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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regulation by Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3 Beta of CBP transcriptional coactivator involved in insulin-dependent glucagon gene transcription / Die Regulation des in die Insulin-abhöngige Glukagongentranskription involvierten transkriptionellen Aktivators CBP durch die Glykogen-Synthase-Kinase-3 Beta

Matsiulka, Andrei 16 January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Rapid densification of the oil sands mature fine tailings (MFT) by microbial activity

Guo, Chengmai Unknown Date
No description available.

從文化傳播看族群電視台節目製作~以原住民電視台為例 / A study of the production of tribal television stations by interculture communication -Taiwan Indigenous Television

李賢華, Lee, Shien Hua Unknown Date (has links)
多元文化是目前社會的主流價值,事實上,每個文化都有其優勢,在不同時代都可以有貢獻。但族群文化常在傳播過程中出現矛盾與爭議,本研究試圖從文化傳播的觀點,找出製作族群電視台節目時,應掌握的原則和精神,並以原住民電視台為例,探討不同文化間如何有效的溝通。 本論文主要是以漢文化和原民文化為主,並透過社會學、人類學和文化傳播等文獻探討進行理論上的對話;同時,也探討原民文化重要的核心價值與內涵,期盼在文化傳播時能達到最佳效果。本研究採社會科學中的質性研究法,以深度訪談與焦點團體進行資料蒐集、分析與討論。 研究發現,在文化傳播歷程中族群電視台會遭遇下列幾種困難:閱聽人期待不同、文化節目製作團隊素質要高、族語和文字保留不易、文化衝突降低傳播效果、族群捍衛文化產生防衛心;但透過幽默、靠近、善用刻板印象、建立顧問團隊和政府刻意的協助,能突破困難,讓不同文化有良性溝通;除此之外,本研究也發現,族群文化反而可以為主流文化的瓶頸找一條出路,例如原住民文化中對大自然的尊重、部落意識、樂舞教導、和自然幽默的性格,與目前的全球思維等議題有密切關聯。 最後本研究提出三點建議:建議政府籌備第二台原住民電視台、主動培訓原住民傳播人才、學術界的文化學者應積極投入族群文化節目之製作團隊。筆者相信,如此必能提升文化傳播的效益,也能使多元文化的普世價值得到彰顯。 / Multi-culture is the mainstream in nowadays. Actually, each culture has its own advantages. There are conflicts and disputes of tribal culture in the communication process. This research aims the principles and the spirits of producing tribal television programs in the point of interculture communication. Taiwan Indigenous Television is taken as the example to discuss how to communicate effectively among different cultures. This research focuses on the Han culture and aboriginal culture and studies the theory through the documents of sociology, anthropology and interculture communication. At the same time, it also studies the core values and intensions of aboriginal culture. This research, gathering, analyzing, and discussing the data by deeply-interview and focus groups interview, takes the qualitative methods of sociology. The research finds out that tribal television stations may encounter the following problems: the different expect from audience, the quality of tribal television program producing team, the keep of the provin- cial speech and words, the ineffective communication results due to conflicts between different cultures, and the defend of indigenous people for their own culture. However, the problems would be solved by the help of humor, touching, breaking stereotypes, building consulting team, and the assistance from the government. The study also finds that tribal cultures may provide the solution for mainstream culture which is under the limits by itself. The advantages of aboriginal culture are the respect of the environment, tribal recognition, the teaching of music and dance, and the humor. They all are closely related to the global issues. There are three suggestions in the research. First, the government should plan to establish the second indigenous television station. Second, We should actively train indigenous media experts. Third, the scholars in the culture academic circle should eagerly involve producing tribal television programs. It is convinced that by doing so, the culture communication would be more effective, and the society would emphasize on multi-culture value much more.


郭雅雅 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟發展與所得水準提升,臺灣地區就業人口由早期的第一級產業-農林漁牧業逐漸移向第二級產業-工業,再由第二級產業轉移至第三級產業-服務業。為瞭解臺灣地區服務業就業之趨勢,國內多數研究僅就蒐集資料以年齡、年代或世代三方面分別作探討,本文則改採流行病學領域中所廣泛使用之年齡-年代-世代模型(Age-Period-Cohort Model),就行政院主計處「人力資源調查」資料來作分析。但年齡、年代與世代三者間存在共線性問題(即世代=年代-年齡),導致迴歸模型產生無限多組解,為了自其中選出一組較適當之參數估計值,文獻中提供了許多不同形式的解決方法。本文則採用Fu(2000)所提出之本質估計量(Intrinsic Estimator,簡稱IE),這是一種不受參數限制式影響的估計方式。我們除了藉以取得惟一的參數估計值,進而分析年齡、年代及世代效應對服務業就業比率之影響外,並與傳統之受限廣義線性模型估計量(Constrained Generalized Linear Models Estimator,簡稱CGLIME)作一比較,來說明採用本質估計量之優點及方便之處。 / Along with economical development and higher income level, Taiwan area employed population has gradually been switching from farming, forestry, fishing and animal husbandry to goods-producing industries, and then onto services-producing industries. In order to understand the trend of employment in service-producing industries in Taiwan, most domestic studies focus on the aspects of age, period or cohort separately. We, instead, adopt the Age-Period-Cohort (APC) model, which is well recognized in the epidemiology, to analyze the data from “Manpower Surveys” conducted by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. in this study. However, due to the collinearity among the age, period, and cohort effects, the APC model suffers from the identifiability problem. Some possible solutions have been provided in the literature. Among them, the Constrained Generalized Linear Models Estimator (CGIME) is undoubtedly the most popular choice, while the Intrinsic Estimator (IE) (Fu (2000)), which is invariant to the constraint selected to obtain the parameter estimates, is less well-known. We compare the results obtained from IE with that of CGIME in this study, and discuss the advantages of using the Intrinsic Estimator.

Analyse des productions écrites des militaires coréens apprenant le français / Analysis of written productions of Korean military learning French

Cha, Sung-bok 04 September 2012 (has links)
Notre recherche a pour objectif d’interpréter les erreurs de productions écrites chez les apprenants militaires coréens lors de leur apprentissage du français. Actuellement, au sein de d’École Militaire Académique en Corée du Sud, l’enseignement de la grammaire française occupe encore la place la plus importante, même si une certaine approche communicative dans la didactique des langues étrangères commence à faire sont apparition. Dans l’approche communicative, deux compétences (orale et écrite) sont prioritaires lors de l’enseignement / apprentissage des langues étrangères. Mais du fait de certaines difficultés liées à la distance entre la France et la Corée du Sud et à l’organisation actuelle de l’enseignement à l’École Militaire Académique, notre recherche n’a pu porter que sur l’analyse des erreurs à l’écrit ainsi qu’à leur remédiation.Notre travail s’articule en trois parties. La première repose sur la présentation de la situation atuelle de l’enseignement / apprentissage du français à l’École Militaire Académique de l’Armée de Terre. Une enquête menée auprès des élèves officiers nous permet d’aborder leur motivation et leur attitude face à l’apprentissage du français et d’observer comment leur est actuellement enseignée le français dans cette école. La deuxième partie est consacrée à la théorie et à la méthodologie fondée sur les recherches de la langue de l’apprenant. Nous nous proposons de retracer l’itinéraire des recherches comparatives en commençant par l’analyse contrastive jusqu’à l’étude de l’interlangue. La troisième partie porte sur l’analyse des données de façon détaillée pour élucider les difficultés linguistiques intraphrastiques et textuelles rencontrées dans la production écrite par les apprenants militaires coréens en situation d’apprentissage du français au niveau intermédiaire.Cette analyse nous permet de mieux comprendre le processus d’apprentissage du français chez les apprenants militaires et de réfléchir aux améliorations qu’il convienrait d’apporter à l’enseignement du français dans l’École Militaire Académique. / The objective of our research is to interpret the types of errors made in written documents by Korean junior officers studying French. In the South Korean Military Academy for the Army French grammar is the most important part of the syllabus, though now more importance is given to communicative aspects of language training than previously. In communication the two competences (written and spoken) are both priorities in foreign language training. The organization of language training in the South Korean Military Academy for the Army and the distance between France and South Korea means our research has concentrated on the analysis of errors in written communication and ways to improve these.This work is in three parts. The first examines the current situation with language teaching at the South Korean Military Academy for the Army. This allowed us to follow the motivation and attitude of students learning French and to find out how it is taught in this school. The second part concentrates on the theory and methodology based on language research for learners of the language, using comparative research and starting with comparative analysis of the study between languages. The third part analyses in detail the linguistic difficulties in written French (both text and structure) encountered by intermediate level students at the South Korean Military Academy for the Army.This detailed analysis allows us to better understand the learning process for French language by these students at the South Korean Military Academy for the Army and to propose areas for improvement in the teaching of French.

Guide lines for educational psychologists in the therapeutical application of the medical hypnoanalysis with anxiety clients

Roets, Susanna 06 1900 (has links)
People's inability to cope with the demands of modern life, has led to a significant increase in the incidence of anxiety being experienced by people from all walks of life. People are suffering from anxiety without knowing the root cause of it and it was found from the anxiety cases studied that its origin can in many cases be traced to the birth experience where specific negative suggestions were imprinted on the subconscious. In this study the influence of the birth experience as the underlying cause of anxiety and the effect of it on the formation of the self-concept and self-actualisation have been explored. The research shows that a subconscious origin exists in the development of anxiety. In the research for this study, Medical Hypnoanalysis, which is based on a process of diagnosis and therapy, was used as therapeutic method with several clients suffering from anxiety symptoms. In this research the perceptions formed in the subconscious during the birth experience were examined and related to the anxiety experienced during childhood and later life. The case studies, their diagnoses and the follow-up therapeutic sessions relating to the birth experience were investigated and discussed. Educational Psychologists show a specific interest in and a tendency to get involved with, or implement Medical Hypnoanalysis in therapy. It became obvious from this study that Medical Hypnoanalysis supplements the needs of the Educational Psychologist as a tool in therapy. In this study guide lines have been presented to the Educational Psychologist for the treatment of anxiety originating from the birth trauma by regressing the client back to this traumatic experience. Suggestions on how to conduct the birth regression sessions have also been presented and clarified. Through the case studies the identification and removal of the highly charged emotional and negative beliefs that were responsible for the anxiety symptom have been demonstrated. The case studies have furthermore demonstrated the successful utilisation of positive and healing suggestions to achieve the therapeutic goals. The results of this study show that Medical Hypnoanalysis can be used effectively in the treatment of the root causes of anxiety. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)

Recording classical music in Britain : the long 1950s

Curran, Terence William January 2015 (has links)
During the 1950s the experience of recording was transformed by a series of technical innovations including tape recording, editing, the LP record, and stereo sound. Within a decade recording had evolved into an art form in which multiple takes and editing were essential components in the creation of an illusory ideal performance. The British recording industry was at the forefront of development, and the rapid growth in recording activity throughout the 1950s as companies built catalogues of LP records, at first in mono but later in stereo, had a profound impact on the music profession in Britain. Despite this, there are few documented accounts of working practices, or of the experiences of those involved in recording at this time, and the subject has received sparse coverage in academic publications. This thesis studies the development of the recording of classical music in Britain in the long 1950s, the core period under discussion being 1948 to 1964. It begins by considering the current literature on recording, the cultural history of the period in relation to classical music, and the development of recording in the 1950s. Oral history informs the central part of the thesis, based on the analysis of 89 interviews with musicians, producers, engineers and others involved in recording during the 1950s and 1960s. The thesis concludes with five case studies, four of significant recordings - Tristan und Isolde (1952), Peter Grimes (1958), Elektra (1966-67), and Scheherazade (1964) - and one of a television programme, The Anatomy of a Record (1975), examining aspects of the recording process. The thesis reveals the ways in which musicians, producers, and engineers responded to the challenges and opportunities created by advances in technology, changing attitudes towards the aesthetics of performance on record, and the evolving nature of practices and relationships in the studio. It also highlights the wider impact of recording on musical practice and its central role in helping to raise standards of musical performance, develop audiences for classical music, and expand the repertoire in concert and on record.

Metabolické a strukturální rozdíly u primárního hyperaldosteronismu a esenciální hypertenze / Metabolic and structural differences in primary aldosteronism and essential hypertension

Šomlóová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular (CV) disease, and patients with primary aldosteronism (PA) - the most common endocrine cause of hypertension - have a higher incidence of CV complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of metabolic differences and organ complications - kidney, heart and blood vessels damage in patients with essential hypertension (EH), PA and its most common forms - idiopathic hyperaldosteronism (IHA) and aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA). We found a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome and a higher incidence of metabolic abnormalities in IHA compared to APA - higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome, higher levels of triglycerides and lower levels of HDL cholesterol and thereby a higher cardiometabolic risk. Metabolic profile of patients with IHA is similar to EH in contrast to APA. Arterial stiffness was expressed as pulse wave velocity (PWV), in central arteries as carotid-femoral PWV and at peripheral level as femoral-ankle PWV. Patients with PA with comparable levels of blood pressure (BP) have higher stiffness of central elastic and peripheral muscular arteries than patients with EH. The main predictor of impaired peripheral arterial stiffness is the plasma aldosterone level. Patients with IHA have higher central arterial...

O fetichismo: para uma crÃtica radical do trabalho abstratoconcreto. InvestigaÃÃes sobre a teoria do valor de Marx

Josà Valdo Barros Silva JÃnior 06 August 2010 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / O objetivo desta dissertaÃÃo à desferir uma crÃtica radical ao trabalho abstrato-concreto enquanto princÃpio fetichista constitutivo da moderna sociedade produtora de mercadorias, a partir da teoria do valor de Karl Marx. Em primeiro lugar, perscrutar-se-à a estrutura da mercadoria enquanto unidade social concreta portadora intrinsecamente de uma dupla determinaÃÃo, isto Ã, sendo ao mesmo tempo um valor de uso e um valor. A dualidade da mercadoria se deriva da dualidade do trabalho, enquanto ao mesmo tempo abstrato e concreto. Hà uma relaÃÃo antagÃnica tanto no interior da mercadoria quanto no do trabalho, visto que, por um lado, o valor se impÃe destrutivamente sobre o valor de uso e, por outro, o trabalho abstrato se impÃe destrutivamente sobre o seu outro, a saber, o trabalho concreto. Esta relaÃÃo antagÃnica à marcada, pois, por uma lÃgica negativa, cuja tendÃncia à gerar contradiÃÃes cada vez mais insustentÃveis. O cerne dessas contradiÃÃes consiste no fato de toda a realidade social produtora de mercadorias da modernidade està fundada em uma abstraÃÃo social real: o ser-valor. Este ser à constituÃdo originariamente pelo trabalho abstrato enquanto substÃncia social. Em segundo lugar, determinar-se-à que a lÃgica negativa que perpassa a estrutura da mercadoria possui um carÃter fetichista. Este carÃter torna os objetos produzidos socialmente pelo trabalho abstrato-concreto em coisas ao mesmo tempo sensÃveis e suprassensÃveis. O cunho fetichista das mercadorias se deriva da prÃpria natureza dual do trabalho que as produz. O fetichismo da mercadoria consiste em um mecanismo social absurdo de engendrar a realidade da sociedade como se fosse dominada por coisas autÃnomas, as quais possuem poderes anÃnimos frente aos prÃprios indivÃduos que as produziram. O mecanismo de fetichizaÃÃo social da realidade se configura e se objetiva de tal forma pelo hÃbito das relaÃÃes sociais de produÃÃo que a mercadoria parece possuir a propriedade do ser-valor como sendo algo natural e nÃo socialmente constituÃdo pelo trabalho. A consolidaÃÃo fÃrrea desse mecanismo se dà porque ele à caracterizado por uma tripla dimensÃo: uma objetiva (realidade), uma subjetiva (pensamento) e uma intersubjetiva (linguagem). A unidade destas trÃs dimensÃes constitui a moderna sociedade produtora de mercadorias como uma totalidade negativa, determinada por uma matrix a priori que condiciona fetichistamente o agir, o pensar, o falar, o sentir etc. de todos os seus integrantes atravÃs de um poder impessoal. Em um terceiro momento, investigar-se-à qual o horizonte histÃrico e lÃgico no qual o trabalho abstrato-concreto està circunscrito, a saber, tÃo-somente ao moderno sistema produtor de mercadorias. Tal limitaÃÃo do horizonte histÃrico e lÃgico do trabalho serà complementada com a teoria da crise final do sistema capitalista. Essa teoria acaba por caracterizar o trabalho como uma categoria historicamente determinada e pertencente tÃo-sà ao moderno sistema produtor de mercadorias, nÃo sendo, pois, um princÃpio ontolÃgico determinador da essÃncia do homem enquanto ser social fundado no e pelo trabalho, nem um princÃpio transhistÃrico pertencente a todas as formas de sociabilidade. Por fim, concluir-se-Ã, a partir dos aspectos do conteÃdo, forma e matÃria que constituem a sociedade moderna produtora de mercadorias, com a determinaÃÃo do conceito de histÃria como histÃria das relaÃÃes fetichistas e nÃo como histÃria das lutas de classe. / The aim of this dissertation is to strike a radical critique at abstract-concrete labor as a fetishist principle that constitutes the modern commodity-producing society. All this from the point of view of Karl Marxâs theory of value. Firstly, it scrutinizes the structure of commodity as a concrete social unit that carries inherently a double determination, which means it is both a use-value and a value. The twofold nature of commodity is derived from the twofold nature of labor, while at same time abstract and concrete. There is an antagonistic relation both within the commodity and the labor, however, the value is imposed on the use-value of destructive form. On the other hand, the abstract-labor is imposed also on its destructively way, which is named the concrete-labor. This antagonism is characterized by a negative logic, which tends to generate increasing unsustainable contradictions. The core of these contradictions lies the fact that the whole commodity-producing social reality of modernity is based on a real social abstraction: the value-being. This being is originally constituted by the abstract-labor as social substance. Secondly, it determines that the negative logic which permeates the structure of commodity has a fetish-like character. This character becomes the socially produced objects by abstract-concrete labor in things at same time sensible and supersensible. The fetish-like character of commodities is derived from the twofold nature of labor that produced them. The fetishism is an absurd social mechanism that engenders the reality of society as if it was dominated by autonomous things, which have anonymous powers against individuals themselves who produced them. The social mechanism of fetishization of reality is formed by habit of social relations of production. This habit makes the commodities to appear having a property of value-being as something natural. But this property is merely socially constituted by labor. The strongly consolidation of this mechanism occurs because it is characterized by three dimensions: an objective (reality), a subjective (thoughts) and an intersubjective dimension. The unity of these three dimensions constitutes the commodity-producing modern society as a negative totality, since it is determined by a priori matrix that characterizes fetishistically to the act, speaks and fells of all its members through an impersonal power. Thirdly, it investigates the historical and logical horizon in which the abstract-concrete labor is limited: merely the commodity-producing modern system. This limitation will be complemented with the Marxâs theory of final crisis of capitalism. This theory turns out to characterize the labor as a historically determined category and so it belongs only to commodity-producing modern system. It is not therefore an ontological principle that determines the manâs essence as a social being founded by and through labor, nor a transhistorical principle belonging to all forms of sociability. Finally, it concludes according to contend, form and matter of the commodity-producing modern society that history is the history of fetishists relations and not the history of class struggles.

Résistance aux antibiotiques dans des eaux urbaines péri-hospitalières considérées dans un continuum hydrologique / Antimicrobial resistance in an urban river continuum flowing near hospital settings

Almakki, Ayad Qasim Mahdi 03 May 2017 (has links)
Les écosystèmes aquatiques soumis à des pressions anthropiques sont des lieux d'évolution rapide des communautés microbiennes. Cet environnement participe certainement à l'émergence d'agents infectieux résistants aux antibiotiques. La ville de Montpellier est située dans un petit bassin versant qui subit d’une part des épisodes de pluies brutales et d’autre part de fortes pressions démographiques. Le principal hôpital est situé dans une zone de ruissellement comprenant deux petites rivières urbaines provenant d'eaux souterraines karstiques à quelques kilomètres en amont. L’objectif de cette étude est d'explorer les communautés bactériennes dans les rivières urbaines qui coulent près du centre hospitalier afin d'évaluer l'influence des ruissellements sur la résistance aux antibiotiques dans les communautés bactériennes. Les communautés bactériennes sont également décrites dans les aquifères karstiques en amont. Une section introductive présente les méthodes disponibles pour l'étude de la résistance aux antimicrobiens dans l'environnement et une revue de la littérature expose les données actuelles sur la résistance aux antibiotiques dans l’eau de ruissellement urbain. Cette partie justifie les stratégies expérimentales. La méthode développée ici, appelée détermination de la concentration inhibitrice à l’échelle de la communauté bactérienne (c-IC, pour community inhibitory concentration), est combinée à une description de la richesse taxonomique pour donner une description instantanée des communautés bactériennes résistantes dans les environnements aquatiques. Une stratégie dérivée de l'approche c-IC permet d'explorer la résistance bactérienne dans le système hydrologique urbain près de l'hôpital et dans les aquifères karstiques. Les données microbiologiques recueillies sont complétées par des données hydrologiques, hydrogéologiques, climatiques et physico-chimiques.L'impact de très faibles concentrations d'antibiotiques sur la structure de la communauté bactérienne dans divers environnements hydriques a été démontré et apparaît comme un indicateur de la vulnérabilité des écosystèmes face aux pressions antimicrobiennes. Le répertoire taxonomique des communautés fluviales urbaines a été décrit et sa dynamique a été confrontée aux conditions environnementales. Le voisinage des hôpitaux augmente significativement la prévalence des bactéries résistantes par rapport à une zone urbaine similaire éloignée de l'hôpital. Des bactéries d’intérêt médical résistantes aux céphalosporines et aux carbapénèmes ont été isolées. De façon surprenante, un Escherichia coli producteur de NDM-5, pathogène émergeant hautement résistant, a été signalé pour la première fois dans une rivière française. Le clone a été détecté dans deux échantillons indépendants montrant sa persistance. Le gène blaNDM-5 et son environnement génétique ont été décrits sur un plasmide IncX3 transférable, indiquant un transfert génétique horizontal possible. La résistance aux antimicrobiens dans l'eau souterraine karstique a varié dans le temps et dans l'espace et est difficilement comparable à celle décrite dans les rivières associées. En milieu urbain, la qualité de l'eau et le risque infectieux sont généralement évalués sur les eaux usées et les effluents des stations d'épuration. Cette étude montre que les eaux de ruissellement dans des zones urbanisées contribuent à l'émergence et à la dissémination de la résistance aux antimicrobiens. Compte tenu de l'épidémiologie inquiétante des maladies infectieuses, cette étude invite à explorer les potentiels réservoirs environnementaux de bactéries résistantes afin de compléter les connaissances sur le cycle épidémiologique de la résistance aux antimicrobiens et essayer de l’interrompre ou de le ralentir. / Aquatic ecosystems subjected to anthropic pressures are places of rapid evolution of microbial communities. They are likely hotspots for emergence of infectious disease agents resistant to antibiotics. The city of Montpellier is located in a small watershed that undergoes brutal rainfall episodes and strong demographic pressures. A hospital is located in a runoff area including two small urban rivers originating from karstic groundwater few kilometers upstream. The aim of the study is to explore bacterial communities in urban rivers flowing near hospital settings in order to evaluate the influence of runoffs on antibiotics resistance in the bacterial communities. Bacterial communities are also described in upstream karstic aquifers.An introductive section presents the methods available for studying antimicrobial resistance in environment and then reviews comprehensively bibliography on antibiotics resistance in urban runoffs. This part supports the experimental strategies. The method developed herein, called community Inhibitory Concentration (c-IC) determination is combined to taxonomic richness description to provide a tool that gives a rapid snapshot of resistant bacterial communities in aquatic environments. A strategy derived from c-IC approach allows the exploration of bacterial resistance in the urban hydrologic system near the hospital and in karstic aquifers. The collected microbiological data has been completed by hydrological, hydrogeological, climatic and physico-chemical data.The impact of very low concentration of antibiotics on the bacterial community structure in various water bodies was demonstrated and appeared as an indicator of the vulnerability of ecosystems to antimicrobial pressures. The taxonomic repertory of the urban river communities was described and its dynamics was compared to environmental conditions. Hospital vicinity significantly increase the prevalence of resistant bacteria compared to a similar urban area remote from hospital. Diverse clinically relevant cephalosporins and carbapenems resistant bacteria have been isolated. Surprisingly, a NDM-producing Escherichia coli, which is a highly resistant and emerging pathogen was reported for the first time in a French River. The clone was detected in two independent sampling showing its persistence. The blaNDM-5 gene and its surrounding sequences were described on a transferable IncX3 plasmid, indicating possible genetic transfer to other bacteria. The antimicrobial resistance in karst groundwater varied in time and space and was hardly compared with that described in related rivers.In urban settings, water quality and infectious risk is generally assessed on sewers and wastewater treatment plants effluents. This study shows that runoff waters in urbanized area contribute to the emergence and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance. Considering the worrisome epidemiology of infectious diseases, it urges to decipher all environmental reservoirs for resistant bacteria in order to complete knowledges about the epidemiological cycle of antimicrobial resistance and try to break or slow down it.

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