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Samverkan mellan kommun och näringsliv : en fallstudie av Växtkraft KindaÖhrberg, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>Den här uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur kommunal samverkan med det lokala näringslivet utformas utifrån teorier kring governance, policynätverk samt public-private partnerships. Detta genomförs utifrån en fallstudie av projektet ”Växtkraft och företagarutveckling” som är en del av den ekonomiska föreningen Växtkraft Kinda. I uppsatsen undersöks faktorer som gemensamma mål, resursutbyte, ömsesidigt beroende samt förtroende och vilken betydelse dessa har för samverkan. Dessutom granskas hur kontakterna mellan aktörerna är utformade samt vilken betydelse inflytande och konkurrens har i samarbetet.</p><p>I uppsatsen kommer jag fram till att det existerar gemensamt formulerade mål även om de till viss del varierar mellan aktörerna. De resurser som utbyts är förutom de ekonomiska även tid, kunskap, kontakter samt lokaler. Kommunens representanter menar att resursutbytet främst sker i informella miljöer medan näringslivsrepresentanterna anser att resursutbytet äger rum i formella miljöer. Tre av de fem intervjuade anser att det finns ett ömsesidigt beroende mellan kommun och näringsliv samt att det är en omständighet som verkar som en drivande- och positiv kraft i samarbetet. Samtliga intervjuade uppger att förtroende är en viktig komponent i projektet men förtroendet är något mindre bland näringslivsrepresentanterna. De intervjuade uppger även att det finns en viss konkurrens mellan aktörerna inom projektet men att samarbete dominerar. Det finns dock vissa skillnader mellan kommunens och det lokala näringslivets uppfattningar om samarbetet. Kommunens representanter beskriver samarbetet i formella termer medan näringslivsrepresentanterna anser att det skall betraktas som en formell organisation. Dessutom menar kommunen att aktörernas inflytande beror på engagemang och kompetens medan näringslivet anser att storlek och position är avgörande faktorer.</p>
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The role of public/private partnerships in the management of public landsDiana, Julia Barton 21 November 2013 (has links)
A public-private partnership (PPP) is defined as a joint effort by government and the private sector for the management, operation, and funding of a venture or service.
Increasingly, government has looked to the private sector for financial support and the streamlining of processes as concerns about the public debt have risen and priorities for spending have narrowed. The users and “customers” of a public good often have a stake in the way it is managed, especially in the case of parkland, which has the ability to
dramatically affect the property values surrounding it, either positively or negatively.
Therefore a PPP may have many purposes: as a fundraising mechanism, as an advocate for stakeholders, and as a promoter for programming for the attainment of educational
and recreational goals. Ultimately, the role of the PPP is to be a liaison, knitting together the resources bestowed upon the public by the government entity with those of the less regulated private world.
This study investigates both the challenges of forming a partnership that protects the public interest as well as the factors that are critical to forming a “successful”
partnership. An examination of what led to the rise of public/private partnerships
historically is included as well as the business models and mission statements of
contemporary lead organizations at both the national and local level. In order to gain an
in-depth understanding of the complexities of these partnerships, I individually
interviewed professionals from both the public and private sides who have had careers in
public land acquisition and management. Their viewpoints provide enriching details and
reveal several common themes. Subjects were asked about the benefits of creating PPPs
and how those benefits have been distributed, and what factors have contributed to
successful PPPs. Furthermore, they reflected on tensions that have arisen within these
partnerships. And finally they were asked about their overarching philosophies regarding
government’s responsibility to its constituency versus the interests of the private sector.
The report reveals that there is no set formula to be followed step by step in the
creation and subsequent evolution of a public/private partnership, though certain
principles emerge as essential components of a strong and effective organization. These
are: having a clear understanding of the partnership’s misson and goals, being flexible
and getting creative, making friends with everyone, and courting the local population
who live around the parkland. Because there are several of these partnerships being
formed to support parks in San Antonio, Texas at the time of this report, I placed
emphasis on local statistics and anecdotes while compiling the opinions of area experts who have a long history of activism in this region. It is my intent that the findings
reported herein provide some guidance for the future leadership of these local
organizations in the context of local issues. / text
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Privat-offentliga partnerskap : -fallet Strängnäs Business ParkJoanna, Mayta Lavalle January 2015 (has links)
Cooperation between public and private actors are becoming more common and it means that the public sphere is organized differently than before. The new form of control is carried out through horizontal relationships, as a result governance. A form of governance is the PPP (private-public partnership), which involves public and private actors getting together to solve problems. In order to explain the relation between PPP and Elster triangle dilemma I have chosen to make an empirical case study of the development Strängnäs Business Park (SBP) in Strängnäs. I have studied three high-ranking roles involved in the project. I have used a theoretical interpretation and the starting point of the essay has been the interviews and SBP development plan. The study is based on two issues that is to understand how the different actors understand the partnership and what relationships they have to Elster three requirements (democracy, efficiency and the constitution). The results of the study show that the different actors have diverse interpretations of what a partnership is and who the partners are. The result also shows that SBP today work more with efficiency than democracy and the rule of law. Keywords: Governance, partnership, public-private partnership (PPP), constitutional, efficiency, democracy
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Le partenariat public-privé en infrastructure : évaluation de la performance administrative et des effets démocratiques dans le contexte québécoisHudon, Pierre-André 28 February 2013 (has links)
Le partenariat public-privé (PPP) est un mode d’approvisionnement gouvernemental qui combine, en une seule entente contractuelle à long terme, toutes les étapes traditionnelles de la réalisation d’une infrastructure : la conception, la construction, l’exploitation, l’entretien et le financement. Au Québec, la décision d’utiliser le mode PPP a été accompagnée d’une série de réformes légales, réglementaires et institutionnelles. Ces réformes ont profondément bouleversé la manière de réaliser les grands projets d’infrastructure. Or, il semble que peu d’analyses aient été effectuées quant aux impacts de ces changements sur la gouvernance démocratique de l’approvisionnement en infrastructure.
Cette thèse se penche donc sur le PPP en tant que mécanisme d’approvisionnement, mais aussi en tant que point de départ d’une série de réformes administratives venant influencer considérablement la gouvernance de l’approvisionnement gouvernemental.
Le document propose d’abord une relecture et une redéfinition de la gouvernance démocratique à partir de la théorie des études critiques en management et de la théorie des instruments d’action publique. Les réformes récentes de l’administration publique québécoise y sont examinées à la lumière de cette redéfinition. Les politiques d’approvisionnement, ainsi que les critères d’appréciation qui leur sont propres, sont aussi étudiés à la lumière de la théorie critique.
Ensuite, de façon plus précise, le mode PPP est étudié en partant de ses origines et des raisons qui ont mené à son adoption. D’un point de vue empirique, trois cas pratiques sont examinés afin de produire, d’une part, une évaluation de la performance administrative du mode PPP et, d’autre part, une caractérisation de ses effets démocratiques. Une attention particulière est portée au mécanisme du « comparateur public », qui fait l’objet d’une analyse financière critique.
La thèse en arrive aux conclusions suivantes :
D’abord, au niveau micro, soit celui du fonctionnement interne des PPP, les conséquences suivantes sont observables : une définition des besoins plus rigoureuse, mais contraignante à long terme; des économies difficiles à démontrer; une dynamique de confrontation et non de partenariat entre acteurs privés et publics; un entretien contractuellement garanti qui présente un avantage réel étant donné la tendance bien documentée des gouvernements à mal entretenir les infrastructures; et des risques financiers réels, mais pouvant être atténués notamment par le montage financier.
Ensuite, au niveau meso, soit celui de l’arrimage avec les principes de la gouvernance démocratique, les conséquences de la mise en œuvre de la politique québécoise des PPP sont les suivantes : un discours trompeur sur les économies réelles, notamment par l’utilisation d’une méthodologie d’analyse financière ambiguë; un modèle de prise de décision laissant place à l’intervention politique illégitime; des difficultés quant à la gestion à long terme des incertitudes; et une imputabilité rendue plus difficile par la contractualisation.
Finalement, au niveau macro, soit celui de la redéfinition du rôle de l’État induit par la mise en œuvre de la politique sur les PPP, les conséquences sont les suivantes: une dérive de la gouvernance vers une forme illégitime de contrôle politique; un modèle néolibéral de partenariat non-observable dans la pratique et s’effaçant plutôt au profit d’une logique de compétition classique; et une modernisation inachevée, reposant sur les principes de la gouvernementalité managériale plutôt que sur ceux de la rationalité communicationnelle.
La thèse se conclut, au dernier chapitre, par une redéfinition critique de la gouvernance de l’approvisionnement gouvernemental. Cette redéfinition s’appuie sur un certain nombre de propositions de recherche pouvant servir de base à une réforme de la politique d’approvisionnement en infrastructure.
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Public sector capacity to plan and deliver public/private infrastructure partnerships (P3s): a case study of British Columbia’s healthcare sectorRachwalski, Maurice 03 April 2013 (has links)
Sweeping public sector reforms have occurred globally in recent decades. One of the more high profile and contentious strategies pursued in jurisdictions such as Australia, the United Kingdom, and more recently Canada is the radical shift to public-private infrastructure partnerships - commonly referred to in Canada as ‘P3s’. The Government of British Columbia (BC) has emerged as the leading proponent of the P3 model in Canada.
The strategic shift in BC to the P3 model was introduced in 2002 by the governing Liberal party. The Liberals created Partnerships BC to spearhead the P3 program, and singled out the healthcare sector to move forward the P3 agenda. The dynamics of delivering a complex and unfamiliar business model like P3s through this new public agency, combined with the unique ecology of the healthcare system, added to the complexity of delivering a central government mandated strategic policy priority like a P3-first agenda, making for a robust case study.
Focusing on the issue of public sector capacity to implement policy, this study examines how BC has transitioned from traditional procurement and operation of public infrastructure such as hospitals to the wide-spread use of P3s. The study asks questions about three independent variables of capacity related to implementation of P3 and other cross-cutting programs: governance and oversight; human resources; and, inter-agency collaboration within the public sector. Drawn from an extensive review of scholarly studies and literature, and government and consultant reports examining actual infrastructure P3 experiences and exemplary practices, these variables formed the basis of the study’s analytical model. The study employed the following multi-method (triangulation) research and data collection approach: i) an archival review of text-based government documents; ii) interviews with key public employees either directly or indirectly involved in P3 program implementation; and, iii) field observations of the principal researcher based on first-hand experiences as a senior manager in the BC government during this period.
Based on the analytical model developed, the study reveals a capacity deficit in BC to adequately plan and implement a comprehensive P3 program. Based on the literature, the model establishes that central agencies play a critical role in an effective P3 policy program. So what is most noteworthy is the lack of resources and attention given to developing central agency capacity to: advance sound P3 policies; ensure ongoing program oversight and accountability; and, provide necessary guidance and support to agencies tasked with implementing very complex P3 arrangements in a multi-agency domain.
For practitioners, the study validates key elements of capacity to be considered when planning and implementing major shifts in public policy. The literature review and the study’s findings also have relevance for the public administration profession through the development of the analytical framework and its application to an important contemporary public policy area. As a contribution to scholarly and academic research, this paper tests the validity and reliability of the analytical model developed and the overall methodology used, and identifies significant areas that merit further study related to the broader phenomenon of P3s and public sector capacity. / Graduate / 0617 Public Administration / mauricer@uvic.ca
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A fast timing hodoscope for CLAS12 and the first measurement of the γp → ωππp decay channelHughes, Simon Matthew January 2017 (has links)
Meson spectroscopy aims to study the masses and decay processes of mesons to better understand the mechanics of Quantum Chromo Dynamics in the strong coupling (non peturbative) regime. The Edinburgh group are spokespersons on a major new proposal at the Thomas Jefferson National Laboratory called MesonEx. This experiment will make use of the newly upgraded 12 GeV electron beam and detector systems to produce and measure the properties of mesons of interest for study. Edinburgh also leads the development of a fast timing Hodoscope, part of the new Forward Tagger detector system that will be essential to the success of this experiment. The primary focus of this thesis is the development process of the Foward Tagger Hodoscope, from its inception up to its installation at Jefferson Lab. The second part of the document will discuss the first measurement of the γp → ωππp decay channel, with data from the g11a run of the CLAS (CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer) in Hall B of Jefferson Lab. The analysis presents evidence for resonant contributions to the dataset decaying directly to ωππ, via b1(1235)π or via ωρ. These include a2(1320), π1(1600), ω3(1670) and π2(1670).
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Potenciál institucionálního prostředí v České republice pro realizaci PPP projektůPávek, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
Public-private partnership (PPP) projects form a relatively new dimension of funding and implementation of public services. In just a few decades since their inception in the United Kingdom, PPP projects have spread to other highly developed economies and developing countries have tried to implement this concept as well. The concept of Public-private partnership (PPP) and its benefits and potential risks are explained through literature research. From the study of the risks involved I derived demands on the institutional environment that would minimize them. Follows an assessment of the condition of the institutional environment of the Czech Republic and its comparison with other countries. The current situation in the country is so inhospitable to this type of delivery of public services that the promotion of its implementation would, with a high probability, be associated with waste of public resources and delays in the implementation. The institutional environment of the Czech Republic appears to be problematic in terms of corruption, transparency, law, the state of public finances, existence of institutions and government support. At the same time by their very nature, many of these unfavorable parameters of the institutional environment cannot be changed with any one-off action, therefore it wouldn't be useful to try to determine the potential horizon of the Czech Republic's readiness to implement the concept of Public-private partnership.
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Estudos de confiabilidade de redes GNSSCollischonn, Carolina January 2015 (has links)
O principal objetivo dessa dissertação foi estudar a confiabilidade de redes GNSS. Em termos metodológicos foram analisadas redes obtidas pelos seguintes métodos: redes com inclusão de linhas-base repetidas, por posicionamento relativo e pelo Posicionamento por Ponto Preciso (PPP). A rede GNSS utilizada possui seis estações pertencentes a Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Continuo (RBMC) do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). As estações se localizam no oeste do estado de São Paulo. Para atingir o objetivo do trabalho foram estruturadas as seguintes hipóteses: a inserção de novas linhas-base em uma estrutura de rede GNSS possibilita melhorar a eficiência na detecção de outliers e aumenta a confiabilidade da rede, bem como, existe um limiar de número de linhas-base que a partir dele não se verifica mais melhora na confiabilidade. E, a outra hipótese, é que redes GNSS podem ser formadas a partir do PPP e ter parâmetros de qualidade estimados (de precisão e de confiabilidade), requisito fundamental para o uso em aplicações geodésicas. Com relação a primeira hipótese foi gerado um artigo onde é aplicado o controle de qualidade por meio da teoria de confiabilidade convencional analisando a melhora da confiabilidade a partir da inclusão de linhas-base repetidas em rede GNSS. Primeiramente foi realizado o ajustamento por mínimos quadrados da rede GNSS e calculadas as medidas de confiabilidade: o número de redundância local, a confiabilidade interna, externa e razão tendência-ruído. As linhas-base repetida na rede foram selecionadas a partir da análise de qual observação possuía menor valor de número de redundância local. O ajustamento foi realizado novamente, bem como o cálculo das medidas de confiabilidade. Esse procedimento foi repetido cinco vezes, quando se verificou a estabilização dos resultados. A segunda hipótese resultou no artigo onde foi apresentada uma metodologia de desenvolvimento de rede utilizando dados GNSS processados pelo PPP. Nesse artigo foi aplicada a teoria convencional de confiabilidade para verificar a potencialidade da metodologia apresentada. Diferentes tempos de rastreio foram empregados nos experimentos. O serviço de processamento de PPP utilizado é o fornecido pelo IBGE. A partir dos resultados foram feitas análises para verificar a aplicabilidade da metodologia descrita em rede com dados GNSS de 24, 6 e 4 horas de rastreio. Após o ajustamento, os testes global e o data snooping foram aplicados. Também é analisada a confiabilidade da rede com o objetivo de avaliar o método proposto, além de verificar a influência do tempo de rastreio nos resultados. / The main goal of the present dissertation was to study the reliability of GNSS networks. In methodological terms networks obtained from the following methods were analyzed: networks with including repeated baselines, relative positioning and Precise Point positioning (PPP). The GNSS network used has six stations belonging to the Brazilian Network of Continuous Monitoring (RBMC) of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), located in the west part of São Paulo. In order to achieve the objective of the study the following hypotheses were structured: the insertion of the new baselines in a GNSS network structure enables to improve the efficiency in detecting outliers and increases network reliability, just like, there is a threshold in the number of baselines in which above these number there is no improvement in the reliability. The other hypothesis is that GNSS networks can be formed from the PPP and have its quality parameters estimated (accuracy and reliability), fundamental requirement for geodetic applications. An article was generated regarding the first hypothesis where the quality control trough the conventional reliability theory was applied to analyze the quality improvement from the inclusion of repeated baselines in GNSS network. First, the least squared adjustment was made and then the reliability measures were calculated, which are: local redundancy number, the internal and external reliability and bias to noise - ratio. The repeated base lines in the network were selected by choosing the observations with lowest number of local redundancy. The adjustment and the calculation of the reliability measures were performed again. When this procedure was repeated five times, the stabilization of the results was observed. The second hypothesis resulted in an article in which a methodology of network development using GNSS data processed by the PPP was presented. In this paper the conventional reliability theory was applied to verify the presented methodology capability. Different occupation times were used in the experiments. The PPP processing service used is provided by the IBGE. From the results, analyses were performed to verify the applicability of the methodology described in network with GNSS data of 24, 6 and 4 occupation. After the adjustment, the global and data snooping tests were applied. The network reliability is also analyzed with the objective of evaluating the proposed method. In addition was verifying the influence of occupation time in the results.
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Uplatnění PPP projektů v České republiceValová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigações sobre modelagem, mitigação e predição de cintilação ionosférica na região brasileira / Investigations on modeling, mitigation and prediction of ionospheric scintillation in the Brazilian regionVani, Bruno César [UNESP] 01 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Bruno César Vani (brunovani22@gmail.com) on 2018-04-24T14:58:48Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-03-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Cintilações Ionosféricas são rápidas variações na amplitude e/ou fase de um sinal de rádio ao se propagar por irregularidades na densidade de elétrons na ionosfera. Este fenômeno degrada a performance do posicionamento pelo GNSS, uma vez que pode acarretar, dentre outros aspectos, a degradação na acurácia de observáveis e em perdas de sincronismo no receptor. No Brasil, verifica-se a maior suscetibilidade de ocorrência de cintilação algumas horas após o pôr-do-sol, nas épocas do ano compreendidas entre os equinócios de primavera e outono nos anos de alta atividade solar. Redes GNSS de monitoramento de cintilações estão implantadas no território brasileiro, incluindo a rede CIGALA/CALIBRA – a qual é mantida pela FCT/UNESP com o apoio de parceiros nos últimos sete anos. Os dados de monitoramento permitem a realização de diversas pesquisas sobre características e efeitos da cintilação, incluindo as investigações conduzidas neste projeto. Foram investigados aspectos sobre a modelagem da cintilação ionosférica no Brasil, com ênfase na mitigação dos seus efeitos no PPP e na predição de ocorrência de cintilação. No contexto da mitigação, abordagens existentes foram avaliadas e uma nova proposta foi desenvolvida. A abordagem proposta para mitigação consiste em um novo modelo funcional, novo modelo estocástico e uma estratégia para minimizar os efeitos de perdas de sincronismo. A abordagem proposta foi testada com o suporte do software científico RT-PPP e os resultados obtidos foram promissores, incluindo casos de recuperação da acurácia esperada do PPP, mesmo sob influência de cintilação forte. No contexto da predição, uma integração de bases de dados de monitoramento oriundos de três redes (CIGALA/CALIBRA, ICEA e LISN) permitiu o desenvolvimento de um modelo preditivo (guiado por dados) baseado em redes neurais artificiais. A rede neural é treinada para obter uma estimativa das localidades e horários onde a cintilação é esperada em uma determinada noite, com base em dados de monitoramento obtidos em noites anteriores. Dados de monitoramento de diferentes regiões coletados no começo da mesma noite (logo após o pôr-do-sol) também são utilizados com o objetivo de inferir padrões acerca do surgimento das irregularidades que causam as cintilações e sua relação com o nível de cintilação observado no restante da noite. O modelo permite obter mapas de cintilação preditos com antecedência de uma a quatro horas, os quais são acompanhados de estimativas de qualidade das predições. Em resumo, este projeto apresenta contribuições com potencial para trazer benefícios ao cenário científico-tecnológico nacional. Além disso, os dados de monitoramento da base de dados integrada foram disponibilizados pela internet à comunidade através do software científico ISMR Query Tool, proporcionando suporte à realização de pesquisas adicionais em diversas instituições do Brasil e do mundo. / Ionospheric scintillations are rapid variation in amplitude and/or phase of a radio signal as it propagates through irregularities on electron density in the ionosphere. Such phenomenon degrades the performance of GNSS positioning, because it may cause accuracy degradation on observables and losses of lock, among other aspects. In Brazil, there is more susceptibility to occurrence of scintillations after sunset time between the spring and autumn equinoxes of years with high solar activity. Monitoring networks based on GNSS receivers are deployed over the Brazilian territory such as the CIGALA/CALIBRA network, managed by FCT/UNESP (with support from partners) in the last seven years. Monitoring data allows to develop several research regarding the scintillation effects, as in this thesis. Aspects regarding the modeling of ionospheric scintillation effects in Brazil were investigated, with emphasis on the mitigation of these effects on PPP and predictions of scintillation occurence. In the field of mitigation, existing approaches were investigated and a new one was proposed. The new approach for mitigation relies in both new functional and stochastic models for PPP, as well as a strategy to model effects of losses of lock. The proposed approach was tested with the scientific software RT-PPP and the achieved results were promising, including cases in which the expected accuracy for the PPP was recovered. In the field of the predictions, a database integration was conducted with data from three different networks (CIGALA/CALIBRA, ICEA e LISN). The integration allowed the development of a data-driven predictive model based on artificial neural network. The neural network is trained with data from previous nights. Data from the same night (around the sunset time) is also used to detect patterns regarding the emerging of the irregularities driving scintillation occurrence on the whole night. The model allows to generate maps of predicted scintillation with antecedence from one to four hours. In summary, this thesis shows contributions with potential to create benefits on the scientific and technological scenarios in Brazil. Furthermore, monitoring data from the integrated database was made available to the scientific community via the software ISMR Query Tool, providing support to conduct new research in different institutions from Brazil and the world. / CAPES: 88881.134266/2016-01
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