Spelling suggestions: "subject:"homosociality"" "subject:"prosocial""
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L'engagement scolaire des enfants hyperactifs et inattentifs : effets modérateurs des relations socialesOlivier, Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Les élèves qui ont un bon engagement scolaire présentent généralement une bonne adaptation à l’école. Cependant, pour les enfants hyperactifs et inattentifs, cette adaptation est souvent altérée. Les enfants qui entretiennent de bonnes relations sociales ont tendance à présenter un meilleur engagement comportemental, affectif et cognitif. La présente étude vise à déterminer si la prosocialité envers les pairs et les relations chaleureuses avec les enseignants protègent les enfants hyperactifs-inattentifs d’un possible désengagement scolaire. Les données ont été recueillies auprès de 513 élèves du primaire et leurs enseignants au cours de deux années scolaires successives. Les résultats montrent que ces enfants bénéficient des relations positives avec les pairs et les enseignants. En particulier, l’engagement comportemental de ces élèves demeure plus élevé comparativement à ceux qui n’entretiennent pas de relations positives. Pour les enfants très hyperactifs-inattentifs, la relation chaleureuse modère le lien entre hyperactivité-inattention et engagement affectif. L’hyperactivité- inattention ne prédit pas de diminution d’engagement affectif et cognitif. Les implications pour la recherche et la pratique sont discutées. / School engagement has been found to promote positive adjustment in students. This relationship can be affected by students’ personal characteristics, such as inattention and hyperactivity. Research shows that behavioral, emotional and cognitive engagement is generally higher when students experience positive relationships in school. The aim of this study is to determine whether prosociality towards peers and close relationships with teachers are protective factors against the expected decline in school engagement for students who exhibit inattentive and hyperactive characteristics. Data from 513 primary schools students and teachers were collected over two consecutive years. Results demonstrate that hyperactive and inattentive students benefit from positive relationships with peers and teachers, which serves as a protective factor against the decline in behavioral engagement. For student with high levels of hyperactivity and inattention, close relationships with teachers moderated the association between hyperactivity-inattention and emotional engagement. Furthermore, our results suggest that hyperactivity and inattention in students does not predict a decrease in emotional and cognitive engagement. Implications for research and intervention are discussed.
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Kindergarten characteristics and risk-taking behaviors in middle childhood = Caractéristiques à la maternelle et comportements de prise de risques en 6e annéeDupuis, Priscilla January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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L'engagement scolaire des enfants hyperactifs et inattentifs : effets modérateurs des relations socialesOlivier, Elizabeth 06 1900 (has links)
Les élèves qui ont un bon engagement scolaire présentent généralement une bonne adaptation à l’école. Cependant, pour les enfants hyperactifs et inattentifs, cette adaptation est souvent altérée. Les enfants qui entretiennent de bonnes relations sociales ont tendance à présenter un meilleur engagement comportemental, affectif et cognitif. La présente étude vise à déterminer si la prosocialité envers les pairs et les relations chaleureuses avec les enseignants protègent les enfants hyperactifs-inattentifs d’un possible désengagement scolaire. Les données ont été recueillies auprès de 513 élèves du primaire et leurs enseignants au cours de deux années scolaires successives. Les résultats montrent que ces enfants bénéficient des relations positives avec les pairs et les enseignants. En particulier, l’engagement comportemental de ces élèves demeure plus élevé comparativement à ceux qui n’entretiennent pas de relations positives. Pour les enfants très hyperactifs-inattentifs, la relation chaleureuse modère le lien entre hyperactivité-inattention et engagement affectif. L’hyperactivité- inattention ne prédit pas de diminution d’engagement affectif et cognitif. Les implications pour la recherche et la pratique sont discutées. / School engagement has been found to promote positive adjustment in students. This relationship can be affected by students’ personal characteristics, such as inattention and hyperactivity. Research shows that behavioral, emotional and cognitive engagement is generally higher when students experience positive relationships in school. The aim of this study is to determine whether prosociality towards peers and close relationships with teachers are protective factors against the expected decline in school engagement for students who exhibit inattentive and hyperactive characteristics. Data from 513 primary schools students and teachers were collected over two consecutive years. Results demonstrate that hyperactive and inattentive students benefit from positive relationships with peers and teachers, which serves as a protective factor against the decline in behavioral engagement. For student with high levels of hyperactivity and inattention, close relationships with teachers moderated the association between hyperactivity-inattention and emotional engagement. Furthermore, our results suggest that hyperactivity and inattention in students does not predict a decrease in emotional and cognitive engagement. Implications for research and intervention are discussed.
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Prosocialité, cognition sociale et empathie chez les psittacidés et les corvidés / Prosociality, social cognition and empathy in psittacids and corvids / Prosozialität, Soziale Kognition und Empathie bei Papageien und KrähenLiévin-Bazin, Agatha 18 December 2017 (has links)
Dans le règne animal, certaines espèces présentent une organisation en groupe complexe, permettant l’établissement d’interactions sociales plus ou moins élaborées entre les individus. Les comportements prosociaux, visant à améliorer le bien-être de l’autre, apparaissent préférentiellement entre animaux qui partagent une grande affinité ; ces comportements sont probablement favorisés par l’empathie, suggérant une prise en compte émotionnelle du partenaire. Les oiseaux, et particulièrement les corvidés et les psittacidés, se révèlent être d’excellents modèles pour étudier ce lien entre relation sociale et prise en compte de l’autre: ils forment des couples monogames sur le long terme au sein desquels une forte coopération existe. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’explorer comment le lien entre individus (familial, sexuel, amical) module les comportements prosociaux et empathiques. Les réactions des sujets sont évaluées via le partage de nourriture ou bien en observant une sensibilité accrue envers un congénère. Chez les perruches calopsittes (Nymphicus hollandicus), les oiseaux réagissent plus fortement au cri de détresse d’un oiseau préféré qu’au cri d’un autre congénère familier et les individus apparentés (frères et sœurs) partagent davantage la nourriture entre eux qu’avec les autres. Les perroquetsont tendance à être prosociaux mais la prise en compte de l’autre reste à confirmer. Les choucas des tours (Corvus monedula), placés dans une situation nouvelle avec un autre oiseau, passent plus de temps à proximité de leur partenaire sexuel que d’un autre oiseau de sexe opposé. Ces différents résultats suggèrent qu’un lien d’affinité existe entre les individus et qu’il façonne leurs comportements en termes de prosocialité et d’empathie. / In the animal kingdom some species form complex social groups in which elaborated relationships between individuals occur. Prosocial behaviors, i.e. actions that benefit others, preferentially occur between closely affiliated individuals and may be driven by empathy, the ability to identify and share the emotional states of others. Birds, particularly corvids and parrots, are excellent candidates for investigating the link between social relationship and other-regarding behavior. They are long-lived and form long-term monogamous pair-bonds in which a high level of cooperation is seen throughout the year. The aim of this thesis is to study how the nature of a relationship (sibling, mate or friend) can modulate prosocial behavior and its underlying emotions in parrots and a corvid species. The approach was to study food-sharing or behavioral reactions to stressful situations such as distress call playback or exposure to novel objects, in different social contexts. Cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) reacted more to the distress calls of a closely affiliated partner than to those of a non-partner, and they preferably shared food with affiliated, related individuals. Different species of parrots preferentially chose a prosocial option over a selfish one, but it remains unclear whether they took the other’s perspective into account. Confronted with intimidating novel objects, jackdaws (Corvus monedula) spent more time in mutual proximity when paired with their mate than when with a familiar opposite-sex non-partner. However, they were not bolder when accompanied by their mate compared to a non-partner. These results suggest that an emotional link exists between affiliated individuals and that this special bond drives their prosocial and empathic behavioral responses. / Im Tierreich gibt es Arten mit komplexer Gruppenstruktur, in denen Individuen aufwendige soziale Beziehungen mit Artgenossen eingehen. Prosoziales Verhalten, ein Verhalten zum Wohle Anderer, tritt bevorzugt zwischen Individuen auf, die eine starke gegenseitige Bindung aufweisen. Prosozialität beruht auf Empathie-Fähigkeit, die wiederum ein gewisses Verständnis der emotionalen Lage von Artgenossen voraussetzt. Vögel, insbesondere Papageien und Krähen, sind geeignete Modelle, um Zusammenhänge zwischen sozialer Bindung und prosozialem Verhalten zu untersuchen: sie bilden Langzeit-monogame Paare, die das Jahr hindurch miteinander kooperieren. Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit ist es, herauszufinden, wie soziale Bindungen (verwandtschaftlicher, sexueller, oder freundschaftlicher Natur) prosoziales Verhalten und Empathie beeinflussen. Zu diesem Ziel wurden Studien über Futterteilen und Verhaltensreaktionen auf Stress in verschiedenen sozialen Kontexten durchgeführt. Nymphensittiche (Nymphicus hollandicus) reagierten stärker auf Warnrufe ihres Partners als auf die eines anderen Gruppenmitglieds. Ebenso teilten verwandte Sittiche häufiger Futter miteinander als mit anderen Individuen. Verschiedene Papageienarten bevorzugten in einer Entscheidungssituation prosoziale über egoistische Optionen, wobei unklar bleibt, ob sie die Perspektive ihres Partners verstanden. Dohlen (Corvus monedula), die mit einem für sie unheimlichen neuen Objekt konfrontiert wurden, verbrachten mehr Zeit in gegenseitiger Nähe, wenn sie mit Ihrem Partner als mit einem anderen Individuum getestet wurden. Sie verhielten sich aber in Gegenwart ihres Partners nicht mutiger. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass Bindungen zwischen Individuen prosoziales Verhalten und empathische Reaktionen aufeinander beeinflussen.
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Kindergarten characteristics and risk-taking behaviors in middle childhood = Caractéristiques à la maternelle et comportements de prise de risques en 6e annéeDupuis, Priscilla January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Postavení Etické výchovy v českém vzdělávacím systému / The Status of Ethic Education in Czech Educational SystemDaněk, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
In diploma theses, I focused on the theme of the educational field and the school subject Ethic Education. The work is divided into two parts. The theoretical part deals with the concept of ethic education in a broad context, with the history of ethic education in the Czech Republic, as well as with the polemic about the (non) dispensability of ethic education as an independent teaching subject. The last chapter focuses on an overview of how ethic education is succeeding today along with outlining its next possible development for the future. The aim of this diploma thesis was to find out the opinions of Ethic education teachers on issues related to the concept and curriculum of ethic education in the Czech Republic. Also differences in answers of Czech and Slovak respondents on the same research questions. The research shows that Czech teachers are identified with the current concept of ethic education, its aims, teaching methods, they are pleased by teaching ethic education. Compared to Slovak respondents, Czech teachers responded less critically, consensually. They have shown greater satisfaction with the amount and quality of the methodical materials they have at their disposal.
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Empathy and correct mental state inferences both promote prosocialityLehmann, Konrad, Böckler, Anne, Klimecki, Olga, Müller-Liebmann, Christian, Kanske, Philipp 27 February 2024 (has links)
In a world with rapidly increasing population that competes for the earth’s limited resources, cooperation is crucial. While research showed that empathizing with another individual in need enhances prosociality, it remains unclear whether correctly inferring the other’s inner, mental states on a more cognitive level (i.e., mentalizing) elicits helping behavior as well. We applied a video-based laboratory task probing empathy and a performance measure of mentalizing in adult volunteers (N = 94) and assessed to which extent they were willing to help the narrators in the videos. We replicate findings that an empathy induction leads to more prosocial decisions. Crucially, we also found that correct mentalizing increases the willingness to help. This evidence helps clarify an inconsistent picture of the relation between mentalizing and prosociality.
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Investigating adult age differences in real-life empathy, prosociality, and well-being using experience samplingPollerhoff, Lena, Stietz, Julia, Depow, Gregory John, Inzlicht, Michael, Kanske, Philipp, Li, Shu-Chen, Reiter, Andrea M. F. 04 June 2024 (has links)
While the importance of social affect and cognition is indisputable throughout the adult lifespan, findings of how empathy and prosociality develop and interact across adulthood are mixed and real-life data are scarce. Research using ecological momentary assessment recently demonstrated that adults commonly experience empathy in daily life. Furthermore, experiencing empathy was linked to higher prosocial behavior and subjective well-being. However, to date, it is not clear whether there are adult age differences in daily empathy and daily prosociality and whether age moderates the relationship between empathy and prosociality across adulthood. Here we analyzed experience-sampling data collected from participants across the adult lifespan to study age effects on empathy, prosocial behavior, and well-being under real-life circumstances. Linear and quadratic age effects were found for the experience of empathy, with increased empathy across the three younger age groups (18 to 45 years) and a slight decrease in the oldest group (55 years and older). Neither prosocial behavior nor well-being showed significant age-related differences. We discuss these findings with respect to (partially discrepant) results derived from lab-based and traditional survey studies. We conclude that studies linking in-lab experiments with real-life experience-sampling may be a promising venue for future lifespan studies.
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The maintenance of a caring concern by the care-giverVan der Wal, Dirk Mostert 11 1900 (has links)
The question the researcher set out to answer during this research is: How is a caring concern maintained by the (student nurse) as caregiver? It stemmed from unresolved plausible hypotheses stated during a previous qualitative study into the phenomenon caring, from media
reports on the "poor care" rendered in health institutions in South Africa, and a concern about the Tylerian rationale in nursing education.
The theory generation required was achieved through Wertz's Empirical Psychological Reflection and existential phenomenology. Heidegger's theory of"Care as the essence of being" constituted a central concept in this research. A linguistic epistemology and expanded definition of the term empirical were also pertinent in this research.
The literature review focussed on the methodology, ontology (caring and maintenance) and epistemology, serving a purpose towards bracketing.
A purposive sample of informants was extracted according to students' performance on the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI).
Sixteen qualitative research interviews were conducted. Analysis was conducted through open coding, categorisation and axial coding. At the idiographic level, twelve individual psychological profiles were constructed serving the purpose of imaginative variation. At the nomothetic level four major themes emerged, namely: The Caring Phenomenon (Contextualisation); Factors Eroding a Caring Concern; Factors in the Maintenance of a Caring Concern; and Core
The dialogue among the four intra-psychic processes of Care, will, meaning attribution and conscience accounts for all events encountered in the data. This dialogue results in either reason or intuition, displaying caring and the maintenance of a caring concern.
Positing will and conscience as thesis and antithesis, the resulting synthesis postulates the basic ethical concepts of autonomy, authority, responsibility and accountability as existentially inherent to being and existence, and to the maintenance of a caring concern.
The final manifestation of the object ofintention, maintenance, is proposed as an anthropological model. When extended to the fields of (nursing) education, human motivation and the teaching
of (nursing) ethics, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, the self-science curriculum and life-skills training become imperative to (nursing) curricula. It is also proposed that human caring be studied as a manifestation of human motivation. / Health Studies / D. Litt et Phil. (Advanced Nursing Sciences)
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The maintenance of a caring concern by the care-giverVan der Wal, Dirk Mostert 11 1900 (has links)
The question the researcher set out to answer during this research is: How is a caring concern maintained by the (student nurse) as caregiver? It stemmed from unresolved plausible hypotheses stated during a previous qualitative study into the phenomenon caring, from media
reports on the "poor care" rendered in health institutions in South Africa, and a concern about the Tylerian rationale in nursing education.
The theory generation required was achieved through Wertz's Empirical Psychological Reflection and existential phenomenology. Heidegger's theory of"Care as the essence of being" constituted a central concept in this research. A linguistic epistemology and expanded definition of the term empirical were also pertinent in this research.
The literature review focussed on the methodology, ontology (caring and maintenance) and epistemology, serving a purpose towards bracketing.
A purposive sample of informants was extracted according to students' performance on the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI).
Sixteen qualitative research interviews were conducted. Analysis was conducted through open coding, categorisation and axial coding. At the idiographic level, twelve individual psychological profiles were constructed serving the purpose of imaginative variation. At the nomothetic level four major themes emerged, namely: The Caring Phenomenon (Contextualisation); Factors Eroding a Caring Concern; Factors in the Maintenance of a Caring Concern; and Core
The dialogue among the four intra-psychic processes of Care, will, meaning attribution and conscience accounts for all events encountered in the data. This dialogue results in either reason or intuition, displaying caring and the maintenance of a caring concern.
Positing will and conscience as thesis and antithesis, the resulting synthesis postulates the basic ethical concepts of autonomy, authority, responsibility and accountability as existentially inherent to being and existence, and to the maintenance of a caring concern.
The final manifestation of the object ofintention, maintenance, is proposed as an anthropological model. When extended to the fields of (nursing) education, human motivation and the teaching
of (nursing) ethics, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, the self-science curriculum and life-skills training become imperative to (nursing) curricula. It is also proposed that human caring be studied as a manifestation of human motivation. / Health Studies / D. Litt et Phil. (Advanced Nursing Sciences)
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