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Factors mediating the distribution and impact of the non-native invertebrate predator Bythotrephes longimanusJokela, ANNELI MARIE 17 June 2013 (has links)
Predicting the impacts of non-native species remains one of the greatest challenges to invasion ecologists. Because of their insularity, freshwater systems are particularly vulnerable to invasions, especially from non-native predators. The research in this thesis explores the role of abiotic and biotic factors in mediating the distribution and impact of Bythotrephes longimanus, a predatory cladoceran that has been introduced to freshwater systems in North America. Although the general impacts of this invasion have been documented, little is known about the factors that modulate them. Using a combination of field surveys and experiments, I tested several hypotheses concerning the influence of interactions with native species, as well as the role of heterogeneity in the light environment, in mediating the impact of Bythotrephes.
Results demonstrated that biotic resistance by native macroinvertebrate predators does not play a limiting role in the establishment success of Bythotrephes. However, the within-lake distribution of Bythotrephes was influenced by these macroinvertebrates, suggesting that the native predator context matters when trying to understand the impacts of non-native predators. This was demonstrated with a mesocosm experiment in which the impact of Bythotrephes was constrained by the native Chaoborus larvae. In terms of the abiotic environment, in situ feeding experiments demonstrated that refuges from impact could exist for some prey taxa, as the outcome of predation by Bythotrephes was dependent on light availability and some prey taxa were more successful at evading predation under low light conditions. Finally, results show that adaptive behaviour by prey is also an important determinant of impact, as migrating Daphnia can escape predation effects by Bythotrephes. The combination of light-limited predation and a shallow distribution by Bythotrephes selects for prey that occupy relatively deeper positions during the day.
As a whole, this research highlights the importance of complex interactions in mediating the impact of Bythotrephes and may help to explain some of the variation that has been documented among invaded lakes. A better understanding of these complex interactions can improve our ability to anticipate impacts as Bythotrephes continues to spread, as well as provide insight on some of the long-term effects following invasion. / Thesis (Ph.D, Biology) -- Queen's University, 2013-06-17 09:26:35.221
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Bio-écologie de la spéciation : partage de la niche écologique chez deux espèces naissantes d'anophèles au Burkina Faso. / Ecological speciation in two species of Anopheles mosquitoes in Burkina FasoGimonneau, Geoffrey 17 December 2010 (has links)
En Afrique de l'Ouest, le moustique An. gambiae s.s vecteur majeur du paludisme est subdivisé en deux formes moléculaires, M et S, génétiquement et écologiquement différenciées. La forme moléculaire M se développe préférentiellement dans des collections d'eau pérennes en zone aride, généralement d'origine anthropique, permettant sa présence tout au long de l'année alors que la forme S se reproduit principalement dans des gîtes temporaires de savane humide dépendant des précipitations et disparaît en saison sèche. Cette subdivision génère des profils de dynamique de transmission palustre différents en fonction des zones où ces formes sont implantées. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse a pour objectif l'étude des facteurs écologiques de différenciation entre M et S, en se focalisant notamment sur leur écologie larvaire, afin de mieux appréhender leur distribution actuelle et future. L'étude de la distribution des populations naturelles de ces vecteurs dans une zone d'endémie palustre au Burkina Faso a permis de mettre en évidence que les niches écologiques de ces deux formes sont en étroite corrélation avec la temporalité des milieux aquatiques et la complexité des écosystèmes qu'ils hébergent. La forme M apparaît clairement liée aux habitats permanents anthropiques et à la structure des communautés qu'ils soutiennent alors que la forme S ainsi que l'espèce jumelle An. arabiensis sont associées aux habitats simples et temporaires, majoritairement retrouvés en zone rurale de savane.Cette distribution des deux formes le long d'un gradient d'hydropériode est en accord avec les interactions dominantes et les adaptations qu'elles induisent afin de pouvoir exploiter ces milieux. La forme S, associée aux milieux temporaires, s'est révélée plus compétitive que la forme M en diminuant son temps de développement larvaire en présence de compétiteurs (forme M). L'étude de la pression de sélection due à la prédation, interaction dominante dans les milieux permanents, démontre que la forme M est moins susceptible que la forme S. L'analyse du comportement larvaire a permis de mettre en évidence des différences entre ces deux formes, notamment l'existence d'un comportement plus plastique chez la forme M qui réduit son activité en présence d'un prédateur. Ce mécanisme est une des adaptations qui a favorisé le succès d'An.gambiae dans les milieux permanents.Notre approche, basée sur l'écologie larvaire des formes M et S d'An. gambiae nous a permis de mieux comprendre les processus par lesquels ces vecteurs ont évolué et se sont adaptés à différents contextes écologiques. Ces adaptations reflètent la spécialisation de ces deux formes dans leur milieu respectif et permettent en partie d'expliquer la ségrégation écologique observée sur le terrain. L'amélioration de nos connaissance sur la bio-écologie de ces vecteurs est primordiale afin d'en apprécier le potentiel évolutif dans le contexte actuel des changements globaux. / In West Africa, the main Malaria vector, the mosquito Anopheles gambiae is actually subdivided into two molecular forms named M and S, which can be genetically and environmentally differentiated. The M form preferentially breeds in permanent freshwater collections mainly resulting from human activity and is reproductively active all year round, whereas the S form thrives in temporary breeding sites and is present during the rainy season only. This subdivision generates different dynamics of Malaria transmission in areas where these forms are found. In this context, this thesis aims to study the ecological factors of differentiation between M and S, focusing on their larval ecology to better understand their current and future distribution.The study of the distribution of natural populations of these vectors in an endemic area in Burkina Faso has provided evidence that the ecological niches of these forms are closely correlated with the degree of temporality and the community complexity of aquatic ecosystems. The M form is clearly linked to permanent anthropogenic habitats and the structures they support, while the S form and its sibling species An. arabiensis are associated with simple and temporary habitats, mostly found in rural savannas.The distribution of the two forms along a hydroperiod gradient is consistent with the dominant interactions and adaptations they induce in order to be able to exploit their environments. In relation to temporary habitat, the S form was more competitive than the M form by reducing its larval development time in the presence of competitor (M form). The study of selection pressure due to predation, dominant interaction in permanent habitat, shows that the M forms suffer lesser predation rate than the S form. Analysis of larval behavior highlighted differences between these two forms, such as the existence of a more plastic behavior in the form M, which reduced its rate of activity in predator presence. This mechanism is one of the adaptations that have facilitated the success of An. gambiae in permanent aquatic habitats.Our approach, based on the larval ecology of M and S forms of An. gambiae has enabled us to better understand the processes by which these vectors have evolved and adapted to different ecological contexts. These adaptations reflect the specialization of these two forms in their respective habitats and can partially explain the ecological segregation observed in the field. Improving our knowledge on bio-ecology of these vectors is essential to appreciate their evolutionary potential in the current context of global change.
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Modeling the Distribution of Bobcats and Areas of Reintroduction for Fisher in the Southern Washington CascadesHalsey, Shiloh Michael 16 August 2013 (has links)
The fisher (Martes pennanti) is a medium sized member of the mustelid family that once roamed the forests of Washington and whose historic range in the western United States once spread throughout the northern Rocky Mountains, the Cascade and Coast Ranges, and the Sierra Nevada (Carroll, Zielinski, and Noss 1999; Powell 1993, Spencer et al. 2011). Due to pressures from trapping and habitat fragmentation, the abundance of the species in the western United States has decreased dramatically and is thought to be limited to several small, isolated populations. In 2008, fishers were reintroduced to the Olympic Peninsula; however, bobcat (Lynx rufus) predation in the first years is thought to have killed off a significant portion of the released fisher hindering their ability to establish a self-sustaining population (Lewis et al. 2011). Other studies in the western United States have shown that bobcats can be a dramatic force on small or isolated fisher populations.
The coniferous forest of the southern Washington Cascades is the possible site of a release of currently extirpated fishers. My research examines the distribution of bobcats in the region and explores the implication this and the habitat variables of the area have for a future reintroduction of fisher. The workflow of the research was a stepwise process of: 1) surveying forested areas in the southern Washington Cascades for the presence and absence of bobcat and acquiring previously completed survey data 2) using a classification tree to model the correlation of bobcat presence or absence with forest variables and 3) applying these relationships to spatial analysis the creation of maps showing areas of high ranking fisher habitat.
The classification tree modeled the correlation between the forest variables and the results of the surveys, which included 145 bobcat absence observations and 39 presence observations. The model highlighted a 95% probability of absence above 1,303 m in elevation, 73% probability of absence in areas under 1,303 m in elevation and with a tree diameter value under 43.45 cm, 57% probability of absence in areas between 1,070 m and 1,303 m in elevation and with a tree diameter value above 43.45 cm, and an 89% probability of bobcat presence in areas under 1,070 m in elevation with a tree diameter value above 43.45 cm. I applied an upper elevation limit of 1,676 meters as a threshold for suitable habitat and only considered habitat suitable in cells with a tree diameter above 29 cm. The three locations highlighted as the most suitable areas for reintroduction due to a large amount of the highest ranking habitat and the largest aggregations of suitable habitat cells were around the William O. Douglas Wilderness that straddles the border of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest (GPNF) and the Wenatchee National Forest, another location in the Norse Peak Wilderness northeast of Mount Rainier, and a third location in Indian Heaven Wilderness in the southern portion of the GPNF.
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Salmonid behaviour under winter conditionsWatz, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Winter conditions are believed to play an important role in the population dynamics of northern temperate stream fish, challenging the ability of fish to physiologically and behaviourally adapt. Climate change is predicted to increase both mean temperature and temperature fluctuations, especially during winter, leading to dynamic environmental conditions in terms of river ice production and flow. Therefore, knowledge about the winter ecology of stream fish is important for predicting and mitigating anthropogenic impacts on fish production in boreal streams. Stream salmonids are relatively active throughout winter, and behavioural responses to different winter conditions may be critical for survival. Yet, relatively little is known about overwintering behaviour of salmonids, particularly in streams with ice. In this doctoral thesis, I report the results from experimental field and laboratory studies on the behavioural ecology of juvenile salmonids under winter conditions. My results from the field show that salmonids grow more and use a broader range of habitats in the presence of surface ice than in its absence. Results from the laboratory experiments show that the presence of surface ice increases food intake rates, reduces stress and affects social interactions. These laboratory results may explain the positive effects of ice cover on growth that was found in the field experiment. Moreover, I show that drift-feeding ability is reduced at low temperatures, and that nocturnal drift foraging under winter conditions has a low efficiency. / Vinterförhållanden kan spela en avgörande roll för förekomsten av fisk i våra vattendrag. Laxfiskar, som till exempel lax, öring och harr, är vinteraktiva och måste därför anpassa sin fysiologi och sitt beteende till en miljö som karakteriseras av låga och föränderliga vattenflöden, liten tillgång på föda, kallt vatten, is och mörker. Trots att dessa anpassningar är avgörande för chansen att överleva vintern, vet man relativt lite om laxfiskars vinterbeteende, speciellt i vattendrag som täcks av is. I denna avhandling presenterar jag resultat från fält- och laboratoriestudier av laxfiskars beteende under vinterförhållanden och resultaten visar att närvaron av yttäckande is ökar tillväxt och födointag, minskar stress samt påverkar var fiskar uppehåller sig och hur fiskarna interagerar med varandra. Jag har också undersökt hur laxfiskars beteende i rinnande vatten påverkas av ljusintensitet och vattentemperatur i samband med födointag. Resultaten visar att den minskade dagaktiviteten som laxfiskar uppvisar på vintern medför en kostnad i form av försämrad förmåga att fånga byten. / Winter conditions are believed to play an important role in the population dynamics of northern temperate stream fish, challenging the ability of fish to physiologically and behaviourally adapt. Climate change is predicted to increase both mean temperature and temperature fluctuations, especially during winter, leading to dynamic environmental conditions in terms of river ice production and flow. Therefore, knowledge about the winter ecology of stream fish is important for predicting and mitigating anthropogenic impacts on fish production in boreal streams. Stream salmonids are active throughout winter, and behavioural responses to different winter conditions may be critical for survival. Yet, relatively little is known about overwintering behaviour of salmonids, particularly in streams with ice. This doctoral thesis focuses on the behavioural ecology of salmonids under winter conditions, and results from field and laboratory experiments show that the presence of surface ice increases food intake rates, reduces stress and affects social interactions, with effects on growth and habitat use. Moreover, drift-feeding ability is reduced at low temperatures, and nocturnal drift foraging under winter conditions has a low efficiency. / <p>Artikel 1 i avhandlingen som manuskript. Nu publicerad.</p>
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Abusive pricing policy for emerging economies : the case of excessive pricing and price predation in Latin AmericaMarquez, Carlos Pablo January 2012 (has links)
For several years, the literature has discussed whether a country’s particular economic circumstances should be taken into account in competition law and policy design. This thesis discusses whether economic growth should be considered as the guiding principle for Latin American Emerging Economies’ competition law and policy design. It specifically explains why having economic growth as competition policy’s guiding principle makes a difference in choosing superior rules and standards, among the large range of efficient rules. In order to explain how economic growth as a guiding principle has an impact on competition policy design, this thesis studies whether the analysis and application of the prohibitions and standards of abuse of dominance in emerging Latin American economies are appropriate, and why, having regard to economic growth, a different approach might be justified. To engage in the study of such questions this thesis centres on the regulation of dominance and the law governing abuse of dominance, in particular on predatory pricing and excessive pricing. After a careful analysis of such institutions, an optimal rule for the regulation of pricing abuses in these emerging economies is proposed. Similarly, having regard to economic growth as the policy’s guiding principle, the mainstream standards on excessive pricing and price predation are evaluated and a different approach is found to be justified. It is concluded that economic growth should be the principle guiding Latin American emerging economies’ competition law and policy design and it is demonstrated that this will grant these economies policy soundness and identity.
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Understanding the role of Stylochus ellipticus as a predator of Crassostrea virginica in Chesapeake Bay tributariesBarker, Marion Kensey 05 May 2014 (has links)
Predation may be a key component of the unsuccessful restoration of the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica), a former keystone species in Chesapeake Bay. Here, I examine the polyclad flatworm Stylochus ellipticus and its potential role as an important predator of C. virginica. Using small-fragment size C. virginica specific DNA primers, oyster DNA was successfully detected in whole organisms homogenates of wild-caught S. ellipticus individuals. Of the 1,575 individuals tested, 68.1% tested positive, thus predation occurred. Predation did not appear to be affected by salinity or temperature; however, season did appear to have an effect on both predation and S. ellipticus abundance (p-value: <0.05). The findings also imply that S. ellipticus are highly mobile, entering the water column to reach hard substrate at various depths, whereas previous studies suggest otherwise. These findings are useful in the planning and management of oyster cultivation and restoration. Furthermore, this study outlines a method of diet study that may be more sensitive than traditional DNA-based techniques.
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Channel catfish have pectoral spines that lock to defend against gape-limited predators such as largemouth bass. Previous work indicated that spines increase survival of channel catfish exposed to bass but did not determine whether bass avoid catfish if less dangerous species are available. We presented bass with channel catfish and two alternatives, bluegill and goldfish, and compared order of ingestion, ingestion time, percent of successful strikes, and time spent chasing each prey species. We also presented the three species in a jar study that standardized position in the water column as well as in a net-pen study. The order of ingestion was suggestive of a preference for goldfish, then bluegill and finally channel catfish. Handling time was greater for channel catfish, less for bluegill, and the least for goldfish. Fewer catfish were eaten when other prey were available. Bass appear to avoid channel catfish if alternative prey is available.
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Výskyt a ekologie ploštěnky americké (Dugesia tigrina) ve Vltavě a vybraných pražských potocích a její interakce s původními druhy ploštěnek / Distribution and ecology of the turbellarian Dugesia tigrina in the Vltava river and selected Prague brooks and its interactions with native turbellarian speciesSevruková, Natálie January 2011 (has links)
Key words: (Dugesia tigrina), ecology, bioindication, predation, Vltava, Prague The main goal of my thesis was the research of occurrence and ecology of planarians of the group Ttricladida in the Vltava River and some brooks flowing through the territory of Prague. The emphasis was given on the non-native North American species - Dugesia tigrina. The research can be divided into field surveys of population size and ecological requirements of planarians and a laboratory experiment, in which I have investigated the predation behavior of planarians. During my fieldwork, which took place from August 22th to November 11th 2009, I have found out that the Dugesia tigrina occurs only in the Vltava river, in six of the nine studied localities. During the research it was not found in the studied brooks. It chooses localities with a natural shoreline, deeper ground, rapid water and it lives in company of mainly Dugesia polychroa. It appeared at moderately polluted places. During the predation experiment, which ran from December 17th 2009 to October 20th 2010 at a temperature of 14 řC and triple repetitions in all mutual combinations of five planarian species, intraspecific cannibalism and frequent asexual reproduction of Dugesia tigrina was comfirmed. The experiment showed mainly preying of indigenous...
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Seasonal mass variation as a life history trait in West African savannah birdsCox, Daniel T. C. January 2013 (has links)
Seasonality influences life history through its effect on the availability of essential resources, with birds timing breeding to occur during peak food availability. Due to density-dependence, investment in breeding is determined largely by the seasonality of food availability, with an increased investment being traded-off against adult survival. A bird's mass acts as an index of a species' foraging environment, because a bird bases its foraging decisions on a trade-off between the risk of predation and the risk of starvation. Under constant predation risk a bird increases its mass as insurance against increased foraging unpredictability. In tropical savannahs day length and temperature remains relatively constant, and there is not a season of increased density-dependent mortality which acts across all species. Thus species have evolved a broad range of life history traits under the same environmental conditions, although how a species experiences seasonality depends largely on its foraging niche. This thesis shows that most savannah species varied their mass across the year, having a reduced mass in the non-breeding season which suggests that foraging remained predictable. Independent of gonad or egg growth they then increased their mass as they started to breed, with the timing of breeding coinciding with peak food availability. Across species in the same foraging niche mass acts as an index of breeding investment, with females increasing their mass more than males. While across species in different foraging niches an increased mass response was associated with higher adult survival, probably because breeding strategy and subsequently adult survival are governed by food limitation. This thesis shows that birds adaptively manage their mass during breeding and that mass is not a result of energetic stress, thus under constant predation risk a bird's mass is a result of foraging predictability as a function of competition for available food and investment in breeding.
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Seleção de dormitórios pelos micos-leões-pretos : uma comparação entre floresta contínua e fragmento /Silva, Leonardo Henrique da January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Laurence Marianne Vincianne Culot / Resumo: A seleção de dormitórios pelos primatas pode ser influenciada por diversos fatores, como a predação, termorregulação e defesa de território. Nosso objetivo foi investigar quais desses fatores influenciam a seleção de dormitórios pelos micos-leões-pretos e se há divergência nas características dos dormitórios entre uma floresta contínua e um fragmento. Estudamos dois grupos de mico-leões-pretos, um numa floresta contínua e um num fragmento na região do Pontal do Paranapanema, São Paulo, Brasil. Nós coletamos os dados sobre as características físicas dos dormitórios e das árvores disponíveis no habitat. Usamos testes de Mann-Whitney para comparar as características físicas dos dormitórios com as árvores disponíveis e Funções de Seleção de Recursos (RSF) para entender quais dessas características são mais importantes na escolha dos dormitórios. Os micos-leões-pretos usaram árvores mais altas, com menor número de conexões de copas e com um alto grau de cobertura de copa para dormir, quando comparado às árvores disponíveis. Os dormitórios usados pelo grupo da floresta contínua eram maiores, com as primeiras ramificações inferiores mais altas e com menor número de conexão de copas do que os dormitórios usados pelo grupo do fragmento. Nossos resultados evidenciam a presença de estratégias anti-predação pelos grupos de micos-leões-pretos, com o grupo da floresta contínua apresentando um processo de seleção de dormitórios mais refinado, no qual a seleção apenas de árvores que possuam ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Sleeping site selection by primates can be influenced by several factors, such as predation, thermoregulation and territorial defense. Our objective was to investigate which of these factors influence the sleeping site selection by black lion tamarins and if there is divergence in the characteristics of the sleeping sites between a continuous forest and a fragment. We studied two groups of black lion tamarins, one in a continuous forest and one in a small and isolated fragment in the Pontal do Paranapanema, São Paulo, Brazil. We collected data on the physical characteristics of the sleeping sites and available trees within the both habitats. We used Mann-Whitney tests to compare the physical characteristics of the sleeping sites with available trees and Resource Selection Functions (RSF) to understand which of these characteristics are most important in choosing the sleeping sites. Black lion tamarins used taller trees, with a fewer canopy connections, and a higher degree of canopy cover compared to the available trees. The sleeping sites used by the continuous forest group were larger, with the first lower ramifications higher and with fewer number of canopy connections than the sleeping sites used by the fragment group. Our results evidenced the presence of anti-predation strategies by both black lion tamarin groups, with the continuous forest group presenting a more refined sleeping site selection process, in which the selection of only trees with a larger set of character... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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