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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of Personality Patterns of Aspirants to the Ministry of the Episcopal Church

Clark, David D. 05 1900 (has links)
It is the purpose of this study to investigate the personality patterns of a group of applicants who have been under the auspices of the Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas and have received a psychiatric and psychological evaluation. The various aspects of their examinations will be investigated to determine what personality types have been more acceptable in this diocese and subsequent success in their vocation.

The Value of High-School Marks and Psychological Examination Scores in Predicting First Term Freshmen Marks in North Texas State College

Swinney, Lloyd F. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine how accurately the academic success of one hundred and sixty-seven freshmen at North Texas State College could have been predicted by the American Council on Education Psychological examinations. The question studied is: Can freshman success, as indicated by first term freshman grades, be better predicted by psychological examination scores than by analysis of their high school grades? In an attempt to answer this question, the relationships existing between the high school grades, psychological examination scores and first term college grades of the freshman class entering North Texas State College in the fall of 1949 have been studied.

Andando no fio da navalha: riscos e armadilhas na confecção de laudos psicológicos para a justiça / Walking on the razors edge: avoiding ethical pitfalls while performing psychological evaluations for the court

Shine, Sidney Kiyoshi 03 April 2009 (has links)
A perícia psicológica é um recurso previsto no Código do Processo Civil para instruir litígios processuais em Vara de Família. O laudo psicológico como documento escrito resultante da avaliação psicológica pericial deve preencher requisitos formais para ser aceito enquanto prova pericial pelo Direito. O laudo psicológico deve preencher requisitos técnicos e éticos para ser considerado um trabalho cientificamente aceitável na Psicologia. Estudou-se uma amostra de 31 representações (denúncias éticas) contra psicólogos que produziram laudos no período de 1997 a 2005 julgados pelo Conselho Regional de Psicologia 06. As categorias de análise criadas a partir da literatura especializada permitiram: conhecer o motivo da representação, identificar o profissional representado e discriminar o que o laudo deve conter para ser considerado um operador de verdade. Os resultados revelaram uma amostra heterogênea. Havia apenas quatro laudos psicológicos periciais sendo que os demais documentos eram declarações, pareceres e relatórios de atendimento psicoterapêutico. O maior número de representações partiu de pessoas que não foram atendidas ou avaliadas por estes psicólogos. O grupo profissional que recebeu o maior número de representações foi o dos que realizaram psicodiagnósticos ou terapias de crianças (21 profissionais). Do total, 20 representações foram arquivadas ou terminaram em absolvição. Oito profissionais foram condenados por fazerem afirmações a respeito de pessoas sem fundamentação técnica condizente. Três casos prescreveram. Concluiu-se que existe desconhecimento por grande parte da categoria sobre o trabalho desenvolvido no campo da Psicologia Jurídica, especificamente na Vara da Família. O psicólogo judiciário que atua nesta área produzindo laudos não é o profissional mais representado no CRP-06. Quase dois terços dos trabalhos escritos foram considerados isentos de falhas técnicas ou éticas. Os laudos considerados aceitáveis pelos padrões da profissão também o são para fim de prova judicial. As falhas mais graves não são da ordem da linguagem (problemas semânticos ou sintáticos), como também não são de dificuldade de comunicação da matéria psicológica ao leitor leigo, mas de estratégias de avaliação psicológica equivocadas. Os documentos escritos foram gerados a partir de atendimentos que desconsideraram aspectos importantes das famílias envolvidas em litígios processuais. Atribuiu-se tais falhas à atuação contratransferencial, falta de familiaridade com o trabalho com famílias e desconhecimento das relações de poder no trato com advogados e juízes. Alerta-se para o risco ético de se prescrever encaminhamentos jurídicos (sentenças) como resultado da avaliação psicológica, extrapolando o objeto e o objetivo da Psicologia. Reconhece-se o processo de normalização que é efetivado pela avaliação psicológica para fim de normatização da conduta pelo Poder Judiciário como forma de dirimir o conflito social. A atuação das Comissões de Ética dos Conselhos Regionais e Federal possui importante papel para garantir o exercício da cidadania e a normatização da prática psicológica. DESCRITORES: Laudo Psicológico Prova Pericial Infrações Éticas - Avaliação Psicológica Psicologia Jurídica / Psychological evaluation is a legal asset in the due process of Family Law litigations. It must fulfill certain requirements to be accepted as a means to provide truth for the justice. It must present ethical and technical requirements to be considered a result of sound recognized psychological practice. 31 complaints of professional misconduct relating to the producing of psychological evaluation documents for Family Law courts were reviewed. These complaints were filed with Professional Board for Psychology 06 and processed during 1998 and 2005. Categories of analyses were devised through available scientific literature in the field. The reasons for the complaint, the identification of the respondent (the person that the complaint is filed against) group and the criteria to review the contested document were analysed. The result shows different kinds of written documents but only three complete psychological evaluations performed for the court. The largest group of respondents were clinical child psychologists (21 respondents). 20 complaints were either dismissed or considered that a rule violation was not established. Eight psychologists were found responsible of Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct violation by making statements about people without sufficient scientific basis. Three cases expired. There is a general lack of knowledge about forensic psychological activities in Family Law courts. The forensic psychologist whose activity is to perform child custody evaluations is not the prevalent group of respondents. Almost two thirds of all the contested written reports were considered flawless. Psychological evaluations contested but not sanctioned were found valid and useful in court. Semantic or syntax problems of language or incompetence to convey psychological subject to lay people were not the basis of filed complaints. There seems to be problems with psychological evaluation strategies instead. Important dynamic family issues were ignored leading to faulty conclusions stated on written reports. Acting out of counter transference feelings, lack of experience in work with families involved in justice, and lack of knowledge of the power struggle in dealing with lawyers and judges are thought to be reasons for the misconduct. A warning is made against psychological evaluation that addresses the merit of the case, thus performing an act alien to the object and objective of psychological practice. It is recognized that psychological evaluation leads to the normalization of human conduct then ruled acceptable or not through legal standards. Social conflicts should be ruled by courts and not by psychologists. The works of Professional Board of Psychology both regional and federal are of paramount importance for the active citizenship and responsible provision of psychological services.

Andando no fio da navalha: riscos e armadilhas na confecção de laudos psicológicos para a justiça / Walking on the razors edge: avoiding ethical pitfalls while performing psychological evaluations for the court

Sidney Kiyoshi Shine 03 April 2009 (has links)
A perícia psicológica é um recurso previsto no Código do Processo Civil para instruir litígios processuais em Vara de Família. O laudo psicológico como documento escrito resultante da avaliação psicológica pericial deve preencher requisitos formais para ser aceito enquanto prova pericial pelo Direito. O laudo psicológico deve preencher requisitos técnicos e éticos para ser considerado um trabalho cientificamente aceitável na Psicologia. Estudou-se uma amostra de 31 representações (denúncias éticas) contra psicólogos que produziram laudos no período de 1997 a 2005 julgados pelo Conselho Regional de Psicologia 06. As categorias de análise criadas a partir da literatura especializada permitiram: conhecer o motivo da representação, identificar o profissional representado e discriminar o que o laudo deve conter para ser considerado um operador de verdade. Os resultados revelaram uma amostra heterogênea. Havia apenas quatro laudos psicológicos periciais sendo que os demais documentos eram declarações, pareceres e relatórios de atendimento psicoterapêutico. O maior número de representações partiu de pessoas que não foram atendidas ou avaliadas por estes psicólogos. O grupo profissional que recebeu o maior número de representações foi o dos que realizaram psicodiagnósticos ou terapias de crianças (21 profissionais). Do total, 20 representações foram arquivadas ou terminaram em absolvição. Oito profissionais foram condenados por fazerem afirmações a respeito de pessoas sem fundamentação técnica condizente. Três casos prescreveram. Concluiu-se que existe desconhecimento por grande parte da categoria sobre o trabalho desenvolvido no campo da Psicologia Jurídica, especificamente na Vara da Família. O psicólogo judiciário que atua nesta área produzindo laudos não é o profissional mais representado no CRP-06. Quase dois terços dos trabalhos escritos foram considerados isentos de falhas técnicas ou éticas. Os laudos considerados aceitáveis pelos padrões da profissão também o são para fim de prova judicial. As falhas mais graves não são da ordem da linguagem (problemas semânticos ou sintáticos), como também não são de dificuldade de comunicação da matéria psicológica ao leitor leigo, mas de estratégias de avaliação psicológica equivocadas. Os documentos escritos foram gerados a partir de atendimentos que desconsideraram aspectos importantes das famílias envolvidas em litígios processuais. Atribuiu-se tais falhas à atuação contratransferencial, falta de familiaridade com o trabalho com famílias e desconhecimento das relações de poder no trato com advogados e juízes. Alerta-se para o risco ético de se prescrever encaminhamentos jurídicos (sentenças) como resultado da avaliação psicológica, extrapolando o objeto e o objetivo da Psicologia. Reconhece-se o processo de normalização que é efetivado pela avaliação psicológica para fim de normatização da conduta pelo Poder Judiciário como forma de dirimir o conflito social. A atuação das Comissões de Ética dos Conselhos Regionais e Federal possui importante papel para garantir o exercício da cidadania e a normatização da prática psicológica. DESCRITORES: Laudo Psicológico Prova Pericial Infrações Éticas - Avaliação Psicológica Psicologia Jurídica / Psychological evaluation is a legal asset in the due process of Family Law litigations. It must fulfill certain requirements to be accepted as a means to provide truth for the justice. It must present ethical and technical requirements to be considered a result of sound recognized psychological practice. 31 complaints of professional misconduct relating to the producing of psychological evaluation documents for Family Law courts were reviewed. These complaints were filed with Professional Board for Psychology 06 and processed during 1998 and 2005. Categories of analyses were devised through available scientific literature in the field. The reasons for the complaint, the identification of the respondent (the person that the complaint is filed against) group and the criteria to review the contested document were analysed. The result shows different kinds of written documents but only three complete psychological evaluations performed for the court. The largest group of respondents were clinical child psychologists (21 respondents). 20 complaints were either dismissed or considered that a rule violation was not established. Eight psychologists were found responsible of Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct violation by making statements about people without sufficient scientific basis. Three cases expired. There is a general lack of knowledge about forensic psychological activities in Family Law courts. The forensic psychologist whose activity is to perform child custody evaluations is not the prevalent group of respondents. Almost two thirds of all the contested written reports were considered flawless. Psychological evaluations contested but not sanctioned were found valid and useful in court. Semantic or syntax problems of language or incompetence to convey psychological subject to lay people were not the basis of filed complaints. There seems to be problems with psychological evaluation strategies instead. Important dynamic family issues were ignored leading to faulty conclusions stated on written reports. Acting out of counter transference feelings, lack of experience in work with families involved in justice, and lack of knowledge of the power struggle in dealing with lawyers and judges are thought to be reasons for the misconduct. A warning is made against psychological evaluation that addresses the merit of the case, thus performing an act alien to the object and objective of psychological practice. It is recognized that psychological evaluation leads to the normalization of human conduct then ruled acceptable or not through legal standards. Social conflicts should be ruled by courts and not by psychologists. The works of Professional Board of Psychology both regional and federal are of paramount importance for the active citizenship and responsible provision of psychological services.

Étude des altérations du comportement auditif chez l'enfant avec autisme : mise au point d'un nouvel instrument d'évaluation, l'échelle EACAA-E (Échelle Altérations Comportement Auditif Autisme Enfant) / Study of alterations of the auditory behavior in children with autism : development of a new assessment tool, the Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C)

Filipova, Marina 30 November 2016 (has links)
L'autisme est un trouble envahissant du développement qui affecte toutes les fonctions sensorielles, perceptives, cognitives, communicatives, émotionnelles et relationnelles de l'enfant. S'appuyant sur la triade symptomatique autistique (altération qualitative des interactions sociales, altération qualitative de la communication et de l'imagination, caractère restreint, répétitif et stéréotypé des comportements, des centres d'intérêts et des activités), la définition de l'autisme de l'enfant a longtemps exclu les particularités sensorielles dont attestent pourtant à la fois les personnes avec autisme et les études scientifiques. Le DSM-5 a aujourd'hui réparé cet oubli. Actuellement si ces dysfonctionnements auditifs peuvent être identifiés par le clinicien à l'aide d'outils diagnostiques ou comportementaux validés, à notre connaissance, il n'existe pas d'outil spécifique pour les évaluer. Le premier objectif de cette recherche est d'élaborer une échelle d'Évaluation des Altérations du Comportement Auditif Autisme - Enfant (EACAA-E) utilisable par les cliniciens dans des situations d'examen de l'enfant avec TSA et qui présentent les qualités métrologiques nécessaires pour un usage en pratique clinique et en recherche. Le second objectif est de montrer que les altérations du comportement auditif chez des enfants avec TSA seraient une composante particulière de l'autisme, puis qu'indépendantes du degré de sévérité de l'autisme et du degré de sévérité du retard mental. Cinquante enfants et adolescents avec troubles du spectre de l'autisme et d'âge réel compris entre 2 ans et 18 ans sont recrutés dans des services de soins médico-psychologiques (Pédopsychiatrie, CAMSP) et inclus dans la recherche après consentement de la famille. Le diagnostic d'autisme est effectué à partir des critères du DSM 5 (rétrospectivement pour certains d'entre eux pour qui avait été utilisé initialement le DSM-IV-TR) et l'évaluation quantitative diagnostique est effectuée à l'aide de la CARS, de l'ADOS et de l'ADI-R. Le développement intellectuel et psychologique et le degré de sévérité du retard mental sont évalués à l'aide de tests appropriés (PEP 3, EDEI-R, BECS). L'échelle l'EACAA-E est une échelle originale qui a fait l'objet d'une première étude (Master recherche) et d'une première analyse psychométrique (Filipova et al. 2014) qui a abouti à sa forme définitive : l'échelle comporte 24 items couvrant 7 dimensions de la sensorialité auditive (bizarrerie, fascination, paradoxe, inconfort, hypoesthésie, hyperesthésie, difficulté). La cotation des items (de 0 à 4) permet de calculer un score global et un score par dimension. L'observation des comportements auditifs de l'enfant est réalisée au cours d'un examen psychologique du développement de la cognition et de la communication. Cet examen peut être enregistré. La cotation des items de comportements de l'échelle est réalisée à la fin de la séance par l'examinateur. Une double cotation inter et intra-cotateur est effectuée à partir du document vidéoscopique de l'examen. Les analyses psychométriques indiquent une bonne homogénéité de l'échelle et une bonne fidélité inter et intra-cotateur. L'étude antérieure préliminaire avait aussi montré que l'échelle EACAA-E est sensible aux changements induits par une prise en charge intégrative incluant la T.E.D (Filipova et al. 2014). Ces résultats attestent les qualités métrologiques de l'échelle. Par ailleurs, le score global est corrélé négativement au quotient de développement global, indiquant l'existence d'un lien entre la sévérité du retard mental et l'intensité des altérations du comportement auditif. Par contre, les scores à l'EACAA-E semblent indépendants de la sévérité globale de l'autisme, telle qu'évaluée quantitativement par la CARS. L'EACAA-E apparaît donc comme une échelle clinique francophone pertinente pour l'évaluation des altérations des comportements auditifs chez les enfants présentant un TSA. / Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder that affects all sensory, perceptual, cognitive, communicative, emotional and relationship to the child. Based on the autistic triad of symptoms (qualitative impairment in social interaction, qualitative impairments in communication and imagination, restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activities), the definition of child's autism has long ruled the sensory characteristics which nevertheless attest to both people with autism and scientific studies. The DSM-5 has now fixed this oversight. Currently if auditory dysfunction can be identified by the clinician using validated diagnostic or behavioral tools, to our knowledge, there is no specific tool to evaluate them. The first objective of this research is to develop the Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C) for use by clinicians in children's exam situations with ASD and having the metrological required for use in clinical practice and research. The second objective is to show that alterations of the auditory behavior in children with ASD would be a particular component of autism, as independent of the degree of severity of autism and the degree of severity of mental retardation. Participant. Fifty children and adolescents with disorders of the autism spectrum and actual age between 2 and 18 years were recruited from medical and psychological care (Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, CAMSP) and included in the search after family consent. The diagnosis of autism is made from DSM 5 (retrospectively for some of them who had initially used the DSM-IV-TR) and diagnostic quantitative evaluation is performed using the CARS, the ADOS and ADI-R. The intellectual and psychological development and severity of mental retardation are evaluated using appropriate tests (PEP 3, EDEI-R, SCEB). Measurement'method. The Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C) is an original scale which was the subject of a first study (Master's degree) and a first psychometric analysis (2014 Filipova et al.) Which resulted in its final form: the scale includes 24 items covering seven dimensions of auditory sensory (oddity, fascinating, paradoxical, discomfort, hypoesthesia, hyperesthesia, difficulty). The listing of items (0 to 4) calculates an overall score and a score by dimension. The observation of the child's auditory behavior is made during a psychological examination of the development of cognition and communication. This examination can be registered. Trading on the scale behavior of items is performed at the end of the session by the examiner. A double rating by inter and intra-rater is carried out from the document videoscopic examination. Psychometric analysis indicates good homogeneity of the scale and good reliability inter and intra-rater. Preliminary earlier study also showed that ABAA-C scale is sensitive to changes induced by integrative care including T.E.D (Filipova et al. 2014). These results demonstrate the metrological qualities of the scale. Moreover, the overall score is negatively correlated to the overall development quotient, indicating the existence of a link between the severity of mental retardation and intensity alterations of the auditory behavior. By against and scores to the Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C) appear to be independent of the overall severity of autism, as assessed quantitatively by CARS. The Auditory Behaviour Alterations Scale for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ABAA-C) appears as a relevant francophone clinical scale for assessing alterations in auditory behavior in children with ASD.

A Study to Determine the Relationship between the Scores Made on Aptitudes "V" and "N" of the General Aptitude Test Battery and Parts "Q" and "L" of the American Council on Education Psychological Examination and the Academic Grades of Students Enrolled in Beginning English and Industrial Arts 122, 131, 245, 311, and 331

Bruns, Lawrence B. 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the Q-scores and the L-scores made on the American Council on Education Psychological Examination and the scores made on Aptitudes "N" and "V" of the General Aptitude Test Battery by the same students, and to compare the academic grades of these same students with the aforementioned test scores in order to determine what relationship exists, if any, between academic grades made in certain selected courses and scores made on each of the aforementioned tests.


HUGO LEONARDO ROCHA SILVA DA ROSA 08 September 2016 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho é uma investigação histórica dos discursos e práticas de exame psicológico que se manifestaram no contexto da educação brasileira na virada do século XIX para o século XX. O levantamento de obras em psicologia publicados na segunda metade do século XIX e início do XX foi realizado na base da Internet Archive. Já as fontes primárias produzidas no Brasil foram levantadas na Biblioteca Nacional, no setor de Obras Gerais para livros e na Hemeroteca Digital para os textos publicados na imprensa brasileira. Primeiramente, será abordada a emergência da psicologia experimental na Europa a partir de algumas obras de época, discutindo questões que estavam em pauta entre os experimentalistas. Em um segundo momento, o texto se deterá em questões historiográficas da psicologia no Brasil, tratando de alguns problemas no campo ao mesmo tempo em que busca situar a psicologia experimental em uma pluralidade de discursos em torno de uma psychologia. Por último, o texto trabalhará inserções da psicologia experimental na educação brasileira e como ela estava articulada a outros discursos e práticas que almejavam, por meio da educação do corpo e do espírito das crianças, a manutenção da ordem social e o progresso do país. / [en] This work is a historical research on discourses and practices of psychological examination that have emerged in the context of Brazilian education in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The documents published in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth century were sought on Internet Archive. The texts produced in Brazil were fetched in the National Library: the search for books took place in the Obras Gerais sector and all the articles from Brazilian press were found in Hemeroteca Digital. First, we debate the emergence of experimental psychology in Europe from some works published at that time, analyzing issues that were on the agenda of experimentalists authors. After, it aims to discuss historiographical aspects of psychology in Brazil, dealing with some problems in the field at the same time it seeks to place experimental psychology in a plurality of speeches around a psychologia. Finally, it discusses the presence of experimental psychology in Brazilian education and how it was articulated to other discourses and practices that crave for, through the body and spirit education of the children, the maintenance of the social order and the progress of the country.

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