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Assessment of groundwater management for domestic use from IWRM perspective in upper Limphasa river catchment, MalawiKanyerere, T. January 2012 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The research problem for this study is the limited and unsuccessful implementation of the IWRM concept. This thesis has argued that comprehensive assessment of physical and socioeconomic conditions is essential to provide explanation on factors that limit the successful execution of the IWRM approach. It has further argued that the local IWRM works as proxy for full and successful implementation of the IWRM approach.To contextualise this thesis, the prevailing physical and socioeconomic factors in Malawi in relation to current management and usage of water resources were explained.With 1,321m3 per capita per year against index thresholds of 1,700-1,000m3 per capita per year, this study showed that Malawi is a physically water stressed country but not physically water scarce country although economically it is a water scarce country. This novelty is against some literature that present Malawi as a water abundant country.Again, this study showed that executing a full and successful IWRM in Malawi remains a challenge because of the prevailing socioeconomic situation in terms of water policies,water laws, institutions and management instruments. These aspects have not been reformed and harmonised to facilitate a successful operation of the IWRM approach.The main water-related problem in Malawi is the mismanagement of the available water
resources. This is largely due to the lack of implementing management approaches
which can generate systematic data for practical assessment of water resources to guide the coordinated procedure among water stakeholders working in catchments. This lack of implementing a coordinated management approach commonly known as integrated water resources management (IWRM) can be attributed to various reasons that includei) lack of comprehensive assessment of factors that can explain lack of successful IWRM implementation at catchment level and ii) lack of methods to demonstrate data generation and analysis on quantity, quality and governance of water that show practical operation of IWRM at community level using groundwater as a showcase among others.This study revealed that introducing local IWRM requires a prior knowledge of the evolution and role of the full IWRM concept in the international water policy which aimed at addressing broader developmental objectives. Globally, the current status of the IWRM concept has potential to address such broader developmental objectives, but sustaining IWRM projects where they have been piloted showed slow progress. Basing on the factors that slow such a progress, local IWRM approach has emerged as a proxy to execute the full IWRM as demonstrated in chapter 8 in this thesis. However, the observed lack of sustainable resources to fund continual functioning of local IWRM activities will defeat its potential solution to water management challenges. The main threat for sustainable local IWRM activities is the tendency of national governments to decentralise roles and responsibilities to local governments and communities without the accompanying financial resources to enable the implementation of the local participation, investments and initiatives at local level. If this tendency could be reversed, the contribution by local IWRM towards solving management problems in the water sector will be enormous. Chapter four has provided the general case-study approach used in this study in terms of research design, data collection methods, data analysis methods, ethical consideration and limitation of the current study within the context of water resource management with a focus on groundwater management.Using geologic map, satellite images, photographs and hydrogeologic conceptual model, the following results emerged: 1) that the Upper Limphasa River catchment has
fractured rock aquifer with limited permeability and storage capacity; 2) The
topographic nature and north-south strikes of the lineaments explained the north-south flow direction of groundwater in the catchment; 3) The drainage system observed in the Kandoli and Kaning’ina Mountains to the east and west of the Upper Limphasa River catchment respectively (Fig. 5.1; Fig.5.2) formed a groundwater recharge boundary; 4)The regional faults in the same mountains (Fig. 5.1; Fig.5.2) formed structural boundar as well as hydrogeologic boundary which controlled flow direction of the groundwater;5) the hydrogeologic conceptual model showed the existence of the forested weathered bedrock in the upland areas of the entire catchment which formed no-flow boundary and groundwater divide thereby controlling the water flow direction downwards (Fig. 5.9);6) The major agricultural commercial activities existed in Lower Limphasa catchment while only subsistence farming existed in Upper Limphasa catchment. This knowledge and visualization from the map (Fig. 5.3) and conceptual model (Fig.5.9) showed interactions between upland and lowland areas and the role of physical factors in
controlling groundwater flow direction in the catchment. It also provided the
enlightenment on implications of socioeconomic farming activities on water
management. These insights enabled this study to recommend the need for expedited implementation of holistic effective management for sustainable water utilization.Using different physical factors, water scarcity indices and methodologies, this study showed that Malawi is a physically water stressed as well as an economic water scarce country. This novelty is against some literature that present Malawi as a water abundant country. Again, despite the high proportion (85%) of Malawians relying on groundwater resource, groundwater availability (storage in km3) is relatively low (269 km3 in Table 6.10) compared to other countries within SADC and Africa. Given the complexity of groundwater abstraction, the available groundwater for use is further reduced for Malawians who depend on such a resource for their domestic and productive livelihoods. Such insights provided the basis for discussing the need for IWRM.Although daily statistics on groundwater demand (i: 21.20 litres; 116.91 litres;80,550.99 litres), use (ii: 16.8 litres; 92.55 litres; 63,766.95 litres) and abstracted but not
used (iii: 4.4; 24.36; 16,784.04 litres) were relatively low per person, per household and per sub-catchment respectively, such statistics when calculated on monthly basis (i.Demand: 636 litres; 3,507.30 litres; 2,416,529.70 litres; ii.Use:504 litres; 2,776.5 litres;1, 913, 008.5 litres iii. Abstracted but not used: 132 litres; 730 litres; 503, 521.2); and on yearly basis (i. Demand: 7,632 litres; 42,087.6 litres; 28,998,356.4 litres; ii. Use: 6,048 litres; 33,318 litres; 22, 956, 102 litres; iii: Abstracted but not used: 1,584 litres; 8,769.6 litres; 6,042,254.4 litres) per person, per household and per sub-catchment provided huge amount of groundwater (Table 6.5). Given the limited storage capacity of fractured rock aquifer in the basement complex geology, the monthly and yearly groundwater demand and use on one hand and abstracted but not used on the other was considered
enormous. With the population growth rate of 2.8 for Nkhata Bay (NSO, 2009) and the observed desire to intensify productive livelihoods activities coupled with expected negative effects of climate change, the need to implement IWRM approach for such groundwater resource in the study catchment remains imperative and is urgently needed.In addition to identifying and describing factors that explain the limited groundwater availability in the study catchment, the study developed a methodology for calculating groundwater demand, use and unused at both households and sub-catchment levels.This methodology provided step-by-step procedure for collecting data on groundwater demand and use as a tool that would improve availability of data on groundwater.Implications of such results for IWRM in similar environments were discussed. Despite the time-consuming procedure involved in using the developed methodology, the calculations are simple and interpretation of results is easily understood among various stakeholders. Hence, such an approach is recommended for the IWRM approach which requires stakeholders from various disciplines to interact and collaborate. Nonetheless,
this recommends the use of this method as its further refinement is being sought.
The analysis on groundwater quality has shown that the dominant water type in the
aquifers of Upper Limphasa catchment was Ca-HCO3, suggesting that the study area had shallow, fresh groundwater with recent recharged aquifer. Analyses on
physicochemical parameters revealed that none of the sampled boreholes (BHs) and protected shallow dug wells (PSWs) had physical or chemical concentration levels of health concern when such levels were compared with 2008-World Health Organisation(WHO) guidelines and 2005-Malawi Bureau of Standards (MBS). Conversely, although the compliance with 2008-WHO and 2005-MBS of pathogenic bacteria (E.coli) in BHs water was 100% suggesting that water from BHs had low risk and free from bacteriological contamination, water from PSWs showed 0% compliance with 2008-WHO and 2005-MBS values implying high risk to human health. The overall assessment on risk to health classification showed that PSWs were risky sources to supply potable water, hence the need to implement strategies that protect groundwater.On the basis of such findings, the analysis in this study demonstrated the feasibility of using IWRM approach as a platform for implementing environmental and engineering interventions through education programmes to create and raise public awareness on groundwater protection and on the need for collaborative efforts to implement protective measures for their drinking water sources. The use of different analytical methods which were applied to identify the exact sources of the observed contaminants in the PSWs proved futile. Therefore, this study concluded that rolling-out PSWs either as improved or safe sources of drinking water requires further detailed investigations.However, this research recommended using rapid assessment of drinking water-quality
(RADWQ) methods for assessing the quality of groundwater sources for drinking.
Despite the study area being in the humid climatic region with annual rainfall above
1,000 mm, many of the physical factors were not favourable for availability of more
groundwater in the aquifers. Such observation provided compelling evidence in this
study to commend the local IWRM as a proxy for the full IWRM implementation for
sustainable utilization of such waters. Although institutional arrangements, water laws and water policy were found problematic to facilitate a successful implementation of full IWRM at national level in Malawi, this thesis demonstrated that local institutional arrangements, coordination among institutions, data collection efforts by local community members (active participation), self-regulation among local community committees were favourable conditions for a successful local IWRM in the Upper Limphasa River catchment. This research recommends continuation of such local participation, investment and initiatives as proxy for the full and successful IWRM beyond the study catchment. However, the observed lack of financial resource from central government to facilitates local IWRM activities were seen as counterproductive.In addition, this thesis recommended further studies which should aim at improving some observed negative implications of self-regulations on community members and the limited decentralisation elements from the Department of Water Development.Finally, one of the contributions from this study is the scientific value in using different methods to assess the quality of groundwater as presented in chapter 7. The second value is the demonstration of applying practical techniques to evaluate factors that explain the amount of groundwater storage in the aquifers that can be understood by water scientists, water users, water developers and water managers to implement IWRM
collaboratively using groundwater as a showcase. The third contribution is the provision of the procedure to systematically generate data on demand (abstraction) and use of groundwater in unmetered rural areas which has the potential to guide water allocation process in the catchment. Fourthly, the thesis has provided a hydrogeologic conceptual model for the first time for Limphasa River catchment to be used as a visual tool for planning and developing management practices and addressing current water problems.Fifthly, the study has shown how local IWRM works at community level as a proxy for the full implementation of IWRM despite the absence of Catchment Management Agencies. The last contribution is the dissemination of results from this study made
through publications and conference presentations as outlined in the appendix.
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Dependency of Loosening Parameters on Secondary Locking Features of Threaded InsertsAcosta, Carlos Felipe 31 October 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents a study of the dependency of loosening parameters on secondary locking features of threaded inserts subjected to dynamic shear loads. Secondary locking is used to assist and/or provide redundancy to the primary locking feature (threads) in preventing preload loss in almost any mechanical applications. Two different secondary locking features are studied: the Locking Heli-Coil insert and the Loctite Threadlocker (R) applied before assembly to a Standard Heli-Coil insert. Five parameters are studied in this thesis: percentage loss of initial preload, initial rate of preload loss, secondary rate of preload loss, steady-state value, and the final preload value.
Statistical analysis was used to quantify the dependencies between locking levels. Results show that the loss of initial preload is dependent on secondary locking features, the initial and secondary rate of preload loss are dependent on secondary locking features, the steady-state value and the final preload value are dependent on secondary locking features. Also, due to secondary locking features, 83% of the "Locking Heli-Coil with Braycote" tests reached steady-state while only 16% of the "Standard Heli-Coil with Loctite" tests reached steady-state even though the final preload value were higher for "Standard Heli-Coil with Loctite."
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Direct Verification of the Locking of Liquid Locking Compounds in Threaded FastenersHunter, Ryan 01 January 2012 (has links)
The motivation of this research is to explore the viability of a method to directly verify whether or not an anaerobic adhesive within a threaded fastener assembly has cured sufficiently to provide secondary locking. Direct verification was implemented via the application of a test torque in the loosening direction of a fastener assembly with Loctite (given a 24 hour cure time). A three phase test plan was developed with the intent of identifying and utilizing this verification torque value which is unique to a given fastener assembly.
It was proved that the direct verification method, as outlined in the test plan, was in fact a valid method of verification in some cases. Results were dependent on the materials and coatings of the fastener assemblies. The curing properties of the liquid locking compound (LLC) with plain steel specimens resulted in a verification test that could accurately predict sufficient locking and cure (using distributions in torque measurements). Tests with zinc coated and stainless steel specimens, however, did not produce the same level of predictability in cure as the plain steel specimens.
The direct verification method as defined herein is not suited to certain materials and coatings. The less predictable curing properties of the stainless steel specimens caused complications in determining a verification torque that could reliably determine cure, resulting in dropping stainless steel from static and dynamic testing. The zinc coated specimen data was more consistent, but the adhesive did not add sufficient breakaway strength to the fastener assembly needed to define a usable verification value. These results led to the conclusion that the direct verification method as presented in this work is limited to more active material selections. One possibility to improve the secondary locking of less active materials is the use of a higher strength adhesive.
Testing to observe the effect of application of verification torque on the secondary locking was also performed. Multiple verifications were found to be destructive to the point that just over a third of samples failed that might have otherwise passed a single verification test. The single verification testing, on the other hand, caused substantially less locking mechanism degradation, leading to the use of a single verification torque in further testing.
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Use of Anaerobic Adhesive for Prevailing Torque Locking Feature on Threaded ProductHernandez, Alan 01 January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to determine if anaerobic adhesive can be used as a prevailing torque locking feature. Maintaining preload in critical joints is the usual standard that anaerobic adhesives are held to in aerospace and other industry. To test if anaerobic adhesive can be used as a prevailing torque locking feature a test procedure was developed and implemented to measure the removal torque of threaded fasteners after an allotted cure time. In total, 191 threaded fasteners of different material and coatings were tested in the unseated and seated states with various strengths and varieties of anaerobic adhesive. A series of three tests were conducted: initial use, reuse with no added anaerobic adhesive, and a third test with added product to the bolt and nut to see how removal torque would behave in these conditions. It was found that using anaerobic adhesive as a prevailing torque locking feature is viable in many cases. No published work to date analyzes anaerobic adhesive at the standard of a prevailing torque locking feature.
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Trajetória do Desenvolvimento: Da ênfase no crescimento econômico às expectativas do desenvolvimento sustentávelCosta, Márcio Jorge Porangaba 22 November 2006 (has links)
This survey deals with some theoretical aspects of economic development as well as
its methodology of measurement concerning the prevailing model, and also some
alternative approaches combined with a deductive and qualitative analysis centered
on the data colleted in the field of applied economy, in order to discover the meaning
of the phenomenon rather than to raise quantitative data or to demonstrate their
frequencies. On the other side, the analysis comprises, in itis general aspects, the
main aprrroaches of the social and economic development, including the
environmental context and its determing factors. Over and obove that, it breaks down
into the post-theoretical environmentalism. The research identifies the main citeria
and feasible devices to measure the social, economic and environmental
develoment. As a result, the analysis concludes that the insustainability of
development has been stimulated by the search of meaningful apports concerned
with the social and environmental extent of development, in spite of the lack of
consensus referring to the concept of development and ists best methodology to
measure it. / Este trabalho analisa aspectos teóricos do desenvolvimento, bem como de sua
mensuração, tanto no que se refere ao modelo dominante como também às
abordagens alternativas. Enquadra-se no âmbito de economia aplicada, com caráter
dedutivo e abordagem qualitativa, tendo em vista o que se busca é mais
compreender o significado de um fenômeno do que levantar dados quantitativos
para processar freqüências. Descreve, em seus aspectos gerais, as principais
abordagens de desenvolvimento socioeconômico. Discute os determinantes da
inserção do desenvolvimento no contexto do ambientalismo. Caracteriza o
desdobramento teórico pós-ambientalismo. Identifica os principais critérios adotados
para a mensuração do desenvolvimento socioeconômico e ambiental. Constata que
o desenvolvimento por se constituir em um processo multifacetado não se induz
apenas pelo crescimento econômico, por mais importante que seja, mas se constrói
subordinando a economia à perspectiva do ser e não do ter, além de dar prioridade
à luta contra as exclusões sociais e à degradação ambiental. Conclui que a
insustentabilidade do modelo dominante de desenvolvimento tem estimulado a
busca de aportes que considerem também como relevantes as dimensões social e
ambiental do desenvolvimento, embora não existe consenso sobre o conceito de
desenvolvimento nem sobre a melhor maneira para mensurá-lo.
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Dynamical downscaling of prevailing synoptic-scale winds over the complex terrain of Mariepskop, South AfricaPretorius, Ilze January 2013 (has links)
Mariepskop (direct translation: “Marieps hill”) forms part of the northernmost edge of the Drakensberg Mountain range in the east of South Africa, and is known for its complex topography associated with meso-scale atmospheric circulation, and therefore its numerous climatic zones. As a result the mountain hosts a high degree of biodiversity. The peak of Mariepskop lies at approximately 1900m Above Mean Sea Level (AMSL), which is higher than the surrounding escarpment to the east bordering the Highveld. Its foothills also extend well into the Lowveld at about 700m AMSL. Mariepskop is therefore ideal for studying airflow exchange between the industrialized Highveld and the Lowveld with its diversity of natural resources. It is also ideal for detecting global warming signals on altitudinal gradients extending from the Lowveld to altitudes above the Highveld escarpment. In this study, long-term National Centre for Atmospheric Research / National Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCAR/NCEP) reanalysis wind data at two atmospheric pressure levels (850hPa and 700hPa), as well as reanalysis near-surface temperature data, were obtained for the Mariepskop region for the austral summer (and winter) seasons. The data was used to force a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model (also known as STAR-CCM+) across its lateral boundaries with the dominant synoptic flow in order to generate mesoscale simulation output over the complex terrain of Mariepskop. Wind speed and direction modelled results were then correlated to observations measured by three weather stations on Mariepskop. Modelled wind flow results for the summer simulation were also validated against aerial photographs in order to infer whether the model could accurately capture areas with high rainfall, which are related to denser vegetation. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Geography, Geoinformatics and Meteorology / unrestricted
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Docência de inequações no ensino fundamental da Cidade de IndaiatubaMelo, José João de 10 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:58:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007-08-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study discusses the teaching of Inequalities in the elementary school
system of Indaiatuba, a town located in the state of São Paulo. Our main goal was to
investigate whether the issue of inequalities was being developed in this segment of
education and, if so, the way it is being approached. Based on DUVAL s theory of
Semiotic Representation Registers and taking into account the prevailing
mathematics teaching practices, including the ones described by FIORENTINI in
1995, as well as other practices that have been currently endorsed by mathematics
teachers, we drew up a questionnaire filled out by twenty-seven out of thirty-two
mathematics teachers working in ten out of forty-two schools in the town of
Indaiatuba; the schools were chosen according to the criterion of representativeness.
Besides the answers provided through the questionnaire, we also analyzed textbooks
used by the assessed teachers in the topics related to inequalities. In assessing the
teacher s answers and the textbooks used by them, we noticed the predominance of
the algebraic symbolic register approach in the teaching of the mentioned issue. Few
conversions are made in class, most of which are the examples shown in the
textbooks, leaving the students no alternative but to imitate the schemes already
devised. According to existing cognitive analysis, conversion is the activity that best
supports the process of understanding; however, if it is conducted by the teacher or
by the textbook s author, it accounts very little for the student s learning. As far as
teaching methods are concerned, we found a regular occurrence of two of them: the
classical formalist and the technicist perspectives, both of which were present in the
teachers answers and in the textbooks they use in the classroom. Signs of practices
related to more recent approaches can be found in the teachers speech, but not in
the textbooks they use. Taking into account both the role of the textbook in the
teacher s performance and the analysis conducted, we came to the conclusion that
the methods already mentioned and the use of conversions between registers of
semiotic representation are not put into practice in the teaching of inequalities in the
elementary schools of the town. The teachers adopt teaching methods rather
censured in researches related to Mathematics education and merely emphasize the
subject of semiotic representation registers, which are not suitable for the students
adequate learning. With this in mind, we strongly advise the teachers of this town to
take updating training courses on the mentioned issue, aiming to improve the
teaching and the learning of the subject in the schools of Indaiatuba. Studies about
other subjects based on different theoretical frameworks are also suggested / Este trabalho trata da docência de Inequações no Ensino Fundamental da
cidade de Indaiatuba localizada no interior do estado de São Paulo. Nosso principal
objetivo foi investigar se o tema inequações estava sendo desenvolvido nesse
segmento de ensino e, em caso positivo, de que forma o assunto é abordado.
Fundamentados na teoria dos Registros de Representação Semiótica de DUVAL e
observando, também, Tendências de Ensino da Matemática, fossem as descritas por
FIORENTINI em 1995 ou outras atualmente propugnadas por Educadores
Matemáticos, elaboramos um questionário que foi aplicado a vinte e sete dos trinta e
dois professores de Matemática de dez das quarenta e duas escolas da cidade de
Indaiatuba, escolas estas selecionadas por critérios relativos à representatividade.
Além das respostas ao questionário, analisamos livros didáticos utilizados pelos
professores consultados, nos trechos em que tratam das inequações. Nas análises
das respostas dos professores e dos livros didáticos adotados por parte dos
professores, notamos a predominância do tratamento no registro simbólico algébrico,
no ensino do tema. As conversões, quando observadas, na maioria das vezes são
realizadas para os alunos como exemplos pelos autores dos livros, restando ao
aluno o papel de imitar os procedimentos que lhes foram apresentados. Do ponto de
vista cognitivo é a atividade de conversão que conduz aos mecanismos subjacentes
à compreensão, no entanto, se elas são realizadas pelo professor ou pelo autor do
livro, isso pouco contribuiu para a aprendizagem do aluno. Em relação às tendências
de ensino, encontramos fortes características de duas: a formalista clássica e a
tecnicista, tanto nas respostas dos professores ao questionário quanto nos livros
didáticos adotados por eles. Indícios de práticas relacionadas a outras tendências
mais recentes aparecem no discurso dos professores, mas não nos livros didáticos
adotados. Dado o papel do livro didático na prática do professor e as analises
realizadas, concluímos que estas tendências e o uso de conversões de registros de
representação semiótica não são características da docência de inequações no
segmento de Ensino Fundamental da cidade, que enfatiza tendências de ensino
bastante criticadas em pesquisas de Educação Matemática e se reduz ao tratamento
de registros de representação semiótica o que não é adequado à aprendizagem dos
estudantes. Desta forma, indicamos a atualização de professores da cidade, nos
aspectos investigados visando à melhoria do ensino e aprendizagem do tema na
cidade de Indaiatuba. Pesquisas em outros temas e com base em outras referencias
teóricas também são indicadas
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L'éthique théologique de la libération d'Enrique Dussel : une réponse à la morale dominatriceSéjour, Délèce 08 1900 (has links)
Le sous-continent latino-américain vit dans une pauvreté endémique où la
lutte pour la survie est au quotidien. Les peuples deviennent de plus en plus pauvres
et la vie de la personne humaine est méprisée. Est-il question d’une carence de biens
matériels ou d’une mauvaise répartition de la richesse? Nous affirmons qu’il s’agit
d’une situation de domination, d’oppression et d’injustice institutionnalisée.
Ce mémoire tend à faire une lecture de l’éthique théologique de la libération
d’Enrique Dussel dans une perspective émancipatoire. Nous partons du principe que
cette éthique matérielle de la vie peut donner une réponse à la morale dominatrice
établie et peut contribuer à la transformation de la situation injuste.
L’éthique théologique de la libération dusselienne analyse l’être latino-américain
considéré comme autre par le système en vigueur et cherche à changer
qualitativement les conditions réelles de vie de chaque personne en communauté.
Pour ce faire, elle repense de façon critique la totalité des principes de la morale
dominatrice à partir de la négation de la vie des victimes et propose une alternative
qui doit se réaliser ici maintenant dans l’histoire : la libération des victimes dans
n’importe quel système de domination.
Ce projet tient compte de la dimension spirituelle du peuple latino-américain. Un
sous-continent dit majoritairement chrétien se questionne sur la présence de Dieu et
de son agir dans la lutte quotidienne pour la libération. Il se demande comment vivre
la foi en Dieu dans une situation d’oppression et de lutte pour la libération.
C’est à ce parcours que ce mémoire nous convie en nous rappelant constamment
qu’un monde meilleur est possible et que le Dieu de la vie n’abandonne pas sa
création. / The Latin American subcontinent lives in an endemic poverty; hence the fight for
survival is a day-to-day activity. The people become increasingly poorer, and the
human life is despised. Is it a question of material goods’ shortage or simply a matter
of inequitable distribution of wealth? We assert that it is more about a threefold
situation of domination, oppression, and institutionalized injustice.
This thesis (dissertation/essay) aims at an exhaustive reading of Enrique Dussel’s
theological Ethic from an emancipating perspective. We start from the intuition
(hypothesis) that this material Ethics of life may bring about a response to the
established prevailing moral system, and may be instrumental in transforming the
unjust situation.
The Dusselian theological Ethic of Liberation analyzes the Latin American being that
is considered as “the other” by the long-standing system, and devote itself to
changing qualitatively everyone’s actual conditions of life. In doing so, this
theological Ethic rethinks in a critical fashion the totality of the principles of the
prevailing morals from the negation of the victims’ life, and postulates an alternative,
which must be materialized in History’s hic et nunc -that is in the here and from the
now of History: The Liberation of the victims of any given system of domination.
This project takes into account the spiritual dimension of the Latin American people.
These people from the subcontinent, which claims to be Christian in an
overwhelming majority, question themselves about God’s presence and work in the
daily struggle for liberation. They wonder about the way they should live out their
faith in God in such a situation of oppression and struggle for liberation.
This is the pathway the present paper calls us to explore while inviting us to bear in
mind that a better world is possible, and to remember that the God of life never
abandons His creation, nor does he ever forsake it.
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L'éthique théologique de la libération d'Enrique Dussel : une réponse à la morale dominatriceSéjour, Délèce 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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