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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Busca de substâncias de Trichilia pallida e Trichilia pallens (Meliaceae) com atividade sobre a traça-do-tomateiro Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lep.: Gelechiidae). / Searching Trichilia pallida and Trichilia pallens (meliaceae)for substances with insecticidal activity against the tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lep.: Gelechiidae).

Uemerson Silva da Cunha 17 February 2005 (has links)
A partir de extratos aquosos e não aquosos das meliáceas Trichilia pallida e Trichilia pallens, objetivou-se fazer o isolamento e identificação de substâncias com atividade inseticida sobre a traça-do-tomateiro Tuta absoluta. Para tanto, extratos aquosos liofilizados (EAL) a 3 % de folhas e ramos de ambas as espécies de Trichilia foram ressuspendidos em água e aplicados, por meio de mini-atomizador, sobre folíolos de tomateiro, os quais foram infestados com lagartas recém-eclodidas. Com base nos resultados de mortalidades aos 5 e 10 dias após a infestação (DAI), consideraram-se os EAL de folhas de ambas Trichilia mais eficientes que os respectivos extratos de ramos. Numa segunda etapa, foram obtidos por maceração, extratos de folhas de T. pallida e T. pallens em hexano (HEX), diclorometano (DIC) e metanol (MET), os quais foram avaliados, a 1%, como descrito anteriormente, incluindo-se acetona e água como controles. Dentre os referidos extratos, o em DIC de ambas Trichilia foi o mais promissor como fonte de substância(s) com atividade inseticida sobre lagartas de T. absoluta. Na seqüência, através de partição líquido líquido do extrato DIC de folhas, obtiveram-se as frações em HEX, MET, acetato de etila (AET), n-butanol (NBU) e aquosa (AQ) para T. pallida e T. pallens. Destas frações, a AET a 0,15 % e a AQ a 0,1 % do extrato em DIC de T. pallida e de T. pallens respectivamente, foram as mais promissoras como fontes de substâncias com atividade inseticida sobre T. absoluta. A partir do extrato em DIC de folhas de T. pallida foram isolados os triterpenos 24-metilenocicloarta-3β-ol (TRIT-1), 24-metilenocicloarta-3β-26- diol (TRIT-2) e cicloarta-23-eno-3β,25-diol (TRIT-3), os esteróides 24- etileno-3,22-diidroxi-colesterol (EST-1), 24-metileno-colesterol (EST-2) e 24-metileno-3β,4β,22-triidroxi-colesterol (EST-3), além do limonóide gedunina (LIM) obtido de frutos dessa planta. Estas substâncias foram avaliadas a 0,1 % sobre lagartas de T. absoluta conforme metodologia de bioensaio descrita anteriormente, avaliando-se a mortalidade de lagartas aos 5 e 9 DAI, duração e viabilidade das fases larval e pupal, peso de pupas e porcentagem de adultos deformados. Dentre as substâncias avaliadas, a TRIT-1, a EST-1 e a LIM foram as mais eficientes, alongando a fase larval e reduzindo a viabilidade dessa fase. / Organic and aqueous extracts of the Meliaceae Trichilia pallida and Trichilia pallens were produced for the isolation and identification of substances with insecticidal activity against the tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta. Leaf and twig freeze-dried aqueous extracts (FDA) of both Trichilia species were resuspended in water at a concentration of 3% and sprayed over tomato folioles with the aid of a mini-atomizer, which were infested with newly-hatched larvae. Larval mortality at 5 and 10 days after infestation (DAI) were higher for leaf extracts of both Trichilia species. In a second set of experiments, 1% leaf extracts of T. pallida and T. pallens were produced by maceration in hexane (HEX), dichloromethane (DIC) and methanol (MET), and tested as described above using acetone and water as control. DIC extracts were the most promising as a source of substances with insecticidal activity against larvae of T. absoluta. DIC leaf extracts of T. pallida and T. pallens were further processed and subjected to partition assays, producing fractions in HEX, MET, ethyl acetate (ETA), n-butanol (NBU) and water (WA). After testing, 0.15% ETA and 0.1% WA fractions obtained from the partition assay of DIC extracts of T. pallida and T. pallens, respectively, showed the highest insecticidal activity against T. absoluta. Leaf extracts of T. pallida in dichloromethane (DIC) yielded six compounds, the triterpenes 24-methylene-cycloarta-3β-ol (TRIT-1), 24-methylene-cycloarta-3β-26- diol (TRIT-2) and cycloarta-23-en-3β,25-diol (TRIT-3) and the steroids 24-methylene-3,22-dihidroxi-cholesterol (EST-1), 24-methylenecholesterol (EST-2) and 24-methylene-3β,4β,22-trihidroxi-cholesterol (EST-3); the limonoid gedunine (LIM) was obtained from fruits of this plant. The insecticidal activity of all these substances against T. absoluta larvae were tested at 0.1% as previously described, assessing larval mortality at 5 and 9 DAI, larval and pupal developmental time and survivorship, pupal weight and adult malformation. TRIT-1, EST-1 and LIM were the most effective against T. absoluta by arresting larval development and reducing larval survivorship.

Diversidade microbiolÃgica e rendimento da produÃÃo fermentativa de hidrogÃnio a partir de glicerol / Microbial diversity and yield of the fermentative hydrogen production from glycerol

QuÃzia Maia Viana 04 June 2013 (has links)
A crescente demanda por energias alternativas torna o hidrogÃnio (H2) interessante por possuir alta concentraÃÃo de energia por unidade de massa. Aliado a isso, futuramente, o glicerol, subproduto da geraÃÃo de biodiesel, passarà de resÃduo a passivo ambiental, devido à crescente produÃÃo de biodiesel.Unindo as duas perspectivas, a produÃÃo fermentativa de hidrogÃnio a partir de glicerol residual à uma alternativa atraente, pois pode-se à gerar energia limpa a partir de um resÃduo. A grande questÃo que envolve a otimizaÃÃo da produÃÃo biolÃgica de H2 à a seleÃÃo de inÃculos com diversidade microbiana que maximize os rendimentos. TÃcnicas de prÃ-tratamento do inÃculo selecionam microrganismos especÃficos para a produÃÃo de H2 e enriquecem a comunidade com bactÃrias produtoras de H2. Por isso, esses distÃrbios controlados no ambiente sÃo utilizados amplamente.Com base no que foi exposto, este trabalho teve como objetivos: (i) selecionar uma microbiota com potencial elevado de produÃÃo de H2 e analisar sua diversidade; (ii) avaliar o impacto dos prÃ-tratamentos sobre a diversidade microbiana e o rendimento da produÃÃo de H2 (ƞH2); (iii) e relacionar diversidade microbiana com ƞH2(na Ecologia este termo à conhecido como produtividade). Foram testados diferentes inÃculos submetidos a diferentes prÃ-tratamentos (choque de calor, choque Ãcido e adiÃÃo de clorofÃrmio). Pelos resultados, pode-se concluir que a diversidade microbiana tem relaÃÃo direta com a produtividade em H2. Da mesma forma,o impacto do prÃ-tratamento sobre a microbiota depende do tipo de inÃculo. No entanto, as maiores diversidade e produtividade foram alcanÃadas com lodo proveniente da estaÃÃo de tratamento de esgoto domÃstico sem prÃ-tratamento. Os prÃ-tratamentos resultaram em diferentes Ãndices de diversidade, o que mostra que o grau do distÃrbio, pode nÃo sà afetar os microrganismos metanogÃnicos, mas tambÃm os demais presentes. Concluiu-se que a aplicaÃÃo de prÃ-tratamentos se tornou redundante, pois apenas a aplicaÃÃo de carga orgÃnica elevada e ausÃncia de soluÃÃo tampÃo promovem reduÃÃo do pH para a faixa ideal das produtoras de H2, inibindo a atividade metanogÃnica. / The growing demand for alternative energy makes hydrogen (H2) an interesting fuel because of its high concentration of energy per unit mass. Moreover, in the future, the glycerol derived from the biodiesel industry can become an environmental liability due to the increasing production of biodiesel. Therefore, the fermentative production of hydrogen from residual glycerol is an attractive alternative because it will be possible to generate clean energy from a waste. The issue on the optimization of biological production of H2 is the selection of microbial population with an adequate diversity that improves the hydrogen yields. Techniques for pre-treatment of the inoculum select specific microorganisms to produce H2 and enrich the community with H2-producing bacteria. Therefore, these controlled environmental disturbs are widely used. Based on the above, this study aimed to: (i) select a microbiota with high potential for the production of H2 and analyse its diversity, (ii) evaluate the impact of pre-treatments on microbial diversity and hydrogen yield, (iii) evaluate the relationship between microbial diversity and hydrogen yield. Different inocula were tested at different pre-treatments (heat shock, acid shock and chloroform addition). The results show that the microbial diversity is directly related to hydrogen yield. Likewise, the impact of the pre-treatment depends on the type of inoculum. However, the highest diversity and yield were achieved with sludge withdrawn from a municipal wastewater treatment plant without any pre-treatment. In general, the pre-treatments resulted in different diversity index, which shows that the degree of disturb may not only affect the methanogenic microorganism, but also the remaining in the inoculum. The pre-treatments became redundant because only the imposed high organic load and the absence of buffer promoted reduction of pH to the optimum range for H2 production, inhibiting the methanogenic activity and improving the hydrogen yield.

Por trás dos parreirais : embates da paisagem cultural vinícola e a urbanização - Vale dos Vinhedos | Bento Gonçalves | RS

Giordani, Marilei Elisabete Piana January 2013 (has links)
A paisagem vinícola é a expressão do trabalho do homem sobre o território, no qual imprime sua identidade cultural e marca a fixação de sua história ao longo do tempo. O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar as modificações de uma paisagem historicamente produtiva localizada em um território vinícola certificado, o Vale dos Vinhedos, em Bento Gonçalves, RS, e seu gradativo processo de transformação. O estudo analisa esse processo, mostrando como a urbanização crescente, determinada pela também crescente valorização da terra, tem conduzido a uma grande perda dos valores culturais do território. Sob a luz da história, é discutido todo o percurso da transformação da paisagem, que vai da plantação dos primeiros parreirais, com a chegada dos imigrantes italianos à região, o surgimento dos primeiros núcleos urbanos até a recente urbanização, que passa a agregar um novo valor ao território. Esta transformação vem colocando em risco um legado de anos de história, na construção dessa paisagem singular. Estabelecer um sinal de alerta quanto ao problema é mais um dos objetivos aqui traçados. / The landscape that results from wine-producing activities is the expression of human work upon a territory, where man prints his cultural identity and retains his history throughout time. The aim of this research is to investigate the changes in a historically producing landscape, placed in a certified wine-producing territory, “Vale dos Vinhedos” (Vineyards Valley) – Bento Gonçalves, RS and its gradual transformation process. This case study analyses this process showing how the increasing urbanization, determined by the also increasing land value, brings about a remarkable loss of cultural values of this same territory. In the light of History, the whole route of landscape transformation is discussed. This route begins when the first vines are planted during the Italian immigrants’ arrival to the region, continues with the initial urban settlements and reaches the current urbanization process, which sets new land value standards to the analyzed territory. This current transformation has been threatening years of historic legacy developed during the formation of this unique landscape. Alerting to this problem is also one of the objectives hear focused.

\"Para os grandes males, os grandes remédios\": propostas educacionais no Congresso Agrícola, Industrial e Comercial de Minas Gerais (1903) / For great ills, great remedies: educational proposals in the Agricultural, Industrial and Commercial Congress of Minas Gerais (1903)

Carolina Mostaro Neves da Silva 28 April 2016 (has links)
Em 1903, cerca de duzentos representantes das classes produtoras reuniram-se em Belo Horizonte para a realização do Congresso Agrícola, Industrial e Comercial de Minas Gerais. Estes homens foram convidados a debater medidas para alavancar o progresso do estado, que enfrentava forte crise econômica, decorrente, sobretudo, da queda nos valores do café, seu principal produto de exportação. O Congresso nasceu de uma iniciativa do presidente do estado, Francisco Salles, encabeçada por João Pinheiro da Silva, cujo intuito era ouvir representantes das atividades produtivas. Vindos de diversas regiões, principalmente do Centro, da Mata e do Sul, eles construíram um amplo painel da economia mineira, no qual inseriram questões sobre a educação. Nesta tese, tendo como principais fontes periódicos, legislação e biografias, procurou-se analisar essas manifestações em conjunto e separadamente, identificando autores, objetivos, destinatários e referências para a compreensão do que, na passagem do século XIX para o XX, deveria ser o ensino profissional ou, precisamente, a educação considerada como necessária e propícia ao progresso econômico. O representantes das classes produtoras apresentaram propostas de instrução com enfoques diferenciados com relação ao tipo de ensino, suas modalidades e níveis. Também foi possível identificar aspectos comuns ao debate educacional coetâneo, tais como a atribuição do atraso econômico à falta de instrução que preparasse para o trabalho. Desse modo, os representantes apontaram a necessidade de modificar técnicas, procedimentos, instrumentos e materiais para uma produção mais moderna e racional, e defenderam propostas de formação dos dirigentes das atividades produtivas e dos quadros técnicos e a educação do trabalhador. / In 1903, about two hundred representatives of the producing classes met in Belo Horizonte for the achievement of the Agricultural, Industrial and Commercial Congress of Minas Gerais. These men were invited to discuss means to leverage the state progress, which faced severe economic crisis, chiefly due to the fall in coffee values, its main export product. The congress was an initiative of the president of the state, Francisco Salles, headed by João Pinheiro da Silva, and aimed to hear representatives of productive activities. Coming from various regions, particularly the Centre, the Mata and the South, they built a broad panel of Minas Gerais economy, in which they introduced questions about education. In this thesis, using mainly journalistic sources, legislation and biographies, we sought to analyze these events together and separately, identifying authors, objectives, receivers and references to the understanding of what should be vocational education, namely the education considered necessary and propitious to economic progress in the late nineteenth century to the twentieth. The representatives of the producing classes presented instruction propositions with different approaches regarding the type of school, its modalities and levels. It was also possible to identify common aspects of coeval educational debate, such as the association of economic backwardness to the lack of instruction to prepare for work. Thus, the representatives pointed out the need to modify techniques, procedures, tools and materials for a more modern and rational production and advocated propositions on the formation of leaders of productive activities and technical staff and on the worker education.

The world trade organisation (wto) and the organisation of petroleum exporting countries (opec) mandates: regulating production quotas, subsidies, and corruption in oil producing countries-an African perspective

Kyepa, Timothy January 2014 (has links)
Doctor Legum - LLD / African countries are faced with the daunting task of providing a comprehensive regulatory framework for their natural resources. This is at both the international and domestic level. The statement is particularly true for emerging African oil producing countries. Related to the above, it can be argued that production quotas, subsidies, and corruption continue to hinder the full liberalisation of the oil sector globally, and in Africa. Also, these three areas are the genesis of some of the prominent issues in the discussions of trade in energy goods. Although Africa is substantially endowed with natural resources like crude oil, it remains at the bottom of the development pecking order; accordingly, it has to get centrally involved in the debate on the regulation of international trade in oil to encourage development and to benefit from the resource. The World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) are the most relevant organisations in the collective regulation of production quotas, oil consumption subsidies and the control of corruption in the oil sector. Both organisations, directly for the former, and indirectly for the latter, deal with trade between nations. OPEC‘s mandate is established in the OPEC Statute, while the mandate of the WTO is found in various multilateral and plurilateral agreements. However, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1994) (GATT), the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM), and the Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) are the most relevant. The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) is only discussed where relevant. This is because the treaty is based on the WTO framework. Also, several provisions in the WTO agreements are not fully discussed in the ECT. OPEC which deals with regulation of oil production and to some extent oil prices in member countries has an effect on trade of the commodity. The role of the WTO however, is more direct as it regulates international trade of various vi goods and services. Thus this thesis investigates how the above legal frameworks regulate production quotas, subsidies, and corruption in the oil sector. The results of the foregoing investigation are then applied to African countries, such as, Nigeria, Angola (members of both the WTO and OPEC) and Ghana, an emerging African oil producing country, to assess the impact of these international rules on the countries‘ legal regimes. Ghana has recently developed its crude oil sector. The success of the nascent oil sector of this country may depend on the conception or improvement of a comprehensive legal framework, to regulate international trade in oil. It is apparent that without an effective legal framework to regulate international trade in oil, the discovery of oil in Ghana, may not make any long term positive impact on the current economic conditions. Ghana is a member of the WTO; however, it is yet to join OPEC, despite growing debate on its membership in the organisation.

Podnikatelský záměr na založení vinařského podniku / The Business Plan for Creating of Wine Producing Company

Pavlák, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this master´s thesis is to design a business plan for creating wine producing company on the basis of critical analysis. It consists of three main parts: the theoretical approach to solution, the analysis of the current situation and the proposal of the business plan for creating wine producing company. The work is based on the real situation, the results can serve as a support for the implementation of the plan or as a foundation for obtaining external sources of finance. All the thesis elements are processed in accordance with the acquired knowledge from the masters´s degree study programme and the attached literature.

Měření a analýza vibrací systémem OCTAVIS / Measurement and analysis of vibration with OCTAVIS system

Pařík, Zdeněk January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is focus at diagnostics of processing machines by diagnostics of vibration with the OCTAVIS system. There is mentioned a view of the present vibration monitoring methods, description of developed diagnosis bench, measuring in this bench and measuring of the chosen production machine.

The Role of Ammonia in Reproductive Inefficiency in High-Producing Dairy Cows Fed Excess Rumen Degraded Protein

Hammon, Douglas Scott 01 May 1998 (has links)
The role of ammonia in reproductive inefficiency in early lactation dairy cows was studied in a series of experiments designed to determine the concentrations of ammonia in normal bovine follicular fluid (bFF), to determine the effects of ammonia on the bovine embryo during specific stages of development, and to test the hypothesis that elevated plasma urea nitrogen concentration is associated with elevated ammonia and urea nitrogen concentrations in the reproductive fluids. In the first study, ammonia concentration in different size follicles and the effect of ammonia during in vitro maturation on embryo development were determined. Ammonia concentration in the bFF was significantly different (P<0.001) between each follicle size (< 1 mm, 2-4 mm, 5-8 mm, and >10 mm) and ammonia concentration decreased as follicle size increased. There was no difference (P>0.05) in cleavage rates, morula development, and blastocyst development when oocytes were exposed to various concentrations of ammonia during in vitro maturation. In the second study, the effects of addition of ammonia in the media during in vitro fertilization (IVF), culture (IVC), and throughout maturation (IVM), IVF, and IVC were evaluated. Addition of moderate concentrations of ammonia to IVF media resulted in a significant (P<0.05) increase in embryos that developed to blastocysts and to expanding and hatching blastocysts. Ammonia in the IVC media significantly (P<0.05) decreased the proportion of ova that developed to blastocysts. When exposed to ammonia throughout IVM, IVF, and IVC, ova developing to morulae was significantly (P<0.05) higher in media containing moderate concentrations of ammonia compared to control. In the third study, plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) concentrations were related to follicular and uterine fluid ammonia and urea concentrations in early lactation dairy cows. Mean PUN concentrations were used to distribute the cows into two groups: 1) cows with PUN ≥ 20 mg/dl (HPUN), and 2) cows with PUN<20mg/dl (LPUN). Follicular fluid ammonia and follicular fluid urea were significantly (P<0.01) higher in HPUN cows compared to LPUN cows. Uterine fluid ammonia concentration was significantly (P=0.05) higher in HPUN cows than in LPUN cows during the luteal phase, but not during the estrus phase of the estrous cycle, but not on Day 0. Uterine fluid urea nitrogen concentrations were significantly (p<0.001) higher in HPUN cows than in LPUN cows during both the luteal and estrus phases.

The Role of Prolactin in CCL28 Regulation

Hyde, Jennie 06 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Infants are born with naive immune systems, making them susceptible to a variety of infections. In order to protect the newborn infant it is important that mothers be able to pass protective IgA antibodies to their infants through breast milk. B cells that produce IgA enter the mammary tissue during lactation and secrete IgA into the milk. During pregnancy, the mammary tissue expresses high levels of chemokines, molecules that allow lymphocytes to selectively home to specific tissues. The chemokine CCL28 has been shown to be upregulated during both pregnancy and lactation, and is vital for the ability of IgA-producing B cells to home to the mammary tissue during lactation. The aim of this study was to determine whether CCL28 expression is regulated by prolactin signaling.

Belly roll: an Ly6 protein regulating nociceptive escape behaviors by modulating peptidergic interneuron excitability in Drosophila melanogaster / Belly rollは、Ly6タンパク質であり、ショウジョウバエにおいてペプチド性介在ニューロンの興奮性を調節することにより、侵害受容逃避行動を制御する

Li, Kai 25 September 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(生命科学) / 甲第24943号 / 生博第505号 / 新制||生||67(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院生命科学研究科統合生命科学専攻 / (主査)教授 上村 匡, 教授 今吉 格, 教授 鈴木 淳 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM

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