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Eliminace zkreslení obrazů duhovky / Suppresion of distortion in iris imagesJalůvková, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
This master`s thesis is focused on a suppression of a distorsion in iris images. The aim of this work is to study and describe existing degradation methods (1D motion blur, uniform 2D motion blur, Gaussian blur, atmospheric turbulence blur, and out of focus blur). Furthermore, these methods are implemented and tested on a set of images. Then, we designed methods for suppression of these distorsions - inverse filtration, Wiener filtration and iterative deconvolution. All of these methods were tested and evaluated. Based on the experimental results, we can conclude that the Wiener-filter restoration is the most accurate approach from our test set. It achieves the best results in both normal and iterative mode.
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Adaptive Filters for 2-D and 3-D Digital Images Processing / Adaptive Filters for 2-D and 3-D Digital Images ProcessingMartišek, Karel January 2012 (has links)
Práce se zabývá adaptivními filtry pro vizualizaci obrazů s vysokým rozlišením. V teoretické části je popsán princip činnosti konfokálního mikroskopu a matematicky korektně zaveden pojem digitální obraz. Pro zpracování obrazů je volen jak frekvenční přístup (s využitím 2-D a 3-D diskrétní Fourierovy transformace a frekvenčních filtrů), tak přístup pomocí digitální geometrie (s využitím adaptivní ekvalizace histogramu s adaptivním okolím). Dále jsou popsány potřebné úpravy pro práci s neideálními obrazy obsahujícími aditivní a impulzní šum. Závěr práce se věnuje prostorové rekonstrukci objektů na základě jejich optických řezů. Veškeré postupy a algoritmy jsou i prakticky zpracovány v softwaru, který byl vyvinut v rámci této práce.
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An investigation on the possibility for bandwidth improvement of dielectric antennas via modification of their geometryDutta Chaudhury, Nandan January 2020 (has links)
The dielectric antenna is an interesting alternative to a metallic antenna. This is mainlydue to its low manufacturing cost and the possibility to fabricate complex antennageometry with the aid of additive manufacturing (AM). Sophisticated AM technologyprovides new degrees of freedom in shaping the outer and inner geometry of antennas.This feature can be utilized to optimize various properties of antenna, such as itsbandwidth, radiation pattern etc, while maintaining a compact geometry.This master thesis investigates the possibility of improving the bandwidth of acompact dielectric antenna by modifying its geometry. Specifically, dielectricresonator antennas (DRAs) have been considered here. In this connection, twoembedded cylindrical DRAs operating within 8 GHz-17 GHz frequency band havebeen designed and simulated using Ansys HFSS. For the first design (Design-1), abandwidth (corresponding to reflection coefficient ≤ -10dB) of approximately 63%has been obtained and the second design (Design-2) has a bandwidth (correspondingto reflection coefficient ≤ -10dB) of about 57%. However, in terms of radiationcharacteristics, the performance of Design-2 has been found to be superior comparedto Design-1, mainly due to its symmetrical geometry. Furthermore, the two designshave been compared to an existing compact rectangular embedded DRA. It has beenfound that both Design-1 and Design-2 have comparatively wider bandwidth. Withrespect to the radiation characteristics, the performance of the reference antenna andDesign-2 are similar. While, the radiation performance of the reference antenna isfound to be better than Design-1. / Dielektriska antenner är ett intressant alternativ till metalliska diton. Detta beror delspå lägre tillverkningskostnader men också, tack vare additiva tillverkningsmetoder,på grund av möjligheten att använda komplexa geometrier. De senaste årens framsteginom additiv tillverkning har öppnat upp nya möjligheter vid designen av den externaoch den inre geometrin hos dielektriska antenner. Detta kan utnyttjas till att optimeraolika aspekter hos antennen, exempelvis bandbredd och strålningsmönster, utan attpåverka de yttre måtten.Denna avhandling studerar möjligheten att förbättra bandbredden hos dielektriskaresonansantenner (DRA) genom att modifiera deras inre. Två cylindriska DRA:er,verksamma inom 8-17 GHz, har designats och simulerats i Ansys HFSS. Bandbredderom 63 % för Design-1, samt 57 % för Design-2, erhölls. Trots den första designensstörre bandbredd uppvisar Design-2 bättre strålningsegenskaper, främst avseendeantennens strålningsmönster. De simulerade antennerna har också visat sig hastörre bandbredd jämfört med en redan existerande kompakt, inbäddad DRA. Sett tillstrålningsegenskaper är prestandan hos Design-2 jämförbar med referensantennen,medan design ett uppvisar sämre prestanda.
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Saúde bucal no Programa Saúde da Família no município de São Paulo: uma perspectiva do usuário / Buccal health in Family Health Program in the city of São Paulo: the patients perceptions.Munkeviz, Mara Silvia Galletti 29 June 2009 (has links)
Introdução Este trabalho objetivou analisar a recente inserção da saúde bucal no Programa Saúde da Família (PSF) no que se refere ao vínculo, ao acesso, à integralidade da atenção e à resolutividade dos problemas de saúde bucal. Objetivo - Identificar as opiniões, percepções e necessidades dos usuários adultos da UBS Vila Espanhola, município de São Paulo, em relação à sua saúde bucal e ao serviço de atenção à saúde bucal a eles oferecido pelo PSF. Metodologia Pesquisa qualitativa, composta pelas seguintes etapas: observação sistemática das atividades da equipe de saúde bucal da UBS estudada e entrevista com os usuários adultos, maiores de 18 anos, que tiveram algum tipo de atendimento odontológico na UBS nos últimos 6 meses. Na fase de análise optou-se pela técnica de análise de conteúdo. Resultados Realizaram-se 25 entrevistas e percebeu-se que a inserção do PSF aumentou o acesso da população estudada na região da UBS, aumento que trouxe maior demanda por serviços especializados em odontologia. Contudo, os usuários não estão conseguindo utilizar esses serviços de atenção secundária em saúde bucal. As entrevistas também trouxeram algumas questões levantadas pelos usuários, como a constante troca de dentistas na equipe, comprometendo o vínculo, a falta de autonomia dos usuários com relação à própria saúde bucal, a da falta de credibilidade no setor público, a do papel do ACS na equipe, a da forma como são efetuados os grupos de escovação, a questão do espaço físico onde são realizados os atendimentos e a forma como é aplicado o princípio da equidade para priorizar os atendimentos. Conclusão - A inserção da saúde bucal no PSF trouxe alguns avanços, porém precisa ser reavaliada para realmente conseguir atingir suas principais propostas, como a integralidade da atenção, a equidade, entre outras. / Introduction This study aims to analyze the recent insertion of oral health in the Family Health Program PSF considering link, access, integrity of attention and in to oral problems resolution. Buccal Health, which has always been apart from health public politics in this country, has now the opportunity to, at last, be part of the Unified Health System. Objective Identify opinions, perceptions and necessities of the adults patients from Vila Espanhola UBS (Health Basic Unity), São Paulo city, in relation to dental health and the service of attention to buccal health offered by the PSF. Methodology Qualitative research made of the following steps: systematic observation of the activities done by the buccal health team of the studied UBS, and interview with the adult patients, older than 18, that had any kind of attention in the past six months. In the analyses phase, we opted by the content analysis. Results: It was done 25 interviews and it was noticed that the insertion of PSF increased the access of the studied population in the UBS region, however this increase brought a bigger demand by specialized oral services. The patients are not being able to have access to those secondary attentions in buccal health. The interviews also brought some patients question such as the constant changing of the dentists in the team - compromising the link, lack of patients autonomy in relation to their own oral health, lack of credibility of public politics, the roll of the ACS in the team, the way how it is applied the equity principle to prioritize the cares. Conclusion: The insertion of buccal health in the PSF brought some advances, however it needs to be reevaluated to really reach its main proposals as integrality of attention, equity among others needs.
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Development of three-dimensional super-resolution imaging using a double-helix point spread functionCarr, Alexander Roy January 2018 (has links)
Single-molecule localisation microscopy (SMLM), has allowed for optical microscopy to probe biological systems beyond the diffraction limit. The intrinsic 3D nature of biology has motivated the development of 3D-SMLM with novel techniques, including the double-helix point spread function (DHPSF). A bespoke microscope platform employing the DHPSF transformation was built, achieving ~10 nm lateral and ~20 nm axial localisation precision over a ~4 μm axial depth. Until recently, the DHPSF has been limited by spherical aberration present when imaging away from coverslip surfaces to the study of small volumes close to the coverslip. By matching the refractive index of the objective lens immersion liquid to that of the imaging media, this aberration can be minimised, facilitating large-volume imaging away from unphysiological flat surfaces. The work presented in this thesis illustrates the capabilities of the DHPSF for 3D-SMLM and single-particle tracking (SPT) in previously inaccessible areas of biological samples (e.g. in the nucleus and on the apical cell surface). Application of the DHPSF for SPT in eukaryotic cells are presented; tracking the motion of T-cell membrane proteins on the apical surface and components of the chromosome remodelling complex in the nucleus of embryonic stem cells. For these applications, meansquared displacement and jump distance diffusion analysis methodologies were extended into 3D and benchmarked against simulated datasets. A variety imaging applications that are facilitated by the extended depth of focus of the DHPSF are presented, focusing on quantification of T-cell membrane protein reorganisation upon immunological activation. Finally, the clustering distribution of the T-cell receptor is investigated by Ripley’s K analysis enabled by duel labelling of its position and the outer membrane in primary T cells.
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Saúde bucal no Programa Saúde da Família no município de São Paulo: uma perspectiva do usuário / Buccal health in Family Health Program in the city of São Paulo: the patients perceptions.Mara Silvia Galletti Munkeviz 29 June 2009 (has links)
Introdução Este trabalho objetivou analisar a recente inserção da saúde bucal no Programa Saúde da Família (PSF) no que se refere ao vínculo, ao acesso, à integralidade da atenção e à resolutividade dos problemas de saúde bucal. Objetivo - Identificar as opiniões, percepções e necessidades dos usuários adultos da UBS Vila Espanhola, município de São Paulo, em relação à sua saúde bucal e ao serviço de atenção à saúde bucal a eles oferecido pelo PSF. Metodologia Pesquisa qualitativa, composta pelas seguintes etapas: observação sistemática das atividades da equipe de saúde bucal da UBS estudada e entrevista com os usuários adultos, maiores de 18 anos, que tiveram algum tipo de atendimento odontológico na UBS nos últimos 6 meses. Na fase de análise optou-se pela técnica de análise de conteúdo. Resultados Realizaram-se 25 entrevistas e percebeu-se que a inserção do PSF aumentou o acesso da população estudada na região da UBS, aumento que trouxe maior demanda por serviços especializados em odontologia. Contudo, os usuários não estão conseguindo utilizar esses serviços de atenção secundária em saúde bucal. As entrevistas também trouxeram algumas questões levantadas pelos usuários, como a constante troca de dentistas na equipe, comprometendo o vínculo, a falta de autonomia dos usuários com relação à própria saúde bucal, a da falta de credibilidade no setor público, a do papel do ACS na equipe, a da forma como são efetuados os grupos de escovação, a questão do espaço físico onde são realizados os atendimentos e a forma como é aplicado o princípio da equidade para priorizar os atendimentos. Conclusão - A inserção da saúde bucal no PSF trouxe alguns avanços, porém precisa ser reavaliada para realmente conseguir atingir suas principais propostas, como a integralidade da atenção, a equidade, entre outras. / Introduction This study aims to analyze the recent insertion of oral health in the Family Health Program PSF considering link, access, integrity of attention and in to oral problems resolution. Buccal Health, which has always been apart from health public politics in this country, has now the opportunity to, at last, be part of the Unified Health System. Objective Identify opinions, perceptions and necessities of the adults patients from Vila Espanhola UBS (Health Basic Unity), São Paulo city, in relation to dental health and the service of attention to buccal health offered by the PSF. Methodology Qualitative research made of the following steps: systematic observation of the activities done by the buccal health team of the studied UBS, and interview with the adult patients, older than 18, that had any kind of attention in the past six months. In the analyses phase, we opted by the content analysis. Results: It was done 25 interviews and it was noticed that the insertion of PSF increased the access of the studied population in the UBS region, however this increase brought a bigger demand by specialized oral services. The patients are not being able to have access to those secondary attentions in buccal health. The interviews also brought some patients question such as the constant changing of the dentists in the team - compromising the link, lack of patients autonomy in relation to their own oral health, lack of credibility of public politics, the roll of the ACS in the team, the way how it is applied the equity principle to prioritize the cares. Conclusion: The insertion of buccal health in the PSF brought some advances, however it needs to be reevaluated to really reach its main proposals as integrality of attention, equity among others needs.
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Análise do território: um instrumento interventivo na prática do programa de saúde da famíliaBôas, Heloísa Strazzer Vilas 30 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:16:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007-03-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work objective is to detect the importance of the concept of
territory between the teams of the Programa de Saúde da Família PSF (Family
Health Program), in order it becomes an effective diagnosis and intervention tool.
Brazilian Ministry of Health recognizes the relevance of the concept of territory as a
work instrument since the PSF was created in 1994. However, it is perceptible that,
despite the concept appearing in the training of the PSF teams, it is not used as an
essential in the practice. The research methodology intended to apprehend the
theoretical and practical dimensions of the concept of territory. To the bibliographic
and document analysis it was added interviews with the coordinators of the
Programa de Saúde da Família and focal groups with the PSF teams of three cities
belonging to the Diretoria Regional de Saúde XXI DIRXXI (Health Regional
Branch XXI) of the State of São Paulo: Jacareí, Jambeiro e Caraguatatuba.
Regardless the demographic, social and local health differences, which imply
different needs, the teams recognized that the question of the territory as work
instrument was part of the initial given training. However, in practice, it was noticed
that the concept of territory, beyond not being well understood, it was neither up to
date nor it was reinforced in late supervisions. This leads, among others, to a block
of the teams creativity, to an incomplete use of the available resources, to not
felling responsible for the health problems and for the families in the area, to not
establishing needed partnerships with others public policies, and to a lack of
mobilization of local forces. In short, a considerable loss for the population health
and the impoverishment of the guidelines of the PSF in the practice / O objetivo deste trabalho foi levantar a importância que o conceito
de território tem entre as equipes do Programa de Saúde de Família PSF, para
que se converta num instrumento de diagnóstico e intervenção eficaz. O Ministério
da Saúde reconhece a relevância do conceito de território como instrumento de
trabalho, desde a criação do PSF, em 1994. No entanto, percebe-se que, embora
haja uma abordagem do conceito nas capacitações das equipes, ele não é
utilizado como algo essencial para a prática das equipes de PSF. A metodologia
desta pesquisa buscou captar as dimensões teórico-práticas do conceito de
território. Somou-se à análise bibliográfica e documental, entrevistas com as
coordenações do Programa de Saúde da Família e Grupos Focais com as equipes
do PSF de três municípios pertencentes à Diretoria Regional de Saúde XXI
DIRXXI do Estado de São Paulo: Jacareí, Jambeiro e Caraguatatuba.
Independentemente das diferenças demográficas, sociais e de saúde locais, que
implicam em diferentes necessidades, as equipes reconheceram que a questão do
território como instrumento de trabalho fez parte da capacitação inicial que
receberam. No entanto, na prática, constatou-se que o conceito de território, além
de não ser bem compreendido, não foi atualizado, nem reforçado nas supervisões
que as equipes receberam posteriormente. Isto tem levado, entre outras coisas, ao
bloqueio da criatividade das equipes, ao uso insuficiente dos recursos disponíveis,
a sua não responsabilização pelos problemas de saúde e famílias da área, ao não
estabelecimento das parcerias necessárias com as outras políticas públicas, e à
falta de mobilização das forças locais. Enfim, um prejuízo considerável para a
saúde da população e empobrecimento das diretrizes do PSF na prática
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Positioneringsstrategier för konsultbolag inom TV- och mediabranschen / Positioning strategies for consulting firms within the TV and media marketLyngman, Mathias, Norell, David January 2015 (has links)
TV- och mediabranschen drivs på av teknikutveckling och är under förändring där allt fler konsumenter väljer att konsumera video via internet vilket ställer krav på aktörerna i TV-branschen. Traditionella TV-operatörer försöker förändra sina affärsmodeller, branschgränser blir mer otydliga där bolag som tidigare ansvarat för it-infrastrukturen försöker ta större del av värdekedjan, nystartade företag ser sin chans att konkurrera samt globala aktörer som Google och Apple blir allt större hot. För konsultbolag finns det i TV-branschen därför möjligheter att fylla ett marknadsbehov av branschspecifik rådgivning och resurser för att hjälpa TV- aktörerna med att anpassa sig till digitaliseringen. Konsultbolag som försöker etablera sig inom TV- och mediamarknaden behöver ta ställning till frågeställningar som hur brett erbjudande de ska ha, vilka kompetenser och roller de ska erbjuda och hur de uppnår en stark marknadsposition. Eftersom den framtida utvecklingen av den övergripande marknadskonfigurationen är oklar så skapar det också behov för sådana konsultbolag att förstå hur de skapar förutsättningar för långsiktig konkurrenskraft. Denna undersökning syftar därför till att undersöka positioneringsstrategier för långsiktig konkurrenskraft i konsultbolag inriktade mot branschen av media- och TV- lösningar. Studien har genomförts på företaget Eyevinn med hjälp av en kvalitativ fallstudie. Undersökningens metodik följer det Wahlbinska U:et och har haft ett explorativt angreppssätt för att skapa en bred förståelse för deras positioneringssituation. Den insamlade empiriska datan för studien baseras främst på intervjuer som är genomförda med anställda på fallföretaget Eyevinn och deras kunder. Analysen har utförts med ett holistiskt tillvägagångssätt och är uppdelad i två huvudsakliga områden. Det ena området har sin grund i affärsmodellssynsättet kompletterat med dynamiska förmågor. Det andra området har en bas i generell litteratur inriktat på positioneringsstrategi kompletterat med litteratur för positioneringsstrategi som är specifikt inriktat för konsultbolag. De underliggande analyserna har således blivit Utvärdering av långsiktig konkurrenskraft med grund i företagets förmågor och resurser, Matchning mellan fallföretaget och dess önskade position, Position relativt konkurrenter, Värdeerbjudandets konkurrenskraft, Position i värdekedjan och Utnyttjande av företagets marknadsroll. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det är relevant för konsultbolag inom branschen av media- och TV-lösningar att förstå vilka mekanismer som finns tillgängliga i deras befintliga och eftersträvda marknadsroll för att förstärka deras konkurrenskraft. Vidare så visas att en differentieringsstrategi som specialist ställer höga krav på värdeerbjudandets substantiering men också att en sådan differentiering i sig själv kan användas för att förstärka substantieringen samt resonansen av värdeerbjudandet. Det visas även betydelsefullt att det internt, bland konsultbolagets personal, säkerställs att det finns en gemensam och enhetlig syn för konsultföretagets positioneringsstrategi och marknadsinriktning. ii Resultatet av affärsmodellsanalysen visar med hjälp av logiken i fallföretagets aktivitetssystem att det finns ett cyklist och självförstärkande samband (virtuos cycle) i aktiviteterna som leder till konsultföretagets förmåga att skapa legitimitet på marknaden för sin expertkunskap. Denna aktivitetscykel identifieras som kritisk för fallföretagets möjlighet att ta ut premiumarvoden och att förflytta sig närmre sin önskade marknadsposition som kunskapsledande. För att skapa förutsättningar för långsiktig konkurrenskraft i ett konsultbolag med en specialistdifferentiering så visar undersökningen att strukturer för hantering av kunskap blir betydelsefulla. Kunskapsstrukturerna bör stödja införskaffande, bevarande samt utvärderande för dess möjlighet att kommersialiseras med anledning att stärka en marknadsposition som kunskapsledande. Rekommendationerna som framtagits är riktade till fallföretaget Eyevinn för att hjälpa de att förstärka sin befintliga marknadsposition och förflytta dem närmre sin önskade position med långsiktig konkurrenskraft. Dessa är att på sikt ersätta deras interna befintliga kommunikationsverktyg och etablera en struktur för kunskapshantering, kunskapsbevarande och kunskapsdelning. I deras marknadsroll ska de för att stärka och skydda sin position hos sina kunder utnyttja mekanismer som förstärker kundernas switching costs. För att hantera interna skillnader i uppfattningen om Eyevinns positioneringsstrategi så föreslås fem grundläggande frågeställningar som de gemensamt bör gå genom. Uppsättning av rutiner för snabb kommersialisering av ny kunskap rekommenderas för att förflytta företaget närmre en position som kunskapsledande. Förbättrad redundans av företagets tillgängliga kompetenser föreslås göras genom ett tillvägagångssätt som innebär att kunduppdrag även stödjs “back office”. Eyevinns säljkommunikation rekommenderas anpassas för att främja deras möjlighet att samla på sig mer erfarenheter och därmed förstärka deras substantiering. Eyevinn rekommenderas att förstärka förtroendet från kunderna genom att fokusera på de aktiviteterna som är inkluderade i den virtuos cycle som skapar legitimitet i att besitta expertkunskap. / The TV and media market is affected by the modern development in technology which is transforming the industry and making it easier for consumers to consume video through the web which in turn puts new requirements and demands on the companies active in that market. Traditional TV-operators are trying to change their business models, market boundaries are becoming more unclear, firms that were previously responsible for the IT-infrastructure are now trying to expand their grasp on the value chain, new start-ups see their chance to compete and global actors such as Google and Apple are becoming an increasing threat. Consulting firms that are active in this market therefore have the opportunity to fulfill customers’ needs of market specific consulting and resources to help companies adapt to the digitalization. Consulting firms trying to establish themselves in the TV and media market needs to ask themselves questions such as what spread their offering should have, what competencies and roles they should offer, and how they should act to attain a strong market position. Since the future development of the marketplace is unclear, there is also a need for such consulting firms to understand how they create foundations for sustainable competitive advantages. This study therefore has the objective to examine positioning strategies that achieves sustainable competitive advantages for consulting firms in the TV and media market. The study has been conducted as a qualitative case study at the consulting firm Eyevinn. The research methods used for the study were based on the principles of Lekvall & Wahlbin and had an exploratory approach to create a genuine understanding of the problem. The collected data was primarily based on interviews conducted with employees at the company Eyevinn and their customers. The analysis has been performed with a holistic approach and is separated into two main areas. The first area has its basis in the business model approach complemented with dynamic capabilities. The second area has a basis in general management literature focused on positioning strategies complemented with literature for positioning strategies that is specifically targeted to consulting firms. The underlying analyses are Evaluation of sustainable competitive advantages with a basis in the company’s capabilities and resources, The fit between the case company and its wanted position, Position in relation to competitors, The value propositions competitive advantages, Position in the value chain and exploiting the company’s market role. The results of the study shows that it is relevant for consulting firms within the TV and media market to understand the mechanisms available in their current and desired market role to strengthen their competitive advantages. It’s also shown that a differentiating strategy as a specialist puts high demands on the value proposition’s substantiation however such a differentiation strategy in itself can also be used to strengthen the substantiation together with the resonance of the value proposition. It’s also of importance that the firm internally, amongst the company’s personnel, makes sure that there is a common and unified view of the consulting firms’ positioning strategy and market direction. iv The result of the business model analysis shows through the logic of the case company’s activity system that there is a cyclic and reinforcing connection (virtuous cycle) in the activities that lead to the consulting firms ability to create legitimacy on the market for their expertise and knowledge. This activity cycle is identified as critical for the case company’s ability to receive a premium price and to move closer to their wanted position as a knowledge leader. To create conditions for sustainable competitive advantages in a consulting firm with a specialist differentiation the study shows that structures for handling of knowledge are important. The knowledge structures should support acquiring, preserving and evaluating its possibility to be commercialized with the reason to strengthen the market position as a knowledge leader. The recommendations that have been formulated are aimed to help the case company Eyevinn with strengthening their current market position and to move them closer to their wanted position with sustainable competitive advantages. In a long term perspective Eyevinn should replace their current internal communication tool and establish a structure for knowledge gathering, knowledge preservation and knowledge sharing. Eyevinn should exploit switching costs-mechanisms available in their current market role to protect and strengthen the position they have. To handle the internal discrepancies in the understanding of Eyevinns positioning strategy we suggest that they should go through five basic questions together to address the situation. Eyevinn should establish processes to support quick commercialization of new knowledge in order to move Eyevinn closer to its wanted position of knowledge leaders in their market. An improvement of the redundancy of the firm’s available competencies is recommended by a process which includes back office support to its customer assignments. Eyevinn’s sales communication is recommended to be adapted to support their ability to gather more experiences which strengthens their substantiation. Eyevinn is recommended to strengthen the trust perceived by their customers by focusing on the activities included in the virtuos cycle that creates legitimacy for their expert knowledge.
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The Modulation of Androgen Signaling by Steroid Hormones and Mechanical Tension: A Novel Pathway of Labor InitiationLi, Yunqing 14 December 2011 (has links)
We investigated the gestational expression of androgen receptor (AR) and defined its
regulation and that of its co-repressors, PSF and p54nrb, by steroid hormones and
myometrial stretch in vivo in pregnant and non-pregnant rats. Our data demonstrate
that, 1) myometrial AR expression decreases prior to term; 2) AR expression is
up-regulated by MPA treatment and down-regulated by mechanical stretch; (3)
myometrial PSF protein expression is down-regulated by estrogen signaling and by
mechanical stretch, and up-regulated by androgen signaling; (4) while myometrial PSF
mRNA expression is also down-regulated by stretch, the regulation by estrogen and P4
on PSF mRNA appear to be opposite to the effects on PSF protein. We conclude that
the decreased androgen signaling in late pregnancy (as a result of decreased AR and
PSF expression mediated by hormonal and mechanical signals) may contribute to the
mechanisms leading to labor initiation.
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The Modulation of Androgen Signaling by Steroid Hormones and Mechanical Tension: A Novel Pathway of Labor InitiationLi, Yunqing 14 December 2011 (has links)
We investigated the gestational expression of androgen receptor (AR) and defined its
regulation and that of its co-repressors, PSF and p54nrb, by steroid hormones and
myometrial stretch in vivo in pregnant and non-pregnant rats. Our data demonstrate
that, 1) myometrial AR expression decreases prior to term; 2) AR expression is
up-regulated by MPA treatment and down-regulated by mechanical stretch; (3)
myometrial PSF protein expression is down-regulated by estrogen signaling and by
mechanical stretch, and up-regulated by androgen signaling; (4) while myometrial PSF
mRNA expression is also down-regulated by stretch, the regulation by estrogen and P4
on PSF mRNA appear to be opposite to the effects on PSF protein. We conclude that
the decreased androgen signaling in late pregnancy (as a result of decreased AR and
PSF expression mediated by hormonal and mechanical signals) may contribute to the
mechanisms leading to labor initiation.
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