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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Undersökning av studiemotivation hos högpresterande elever på en grundskola

Radic, Dubravka January 2010 (has links)
AbstraktJag har valt att undersöka om beröm med konkreta och målinriktade belöningar påverkar studiemotivation hos högpresterande elever ur ett genusperspektiv på en grundskola. Dessutom vill jag undersöka om det finns andra faktorer som eventuellt bidrar positivt till att dessa elever blir studiemotiverade och presterar bra. Ett annat syfte med undersökningen är att se om någonting från undersökningsresultatet kan användas för att motivera ej så studiemotiverade elever som på min skola finns i ett stort antal. Skolans ledning har visat ett stort intresse för denna användbarhet. Undersökningen gjordes i två klasser i åk. nio där tre flickor och tre pojkar som har Väl Godkänd och Mycket Väl Godkänd i de flesta ämnen valdes ut. Metoden jag valt bygger på kvalitativa inspelade intervjuer där jag har tolkat ungdomarnas upplevelser om vad som driver deras motivation i skolan.Undersökningen visar att eleverna upplever att de påverkades mycket av beröm och belöning.De flesta undersökta eleverna menar också att de själva huvudsakligen drivs av inre mål om att skaffa sig en bra utbildning i framtiden. Andra intressanta faktorer som studien visar är att flickor mer drivs av beröm som bekräftar dem för vem de är medan pojkar i stor utsträckning ser beröm som en bekräftelse på vad de gör. Dessa nya rön kommer skolan fortsättningsvis att beakta. / I have chosen to examine about commend with concrete and objective aimed awards influences study motivation at mound causing students from a gender perspective at an elementary school. Moreover, I want to examine about there be other factors that possible contributes positively to that these students become study motivated and causes good. Another aim with the survey is to see about something from the survey result can to be used in order to justify not so study motivated students that on my school be in a big number. The school's management has shown a big interest for this usefulness. The survey was done in two classes in races. Nine where three girls and three boys that have surely validated and a lot surely validated in most matters were chosen out. The method I select builds on qualitative on qualitative recorded interviews where I have interpreted the young people's experiences about what that runs their motivation in the school. The survey shows that the students experience that they were influenced a lot of commend and award. Most examined students mean also that they mainly is run of internal objective about getting themselves a good education in the future. Other interesting factors that the study show are that girls more is run of commend that confirms them for who they are while boys in big extent see commend as an acknowledgment on what the do. These new findings come the school henceforth to take into consideration.

How Does Ego Depletion Affect Moral Judgments and Pro-social Decisions? / Hur påverkar mental utmattning moraliska bedömningar och prosociala beslut?

Lemoine, Ida, Fredin, Peter January 2013 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Today’s societal changes, including high rate of change and increasing information flows, are increasing the demand on the individual mental capacity. It becomes increasingly difficult to analytically process all the different dilemmas and everyday decisions as individuals have a limited mental capacity available to make these decisions. Thus, it has been suggested that ego-depleted relies more heavily on intuition, which is less burdensome, when making decision. However little is known about to what extent intuitive decisions differ from analytic. Are ego-depleted individuals more or less likely to maximize outcome in moral dilemmas involving conflicting values? Do ego depleted individuals become more or less willing to cooperate? Do ego depleted individuals become more or less altruistic? Is our intuition more or less in accordance with Homo Economicus?AIM: Starting from a Dual Process perspective on decision-making the aim of this study is to examine how ego depletion affects moral judgment and pro-social decisions.METHOD: A laboratory experiment involving 115 subjects, using real monetary incentives, was conducted among students at Linköping University. Subjects were randomized into one of two treatments. Everything was identical across treatments except for the initial ego-depletion manipulation. Using a standard paradigm for ego-depletion subjects in treatment 1 were put under high cognitive load while subjects in treatment two were put under low cognitive load. Subjects faced 16 questions divided into four different decision tasks: Moral dilemmas, Public Goods game, two types of Dictator Game where the type of sacrifice subjects could make in order to contribute money to charity was varied.RESULTS: Subjects in the high cognitive load treatment made fewer consequentialists moral judgments compared to other subjects (p = 0.075). The effect is especially strong when looking only at high-conflict dilemmas such as Crying Baby. No difference between treatments was found for the public goods games. In the dictator game involving monetary sacrifice subjects donated less money to charity when put under high cognitive load. However the finding was not significant (p = 0.292). No difference was found in the dictator game involving effort as personal sacrifice since almost everyone chooses to donate to charity.CONCLUSION: According to The Dual Process perspective this essay shows that intuitive thinking does not evidently lead to that they makes decision that more or less is in accordance with Homo Economicus. The connection between ego depletion and pro-social decisions is more complex. Further research needs to investigate which different mental shortcuts that individuals uses in various types of pro-social decisions and why intuitive and analytical decision-making differ between different decisions. Further research within the area can identify potential mechanisms and policies that can support individuals’ capacity to make decisions in accordance with their own and society’s preferences.

Understanding the Link Between Robots Perspective Taking, and Humans Formulating a Mental Model and Exhibiting Prosocial Behaviour / Förstå Kopplingen Mellan Robotar som Tar Perspektiv och Människor som Formulerar en Mental Modell och Uppvisar ett Prosocialt Beteende : Förstudie

Tiago Matias Marques De Almeida, João January 2022 (has links)
For effective Human-Robot Interactions, robots have to achieve the same level of understanding as humans in every aspect. Humans are highly versatile, able to switch between frames of reference and consider multiple perspectives efficiently. Additionally, humans help and care for each other in the hope of contributing to a better society. When we talk about interacting with robots, the uncertainty around how to collaborate with them has become an emerging topic in the past few years. To bring social robots into humans’ lives, researchers need to understand the conditions and implications of robots’ actions on human responses and perceptions of robots. This project aims at understanding the link between a robot taking a human’s perspective and the human’s exhibition of prosocial behaviour toward the robot. To test our hypotheses, we have designed an activity where the participant picks an object from an array of objects in front of them, after listening to the robot’s descriptions of that object. Divided into three between-subject conditions, the robot took different perspectives to address the objects in each condition. After completing the tasks, participants could either help the robot collect speech data or move on with filling the final questionnaire and finishing the experiment. Our findings show that the participants were significantly more likely to help the robot when the robot took their perspective (human-centred) compared to both the control condition (object-centred) and when the robot did not take their perspective (robot-centred). Additionally, the results show that when the robot’s descriptions of an object were ambiguous, in the first instruction, 96% of the participants perceived the robot’s first instruction using an egocentric perspective. However, when the robot made such ambiguous instructions again later, participants perceived the instructions based on the mental model developed about the robot for that condition. / Robotar måste, i alla avseenden, uppnå samma nivå av förståelse som människor, i syfte till att skapa ett effektivt samspel. Människor är versatila, kan växla mellan olika referensramar och beakta flera perspektiv på ett effektivt sätt. Dessutom hjälper dem och även tar hand om varandra i hopp om att bidra till ett bättre samhälle. När man talar om att interagera med robotar har osäkerheten kring samarbetet blivit ett framväxande ämne under de senaste åren. För att få in sociala robotar i människors liv måste forskarna förstå förutsättningar för och konsekvenser av robotars handlingar gentemot människors reaktioner och uppfattningar om dem. Detta projekt syftar därför till att förstå kopplingen mellan en robot som intar en människas perspektiv samt människans uppvisande av prosocialt beteende gentemot roboten. För att testa hypotesen har en aktivitet designats där en robot ger instruktioner till en deltagare att välja ett visst föremål som den beskriver, utifrån en rad med olika objekt. Med tanke på att deltagarna endast tilldelas ett villkor av tre möjliga, tog roboten olika perspektiv för att adressera objektet i varje betingelse. Efter den slutförda uppgiften kunde deltagarna antingen hjälpa roboten att samla in tal-data eller gå vidare med att fylla i ett sista frågeformulär och avsluta experimentet. Resultatet visar på att deltagarna var mer benägna att hjälpa roboten när den tog deras perspektiv (människokoncentrerad) i jämförelse med både kontrollvillkoren (objektcentrerad) och när roboten inte tog deras perspektiv (robotcentrerad). Dessutom visar även resultatet att robotens beskrivning av ett objekt var tvetydliga. I den första instruktionen upplevde 96% av deltagarna att robotens instruktion hade ett egocentriskt perspektiv. När roboten gjorde ytterligare sådana tvetydliga instruktioner, När roboten gjorde ytterligare sådana tvetydliga instruktioner, uppfattades instruktionerna däremot utifrån den mentala modellen som utvecklades om roboten för just det villkoret.

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