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Frugivoria, Dispersão Primária e Secundária de Sementes Consumidas por Micos-Leões-Dourados (Leontopithecus rosalia) na Reserva Biológica União, RJ. / Frugivory, Primary and Secondary Dispersal of seeds eaten by Golden Lion Tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia) in the União Biological Reserve, RJ.Marina Janzantti Lapenta 02 February 2007 (has links)
Os animais frugívoros podem influenciar padrões de distribuição espacial de plantas jovens e adultas, mas parte do recrutamento de uma população vegetal é perdida pela predação de sementes, sendo esta a principal força ecológica e evolutiva que afeta as comunidades vegetais. A maioria das sementes dispersadas por primatas na floresta é morta por predadores de sementes ou movida por dispersores secundários, alterando a sombra de sementes original. Pouco se sabe sobre as interações complexas entre a dispersão e predação de sementes, visto que poucos trabalhos foram realizados sobre a relação entre a dispersão de sementes por frugívoros, e a distribuição das plântulas das espécies consumidas. Para que Planos de Conservação possam ser desenvolvidos, as relações entre a fauna de frugívoros e a vegetação, e a estrutura das Florestas Tropicais devem ser bem entendidas. Na Reserva Biológica União dois grupos de micos-leões-dourados foram acompanhados mensalmente durante três dias cada um, de abril de 2003 a março de 2004 do momento em que deixaram o local de dormida, até o fim de suas atividades no final do dia. Outros grupos foram acompanhados esporadicamente entre agosto de 2004 e janeiro de 2005. Todas as árvores visitadas foram marcadas e amostras dos frutos foram coletadas para identificação e experimentos de germinação. As sementes retiradas dos frutos foram colocadas para germinar em comparação com sementes provenientes das fezes dos micos, ou sementes cuspidas por estes. As sementes foram acompanhadas na mata, quanto à germinação, desaparecimento ou dispersão secundária, predação, mortalidade, sobrevivência e estabelecimento de plântulas. Além disso, foi feito o acompanhamento fenológico de 791 árvores de espécies consumidas pelos micos-leões, de julho de 2003 a junho de 2004. Durante o período de estudo os grupos se alimentaram de 88 espécies de frutos de pelo menos 18 famílias, engolindo as sementes de 43 espécies e cuspindo as sementes de 45 espécies. Cento e sete experimentos foram realizados com 1711 sementes de 38 espécies de frutos (28 espécies de sementes engolidas e dez espécies de sementes cuspidas). No período de estudo mais de 50% das sementes (> 3 mm) dos experimentos desapareceram e cerca de 15% morreram antes de germinar. Vinte e duas espécies tiveram sementes germinando na mata e desenvolveram plântulas, mas no final do estudo apenas 15 dessas espécies ainda apresentavam plântulas sobreviventes. Para melhor se estabelecer se os predadores ou dispersores secundários das sementes depositadas pelos micos-leões-dourados são vertebrados ou invertebrados foram montados experimentos com gaiolas de exclusão de sementes. Outros aspectos quantitativos e qualitativos da dispersão de sementes foram analisados, incluindo a caracterização das deposições, tempo de passagem das sementes pelo trato digestório dos micos, distância e habitat de dispersão e outros. O mico-leão-dourado (Leontopithecus rosalia) é uma espécie frugívora e endêmica da Mata Atlântica, e o presente estudo é o primeiro a acompanhar a sobrevivência e crescimento de plântulas provenientes das fezes desse primata, detalhando a sua importância como dispersor de sementes. Estudos sobre o destino das sementes defecadas são fundamentais para a conservação do mico-leão e do seu habitat, a Mata Atlântica de baixada costeira do estado do Rio de Janeiro, um dos ecossistemas mais ameaçados do planeta. / The frugivores may influence spatial patterns of adults and juvenile plants, and a great portion of the potential recruitment of plant populations is lost to seed predators. The majority of seeds dispersed by primates on forest is killed by seed predators or moved by secondary dispersers. Little is known about the complex interaction between seed dispersal and post-dispersal seed-predation, and few researches were done on the relation between seed dispersal by animals and seedling distribution of exploited plant species. The golden-lion-tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) is a frugivorous endemic species of Atlantic Forest. This research will be the first to consider the survivor and establishment of seedlings from golden-lion-tamarins feces, studying the importance of this primate as seed disperser, ensuring the preservation of the Atlantic Forest, one of the most threatened ecosystems in the world. Two groups of golden lion tamarins were monthly studied in the União Biological Reserve three days each one, from April 2003 to March 2004 since left sleeping site until finished their activities at the end of the day. Other groups were sporadically monitored from August 2004 to January 2005. All visited trees were marked and samples of fruits were collected for identification and germination experiments. Seeds from fruits and from tamarins feces or spitted out were put to germinate. The seeds were studies to verify the germination, disappearance or secondary dispersion, predation, mortality and survival and establishment of the seedlings. Beside that, 791 trees from eaten species were studied from July 2003 to June 2004 to collect phenological data. During study period the groups ate 88 fruit species from at least 16 families, ingesting seeds of 43 species and spitting seeds from 45 species. A Hundred and seven experiments were conducted with 1711 seeds of 38 fruit species (28 species of ingested species and 10 species of spitted seeds). During study period more than 50% of seeds (> 3 mm) disappeared from experiments, and about 15% died before germinating. Twenty two species had seeds germinating on forest and until seedling stage, but at the end of the study only 15 of these species still had seedling surviving. To determine if the seed predators or secondary dispersers of seeds deposited by tamarins are vertebrate or invertebrate, experiments with seed exclosure cage were established. Others qualitatively and quantitatively aspects of seed dispersal were considered, including feces deposition, time of gut passage, distance and habitat of seed deposition and others. The golden lion tamarin (Leontopithecus rosalia) is a frugivore and endemic species of Atlantic Forest and this study is the first to attend the survival and establishment of seedlings from tamarins feces, and the tamarins importance as a seed disperser. Studies on seed fate are important to the conservation of golden lion tamarins and his habitat, the lowland Atlantic Forest of the state of Rio de Janeiro, one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world.
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Soil mesostigmatid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) inhabiting rose fields and neighboring vegetation in the Bogota plateau and their potential role as biological control agents of Frankliniella occidentalis (Insecta: Thysanoptera) / Ácaros Mesostigmata edáficos (Acari: Mesostigmata) presentes em culturas de rosas de corte e vegetação próxima na Sabana de Bogotá e o papel potencial destes ácaros como potenciais agentes de controle biológico de Frankliniella occidentalis (Insecta: Thysanoptera)Diana Marcela Rueda-Ramírez 14 September 2018 (has links)
It has been frequently mentioned that Colombia is a \"megadiverse\" country, containing a larger number of species than other countries, some of which with much larger territories. However, very few people know what this means and about the benefits that can be obtained from that high diversity, with its proper exploration. One of the benefits refers to the sustainable use of biological resources. Colombia can take advantage of the discovery, conservation or production, and commercialization of species that serve as biological control agents of species that harm certain economic activities. Applied biological control involves the possibility to exploit native biodiversity in the form of conservation or biocommerce for use in activities such as agriculture and livestock. Thus, the studies composing this thesis aimed at initiating the recognition of the richness of predatory mites in the soil of the major rose-producing region of the country, and the evaluation of potential representative predators for use in the management of thrips, the most important pest group on rose cultivation in Colombia. Chapter 1 addressed the importance of the crop, the pest groups and the possible natural enemies to be found in Colombia. In Chapter 2, the results of a general survey of the soil mites in four rose fields in greenhouses during one year and a half was presented. Additionally, the population dynamics of soil the mites and thrips was studied, relating the variation in population levels with environmental factors, including climatic and soil factors. Knowing the variation of populations over time under the usual conditions of crop management can help to understand how a predator can respond in the field when used in pest management programs. To complement those data, especially in what refers to the evaluation of the native fauna, surveys were carried out on patches of secondary vegetation located near two of the rose fields, in a rose field in another area and a patch of secondary vegetation nearby, and in two more extensive and less disturbed patches of the Bogota plateau. With this work, it was possible to verify the great richness of species of soil non-Uropodina Mesostigmata found in the soil of the Bogotá plateau. Only representative mites of the cohort Cercomegistina of the suborder Trigynaspida and of the cohort Gamasina of the suborder Monogynaspida were found. As expected, species and dominant families resemble those reported in temperate areas, given the similar climatic conditions. Both densities and number of species are lower in rose fields than in secondary vegetation patches nearby, which also was expected from the much more uniform ecosystem in rose fields. Additionally, the exclusive presence of some species in rose fields suggests either the introduction of those species with material related to the cultivation system or a drastic change in faunistic composition, turning rare field species abundant in rose fields because of the cultivation system. The variation in densities and presence of species was shown to be more related to soil, especially organic matter and pH, than to climatic characteristics. Therefore, patches of secondary vegetation, whose soils had higher content of organic matter, are more similar to each other, in terms of composition of species, than to the nearby rose fields. The results of the Chapter 2 indicated the need for morphological and taxonomic studies of several of the species found, either because of the poorly detailed descriptions currently available or because of the recognition of new species for science. Thus, in Chapters 3 and 4, the morphological characterization and the description of some of the new species found in the Ascidae, Blattisociidae and Melicharidae (Chapter 3) and Laelapidae (Chapter 4) were presented. It was also observed that many of the previously described species found in this study also need similar studies to be conducted in the future. However, through these two chapters, initial steps were taken to contribute to the recognition of scarcely known mites groups in Colombia to facilitate future ecological studies and the use of those species in pest management programs. The results of Chapter 2 also served as base to select species to be considered in an initial evaluation of the potential of members of the Colombian mesostigmatic fauna as control agents of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergander), the most numerous thrips species found in this study. Two of the most frequently found predator species, Gaeolaelaps aculeifer (Canestrini) and Parasitus bituberosus Karg, were selected to carry out the second part of this work, whose results were presented in Chapters 5 and 6, respectively. For each predator, the study consisted of the evaluation the predation capacity on F. occidentalis, the oviposition rates on this and other prey species, and of the determination of their life table parameters. Gaeolaelaps aculeifer is presently used in other countries for the control of different pests including thrips. The results showed that both predators are able to feed and reproduce when pre-pupae and pupae of F. occidentalis were part of their diets. The biological characteristics of the Colombian population of G. aculeifer are comparable to those reported for other populations of the same predator, suggesting its potential for use to control F. occidentalis in Colombia. Although the presence of a complementary prey (Aleuroglyphus ovatus (Troupeau)) in the system led to a small reduction of its predation rate of F. occidentalis pre-pupae and pupae, the results show that A. ovatus can be used as factitious food for mass rearing or as complementary food in periodic releases, when the pest in not abundant. It was shown that P. bituberosus deutonymph needs a stimulus for the emergence of adults, which, in this case, was the pairing with a mite of the opposite sex. Nematodes are not only necessary in the diet in the immature stage of this predator, but also improve its performance, as indicated by the higher fecundity and the net and intrinsic reproductive rates on this prey. The results indicated as warranted the conduction of larger scale investigations on the possible use of G. aculeifer and P. bituberosus for thrips control, by periodic releases, as well as the evaluation of other predator species found less frequently. Larger-scale evaluations would initially consist of experiments in pots and later on at the semi-field and field conditions. Results of the relation between predator density and environmental factors also suggest to be important the conduction of studies to evaluate the possibility to increase predator performance by increasing the level of soil organic matter content or pH level. / Tem sido freqüentemente mencionado que a Colômbia é um país \"megadiverso\", contendo um número maior de espécies que outros países, alguns dos quais com territórios muito mais extensos. No entanto, poucos sabem o que isso significa e os benefícios que podem ser obtidos dessa alta diversidade, com sua exploração adequada. Um dos benefícios refere-se ao uso sustentável de recursos biológicos. A Colômbia pode aproveitar a descoberta, a conservação ou a produção e a comercialização de espécies que servem como agentes de controle biológico de espécies que prejudicam certas atividades econômicas. O controle biológico aplicado envolve a possibilidade de explorar a biodiversidade nativa na forma de conservação ou biocomércio para uso em atividades como agricultura e pecuária. Assim, os estudos que compõem esta tese visam a iniciar o reconhecimento da riqueza de ácaros predadores no solo da região produtora de roseiras da Colômbia, e a avaliação de potenciais predadores representativos para uso no manejo de tripes, o mais importante grupo de pragas no cultivo de rosas na Colômbia. O Capítulo 1 abordou a importância da cultura, dos grupos de pragas e dos possíveis inimigos naturais encontrados na Colômbia. No Capítulo 2, os resultados de um levantamento geral dos ácaros de solo em quatro campos de cultivo de rosas em estufas durante um ano e meio foram apresentados. Além disso, a dinâmica populacional de ácaros e tripes no solo foi estudada, relacionando a variação nos níveis populacionais com fatores ambientais, incluindo fatores climáticos e do solo. Conhecendo a variação das populações ao longo do tempo sob as condições usuais de manejo de culturas pode ajudar a entender como um predador pode responder no campo quando usado em programas de controle de pragas. Para complementar esses dados, especialmente no que se refere à avaliação da fauna nativa, foram realizados levantamentos em fragmentos de vegetação secundária localizados próximos a dois dos campos de cultivo de rosas, num cultivo de rosa em outra área e um fragmento de vegetação secundária nas proximidades, e em dois fragmentos mais extensos e menos perturbados do planalto de Bogotá. Com este trabalho, foi possível verificar a grande riqueza de espécies de ácaros Mesostigmata (não incluindo os Uropodina) encontradas no solo do planalto de Bogotá. Apenas ácaros representativos da coorte Cercomegistina da subordem Trigynaspida e da coorte Gamasina da subordem Monogynaspida foram encontrados. Como esperado, espécies e famílias dominantes se assemelham aos grupos relatados em áreas temperadas, dadas as condições climáticas semelhantes. Tanto as densidades quanto o número de espécies são menores nos campos de cultivo de rosas do que nos fragmentos de vegetação secundária próximos, o que também era esperado tendo em vista o ecossistema muito mais uniforme nos campos cultivo de rosas. Além disso, a presença exclusiva de algumas espécies nestes campos sugere que estas tenham sido introduzidas com material relacionado ao sistema de cultivo ou que tenha havido uma mudança drástica na composição faunística, tornando abundantes em campos de cultivo de rosas as espécies que são raras na vegetação secundária, devido às características do sistema de cultivo. A variação nas densidades e presença de espécies mostaram-se mais relacionadas às características do solo, especialmente níveis de matéria orgânica e pH, do que às características climáticas. Portanto, fragmentos da vegetação secundária, cujos solos tinham maior conteúdo de matéria orgânica, são mais semelhantes entre si, em termos de composição das espécies, do que aos campos de rosas próximos. Os resultados do Capítulo 2 indicaram a necessidade de estudos morfológicos e taxonômicos de várias das espécies encontradas, pelas descrições pouco detalhadas atualmente disponíveis ou pelo reconhecimento da ocorrência de espécies novas para a ciência. Assim, nos Capítulos 3 e 4, uma caracterização morfológica e a descrição de algumas das espécies novas encontradas em Ascidae, Blattisociidae e Melicharidae (Capítulo 3) e Laelapidae (Capítulo 4) foram apresentadas. Também foi observado que muitas das espécies descritas anteriormente e encontradas neste estudo necessitam de estudos semelhantes, a serem realizados no futuro. No entanto, através destes dois capítulos, os passos iniciais foram dados, para contribuir para o reconhecimento de grupos de ácaros pouco conhecidos na Colômbia, para facilitar futuros estudos ecológicos e o uso destas espécies em programas de controle de pragas. Os resultados do Capítulo 2 também serviram como base para a seleção de espécies a serem consideradas em uma avaliação inicial do potencial de membros da fauna mesostigmática colombiana como agentes de controle de Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergander), a espécie mais numerosa de tripes encontrada neste estudo. Duas das espécies de predadores mais encontradas, Gaeolaelaps aculeifer (Canestrini) e Parasitus bituberosus Karg, foram selecionadas para realizar a segunda parte deste trabalho, cujos resultados foram apresentados nos Capítulos 5 e 6, respectivamente. Para cada predador, o estudo consistiu na avaliação da capacidade de predação em F. occidentalis e das taxas de oviposição quando alimentando-se desta e de outras presas, assim como na determinação dos parâmetros de sua tabela de vida. Gaeolaelaps aculeifer é atualmente usado em outros países para o controle de diferentes pragas, incluindo tripes. Os resultados mostraram que ambos os predadores são capazes de se alimentar e se reproduzir quando pré-pupas e pupas de F. occidentalis fazem parte de suas dietas. As características biológicas da população colombiana de G. aculeifer são comparáveis àquelas relatadas para outras populações do mesmo predador, sugerindo seu potencial para uso no controle de F. occidentalis na Colômbia. Embora a presença de uma presa complementar (Aleuroglyphus ovatus (Troupeau)) no sistema tenha levado a uma pequena redução de sua taxa de predação de pupas e pupas de F. occidentalis, observou-se que A. ovatus pode ser usado como alimento factício para a criação massal ou como alimento complementar em liberações periódicas, quando a praga não seja suficientemente abundante para manter a população deste predador. Foi demonstrado que a deutoninfa de P. bituberosus precisa de um estímulo para a emergência dos adultos, que, neste caso correspondeu ao seu pareamento com um ácaro do sexo oposto. Os nematoides não apenas são necessários na dieta na fase imatura desse predador, mas também melhoram seu desempenho, como indicado pela maior fecundidade e pelas taxa liquida de reproducao e capacidade innata de aumentar em numero dessa presa. Os resultados indicaram como justificável a realização de estudos em maior escala sobre o possível uso de G. aculeifer e P. bituberosus no controle de tripes, por meio de liberações periódicas, bem como a avaliação de outras espécies predadoras encontradas com menor frequência. As avaliações em larga escala consistiriam inicialmente em experimentos em vasos e, posteriormente, em semi-campo e campo. Os resultados da relação entre densidade de predadores e fatores ambientais também sugerem ser importante a realização de estudos que avaliem a possibilidade de aumentar o desempenho dos predadores, aumentando o nível de matéria orgânica do solo ou o pH.
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Biodiversidade, distribuição, alimentação e papel trófico de misídeos marinhos (Crustacea, Peracarida, Mysida) / Biodiversity, distribution, feeding and trophic role of marine mysids (Crustacea, Peracarida, Mysida)Miyashita, Leonardo Kenji 06 August 2014 (has links)
Esta tese foca no papel dos misídeos em ecossistemas costeiros, considerando aspectos de sua distribuição, biologia e ecologia, tais como: distribuição zoogeográfica no Atlântico Sudoeste; dinâmica populacional dos misídeos no estuário de Cananéia, explorando sua distribuição espacial e temporal em relação às variáveis ambientais e abundância do zooplâncton; traços reprodutivos, produção anual e tolerância a gradientes de salinidade; taxas de alimentação, seletividade e respostas funcionais; predação inter- e intraespecífica; e predação sobre os misídeos. Atenção particular foi dada ao papel trófico dos misídeos no contexto da teoria da Biodiversidade e Funcionamento do Ecossistema em ecologia. Através de abordagens experimentais foram avaliados os efeitos da riqueza de espécies da comunidade de misídeos sobre sua seletividade alimentar e taxas de consumo. O efeito da riqueza de espécies da comunidade de predadores dos misídeos também foi considerado. Misídeos geralmente compõem a epifauna bêntica dominante em águas costeiras, tendo assim papel chave nas cadeias alimentares de regiões marinhas costeiras. No entanto, poucos estudos focaram esses organismos na América do Sul: apenas 31 de 1131 espécies de misídeos descritas no mundo foram registradas no Atlântico Sudoeste. No estuário de Cananéia, salinidade e temperatura foram parâmetros importantes na distribuição espacial e temporal dos misídeos. Maiores abundâncias e produção ocorreram na primavera, em decorrência de condições termohalinas mais favoráveis e a alta disponibilidade de alimento. Metamysidopsis elongata atlantica foi a espécie dominante numericamente, provavelmente por ser a única espécie de misídeo que consegue colonizar áreas de menor salinidade de forma efetiva, onde o alimento é mais abundante e as outras espécies de misídeos não ocorrem, evitando assim competição interespecífica e predação intraguilda. Metamysidopsis e. atlantica teve alta produção anual, fato que confirma a importância dos misídeos no fluxo de carbono em águas costeiras de regiões tropicas e subtropicais. Chlamydopleon dissimile, M. e. atlantica e Mysidopsis coelhoi tiveram comportamento alimentar oportunista sobre a comunidade de zooplâncton natural, mas houve evidência de que eles evitaram presas medindo entre 300 e 400 µm, compostas principalmente por Oithona spp. As taxas de ingestão tiveram um aumento não linear com o aumento da concentração de alimento, sugerindo resposta funcional do tipo II para as três espécies de misídeos. Houve tanto efeitos positivos (complementaridade) quanto negativos da combinação de espécies sobre a resposta alimentar das mesmas. Interações negativas estiveram provavelmente ligadas à predação intraguilda, resultando na redução da predação dos misídeos sobre o zooplâncton. Um aumento no número de espécies de predadores de misídeos resultou em um aumento na predação de misídeos em relação ao desempenho médio das monoculturas de predadores, mas não em comparação ao predador mais efetivo. Efeitos positivos da diversidade de predadores aumentaram com a heterogeneidade espacial, pois esta permitiu que efeitos de complementaridade interespecífica entre os predadores fossem melhor expressados. Além disso, a morte de predadores foi reduzida nos tratamentos com maior heterogeneidade espacial, provavelmente porque esta amenizou a ocorrência de predação intraguilda e/ou interações comportamentais negativas entre os predadores. E por último, efeitos de cascata trófica não foram observados, provavelmente em decorrência dos misídeos serem onívoros generalistas. / This thesis focuses on the role of mysids in coastal ecosystems. It considers aspects of their distribution, biology, and ecology, such as: zoogeographical distribution in the Southwest Atlantic; their population dynamics in the Cananeia estuary, exploring spatial and temporal distribution in relation to environmental variables and zooplankton abundance; reproductive traits, annual production and tolerance to salinity gradients; feeding rates, selectivity, and functional responses; inter- and intraspecific predation; and the suppression of mysid abundance by predators. Particular attention was put to the trophic role of mysids in the context of the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning theory in ecology (BEF). Experimental approaches were employed to evaluate the effects of species richness of the mysid assemblage on their feeding selectivity and consumption fluxes. Also, the effect of species richness of the mysids predador assemblage was taken into account. Mysids are usually the dominant benthic epifauna in coastal waters, and thus they play a key role in marine coastal food webs. However, few studies focused on these organisms in the South American region: only 31 out of 1131 mysid species described worldwide have been registered in the Southwest Atlantic. In the Cananeia estuary, salinity and temperature were important factors influencing mysid spatio-temporal distribution. Higher abundance and production occurred in spring, when thermohaline conditions were more favorable and food availability was high. Metamysidopsis elongata atlantica was the numerically dominant species, probably because it is the single mysid species that effectively colonizes low salinity areas, where food is more abundant and other mysid species are absent, thus avoiding interspecific competition and intraguild predation. Metamysidopsis e. atlantica had high annual production values, confirming the importance of mysids in the carbon flux of tropical and subtropical coastal waters. Chlamydopleon dissimile, M. e. atlantica, and Mysidopsis coelhoi had opportunistic feeding behavior on the natural zooplankton assemblage, but there was evidence of avoidance of medium-size prey (300-400 µm), mostly comprised by Oithona spp. Ingestion rates showed a non-linear increase with increasing food concentrations, suggesting a type II functional response for the three mysid species. There were both positive (complementarity effect) and negative effects of species combinations on their feeding response. Negative interactions were probably linked to intraguild predation, resulting in a reduction of mysid predation over the zooplankton. An increase in the number of mysid predator species enhanced mysid suppression relative to the mean performance of predator monocultures, but not in comparison to the most effective predator. Positive effects of predator diversity increased with spatial heterogeneity, as it allowed interspecific complementarity effects between predators to be expressed. Moreover, mortality of predators was reduced in spatially heterogeneous treatments, most likely because it dampened intraguild predation and/or negative behavioral interactions between predators. Finally, trophic cascades were not observed, probably due to the omnivorous - generalist character of mysids.
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Deidamia Inscriptum (lettered Sphinx Moth) Caterpillars Feeding on Oxydendrum Arboreum (sourwood) and Their Predation by Black Bears in Northeast TennesseeLevy, Foster, Wagner, David L., Walker, Elaine S. 01 September 2016 (has links)
An outbreak of Deidamia inscriptum (Lettered Sphinx Moth) caterpillars was noted in northeast Tennessee where Oxydendrum arboreum (Sourwood) trees were defoliated. Nearly all published literature and online resources list only plants in the grape family (Vitaceae) as larval food plants. Food-plant preference trials using fresh leaves of 3 woody plant species showed that Deidamiacaterpillars from this region had a preference for Sourwood over Parthenocissus quinquefolia(Virginia Creeper), and rejected Acer rubrum (Red Maple), a non-host species. Ursus americanus(Black Bear) were feeding on the caterpillars as evidenced by bent and broken Sourwood saplings bearing claw marks and by abundant sphingid remains in bear scat.
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Reproductive Ecology of Greater Sage-Grouse in Strawberry Valley, UtahBaxter, Jared Jeffrey 01 December 2016 (has links)
Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter, sage-grouse) are a species of conservation concern in the rangelands of western North America due to their dramatic decline over the last half century. Effective conservation and management of sensitive species requires an understanding of how species respond to management actions. We examined two aspects of the reproductive phases of sage-grouse: nest predation, and habitat selection by female sage-grouse with chicks. In Chapter 1, we developed resource selection functions to assess the influence of mechanical treatments of mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata vaseyana) on habitat selection by greater sage-grouse with chicks. Post-treatment sage-grouse showed stronger selection for treatments and treatment edges than did pre-treatment sage-grouse. This altered pattern of selection by sage-grouse with broods suggests mechanical treatments may be a suitable way to increase use of mountain big sagebrush during the brooding period. In Chapter 2, we assessed the effect of habitat edges on nest predation of sage-grouse. The "edge effect" hypothesis states that habitat edges are associated with reduced nest success for birds. We tested the edge effect hypothesis using 155 nest locations from 114 sage-grouse. We derived edge metrics for 11 habitat cover types to determine which variables may have affected nest predation. We found support for the edge effect hypothesis in that nest predation increased with increasing edge density of paved roads. We provide evidence that the edge effect hypothesis may apply to greater sage-grouse and their habitats. Based on our results, we recommend minimizing disturbances that fragment critical nesting habitat of greater sage-grouse.
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Responses of Aquatic Non-Native Species to Novel Predator Cues and Increased MortalityTurner, Brian Christopher 17 May 2017 (has links)
Lethal biotic interactions strongly influence the potential for aquatic non-native species to establish and endure in habitats to which they are introduced. Predators in the recipient area, including native and previously established non-native predators, can prevent establishment, limit habitat use, and reduce abundance of non-native species. Management efforts by humans using methods designed to cause mass mortality (e.g., trapping, biocide applications) can reduce or eradicate non-native populations. However, the impacts of predator and human induced mortality may be mitigated by the behavior or population-level responses of a given non-native species.
My dissertation examined the responses of non-native aquatic species to the risk of predation by novel (i.e., no previous exposure) predators in the recipient community and indicators of potential compensatory responses by non-native populations to increased mortality resulting from removal efforts. My dissertation addresses four primary questions. 1) Can first generation, naïve invaders recognize and defend against predators found within the region of invasion through the expression of inducible defenses? 2) Can the overcompensatory potential of a population be predicted through examinations of intraspecific interactions of individuals from the population? 3) What is the relationship between removal effort outcome (i.e., successful or unsuccessful reduction of the target population) and compensatory population responses? 4) Is there a relationship between characteristics of removal efforts that are typically available to managers (e.g., target area size, target area connectivity, removal methodology) and compensatory population responses that could indicate the relative likelihood of compensation resulting from removal efforts?
An invading species should be more likely to establish if it can successfully identify and defend against predators in the recipient range, such as through the expression of inducible defenses. Inducible defenses are behavioral or physiological changes that reduce an organism's susceptibility to predation. Through a series of laboratory experiments, I tested whether inducible defenses, in the form of increased burrowing depth, may have benefited the early stage of invasion of Nuttallia obscurata (purple varnish clam), an established Northeast Pacific invader. Specimens of N. obscurata were collected from introduced populations in the Northeast Pacific and from a native population in Japan. The clams were exposed to chemical and physical cues from Northeast Pacific crab predators, including the native Metacarcinus magister (Dungeness crab), an abundant and frequent predator of N. obscurata. While introduced N. obscurata increased their burrowing depth in the physical presence of M. magister, clams collected from their native range showed no such response. This lack of increased burrowing depth by naïve clams in response to a predator native to the newly invaded range, but a significant increase in depth for clams from populations established in the range suggests that while inducible defenses likely did not contribute to the initial establishment of N. obscurata in the Northeast Pacific, they may contribute to their continued persistence and expansion in their introduced range.
Some efforts to reduce invasive populations have paradoxically led to population increases. This phenomenon, referred to as overcompensation, occurs when strong negative density-dependent interactions are reduced through increased mortality within a population, resulting in an increase in the population's recruitment rate sufficient to increase the population's overall abundance. Increases in a population's recruitment rate can result from reduced cannibalism of juveniles resulting in lower mortality of new recruits, from increased adult reproductive output, which increases the number of potential recruits, or from reductions in size and/or age at maturity of the unharvested population, which increases the number of reproductive individuals. I predicted the overcompensatory potential of a population of Carcinus maenas (European green crab) in Bodega Harbor, California, using a series of laboratory and field experiments examining intraspecific pressures of adults on juveniles in the population. This measure of intraspecific pressure was used to predict the overcompensatory potential of the population in response to increased mortality from ongoing removal efforts. This prediction was then assessed using pre- and post-removal surveys of juvenile recruitment in Bodega Harbor compared to nearby populations, testing for evidence of overcompensation. While adult C. maenas in Bodega Harbor had limited negative impacts on juveniles, I concluded it was unlikely to result in overcompensation. Relative juvenile abundance did not statistically increase in removal compared to reference populations, consistent with my conclusion from the experiments.
Increases in recruitment rates can occur as a result of efforts to remove non-native species. This increase in recruitment can result in overcompensation, but more commonly results in compensation, where recruitment rates increase relative to pre-removal recruitment but does not result in in the population's abundance exceeding pre-removal levels. However, a detailed and accurate prediction of the response of a population to harvest is time consuming and data intensive. This is not feasible for most efforts to eradicate non-native species, which have the greatest chance of success when enacted rapidly after detection. For my final chapter, I performed a literature review and accompanying statistical analysis to determine if typically available information related to the removal effort (site size, site connectivity, and removal technique) could be used to determine increased risk of compensation for a given effort to remove aquatic invasive species. Compensation was closely linked to unsuccessful removal efforts and was observed only among efforts utilizing physical removal methods. However, the frequency with which compensation occurred varied with the exact technique employed, occurring most frequently in removal utilizing electrofishing. Additionally, evidence of compensation was more frequent among larger removal areas with variable connectivity. While other predictors (temperature, effort, etc) might add to the predicative power, the findings of the review provide criteria for managers to determine the relative risk of compensation prior to the start of removal.
Further understanding of how invasive species respond to lethal biotic interactions, including anthropogenically mediated control measures, can aid in assessing the risk of invasion for a given species and inform managers of the risk of complications resulting from removal efforts. While inducible defenses may contribute to the long-term success of an introduced species in their recipient range, my findings did not support the idea that inducible defenses triggered by predator cues contributed to their initial introduction in this case. However, research on other non-native species and offspring of previously naïve prey would allow for a clearer picture of the role of inducible defenses in the invasion process. Compensation resulting from removal efforts does not guarantee failure, and certain characteristics of removal efforts seem to indicate increased risk of compensation. Together these components help identify how biotic interactions surrounding mortality risk of an invading species help shape the trajectory of invasion.
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Anthropogenic Effects on the Fouling Community: Impacts of Biological Invasions and Anthropogenic Structures on Community StructureMcClees, Whitney Elizabeth 10 August 2017 (has links)
Coastal anthropogenic infrastructure has significantly modified nearshore environments. Because these structures often have a strong association with shipping as would be found in ports and harbors, they have been identified as invasion hotspots. Due to propagule pressure from shipping and recreational boating and suitable uncolonized substrate that provides a refuge from native predators, a greater number of non-native species have been found on these structures compared to nearby natural substrate. The mechanisms that limit the spread of non-native species from anthropogenic structures to natural substrate have been explored for several taxa at a species-specific level, but less so from an overall community perspective. Predation has been identified as one of the biotic interactions limiting invasion success. In addition to predation, dispersal ability may also prevent the spread of non-native species from anthropogenic structures to natural substrate.
This thesis addresses how these two mechanisms interact to limit the spread of non-native species from anthropogenic structures to natural substrate and how that alters overall community composition. I aimed to explore differences between communities inside and outside of a marina and determine the extent to which predator and dispersal limitation were structuring these communities. I used a three-factor design, deploying seven unglazed ceramic tiles per each treatment combination of 1) inside versus outside a marina in Yaquina Bay, Oregon; 2) cage keeping out predators greater than the mesh size, no cage, or partial cage; 3) fixed near the substrata (benthic) versus suspended 1 meter below the surface. I also transplanted caged, suspended tiles of either adults or recruits from inside the marina to benthic and suspended caging treatments outside of the marina. These tiles allowed me to examine predation when dispersal limitation was not a factor for the community inside the marina, i.e. what happens to both recruits and adults if they can get outside of the marina. I found that the communities inside and outside of the marina were different and the data suggest that both predation and dispersal limitation interact to limit the spread of non-native species. Additionally, I found that mesopredators that could fit through the caging may be influencing predation results and community structure.
This research addresses gaps in scientific knowledge regarding the mechanisms that prevent or facilitate the spread of non-native species. Future work could include the further exploration of mesopredation as an important factor in limiting the spread of non-native species and exploring dispersal limitation more in depth as well as broadening the geographic scope to see if the same trends hold true across bays and bioregions.
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The Murray River Turtle, Emydura macquarii: Population Dynamics, Nesting Ecology and Impact of the Introduced Red Fox, Vulpes vulpesSpencer, Ricky-John January 2001 (has links)
I studied aspects of the ecology of the Murray River turtle, Emydura macquarii, to determine the impact of the introduced red fox, Vulpes vulpes. The fox is one of Australia's worst vertebrate pests through its predation on livestock and native mammals, but their impact on reptilian communities is not known. I conducted a large-scale mark-recapture study to evaluate population growth of E. macquarii in the Albury region of the upper Murray River by determining growth, reproduction and survival. The study was conducted downstream of the first, and largest, impoundment on the Murray River, Lake Hume. Emydura macquarii predominantly inhabit the lagoons in the upper Murray River, as the mainstream and Lake are possibly too cool to maintain metabolic processes. They are easily captured in hoop traps and the use of live decoys maximises trap success. Over 2000 hatchling turtles were marked and released into two lagoons between January 1997 and January 1998. Growth of these individuals is rapid over the first few years but declines towards maturity, and is indeterminate after maturity. Although growth annuli are not well defined, even on young individuals, the von Bertalanffy model describes the growth of both male and female E. macquarii. Male turtles mature at 5-6 years and females mature at 10-12 years. Female turtles may maximise reproductive potential by delaying maturity and producing one relatively large clutch (mean = 21 eggs) per year, which is positively correlated with body size (PL). Although primarily related to body size, clutch size varies annually because of environmental conditions. If winter and summer rainfalls are below average and temperatures are above average, E. macquarii may reduce clutch size to increase the chance of the eggs surviving. Nesting predominantly occurs during the first major rain-bearing depression in November. Habitat variables, including distance from water, nearest nest, and tree, and soil type were measured for each nest to determine characteristics that attract predators. Nests close to the shoreline and trees are heavily preyed on, and nests constructed in sand are less likely to be destroyed by predators. Foxes detect nests through a combination of chemical cues from eggs and slight soil disturbances, whereas birds only destroy nests observed being constructed during the day. Female turtles alter nesting behaviour and construct nests much further away from water when foxes were removed and as a result, nests are less dense and away from trees. Thus in high predation risk areas, turtles minimise emergence and search times to reduce the risk of direct predation by foxes. Predation is reduced when nests are in lower densities and away from trees, because predators increase search efforts when nests are in higher densities and birds are more likely to destroy nests close to trees. Reproductive success is further reduced in high predation risk areas because more nests are constructed in sandy substrates where clutch success is reduced compared to incubation in more dense substrates. Where predators are a significant source of mortality, prey may use indirect methods, such as chemical recognition, to avoid encounters. Nesting turtles did not avoid areas where fox odour was present, suggesting that they assess predation pressure from foxes by other mechanisms, such as visual recognition. However, an innate response occurs to the odour of a once common predator on the Murray River, the eastern quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus), whereby turtles recognise and avoid nesting in areas where quoll odour is present. Therefore nesting turtles show a similar avoidance response to two different predators, using different mechanisms of detection. Similarly, predation risk may influence hatching times and nest emergence. The rate of embryonic development of E. macquarii may increase or eggs may hatch early so that the clutch hatches synchronously, thereby reducing the risk of predation through group emergence from the nest. Emydura macquarii reach densities of over 100 turtles.ha-1, with the majority of the population consisting of sexually mature individuals. Emydura macquarii has a Type III survival curve where mortality is extremely high in the egg stage (93% nest predation), remaining high over the hatchling stage (minimum survival rate- 10%), but decreasing rapidly throughout the juvenile stage (~70% juvenile survival). Adult survival is extremely high, with greater than 95% of adults surviving each year. Foxes through nest predation cause most mortality but a small proportion (~3%) of nesting adult females are killed by foxes each year. A removal program evaluated the impact of foxes. In 1996, fox numbers were monitored around four lagoons by spotlighting and non-toxic bait uptake. Foxes were removed from around two of the lagoons throughout 1997 and 1998, using spotlight shooting and 1080 bait poisoning. Fox numbers were continually monitored around all four lagoons during the study. Nest predation rates remained around 90% in all sites where foxes were present, but fell to less than 50% when foxes were removed. At the same time, predation on nesting female turtles was eliminated where foxes were removed. Demographic models using staged based survival schedules, together with growth and fecundity values for E. macquarii show a decline of 4% per year in these populations. Elasticity analyses shows that survival of adult female E. macquarii has the major influence on population stability and a reduction of nest predation alone is unlikely to address the population decline. Management options, such as reducing foxes prior to nesting around key lagoons, will stabilise the population decline, and eliminating foxes completely from certain areas with high dispersal potential, will promote recruitment of juvenile E. macquarii.
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Predator effects on behaviour and life-history of preyBrodin, Tomas January 2005 (has links)
<p>In this thesis I investigate predator-induced effects on behavioural and life-history characteristics of prey. At any moment a given predator is capable of attacking a small number of prey. However, the mere presence of a predator may impact a much larger number of individuals, as prey implement various behavioural and developmental mechanisms to reduce the risk of predation. It has become increasingly clear that predator induced responses have the potential to affect patterns of species abundance and distribution as well as individual fitness of prey. I study these responses by incorporating field surveys, semi-field experiments and laboratory experiments. All experiments were done in an aquatic environment using fish or large odonate larvae as predators and damselfly-or diving beetle larvae as prey.</p><p>My work highlights the importance of monitoring prey behaviour when studying life-history characteristics. I show that fish presence is an important factor for determining species abundance and distribution of odonates, and that prey behaviour may be a good predictor for fish vulnerability. Larval damselflies react behaviourally to predator presence by reducing activity and/or restricting habitat use. I confirm that such anti-predator responses have positive effects on prey survival in the presence of a predator but negative effects on growth and development of prey. In addition, my results suggest that the increase in per capita food resources for surviving prey following a predation episode (i.e. thinning) can have a stronger positive effect on prey growth and development than the negative effect of anti-predator responses. I also show that the strength of an anti-predator response is dependent on resource availability of the prey, with prey responding less strongly when resources are scarce. My results also indicate that the strength of the anti-predator response of damselfly larvae depends on predator diet and larval age. Predators feeding on prey conspecifics induce a stronger behavioural response in young larva than predators that feed on prey heterospecifics do. This diet-effect was not found in larvae late in ontogeny, due to an increased activity of larva where predators consumed damselflies. Such increased larval activity can be explained as a reaction to a time-constraint. Finally, I found that activity of damselfly larvae is genetically determined and that this has lead to a behavioural syndrome that might limit larval plasticity to a certain activity-range. This phenomenon may have implications for how well larvae are able to react to both biotic and abiotic changes in the environment.</p>
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Habitat selection, nest predation and conservation biology in a Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa) populationJohansson, Tomas January 2001 (has links)
<p>This thesis focuses on a black-tailed godwit (<i>Limosa limosa</i>) population, consisting of 35-40 pairs, that breeds on a grazed shore meadow on SE Gotland, Sweden. The small size of the population makes it more prone to extinction due to chance events, than a larger population.</p><p>The godwits showed microhabitat preferences when choosing nest sites. Godwit nests had higher vegetation over the nest cup, lower surrounding (1-3 m) vegetation and different plant species composition, as compared to random sites. Breeding near conspecifics or other wader species, especially lapwings (<i>Vanellus vanellus</i>) and further away from potential predator perches were the most important factors in decreasing nest predation. A comparison between different shore meadows along the east coast of the island revealed that large, open areas suffered less from nest predation. Thus, shore meadows suitable for breeding godwits should be large and without trees or other predator perches and have a grazing regime that favours variation in vegetation height.</p><p>Over 80% of previously ringed adults returned each year, but very few birds ringed as chicks were recovered. Hatching success was 55-60% for all observed nests. To predict the future of the current population, demographic data were used in an ecological risk analysis. The simulations showed that the Gotlandic population will not survive the coming 40 years without immigration.</p><p>Black-tailed godwits are divided into three subspecies. Genetic analyses (mtDNA) revealed that all subspecies had unique haplotypes and there was a clear geographic structure among subspecies. Within the <i>limosa</i> subspecies, godwits on Gotland and Öland showed a high proportion of rare haplotypes, but no genetic variation was found in Dutch birds. These results imply that black-tailed godwits on Gotland and Öland have high conservation value.</p>
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