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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indicadores de sobrecarga emocional em pacientes portadores de cefal?ia cr?nica di?ria.

Beletti, Claudia Thomé 30 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T12:51:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 claudiathomebeletti_dissert.pdf: 580160 bytes, checksum: 663a2cdc74524cec05b176a5c247317d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-30 / Chronic daily headache (CDH) can be studied according to the psychosomatic perspective. Considering that CDH is a heterogeneous group of headaches and that some comorbidity and emotional factors can trigger the pain such as stress, anxiety and depression; a study that takes into account the emotional overload and its impact on the affected people's lives is very important. Objective: This research aims to investigate the presence of emotional overload in patients with CDH, and the possible reasons which may impair the symptoms as well as to know which are the psychological, social and existential aspects developed by these people. Casuistic and Method: The subjects of this study were 40 patients of both genders, over 18 years of age, who attended the headache clinic of Hospital de Base, Medical School of S?o Jos? do Rio Preto. A semi-structured interview as reference to the Psychosomatic Psychoanalytic Investigation was used. Results: The sample comprised 10% of males and 90% of females, the ages ranging from 24 to 64 years old. Since the majority of interviews were made up of open questions, it was decided to divide the answers into categories. The most frequent categories when they knew the meaning of getting sick were: psychical suffering (35.53%); physical suffering (23.68%); damage at work (19.74%) and social damage (10.52%). Regarding the question about factors related with pain, the main categories were: nervousness (23.16%); preoccupation (15.79%) and tension (11.58%). The question on how the pain was developed, the most frequent categories were: the attempt at self-cure (27.36%), different kinds of pain (16.98%) and affected by emotions (13.2%). The question on the consequences of the pain, the majority reported the interruption of their activities. The length-time of the disease varied between 2 and 40 years with headaches. It was also observed, if the patients with CDH had diagnosis hypotheses regarding their pains or a "personal insight" on the disease. Among them, psychical factors could trigger the pain with 48.84%, and 34.88% of them did not have hypothesis regarding their headaches. Conclusions: In conclusion, there is some emotional overload in patients with CDH, and the typical performance of the psychosomatic disorders and the operating mind control is directly related with the patient?s complaints. It was also observed aspects of depression associated with the emotional functioning of these people. / A cefal?ia cr?nica di?ria (CCD) pode ser estudada de acordo com a perspectiva psicossom?tica. Considerando-se que a CCD ? um grupo heterog?neo de cefal?ias e que algumas comorbidades e fatores emocionais est?o associados como precipitantes da dor, tais como o estresse, a ansiedade e a depress?o; um estudo que leve em conta a sobrecarga emocional e qual o impacto na vida das pessoas afetadas reveste-se de import?ncia. Objetivo: A presente pesquisa visa investigar presen?a de sobrecarga emocional de pacientes portadores de CCD, e os poss?veis motivos agravadores de sintomas, bem como conhecer quais os percursos psicol?gicos, sociais e existenciais desenvolvidos por esses indiv?duos. Casu?stica e M?todo: S?o sujeitos deste estudo 40 pacientes de ambos os sexos, maiores de 18 anos, atendidos no ambulat?rio de cefal?ias do Hospital de Base de S?o Jos? do Rio Preto. Foi utilizado um roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturada, tendo como refer?ncia a Investiga??o Psicossom?tica Psicanal?tica. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 10% dos sujeitos do sexo masculino e 90% do sexo feminino, com idades variando entre 24 e 64 anos. Por se tratar de entrevistas compostas, em sua maioria por quest?es abertas, optou-se por distribuir as respostas em categorias. Ao conhecer o significado de adoecer, as categorias que mais apareceram foram: sofrimento ps?quico (35,53%); sofrimento f?sico (23,68%); preju?zo no trabalho (19,74%) e preju?zo social (10,52%). Quanto ao questionamento com os fatores que relacionavam a dor, as principais categorias foram: o nervosismo (23,16%); preocupa??o (15,79%) e tens?o (11,58%). Na investiga??o de como se desenvolvia a dor, o que mais se verificou foram: tentativas de auto-cura (27,36%); diferentes tipos de dor (16,98%) e provocadas pelas emo??es (13,2%). A quest?o referente ?s conseq??ncias acarretadas pela dor mostrou que a grande maioria descreveu interromper as atividades. O tempo de doen?a variou entre dois e mais de quarenta anos de dores de cabe?a. Foi observado, ainda, se os portadores de CCD t?m hip?teses diagn?sticas a respeito das suas dores ou ?insight? pessoal sobre a doen?a. Entre elas, fatores ps?quicos poderiam desencadear a dor com 48,84% e 34,88% n?o t?m hip?tese a respeito das suas dores de cabe?a. Conclus?es: Pode-se concluir que existe sobrecarga emocional em pacientes portadores de CCD, e que o funcionamento caracter?stico dos transtornos psicossom?ticos e do pensamento operat?rio est? diretamente relacionado com suas queixas. Tamb?m foram observados aspectos de depress?o relacionados ao funcionamento emocional desses indiv?duos.

Teoria della mente ed emozione: studi su bambini in età scolare / Theory of Mind and Emotion: Studies on School Age Children

CAVALLI, GIULIA 21 February 2008 (has links)
La teoria della mente (toM) è la capacità di attribuire stati mentali a se' e agli altri e di prevedere il comportamento sulla base di essi. recentemente gli studiosi della tom hanno adottato un'ottica life-span (che ha portato alla costruzione di nuovi strumenti per valutare la tom) e iniziato a studiare le differenze individuali in questa capacità (includendo la comprensione delle emozioni e i legami tra tom e funzionamento socio-emotivo). Il presente lavoro ha lo scopo di approfondire lo studio dello sviluppo della comprensione di stati mentali (epistemici ed emotivi) e i suoi legami con le difficoltà emotive nei bambini. Affronta così alcune nuove tematiche nell'ambito degli studi sulla tom, relative alla valutazione della tom in bambini con sviluppo tipico frequentanti la scuola primaria e la relazione tra tom e problemi internalizzanti. Viene presentato un nuovo compito avanzato di ToM e la sua validazione e standardizzazione su un campione italiano di bambini di 6.5-11.4 anni: il voice test. esso valuta l'abilità di comprendere stati mentali complessi da indici vocali. Infine, viene studiata la relazione tra tom e rischio psicologico e, in particolare, analizzato il legame tra la scarsa tom e le frequenti lamentele somatiche nei bambini in eta' scolare. / Theory of Mind (ToM) is the ability to impute mental states to the self e to the others as a way of making sense and predicting behaviour. Recently ToM researchers has been adopted a life span perspective, that leads to the construction of new instruments to assess ToM, and studied individual differences in ToM, including emotion understanding and the relationship between ToM and socio-emotional functioning. The present work is aimed to analyze deeper the development of mental states (both epistemic and emotional) understanding and its link with emotional difficulties, dealing with some novel topics within ToM studies, regarding ToM assessment in school age children and the relationship between ToM and internalizing problems. After reviewing ToM studies, it presents the Voice Test, a new advanced ToM instrument, and its validation and standardization on an Italian school age children sample aged 6,5-11,4 years; the test assesses the ability to understand a wide range of complex mental states from vocal cues. finally, it is studied the relationship between ToM and psychological risk and, in particular, it points out the link between poor ToM and frequent somatic complaints in a normal school age children population.

Les cadres pendulaires à l'international : caractérisation et analyse de leur relation au travail / Managers who internationally commute : characterization and analysis of their work relation

Wodociag, Sophie 20 November 2014 (has links)
Les cadres pendulaires à l’international représentent une catégorie de personnel émergente. Au gré de leurs missions à envergure internationale, ils navettent chaque semaine entre leur siège social et un pays du monde. Ils ne sont ni des expatriés, ni des cadres traditionnels. Qui sont-ils exactement ? Quelle dispositif de gestion est mis en place pour eux au sein des entreprises ? Leurs difficultés sont elles connues et reconnues ? Autant de questions que la littérature scientifique n’a pas encore abordées alors que le recours à la mobilité internationale de court terme a augmenté de 10% depuis 2002 et s’intensifiera encore dans les cinq ans à venir, les prévisions faisant état d’un accroissement de 20%. Poursuivant un objectif exploratoire, notre recherche pose la question de la caractérisation des cadre pendulaires à l’international et de leur relation au travail. Pour cela, nous avons mobilisé un ensemble de méthodes diversifiées (méthodes qualitatives, analyses de données quantitatives et utilisation du diary study) et des cadres théoriques d’analyse complémentaires (le modèle exigences-ressources (Demerouti et al., 2001) et le contrat psychologique (Rousseau, 1989). La recherche se compose de trois études complémentaires. La première étude quantitative (1 841 participants), qui a été réalisée en partenariat avec l’APEC, s’est ainsi focalisée sur l’examen des contours et caractéristiques des cadres pendulaires à l’international, mettant en évidence la similarité de leur niveau d’épuisement et de bien être émotionnel avec celui des cadres pendulaires nationaux et des cadres sédentaires ; elle a confirmé que cette catégorie de personnel, plus diversifiée que celle des expatriés, plus féminisée, avec des profils d’expert aussi bien que de managers, se comporte d’une manière spécifique. A travers la collecte de récits de vie (10 participants), la deuxième étude a, quant à elle, permis de définir le contrat psychologique des cadres pendulaires à l’international : ces derniers sacrifient leur temps, au détriment de la vie privée, en échange d’une évolution et d’un enrichissement professionnels. Des conflits entre les domaines de vie émergent lorsque que le navettage international menace le bien-être des proches ; le soutien du conjoint se présente alors comme une ressource primordiale, la troisième étude (30 participants), de type diary study, a mis en relief l’importance de certaines ressources pour la gestion au quotidien de ce type de mobilité : les opportunités professionnelles de développement et le détachement psychologique permettraient de contenir le niveau d’épuisement professionnel des cadres lors des déplacements. Des recommandations ont été émises afin que les entreprises apprennent à valoriser les cadres pendulaires à l’international. Ces derniers, intermédiaires entre le siège social et les filiales des multinationales, véhiculent l’information et la culture organisationnelle.C’est pourquoi ils représentent une valeur intangible fondamentale pour l’organisation. / Managers who commute internationally represent an emerging category of personnel. During their international missions, they commute weekly between their headquarters and other worldwide locations. They are neither expatriates, nor sedentary managers. Who exactly are they? What organizational policies and procedures have been implemented to manage and help them? Are their difficulties known and recognized? So many questions that the literature has not yet addressed, whereas the use of shortterm international mobility has increased by 10% since 2002 and a further mobility intensification is foreseen? in the next five years (20% increase). Following an exploratory objective, our research focused on the characterization of the managers who commute internationally and their relationship with the workplace. We utilized several methods (qualitative and quantitative methods, use of the diary study) and complementary theoretical frameworks (Job-Demands – Resources Model (Demerouti and al., 2001) and Psychological Contract (Rousseau, 1989)). Our work consisted of three studies. The first quantitative study (1.841 participants), lead through a partnership with APEC, examined the contours and characteristics of the managers who commute internationally, highlighting the similarity of their level of exhaustion and emotional well-being with that of national commuters and sedentary managers. It confirmed that this category of personnel, more diversified than the expatriates, more feminized, experts as well as managerial profiles, was characterized by a specific behavior. Through the collection of life stories (1 0 participants), the second study defined the psychological contract of the managers who commute internationally: those that sacrificed their time, to the detriment of their private life, in exchange of professional career and enrichment. Conflicts between private and professional life emerged when the international commuting threatened the family well-being; in this situation, spousal support was considered a primary resource. The third study (30participants), a diary study, highlighted the importance of certain resources to manage daily this kind of mobility: professional opportunities, development and psychological detachment limited the burnout level during the mission. Finally, recommendations were addressed in order to improve the organizational valorization of the managers who commute internationally. Indeed, these later are the intermediary between the headquarters and the subsidiaries of multinationals, they diffuse the organizational information and culture. They represent a fundamental intangible value that the organization has to care of. / I quadri pendolari internazionali rappresentano una categoria di personale emergente. A seconda delle loro missioni internazionali, viaggiano ogni settimana tra la loro sede di lavoro e altri paesi per il mondo. Essi non sono né degli espatriati e né dei quadri tradizionali. Chi sono realmente? Quale strumento di gestione ha implementato l’azienda per inquadrarli? Si conoscono le loro difficoltà ? Sono queste prese in considerazione dall’azienda? Tante domande che la letteratura non ha ancora affrontato, mentre l'uso della mobilità internazionale a breve termine è aumentato del 10% dal 2002 e tenderà ad intensificarsi ulteriormente nei prossimi cinque anni, con una crescita prevista del 20%. Con un obiettivo esplorativo, questa ricerca si interessa alla caratterizzazione dei quadri pendolari nella mobilità internazionale e della loro relazione con il lavoro. Lo studio è basato su un insieme di metodologie diversificate (metodologia qualitativa, analisi di dati quantitativi, uso del metodo diary study), su dei modelli teorici di analisi complementari (il JD-R Model (Demerouti et al., 2001) ed su il contratto psicologico (Rousseau, 1989). 3 studi complementari sono stati condotti. Il primo studio quantitativo (1 841 partecipanti) è concentrato sull'esame dei contorni e caratteristiche dei quadri pendolari internazionali, mettendo in evidenza la similarità del loro livello di esaurimento e di benessere emotivo con quello dei pendolari nazionali e quadri sedentari ; ha confermato che questa categoria di personale, più diversificata degli espatriati, più femminilizzata, includendo dei profili sia di esperti che di manager, si comporta in un determinato modo. Attraverso la raccolta di storie di vita (10 partecipanti), il secondo studio, a sua volta, ha definito il contratto psicologico dei quadri pendolari internazionali, essi sacrificano (a discapito della loro vita privata) il loro tempo in cambio di una evoluzione e di un arricchimento professionali. I conflitti tra le sfere di vita emergono quando il pendolarismo internazionale minaccia il benessere delle famiglie; il sostegno del coniuge si presenta allora come una risorsa fondamentale. Infine, il terzo studio (30 partecipanti), di tipo diary study, ha evidenziato l'importanza di alcune risorse per la gestione quotidiana di questo tipo di mobilità: opportunità di sviluppo professionale e distacco psicologico potrebbero contenere il livello di esaurimento professionale durante le trasferte. Infine, sono state suggerite delle raccomandazioni affinché le organizzazioni imparino a valorizzare questa categoria di personale che, facendo spola tra la sede centrale e le filiali delle multinazionali, è portatrice dell’informazione e della cultura dell’ organizzazione e costituisce un rilevante valore immateriale dell’azienda stessa.


HUGO LEONARDO ROCHA SILVA DA ROSA 08 September 2016 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho é uma investigação histórica dos discursos e práticas de exame psicológico que se manifestaram no contexto da educação brasileira na virada do século XIX para o século XX. O levantamento de obras em psicologia publicados na segunda metade do século XIX e início do XX foi realizado na base da Internet Archive. Já as fontes primárias produzidas no Brasil foram levantadas na Biblioteca Nacional, no setor de Obras Gerais para livros e na Hemeroteca Digital para os textos publicados na imprensa brasileira. Primeiramente, será abordada a emergência da psicologia experimental na Europa a partir de algumas obras de época, discutindo questões que estavam em pauta entre os experimentalistas. Em um segundo momento, o texto se deterá em questões historiográficas da psicologia no Brasil, tratando de alguns problemas no campo ao mesmo tempo em que busca situar a psicologia experimental em uma pluralidade de discursos em torno de uma psychologia. Por último, o texto trabalhará inserções da psicologia experimental na educação brasileira e como ela estava articulada a outros discursos e práticas que almejavam, por meio da educação do corpo e do espírito das crianças, a manutenção da ordem social e o progresso do país. / [en] This work is a historical research on discourses and practices of psychological examination that have emerged in the context of Brazilian education in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The documents published in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth century were sought on Internet Archive. The texts produced in Brazil were fetched in the National Library: the search for books took place in the Obras Gerais sector and all the articles from Brazilian press were found in Hemeroteca Digital. First, we debate the emergence of experimental psychology in Europe from some works published at that time, analyzing issues that were on the agenda of experimentalists authors. After, it aims to discuss historiographical aspects of psychology in Brazil, dealing with some problems in the field at the same time it seeks to place experimental psychology in a plurality of speeches around a psychologia. Finally, it discusses the presence of experimental psychology in Brazilian education and how it was articulated to other discourses and practices that crave for, through the body and spirit education of the children, the maintenance of the social order and the progress of the country.


RAPELLI, GIADA 09 February 2021 (has links)
Questa ricerca ha un approccio diadico che coinvolge sia i pazienti con malattie cardiovascolari che il loro partner durante l'ospedalizzazione. Il primo studio indaga l'effetto del coping diadico (DC) sulla soddisfazione coniugale dei partner considerando l'effetto moderatore del distress psicologico dei partner. I risultati mostrano che l'effetto benefico del DC positivo e comune sulla soddisfazione coniugale si verifica quando il distress psicologico dei partner è basso, al contrario il DC negativo diminuisce la soddisfazione coniugale tra coloro che hanno alti livelli di distress psicologico. Il secondo studio si propone di indagare la relazione tra DC, aderenza farmacologica e patient activation. La relazione è mediata dall'autoefficacia per la salute del paziente: il DC positivo e comune aumentano l'autoefficacia che a sua volta aumenta l'aderenza farmacologica e la patient activation; al contrario il DC negativo è dannoso durante il ricovero e anche dopo la dimissione. Il terzo studio indaga la relazione tra il distress psicologico e la qualità del supporto del partner (iperprotezione, ostilità e supporto al patient engagement) attraverso il ruolo moderatore del DC. I risultati mostrano che un alto distress psicologico è associato ad un peggior supporto del partner tra coloro che hanno basso DC positivo e alto DC negativo. / This research has a dyadic approach involving both patients with cardiovascular disease and their partner during the hospitalization. The first study investigates the effect of dyadic coping (DC) on partners’ marital satisfaction considering the moderating effect of the partners’ psychological distress. The results show that the beneficial effect of positive and common DC on marital satisfaction occurs when the partners’ psychological distress is low, on the contrary negative DC decreases marital satisfaction among those who have high levels of psychological distress. The second study aims to investigate the relationship between DC, adherence to medications and patient activation. The relationship is mediated by the patient health self-efficacy: positive and common DC increase patient health self-efficacy which in turn increases adherence to medication and patient activation; on the contrary, the negative DC is detrimental during hospitalization and also over time after discharge. The third study investigates the relationship between psychological distress and the quality of partner support (overprotection, hostility and support for patient engagement) through the moderating role of DC. The results show that high psychological distress increases worse partner support among those with low levels of positive DC and high negative DC.


25 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] Habilidades socioemocionais são compreendidas como habilidades referentes à regulação de pensamentos, emoções e comportamentos, dizendo respeito a como indivíduos gerenciam suas emoções, percebem-se e se relacionam com outros, influenciando assim uma ampla gama de aspectos pessoais e sociais ao longo da vida. O objetivo geral deste trabalho foi construir uma escala de heterorrelato para avaliar habilidades socioemocionais em crianças entre 6 e 12 anos de idade, destinada aos pais, mães ou responsáveis. Como objetivo específico, foram investigadas evidências iniciais de validade baseada no conteúdo. Os itens do questionário foram desenvolvidos com base nas categorias de definições operacionais de sentimentos e comportamentos encontrados na literatura a respeito do construto, organizados a partir da taxonomia do modelo Big five. A escala de respostas é do tipo likert de sete pontos (concordância). Após sua construção, os itens foram avaliados por três pesquisadores com expertise com a estrutura trabalhada. Foram utilizados o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo para avaliar a qualidade e representatividade dos itens e o índice Kappa para avaliar a concordância entre os especialistas sobre os fatores dos itens. Além disso, foi realizada ainda a análise semântica dos itens com o público-alvo (dois pais, uma mãe e uma avó). Os resultados apontam uma adequada compreensão dos itens, indicando evidências de validade de conteúdo. Novos estudos deverão ser conduzidos para avaliar as propriedades psicométricas do instrumento com o objetivo de obter evidências de validade robustas. / [en] Socio-emotional skills are known as skills related to the regulation of thoughts, emotions and behaviors, concerning how individuals manage their emotions, perceive themselves and relate to others, thus influencing a wide range of personal and social aspects throughout a person s life. The objective of this study was to build a hetero-report scale to assess social-emotional skills in children aged from 6 to 12 years, aimed at fathers, mothers or guardians. As a specific objective, initial evidence of content-based validity was investigated. The questionnaire items were developed based on the categories of operational definitions of feelings and behaviors found in the literature regarding the construct, organized from the taxonomy of the Big five model. The response scale is a seven-point Likert scale (agreement). After its construction, the items were evaluated by three researchers who were familiar with the structure being worked on. The Content Validity Index was used to assess the quality and representativeness of the items and the Kappa index to assess the agreement between experts on the items factors. In addition, a semantic analysis of the items with the target audience (2 parents, 1 mother and 1 grandmother) was performed. The results point to an adequate under-standing of the items, indicating evidence of content validity. Further studies should be conducted to assess the instrument s psychometric properties in order to obtain robust validity evidence.

Libertà d'avventura e verosimiglianza dei caratteri nel romanzo del Seicento: il caso del Calloandro di Giovan Ambrogio Marini

REQUILIANI, VALERIA 14 February 2011 (has links)
La tesi mira a esaminare la genesi del Calloandro di Giovan Ambrogio Marini nel contesto del ricco e dinamico contesto sociale e culturale della Genova della prima metà del XVII secolo. Le pagine prefattorie premesse alle varie edizioni dell’opera rappresentano un contributo importante per la definizione di un genere la cui diffusione non fu accompagnata, in Italia, da uno studio teorico e sistemico. Dopo una ricognizione delle fonti sulla biografia e la produzione letteraria dell’autore, nel primo capitolo viene proposta una sintesi dettagliata della trama del romanzo che illumina gli elementi fondamentali del testo e del genere. Nel secondo, si prosegue con l’analisi della struttura narrativa dell’opera, soffermando l’attenzione sulle tecniche di costruzione dell’intreccio. Quindi, si procede all’individuazione nel romanzo greco d’epoca ellenistica e nella tradizione comica i modelli letterari che influenzarono in modo più significativo la fantasia del Marini nella composizione del Calloandro. Nel quarto capitolo è affrontato il sistema dei personaggi, in cui, tra le molte figure generiche e inconsistenti, si distinguono alcuni personaggi complessi e imprevedibili: questi fanno del Calloandro un esperimento maturo del genere in cui il realismo psicologico di matrice ligure si combina con il gusto per l’avventura proprio dei romanzi di produzione veneta. / This thesis examines the origin of Giovan Ambrogio Marini’s Calloandro in Genoa’s rich and dynamic social and cultural context of the first half of the XVII century. Introductory pages to the novel’s various editions represent an important contribution about the novel’s developement in Italy, where the success of the genre wasn’t followed by a theoric and systemic study. After a research on the sources concerning the author’s biography and literary production, the first chapter presents a detailed synthesis of the novel’s plot which fixes some fundamental elements of this kind of work. The second chapter is about the novel’s narrative structure focusing on the techniques of the plot’s building. Then the third chapter describes literary models which influenced Marini’s work, in particular the Greek novels of Hellenism and the comic tradition. The fourth chapter analyses the characters' system: there are some subtle and unforeseeable characters, among many generic and insubstantial figures, that make Calloandro a unpredictable novel in which the psychological realism, typical of Ligurian novels, is combined with the taste of adventure, typical of the Venetian novels.

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