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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Projekce úmrtnosti podle příčin úmrtí / Mortality projections by cause

Štádlerová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the mortality projections by causes of death. The thesis includes also the application of such knowledge on the data of the Czech population. The mortality projections are used nowadays more and more often due to the population ageing. The results of this thesis may be interesting both for financial institutions such as insurance companies and for the purposes of certain areas of government policy with regards to the pension planning. So far not many articles have been published in the Czech language, nor are there any published results of similar projections using the data derived from the Czech environment. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Contribution to finite element analysis of magneto-mechanical and magneto-thermal phenomena / Contribution à la modélisation des phénomènes magnéto-mécanique et magnéto-thermique à l'aide de la méthode des éléments finis

Wang, Zifu 05 December 2013 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans cette thèse vise à contribuer à l'analyse des phénomènes magnéto-mécanique et magnéto-thermique à l'aide de la méthode des éléments finis. Généralement, les problèmes magnéto-mécanique et magnéto-thermique sont constitués de plusieurs sous-problèmes dont la nature physique est différente. En utilisant la stratégie du couplage faible , ces sous-problèmes peut être calculés séparément en utilisant la méthode des éléments finis et donc sur leurs propres maillages afin d'assurer la précision. Pour obtenir une solution précise pour l'ensemble du problème multi-physique, il est très important d'assurer la transmission d'informations entre les sous-problèmes. Dans ce travail , nous étudions les méthodes de la projection. Les formulations de la projection sont données pour l'espaces L2 (scalaire et vectoriel), mais aussi pour H(grad), H(rot) et H(div ) afin d'améliorer la précision sur les dérivés. Une méthode de Petrov-Galerkin est présenté pour remplir l'espace test avec une base bi-orthogonale, qui permet de réduire le coût de calcul des projections L2 Ritz-Galerkin. Les techniques d'implémentation sont également exprimées en détails au niveau de la précision, la rapidité et la simplicité de réalisation. Ensuite avec les formulations énergétiques des champs électromagnétiques, des applications de la projection sont démontrées. La précision et l'efficacité de la projection sont données dans les problèmes multi -physiques. La thèse se termine avec les conclusions et des possibilités pour l'avenir. / The work presented in this thesis aims to contribute to finite element analysis of magneto-mechanical and magneto-thermal phenomena. In general, magneto-mechanical and magneto-thermal problems are made up of subproblems of which the physical nature differs. Using weak-coupling strategies, these subproblems can be calculated separately using finite element methods and thus on their own meshes in order to ensure precision. To obtain a precise solution for the entire problem, it is crucial to ensure the transmission of information between the subproblems. In this work, we study field projection methods on overlapping domains. Field projection formulations are given for classical L2 space, as well as for H(grad), H(curl) and H(div) in order to obtain increased projection accuracy for the distributional derivatives. A Petrov-Galerkin method is presented to fill the test space using a bi-orthogonal basis, in order to reduce the computation cost of L2 or L2 Ritz-Galerkin projections. Practical implementation techniques are also discussed in details for the consideration of accuracy, speed and simplicity of realization. Subsequently, with energy-conserving formulations for electromagnetic fields, applications of mesh-to-mesh projections are demonstrated. The accuracy and efficiency of the presented projection methods are given through multi-physics problems. The thesis closes with some conclusions and possibilities for future work.

A framework for flexible comparison and optimization of X-ray digital tomosynthesis

Smith, Frank A 01 May 2019 (has links)
Digital tomosynthesis is a novel three-dimensional imaging technology that utilizes limited number of X-ray projection images to improve the diagnosis and detection of lesions. In recent years, tomosynthesis has been used in a variety of clinical applications such as dental imaging, angiography, chest imaging, bone imaging, and breast imaging. The goal of our research is to develop a framework to enable flexible optimization and comparison of image reconstruction and imaging configurations.

Uma estratégia para análise visual de Paisagens Acústicas com base em seleção de características discriminantes / A Soundscape visual analysis strategy based on discriminate feature selection

Dias, Fábio Felix 22 May 2018 (has links)
O crescimento do volume de dados ocasionado pelo desenvolvimento tecnológico atual, tem sido fortemente evocado como premissa para a utilização de técnicas que auxiliem a exploração, análise e entendimento desses dados. Um conjunto dessas técnicas está compreendido na área de Visualização de Dados, que proporciona maneiras visuais de identificar padrões e tendências, além de extrair características obscuras dos dados. Tais abordagens podem ser aplicadas a qualquer problema que culmine na análise de dados. Um desses problemas é a utilização do som como ferramenta para descrever as características de uma paisagem, área denominada análise de Paisagens Acústicas. Nesta pesquisa de mestrado é apresentada uma abordagem visual para análise de Paisagens Acústicas. Essa abordagem consiste em duas etapas, sendo que na primeira são aplicadas técnicas visuais (Projeção Multidimensional t-SNE) e numéricas (Coeficiente de Silhueta) para avaliar quais conjuntos de características melhor descrevem uma Paisagem Acústica específica. A segunda etapa utiliza técnicas de visualização para analisar diferenças globais e características específicas de paisagens terrestres e aquáticas. Para isso foram utilizados o Mapa de Calor, as Coordenadas Paralelas e a xHiPP, uma extensão da projeção HiPP. A xHiPP busca melhorar a HiPP para alcançar melhor capacidade de análise e flexibilidade de aplicação. Com a aplicação das etapas apresentadas foi possível encontrar evidências de que o Mel-frequency Cepstrum Coefficients formam um conjunto de atributos eficaz para representação e segregação de Paisagens Acústicas. Também foi possível verificar que as técnicas de visualização empregadas na análise são capazes de destacar atributos semelhantes dos áudios, facilitando a análise, permitindo que o usuário dê enfoque às características relevantes do ambiente, no lugar de analisar áudios individuais para extrair informações. / The growth of data volume caused by current technological development has been strongly evoked as a premise for use of techniques that help exploration, analysis, and understanding of data. A subset of these techniques is yielded by the field of Data Visualization, which provides visual manners to identify patterns and trends, as well as the extraction of hidden data features. Such approaches can be applied to problems that aim at data analysis with a strong exploratory component. One such problem is the use of sound as a tool to describe environmental landscapes, named ecological Soundscapes. A visual approach to analysis Soundscapes is presented in this master research. The approach contains two steps, and the first step applies visual (tSNE Multidimensional Projection) and numeric (Silhouette Coefficient) techniques to evaluate attributes groups that better describe a specific Soundscape. The second step employs visual techniques to analysis global differences and specific features of the terrestrial and underwater environment. To achieve these goals, the research used Heatmap, Parallel Coordinates, and xHiPP, an extension of HiPP projection. The xHiPP enhanced HiPP to improve its analytical capabilities and flexibility. The presented steps were able to show evidence of the Mel-frequency Cepstrum Coefficients is an effective attribute collection to represent and segregate Soundscapes. As well, visual techniques employed in the analysis are capable to highlight similar audio features, making exploration easy, allowing users to focus relevant environmental attributes, instead of analyzing individual audios to extraction some information.

Estimativa da energia de lançamento das argamassas projetadas por spray a ar comprimido. / Estimation of projection energy of mortars sprayed by compressed air.

Fernandes, Heloísa Cristina 26 March 2007 (has links)
O revestimento de argamassa é um componente comum das fachadas dos edifícios brasileiros. Sua aderência à base é um fator determinante para seu adequado desempenho, pois a queda de placas de revestimento pode resultar em falhas funcionais e estéticas e até em acidentes fatais. Está provado que a aderência do revestimento depende da combinação entre o comportamento reológico da argamassa e a energia com que foi lançada à base durante a aplicação. Sabe-se, também, que a introdução da técnica de aplicação de argamassa por spray a ar comprimido aumentou a aderência dos revestimentos com relação à aplicação manual. Não se conhecia ainda a energia empregada por esse tipo de equipamento e os fatores que exerceriam influência nesse sistema de projeção. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia simples que estima a energia de lançamento dos projetores a ar comprimido e estuda experimentalmente os fatores importantes para a projeção, tais como a pressão do ar comprimido e o comportamento reológico de diversas composições de argamassa preparadas com dois teores de água em diferentes equipamentos do mercado brasileiro. Foram estimadas, também, a produtividade, a partir do tempo necessário para esvaziamento do projetor, e as perdas potenciais de cada combinação. Dados experimentais mostraram que a energia de lançamento, empregada pelos equipamentos estudados, para as argamassas ensaiadas variou de 2 a 16 J/kg, as perdas potenciais estimadas variaram de 1% a 25% e o intervalo de tempo para projeção medido foi de 5 a 20 s. / Mortar rendering is commonly applied to Brazilian buildings façades. Its adherence to the base is an important enabler for its adequate performance, since the fall of not properly applied rendering plates may result in functional and esthetical failures and even in fatalities. It is known that the mortar rendering bond strength depends on the combination between its rheological behavior and the energy (or speed) utilized in its projection. It has also already been demonstrated that the mortar projected by spray equipment propelled by compressed air have better bond strength than the same mortar projected manually. However, the projection energy of the equipment and the related parameters that may influence this process has not been measured yet. This paper aims to develop a simple methodology to measure the projection energy provided by the air spray equipment and also the role of the parameters that affect this process, such as air pressure values and rheological behavior of several mortar formulations prepared with distinct water contents being projected by different equipments commonly found in the Brazilian market. The process productivity, by means of the time necessary to empty the projector mortar reservoir, and the potential material waste of each combination were also studied. A set of experimental data demonstrated that the projection energy provided by the studied equipments to the different mortar formulations presented a variation range from 2 to 16 J/kg, an estimated potential material losses ranged from 1% to 25% and a projection time from 5 to 20 s.

Démographie et réponses adaptatives des populations végétales aux changements environnementaux / Demography and adaptive responses of plant populations to environmental changes

Hadjou Belaid, Asma 13 November 2018 (has links)
La région méditerranéenne, hot-spot de biodiversité avec un fort taux d'endémisme, est classée parmi les zones les plus touchées par le changement climatique. La conservation des espèces nécessite de comprendre finement leur démographie face à ces changements, mais aussi leur capacité à s’adapter à ces nouvelles conditions. Au cours de cette thèse, deux espèces végétales rares méditerranéennes ont été étudiées, Centaurea corymbosa et Brassica insularis, en utilisant des modèles mathématiques récents pour analyser des suivis démographiques de long-terme (22 ans et 18 ans). Dans la première partie de cette thèse, des modèles de projection matriciels ont été construits afin d’analyser la variation spatio-temporelle des taux d’accroissement des populations de C. corymbosa. Cela a permis d'identifier les facteurs climatiques clefs qui impactent les taux d’accroissement des populations, et plus finement, les paramètres de survie, de floraison et de fécondité. Une analyse de viabilité des populations a été réalisée sous différents scénarios climatiques. Dans un second temps, une analyse de la capacité des populations de C. corymbosa à répondre à ces changements climatiques a été effectuée avec un modèle de projection intégral. Les changements des traits d’histoire de vie au cours du temps ont montré que la stratégie de floraison observée répond aux variations climatiques en suivant la même direction que la stratégie optimale. Ceci montre que les populations sont capables de s’adapter au changement climatique. Enfin, des modèles de capture-recapture (CR) ont été construits afin de déterminer l’influence de la faible détectabilité des individus sur l’estimation des paramètres démographiques chez B. insularis. Les probabilités de survie estimées par l’approche classique sont inférieures à celles estimées par les modèles CR. Les paramètres estimés par les deux approches sont en général très corrélés, à l'exception d'une population montrant des problèmes d'identification des individus. L'ensemble de cette thèse est replacé dans le cadre de la biologie de la conservation des espèces végétales, notamment en suggérant de prendre en compte leur capacité de réponse au changement climatique. / Mediterranean region is a biodiversity hot-spot with a high endemism rate and is classified among the areas most sensitive to climate change. Deep understanding of demography and evolution following these changes is a necessity for species conservation. During this thesis, two rare Mediterranean plant species have been studied, Centaurea corymbosa and Brassica insularis, using recent mathematical models to analyse long term demographic datasets (22 and 18 years). In the first part of this thesis, matrix projection models have been used to analyse spatio-temporal variation in population growth rate in C. corymbosa. Major climatic parameters that impact population growth rate and survival, flowering and fecundity have been identified. A population viability analysis has been performed under various climatic scenarios. In a second part, an analysis of the population ability of C. corymbosa to response to these climatic changes has been performed using integral projection models. Temporal variation of life-history traits showed that the realized flowering strategy varied with climatic conditions following the same direction than the optimal flowering strategy. It can thus be concluded that the studied populations can adapt to climatic changes. Finally, capture-recapture models have been applied on the Brassica insularis dataset to analyse the effect of plant detectability on demographic parameter estimations. Survival probabilities obtained with the classical approach are lower than the ones estimated using the CR models. However, the parameters estimated using both methods are highly correlated, except for one population where individual identification is problematic. Results of this thesis are linked to some considerations in conservation biology of plants, particularly in link to their ability to respond to climatic changes.

Uma estratégia para análise visual de Paisagens Acústicas com base em seleção de características discriminantes / A Soundscape visual analysis strategy based on discriminate feature selection

Fábio Felix Dias 22 May 2018 (has links)
O crescimento do volume de dados ocasionado pelo desenvolvimento tecnológico atual, tem sido fortemente evocado como premissa para a utilização de técnicas que auxiliem a exploração, análise e entendimento desses dados. Um conjunto dessas técnicas está compreendido na área de Visualização de Dados, que proporciona maneiras visuais de identificar padrões e tendências, além de extrair características obscuras dos dados. Tais abordagens podem ser aplicadas a qualquer problema que culmine na análise de dados. Um desses problemas é a utilização do som como ferramenta para descrever as características de uma paisagem, área denominada análise de Paisagens Acústicas. Nesta pesquisa de mestrado é apresentada uma abordagem visual para análise de Paisagens Acústicas. Essa abordagem consiste em duas etapas, sendo que na primeira são aplicadas técnicas visuais (Projeção Multidimensional t-SNE) e numéricas (Coeficiente de Silhueta) para avaliar quais conjuntos de características melhor descrevem uma Paisagem Acústica específica. A segunda etapa utiliza técnicas de visualização para analisar diferenças globais e características específicas de paisagens terrestres e aquáticas. Para isso foram utilizados o Mapa de Calor, as Coordenadas Paralelas e a xHiPP, uma extensão da projeção HiPP. A xHiPP busca melhorar a HiPP para alcançar melhor capacidade de análise e flexibilidade de aplicação. Com a aplicação das etapas apresentadas foi possível encontrar evidências de que o Mel-frequency Cepstrum Coefficients formam um conjunto de atributos eficaz para representação e segregação de Paisagens Acústicas. Também foi possível verificar que as técnicas de visualização empregadas na análise são capazes de destacar atributos semelhantes dos áudios, facilitando a análise, permitindo que o usuário dê enfoque às características relevantes do ambiente, no lugar de analisar áudios individuais para extrair informações. / The growth of data volume caused by current technological development has been strongly evoked as a premise for use of techniques that help exploration, analysis, and understanding of data. A subset of these techniques is yielded by the field of Data Visualization, which provides visual manners to identify patterns and trends, as well as the extraction of hidden data features. Such approaches can be applied to problems that aim at data analysis with a strong exploratory component. One such problem is the use of sound as a tool to describe environmental landscapes, named ecological Soundscapes. A visual approach to analysis Soundscapes is presented in this master research. The approach contains two steps, and the first step applies visual (tSNE Multidimensional Projection) and numeric (Silhouette Coefficient) techniques to evaluate attributes groups that better describe a specific Soundscape. The second step employs visual techniques to analysis global differences and specific features of the terrestrial and underwater environment. To achieve these goals, the research used Heatmap, Parallel Coordinates, and xHiPP, an extension of HiPP projection. The xHiPP enhanced HiPP to improve its analytical capabilities and flexibility. The presented steps were able to show evidence of the Mel-frequency Cepstrum Coefficients is an effective attribute collection to represent and segregate Soundscapes. As well, visual techniques employed in the analysis are capable to highlight similar audio features, making exploration easy, allowing users to focus relevant environmental attributes, instead of analyzing individual audios to extraction some information.

Méthodes bi-grilles en éléments finis pour les systèmes phase-fluide / Bi-grids methods in finite elements for phase-field systems

Alkosseifi, Clara 20 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le développement, l'analyse et la mise en oeuvre de nouvelles méthodes bi-grilles en éléments finis pour des équations de réaction-diffusion de type champs de phase (Allen-Cahn, Cahn-Hilliard) ainsi que leur couplage avec les équations de Navier-Stokes 2D incompressible. La présence d'un petit paramètre (largeur de l'interface) dans les modèles à interface diffuse demande à utiliser des schémas temporels implicites et coûteux tandis que ceux semi implicites sont rapides mais limités en stabilité. Les nouveaux schémas introduits ici reposent sur l'utilisation conjointe de deux espaces d'éléments finis, un grossier VH et un fin Vh, de plus grande dimension, permettant de décomposer la solution en partie principale portant les composantes bas modeset en une partie fluctuante portant les modes élevés. L'approche bi-grilles proposée consiste à appliquer les schémas stables (coûteux) sur VH (prédiction) et à effectuer une correction sur Vh à l'aide d'un schéma linéaire dont les composantes modes élevés sont stabilisées. Un gain important en temps CPU est obtenu au prix d'une faible perte de consistance. Dans ce contexte, de nouvelles méthodes numériques sont proposées pour les modèles de champs de phase et leur couplage fluide. Nous donnons des résultats de stabilité et validons l'approche sur des bancs d'essais / This thesis deals with the development, the analysis and the implementation of new bi-grid schemes in finite elements, when applied to phase-field models such as Allen-Cahn (AC) and Cahn-Hilliard (CH) equations but also their coupling with 2D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Due to the presence of a small parameter, namely the length of the diffuse interface, and in order to recover the intrinsic properties of the solution, (costly) implicit time schemes must be used; semi-implicit time schemes are fast but suffer from a hard time step limitation. The new schemes introduced in the present work are based on the use of two FEM spaces, one coarse VH and one fine Vh, of larger dimension. This allows to decompose the solution into a main part (containing only low mode components) and a fluctuant part capturing the high mode ones. The bi-grid approach consists then in applying as a prediction an unconditional stable scheme (costly) to VH and to update the solution in Vh by using a high mode stabilized linear scheme. A gain in CPU time is obtained while the consistency is not deteriorated. This approach is extended to NSE and to coupled models (AC/NSE) and (CH/NSE). Stability results are given, the numerical simulations are validated on reference benchmarks

Estimating Upper Red Butte Watershed Contribution to Salt Lake Valley Water Resources

Limbu, Sal Bir 01 May 2019 (has links)
Water is crucial for domestic, agricultural, industrial, environmental, and hydropower uses. Once precipitation occurs, it eventually partitions into streamflow, evapotranspiration (ET), and groundwater recharge. Distribution of precipitation into these partitions is called a hydrologic budget. The hydrologic budget of any geographic area or watershed under different climate change conditions help water managers to make appropriate water management plans. Computer based hydrologic modeling software has been used extensively to solve many water resources problems including hydrologic budgets. Hydrologic modeling requires high quality weather parameter data. This study projected surface and groundwater flows from the portion of RBC watershed that lies above Red Butte Reservoir (RBR) to Salt Lake Valley (SLV) for water years (WYs) 2051-2060 in two climatic Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) scenarios, RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5. RCP 8.5 corresponds to the pathways with higher greenhouse gas emission than RCP 4.5. To project flows, we first used Hydrologic Engineering Center-Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) 4.3 model to calibrate and validate the observed streamflow for WYs 2016 and 2017 respectively. However, within RBC study area weather stations, all three weather parameters (Precipitation (P), Temperature (T), and Net Radiation (NR)) required for HEC-HMS model were missing on the same day for some periods of WYs 2016-2017. This necessitated to fill the missing parameters prior to the model calibration and validation. We hypothesized that systematically using ANN and SMs would enable making accurate estimates, even when multiple parameter values are missing on the same day. The hypothesis-estimated the missing weather parameters (P, T, and NR) values are useful for hydrologic modeling in a watershed. We ran the HEC-HMS validated model for WY 2051-2060 once for each RCP scenario, and quantified the flows to SLV. The model results showed that average stream and groundwater flows of WYs 2016 and 2017 were 14.1% and 55.7% of total study area precipitation, respectively. In the future 2051- 2060, compared with average annual surface and groundwater flows of WYs 2016-2017, percent changes in flows, respectively, were i) decreases of 29.6% and 24.2% for RCP 4.5 and ii) decreases of 26% and 23.9 % for RCP 8.5.

Etude de quelques problèmes liés à l'analyse d'images : Recherche de direction privilégiée et projection d'images - Application au dénombrement et à la mesure de structures en domaine ferroélectrique

Rubat Du Mérac, Claire 13 May 1977 (has links) (PDF)

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