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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of cardiovascular magnetic resonance in the characterisation and risk stratification of dilated cardiomyopathy

Gulati, Ankur January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

The prognostic Impact of microRNA-181a expression levels in patients with cytogenetically normal acute myeloid leukemia

Schwind, Sebastian 06 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Despite advances in the understanding of cancer biology, most patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) still die of their disease. Improving risk-stratification and identifying new targets are important steps towards personalized medicine and outcome improvement. MicroRNAs, short non-coding RNAs that hybridize to their target messenger RNAs (mRNAs) and repress the expression of the encoded proteins, are known to be involved in physiological processes like cellular differentiation, proliferation and cell survival but also play an essential role in cancer, including AML. In this thesis we demonstrated that higher expression of a single microRNA miR-181a was associated with clinical outcome in cytogenetically normal AML (CN AML) patients. In multivariable models, higher expression of miR-181a was associated with achievement of complete remission (CR), with longer disease-free (DFS) and overall survival (OS) even in consideration of other validated prognostic clinical and molecular variables. Measurement of pretreatment levels of this microRNA may improve risk-stratification for AML patients. A genome-wide gene-expression signature gave biological insights into miR-181a associated AML, and provides a basis for further functional studies. Furthermore, as higher miR-181a expression associated with improved treatment response, increasing miR-181a levels by delivering synthetic miR-181a or by agents increasing endogenous levels of this microRNA in AML blasts may represent a novel and personalized therapeutic approach in AML.

UŽDAROSIOS AKCINĖS BENDROVĖS “RIMAS” FINANSINĖ ANALIZĖ IR VEIKLOS PERSPEKTYVOS / Financial analysis and activity’s prospects of Private Limited Company “Rimas”

Kirkickytė, Dovilė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Tam, kad būtų galima nustatyti įmonės finansinę būklę ir numatyti jos prognozes, neužtenka apskaičiuoti pavienių finansinių rodiklių. Siekant tikslių rezultatų ir išvadų, būtina lyginti duomenis ir rodiklius tarpusavyje, lyginti su šakos rodikliais, stebėti jų dinamiką ir nustatyti pokyčius lemiančius veiksnius. Įvertinus UAB „Rimas“ 2002–2007 m. finansinę būklę pasitelkiant horizontaliąją, vertikaliąją ir santykinių rodiklių analizę, naudojant Altmano, E.Springate ir Blanko bankroto diagnostikos modelius, numačius grynojo pelno prognozę pagal trendo ir eksponentinio išlyginimo metodus, priimta išvada, kad UAB „Rimas“ finansinė būklė ateityje stabili neišliks. Hipotezė, jog sisteminė ir nuolatinė finansinė analizė leidžia įvertinti įmonės finansinę būklę ir jos veiklos perspektyvas, pasitvirtino. / It‘s not enought to count up solitary financial indices to establish financial condition and provide for prospects of enterprise. To reach exact results and draw conclusions, we need to compare all data and indeces to each other, compare them to branch indeces, keep up with dynamics and establish factors of changes. Financial analysis of Private Limited Company “Rimas” was estimated using horizontal, vertical and relative indices analysis. There was evaluated probability of bankrupt according to Altman. E, Springate, Blank models, prognosticate net profit according to trend and exponential equation. According to this analyse were drawn a conclusion that Private Limited Company’s “Rimas” financial condition will not be stable in the future. The hypothesis that methodical and constant financial analysis allow to estimate financial condition and activity‘s prospects of enterprise, was proved.

Equilibri de tronc predictor de la funció motora en l'emiplègic vascular

Duarte Oller, Esther 16 June 2006 (has links)
TRUNK BALANCE AS A PREDICTOR OF MOTOR OUTCOME IN PATIENTS WITH STROKE ABSTRACTBackground: The search for predictors of functional stroke outcome has always been matter of research in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Outcome prediction at an early stage enables clinicians not only to inform patients and their families, but also to set realistic therapeutic goals. A lot of prognostic studies have evaluated several factors, which either individually or in combination claim to predict functional outcome in stroke. The Trunk Control Test (TCT) proposed by Collin & Wade administered at 6 weeks post-stroke is a predictor of the walking ability at 18 weeks. The TCT reliability and validity has been demonstrated in stroke patients, as well as its positive correlation with disability at hospital discharge from in-patient rehabilitation measured with the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). In a previous study, a predictive model which only includes the FIM and the TCT measured at admission of patients to a rehabilitation ward, predicts 66.5% of the variability of the functional level at discharge (total FIM). Objective: To develop an early model to predict motor function (disability, walking ability and balance)at 6 months, taking into account the TCT and other valid predictors evaluated in the first and second week after suffering a stroke.Patients and Methods: Seventy-five consecutive patients with first stroke who were admitted to a rehabilitation hospital were studied. Sex, age, the stroke type, urinary incontinence, the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scales (NIHSS) and the TCT scores (assessed at first and second week post-stroke) as independent variables. Motor function outcome at 6 months after stroke is defined by the use the Rankin score, the motor FIM and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS).Results: Older patients, women and those with initial urinary incontinence and lower TCT and NIHSS scores showed significantly worse motor outcomes at first and six months after the stroke (Rankin, motor FIM and BBS). A multiple regression reveals that only age and the TCT (at 14 days after stroke) accounts for the 61.1% of the variance in the motor FIM score at 6 months after stroke. When the TCT is registered at 7 days after stroke, age and the TCT accounts for the 51.7% of the motor FIM variance. A cluster analysis identifies 12 patients with low outcome scores: Rankin 4-5, motor FIM < 59 and BBS < 5. The ROC curves show a better prediction ability for the TCT than the NIHSS at 14 days after stroke. Logistic regression is used to predict the probability of achieving in this group with low motor scores. The TCT &#61603; 50 at 14 days after stroke is a significant predictive factor of poor motor outcome at 6 months after stroke (Sensibility 83.3%, Specificity 85.7%) (OR=30.0, 95% CI 4.7 - 247.3). The TCT &#61603; 24 at 7 days after stroke is a significant, but obviously worse predictive factor of poor motor outcome (Sensibility 66.7%, Specificity 89.3%) (OR=16.7, 95% CI 3.2 - 97.5). Discussion and conclusions: Age, sex, urinary incontinence, TCT and NIHSS scores are related with disability, balance and walking ability six months after the stroke. It is possible to approach to the motor functional outcome at 6 months after stroke by the early use of data easily recorded as age and the TCT. In this study the TCT even overcomes the NIHSS, a comprehensive neurological measure whose ability to predicts outcome has been well documented in stroke patients. The reproducibility of this model must be cross-validated in future studies. The TCT registered at 14 days provides better prediction values compared with those obtained at 7 days after stroke. This study shows that the TCT early administered predicts motor outcome at six months after stroke.EQUILIBRI DE TRONC: PREDICTOR DE LA FUNCIÓ MOTORA EN L'HEMIPLÈGIC VASCULAR RESUMIntroducció: La cerca de factors predictors del resultat funcional després de patir un ictus és objecte constant d'investigació en Medicina Física i Rehabilitació. Un pronòstic funcional en fases inicials permet al clínic informar als pacients i a la seva familia, però també establir objectius terapèutics realistes. Molts estudis han avaluat la capacitat predictora de diferents factors individual i combinadament. El Test de Control de Tronc (TCT) registrat a les 6 setmanes de l'ictus és un predictor de la capacitat de marxa a les 18 setmanes. La fiabilitat i validesa del TCT s'ha demostrat en pacients amb ictus, així com la seva correlació positiva amb la discapacitat a l'alta hospitalaria. Un model predictiu que inclou només el TCT i el Functional Independence Measure (FIM) registrats a l'ingrés en la unitat de rehabilitació d'hospitalització aguda prediu el 66.5% de la variabilitat del FIM a l'alta.Objectius: Conèixer la relació de les variables predictores amb els resultats de funció motora global al mes i als sis mesos de l'ictus. Construir un model de predicció precoç de la funció motora (discapacitat, capacitat de marxa i equilibri) als 6 mesos, tenint en compte el TCT i altres predictors vàlids avaluats en la primera i en la segona setmana després de patir l'ictus.Pacients i Mètode: estudi longitudinal i prospectiu en 75 pacients consecutius ingressats per un primer episodi d'ictus. Les variables independents van ser: edat, sexe, tipus d'ictus, incontinencia urinària, l'escala d'ictus National Institutes of Health Stroke Scales (NIHSS) i el TCT (recollits en la primera i segona setmanes de l'ictus). Els resultats de funció motora al mes i als 6 mesos de l'ictus es van definir amb l'escala de Rankin, la subescala motora del FIM i l'escala d'equilibri Berg Balance Scale (BBS).Resultats: els pacients de més edat, les dones i els que tenen incontinència urinària inicial i puntuacions més baixes de TCT i NIHSS són els que presenten significativament pitjors resultats de funció motora tant en el primer com en el sisè mes de l'ictus (Rankin, FIM motor i BBS). Una anàlisi de regressió múltipla determina que només amb l'edat i el TCT de la segona setmana s'explica el 61.1% de la variabilitat del FIM motor als 6 mesos de l'ictus. Quan el TCT es registra en el setè dia de l'ictus, l'edat i el TCT expliquen el 51.7% de la variabilitat del FIM motor. Una anàlisi de conglomerats identifica 12 pacients amb resultats baixos de funció motora: Rankin 4-5, FIM motor < 59 i BBS < 5. Les corbes ROC mostren que la millor capacitat predictora correspon al TCT de la segona setmana, per sobre del NIHSS. La probabilitat de tenir un mal resultat motor, es a dir, d'estar entre aquests 12 pacients es calcula mitjançant una anàlisi de regressió logística. Un TCT &#61603; 50 en la segona setmana de l'ictus és un factor predictiu de mal resultat motor als 6 mesos (Sensibilitat 83.3%, Especificitat 85.7%) (OR=30.0, IC 95% 4.7 - 247.3). Un TCT &#61603; 24 en la primera setmana també és un factor predictor significatiu, tot i que menys potent, de obtenir un mal resultat motor als 6 mesos (Sensibilitat 66.7%, Especificitat 89.3%) (OR=16.7, IC 95% 3.2 - 97.5).Conclusions: L'edat, el sexe, la incontinència urinària, el TCT i el NIHSS inicials són factors relacionats amb la discapacitat, equilibri i capacitat de marxa 6 mesos després de l'ictus. És possible aproximar-nos al resultat funcional motor als 6 mesos després de patir l'ictus amb la utilització precoç de dades de fácil recollida com l'edat i el TCT. El TCT recollit en fases inicials prediu el resultat motor als 6 mesos de l'ictus.


Bostick, Geoffrey Paul Unknown Date
No description available.

Pain coping: a study of injured workers with long term pain

Phillips, Leah Adeline Unknown Date
No description available.

Prognosis of Glioblastoma Multiforme Using Textural Properties on MRI

Heydari, Maysam Unknown Date
No description available.

Measuring wall forces in a slurry pipeline

El-Sayed, Suheil Unknown Date
No description available.

The Impact of Achieving Low Disease Activity in the First Year of Disease on Future Disability and Damage in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis

Seyed Akhavan, Pooneh 27 November 2013 (has links)
Aim: To describe the predictive validity of reaching low disease activity (LDA) at 1 year on future disability and joint damage in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (ERA). Methods: First a systematic literature review of prognostic studies assessing the association between disease activity and functional or radiographic outcomes in ERA was performed. Then data from the Study Of New-Onset RA (SONORA) were used to evaluate the impact of year-one LDA on 3-year disability and 2-year radiographic progression using multivariate regression analyses. Results: Our review demonstrated evidence for relationship between baseline disease activity and future disability and join damage. However evidence for the impact of early treatment response on long-term outcomes in ERA is sparse. Analysis of 984 patients showed year one LDA predicts lower HAQ (p<.0001) and less damage (p=0.04) in future. Conclusion: Reaching LDA early is associated with better long-term functional and radiographic outcomes in patients with early RA.

The Impact of Achieving Low Disease Activity in the First Year of Disease on Future Disability and Damage in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis

Seyed Akhavan, Pooneh 27 November 2013 (has links)
Aim: To describe the predictive validity of reaching low disease activity (LDA) at 1 year on future disability and joint damage in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (ERA). Methods: First a systematic literature review of prognostic studies assessing the association between disease activity and functional or radiographic outcomes in ERA was performed. Then data from the Study Of New-Onset RA (SONORA) were used to evaluate the impact of year-one LDA on 3-year disability and 2-year radiographic progression using multivariate regression analyses. Results: Our review demonstrated evidence for relationship between baseline disease activity and future disability and join damage. However evidence for the impact of early treatment response on long-term outcomes in ERA is sparse. Analysis of 984 patients showed year one LDA predicts lower HAQ (p<.0001) and less damage (p=0.04) in future. Conclusion: Reaching LDA early is associated with better long-term functional and radiographic outcomes in patients with early RA.

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