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Hodnocení projektů metodami vícekriteriálního rozhodování / Project evluation by multy-criterial decisiom making methodsSMITKOVÁ, Dagmar January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Teoretická východiska a evaluace Instrumentálního obohacování Reuvena Feuersteina / Theoretical background and evaluation Reuven Feuerstein Instrumental EnrichmentMálková, Gabriela January 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents and discusses theoretical roots and background of Instrumental Enrichment. Reuven Feuerstein's Instrumental Enrichment was originally designed to overcome cognitive difficulties of culturally different children and adults in after second war Israel. Today this program is used all over the world in wide educational contexts. We introduce this program as a part of large body of research and knowledge in so called "thinking skills" domain too. This thesis also presents data from one year evaluation of this program as a tool for improving cognitive abilities and thinking skills of culturally and socially disadvantaged children in Czech primary school. Research design or our study refers to pilot (never published) evaluation study of Instrumental Enrichment in Czech Republic. It was prepared as a comparative, pre-post experimental design. We were interested in differences between experimental and control groups in performance on assessment battery before and after intervention. Assessment battery consisted of measures of cognitive abilities and IQ, school attainment tests and measures of self-esteem. For qualitative analyses we included diary of Instrumental Enrichment's lecturer and some tests from the assessment battery too. Data from both experimental (N=9, aged between 9 and 11) and...
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Učební kontrakty ve vzdělávání dospělýchSeifert, Matěj January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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"Crowdfunding" a jeho možnosti využití v ČR / "Crowdfunding" and its possibilities in the Czech RepublicFaustová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explains the issues of crowdfunding. It focuses on Czech Republic, its development, present situation a future potential of crowdfunding. The aim is to identify the parameters that help to ensure the success of financing projects through crowdfunding. In the first part of the thesis, the crowdfunding, its principle and process are analysed from the theoretical point of view. The second part presents the development in the world and in the Czech Republic and includes analysis of successful and unsuccessful projects on the selected czech portal. The last section discusses conclusions from the analysis in order to help understanding the important parameters of successful financing. All the pieces of knowledge are reviewed at the end of the work.
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Operní koprodukce jako projekt / Coproducing in OperaKamenická, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
The thesis Coproducing in Opera discusses opera productions and opera joint projects that are based on the cooperation between theatres or festivals. While the thesis provides an insight into various issues of contemporary Czech opera scene, it comments on positive impact of the coproduction.
For the respective theatres, the coproduction decreases the costs of the production, as well as it broadens the repertory. Yet, the coproduction shows are still quite rare.
The thesis describes a process of a creation of such a project in the theatre operated by more than one theatre company; it discusses it's specific management and contractual relationships. The thesis also mentions other types of cooperation, e.g. purchase of the production or lease of the production.
The opera coproduction is the future of the Czech opera theatre.
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Zájmová četba žáků mladšího školního věku v systému literární výchovy a vzdělávání na 1. stupni ZŠ / Young learners´ leisure reading as a part of their 1st grade literaryNOVÁČKOVÁ, Iveta January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the theme of interest readings of pupils in primary school. The aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive characterization of children's literature and to clarify current problems relating to interest reading of children younger than school age. In the empirical part of thesis there are issues mapped by questionnaire survey, and in connection with the found result there are recommended specific approaches suitable for practice are recommended.
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Divadlo v profesním vzdělávání dospělýchNovotný, Petr, January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Diversity Management in IT-Projekten / Diversity Management in IT-ProjektenJeebe, Hans-Jürgen January 2008 (has links)
The PH.D. thesis deals with the concept of diversity management in the field of IT project management. It is based on the extensive empirical research. The findings and conclusions enable to adapt and implement concrete actions in the organizational context.
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Strukturální fondy EU v ČR: Současný stav implementace a budoucí perspektivyZoubek, Martin January 2006 (has links)
Práce se zabývá vývojem a zhodnocením dosavadních forem podpory podnikání a dotací ze strukturálních fondů. Cílem práce je komplexně zmapovat systém implementace strukturálních fondů v ČR, především se zaměřením na následující finanční perspektivu v období 2007-2013, a přispět tak k lepší orientaci subjektů ČR ve velice složitém systému předkládání žádostí a projektových záměrů a umožnit jim získat obecné povědomí o fungování dotační politiky EU. Dalším cílem práce je přispět i v oblasti metodiky zpracování projektových žádostí a řízení projektů spolufinancovaných ze strukturálních fondů EU.
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Strukturální fondy v oblasti lidských zdrojů: metodika a aplikaceDvořáková, Miroslava January 2007 (has links)
Cílem diplomové práce je objasnit systém a principy dotační politiky EU a podrobně rozebrat postupy přípravy a realizace projektů v oblasti rozvoje lidských zdrojů. Práce by měla nastínit možné návody, jak v rozpočtovém období 2000-2006 správně připravit, realizovat a uzavřít úspěšně projekt s tématikou rozvoje lidských zdrojů tak, aby byl schválen k profinancování z evropských strukturálních fondů.
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