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Overenie business modelu predaja nového produktu Lifelink / Evalution of the business model of new product LifelinkKovács, Jozef January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to verify the business model of a new product introduced by a newly founded company named Lifelink s.r.o. and its product of the same name. The thesis is conceived as a recommendation for the investor whether to accept or decline an investment in the project. The paper should also serve as an estimate of the profitability of the project and its value to the investor. The thesis is based on utilization of theoretical and practical knowledge gained during my studies and its application in introduction of a new product. The thesis is divided into four parts, where the first part represents the introduction containing the description, objectives and methods of the thesis. The second part contains the methodology which is going to be used in the third part. This part represents the application of the methodoly presented earlier and its core is a feasibility study expended by the specifics of a business model evaluation. The conclusion contains the recommendation for the investor based on calculated net present value and economic value of the project which incorporate all findings from the third part of the thesis.
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Study on Architecture-Oriented Network Product Business Management ModelKung, Hsing-Yu 19 June 2012 (has links)
The possibility of integrating the ¡§cloud¡¨ concept with web-based services such as email, photo albums, and file storage not only provides web users a better experience, but expands the market for online sales as well. However, as estimated profits climb, difficulties also rises: an increase on raw material costs, strengthened environmental policies, and competition between service providers that makes it even harder to run a business. While these problems are often the main focus of business operation and management, pressure resulting from challenges should not blur the importance of business process reengineering.
This study aims to construct an architecture-oriented model for the purpose of network product operational management. This model will provide a detailed description of the components and component operations of the network product business organization, the network product business system, and the relationship between information flow, and the coalescence and interaction of the organization and system. This study will also analyze and compare, in terms of organization, system, and behavior, both the non architecture-oriented and architecture-oriented, on the network product business management.
In this study, the architecture-oriented network product business management model (AONPBMM) is based on the theory and application of enterprise architecture; in addition, the model includes the concept of structure-behavior coalescence architecture (SBC architecture) and the six fundamental diagrams. AONPBMM has the advantage of displaying lucidly the structure and operations of the organization, business behaviors, and information flows. It is simple, comprehensible, and communicable. As managers and employees within the enterprise shall easily comprehend the interactions and communications between different sections by using this model, a huge amount of time could be preserved for individual works, and the enterprise would become more competitive.
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Value creation by enterprise systems value added resellers:the case of PLM systems VARsSiira, T. (Tuula) 06 November 2012 (has links)
This study examines value creation by value added resellers (VARs) in the context of the enterprise systems business, with particular respect to product lifecycle management (PLM) systems. The purpose of the study is to increase theoretical and empirical understanding of value creation in this specific context by integrating the enterprise systems theory, the software ecosystems theory, the software business model theory, and the value creation theory.
The theoretical framework assumes the perspective of the VARs, and examines their interactions with customers and suppliers during the value creation process. The customers and suppliers are the parties that perceive the value created by the VAR. The primary objective is to determine how and why the VAR creates value in the perception of its customers and suppliers.
The method includes a qualitative case study research strategy in which empirical data were collected primarily through interviews with highly knowledgeable informants within three VAR organizations, five customer organizations, and five supplier organizations. Each source viewed the scope of the research questions from a diverse perspective.
As a result of the empirical analysis, value creation by the VAR value was connected to the VAR type, the value creation strategy, and the business model. The VAR's strategy results from synergy and synchronization with its PLM system.
The customer-perceived value is, in part, the value created by the VAR-customer business relationship. It is also partially specific to the customer type. A VAR creates value for its customers because its product and service offerings fulfill customer needs, and because it offers abilities, knowledge, expertise, and experience of interest to its customers. The most advanced value creation occurs when the business relationship is a source of co-value creation that creates value for both parties.
The supplier-perceived value is also partially specific to the supplier type. The VAR- supplier business relationship creates value for suppliers because the VAR extends the supplier’s market presence, offers market and customer knowledge, and creates new business opportunities.
This study is context-dependent and geographically and culturally focused on Nordic countries. The results reflect the contexts of the three research cases and their geographical and cultural areas, and as such are not generalizable. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimus keskittyy lisäarvoa tuottavien jälleenmyyjien (VAR) arvontuotantoon yritysjärjestelmien liiketoimintakontekstissa ja siinä erityisesti tuotteen elinkaaren hallintajärjestelmien liiketoimintakontekstissa. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on lisätä sekä teoreettista että empiiristä ymmärrystä arvontuotannosta integroimalla yritystietojärjestelmä-, ohjelmistoekosysteemi-, ohjelmistoliiketoimintamalli- ja arvontuotantoteorioita.
Teoreettisen viitekehyksen näkökulma on VAR:t sekä niiden vuorovaikutus asiakkaiden ja toimittajien kanssa arvontuotantoprosessin aikana. Asiakkaat ja toimittajat ovat niitä osapuolia, jotka havaitsevat VAR:n arvontuotannon. Tutkimuksen päätarkoitus on ymmärtää miten ja miksi VAR luo lisäarvoa asiakkailleen ja toimittajilleen. Tutkimusstrategia on laadullinen tapaustutkimus. Empiirinen materiaali on kerätty pääasiassa tekemällä haastatteluja kolmessa VAR-yrityksessä, sekä viidessä asiakasyrityksessä ja viidessä toimittajayrityksessä. Haastateltavilla oli hyvä ymmärrys tutkimuksen kohteesta. He arvioivat siihen liittyen tutkimuskysymyksiä useista eri näkökulmista.
Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että VAR:n arvon tuottaminen on riippuvainen VAR:n tyyppistä, sen arvontuotantostrategiasta sekä sen liiketoimintamallista. VAR:n strategia on synkronoitu sen PLM järjestelmätoimittajan strategiaan.
Asiakkaan havaitsema arvo muodostuu osittain asiakkaan ja VAR:n välisen liikesuhteen tuottamasta arvosta. Lisäksi se on riippuvainen asiakkaan tyypistä. VAR tuottaa arvoa asiakkailleen, jos sen tuote- ja palvelutarjonta vastaa niiden tarpeita. Lisäksi se tuottaa arvoa, jos sillä on kyvykkyyksiä, tietämystä, asiantuntemusta ja kokemusta, joita sen asiakkaat tarvitsevat. Edistyneintä arvontuotantoa edustaa liikesuhteen mahdollistama yhteinen arvontuotanto, josta hyötyvät molemmat osapuolet.
Arvontuotanto on osittain riippuvainen toimittajan tyypistä. VAR tuottaa arvoa toimittajilleen, koska se laajentaa niiden läsnäoloa markkinoilla, tuntee markkinat ja niiden asiakkaat sekä luo uusia liiketoimintamahdollisuuksia.
Tutkimus on kontekstiriippuvainen. Se on maantieteellisesti ja kulttuurillisesti keskittynyt Pohjoismaihin. Tutkimuksen tulokset heijastavat kolmea tutkimustapausta ja niiden maantieteellistä ja kulttuurillista taustaa eikä sen takia ole sellaisenaan yleistettävissä.
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Essays on the long- and short-run dynamics of macro-variables in the Pacific Rim countriesZainal, Mohd. Pisal, January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 2005. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 79-88).
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The contextual nature of launching industrial new productsLehtimäki, T. (Tuula) 22 October 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to understand the contextual nature of launching industrial new products. Therefore, the launch drivers, challenges, and launch processes are examined here in two remarkably different industrial contexts. The importance of the launch for new product success has been acknowledged and the formulation of a successful launch strategy is broadly addressed in the previous launch research. However, the launch activities and the variety of industrial launch contexts have been less frequently studied.
The theoretical foundation of this study builds on new product marketing, new product management, new product development, and industrial marketing research. The empirical part of the study is conducted in the form of a qualitative two-case study. The first case represents a less innovative singular design industrial product launch by a product-based firm to a competitive market, and the second case is an innovative customised industrial solution launch through a customer project by a project-based firm to a less competitive market. Thirty personal interviews form the primary data.
The study primarily contributes to the new product launch research. First, the study presents how the contextual nature of launching industrial new products comes into effect, as product, firm, and market characteristics influence the perceived launch drivers, challenges, and launch process characteristics in a context. Second, the study identifies six aspects of launching and ten launch activity groups that capture the launch drivers, challenges, and activities in a context. The aspects or activity groups are not all relevant in all contexts, but their occurrence can be understood through the context characteristics. Third, the findings detail differing launch drivers and challenges and characteristics for the launch process in two industrial contexts. The only common launch process phase across the contexts is the external introduction. The findings from the project-based firm context broaden the contextual scope of the new product launch research. Fourth, the study elaborates on the scattered implications concerning the launching of innovative solutions through customer projects presented in industrial solution and reference marketing research. Fifth, the study brings forward communication as a central aspect of the process of launching. / Tiivistelmä
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on ymmärtää uusien teollisuustuotteiden lanseeraamisen kontekstisidonnaisuutta, minkä vuoksi lanseerauksen onnistumisen ajureita ja haasteita sekä lanseerausprosessia tutkitaan kahdessa hyvin erilaisessa teollisessa kontekstissa. Aiempi tutkimus on tunnistanut lanseerauksen tärkeänä uuden tuotteen menestystekijänä, ja erityisesti lanseerausstrategian merkitystä on tutkittu laajasti. Lanseerausaktiviteetit sekä teollisten lanseerauskontekstien kirjo ovat kuitenkin vähemmän tutkittuja.
Tutkimus rakentuu teoreettisesti uusien tuotteiden markkinoinnin ja johtamisen, tuotekehityksen ja teollisen markkinoinnin kirjallisuuteen. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osio on toteutettu laadullisena tapaustutkimuksena. Ensimmäinen tapaus edustaa tuoteperustaisen yrityksen tekemää vähemmän innovatiivisen vakioidun itsenäisen teollisuustuotteen lanseerausta kilpaillulle markkinalle. Toinen tapaus edustaa projektiyrityksen tekemää innovatiivisen kustomoidun teollisen ratkaisun lanseerausta asiakasprojektin kautta vähemmän kilpaillulle markkinalle. Pääaineisto koostuu 30 haastattelusta.
Tutkimuksessa esitetään, miten tuotteen, yrityksen ja markkinan piirteet vaikuttavat lanseerauksen onnistumisen ajureihin ja haasteisiin sekä lanseerausprosessin piirteisiin ja näin selittävät lanseerauksen kontekstisidonnaisuuden mekanismia. Tutkimuksessa tunnistetaan kuusi näkökulmaa lanseeraukseen ja kymmenen lanseerausaktiviteettiryhmää, joiden avulla voidaan kuvata ja analysoida lanseerauksen ajureita, haasteita sekä aktiviteetteja kontekstissa. Kaikki näkökulmat tai aktiviteettiryhmät eivät ole relevantteja kaikissa konteksteissa, mutta näkökulmien ja aktiviteettiryhmien painottumista voidaan ymmärtää tarkastelemalla kyseessä olevan kontekstin piirteitä. Lisäksi, tulokset erittelevät lanseerauksen ajureita ja haasteita sekä lanseerausprosessin piirteitä tutkituissa konteksteissa. Ainoa yhteinen lanseerausprosessin vaihe näissä konteksteissa on tuotteen esittely markkinoille. Tutkimus kokoaa ja kehittää nykyistä hajanaista ymmärrystä innovatiivisten teollisten ratkaisujen lanseeraamisesta asiakasprojektien kautta, ja tulokset tästä projektiyrityskontekstista laajentavat lanseeraustutkimuksen kontekstien kirjoa. Tutkimus esittää kommunikaation keskeisenä lanseerausprosessin elementtinä ja erittelee siihen liittyvät avainlöydökset tutkituista konteksteista.
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Podnikatelský plán nového turistického produktu v Jindřichově Hradci / Business Plan of the new Tourism Product in Jindřichův HradecFiši, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this dissertation is to create a real project for a new product of tourism, which will be able to come reality during 2016. This new product is combination of trip, discovering local food and local producers of traditional meals and cooking lessons. The first part of this work focuses on traveling, new trend in it and marketing in tourist trade. The second part is dedicated to concrete business plan. Submitter is company O.C. Business Group s.r.o. and also is a implementer. This company had specific demands and this work fits with them. The business plan shows high potential in that tourist product.
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Konstrukce předstihových a souběžných kompozitních indikátorů pro ČR / Construction of the composite leading and coincidence indicators for the Czech RepublicZeman, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Gross Domestic Product represents the basic indicator of macroeconomic performance of the Czech economy and its importance is growing. The need to get the information on its development as quickly as possible for the necessary government actions is unquestionable, but the time taken to publish its first quarterly estimate of growth rate is significantly longer (45 days after the reference quarter) in comparison to other countries. The aim of this thesis is to attempt the construction of composite leading and coincidence indicator to estimate quarterly GDP changes, starting 30 days after the reference quarter. The methods of time series analysis, by which the relationships among GDP and indicators available in this 30-day period and possibly entering this composite leading, respectively coincidence indicator are analyzed, are used.
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TailorMySuit start-up case: Is there a potential for online business with custom tailored formal menswear? / TailorMySuit start-up: Existuje potenciál v online podnikání s pánským oblečením na míru?Čahojová, Kristína January 2013 (has links)
The thesis analyses and describes TailorMySuit start-up in order to asses its potential success. In the introduction the goals of thesis are stated and the structure is explained. The thesis is divided into two main parts -- a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part includes models for business evaluations, basic introduction to online business, its terms; and it also introduces reader into particular start-up industry and international management realities. The practical part contains business analysis based on real data from the company and the market. Analysis is drawn up based on the theoretical aspects.The thesis ends with conclusions and gives the most possible scenarios of business development.
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