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Study of the mechanism of Tunneling nanotubes formation and their role in aggregate proteins transfer between cells / Etude du mécanisme de formation des Tunneling nanotubes et leur rôle dans le transfert de protéines agrégées entre les cellulesZhu, Seng 29 September 2017 (has links)
Les Tunneling nanotubes (TNT) sont des protrusions cellulaires à base d'actine qui médient la communication cellulaire en transférant des cargos cellulaires. Les différents types de communication intercellulaires sont de plus en plus considérés comme des cibles potentielles pour le traitement de différentes maladies, telles que les maladies infectieuses liées aux virus et bactéries, les cancers ou les maladies neurodégénératives. Des études récentes ont mis en évidence un mécanisme de propagation d'agrégats protéiques ressemblant à la propagation du prion dans diverses maladies neurodégénératives non infectieuses telles que la maladie d'Alzheimer (AD), la démence frontotemporelle (FTD), la maladie de Parkinson (PD) et la maladie de Huntington. Ces maladies se caractérisent par l'accumulation de protéines mal repliées dans le cerveau des patients. Ainsi, on peut envisager de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques pour bloquer la propagation des protéines anormales dans tout le cerveau. Il a été démontré que les TNT pourraient jouer un rôle essentiel dans la propagation des agrégats de prions au sein du système nerveux central (SNC) et périphérique. Par conséquent, l'étude du mécanisme de la formation de TNT pourrait fournir de nouvelles idées sur le mécanisme de propagation de la maladie et de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques. L'objectif de ma thèse était d'étudier le rôle du transfert des agrégats de protéines par les TNT entre les cellules et d'étudier le mécanisme de formation des TNT. Dans notre laboratoire, nous avons déjà montré que les TNT permettent le transfert de prions entre les cellules. Dans la première partie de mon doctorat, j'ai confirmé que les transferts d'agrégats de prions entre les cellules de CAD neuronales se faisaient par les TNT à l'intérieur de vésicules endocytiques (Zhu et al., 2015). De plus, en collaboration avec un collègue, nous avons fourni des preuves que les agrégats de prions pourraient être transférés entre des astrocytes primaires et des neurones et que ce transfert était médié par un contact cellulaire (Victoria et al., 2016). J'ai également collaboré à une autre étude où nous avons montré que les agrégats d'α-synucléine (caractéristiques de la maladie de Parkinson) peuvent être transférés entre les cellules à l'intérieur des lysosomes, et que ce transfert intercellulaire est médié par les TNT (Abounit et al., 2016). Dans mon deuxième projet, afin d'étudier le mécanisme de la formation de TNT, j'ai effectué un crible à haut débit pour les Rab GTPase. J'ai trouvé que Rab8 et Rab11 peuvent favoriser la formation des TNT, et que les cascades Rab8-VAMP3, Rab11-ERM et Rab8-Rab11 sont impliquées dans la formation des TNT. Mes données suggèrent que la polymérisation de l'actine et le trafic de membranes sont impliqués dans la formation des TNT. Ces résultats permettent d'éclairer le mécanisme de la formation des TNT et de fournir des preuves moléculaires que les Rab GTPases régulent ce processus. / Tunneling nanotubes are actin-based cell protrusions that mediate cell-to-cell communication by transferring cellular cargos. The different types of intercellular communication are increasing by being considered as potential targets for the treatment of various diseases, such as infectious diseases linked to viruses and bacteria, cancers or neurodegenerative diseases. Recent studies have highlighted a prion-like mechanism of propagation of protein misfolding in a variety of common, non-infectious, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Frontotemporal dementia (FTD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), and Polyglutamine (PolyQ) diseases, which are characterized by the accumulation of misfolded proteins in the brain of patients. Thus, new therapeutic strategies to block propagation of protein misfolding throughout the brain can be envisaged. It has been shown that TNTs might play a critical role in spreading of prion aggregates within the CNS and from the periphery. Therefore, the study of mechanism of TNT formation could provide new insights on the mechanism of disease propagation and novel therapeutic targets. The aim of my thesis was to study the role of TNT-mediate protein aggregates transfer between cells and to investigate the mechanism of TNT formation. In our lab, we already reported TNT mediate prion transfer between cells. In the first part of my PhD, I further confirmed that prion aggregates transfer between neuronal CAD cells through TNT inside endocytic vesicles (Zhu et al., 2015). Furthermore in collaboration with a colleague, we provided evidences that prion aggregates could transfer between primary astrocytes and neurons and the transfer was mediated by cell-to-cell contact (Victoria et al., 2016). I also collaborated to another study where we showed that α-synuclein aggregates (Parkinson’s disease) can transfer between cells inside lysosomes, and the intercellular transfer is mediated by TNTs (Abounit et al., 2016).In my second project, in order to investigate the mechanism of TNT formation, I performed a High-content screening of Rab GTPase. I found that Rab8 and Rab11 can promote TNT formation, that Rab8-VAMP3, Rab11-ERM and Rab8-Rab11 cascades are involved in TNT formation. My data suggests that both actin polymerization and membrane trafficking are involved in TNT formation. These results help to shed light on the mechanism of TNT formation, and provide molecular evidences that Rab GTPases regulate this process.
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Development of Inhibitors of Amyloid Fibril Propagation / Développement d'inhibiteurs de la propagation des fibres amyloïdesBendifallah, Maya 16 December 2019 (has links)
L'α-Synuclein (αSyn) fibrillaire, impliqué dans la maladie de Parkinson et d’autres synucleinopathies, peut se propager entre cellules de manière « prion-like » et cette propagation est liée à la progression de la maladie. Durant cette étude, nous nous sommes tournés vers les chaperons moléculaires impliqués dans l’agrégation de l’αSyn ou bien dans sa toxicité afin de trouver des candidats capables d’interférer avec la propagation. Nous avons ensuite testé l’effet des chaperons capables de se lier aux fibres d’αSyn sur l’internalisation des fibres d’αSyn par les cellules Neuro-2a. Nous démontrons que l’interaction avec l’αSyn agrégeant avec αB-crystallin (αBc) ou Carboxyl terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein (CHIP) a mené à la formation de fibres qui sont moins internalisées par les cellules. Enfin, en passant par une stratégie de pontage chimique optimisé couplé à la spectrométrie de masse, nous avons identifié les zones d’interaction entre l’αSyn fibrillaire et soit αBc, soit CHIP. Ces résidus issus des chaperons, se trouvant à proximité des fibres d’αSyn dans les complexes, pourraient être développés dans des mini-chaperons peptidiques, capables d’enrober la surface des fibres et ainsi de bloquer la liaison à la membrane et l’internalisation des fibres. De surcroît, des polypeptides issus des partenaires précédemment identifiés d’αSyn ont été testé pour leur liaison aux fibres et leur effet sur la propagation des fibres. / Fibrillar α-Synuclein (αSyn) is the molecular hallmark of Parkinson’s Disease and other synucleinopathies. Its prion-like propagation between cells is linked to disease progression. In this study, we looked to molecular chaperones previously implicated in αSyn fibrillation and/or toxicity to identify proteins capable of binding αSyn fibrillar aggregates in order to target their propagation. We further assessed the effect of the fibril-binding chaperones on internalization of αSyn fibrils by Neuro-2a cells. We demonstrate that the interaction of aggregating αSyn with αB-crystallin (αBc) or Carboxyl terminus of Hsc70-interacting protein (CHIP) led to the formation of fibrils that are less internalized by cells. Finally, using an optimized chemical cross-linking and mass spectrometry strategy, we identified the interaction areas between fibrillar αSyn and either αBc or CHIP. These chaperone residues, located proximally to αSyn fibrils, could be subsequently developed into peptidic mini chaperones, capable of coating the fibril surface and thereby blocking fibrillar cell binding and internalization. Furthermore, polypeptides derived from previously identified αSyn binding partners were tested for their binding to αSyn fibrils and subsequent effect on fibril propagation.
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Characterization of high-density prion protein oligomers in rapid progressive and sporadic Alzheimer’s diseaseShafiq, Mohsin 14 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Structure and Dynamics of the Y145Stop Variant of the Human Prion Protein Studied by Magic-Angle Spinning Solid State NMRHelmus, Jonathan Jaye 06 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Studien zur Kinetik der Fehlfaltung un Aggregation von ProteinenModler, Andreas Johannes 23 October 2003 (has links)
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Kinetik der Fehlfaltung und Aggregation von Proteinen. Anhand dreier Beispiele, der Phosphoglyceratkinase (PGK) aus Hefe, einer Variante von Barstar und des Prion-Proteins des Syrischen Hamsters (SHaPrP(90-232)) wurde insbesondere die Kinetik der Bildung von Amyloidfibrillen und deren kinetischer Vorläuferstrukturen mittels dynamischer und statischer Lichtstreuung, Circulardichroismus, Infrarotspektroskopie, Elektronenmikroskopie und teilweise analytischer Chromatographie untersucht. Die Kinetiken wurden mit Konzepten der Aggregationstheorie von Kolloiden und der chemischen Kinetik beschrieben. Die Modellierung der Kinetiken weist ausgehend von der monomeren PGK bei pH 2 und 190 mM NaCl auf eine zweistufige Reaktionskaskade, bestehend aus irreversiblen, bimolekularen Elementarschritten hin. Während der ersten Stufe wird ein engverteiltes Ensemble von Oligomeren mit einer mittleren Masse von 10 Monomeren und wesentlichen Anteilen an beta-Faltblattstrukturen gebildet. Die Protofibrillen entstehen durch die Vereinigung der strukturell polaren Oligomere, die durch die erste Reaktionsstufe bereitgestellt werden und als kritische Oligomere bezeichnet werden. Die gefundene Kopplung des Wachstums der intermediären Zustände und die Zunahme der beta-Faltblattstruktur kann innerhalb eines verallgemeinerten Diffusions-Kollisions-Modells interpretiert werden, bei dem die beta-Stränge durch intermolekulare Wechselwirkungen stabilisiert werden. Die Fehlfaltung und Aggregation des SHaPrP(90-232) bei pH 4.2 und 1 M GuHCl und geeigneten Zusätzen an Salz zeigt einen augenscheinlichen Zweizustandsübergang mit hoher Reaktionsordnung ( >2.5) zwischen dem monomeren, alpha-helikalen Ausgangszustand und einem beta-faltblattreichen, ringförmigen Oktamer. Die Progresskurven der Umwandlung der Sekundärstruktur lassen sich mit dem Zeitverlauf einer bimolekularen Reaktion anpassen. Das Oktamer bildet bei hohen eingesetzten Proteinkonzentrationen Multimere. Auf sehr langen Zeitskalen setzt die Bildung von Protofibrillen ein. Das kritische Oktamer stellt die Vorstufe der nachgeschalteten Wachstumsphänomene dar. Unter geeigneten Umgebungsbedingungen kann der nicht-nativ, partiell gefaltete Zustand von Barstar bei niedrigem pH (A-Zustand) in einem zweistufigen Prozess erst in Protofibrillen und anschlie"send in reife Amyloidfibrillen konvertiert werden. Zur Aktivierung der Konversion des oligomeren A-Zustandes (mittlere Masse von 16 Monomeren) sind moderate Ionenstärken ([NaCl]>0) und erhöhte Temperaturen (T>50°C) notwendig. Die Bildung der Protofibrillen ist unabhängig von der eingesetzten Proteinkonzentration. Bei Raumtemperatur und entsprechender Ionenstärke bilden sich amorphe Aggregate. Dagegen führt die Erhöhung der Temperatur in Abwesenheit von Salz zur Dissoziation des oligomeren A-Zustandes. Alle drei Proteine müssen zur Ausbildung protofibrillärer Strukturen und gegebenenfalls reifer Fibrillen oligomere Zustände mit partiell gefalteter Konformation einnehmen. Diese kritischen Oligomere sind langlebige Intermediate, die den Dreh- und Angelpunkt für die Bildung nachgeordneter Strukturen darstellen. Die Bildung von Amyloidfibrillen ist somit ein mehrstufiger hierarchischer Strukturbildungsprozess. Die in der Literatur bekannten Modelle der nukleierten Polymerisierung und der nukleierten Konformationskonversion werden dem höchstens in gewissen Teilaspekten gerecht. Die Annahme einer universellen Kinetik der Amyloidbildung kann im Lichte der Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit nicht aufrechterhalten werden. Dagegen scheinen die Zustände des kritischen Oligomers und der Protofibrille als Hierarchiestufen der Amyloidbildung generische Bestandteile des Prozesses zu sein. Die Kinetik der Bildung der verschiedenen Hierarchiestufen weist keine nennenswerten Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen den drei untersuchten Proteinen auf. / This thesis deals with the kinetics of misfolding and aggregation of proteins. The kinetics of amyloid formation and precursors of three proteins, phosphoglcerate kinase (PGK), a barstar variante and the Syrian hamster Prion protein (SHaPrP(90-232)) were investigated by the use of dynamic and static light scattering, infrared spectroscopy, circular dichroism, electron microscopy and in part by analytical chromatography. The kinetics were described with concepts from the theory of colloidal aggregation and chemical kinetics. The modelling of the kinetics starting from the monomeric PGK at pH 2 and 190 mM NaCl points to a two stage reaction cascade built up by irreversible, bimolecuar elementary reaction steps. During the first stage a narrow distributed ensemble of oligomeric states with an average mass of ten monomers and essentially ordered amounts of beta-sheet structure is built up. Protofibrils are formed by coalescence of the structural polar oligomers provided by the first stage which are termed critical oligomers. The found coupling between growth and acquisition of beta-sheet structure is interpreted in terms of a generalized diffusion-collision model, where stabilization takes place by intermolecular interactions. The misfolding and aggregation of SHaPrP(90-232) shows an apparent two-state transition between the initial monomeric, alpha-helical state and an beta-sheet rich, annular octamer with high reaction order (>2.5) at pH 4.2 and 1 M GuHCl with appropriate amounts of salt added. Progress curves monitoring the secondary structure transition can be fitted by the time-course of bimolecular reactions. The octamer forms multimers at high protein concentrations. Formation of protofibrils sets up on very long time-scales. The critical octamer is a precursor for all subsequent growth processes. The non-native, partially folded state of barstar at low pH (A-state) can be converted in a two-stage process first to protofibrils and then to mature amyloid fibrils under appropriate environmental conditions. Conversion of the oligomeric A-state (average mass of 16 monomers) can be activated by elevated temperatures (T>50°C) in the presence of moderate amounts of salt ([NaCl]>0). Formation of protofibrils is independent of protein concentration. Amorphous aggregates are formed at room temperature with sufficient amounts of salt added. In contrast elevated temperatures in absence of salt lead to dissociation of the oligomeric A-state. All three proteins have to populate an oligomeric, partially folded state to form protofibrils and eventually mature fibrils. These critical oligomers are long-lived intermediates which are the pivotal point from which all other structures arise. Formation of amyloid fibrils is a hierarchical assembly process where structures are built up by several stages. Models known from the literature, in particular nucleation polymerization and nucleated conformational conversion, only master partial aspects of amyloid formation. The wide-spread assumption of a universal kinetics of amyloid formation turns out to be unjustified. In contrast, the states of critical oligomer and protofibril seem to be generic parts of the hierarchical assembly process. Comparison of the kinetics of each hierarchical level amoung the three investigated proteins shows no considerable similarities.
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Contributions à la modélisation mathématique et numérique de problèmes issus de la biologie - Applications aux Prions et à la maladie d'AlzheimerHingant, Erwan 17 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier, sous divers aspects, le processus de formation d'amyloide à partir de la polymérisation de protéines. Ces phénomènes, aussi bien in vitro que in vivo, posent des questions de modélisation mathématique. Il s'agit ensuite de conduire une analyse des modèles obtenus. Dans la première partie nous présentons des travaux effectués en collaboration avec une équipe de biologistes. Deux modèles sont introduits, basés sur la théorie en vigueur du phénomène Prions, que nous ajustons aux conditions expérimentales. Ces modèles nous permettent d'analyser les données obtenues à partir d'expériences conduites en labora- toire. Cependant celles-ci soulèvent certains phénomènes encore inexpliqués par la théorie actuelle. Nous proposons donc un autre modèle qui corrobore les données et donne une nouvelle approche de la formation d'amyloide dans le cas du Prion. Nous terminons cette partie par l'analyse mathématique de ce système composé d'une infinité d'équations dif- férentielles. Ce dernier consiste en un couplage entre un système de type Becker-Döring et un système de polymérisation-fragmentation discrète. La seconde partie s'attache à l'analyse d'un nouveau modèle pour la polymérisation de protéines dont la fragmentation est sujette aux variations du fluide environnant. L'idée est de décrire au plus près les conditions expérimentales mais aussi d'introduire de nou- velles quantités macroscopiques mesurables pour l'étude de la polymérisation. Le premier chapitre de cette partie présente une description stochastique du problème. On y établit les équations du mouvement des polymères et des monomères (de type Langevin) ainsi que le formalisme pour l'étude du problème limite en grand nombre. Le deuxième chapitre pose le cadre fonctionnel et l'existence de solutions pour l'équation de Fokker-Planck- Smoluchowski décrivant la densité de configuration des polymères, elle-même couplée à une équation de diffusion pour les monomères. Le dernier chapitre propose une méthode numérique pour traiter ce problème. On s'intéresse dans la dernière partie à la modélisation de la maladie d'Alzheimer. On construit un modèle qui décrit d'une part la formation de plaque amyloide in vivo, et d'autre part les interactions entre les oligomères d'Aβet la protéine prion qui induiraient la perte de mémoire. On mène l'analyse mathématique de ce modèle dans un cas particulier puis dans un cas plus général où le taux de polymérisation est une loi de puissance.
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PrP catabolites as determinants of TSE susceptibilityLove, Charmaine January 2011 (has links)
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a group of fatal neurodegenerative diseases that are characterised by long incubation periods, protein aggregation and vacuolation. During TSE pathogenesis the normal, cellular prion protein, (PrPC), which is encoded by the gene PRNP, misfolds and accumulates as abnormal disease associated prion protein, (PrPSc) within the central nervous system. Variants of the Prion protein gene are associated with susceptibility to TSE disease. For example sheep scrapie disease is modulated by several PRNP alleles, with certain alleles carried by susceptible animals being different from those carried by resistant animals. The mechanisms linking PRNP genetics and disease is poorly understood but may involve protein sequence, PrPC expression levels, and possibly differences in protein processing. Post-translational modification of PrPC leads to specific cleavage (alpha cleavage) between amino acids 115/116 of ovine PrP, producing two fragments C1 and N1. Cleavage of PrP may occur as a protective mechanism, as a response to changes in the cellular environment or as a feature of an as yet unknown biological function. In the context of TSEs, alpha cleavage may inadvertently provide a protective role by reducing available PrPC protein for conversion into PrPSc, assuming that the C1 fragment would be an inefficient substrate for conversion, the opposite theory was also proposed. The former hypothesis became the focus of this present study, with the idea that total full-length PrPC, total C1 or the ratio between full-length PrPC and C1 may be linked to differences in scrapie susceptibility. To investigate these aims the C1 fragment was measured as a percentage of total PrPC in different PRNP genotypes with varying degrees of susceptibility to scrapie and in different brain regions. This study found that PrPC alpha cleavage increased during development from the new born lamb to the adult sheep, which may have consequences for the susceptibility differences related to age. There are also variations in the amount of alpha cleavage between brain regions such as cortex and medulla that may influence scrapie strain targeting. Overall the amount of the C1 fragment in the different brain areas varied as much as 10x (range 5% to 60%). There was a significant difference in the ratio of C1 to the other PrPC forms between two PRNP genotype groups carrying the VRQ and ARQ allele but there was no correlation between C1 level and scrapie susceptibility or scrapie incubation period in our scrapie models. Alpha cleavage of PrPC also occurs in various transgenic mouse models expressing different ruminant PrP sequences. In PrPC over-expressing transgenic mouse models a higher ratio of C1 was observed, this may suggest a link between PrPC expression levels and alpha cleavage. Transgenic mice are therefore important models to further investigate the link between PrPC biology and scrapie disease phenotype. In conclusion, this thesis has shown for the first time that certain ovine PRNP alleles can influence alpha cleavage of the PrPC protein; however it appears not to be a significant indicator of TSE disease susceptibility in sheep.
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Investigating the relationship between abnormal prion protein (PrPSc) and the transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) infectious agentDobie, Karen Louise January 2013 (has links)
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are a group of fatal, neurodegenerative diseases that can affect both humans and animals. TSEs can be sporadic, familial, or acquired diseases. The prion hypothesis states that a misfolded form of the host glycoprotein, PrPC, acts as the infectious agent in TSE disease. The misfolded form, PrPSc, is increased in β-sheet content, detergent insoluble and partially resistant to proteinase K (PK) digestion. Based on the prion hypothesis, most current post-mortem diagnostic tests rely on the presence of PrPSc as indicative of TSE disease. However, recently experimental cases of TSE disease have been identified where no PrPSc deposition is evident. One example of this is a murine transgenic model of Gerstmann Sträussler Scheinker (GSS) disease. GSS is a familial TSE disease, caused by a number of different mutations in human PrP including a point mutation from proline to leucine at residue 102. A murine model of GSS disease, produced through gene-targeting, contains the same point mutation at the equivalent residue, 101, in murine PrP. These mice do not develop spontaneous disease during their lifespan, but when inoculated intra-cerebrally with either human P102L GSS (101LL/GSS) or hamster 263K scrapie (101LL/263K); develop a clinical disease and vacuolar TSE-related pathology. Upon biochemical and immunohistochemical analysis, the brain tissues of these clinically ill mice contain little or no detectable PrPSc. However titration experiments have previously shown infectivity titres of 107-109IU/g of brain tissue. Standard PK digestion (at 37°C), NaPTA precipitation and isolation of PrPSc through detergent insolubility and differential centrifugation all confirmed the observation of little or no detectable PK-resistant PrP (PrP-res) in the 101LL/GSS and 101LL/263K brain tissues, despite the high levels of TSE infectivity. The presence of PrPSc and/or TSE infectivity in the spleen during disease pathogenesis is dependent upon TSE agent strain and host species. Previous studies utilising wild-type mice infected with ME7, have shown that the levels of infectivity observed in spleen tissue are 2- 3log10 lower than those observed in the brain tissue of the same mice. However, experiments conducted as part of this thesis showed that sub-passage of both the brain and spleen tissue from clinically ill 101LL/GSS and 101LL/263K mice into 101LL mice by intra-cerebral inoculation result in short incubation periods, indicating that infectivity levels were similarly high in both tissues. Biochemical analysis of the primary spleen tissue identified the presence of PrP-res, albeit at lower levels than those observed in wild-type spleens infected with a standard laboratory TSE strain, ME7 or 79A. However, the presence of PrP-res indicates that the spleen has a role in disease pathogenesis, which will require further investigation. Additionally, the spleen tissue maintains the discrepancy between PrP-res and TSE infectivity that is observed in the brain tissue of these models and further questions the prion hypothesis. As little or no PrP-res was detectable in the brain tissues of 101LL/GSS and 101LL/263K mice by standard biochemical and immunohistochemical techniques, it was hypothesised that an in vitro amplification technique, protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) could amplify PrPSc to detectable levels. A series of optimisation experiments were performed to produce a reliable positive control for amplification of mouse PrPSc from a standard laboratory mouse TSE strain, 79A or ME7, with a normal wild-type mouse brain homogenate substrate. While a wide range of technical and experimental conditions were investigated, consistent and reproducible amplification of mouse PrPSc was not achieved and therefore amplification of PrPSc from 101LL/GSS and 101LL/263K tissues could not be performed as interpretation of results would be complicated without the presence of a positive control. Previous research has shown that while other commercial assays, e.g. TeSeE (BioRad), identified tissues from these models as borderline positive or negative for TSE disease, one TSE diagnostic assay, the IDEXX HerdChek kit, that utilises the Seprion ligand, identified both the brain and spleen tissue from 101LL/GSS and 101LL/263K clinical mice as positive for TSE disease. In order to identify if TSE infectivity is associated with the target of the Seprion ligand, brain tissue homogenates from 101LL/GSS, 101LL/263K and a positive control wild-type/79A homogenate were depleted of the Seprion ligand target utilising a PAD-beads kit (Microsens Biotechnologies), which incorporates the Seprion ligand as the capture agent, in combination with magnetic beads. Upon inoculation, a single depletion of the homogenates produced no significant reduction in incubation period to clinical disease in either the depleted homogenates or the wash buffers produced, in comparison to a non-depleted brain homogenate. This result indicates that a single depletion with the Seprion ligand, did not remove enough of the aggregated protein to significantly alter the level of infectivity in the depleted homogenate and that any infectious agent, which was initially bound to the Seprion ligand due to non-specific interactions, was then released during the wash steps of the procedure. Proteomic differences between all components produced during a single depletion of an infected brain homogenate, wild-type/79A, or a normal uninfected brain homogenate were assessed to potentially identify the target of the Seprion ligand. In conclusion, these murine models of TSE disease, 101LL/GSS and 101LL/263K, which contain both high infectivity levels with little or no PrP-res in the brain tissue and similar high levels of infectivity with low levels of PrP-res in the spleen, questions the accepted correlation between levels of infectivity and PrP-res or PrPSc as proposed by the prion hypothesis. It is hypothesised that either an alternative form of PrP, which has not yet been identified is the infectious agent in these disease models, or that the TSE infectious agent is a component which associates with PrPSc rather than being PrPSc itself. The eventual identification of the infectious agent present in these unusual disease models will increase our understanding of these diseases, potentially offer improved diagnostics for infectivity, and perhaps identify novel therapeutic targets.
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Determining the role of mononuclear phagocyte cell subsets in scrapie transmission from the skinWathne, Gwennaëlle C. L. J. J. January 2012 (has links)
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), or prion diseases, are fatal neurodegenerative diseases that affect several species, such as scrapie in sheep or goats and CJD in humans. In several species, neurological disease is preceded by TSE agent accumulation in lymphoid tissues prior to neuroinvasion. While oral transmission is considered the most common route for scrapie, transmission can also occur through lesions to the skin or mucosa, for example in the mouth or gastrointestinal tract due to rough feed, or birth associated skin damage. Scrapie has also been experimentally transmitted through skin scarification in mice. Following scrapie infection via skin scarification, PrPSc accumulates in the draining lymph node (LN) before spreading to other organs in the lymphoreticular system. It is not yet known by what means the scrapie agent is transported from the skin to the draining LN. Dendritic cells (DCs) in the skin have been found to transport viruses, such as HIV or Dengue, from the skin, thereby raising the question whether DCs or Langerhans cells (LCs), located within the epidermis, play a role in the uptake and transport of the TSE agent from the skin to the draining LN. CD11c is a cell surface marker traditionally used to identify or isolate DCs from other cell types. Mice and rats are naturally resistant to Diphtheria toxin (DTX). A transgenic mouse line was created where the Diphtheria toxin receptor (DTR) was expressed on CD11c+ cells. The presence of this receptor on CD11c+ cells allowed for the temporary conditional depletion of CD11c+ cells following a single injection of DTX. The cells repopulate the tissues within a time frame specific to the tissues the cells are located in. These mice were used to determine whether the absence of CD11c+ cells at the time of scrapie infection via the skin had an effect on the early accumulation of PrPSc within the lymphoid tissues and on disease progression. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that early PrPSc accumulation in the draining LNs was delayed following depletion of CD11c+ cells, indicating that their potential role in the transport of the scrapie agent from the skin. Scrapie incubation period was not affected by the absence of the CD11c+ cells at the time of infection. Recent findings show that CD11c is not exclusive to DCs and is also expressed on macrophage populations. Following DTX-mediated depletion, DCs repopulate the tissues much faster than CD11c+ macrophages. Scrapie infection was carried out in the skin in DTX treated mice after DCs had repopulated the tissues but before macrophage numbers had returned, to determine whether macrophages rather than DCs played a role in the early accumulation of PrPSc in the draining LNs. No differences in PrPSc accumulation were observed in mice depleted of macrophages compared to controls and there was no effect on disease incubation period. Another transgenic mouse line was used, where DTX expression on langerin+ cells (LCs and langerin+ DCs in the dermis), allowed for their temporary depletion through DTX treatment. Following langerin+ cell depletion, increased PrPSc accumulation was observed in the draining LNs 7 weeks post infection, but did not affect the incubation period of disease. These results indicate that the absence of LCs somehow accelerated PrPSc accumulation, and that LCs might play a preventative role in early stages after infection. Histopathological analysis was used to complement microarray studies aimed to determine what immune responses were associated with scarification and DTXmediated depletion of cells within the skin and whether these responses might be linked to disease transmission. DCs and LCs in the skin appear to play different roles in the early stages following scrapie infection via the skin, but the lack of effect on incubation period does not rule out the involvement of other cell types or cell-free mechanisms of scrapie agent spread from the skin.
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Influence of the immune system on peripherally acquired transmissible spongiform encephalopathy infection with special reference to the role of the follicular dendritic cellBrown, Karen L. January 2009 (has links)
The Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs) or “prion” diseases are a group of fatal neurodegenerative diseases the aetiology of which is not fully understood. These diseases are characterised by a number of pathological changes in the central nervous system (CNS) including; vacuolation of the neuropil, gliosis and deposition of PrPSc; the abnormal form of the host glycoprotein PrP. Although the major pathology in these diseases is associated with the CNS the immune system is central to the pathogenesis of many natural and experimental TSEs including natural scrapie in sheep, chronic wasting disease in free ranging and captive deer and variant CJD (vCJD) in humans. Unlike many infectious diseases where deficiencies in immune function are opportunistic for the invading pathogen a competent immune system is required for efficient TSE infection via peripheral routes. As infection of the lymphoid tissues in many TSEs can occur many months before the detection of infectivity in the CNS, the determination of those cells in the lymphoid system has been the focus of much research and a number of studies now point towards the importance of the follicular dendritic cell (FDC), a long-lived radio resistant cell, in TSE pathogenesis. The involvement of FDCs in peripheral TSE pathogenesis relates to the inability of ionising radiation to influence pathogenesis, the association of PrP protein with FDCs in both uninfected and infected lymphoid tissues, and the demonstration that TSE pathogenesis is severely impaired in mice devoid of these cells. The aims of this thesis were to further understand the role of FDCs in the pathogenesis of a range of mouse-adapted experimental TSE strains and to determine if peripherally acquired TSE infections are influenced by host age or by stimulation of the immune system. Using chimaeric mouse models where a mismatch in the expression of PrP protein between FDCs and lymphoid/myeloid cells was produced, further evidence for a critical role for in the pathogenesis of the ME7 TSE strain was produced. Although these findings produced strong evidence that FDCs were important for the ME7 strain the possibility that different TSE strains may target different cell types in the peripheral lymphoid system was explored using a range of mice with specific immunological defects. Infection of these mice with several experimental TSE strains showed that the presence of mature FDCs was also important for the pathogenesis of the strains tested. Clinical cases of vCJD have been confined almost exclusively to young adults, although the reasons behind this apparent age-related susceptibility are not fully understood. The capacity of the immune system to mediate immune responses to pathogens declines with age as a result of impaired lymphocyte and FDC function. As FDCs are critically involved in the pathogenesis of many TSEs, including vCJD, it was hypothesised that an aging immune system may impair disease pathogenesis. Peripheral infection of senescent mice failed to produce clinical disease during lifespan, although evidence of disease transmission, was detected in a proportion of aged mice. These findings demonstrate that this inefficient disease transmission, as a consequence of age, may lead to considerable levels of sub-clinical disease within the population. Finally the influence of immune system stimulation, by the generation of a humoral immune response, on peripheral TSE pathogenesis was investigated. These findings demonstrated that immunisation can influence pathogenesis, but only during the early stages of infection prior to spread to the CNS. These data imply that modulation of the immune system does not alter TSE pathogenesis once disease has been initiated in the CNS. Finally, these studies have found some preliminary evidence that TSE infection may induce FDC activation suggesting that TSE infection may influence the immune response. Together, these data show that a functional immune system and specifically, the presence of mature FDCs, are central to the pathogenesis of peripherally acquired TSE infections.
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