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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The efficacy of the Berard Auditory Integration Training method for learners with attention difficulties / Hannelie Kemp

Kemp, Johanna Jacoba January 2010 (has links)
Research on the Berard Auditory Integration Training method has shown improvement in the regulation of attention, activity and impulsivity of children whose auditory system have been re-trained. Anecdotal reports have found improvements in sleeping patterns, balance, allergies, eyesight, eating patterns, depression and other seemingly unrelated physiological states. During the Auditory Integration Training (AIT) procedure dynamic music, with a wide range of frequencies, is processed through a system of filters in the AIT device. The volume and tone of the music is constantly and randomly modulated. The researcher explored Berard AIT as a possible intervention for learners between the ages of six and twelve years, who experienced problems with sustained attention and who have difficulty in shifting their attention from task to task. The aim was to investigate if Berard AIT method would enable the learner to stay calm, relaxed yet alert, with focused attention and thus concentration with appropriate reflection before action. An experimental quantative study, with a pretest-posttest control group design, was conducted to investigate the effect that Berard Auditory Integration Training has on learners with attention problems. Checklists and different measurements were conducted before the training started and repeated three months after the training was completed, to monitor if any change in the way that the learners pay attention, occurred the case group of ten learners was compared with ten learners in a control group who did not initially receive the intervention. Although the results of the post-tests varied amongst the learners, most learners in the experimental group experienced a statistical significant increase in attention control and a reduction in behavioural problems by the third month following the listening sessions. / Thesis (M.Ed.), North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010

Bushman imagery and its impact on the visual constructs of Pippa skotnes

Groenewald, Liesbeth Hendrika 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation explores the impact of Bushman images, and the writings of Lucy Lloyd and Wilhelm Bleek (working with the Breakwater Bushmen) on three art works of Pippa Skotnes. They are The Return III (1988), For //Kunn (1993) and Heaven’s Things (1999). It is argued that Bushman imagery, being the result of shamanic trance activities is characterised by imagery, which mammals universally share. The use of the same imagery by the Surrealists in the twentieth century arises not from an intimate interaction with the spirit realm/dream world but from the European longing for an altered reality. Skotnes appropriates Bushman imagery in her prints, narrating the tragic fate of the Bushman. She laments the loss of the transcendental relationship between Man and the Universe. The exploitation, adoption and marketing of Bushman imagery by the tourist industry marks the distinction between her respectful treatment and the materialism of South Africans. / Visual Arts / M.A. (Visual Arts)

'You belong to Christ' : Paul and the formation of social identity in 1 Corinthians 1-4

Tucker, Joseph Brian January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Interfacial properties of calcium montmorillonite in aqueous solutions : Density functional theory and classical molecular dynamics studies on the electric double layer

Yang, Guomin January 2017 (has links)
The swelling properties of Bentonite are highly affected by clay content and the clay-water interactions that arise from the ion distribution in the diffuse double layer formed near the charged montmorillonite (or smectite) surfaces. Existing continuum models describing the electric double layers, such as classical Poisson-Boltzmann and DLVO theory, ignore the ion-ion correlations, which are especially important for multivalent ions at high surface charge and ionic strength. To better understand the clay-water interactions, atomistic models were developed using both density functional theory of fluids (DFT) as well as classical molecular dynamics (MD) methods. In order to increase our understanding of water-saturated, swelling smectite clays, a DFT, technique was initially developed that allowed more accurate predictions of important thermodynamic properties of the diffuse double layers. This DFT approach was then extended to handle systems with mixtures of different sizes and charges. The extended DFT model was verified against experiments and Monte-Carlo simulations. One practical application was to predict the ion exchange equilibria in Bentonite clays, which have wide practical usage in different areas. Nevertheless, in the DFT work it was realized that DFT demands that the particles, ions in this case, which are described as hard spheres, realistically cannot be described as such at low water loadings, when ion specific hydration forces govern the electric double layer properties. To study how the deformation of the hydration shells of Ca2+ influences the properties of compacted smectite clays, MD simulations using the CLAYFF forcefield were employed in order to account for the deformation of the hydration shells. Comparisons of DFT and MD modeling then allowed to demonstrate under which conditions DFT modeling becomes increasingly inaccurate and when it still can give accurate results. / Under senare år har mycket forskning ägnats åt att förstå egenskaperna hos svällande leror som används för att skydda mot läckage av föroreningar från kontaminerade områden och från framtida slutförvar av radionuklider. Den fria svällningen förorsakas av de starka osmotiska krafter som uppstår när vatten tränger in mellan de tunna elektriskt negativt laddade lermineralskikten och löser de laddningskompenserande jonerna i det diffusa dubbelskiktet. I flera arbeten användandes av sk. kontinuum-teori har vattenmolekylens form, specifika orientering och bindning till katjonerna i de nanometerstora utrymmen mellan lerpartiklarna ej beaktats samt ej heller hur de hydratiserade jonerna orienteras på de atomärt ojämna ytorna. Detta möjliggörs dock genom modellering av de enskilda atomernas och jonernas interaktioner med molekyldynamik simuleringar, MD. I detta arbete har programmet Gromacs använts tillsammans med kraftfältet CLAYFF för att studera dessa fenomen i montmorillonitleror med natrium- och kalciumjoner. Simuleringarna visar att natrium bildar transienta innersfärkomplex vilka orienterar sig i bi-triangulära fördjupningar på ytan, ungefär 3.8 Å från mitt-planet mellan lerytorna. Denna orientering observeras ända upp till att avståndet mellan ytorna ökat till större än motsvarande fem lager vattenmolekyler mellan lerpartiklarnas ytor. Detta sker inte med kalcium, oberoende av avståndet mellan ytorna. Natriumjoner koordineras med fyra vattenmolekyler och en syreatom på leran vid ett lager vatten mellan ytorna och med fem till sex vattenmolekyler, ortogonalt orienterade med ökande mängd vatten mellan ytorna, och med en hydratiserad jon-radie av 3.1 Å. Kalcium koordinerar till sju vattenmolekyler vid ett vattenlager mellan ytorna, men ökar till åtta ortogonalt orienterade vattenmolekyler med en jonradie på 3.3 Å vid större avstånd. Generellt visas att när avståndet mellan lerytorna är mindre än ca 10 Å, deformeras de annars symmetriskt hydratiserade jonerna. En jämförelse mellan MD simuleringar och med klassisk täthetsfunktionalteori, DFT, visar att den senare inte kan beskriva hur yttersfärkomplexen samverkar med laddningarna bundna närmast ytan, dvs i Stern-lagret. / <p>QC 20170403</p>

The barbarian Sophist : Clement of Alexandria's Stromateis and the Second Sophistic

Thomson, Stuart Rowley January 2014 (has links)
Clement of Alexandria, active in the second half of the second century AD, is one of the first Christian authors to explain and defend the nascent religion in the terms of Greek philosophy and in relation to Greek paideia. His major work, the Stromateis, is a lengthy commentary on the true gnosis of the Christian faith, with no apparent overarching structure or organisational principle, replete with quotations from biblical, Jewish, Greek 'gnostic' and Christian works of all genres. This thesis seeks to read this complex and erudite text in conversation with what has been termed the ‘Second Sophistic’, the efflorescence of elite Greek literature under the Roman empire. We will examine the the text as a performance of authorial persona, competing in the agonistic marketplace of Greek paideia. Clement presents himself as a philosophical teacher in a diadoche from the apostles, arrogating to himself a kind of apostolic authority which appeals to both philosophical notions of intellectual credibility and Christian notions of the authentic handing down of tradition. We will also examine how the work engages key thematic concerns of the period, particularly discourses of intellectual eclecticism and ethnicity, challenging both Greek and Roman forms of hegemony to create a space for Christian identity. Lastly, this thesis will critically examine the Stromateis' intertextual relationship with the Homeric epics; the Iliad and the Odyssey are used as a testing ground for Christian self-positioning in relation to Greek culture as a whole. As we trace this variable relationship, we will also see the cross-fertilisation of reading strategies between Homer and the bible; these developing complex allegorical methods not only presage the rise of Neoplatonism, but also lay the foundations for changes in cultural authority which accompany the Christianisaton of the Roman empire in the centuries after Clement.

Dynamique des fluides et des transports appliquée à la Terre primitive / Dynamics of fluids and transport applied to the early Earth

Ulvrová, Martina 15 October 2012 (has links)
Nous avons étudié le transfert de chaleur et de matière au cours de l'histoire de la Terre primitive à de multiples échelles en utilisant des modèles numériques. Deux systèmes différents sont abordés. Tout d’abord, nous nous concentrons sur les premiers stades de la formation du noyau terrestre lorsque le fer se sépare des silicates et descend vers l'intérieur de la planète. Au cours de la différenciation, des interactions chimiques et thermiques se produisent entre les gouttes de fer dispersées dans des silicates fondus formant un océan de magma. Nous étudions le transport chimique des éléments traces à l'intérieur et autour des gouttes. Nous tirons quelques relations fonctionnelles dépendante du régime dynamique d'écoulement et montrons que le système tend à être en équilibre chimique extrêmement rapidement par rapport à l'échelle de temps de la descente de la goutte de fer. Peu de temps après la fin de l'accrétion de la Terre, la fusion extensive de son intérieur profond ainsi que la formation d'un océan de magma en surface a lieu. Comme le rayonnement de la chaleur dans l'espace est très efficace, les silicates fondus superficiels cristallisent très rapidement. L'histoire thermique de la couche liquide enterrée, appelée océan de magma basal (OMB), se déroule sur une longue période de temps et il est proposé que ses restes soient aujourd'hui observables sous forme de poches partiellement fondues au dessus de frontière noyau-manteau. Nous déterminons les paramètres régissant un système convectif dans lequel se produit une transition solide/liquide. Les lois d'échelle ainsi obtenues ont été appliquées à l'OMB et indiquent que la différence de température qui peut être maintenue dans les couches limites supérieure et inférieure de l'OMB est infime. Par conséquent, la température du noyau suit la température de liquidus à la base du manteau et ainsi la vitesse de refroidissement de l'OMB doit être la même que celle du noyau de la Terre. / We have studied the heat and mass transfer during the early Earth history at multiple scales and for multiple systems by means of numerical computing. Two different systems are approached. Firstly, we focus on the early stages of the Earth core formation when iron segregates from silicates and descends toward the interior of the planet. During the differentiation there are chemical and thermal interactions between dispersed iron blobs and surrounding molten silicates. We study the chemical transport of trace elements within and around the drops. We derive functional relations between critical parameters and show that the system tends to be in chemical equilibrium.During the accretion process of the Earth, extensive melting of its deep interior as well as formation of shallow magma oceans occurred.As heat radiation into space happens with high efficiency, surface molten silicates crystallize very rapidly, in about 10 My. The thermal history of the buried liquid layer, called the basal magma ocean (BMO), proceeds over a long time and it is proposed that its remnants are nowadays observable as partial melts in the core-mantle boundary region.We develop numerical models of the thermal history of the crystallizing basal magma ocean that enable to study coupling between the mantle and the core in the presence of the BMO. We derive parametrized relations for this convective system that undergoes solidification/melting. Obtained scaling equations applied to the BMO indicate that the temperature difference that can be maintained across the top and bottom boundaries of the BMO is minute. Hence, the temperature of the core follows the temperature of liquidus at the bottom of the mantle and thus the rate of the BMO cooling must be the same as that of the Earth's core.

Primitivní reflexologie a její souvislost s lokomočním vývojem / Primitive reflexology and its relation to the evolution of locomotion

Pejcharová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
In the theoretical part, the thesis "Primitive reflexology and its relation to the evolution of locomotion" summarizes the knowledge of movement management and postural control. The main part is focused on individual components which are tested according to developmental kinesiology as spontaneous motor activity, primitive reflexology, postural reactibility. End of the main part addresses the issue of exit examinations. The practical part is focused on finding connections of the components according to the developmental kinesiology test as a screening method. In the second mentioned part of the study were found significantly important connections between the palmar grasp reflex and the Collis horizontal reaction. Other relationships which we verified weren't statistically proven. This concerns the relation of plantar grasp reflex and Collis horizontal reaction, Galant reflex and Landau reaction, suprapubic reflex and traction response and at the end the extension crossed reflex and traction response.

Primitivní reflexologie a její souvislost s lokomočním vývojem / Primitive reflexology and its relation to the evolution of locomotion

Pejcharová, Martina January 2015 (has links)
In the theoretical part, the thesis "Primitive reflexology and its relation to the evolution of locomotion" summarizes the knowledge of movement management and postural control. The main part is focused on individual components which are tested according to developmental kinesiology as spontaneous motor activity, primitive reflexology, postural reactibility. End of the main part addresses the issue of exit examinations. The practical part is focused on find ing connections of the components according to the developmental kinesiology test as a screening method. In the second mentioned part of the study were found significantly important connections between the palmar grasp reflex and the Collis horizontal reaction. Other relationships which we verified weren ́t statistically proven. This concerns the relation of plantar grasp reflex and Collis horizontal reaction, Galant reflex and Landau reaction, suprapubic reflex and traction response and at the end the extension crossed reflex and traction response. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Analyse des sous populations lymphocytaires, et plus particulièrement les cellules NK, dans la polyglobulie primitive

Sanchez, Carole 14 December 2012 (has links)
Caractérisée par la présence de la mutation JAK2 V617F, la polyglobulie primitive voit son développement contenu par des saignées mais est associée à une incidence plus élevée de cancers. Une exploration globale de l'immunité des patients a été réalisée par la quantification des sous populations lymphocytaires de l'immunité innée et adaptative. Ceci a permis la mise en évidence d'une diminution des lymphocytes B et d'une augmentation des cellules NK. Les cellules NK sont réputées pour leurs propriétés antitumorales mais elles ne sont pourtant pas capables d'éradiquer la PV, posant la question de leurs capacités fonctionnelles. Si les cellules NK des patients présentent une activité cytotoxique basale inférieure aux témoins, elles ne présentent pas d'anomalies de l'expression de leurs récepteurs, de la production de molécules cytolytiques ou de prolifération. Par contre, les cellules NK d'un patient ayant développé une érythroleucémie ou des cellules NK de sujets âgés par rapport à des témoins plus jeunes présentent des anomalies d'expression des récepteurs. L'augmentation des cellules NK pourrait être liée à la mutation JAK2 V617F. Si cette mutation est présente dans les lymphocytes de tous les patients, il existe des arguments pour sa présence dans les cellules NK de certains patients. Enfin, une analyse transcriptomique a permis de définir un profil d'expression propre aux cellules NK des patients. / Characterized by the presence of the JAK2 V617F mutation, polycythemia vera's development is content by phlebotomy but is associated with a higher incidence of cancer. A global exploration of the immunity of patients was performed by quantification of lymphocyte subpopulations of innate and adaptive immunity. This allowed the detection of a decrease in B cells and an increase in NK cells. NK cells are known for their antitumor properties but they are not yet able to eradicate PV, raising the question of their functional abilities. If NK cells of patients have a lower basal cytotoxic activity than healthy donors, they do not show abnormal expression of their receptors, the production of cytolytic molecules or proliferation. On the contrary, NK cells from a patient who developed erythroleukemia or NK cells from elderly healthy donors compared with younger healthy donors exhibit abnormalities of receptors expression. The increase in NK cells could be related to the JAK2 V617F mutation. If the mutation is present in cells of all patients, there are arguments for its presence in the NK cells of some patients. Finally, transcriptome analysis has identified an expression profile specific to NK cells of patients.

Recherche de nouveaux facteurs moléculaires impliqués dans la physiopathologie des polyposes nasosinusiennes primitives et secondaires : approche protéomique et cellulaire / Research of new molecular factors implicated in physiopathology of primary and secondary nasal polyposis : proteomic and cellular approaches

Jeanson, Ludovic 13 December 2010 (has links)
Les cellules épithéliales nasales humaines (CENH) sont des acteurs importants de la physiopathologie de la polypose naso-sinusienne (PNS), le plus souvent la PNS est primitive (étiologie inconnue), plus rarement, elle est secondaire à la mucoviscidose (PNS CF) ou la dyskinésie ciliaire primitive (PNS DCP). L'objectif de cette thèse est d'identifier des protéines différentiellement exprimées dans les PNS primitives et secondaires par approche protéomique puis de les caractériser par des techniques classiques. Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé des cultures primaires (interface air/liquide) de CENH, dérivant de déchet per-opératoire (PNS) ou de brossages (muqueuse saine). Le marquage iTRAQ suivie d'une analyse par nano-LC-MALDI-TOF-TOF à en particulier montré : 1) une augmentation de six marqueurs du stress du réticulum endoplasmique (RE) dans la PNS primitive et la PNS CF, 2) une altération du métabolisme du glucose dans la PNS CF (sous-expression de 6 protéines dont la pyruvate kinase, enzyme clef de la glycolyse) et 3) une sous expression de 12 protéines des filaments acto-myosines dans la PNS DCP (dont 3 tropomyosines). Nous avons caractérisé le stress du RE dans la PNS primitive, montrant qu'il est induit par le biais d'une sensibilité des CENH à un stress oxydatif probablement d'origine mitochondrial et qu'il participe activement à l'inflammation (sécrétion d'IL-8 et de LTB4). Ces observations nous permettent de proposer que, dans la PNS primitive, il existe un cercle vicieux entre stress du RE, stress oxydatif et inflammation et que la sensibilité au stress oxydatif observée apparaît comme une nouvelle cible thérapeutique dans le traitement de la PNS. / Human nasal epithelial cells (HNEC) play an important role in nasal polyposis(NP). NP have generally an unknown etiology, less frequently, NP is secondary to cystic fibrosis (CF NP) or primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD NP). The aim of this thesis is to identify differentially expressed proteins in NP, CF NP and PCD NP using proteomic approach then to characterize them by classical methodes. In this study, we used primary culture (air/liquid)of HNEC derived from NP patients (surgery waste) or healthy patients (brushing). The iTRAQ labeling folowing by nano-LC-MALDI-TOF-TOF analysis shown in particular :1)an increased expression of six endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress markers in NP and CF NP, 2)an alteration of glucose metabolism (decreased expression of six proteins with in particular the pyruvate kinase, glycolysis key enzyme) and 3)an decreased expression of 12 acto-myosin filament proteins (in particular three tropomyosins). We caracterized the ER stress in NP showing that ER stress is activated by an oxydative stress susceptibility of NP HNEC probably of mitochondrial origin and that it directly participate to inflammation (IL-8 and LTB4 secretions). Altogether, our results underline a vicious circle that exists between oxidative stress, ER stress and inflammation.The oxydative stress susceptibility observed in NP may represent new therapeutic target in such a pathology.

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