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Budoucí vývoj automobilky Volvo se zaměřením na novou strategii značky / Future development of Volvo car manufacturer with focus on new brand strategyKunčík, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to collectively define and analyze new business Volvo car strategy with regard to its growth ambitions and therefore comprehensively outline its future development of the automotive industry. Under this objective, I have primarily focused on several key areas of automaker's current direction, which were crucial for Volvo in the last few years.
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E-government ve veřejné správě ČR / E-Government within Public Administration in the Czech RepublicLechner, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to analyze the current implementation of information and communication technologies in public administration in the Czech Republic and its development. The presented results come from my partial researches of this area, which I was doing in the whole course of my doctoral study. The thesis is divided into several parts. The first part deals with review of various e-Government definitions and its objectives identification as e-Government has already become an integral part of public administration transformation process. There are also discussed individual e-Government development stages within the broader context of information society development as well as in the context of connections created within the European Union. The second part of the thesis deals with two different points of view of e-Government. The first one includes separate components and institutes of e-Government such as an electronic signature, data mailboxes and contact points of public administration. The second point of view is based on projects. There are mentioned both state level projects such as the Portal of public administration, information system of data mailboxes, Czech POINT, basic registries of public administration and resort level projects as well as projects of particular authorities. Typical examples of regional and local level e-Government projects, which are provided by municipalities, are also included in this part. The third part of the thesis deals with legal, economic, social and regional aspects of e-Government. Indivisible part of this chapter is precise identification and description of constraints that limit implementation possibilities of information and communication technologies within the public administration. These constraints must not be understood as barriers that have to be overcome at any costs or as barriers restraining development of e-Government, but as borders of properly defined space, where the electronization of public administration should operate. Correct understanding of these constraints can help to decrease failure risk of e-Government projects. One of these constraints is legal framework, which I suppose to be crucial and that is why I pay to it the most attention. Besides proving the stated working hypothesis there are given three recommendations for next development of e-Government in the Czech Republic. I suppose that e-Government is a meaningful part of transformation process of public administration and that while keeping some rules it can bring significantly positive results.
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Návrh informačního systému / Design of Information SystemKindlová, Dita January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes information system design and creation and appropriate technologies. It defines the essential terms and summarizes the basic knowledge needed for creation a functional IS.
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Vliv projektů financovaných z Evropské unie na kvalitu aktivit neziskového sektoru pro děti a mládež / The impact of projects financed from the European Union on the quality of NGO activities for children and youthMüllerová, Šimona January 2012 (has links)
TITLE: The impact of projects financed from the European Union on the quality of NGO activities for children and youth AUTHOR: Bc. Šimona Müllerová DEPARTMENT: Department of Education SUPERVISOR: doc. PhDr. Věra Poláčková CSc. CONSULTANT: Mgr.Karolína Pávková ABSTRACT: This thesis deals with the implementation of projects financed by the European Social Fund. Through qualitative research it explores the impact of these projects on the quality of NGO activities for children and youth. Through expert survey it presents the issue from the perspective of three experts. The case studies presenta a description of five NGOs from Prague and the regions of the ČR, who implemented projects aimed at children and youth with the assistance of the ESF. The analysis of information obtained from experts and the NGOs gives an opportunity to say a few major phenomena associated with projects. The main positive effect is the possibility to pursue a wide range of activities for children and youth. The problem occurs after completion of the project and the end EU subsidies. It will be difficult to ensure the sustainability of activities for children and young people throughout their range. KEYWORDS: Non-profit organisations European social fund Projects Children and youth
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Výtvarná výchova a aplikace fotografie do výuky v mateřské škole / Art education and application Photography to education in KindergartenOutratová, Běla January 2011 (has links)
To discover the possibilities of children s experience with the language of Art from the very pre-school age and the purposeful application of the new educational methods also through the alternative (electro-digital) medium. To present the possibilities of Art activities in kindergarten through different Art media, especially digital photography, and above all to show a scale of those approachable instruments which could be accesible within the natural life in a pre-school collective, including electronic media. To create and implement a new Art project, based on the particular Art activities focused on work with digital photograhy. To implement personal intentions and opinion into the specific programs. To compare the final outputs of the Art activities of teachers and children. To evaluate the acquired findings as well as experience of implementation of Art activities.
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Význam zapojení praktických lékařů do multidisciplinárního přístupu v péči o klienta v rámci reformy psychiatrické péče v Plzeňském kraji / The importance of the involvement of general practitioners in a multidisiplinarity approach to their clients within the psychiatric care reform in Pilsen region.Křemenáková, Jitka January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis addresses the ongoing reform of psychiatric care in the Czech Republic. The primary pillars of reform are presented here and all projects through which individual steps of reform are implemented are elaborated in detail. There are four projects from the Czech Republic Ministry of Health: Deinstitutionalization of inpatient psychiatric facilities; Introduction of a Multidisciplinary Approach to the Mentally Ill; New Services; and CDZ I, II, III. And there are two projects from the National Institute of Mental Health (NÚDZ): Destigmatization of psychiatric issues and VIZDOM, and the ÚZIS Project. Examples of best practices from Italy, the United Kingdom, and France are also presented. This diploma thesis captures the current state of psychiatric care reform in the Pilsen region. In the context of the Czech Republic Ministry of Health's "Introduction to a Multidisciplinary Approach to the Mentally Ill", this thesis addresses the involvement of general practitioners in interdisciplinary community. The theoretical section includes chapters devoted to primary care reform within the strategic framework HEALTH 2030 and a SWOT analysis of general practioners' involvement in the community network. The practical part of this thesis contains a survey given to general practitioners and...
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Využití podpor z Evropského sociálního fondu pro rozvoj sociální politiky ČR / Exploitation of ESF grants for the social policy development in the Czech RepublicČECHUROVÁ, Martina January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the social policy problems, its content, functions and principles, a European union view of this problems, including the link to regional policy and labour policy that is closely associated with social policy. In the practical part of the thesis there are evaluated national projects realized by bureaus of labour in years 2004 ? 2006 and introdused new regional individual projects managed by Bureau of Labour in South Bohemia and Pilsen Districts in the contemporary programming period 2007 ? 2013.
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Řízení projektů Business Intelligence / Business Intelligence Project ManagementŠmerda, Miroslav January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with project management in Business Intelligence, a relatively new area of information systems. The first part of the thesis describes basic background of project management in general and some specifics of information systems project management. As one of the fundamental concepts, thinking about a project within its lifecycle is accented. The practical part examines the challenges of managing BI projects in a real financial institution in the Czech Republic. The aim of this section is to fill gaps in the existing project methodology of the financial institution by creating a mapping between the project lifecycle and processes of world-renowned PMBOK methodology.
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Pohledávky a závazky ve světově uznávaných účetních systémech / Receivables and liabilities in generally accepted accounting systemsJíra, Zdeněk January 2009 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on financial receivables and liabilities under IFRS. The first chapter characterizes financial receivables in IFRS and describes actual IASB projects in this area. The second chapter is devoted to factoring and derecognition theory, which was analyzed on various types of factoring receivables. The third chapter deals with financial instruments with characteristics of equity, where actual IASB project is presented. The fourth part is focused on fair value option of financial liabilities and exposure draft of Fair Value Measurement standard. The thesis is completed with practical analysis of financial instruments of foreign banks.
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Analýza a zhodnocení zkušeností ze zahraniční rozvojové spolupráce MPO / Analysis and Evaluation of Experience from International Development Co-operation MPOPolák, Martin January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis describes the transformation of Czech foreign development cooperation, appreciation of different views on ways to provide foreign aid in recent years and the change in status of the Ministry of Industry and trade in the Czech Development Agency, and as major players in the overall system. Based on the experience of the different actors of the cycle of foreign development cooperation shall aim to draw conclusions pointing to weaknesses in the existing system and recommend possible directions for the continuation of international cooperation in the coming years.
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