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Nocování ve velkoplošných zvláště chráněných územích: vztah ochranářského a bivakujícího subjektu / Overnight Sleeping in the Large Landscape Protected Areas: The Relation Between Conservationist and Bivouacking SubjectHolubová, Anna January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the conflict of nature and the landscape protection with recreational use of nature. This conflict is examined in relation to "conservationist subject" and "bivouacking subject" in the context of ecogovernmentality, i.e. the shift of nature to the government sphere. The aim of this thesis is to introduce more of cosmology of nature protection, besides the dominant one - conservational, and to understand their relation. The thesis is divided into two parts - a theoretical part and an empirical part. The theoretical part is devoted to the theory of subjectivity and the concept of ecogovernmentality in the context of chosen ethnographic studies. The empirical part is dedicated to ethnographic research of bivouacking subjects. The results of the research are based on the comparison of data acquired from the ethnographic research with abstracted figures of "conservationist subject" - as defined by visitor rules of the protected areas and the law of nature and landscape protection and "bivouacking subject" - made by stays in nature or scout education. The result of this thesis is the discovery of similarity of both subjects, which in large extent overlap, however not completely. Bivouacking subjects get into conflict with tourists, against which they delimit themselves, rather than...
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Rekreace, sport a život v horách - Případová studie obce Bedřichov v Jizerských horách / Recreation, sport and life in the mountains - Case study of Bedřichov village in Jizera MountainsBuzínová, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the issue of the impact of sport, recreation and weekend housing on the shape and development of the village, which is directly related to these activities and is located in a protected landscape area. My subject of interest is the specific village of Bedřichov in the Jizera Mountains. This area has been struggling in recent years with the influxt of athletes and those interested in weekend living, who mainly run cross-country skiing. Bedřichov has to adapt to this onslaught and find solutions to be a pleasant place not only for athletes and tourists, but also a pleasant place for everyday life. This thesis takes the form of a case study and the main aim is not only to present the problem in a comprehensive way but also to show how the interests of sport and everyday life in the village are balanced. The first input is the assumption that this municipality is able to balance these interests. Analysis of research data shows that these efforts have been relatively successful so far, but balancing these interests is becoming increasingly difficult. Key words Municipality, municipal government, regional development, sport recreation, quality of life, sustainable development
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Dětská léčebna Ostrov u Macochy / Childern´s Sanatorium Ostrov u MacochyZemánek, Pavel January 2020 (has links)
The architectural study deals with the design of Childern´s sanatorium with speleotherapy in Ostrov u Macochy. Design works with the idea of connecting with the surrounding nature, responds to the slopping terrain and tries to fulfill a comprehensive construction program. A characteristic element is the use of natural material – wood within the curtaing walling, which defines the architectural expression of the building. Emphasis is placed on renewable energy sources.
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Škodí Jizerkám kolo-běžky? Spor dobra s dobrem - ochrana přírody vs. rekreační využití CHKO Jizerské hory na příkladu cyklistiky a běžeckého lyžování / Are Sports like Cycling and Cross Country Skiing Detrimental to the Jizera Mountains? Controversy of the Good versus the Good: The Protection of Nature versus the Recreation Use of the Jizera Mountains Protected Landscape Area Illustrated by the Example of Cycling and Cross Country SkiingTišerová, Gabriela January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation inquires to the contention of the good with the good - sports and recreational activities in the protected area. I have set three ambits of research questins: Who? What? How to deal? to get the solution of the reasearch task 'The Analysis of the Conflict of Interests between the Protection of Nature and Sports and Recreational activities (cycling and cross country skiing). I am trying to find main representatives in the concrete area and describe the conflicts among them. Next I have presented the problems of doing sport in the protected area. Firstly I am focused on the way of the negotiation about the use of the Jizera Mountains Protected Landscape Area and secondly I am trying to find the existence of the common future goals in the area development. With the help of the actor analysis I have tried to answer the research questions. I have used the analysis as a pattern how to look at the problems and how to deal with the facts acquired with the help of semistructured interview. As a result I have found that the main problem in the Jizera Mountains Protected Landscape Area is mainly the intensity of described activities. The ascertainment of the density of high- quality relationships confirms strong social resources. Within the participation a lot of relationships allowing the...
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Využití CHKO Brdy ve výuce přírodopisu a biologie / Use of the Brdy PLA in High-School Science TeachingValterová, Bára January 2021 (has links)
Presented work studies the possibilities of recently established protected landscape area (PLA) Brdy for a systematic use in teaching nature and biology related subjects at schools closely neighboring the PLA. The theoretical part of this diploma work makes a resume of basic information regarding the legal status of PLA's and introduces the reader into main facts about the PLA Brdy focusing on its natural aspects and specifics. General methods of education are reviewed briefly, followed by a more detailed discussion about the educational form of field trip and about possibilities how such trips or excursions to the PLA Brdy can be used in the education practice. The key part of this work is a relatively large questionnaire research for teachers, pupils and students of elementary and secondary schools next to Brdy. It establishes a database of their approaches to and existing experiences with field trips generally and excursions into PLA Brdy in particular. Two separate questionnaires have been used: one for teachers (16 questions, 26 respondents) and another one for pupils and students (30 questions, 152 respondents). Therefore, the database is composed of nearly 5000 responses which have been analyzed. The results show that interviewed pupils and students are clearly interested in the nature and...
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Caretakers of the Garden of Delight and Discontent: Adirondack Narrative, Conflict, and Environmental VirtueHolmlund, Eric Richard 13 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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ZAJIŠTĚNÍ BEZPEČNOSTI LIDÍ PŘI MIMOŘÁDNÝCH UDÁLOSTECH NA ÚZEMÍ NÁRODNÍHO PARKU ŠUMAVA / Emergency precautions of human safety within the Šumava National ParkČASTULÍKOVÁ, Marcela January 2012 (has links)
In my project I addressed the security of the National Park of Šumava in terms of emergencies. The objective of my thesis was to find out how the safety of people is ensured and if the Integrated Rescue System works effectively in case of extraordinary events in this area. When processing my work I have to reach final values upon which I would propose higher efficiency of activities in National Park of Šumava, based on that I processed the model of operating range of Integrated Rescue System units in the National Park. Furthermore, the method by which I came to the result of work consisted of data collection and their evaluation. National Park Šumava is large and rugged territory, and has its own specifics and differences in dealing with emergencies. In my work I have proposed measures to ensure security for the various bodies of the Integrated Rescue System, in terms of different spheres of security. The issue of safety and security of residents and visitors have been partially addressed by the Administration of the National Park Šumava, but the activities of the Integrated Rescue System is currently still not effective. In the proposals I have discussed adding activities in the Integrated Rescue Systems and measures that would from my perspective more effectively improved the quality of Integrated Rescue System activities and thereby to achieve better security of visitors and other people in the park. The results of my work will be used for more effective work of Fire Protection Business Units of National Park and Protected Landscape Area and for suggestions for further changes in security in the National Park.
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Cykloturistika na Lipensku / Cycling-tourism in Lipno regionŠTĚRBOVÁ, Kristina January 2010 (has links)
Subject diploma work was micro - region Lipensko, where was effected analyse of presumptions and development for cycle - tourism. Highlights was Lipenská main cycle track and her upward evaluation. Agent evaluation were designed stops on trace. Penthouses with sitting plus place for leant bikes. Stoppings: with informative or visual tables than mini fitness other possibility jogging section and calibration tachometer. After first analyse of cycle {--} tourism was making a marketing research, that has been drawn on set hypotheses. Hypotheses were given three and two of them were disproved. Negate conjectures were inspiration for a proposal project of the Lipenská cycle track. Final phase of the work is the proposal project and grant possibility of European union.
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Identificación y análisis de los paisajes culturales en Centroamérica y la República Dominicana: Instrumentos de protección legal y gestiónCárcamo Macoto, Henry Leonel 20 January 2025 (has links)
[ES] Esta tesis doctoral examina la identificación, protección y gestión de los paisajes culturales y protegidos en los países miembros del Sistema de Integración Centroamericana (SICA), que incluye a Belice, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá y la República Dominicana. El problema principal radica en la falta de coherencia en la aplicación de las normativas internacionales, lo que limita la efectividad de las medidas de protección y conservación en la región. El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar los marcos legales ambientales y culturales internacionales y de estos países, identificando brechas y oportunidades para mejorar la protección de los paisajes.
La metodología utilizada consistió en un análisis exhaustivo, a través de fuentes primarias y secundarias, de las legislaciones nacionales y la revisión de 38 'paisajes protegidos' bajo leyes ambientales en cinco de los ocho países del SICA. Los resultados muestran que, aunque existe una denominación común, los objetivos de protección no están alineados con los marcos internacionales. Además, no se encontraron designaciones de paisajes bajo legislación cultural.
La tesis también subraya la necesidad de un marco supranacional que apoye en la armonización de las normativas y promueva una gestión más coherente y sostenible de los paisajes. Además, se destaca la importancia de incluir a las comunidades locales e indígenas en la identificación, planificación y gestión de estos territorios, lo que contribuiría a un desarrollo sostenible en la región. Se concluye que es fundamental identificar y mapear los paisajes de la región del SICA, así como establecer directrices comunes para su delimitación y protección, en concordancia con los objetivos de las convenciones internacionales. / [CA] Aquesta tesi doctoral examina la identificació, protecció i gestió dels paisatges culturals i protegits en els països membres del Sistema d'Integració Centreamericana (SICA), que inclou Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hondures, Nicaragua, Panamà i la República Dominicana. El problema principal radica en la falta de coherència en l'aplicació de les normatives internacionals, la qual cosa limita l'efectivitat de les mesures de protecció i conservació en la regió. L'objectiu de la investigació va ser analitzar els marcs legals ambientals i culturals internacionals i d'aquests països, identificant llacunes i oportunitats per a millorar la protecció dels paisatges.
La metodologia utilitzada va consistir en una anàlisi exhaustiva, a través de fonts primàries i secundàries, de les legislacions nacionals i la revisió de 38 "paisatges protegits" sota lleis ambientals en cinc dels huit països del SICA. Els resultats mostren que, encara que existeix una denominació comuna, els objectius de protecció no estan alineats amb els marcs internacionals. A més, no es van trobar designacions de paisatges sota legislació cultural.
La tesi també subratlla la necessitat d'un marc supranacional que done suport a l'harmonització de les normatives i promoga una gestió més coherent i sostenible dels paisatges. A més, es destaca la importància d'incloure a les comunitats locals i indígenes en la identificació, planificació i gestió d'aquests territoris, la qual cosa contribuiria a un desenvolupament sostenible en la regió. Es conclou que és fonamental identificar i cartografiar els paisatges de la regió del SICA, així com establir directrius comunes per a la seua delimitació i protecció, en concordança amb els objectius de les convencions internacionals. / [EN] This doctoral thesis examines the identification, protection, and management of cultural and protected landscapes in the member countries of the Central American Integration System (SICA), which includes Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and the Dominican Republic. The main issue lies in the lack of coherence in the application of international regulations, which limits the effectiveness of protection and conservation measures in the region. The objective of the research was to analyze the international and national environmental and cultural legal frameworks of these countries, identifying gaps and opportunities to improve landscape protection.
The methodology used consisted of an exhaustive analysis, through primary and secondary sources, of the national legislations and a review of 38 'protected landscapes' under environmental laws in five of the eight SICA countries. The results show that, although there is a common designation, the protection objectives are not aligned with international frameworks. Furthermore, no landscape designations were found under cultural legislation.
The thesis also emphasizes the need for a supranational framework to support the harmonization of regulations and promote more coherent and sustainable landscape management. It highlights the importance of including local and indigenous communities in the identification, planning, and management of these territories, which would contribute to sustainable development in the region. The conclusion is that it is essential to identify and map the landscapes of the SICA region and to establish common guidelines for their delimitation and protection, in line with the objectives of international conventions. / Cárcamo Macoto, HL. (2024). Identificación y análisis de los paisajes culturales en Centroamérica y la República Dominicana: Instrumentos de protección legal y gestión [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/214334
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