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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Une analyse pragmatiste des processus d'apprentissage en agroécologie : le cas de l'agriculture de conservation / A pragmatist analysis of learning process in agroecology : the case of conservation agriculture

Cristofari, Hélène 29 March 2018 (has links)
Face aux nombreuses difficultés environnementales et sociales auxquelles l'agriculture doit faire face, des pratiques basées sur la gestion de processus écologiques ont été proposées comme des solutions possibles. Or de telles pratiques, dites agroécologiques, ne peuvent résulter d'une simple application de recettes techniques, et doivent être développées en lien étroit avec les caractéristiques écologiques et autres du système géré par chaque agriculteur. En conséquence, il est nécessaire d'envisager une évolution du système de production et de diffusion de savoirs, avec en particulier une place importante à donner aux agriculteurs eux-mêmes dans le développement de leurs propres pratiques. L'objectif de cette thèse est donc de mieux comprendre comment les agriculteurs apprennent à développer des pratiques agroécologiques, afin de contribuer à l'accompagnement d'autres agriculteurs dans leur propre transition vers ce type de pratiques. Nous nous concentrons sur l'agriculture de conservation, qui se fonde sur trois grands principes : la réduction du travail du sol, la diversification des cultures et la couverture permanente du sol. A l'aide d'éléments théoriques issus de la philosophie pragmatiste, nous analysons qualitativement des entretiens réalisés chez des agriculteurs expérimentés en agriculture de conservation dans plusieurs régions de France. Cela nous amène dans un premier temps à proposer un cadre pour décrire les processus d'apprentissage et les jugements pragmatiques qui se développent au cours de ceux-ci. Nous précisons ensuite les évolutions possibles des jugements pragmatiques, et les particularités des processus d'apprentissage qui permettent ces différentes évolutions. Enfin, nous nous intéressons à la diversité entre agriculteurs dans les façons d'apprendre, notamment en mettant en regard les différentes trajectoires de changements vers l'agriculture de conservation. Nos résultats nous amènent à proposer des pistes pour l'accompagnement de l'apprentissage des agriculteurs : nous suggérons entre autres qu'il est important de valoriser la diversité des façons d'apprendre, mais sans chercher à la réduire à des styles d'apprentissage fixes, et nous proposons une application possible de la théorie de la communication engageante pour participer à l'accompagnement vers des pratiques d'agriculture de conservation. Enfin, nos résultats nous amènent à réfléchir à l'agroécologie non pas seulement comme un objectif du développement agricole, mais aussi comme un moyen de développement pour les individus. / Agriculture is facing multiple environmental and social challenges; in order to address them, practices based on the management of ecological processes have been pointed out as possible solutions. Such practices, known as agroecological, cannot be the result of a simple application of technical recipes: they must be developed locally, in close interaction with the ecological characteristics of the system managed by each farmer. Consequently, it is necessary to consider the evolution of the knowledge production and diffusion system, with the farmers as developers of their own practices having an especially important role. Therefore, the goal of this work is to better understand how farmers learn to develop agroecological practices in order to contribute to the support of other farmers in their own transition towards similar practices. We focus on conservation agriculture, which is based on three main principles: reduction of soil disturbance, crop diversification, and permanent soil cover. With the help of theoretical elements grounded in pragmatist philosophy, we qualitatively analyze interviews conducted with farmers experienced in conservation agriculture in different regions of France. This leads us to the proposal of a framework to describe the learning processes and the pragmatic judgements that develop along these processes. We then specify the possible developments of pragmatic judgements, and the specificities of the learning processes that allow such changes. Finally, we focus on individual characteristics of the learning processes, studying them partly through contrasting farmers' trajectories of changes toward conservation agriculture practices. Our results enable us to make different suggestions for the support of farmers' learning: we argue that it is important to take into account the diversity of learning processes without reducing it into a typology of learning styles, and we discuss a possible application of the binding communication theory to facilitate the transition toward conservation agriculture practices. Ultimately, our results suggest that we should think about agroecology not only as a goal for agricultural development, but also as a means for the development of individuals.

A Study of Pragmatic Competence: International Medical Graduates' and Patients' Negotiation of the Treatment Phase of Medical Encounters

Fioramonte, Amy 21 November 2014 (has links)
Despite advances in medical technologies, interpersonal communication remains the primary tool physicians use to exchange information, make diagnoses, and treat patients (Cameron & Williams, 1997; Groopman, 2007; Ong, de Haes, Hoos, & Lammes, 1995). In the medical encounter effective communication between physician and patient is essential so that beneficial health and wellbeing outcomes are achieved for patients. Taking a discourse analytic approach, this study examined interactions occurring between international medical graduate (IMG) residents, attending physicians, and patients during the treatment advice phase of the supervised medical encounter. The aim of the study was to examine the co-constructed nature of the delivery and receipt of treatment advice and the ways in which physicians and patients managed interpersonal relations through the negotiated activity. The theoretical framework of pragmatic competence was utilized to underpin the study. Physician-patient interactions served as the primary data source. Medical encounter interactions between five different IMG residents and 31 patients were observed and audio-recorded. Observations and a post-medical encounter survey completed by patients served as secondary data sources. The analysis of the data revealed that this medical speech activity embedded within the medical encounter was realized through the use of a variety of discourse strategies and contributions from multiple participants as they attended to the interpersonal and transactional goals associated with the delivery and receipt of treatment advice. Findings provided insights into how multi-party discourse worked to jointly construct and negotiate treatment recommendations. Findings indicated that IMG residents utilized indirect advice giving strategies. Additionally, both IMG residents and patients utilized interrogatives in various ways to engage actively in the treatment decision-making process. Finally, the data revealed how the participants attended to each other's face needs as they worked to enhance, maintain, or challenge face through the dynamic process of negotiating relationships.

Designing a User Interface for Smartphones. A Balance Between the Pragmatic and the Hedonic Dimension of Usability : A Case Study

Andrzejewski, Jakub January 2004 (has links)
<p>Recent research in the usability engineering field tends to emphasize, somewhat neglected, the need of incorporating the joy-of-use factor (the hedonic dimension of usability) into the design of user interfaces. However such design decisions have to be applied with care and proper modesty as they may diminish the product’s overall quality of use. Notions of pleasure and joy are non-task related and partially incompatible with pragmatic usability qualities hence achieving a proper balance is essential. </p><p>The thesis explores the question of how to establish a balance between pragmatic and hedonic dimensions of usability and whether it is possible to design a user interface which is both highly usable and enjoyable. </p><p>In order to address these questions a case study was performed, which required further development of an existing prototype, the Zenterio Halfpipe Desktop; an innovative, patented, cross-platform user interface. To achieve high product usability, principles of Human-Computer Interaction and User-Centered Design were applied. </p><p>The results of the study suggest that ensuring a high level of both aspects of usability: the pragmatic values (such as simplicity or controllability) as well as the hedonic values (such as originality or innovativeness), can result in a product which is perceived as highly usable and fun-to-use. The practical application of involving the joy-of-use factor shows a significant increase in the perceived software appeal. </p><p>Finally, shortcomings and limitations of the study are discussed followed by future work proposals.</p>

Pragmatisk språkstörning

Löfgren, Kerstin January 2005 (has links)
<p>Den här uppsatsen undersöker kännedom om och syn på pragmatiska språkstörningar bland lärare. Allt högre krav ställs på att kunna kommunicera och samspela med andra människor på ett skickligt och lämpligt sätt. I dagens informationssamhälle, med dess stora flöde av envägskommunikation, hamnar det goda samtalet, dialogen, på undantag. I dialogen lär man sig tidigt att använda språket på ett lämpligt sätt i en viss situation utifrån samhällets fastlagda normer. Intresset för pragmatik har ökat de senaste decennierna, och följaktligen intresset för pragmatiska språkstörningar. Forskning i främst Storbritannien och USA visar att det finns barn som har problem att använda språket på ett lämpligt sätt i en viss situation, där inga andra språksvårigheter föreligger. Även Sverige ligger långt fram inom forskningen om språkstörning. Vid Lunds universitet har man översatt ett frågeformulär som är till hjälp för att kartlägga barn med pragmatisk språkstörning. Fem lärare, verksamma i år F-9, intervjuades och med sina skiftande utbildningsbakgrunder uttryckte de sina uppfattningar om pragmatisk språkstörning. Studien visar att kännedom om symptom på pragmatisk språkstörning finns, men till diagnosen PLI ställde man sig mer tveksam. Samtidigt som det är viktigt för barn att få hjälp med de svårigheter de har, måste utbildade lärare lita till sin kompetens och inte låta experter och läkare få ensamrätt på att bedöma mänskligt beteende.</p>

Pragmatisk språkstörning

Löfgren, Kerstin January 2005 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen undersöker kännedom om och syn på pragmatiska språkstörningar bland lärare. Allt högre krav ställs på att kunna kommunicera och samspela med andra människor på ett skickligt och lämpligt sätt. I dagens informationssamhälle, med dess stora flöde av envägskommunikation, hamnar det goda samtalet, dialogen, på undantag. I dialogen lär man sig tidigt att använda språket på ett lämpligt sätt i en viss situation utifrån samhällets fastlagda normer. Intresset för pragmatik har ökat de senaste decennierna, och följaktligen intresset för pragmatiska språkstörningar. Forskning i främst Storbritannien och USA visar att det finns barn som har problem att använda språket på ett lämpligt sätt i en viss situation, där inga andra språksvårigheter föreligger. Även Sverige ligger långt fram inom forskningen om språkstörning. Vid Lunds universitet har man översatt ett frågeformulär som är till hjälp för att kartlägga barn med pragmatisk språkstörning. Fem lärare, verksamma i år F-9, intervjuades och med sina skiftande utbildningsbakgrunder uttryckte de sina uppfattningar om pragmatisk språkstörning. Studien visar att kännedom om symptom på pragmatisk språkstörning finns, men till diagnosen PLI ställde man sig mer tveksam. Samtidigt som det är viktigt för barn att få hjälp med de svårigheter de har, måste utbildade lärare lita till sin kompetens och inte låta experter och läkare få ensamrätt på att bedöma mänskligt beteende.

A Study On The Use Of Complaints In The Interlanguage Of Turkish Efl Learners

Deveci, Tanju 01 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the complaint speech act set used by Turkish EFL learners speaking to a commiserating and contradicting teacher. For this purpose, four kinds of data sources were used: twenty native English speakers&amp / #8217 / role-plays, twenty five Turkish native speakers&amp / #8217 / role-plays, forty students&amp / #8217 / role-plays and two native speakers&amp / #8217 / judgments on the students&amp / #8217 / production. The subjects were given two different situations. Their role-plays were audio taped and transcribed. The subjects&amp / #8217 / complaint speech act sets were analyzed, using a coding scheme from a previous study in the literature. The baseline and the interlanguage data were compared using SPSS to see to what extent they were similar and different, and to see whether or not the Turkish EFL learners made positive and negative transfer, and whether there were any features unique to the interlanguage of the learners. The findings of the study revealed that Turkish EFL learners produced a complaint speech act set when speaking to a commiserating and contradicting teacher. The components of the complaint speech act set realized by the learners were &amp / #8216 / complaint&amp / #8217 / , &amp / #8216 / justification&amp / #8217 / , &amp / #8216 / candidate solution: request&amp / #8217 / , &amp / #8216 / candidate solution: demand&amp / #8217 / , and &amp / #8216 / explanation of purpose&amp / #8217 / . When speaking to the commiserating teacher, the students made positive transfer in using the components &amp / #8216 / explanation of purpose&amp / #8217 / , &amp / #8216 / complaint&amp / #8217 / , &amp / #8216 / justification&amp / #8217 / , and &amp / #8216 / request&amp / #8217 / . They made negative transfer in using &amp / #8216 / demand&amp / #8217 / . The students speaking to the contradicting teacher made positive transfer in their use of the components &amp / #8216 / explanation of purpose&amp / #8217 / , &amp / #8216 / complaint&amp / #8217 / and &amp / #8216 / justification&amp / #8217 / . The component &amp / #8216 / demand&amp / #8217 / was subject to negative transfer.

Pragmatic Transfer in English Emails Produced by Chinese L2 English speakers : A Study of the Underlying Cultural Ethos, and the Effect of Speakers’ English Proficiency andExposure to English

Shi, Hui January 2010 (has links)
This study focuses on the pragmatic transfers that emerge in the English emails produced byChinese L2 English speakers. Despite doubts about taking Chinese English as a new variety, the study believes there are some common and unique pragmatic features existing in the English text produced by Chinese L2 English speakers. 104 emails written by 13 subjects with different English proficiency and different English exposure were collected. Questionnaires were sent out to the same subjects, trying to find out the factors that affect their pragmatic performance. The study accomplished the following main findings: 1) There are differences in the extent to which pragmatic transfer occurs among different subjects. 2) The individual subject’s pragmatic performance in English is not necessarily decided by the subjects’ English proficiency. 3) The extent of pragmatic transfer in the individual subject’s case seems to be much more complex situation than depending on any single factor of the following: English proficiency, exposure to English, or confidence in using English. 4) Some email writers have different extent of pragmatic transfer in the situations with different levels of tension. 5) However, whether the subjects have different extent of pragmatic transfer or not seems again to be too complex a situation to decide which of the factors (English proficiency, exposure to English, or confidence in using English) plays a decisive role.

Intercultural aspects of new Russian politeness

Rathmayr, Renate January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This paper is dedicated to surveying the present situation and the spread of the new Russian politeness phenomenon (NRP), and its evaluation and assessment by Russian native speakers in respect to the inter-cultural aspects of new Russian politeness. In terms of pragmatic change, the question is whether NRP is a short-lived linguistic fad or whether it is a thorough change in Russian pragmatic behaviour we are dealing with. The following paper is intended to show some empirical results of this survey of observations and responses relating to the spread and acceptance of politeness phenomena. Furthermore, the focus is on emotional evaluation, rational interpretation, and the spread of these phenomena into non-commercial communication domains. The informants' assessments prove remarkably heterogeneous and offer a variety of reactions, ranging from rejection and pejorative evaluation as communicative ballast to enthusiastic acceptance. The rational evaluations can be subsumed under westernisation and commercialisation of discourse - two aspects of globalisation which is seen as the implementation of forms of the free market economy. On the other hand, we also find a semantic interpretation as an expression of individualisation of discourse. It can finally be observed that while some respondents even diagnosed a decrease in politeness since its climax in the late 1990s, a possible mixture of genuinely Russian politeness (characterised by warmth, openness, spontaneity, taking an interest in others, etc.; positive politeness, Brown & Levinson 1987) with Western non-intrusive politeness (negative politeness, Brown & Levinson 1987) was also predicted, which I regard as the most optimistic future scenario. (author´s abstract) / Series: WU Online Papers in International Business Communication / Series One: Intercultural Communication and Language Learning

Hållbar utveckling ur ett företagsperspektiv : En analys baserad på en fallstudie vid företaget Kinnarps

Jonsson, Elin, Strengbom, Isabelle January 2011 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka hur företag kan arbeta med konceptet hållbar utveckling samt att analysera hur begreppet upplevs från ett företags perspektiv. Undersökningen baseras på en fallstudie som genomförts på företaget Kinnarps. Det empiriska material som analysen bygger på har samlats in via användning av fokusgrupps-intervjuer på Kinnarps, och materialet har analyserats vidare genom användning av metoden grundad teori. Under analysen har det synliggjorts vissa paralleller mellan materialet och ekologisk modernisering. Analysen tyder på att företag tenderar att agera i enlighet med ekologisk modernisering då teknisk utveckling ofta upplevs som lösningar på miljörelaterade problem. Samtidigt visar analysen att det finns utrymme för företag att agera på annat sätt än vad ekologisk modernisering innebär och ur det hänseendet har företagets tradition och grundläggande värderingar visat sig vara avgörande. Analysen tyder på att företags förhållningssätt gentemot marknaden kan upplevas som ett fall av pragmatiskt accepterande, då marknaden verkar betraktas som en för företag extern faktor som är svår att påverka.   Att som företag arbeta med hållbar utveckling innebär, enligt analysens resultat, både möjligheter och begränsningar. Arbetet kan resultera i marknadsfördelar genom ekonomisk vinst och konkurrensfördelar. Enligt analysen kan dock inte företag uppnå en fullständigt jämn fördelning mellan sin sociala, ekologiska och ekonomiska utveckling då de är beroende av att generera ekonomisk vinst, vilket gör att den ekonomiska utvecklingen prioriteras högst. Detta tyder på att ett företag inte har möjlighet att uppnå en helt hållbar produktion, därför kan begreppet upplevas som en utopi i företags sammanhang. Samtidigt visar analysen att en strävan mot en så hållbar produktion som möjligt, där en jämn balans mellan ekologisk social och ekonomisk utveckling eftersträvas, kan vara gynnsam för företags varumärke, produktion och profilering.

Security Dimesion Of Turkey&#039 / s Relations With Russia: 2000-2010

Gures, Gulsah 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to examine the security dimension of Turkey&rsquo / s relations with Russia during the period between 2000 and 2010. In this context, political, military and energy aspects of the security relations between Turkey and Russia are examined in detail. Contrary to the views that conceive the recent rapprochement in Turkish-Russian relations as &lsquo / strategic partnership&rsquo / or a form of cooperation that has the potential of reaching the level of strategic partnership, the thesis argues that these countries have developed their bilateral relations in the form of pragmatic cooperation due to the existing limits to the deeper levels of cooperation in the security field. It seems that the euphoria of rapprochement between two countries is resulted from the diminution of mutual threat levels as well as the proliferation of common interest areas. Nevertheless, despite these developments, both Turkey and Russia continue to consider their relations as a form of pragmatic cooperation rather than strategic partnership.

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