Spelling suggestions: "subject:"projektové""
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Projektová výuka, její realizace a vliv na žákovo učení / Project based education, its realization and influence on pupil's learningŠkarková, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
The goal of the diploma thesis was to find out how teachers realize project based education with the main focus on grammar school and biology teaching and also explore the influence of project based education on pupil's learning. Data were obtained by the method of semi -structured interviews, which were conducted with twelve teachers and fifty pupils at six grammar schools in three regions of the Czech Republic. The grounded theory method was used for data processing. Teacher's realization of project based education and the influence of project based education on pupil's learning are influenced by various aspects discussed in the thesis. Part of the diploma thesis is an analysis of selected Czech literary and internet sources of information dealing with project based education. Key words: project based education, realization of project based education, grounded theory, grammar school, biology
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Dětský muzikál a jeho využití v hudebně výchovném procesu / The use of children's musical in the process of teaching musicDudlová, Nikola January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis introduces children's musical as a didactic tool at primary schools. This work maps the influence of creative playwright on the development of musical abilities, skills and creativities. The theoretical part of this diploma thesis defines the term "musical". It briefly describes the origin of the musical as a genre. The practical part brings possibilities of using a musical as a means of an educational process. It provides particular demonstrative situations which lead to development of the crucial competences of the students. The author of the musical is the author of this diploma thesis. She herself translates the music recording, scenario, and methodical material. The method, that has been used for the field research, is a systemic observation which is divided into ten lessons in the form of a project-based learning. This thesis deals with an issue, whether the musical enables an active engagement of the pupils in the musical educational process. The hypotheses, which have been set, are verified by the means of collective reflection from which follows students' higher motivation for musical activity. The realization of the musical positively develops students' attitudes towards music and enables them to react to current trends in the field of musical education. KEYWORDS...
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Projektová výuka v současném pojetí vyučování němčiny jako cizího jazyka / Project-based Learning in the Current Conception of Teaching German as a Foreign LanguageHrůzová, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with trends in German language teaching, focusing on project-based learning. The theoretical part deals with the description of German language in the Framework Educational Programme for Basic Education and with theoretical background of project-based learning. The thesis then focuses on four main parts of a project: planning, realisation, presentation and evaluation. The main aim of the practical part is to prepare a draft of a project for a German language class, which is to be put into practice at elementary school. Based on two surveys filled in by the participants of the project, the practical part compares the opinions of pupils on the project-based learning compared to the traditional way of teaching. It also focuses on the motivational aspect which should be brought about by projects. Keywords Project, Project-based Learning, Teaching Method, German Language Teaching, Cooperation of the Pupils, Elementary School
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Stavebně technologické řešení bytového domu Zderadova / Construction and technological solutions to the apartment building ZderadovaPetinis, Janis January 2012 (has links)
The subject of the Master´s thesis is “Construction and technological solutions to the apartment building Zderadova“. The content is a solution of the whole project from a commercial, construction-technological and time costingness side. The purpose was a preparation of all works before starting an execution.
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Požární stanice / Fire stationHoferek, Radomír Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of the diploma’s thesis is elaboration of design documentation for execution of an fire station. The fire station building will be used for the continuous performance of the fire protection units of the Fire and Rescue Service of the Czech Republic for the Olomouc region. The fire station is divided into two operating units. The first part is three storey, partly basement – administrative. The second ground floor is consist of garage spaces and technical background. Both units are dispositionally and operationally interconnected. The structural system in the part of the administration and technical background is wall transverse system made of clay blocks, except of perimeter basement walls, which are lined with concrete fittings (lost formwork). The garage spaces are formed of precast concrete frame. The roof structure is designed as a warm flat roof. The whole object is insulated with a certified thermal insulation system.
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Využití technik a metod dramatické výchovy k rozvoji sociální komunikace dětí předškolního věku v rámci dlouhodobého projektu "Co viděla moje ruka" / Use of techniques and methods of drama development of social communication of preschool children in a long-term project "What my hand has seen"Hovorková, Jiřina January 2014 (has links)
Jiřina Hovorková: The thesis examines the use of different methods and techniques with respect to drama education within the framework of a long term project seeking to develop and underpin social skills of a selected group of children in preparatory grade. The theoretical part of the thesis concentrates on characteristics of children in the preparatory grade age from a development perspective, methods and techniques of drama education, whilst another chapter is devoted to the curiculum education system, a further chapter covers project education. The practical part of the thesis endeavoured to compare the level of social skills between agroup of children which had integrated disabled children and another group of ordinary children in prepatory grade. Another objective of the thesis was to motivate children to creatively collaborate with respect to the creation of a tactile book and a CD entry.
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Asistent v podpoře vysokoškolského studia studentů s postižením / Assisting Charles University Students with Special needsMarková, Aneta January 2011 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Education Department of Special Pedagogy ASSISTING CHARLES UNIVERSITY STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Aneta Marková Supervisor: Doc. PhDr. Iva Strnadová, PhD. Annotation The thesis aims at analyzing the service of Assisting Charles University Students with Special Needs from the point of view of all the parties concerned. It exploers both weaknesses and strenghts of the service by means of analyzing interviews with Charles University members of staff, who represent the service in the Office for Students with Special Needs, with users of the service, and particularly with its "providers" or assistants themselves. Proposals to solve possible problems are included. The thesis is based on the results of a questionaire and an analysis of interviews with 33 assistants and 10 users of the service. Key words: Student assistance, students with special needs, Charles University program Resume The thesis presents the results of a research into the service of Assisting Charles University Students with Special Needs from the point of view of all the parties concerned. It reconstructs an image of the functioning of the service as it is conceived by individuals by means of a questionare and an analysis of interviews with assistants as well as users of the service. The service is based...
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Využití metod dramatické výchovy ve vlastivědném vzdělávání na prvním stupni ZŠ / Use of drama methods in historical studies at primary schoolŠalamounová, Klára January 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the possibilities of linking historiographical education and drama curriculum in primary school using action research. The theoretical part examines various educational and psychological bases that support the idea of linking drama and historiographical education and defines the possibilities of the involvement of drama as a teaching method in the primary school. The practical part contains specific proposal of two lessons with historiographical themes and also includes evaluation of their implementation in 4th and 5th class. Both lessons are designed and implemented in accordance with the teachings of Three-phase, respecting the psychological aspects of the target group. Lessons use mainly drama methods, marginally methods of curriculum Reading and writing to critical thinking, Experiential learning, Project teaching and Cooperative learning are used. Action research is evaluated through observation and detailed description of teacher reflection.
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Projektová výuka na 1. stupni ZŠ v kontextu regionálního muzea Jana Amose Komenského v Komni / Projects at Primary School in the Context of the Jan Amos Comenius' Regional Museum in KomňaŠašinková, Miroslava January 2014 (has links)
The thesis Project teaching at 1st grade of primary school in the context of regional museum John Amos Comenius, deals with linking subject matter of John Amos Comenius and project teaching, and utilizes the facilities of John Amos Comenius Memorial in Komňa. In the theoretical part are analysed information about the project method, its implementation in the teaching process, the importance and difficulties. The key part is the practical one, which is devoted to the design and realization of the project The footsteps of John Amos Comenius, which was made by pupils of John Amos Comenius Primary School in Komňa. Final projects were exhibited at the Municipal Office in Komňa. The enclosure contains the worksheets, which are intended for further use in the classroom.
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Možnosti didaktického využití Židovského muzea v Praze pro výuku v rámci občanského a společenskovědního základu RVP G / Possibilities of the didactical use of the Jewish Museum in Prague for educational purposes concerning civics and humanities as a part of the Framework Education Programme for Secondary General EducationLindová, Jitka January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on possibilities of civil and social/scientific basis education along with use of activities of the Jewish museum in Prague and its action. Theoretical part of the thesis compares three different perspectives of the museum as an institution and represents museological, pedagogical and museum- pedagogical knowledge. Furthermore, this part describes the relation between the museum and school as well as the museum and society. This part also contains characteristics of the Jewish museum activities and its history. Last passage of theoretical part includes a presentation of project education as a form of teaching. Practical part involves education project on human rights subject for students of secondary school. Theoretical part of the diploma thesis is based on study of technical literature, practical part comes out from Framework Education Programme for Secondary General Education. KEYWORDS Framework Education Programme for Secondary General Education, museum education, project teaching, Jewish Museum in Prague, human rights.
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