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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Protection performance study for secondary systems with IEC 61850 process bus architecture

Yang, Li January 2013 (has links)
Substation primary plant and instrument transformers generally remain in service for many years and are only renewed when physically or mechanically life-expired. However, substation protection and control systems, also known as secondary systems, are changed more frequently, especially electronic or computer based systems. One way to overcome the lifecycle-coordination problem is to develop a new architecture for substation secondary systems by deploying new technology such as standard interface modules, the bay process bus and IEC 61850 communication protocol. IEC 61850-9-2 'process bus' has proposed an Ethernet based communication network to replace traditional hardwiring and cabling, for communication of analogue and binary signals with Ethernet messages. The application of processbus in substations is able to reduce the life-time cost of the secondary systems and improve flexibility and functionality. Sufficient confidence must be demonstrated in the application of this new technology. This thesis describes the design and performance evaluation of a prototype protection scheme suitable for application on a corner of a mesh transmission substation of the type used in the UK on the transmission network.

A digital relaying algorithm for integrated power system protection and control

Demeter, Elemer 25 July 2005
Recent developments in data packets based high speed digital communications have opened the door for new types of applications in power system protection and control. Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) are equipped with various communication capabilities that make their functional integration a natural next step. Existing integration of substation equipment is not capable of clustering with the purpose of pooling hardware resources. <p> Presently, every electric device requiring protection has its dedicated hardware performing the predetermined set of protective functions. A new function-based protection and control philosophy is proposed, based on an open-system solution. In the proposed system, the resources of the protective and control hardware are pooled, and as a clustered system provide each protected unit (line, transformer, breaker, etc) with functions required for complete direct and backup protection. <p> The work presented in this thesis identifies the performance requirements of a digital relaying algorithm for processing samples that are sent across Ethernet-based communication channels. The work shows the shortcomings and unstable performance of widely used protective algorithms in accommodating data samples that are out of step from their proper position due to variable time delays of the communications media. A new digital relaying algorithm was developed that is able to extract the amplitude and phase angle of signals from data samples received across Ethernet networks with variable jitter. <p> The performance of the algorithm was tested by using the recovered phasor amplitude and phase angle information in protective solutions. The results show that there is significant flexibility in the algorithm that can be used to facilitate less performant communication channels, or, to take advantage of faster communications channels by reducing the response time of the protective function. <p> The results show that the algorithm works well with variable length data windows, and variable sampling frequencies. Higher sampling rates make communications problems more visible, but the presented algorithm is able to compensate for wide variations in network performance, effectively maintaining sampled signal phase and amplitude information during network performance fluctuations.

A digital relaying algorithm for integrated power system protection and control

Demeter, Elemer 25 July 2005 (has links)
Recent developments in data packets based high speed digital communications have opened the door for new types of applications in power system protection and control. Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) are equipped with various communication capabilities that make their functional integration a natural next step. Existing integration of substation equipment is not capable of clustering with the purpose of pooling hardware resources. <p> Presently, every electric device requiring protection has its dedicated hardware performing the predetermined set of protective functions. A new function-based protection and control philosophy is proposed, based on an open-system solution. In the proposed system, the resources of the protective and control hardware are pooled, and as a clustered system provide each protected unit (line, transformer, breaker, etc) with functions required for complete direct and backup protection. <p> The work presented in this thesis identifies the performance requirements of a digital relaying algorithm for processing samples that are sent across Ethernet-based communication channels. The work shows the shortcomings and unstable performance of widely used protective algorithms in accommodating data samples that are out of step from their proper position due to variable time delays of the communications media. A new digital relaying algorithm was developed that is able to extract the amplitude and phase angle of signals from data samples received across Ethernet networks with variable jitter. <p> The performance of the algorithm was tested by using the recovered phasor amplitude and phase angle information in protective solutions. The results show that there is significant flexibility in the algorithm that can be used to facilitate less performant communication channels, or, to take advantage of faster communications channels by reducing the response time of the protective function. <p> The results show that the algorithm works well with variable length data windows, and variable sampling frequencies. Higher sampling rates make communications problems more visible, but the presented algorithm is able to compensate for wide variations in network performance, effectively maintaining sampled signal phase and amplitude information during network performance fluctuations.

Evaluation of IEC 61850 process bus architecture and reliability

Anombem, Uzoamaka January 2012 (has links)
As the use of renewable energy and the implementation of smart grids becomemore prevalent in Europe, there will be a need to ensure that the quality ofpower supply is not compromised during the integration of distributedgeneration to the main grid. Europe's electricity networks should be flexible,accessible, reliable and economic. In the UK, National Grid has standardisedits substation protection and control equipment commissioning andreplacement policies, yet issues affecting system long life availability remain,one reason being long outage periods during substation secondary equipmentinstallation, commissioning and maintenance. The present use of directhardwired point to point connections between the primary power system plantequipment and substation secondary system protection and control devicesdoes not allow for easy upgrading or replacement of these substationsecondary devices without an outage of the primary plant or substation. Outage and the consequent availability problems associated with secondaryequipment can be addressed by the open utility communication architecturestandard IEC 61850. A well-designed simple, highly reliable, secure, flexibleand long-life communication IEC 61850-based architecture can help mitigatethe impact of using protection and control IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices).Faulty IEDs can be replaced with little or no interruption to the overall operationof the substation. Interoperability is a key feature of the adoption of IEC 61850in substations. IEC 61850-compliant protection and control devices cancommunicate with one another, even if they made from different manufacturers. This thesis has proposed a simple, long life IEC 61850 based communicationarchitecture which is expected to be flexible and robust enough to cope withboth growth and outages. Reliability analyses have been carried out on varioushypothetical applications of the proposed process bus architecture to NationalGrid substation bays. A detailed description of how to determine the optimalprocess bus architecture using the life cycle cost evaluation technique has beenprovided. The design and implementation of a test bed used for evaluating theperformance characteristics of merging units has been presented. The resultsof the tests have been fed back to National Grid and the manufacturers, whomay then use the data to assist with the drafting of a Merging Unit Test BedSpecification, and also to help the manufacturers to make refinements to themerging units in order to make interoperability more readily achievable.

Shaft Current Protection

Rabuzin, Tin January 2015 (has links)
Shaft current protection in hydro and turbo generators is an important generatorprotection issue. Currents owing in the generator shaft might damagegenerator bearings which, in turn, could reduce operating time and cause largenancial losses. Therefore, it is important to prevent operation of the generatorunder conditions of high shaft currents.In this project, task was to develop measurement and protection system thatis able to operate under certain conditions. Measurement device has to be ableto accurately measure currents lower than 1 A in a generator shaft that canvary in diameter from 16 cm up to 3 m. Also, those currents might appear infrequencies equal to multiples of line frequency. Device is to be located in alimited space and in a proximity of the generator. Thus, stray ux is expectedwhich might inuence measurements. Furthermore, since currents that haveto be measured are low, output of a measurement device is usually a low levelsignal. Such signal had to be catered for and adapted in a way that it can beused with numerical relay. After literature review and overview of possible solutions, Rogowski coil waschosen as the measurement device which will be further analysed. Two othercurrent transformers were considered which served as a good comparison withRogowski coil. Several dierent tests and measurements were made on mentionedmeasurement devices. Also, it was investigated how IEC61850-9-2 andMerging Unit (MU) could be used in this application. Upon this investigation,complete protection systems were assembled in the laboratory and they weretested. To asses the behaviour of dierent systems in the real environment, test installationwas built in the hydro power plant, Hallstahammar. This installationincluded traditional systems, with measurement signals connected to the relaya,and the one which utilized concepts of Process Bus and Merging Unit. Measurementsand tests that were made there served as a nal proof of successfulnessof protection systems. Results showed that Rogowski coil was a suitable choice for a measurementdevice due to its benecial mechanical and electrical properties. Also, tests madewith actual shaft current showed advantages of using Rogowski coil in pair withMerging Unit and process bus over traditional protection systems. Nevertheless,it was conrmed that both types of systems satisfy project requirements. / Skydd mot axelstrommar i vattenkraft- och turbo-generatorer ar mycket viktiga. Strommar kan uppkomma i generatoraxeln beroende pamagnetisk osymmetri istatorkarnan. Denna osymmetri ger upphov till en inducerad spanning i axelnsom sedan kan ge en axel-strom vid kortslutning av isolationen som rotornslager vilar pa. Om axel-strommen gar genom generatorns lager, kan lagretskadas allvarligt. Detta kommer i sin tur minska drifttiden och orsaka storaekonomiska forluster vid produktionsbortfall. Darfor ar det viktigt att detekteraom det gar axelstrommar genom generatorns lager. Examensarbetets mal var att utveckla ett mat- och skyddssystem for att detekteraaxel-strommar. Den matande enheten maste kunna detektera strommarmindre an 1 A i generatoraxeln vilken kan variera i diameter fran 16 cm upp till3 m. Dessutom kan dessa strommar ha frekvenser lika med eller multiplar avkraftnatets frekvens (50 eller 60Hz). Den matande enheten skall vidare kunnamonteras i ett trangt utrymme och i narhet av generatorns stator. Lackodefran statorn kan forvantas vara stort, och detta kan antas ha stor paverkanpamatningarna. Eftersom axelstrommen som mats ar lag, ar utsignalen franden matande enheten vanligtvis en lagnivasignal. Denna laga signalnivamasteanpassas saatt den kan anvandas i ett numeriskt rela, vilka vanligtvis kraverhogre energinivaer paingangsignalerna.Efter genomford litteraturstudie och oversikt over mojliga losningar, konkluderadesdet att en losning med Rogowski spole som matanordning borde varaintressant, och denna analyserades ytterligare. Tvastromtransformatorer medkonventionell konstruktion med karna av elektroplat valdes som jamforelse medlosningen baserad paRogowski spole. Flera olika tester och matningar gjordes. Dessutom undersoktes hur en process-bus losning enligt IEC61850-9-2LE meden Merging Unit (MU) skulle kunna anvandas i denna tillampning. Vid alladessa undersokningar har kompletta system for matning och skydd monteratsoch testats i laboratoriemiljo.For att registrera funktionen for de olika systemlosningarna i en verkligmiljo, monterades det kompletta systemet fran laboratorietesterna in i ett vattenkraftverki Hallstahammar. I detta vattenkraftverk ingar traditionella skydd-, styrnings- och kontroll-system och aven en aldre losning for att skydda generatornmot axelstrommar. Darmed kunde man jamfora prestanda mellan deolika losningarna baserade pastromtransformatorer av konventionell konstruktionmed karna av elektroplat och losningen med Rogowski spole. Signalerfran bada givarna anslots till ett numeriskt rela, och anslutning av Rogowskispolen gjordes aven via en MU till det numeriska relat. Matningar och testersom gjordes i kraftstationen kunde tas som ett slutligt bevis paatt de olikalosningarna baserade pa Rogowski spole ar en framtida losning for ett valfungerande axel-stroms skydd for generatorer. Resultaten visar att Rogowskispolen ar ett lampligt val aven med avseendepadess fordelaktiga mekaniska och elektriska egenskaper. Testerna som gjordesmed en verklig axel-strom visade tydligt fordelarna med att anvanda Rogowskispolen i kombination med MU och process bus jamfort med traditionella skyddssystem. Det ska dock understrykas att bade systemet med och det utan MUuppfyllde projektets krav.

Automatizace rozvodny VN s využitím řídicího systému COM600 a standardu IEC61850 / Medium voltage substation automation using control system COM600 and standard IEC61850

Havelka, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This work deals with problematic of standard IEC61850, mainly with chapter IEC 61850-9-2 LE which is commonly known as Process bus communication. There are described advanced tools of the control system COM600 with detail description of their configuration in this work. It also deals with configuration of IEC 61850-9-2 LE with Relion family protection relays and its implementation to the control system COM600. The main aim of this work is focused on configuration of IEC 61850-9-2 standard with protection relays, configuration and detail description of COM600 advanced tools, description of Logic processor, further custom design and appliaction configuration global reset of Logic procesor in control system COM600.

Monitoring, protection, and voltage control of parallel power transformers based on IEC 61850-9-2 process bus

Pieters, Willem Diederick January 2019 (has links)
Thesis (MEng (Electrical Engineering)--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2019 / The purpose of an electrical power system is to supply electrical energy to the customers. Power transformers are required to transform the system voltage from generation to transmission and distribution levels. Protection and control systems must ensure that power system high voltage equipment such as transformers operate and deliver save, reliable and secure electricity supply. The aim of the project research work is to develop and implement a strategy, methods and algorithms for monitoring, protection and voltage control of parallel power transformers based on IEC 61850-9-2 process bus standard. NamPower is a power utility in Namibia. The IEC 61850 protocol for electrical substation automation system is used for the protection and control of 5 power transformers operated in parallel in an existing substation system. The IEC 61850-9-2 process bus standard is however not used in regards of Sampled Values (SV). Protection and control devices are connected to a substation communication network, routers and switches using fibre optic linked Ethernet. Inductive Current Transformers (CTs) and Voltage Transformers (VTs) secondary circuits are hardwired to Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) and fibre optic links are not used for this purpose at process level communication. The research focuses on the implementation of the IEC 61850 standard with Merging Units (MUs) and sampled values to improve the existing implemented protection and control system at NamPower. This includes substation communication networks and MUs used for transformer protection, voltage regulator control and cooling fan control. At the present the CTs located at the transformer bushings and switchgear and the VTs located at the switchgear are hardwired to the inputs on protection and control IEDs. The research focuses on issues with the copper wires for voltage and currents signals and how these issues can be eliminated by using the MUs and the SV protocol. The MUs which are considered in this Thesis is to improve the voltage regulator control and the control of the cooling fan motors. The voltage regulator control IED is situated at the tap change motor drive of the On-Load Tap Changer (OLTC). The IED of each transformer is required to regulate the voltage level of the secondary side bus bar it is connected to. All the regulating IEDs are required to communicate with each other and collectively to control the bus bar voltage depending on the switching configuration of the parallel transformers. The control circuit for controlling the cooling fan motors is hardwired. Temperature analogue signal input into a programmable automation controller IED can be used for controlling the transformer cooling fans. A strategy, methods and algorithms for transformer protection, voltage regulator control and cooling fan motor control of parallel power transformers need to be developed and implemented based on IEC 61850-9-2 process bus. Power utilities and distributors can benefit from interpretation of the IEC 61850-9-2 standard and implementing MUs and SV in substations. MUs can be included in the power transformer protection, automation and control systems. A cost reduction in high voltage equipment, substation installation and commissioning costs and better performance of protection and control system are anticipated.

Time-Sensitive Networking in Digital Substations

Johansson, Andreas, Wågbrant, Samuel January 2024 (has links)
With the advancements in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), new networking requirements and demands are introduced to Substation Automation Systems (SAS) within electrical power grids. The possibility of merging Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) traffic on the same network to achieve higher productivity, however, presents new challenges in providing real-time guarantees to OT traffic. Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) can be a promising solution that allows IT and OT traffic to coexist seamlessly while still providing real-time guarantees for critical applications. Substations act as critical nodes within power grids, and their digitalisation is a crucial element in the energy transition. A digital substation handles International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61850 protocol traffic such as Generic Object Oriented Substation Event (GOOSE), Sampled Values (SV), and Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS), which all have strict timing requirements. The integration of TSN into these substations could improve the handling of this traffic and, consequently, the controllability of power grids. This thesis investigates the use of TSN in an IEC 61850 process bus, typically implemented in an SAS. A series of simulated test scenarios were developed to evaluate the impact of TSN compared to traditional networking methods. These included configurations using Ethernet, Ethernet with priority queuing, and TSN with Time-Aware Shaper (TAS) and Credit-Based Shaper (CBS). The results indicate that TSN can meet critical timing requirements, reduce jitter, and manage sporadic traffic effectively under high traffic loads. While the TAS scheduler may increase End-to-End delay for periodic traffic, CBS can reduce it for event-based traffic. Furthermore, robust timing guarantees are ensured for the TSN scenarios by providing a feasible schedule for Scheduled Traffic (ST) and a worst-case response time analysis for Audio-Video Bridging (AVB) traffic. This research highlights TSN’s potential to improve grid controllability and reliability through enhanced network performance, illustrating its role in the future of resilient grid technologies.

Aplikace senzorů a digitalizace podle IEC 61850 v sítích a rozvodnách vysokého napětí / Application of Sensors and Digitalization Based on IEC 61850 in Medium Voltage Networks and Switchgears

Štefanka, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Vzduchem izolované vysokonapěťové rozváděče jsou nedílnou součástí energetického distribučního řetězce a to jak v průmyslovém, tak ve veřejném sektoru. Hlavní funkcí rozváděče je ochrana pracovního personálu, rozpojování/odpojování a spínání, izolování, měření proudů a napětí, chránění a ovládání zatížení a komunikace dat do řídících systémů. V každé z výše zmíněných funkcí probíhal technologický vývoj v průběhu posledních 40 let. Dnešní rozváděče jsou spolehlivé a elektrickému oblouku odolné zařízení, zoptimalizované téměř k fyzikálním limitům dielektrických, elektromagnetických a termodynamických polí. Vakuové vypínače zajišťují stálou a spolehlivou vypínací funkci. Taktéž v oblasti chránění, řízení a komunikace došlo k mnoha technologickým proměnám. Od elektromechanických relé přes zařízení založená na tranzistorech, později na jednoúčelových mikroprocesorech, až po dnešní multifunkční vysoce výkonná mikroprocesorová inteligentní elektronická zařízení. Pouze oblast měření proudů a napětí setrvala z technologického hlediska posledních 40 let beze změny. K dominujícím měřícím technologiím dneška stále ještě patří indukčně založené transformátory proudu a napětí. Byly sice provedeny některé pokusy k obměně technologie měření jako takové, nicméně bez dosažení úspěchu. Tato dizertační práce je zaměřena na poskytnutí nového náhledu na alternativní technologii měření v elektrických sítích a ve vzduchem izolovaných vysokonapěťových rozváděčích, kterou lze využít jak pro měření proudu, tak i napětí. Tato práce vysvětluje, proč Rogowského cívky, odporové a kapacitní děliče jsou tou správnou volbou a měly by být použity ve vysokonapěťových rozváděčích a podrobně analyzuje přesnost měření a jejich příslušné meze. Dále tato práce popisuje, že pro nasazování nových měřících technologií musí být postupováno systematicky. Senzory připojené k inteligentním elektronickým přístrojům a schopností komunikace založené na IEC 61850 spolu s vysokorychlostní komunikační sběrnicí Ethernetu vytvoří systém, který zjednoduší a sjednotí konstrukci rozváděčů a umožní oddělit aspekty projektování měření od studie zkratových selektivit. V práci je také uveden příklad, jak tento nový systém může přinést změny a zjednodušení do oblastí projektování a řízení. V této práci jsou popsány výsledky několikaletého úsilí při stanovení nových měřících a digitalizovaných přístupů ve vysokonapěťových rozváděčích pod autorovým vedením. Toto úsilí také vedlo k uvedení nového produktu – UniGear Digital - konceptu od ABB. Závěrečná část práce demonstruje praktické nasazení všech výsledků v této práci při skutečných aplikacích.

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