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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Performance appraisal as driver of individual innovation within and across organisations

Matookchund, Navin Gazanchand 31 January 2019 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Literature suggests that human resource practices (HRPs), particularly performance appraisal (PA), contribute to innovation. However, the importance of PA amongst other antecedents to innovation is inadequately described. This leaves human resource managers (HRMs) in the dark on which HRPs they should emphasize. This study contextualises the PA-innovation relationship in South Africa and specifies the importance of PA as a driver of innovation within and across organisations. A cross-sectional survey was employed, acquiring data from a broad cross-section of South African employees and organisations. PA, HRPs and three other antecedents to innovation, and innovation itself, were measured. Across organisations, PA was directly responsible for between 3.8% and 5.7% of the variance in innovation. It was also found that, when PA was combined with other HRPs and other antecedents to innovation, the role of PA was significant, though mostly secondary. Within organisations, the pattern repeated itself with the PAinnovation relationship significant in 30% of organisations, with PA never the dominant driver of innovation in any organisation. The research thus revealed that PA, as an antecedent to innovation, plays a subordinate role, both across employees and within specific organisations. When testing more complex models on the PA-innovation link, the results revealed that the PA-innovation relationship is mediated by work engagement (WE) as well as affective commitment (AC), with WE having the greatest effect. Transformational leadership (TL) and corporate entrepreneurship (CE) moderate the PA-innovation relationship, with TL having the strongest effect and CE having almost no effect. Proactive personality does not moderate the PA-innovation relationship. The results specify the relative importance of PA in general and within specific organisations. The main finding is that PA is not the dominant HRP driving innovation. It also shows that leadership behaviour (TL) more than climate (CE), and WE rather than AC influence the PA innovation relationship. The aforementioned will benefit all stakeholders, particularly HRMs, to focus on appropriate HRPs when trying to enhance innovation at the general employee and organisational level. No previous research has discussed the role of PA as an antecedent to innovation in this degree of detail or contextualised the research as has been done here. / Literatuur suggereer dat menslike hulpbronpraktyke, veral prestasiebeoordeling, bydra tot innovasie. Die belangrikheid van prestasiebeoordeling onder ander antesedente vir innovasie word egter onvoldoende beskryf. Dit laat menslikehulpbronbestuurders in die duister waarop menslike hulpbronpraktyke hulle moet beklemtoon. Hierdie studie kontekstualiseer die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-verhouding in Suid-Afrika en spesifiseer die belangrikheid van prestasiebeoordeling as 'n drywer van innovasie binne en oor organisasies. Daar is gebruik gemaak van 'n deursnee-opname met die verkryging van data van 'n breë deursnit van Suid-Afrikaanse werknemers en organisasies. Prestasiebeoordeling, menslike hulpbronpraktyke en drie ander voorvaders vir innovasie en innovasie self is gemeet. Regoor organisasies was prestasiebeoordeling regstreeks verantwoordelik vir tussen 3.8% en 5.7% van die variansie in innovasie. Daar is ook gevind dat, toe prestasiebeoordeling gekombineer is met ander menslike hulpbronpraktyke en ander antesedente vir innovasie, die rol van prestasiebeoordeling belangrik was, hoewel meestal sekondêr. Binne organisasies het die patroon homself herhaal met die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-verhouding wat in 30% van die organisasies beduidend was, met prestasiebeoordeling nooit die dominante drywer van innovasie in enige organisasie nie. Die navorsing het dus aan die lig gebring dat prestasiebeoordeling, as 'n voorvader van innovasie, 'n ondergeskikte rol speel, beide oor werknemers en binne spesifieke organisasies. By die toetsing van meer ingewikkelde modelle op die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-skakel, het die resultate aan die lig gebring dat die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-verhouding bemiddel word deur werksbetrokkenheid sowel as affektiewe toewyding, met die feit dat werksbetrokkenheid die grootste effek het. Transformasionele leierskap en korporatiewe ondernemerskap het die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-verhouding gematig, en Transformasionele leierskap het die sterkste effek en korporatiewe ondernemerskap het byna geen effek nie. Proaktiewe persoonlikheid modereer nie die prestasiebeoordeling-innovasie-verhouding nie. Die resultate spesifiseer die relatiewe belang van prestasiebeoordeling in die algemeen en binne spesifieke organisasies. Die belangrikste bevinding is dat prestasiebeoordeling nie die dominante menslike hulpbronpraktyk is wat innovasie dryf nie. Dit wys ook dat leierskapsgedrag meer as klimaat is, en werksbetrokkenheid eerder as affektiewe toewyding die binnovasieverhouding beïnvloed. Bogenoemde sal alle belanghebbendes, veral menslikehulpbronbestuurders, bevoordeel om op toepaslike menslike hulpbronpraktyke te konsentreer as hulle probeer om innovasie op die algemene werknemer- en organisatoriese vlak te bevorder. Geen vorige navorsing het die rol van prestasiebeoordeling as 'n voorkennis vir innovasie in hierdie mate van detail bespreek of die navorsing gekontekstualiseer soos hier gedoen is nie. / Izincwadi zisikisela ukuthi imikhuba yemithombo yabantu, ikakhulu ukutuswa ngomsebenzi, kwenza abantu basungule izinto. Nokho, ukubaluleka kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi phakathi kwezinye izinto kudlula ukusungula izinto okuchazwe ngokungenelea. Lokhu kwenza abaphathi bemithombo yabantu besebumnyameni ngokuthi imaphi ama-imikhuba yemithombo yabantu okufanele bawagcizelele. Lolu cwaningo luhlobanisa ukusungulwa kwezinto ze-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi nobuhlobo eNingizimu Afrika futhi ikhuthaze ngokukhethekile ukubaluleka kweukutuswa ngomsebenzi njengokushukumisa abantu ukuba basungule ngaphakathi nakuzo zonke izinhlangano. Kwasetshenziswa inhlolo-vo kuzo zonke izinhlangano, kwaqoqwa idatha kuzo zonke izingxenye zabasebenzi baseNingizimu Afrika nezinhlangano. I-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi, ama-imikhuba yemithombo yabantu nabanye abasunguli abathathu bezinto, nokusungulwa kwezinto ngokwako kwakalwa. Kuzo zonke izinhlangano, i-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi yayinomthwalo ngokuqondile phakathi kwamaphesenti angu-3.8 no-5.7% zokusungula izinto okuhlukahlukene. Kwatholakala nokuthi, lapho i-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi ihlanganiswa namanye ama-imikhuba yemithombo yabantu nezinye izinhlangano ezisungula izinto, indima ye-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi yayibalulekile, nakuba ingeyesibili. Phakathi nezinhlangano, umkhuba wawuziphindaphinda ekusunguleni kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi nobuhlobo nezinhlangano ezingamaphesenti angu-30, i-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi yayingashukumisi ukusungula izinto kunoma iyiphi inhlangano. Ngakho, ucwaningo lwembula ukuthi i-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi, njengento esungulayo, inendima ebalulekile, kokubili kubasebenzi nasezinhlanganweni ezithile. Lapho kuhlolwa izimo eziyinkimbinkimbi kakhulu ekuhlobaneni nokusungula kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi, imiphumela yembula ukuthi ukusungula kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi kuhlobene nokusebenza kanye nokuzibophezela okuphumelelayo, i-kuhlobene nokusebenza inomthelela omkhulu kakhulu. Abaholi bezinguquko nabaphathi bezinkampani bayakulinganisa ubuhlobo bokusungula ne-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi, i-abaholi bezinguquko inomthelela omkhulu kakhulu futhi i-nabaphathi bezinkampani ingenawo umthelela. Ubuntu obuhle abulinganiseli ubuhlobo bokusungula kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi. Imiphumela ibonisa ukubaluleka kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi phakathi ezinhlanganweni ezithile. Okwatholakala ukuthi i-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi ayiyona into eyinhloko eshukumisa ukusungula kwe-imikhuba yemithombo yabantu. Ibuye ibonise ukuziphatha kwabaholi ngaphezu kwesimo sezulu, ne-kuhlobene nokusebenza kunethonya le-nokuzibophezela okuphumelelayo ebuhlotsheni bokusungula kwe-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi. Lokho okuphawulwe ngenhla kuyozuzisa wonke ama-stakeholder, ikakhulu ama-abaphathi bemithombo yabantu, ukuze agxile kuma-imikhuba yemithombo yabantu afanele lapho ezama ukukhuthaza abasebenzi abavamile nezinhlangano ukuba basungule. Alukho ucwaningo lwangaphambili oluke lwaxoxa ngendima ye-ukutuswa ngomsebenzi njengesungula izinto kuleli zinga elinemininingwane noma ibeke ucwaningo ngokunembile njengoba kwenziwe lapha. / Business Management / D.B.L.

工作不安全感與高才低就對工作滿意度之關係─師徒功能與徒弟前瞻性人格之調節角色 / Job Insecurity and Overqualification on Protégés’ Job Satisfaction: The Roles of Mentor Functions and Protégés’ Proactive Personality

莊謹維 Unknown Date (has links)
如何提升員工滿意度為目前組織經營的當務之急,因此,探究影響員工的滿 意度的因素有其必要性。本研究以「工作不安全感」與「高才低就」兩壓力源為 出發點,以師徒關係中的徒弟員工為樣本,探討此二變項與工作滿意度之關係。 並進一步探討師徒功能與員工本身的前瞻性人格特質是否會對於上述關係產生調 節效果。本研究採取便利抽樣,對 153 份有效樣本進行分析。根據階層迴歸分析 結果顯示,工作不安全感與工作滿意度有負向關係,但徒弟的高才低就感受與工 作滿意度無顯著關係;且員工的前瞻性人格對於上述結果具有調節效果。然而, 前瞻性人格增強工作不安全感與工作滿意度之負向效果,卻減弱對高才低就與工 作滿意度之負向效果;而師徒功能僅調減弱高才低就與工作滿意度間的負向關係。 此研究結果可供未來管理實務參考,相關討論將於後續章節論述。

Elucidating the Relation of Proactive Personality with Job Crafting: Does Autonomy Matter?

Albert, Melissa A. 04 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Le rôle de la personnalité proactive envers la créativité et l’innovation dans les équipes de travail par projet : le rôle médiateur du leadership partagé

Gaudin-Laurin, Frédérick 12 1900 (has links)
Le but de cette étude est de comprendre les relations que la personnalité proactive des membres d’une équipe de travail peut avoir avec la créativité et l’innovation de cette équipe. Pour ce faire, cette étude se concentrera sur le rôle médiateur du leadership partagé dans ces relations. Cette recherche vise également à comprendre le rôle modérateur de la confiance interpersonnelle dans l’équipe de travail sur la relation entre la personnalité proactive et le partage du leadership. De plus, cette étude se déroule dans le cadre des équipes de travail par projet. Les données utilisées sont de types secondaires et furent colligées lors de simulations « Pegasus » auprès de 1 016 participants regroupés en 198 équipes de travail de 4 à 6 membres. Ces données ont été recueillies grâce à des questionnaires auprès de deux sources, à savoir les membres des équipes et un observateur. Des analyses de régression hiérarchiques et des analyses structurelles (path analysis) ont permis de vérifier les cinq hypothèses proposées dans cette étude. Les résultats obtenus dénotent que la personnalité proactive est reliée significativement au leadership partagé mais n’est pas reliée à la créativité et l’innovation. Le leadership partagé est aussi relié significativement à l’innovation et la créativité. D’ailleurs, les résultats obtenus permettent de corroborer le rôle médiateur du leadership partagé sur la relation entre la personnalité proactive et la créativité et l’innovation. Le rôle modérateur de la confiance interpersonnelle sur la relation entre la personnalité proactive et le leadership partagé n’est pas supporté. La contribution de la présente étude au domaine des relations industrielles est de contribuer à lever le voile sur les processus menant à l’innovation et la créativité dans les équipes de travail par projet ainsi que de reconnaître le rôle central du leadership partagé dans celui-ci. Sur le plan pratique, les résultats obtenus permettent d’appuyer l’importance à accorder à la proactivité et au leadership partagé pour améliorer la créativité et l’innovation dans les équipes de travail. / The aim of this study is to understand the relationships between employee’s proactive personality and the creativity and innovation of their work team. To do so, this study will focus on the mediating role of shared leadership in these relationships. This research also aims to understand the moderating role of interpersonal trust on the relationship between proactive personality and shared leadership. In addition, this study is taking place within the framework of project teams. The data used are of secondary types and were collected during “Pegasus” simulations involving 1,016 participants, 1st cycle graduates from HEC students, grouped into 198 work teams of 4 to 6 members. These data were collected through questionnaires from two sources, namely team members and an observer. The five hypotheses proposed in this study were verified through hierarchical regressions path analysis. The results obtained show that the proactive personality is significantly related to shared leadership but is not related to creativity and innovation. Shared leadership is also significantly linked to innovation and creativity. Moreover, the results obtained attest to a mediating effect of shared leadership on the relationship between proactive personality and creativity and innovation. The moderating effect of the latter is not supported by the results obtained. The contribution of this study to the field of industrial relations is to help lift the veil on the processes leading to innovation and creativity in project teams as well as to recognize the central role of shared leadership in it. On a practical level, the results obtained support the importance of proactivity and shared leadership as key-factors to improve creativity and innovation in work teams.

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