and social aspects are the key terms characterizing this diploma thesis. They are also the main theme of research. This issue is greatly widespread nowadays. These defects (disorders) represent a significant social problem all over the world. A psychological burden has influence not only on those children themselves, but also on parents as well as teachers. Except the negative influence on a child´s school success, specific learning disabilities have a secondary impact. They influence pupils´ self-assessment and their life among peers. The aim of the diploma thesis is to determine a severe impact of specific learning disabilities on a child´s self-assessment and its position among classmates. The thesis consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is focused on the interpretation of knowledge about the theme. There is briefly mentioned a historical overview of specific learning disabilities and it describes the origin, demonstration or occurrence of the most widespread specific learning disability - dyslexia - especially its social aspects. The practical part acquaints readers with research. There is a sample of tested children with their casuistries, tests and results with tables and charts.
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Zahraniční dluh - příčiny a důsledky. / Foreign Debt - causes and consequencesMartínek, Zdeněk Bc. January 2008 (has links)
Práce analyzuje vývoj stavu a struktury zahraničního zadlužení u nových členů EU a vyspělých států západní Evropy. Zadlužení analyzuje ve vztahu k vývoji struktury běžného účtu platební bilance. Jednotlivé země srovnává na základě několika nejdůležitějších ukazatelů zkoumajících solventnost a likviditu. Data srovnává s ekonomikami jižní Asie a Jižní Ameriky. V teoretické části práce definuje zahraniční zadlužení, jeho vazbu na výkazy vnější pozice země a jeho možné příčiny a důsledky.
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Strategická analýza podniku / Strategic Analysis of an EnterpriseBucifalová, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
A strategy analysis of former development and present strategic position of ČEZ, a.s. is made in this diploma thesis. There were used such analysis as PEST, Porter's 5F model, 4C, SWOT and internal analysis. On the basis of my analysis I formulate conclusion.
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Odstraňovanie prekážok na ceste k vrcholovým manažérskym pozíciam / Removing barriers to senior managerial positionsTéglášiová, Viktória January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with finding potential obstacles women must overcome in building a professional career. I analyze legal documents that guarantee the principle of equal treatment for women and men. I go through secondary statistical data to ascertain the cause of the existence of the difference in employment rates between women and men. In the empirical part, through personal interviews with women managers I analyze the sources of motivation, which led them to build a career.
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Challenges of People Management in MEMOS Software / Výzvy řízení lidí v MEMOS SoftwareZwinger, Michal January 2010 (has links)
Organically growing companies usually reach a point when people management starts to be challenging up to such scale that influences their further development. This master thesis in its first part covers basic topics essential for people management, especially communication, work motivation, job design and leadership. In the second part of this work is focus put on empiric research of a concrete situation inside the selected company, analyses of management interviews and employee questionnaires. The last part then presents a set of recommendations adjusted directly for the researched company in order to help improve current situation.
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Kdo je tady šéf? Analýza genderových rozdílů v manažerských pozicích / Who's the boss? Analysis of gender inequality in managerial positionsSvatošová, Simona January 2015 (has links)
Using cross-sectional data from EU-SILC for the Czech Republic this thesis shows existence of gender gap in workplace authority at the Czech labor market. Controlling for human capital, job attributes and household characteristics reduced the gender gap in workplace authority but not at full range. It implies the existence of discrimination at the Czech labor market. This thesis also shows that gender differences in earnings returns to authority also exist, and men have these returns significantly higher compared to women.
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Evropská témata v parlamentní rozpravě / The European issues in the parliamentary debatesMouchová, Kamila January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of parliamentary debates about European issues in the Czech Parliament, concerning the period of 2010 -- 2012. The main goal is to research the positions of parliamentary political parties which they take toward the current European integration process. The fundamental question is whether these positions are primarily related to the left-right ideological spectrum or if it is influenced by some other factors. One of the important contributions of this work is its methodological part. The position research is based on the quantitative content analysis of the parliamentary speeches of the Members of Parliament and Senators. These speeches are always linked to the European legislative acts.
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