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Společenská odpovědnost firem na příkladu tabákového koncernu Philip Morris ČR a.s.Rauscherová, Michala January 2007 (has links)
Práce přibližuje a analyzuje problematiku společenské odpovědnosti firem. Zdůrazňuje problematičnost společensky odpovědného chování u tabákových společností, konkrétně u společnosti Philip Morris ČR a.s. Soustředí se též na odlišení společensky odpovědných aktivit a klasické reklamy a propagace svých produktů. Cílem práce je zhodnotit společensky odpovědné chování společnosti Philip Morris ČR a.s.
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Real Options Analysis of Biopharmaceutical Research and Development ProjectsMoc, Miloslav January 2007 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá využitím reálně opčních metod při oceňování výzkumných a vývojových projektů biofarmaceutických firem. Práce odpovídá na otázky jakou reálně opční metodu, jak a kdy při oceňování takovýchto projektů použít. Z provedeného zhodnocení různých reálně opčních metod vyplívá, že binomický model se jeví jako nejvhodnější. Aplikace tohoto modelu je proto následně ilustrována na skutečném biofarmaceutickém projektu. Na závěr je ukázáno, že použití reálně opčních metod je vhodné zejména tehdy když: projekt má nízkou či negativní čistou současnou hodnotu, existuje flexibilita, volatilita a do dokončení projektu chybí dlouhá doba.
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Regionální politika EU se zaměřrním na region PrahaBoksha, Natalya January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce projednává systém implementace a čerpání prostředků ze strukturálních fondů EU se zaměřením na region hl. m. Praha. V teoretické části je uvedena charakteristika regionální politiky, principy fungování, její nástroje a cíle. Na základě analýzy případových studií projektů schválených v rámci Jednotného programovacího dokumentu pro Cíl 2 a 3 je poskytnut přehledný zdroj informací a doporučení pro potenciální žadatele. Nastíněny jsou i záměry projektů, které by měly být realizovány v programovacím období 2007 ? 2013.
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Analýza projektů silniční infrastruktury Spolkové republiky Německo / Analysis of road infrastructure projects of the Federal Republic of GermanyHolba, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to determine the benefits of road infrastructure projects implemented in cooperation between the public and private sectors. The thesis analyses this type of projects that have been realized in Germany. The first chapter briefly characterizes the environment which the projects were implemented in. It also discusses the legislation that governs the issue. On the basis of knowledge obtained from the analysis the projects implemented in cooperation between the public and private sectors are compared with the projects carried out in conventional way. Finally, results are summarized and lead to the conclusion that cooperation between the public and private sector in road infrastructure projects has a future and can be beneficial for other European countries including the Czech Republic.
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Výtvarná koncepce filmu "Vlci a psi" podle scénáře Marka Epsteina - filmové zpracování historické situace po skončení druhé světové války v Evropě na příkladech české a světové kinematografie. / Visual conception of a film adaptation of script Marek Epstein "Vlci a psi"Dubenský, David January 2014 (has links)
The practical part of thesis follows up the art processing of Mark Epsteins' screenplay Vlci a psi. The script is set in times after WW2, describing historical situation of the evacuation of Sudetenland Germans from previous Czechoslovakia in 1945.
The practical part itself shows visual concept and structure which is presented by drafts of decorations and scenes. The decorations are visualized by coloured perspective views, drafts of each building and schematic designs.
The teoretical part of the thesis is about analysis and parametres of stated films works that are very closely related to this issue and shows historical situation in film language. The visual part and its structure are shown in individual analysis.
Results of the teoretical part were one of the basis for definition and visualisation of the practical part of thesis. Last but not the least the study of historical links, documents and internet portals containing given topic were another important teoretical source.
These results of my thesis can be used as a source of interesting informations for a public, as an inpiration for film productions or as a study material for film
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Proměny životního prostředí ve vybraných českých fotografických projektech v letech 1990 až do současnosti / Changes in human living environment in selected Czech photographic projects since 1990 to the presentTrautmannová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This thesis aims to present and compare selected photographic projects mapping the changes in human living environment since the early nineties to the present. This includes approaches of authors interpreting the landscape in a different context than as the aesthetic artefact. The photographic projects selected for this thesis represent not only the artistic side of photography but also their sociological, ecological, social, psychological and anthropological overlaps enabling the alternative interpreting approaches.
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Václav Čtvrtek a jeho tvorba pro děti předškolního věku / Vaclav Čtvrtek and his work for pre-school childrenMíčková, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the benefits of Vaclav Ctvrtek’s work for pre-school children. It shows the aspects of Ctvrtek’s work which are important for the drama – educational methods in kindergartens on the basis of literary analysis of chosen books. The thesis describe the practical use of methods and techniques of drama education in realised projects. As a conclusion it displays the possibilities of planning specific projects considering the needs of the children group.
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Zelení 2003 - 2005 / portrét politické strany jako dramaturgický problém / CZECH GREEN´S 2003 - 2005 / filming life of political partyMatějková, Daniela January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to create a study of my own time-lapse documentary movie
about the Green Party. It tries to grasp my own longtime relationship with the party and with
the movie aiming to find final interpretation of the facts that happened in the years 2003-
2005 in which the party was facing radical transformation. It reflects more personal
than academic interpretation of the movie and the political situation itself. It is based on
several historical film documents which try to set lights to the facts that are usually hidden to
everyday viewer.
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Agilní řízení projektů ve vybrané společnosti / Agile project management in selected companySoumar, Martin January 2016 (has links)
This work is focused on developing of own proposals and recommendations for future growth of agile approach in selected company, based on description and analysis of existing procedures in this company. There is basic characteristic of selected company, general and specific description in case study after study of theoretical basis. Agile procedures are compared to principles of agile manifesto and Scrum method in conclusion of the case study. There are identified shortcomings of procedures in agile project management of selected company based on this comparison. For mitigation, or elimination of these shortcomings, there are presented and discussed own proposals and recommendations for future growth of agile approach in selected company.
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Efektivnost vybrané investice na obecní úrovni / Effectiveness of selected investment on municipal levelGvizdová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness of the investment project at the municipal level, which is building a center of social services in Jeseník. The theoretical part is focused on understanding the processes associated with investment decisions, financial analysis, financing sources and a list of major investment efficiency evaluation methods. The conclusion was devoted to possible risks of investment projects and their effective management.
The practical part applies theoretical knowledge to real investment project. Feasibility study has been processed focusing on market analysis, technological project, human resources, organizational management and financial analysis. Socio-economic effects are expressed using cost-benefit analysis. Evaluation of the effectiveness and sustainability of the project is based on the cash flow of financial analysis, indicators of economic analysis and risk analysis. Based on the results obtained from the research are formulated specific investment recommendations.
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