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Television News Viewership and Prejudicial Attitudes Towards Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and Whites: The Role of Perception of CrimeBaumann, Amy Elizabeth 02 November 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Writing Chinese Characters: Right or Left? : The Chinese Discriminatory Policy of Left-Handedness Correction in Terms of HandwritingXie, Jiawei January 2016 (has links)
Chinese left-handed are found to be very few, especially in terms of handwriting. The Chinese educational policy that fully entitles teachers in primary school to change the left-handed students to write with their right-hand, by nudging and even force, is found to be mainly blamed as the main cause. The thesis is to raise the ethical discussion and define this policy as being discriminatory against the left-handed by checking the features, definition and identification of discrimination, and reasons forming and supporting such a discriminatory policy will be taken into the major consideration as the source of discrimination. Therefore, the thesis is to propose solutions to help with the abolishment of the policy and the elimination of the prejudicial attitudes toward the left-handed, especially in terms of writing. The thesis itself, due to the limit of previous research and scientific support, has its own blindness or disadvantage, however, such a work could be helpful with the later discussion.
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Changes in Racial Attitudes as a Function of Personality Characteristics and Exposure to a Competent BlackMyers, Emilie J. (Emilie Joyner) 12 1900 (has links)
The present study examined whether a relationship exists between level of rigidity and prejudicial attitudes and whether prejudiced attitudes could be modified as a function of exposure to a competent black model. It was predicted that individuals with a high level of rigidity would display more racial prejudice than low-rigid individuals and that individuals with a low level of rigidity would demonstrate less prejudice than high-rigid individuals after exposure to a competent model. After exposure to a competent model, a significant main effect for rigidity was found which indicated that low-rigid individuals became less prejudiced than high-rigid individuals,
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Preserving the right to a fair trial an examination of the prejudicial value of visual and auditory evidence in the context of a criminal caseEdwards, Emily 01 May 2012 (has links)
Federal Rule of Evidence 403 requires evidence's probative value to substantially outweigh its prejudicial value for the evidence to be admitted. To date, courts have opinioned that photographic evidence holds low prejudicial impact and rarely render court proceedings unfair (Futch v. Dugger, 1989). The present study sought to empirically investigate this issue. In a 2 (Auditory Present/Auditory Absent) x 3 (Graphic Photo/Neutral Photo/No Photo) factorial design, 300 participants reviewed case materials from a recent murder case and provided information concerning their verdict decision. Emotional state data was also collected prior to and following review of the case materials via the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule - Expanded Form (PANAS-X; Watson & Clark, 1994). Participants reviewing graphic photos coupled with their case materials experienced significantly greater increases in both sadness and surpise than those reviewing neutral or no photos. Participants who had an auditory recording present with their case materials experienced greater increases in both joviality and, to a lesser extent, hostility. Participants reviewing the auditory recording also reported being significantly less able to formulate their verdict decisions fairly or impartially. When heightened emotion is involved in decision making, cognitive resources for well-informed decisions are limited (Greene & Haidt, 2002). The current study suggests the potential for particular modes of evidentiary presentation to manipulate jurors' emotions, therefore increasing their prejudicial value. When the probative value of evidence does not outweigh the potentially prejudicial nature of jurors' heightened emotionality, the fairness of court proceedings may be questioned and issues of the defendant's right to a fair trial raised.
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A judge's duty to sheppard the media in celebrity trials when constitutional rights collideReyer, Sarah D. 01 January 2010 (has links)
The notion that pretrial media coverage impacts the judicial process of highly publicized trials is not limited to contemporary times. This study sheds light on the modem day issues that pretrial media surrounding celebrity criminal cases imposes on the United States judicial system and juries. A literature review examines the conflict between the First, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendment rights to free press and fair trials, the impact of prejudicial pretrial media, precedents established in case law, and remedies that the courts use to limit the effects of prejudicial media. Expanding upon the literature review, the study next analyzes the public's view on crime, the media's manipulation of celebrity criminal trials, social and psychological theories on pretrial publicity, problems with current remedial measures, and specific celebrity case examples. The study provides a comprehensive analysis examining each individual aspect in determining the overall effect pretrial media has on celebrity criminal cases. The media is an essential part of society, but its reporting of the pretrial stages of celebrity criminal court cases impacts the jury's ability to give a celebrity defendant a fair trial.
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Identification of a suspect before being charged: legitimate freedom of speech or a threat to a fair trial?Burgess, Craig Neilson January 2005 (has links)
Identification of a person suspected of a heinous crime before being charged risks prejudicing a fair trial. Present laws place this type of publicity outside the reach of sub judice contempt. This thesis argues there should be a change in the law of sub judice contempt making it an offence for the media to publish the fact that a person is under investigation until the person has been charged.
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Métodos substitutivos ao uso prejudicial de animais no ensino médico veterinário: uma análise da realidade brasileira por meio da percepção do estudante / Substitutive methods to the use of animals in Veterinary Medical Education: an analysis of the Brazilian reality through the perception of the studentGebara, Rosangela Ribeiro 21 September 2015 (has links)
No ensino da medicina veterinária esta implícito o uso de animais para o aprendizado das mais diversas habilidades profissionais, sendo que na maioria das vezes os animais utilizados nas práticas pedagógicas sofrem algum tipo de prejuízo ou morrem para este fim. Com o aumento da preocupação ética em relação aos animais, nas últimas duas décadas, surgiu a necessidade de se substituir estes métodos de ensino onde havia prejuízo aos animais e ao aprendizado do aluno, por métodos humanitários. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o conhecimento e opinião dos alunos das Faculdades de Medicina Veterinária brasileiras acerca da implementação dos chamados “métodos substitutivos“ ao uso prejudicial de animais e os métodos que estão sendo utilizados atualmente. Foram obtidas 1383 respostas de estudantes de medicina veterinária de 26 estados brasileiros e do Distrito Federal, que responderam questionário semiaberto divulgado de forma online e as respostas foram submetidas à uma analise estatística que nos permitiu concluir que 47,9% dos entrevistados desconhecem a principal legislação acerca do uso de animais, 66,4% afirmaram conhecer o que é um método substitutivo ao uso de animais, 87,7% entendem como "uso prejudicial de animais” a eutanásia de um animal saudável para fins didáticos”; 55,6% acreditam que métodos substitutivos podem sim substituir o uso de animais, desde que seja o método apropriado e que a principal vantagem desta substituição seria o fato de que são métodos eticamente aceitáveis onde não há crueldade contra animais” (57,3%) e a principal desvantagem seria o custo para aquisição (51,8%). Cerca de 93% indicaram que há utilização de animais no seu curso, sendo que a principal espécie o cão (76,5%) e a anatomia apontada como a disciplina que mais utiliza animais. Quanto as aulas de técnica cirúrgica, o método mais citado foi o uso de cadáveres preservados (27,2%).Quanto a utilização de métodos substitutivos, 47,3% responderam que seus cursos utilizam estes métodos e que a disciplina que mais utilizava métodos como manequins, simuladores, vídeos, e softwares era a de anatomia, seguidas das disciplinas de clinica e cirurgia de pequenos animais, que utilizavam atendimento clinico de animais da comunidade ou de ONGs. De acordo com os dados analisados, podemos afirmar que os alunos de Instituições de ensino públicas tiveram mais contato com o conceito dos 3Rs que os alunos de Instituições de ensino privadas e que não há diferenças significativas entre as Instituições públicas e privadas quanto ao uso de métodos substitutivos. Diante destes resultados, faz-se necessário um esforço de toda comunidade acadêmica, dos docentes, dos coordenadores e do comitê de ética da escola no sentido de se desenvolver e implantar métodos didáticos humanitários e eficazes, que possam ir ao encontro das necessidades e posicionamentos éticos dos estudantes de medicina veterinária / In veterinary medicine teaching is implicit the use of animals for learning different professional skills, and most of the time these animals used in pedagogical practices suffer some kind of injury or die for this purpose. With the increasing of the ethical concern for animals in the last two decades, emerged the necessity to replace these teaching methods to humane methods. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of the "substitutive methods" to the harmful use of animals in veterinary teaching and training in Brazilian Schools, through information obtained from undergraduate students. They were obtained 1383 answers of veterinary medical students from 26 Brazilian states and the Federal District, who responded an online semi-open questionnaire, the responses were submitted to a statistical analysis and we concluded that 47.9% of respondents are unaware of the main legislation about the use of animals, 66.4% said they knew what is a substitute method to animal use, 87.7% perceive as "harmful use of animals' - euthanasia of healthy animals for teaching purposes"; 55.6% believe that substitutive methods can replace the use of animals, but depends of the method, the main advantage of these humane methods is the fact that they are ethically acceptable and avoid animal cruelty"(57.3%) and the main problem would be the cost of acquisition (51.8%). About 93% indicated that use animals in its course, and the main specie is the dog (76.5%) and the anatomy was considered the discipline that use most animals. In the surgical classes, the most cited method was the use of preserved cadavers (27.2%). Regarding the use of substitutive methods, 47.3% answered that their courses using these methods and the discipline that most used methods such as mannequins, simulators, videos, and software was the anatomy, followed by clinical disciplines and surgery of small animals who used clinical care of animals from the community or NGOs. According to the data analysed, we can say that most students of public education institutions had contact with the concept of the 3Rs than students in private educational institutions and there are no significant differences between public and private institutions on the use of substitutive methods. According to this result, is necessary an effort of the academic community (teachers, coordinators and school ethics committee) in order to develop and implement humane and effective teaching methods, which can meet the ethical requirements and positions of students of veterinary medicine
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Adolescentes, Drogas e Aids - Avaliando a Prevenção e Levantando Necessidades. / Adolescents, drugs and aids: evaluating prevention and accessing needsSoares, Cassia Baldini 05 August 1997 (has links)
O objeto deste estudo é a prevenção relacionada ao uso de drogas e dirigida aos adolescentes. Seu objetivo é avaliar políticas públicas na área. Particularmente, analisa-se um projeto de prevenção realizado nas escolas públicas do Estado de São Paulo de 91 a 94 - o Projeto Escola é Vida. Essa análise foi desenvolvida a partir de considerações sobre: a diversidade e complexidade das relações dos indivíduos com as drogas no mundo contemporâneo; e os processos de socialização dos adolescentes, sempre historicamente determinados. As considerações teóricas propõem que, para que a prevenção seja adequada, ela deve considerar a complementaridade entre duas abordagens sociológicas. Uma que se aproxima do problema da relação dos indivíduos com as drogas a partir das interações sociais que acontecem no âmbito microssocial. E outra, que coloca em evidência o peso dos fatores econômicos ou macrossociais na determinação de uma relação prejudicial dos indivíduos com as drogas. As categorias analisadas por referência à prevenção são: objetivos da prevenção; concepções sobre drogas e adolescentes; AIDS como um possível prejuízo ao nível do processo saúde?doença. A análise dessas categorias foi feita a partir dos depoimentos de: supervisores do projeto, professores treinados pelo projeto; escolares que participaram de atividades do projeto e escolares de escolas que não participaram do projeto. No sentido de trazer para o campo da prevenção, alguns elementos da realidade concreta, levantou-se as características dos adolescentes que adquiriram AIDS pelo uso de drogas injetáveis com objetivo de apreender: elementos sócio-culturais referentes à prática do uso de drogas; situações de transmissão do HIV; e suas propostas em relação à prevenção. Por fim, apresenta-se conclusões que têm implicações para as políticas públicas de prevenção na área de drogas e AIDS junto ao grupo de adolescentes. / The object of this study is the prevention related to drug use and focused on adolescents. Its objective is to evaluate the public policy in this field. Particularly, a public school prevention project is analyzed. The Escola é Vida project took place between 1991 and 1994 in the public schools of the São Paulo state. The analysis was developed from considerations: about the diversity and complexity related o contemporary drug use; and about the socialization processes of adolescents, always historically determined. The theoretical considerations propose that, for prevention to be adequate, it has to consider the complementarity of two sociological approaches. One that approaches the relation between individuals and drugs from social interactions which happen in a microssocial domain. And another one that puts in evidence the weight of economic and macrossocial factors determining a harming relation between individuals and drugs. The categories analyzed related to prevention are: prevention objectives; conceptions about drugs; conceptions about adolescents; Aids as a possible consequence to the health-illness process. The analysis was based on the statements of: program supervisors; teachers trained by the program; students who participated in program activities and finally students from schools which had not participated in the state program. A case study was developed to bring to the prevention field a few elements from the concrete reality. The objective was to perceive, through the statements of adolescents who had aids mainly due to injected drug use: socio-cultural factors related to drug use; HIV transmission situations; and their propositions to prevention. Finally, conclusions are presented that have implications for public policies related to drugs and aids prevention focused on adolescents.
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The relationship between the public’s belief in the potential of recovery and level of mental illness stigmaBarczyk, Amanda Nicole 16 June 2011 (has links)
Mental health conditions are highly prevalent in the U.S. Approximately two thirds of individuals who have a diagnosable mental health condition do not seek treatment; stigma is a major contributing factor. Stigma can lead to a fear of pursuing one’s goals, loss of self-esteem and a hesitancy to engage in society. This dissertation was a secondary data analysis of 1,437 adults who participated in the 2006 General Social Survey topical modules utilizing vignettes to examine mental health issues. Multiple-group structural equation modeling examined the relationship between respondents’ level of prejudicial attitudes and social distance (i.e., stigma) toward individuals who have a mental health condition and their belief in the potential of recovery. This relationship was examined for mental health conditions in general and across four groups (i.e., alcohol dependence, major depression, schizophrenia and troubled person). The relationship was further explored by testing if previous contact with an individual who has received treatment was a mediator. Findings indicate that the belief in recovery leads to lower levels of social distance. This finding was true for each group. In addition, prejudicial attitudes were found to be a predictor of one’s level of social distance for each group. Parameter invariance was found for all variables except income. In the group of respondents given the vignette depicting a troubled person, those with a lower income were more likely to have lower levels of prejudicial attitudes. In the group of respondents given the vignette depicting an individual with alcohol dependence, those with lower income were more likely to have higher levels of prejudicial attitudes and social distance. While the variable previous contact was not a mediator, it was found that males, respondents of minority background and those with less education were less likely to have had previous contact with an individual who has received mental health treatment. Results from this dissertation indicate a need to place emphasis on the probability of recovering from a mental health condition when developing stigma reducing strategies. Results also highlight the need to focus on the recovery and empowerment of individuals with mental health conditions in education, practice and policy. / text
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Métodos substitutivos ao uso prejudicial de animais no ensino médico veterinário: uma análise da realidade brasileira por meio da percepção do estudante / Substitutive methods to the use of animals in Veterinary Medical Education: an analysis of the Brazilian reality through the perception of the studentRosangela Ribeiro Gebara 21 September 2015 (has links)
No ensino da medicina veterinária esta implícito o uso de animais para o aprendizado das mais diversas habilidades profissionais, sendo que na maioria das vezes os animais utilizados nas práticas pedagógicas sofrem algum tipo de prejuízo ou morrem para este fim. Com o aumento da preocupação ética em relação aos animais, nas últimas duas décadas, surgiu a necessidade de se substituir estes métodos de ensino onde havia prejuízo aos animais e ao aprendizado do aluno, por métodos humanitários. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o conhecimento e opinião dos alunos das Faculdades de Medicina Veterinária brasileiras acerca da implementação dos chamados “métodos substitutivos“ ao uso prejudicial de animais e os métodos que estão sendo utilizados atualmente. Foram obtidas 1383 respostas de estudantes de medicina veterinária de 26 estados brasileiros e do Distrito Federal, que responderam questionário semiaberto divulgado de forma online e as respostas foram submetidas à uma analise estatística que nos permitiu concluir que 47,9% dos entrevistados desconhecem a principal legislação acerca do uso de animais, 66,4% afirmaram conhecer o que é um método substitutivo ao uso de animais, 87,7% entendem como "uso prejudicial de animais” a eutanásia de um animal saudável para fins didáticos”; 55,6% acreditam que métodos substitutivos podem sim substituir o uso de animais, desde que seja o método apropriado e que a principal vantagem desta substituição seria o fato de que são métodos eticamente aceitáveis onde não há crueldade contra animais” (57,3%) e a principal desvantagem seria o custo para aquisição (51,8%). Cerca de 93% indicaram que há utilização de animais no seu curso, sendo que a principal espécie o cão (76,5%) e a anatomia apontada como a disciplina que mais utiliza animais. Quanto as aulas de técnica cirúrgica, o método mais citado foi o uso de cadáveres preservados (27,2%).Quanto a utilização de métodos substitutivos, 47,3% responderam que seus cursos utilizam estes métodos e que a disciplina que mais utilizava métodos como manequins, simuladores, vídeos, e softwares era a de anatomia, seguidas das disciplinas de clinica e cirurgia de pequenos animais, que utilizavam atendimento clinico de animais da comunidade ou de ONGs. De acordo com os dados analisados, podemos afirmar que os alunos de Instituições de ensino públicas tiveram mais contato com o conceito dos 3Rs que os alunos de Instituições de ensino privadas e que não há diferenças significativas entre as Instituições públicas e privadas quanto ao uso de métodos substitutivos. Diante destes resultados, faz-se necessário um esforço de toda comunidade acadêmica, dos docentes, dos coordenadores e do comitê de ética da escola no sentido de se desenvolver e implantar métodos didáticos humanitários e eficazes, que possam ir ao encontro das necessidades e posicionamentos éticos dos estudantes de medicina veterinária / In veterinary medicine teaching is implicit the use of animals for learning different professional skills, and most of the time these animals used in pedagogical practices suffer some kind of injury or die for this purpose. With the increasing of the ethical concern for animals in the last two decades, emerged the necessity to replace these teaching methods to humane methods. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of the "substitutive methods" to the harmful use of animals in veterinary teaching and training in Brazilian Schools, through information obtained from undergraduate students. They were obtained 1383 answers of veterinary medical students from 26 Brazilian states and the Federal District, who responded an online semi-open questionnaire, the responses were submitted to a statistical analysis and we concluded that 47.9% of respondents are unaware of the main legislation about the use of animals, 66.4% said they knew what is a substitute method to animal use, 87.7% perceive as "harmful use of animals' - euthanasia of healthy animals for teaching purposes"; 55.6% believe that substitutive methods can replace the use of animals, but depends of the method, the main advantage of these humane methods is the fact that they are ethically acceptable and avoid animal cruelty"(57.3%) and the main problem would be the cost of acquisition (51.8%). About 93% indicated that use animals in its course, and the main specie is the dog (76.5%) and the anatomy was considered the discipline that use most animals. In the surgical classes, the most cited method was the use of preserved cadavers (27.2%). Regarding the use of substitutive methods, 47.3% answered that their courses using these methods and the discipline that most used methods such as mannequins, simulators, videos, and software was the anatomy, followed by clinical disciplines and surgery of small animals who used clinical care of animals from the community or NGOs. According to the data analysed, we can say that most students of public education institutions had contact with the concept of the 3Rs than students in private educational institutions and there are no significant differences between public and private institutions on the use of substitutive methods. According to this result, is necessary an effort of the academic community (teachers, coordinators and school ethics committee) in order to develop and implement humane and effective teaching methods, which can meet the ethical requirements and positions of students of veterinary medicine
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