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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An examination of the constraints to teaching and learning outdoors in public elementary and high schools in Winnipeg, Manitoba

Light, Mallory 21 July 2016 (has links)
Alternating traditional classroom-based teaching techniques with hands-on learning activities outdoors is beneficial for children of all ages. The purpose of this thesis was to explore whether and how teachers may negotiate the constraints to facilitating hands-on learning opportunities outdoors. A snowball sample was used to identify twelve outdoor educators for semi-structured interviews documenting their characteristics, skills and experiences, perceptions of the constraints to outdoor education and recommendations for building interest in and supporting outdoor education. The findings suggested that participants’ childhood experiences outdoors were influential on their decisions to start teaching outdoor education, and that the participants’ perceptions of the constraints varied dependent on their experiences, objectives and attitudes. The participants’ recommendations were focused on what teachers could do to help themselves and each other to succeed. Altogether, the participants’ experiences suggest that passionate and engaged outdoor educators can have a lasting impact on students’ relationships with the natural world. / October 2016

O diferencial de notas entre as escolas públicas e privadas no Brasil: uma nova abordagem quantílica / The test scores differences between public and private schools in Brazil: a new quantile approach

Moraes, André Guerra Esteves de 14 June 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho busca trazer robustez aos resultados observados em estudos comparativos entre escolas públicas e privadas do Brasil, que indicam uma maior capacidade da rede particular de ensino em gerar qualidade educacional. Para isso, uma abordagem quantílica, baseada na seleção em observadas, foi realizada. Vale ressaltar que, ao contrário de outras abordagens, a realizada nesta dissertação tem inferência assintótica. A base de dados utilizada foi a do SAEB de 2005, para as provas de matemática de oitava série. Novamente foi evidenciada uma superioridade das escolas privadas, mesmo controlando para diversas covariadas de alunos, professores e escolas. Este fato fortalece a possibilidade de implantação de políticas de cupons para escolas particulares, apesar de haver a necessidade de estudos adicionais sobre o assunto. Em relação às covariadas que reduziriam a distância entre as distribuições de notas de alunos de escolas públicas e privadas, constatouse que fatores determinantes do grupo de alunos na escola e na sala (peer group effects) seriam os mais importantes. Isso corrobora com resultados de outros trabalhos que evidenciam a importância desses fatores para explicar a maior efetividade das escolas privadas em relação às escolas públicas. / This paper aims at bringing strength to the results observed in other studies that point out a larger ability of the private school network to generate quality education in Brazil. To achieve that result, this study applies a quantile approach based on the selection on observable variables. Note that unlike other approaches , the one applied in this dissertation has asymptotic inference. The data base used in this study was that of SAEB 2005 for math tests in the 8th grade. As in other studies, here again the superiority of the private schools was made evident, even though various students\', teachers\' and schools\' covariates are controlled. This result strengthens the possibility of a policy of quotas for private schools, although additional studies on the subject are necessary. In relation to the variables that would reduce the distance between the grades distributions of students on public and private schools, peer group effects were observed to be the more important ones. These results are similar to the ones observed in other studies that point out the importance of the peer group effects to explain the higher effectiveness of the private schools in comparison to the public schools.

Qüestions entorn el sistema educatiu en el període d'implantació de la LOGSE. Finançament de l'ensenyament obligatori públic a Catalunya

Girbau Massana, Lluís 22 November 2006 (has links)
En aquesta Tesi proporciona una visió global del finançament del sistema educatiu obligatori públic a Catalunya de 6 a 16 anys (1990-02), al llarg de la qual s'analitza la major part de les polítiques educatives des d'aquesta perspectiva. Esperem que pugui ajudar a la Comunitat Educativa a estar millor informats i que contribueixi al necessari debat de la qualitat de les nostres escoles i com s'ha de fer front a les despeses que originen.La recerca s'ha fet sobre Sistema Educatiu obligatori públic Català (1990-2002). Les 369 pàgines han estat elaborades pensant en donar informació als ciutadans del estat del complex sistema de finançament i les polítiques portades a terme en aquest període."Molts i importants canvis legislatius han succeït. El nostre objectiu no era només proporcionar una visió precisa del finançament del Sistema Educatiu en el període d'implantació de la LOGSE a Catalunya, sinó també proporcionar una informació pedagògicament fàcil d'entendre per part dels ciutadans."La part del anàlisis referida al Sistema Educatiu està dividit en quatre seccions:Primera secció: Visió del sistema educatiu Català 1990-02 (alumnes, centres docents, unitats escolars i professors)Segona i tercera secció: Visió del finançament estatal 1990-02 i de la aplicació d'aquests fons d'acord amb la despesa en educació. La informació en aquestes seccions està estructurada en petició de fons, origen i aplicació dels mateixos a CatalunyaLa quarta secció compara la despesa educativa entre diferents Comunitats Autònomes i dóna una visió de la despesa pública en educació al llarg dels anys corresponents al període d'implantació de la LOGSE (1990-2002)Dos annexes s'inclouen contenint informació específica, una referent als debats a la premsa i l'altre referida a comentaris i valoracions pròpies per tal de que el ciutadà pugui animar-se a debatre el finançament de la educació a Espanya i a Catalunya. / Esta Tesis proporciona una visión global de la financiación del sistema educativo obligatorio público en Cataluña de 6 a 16 años (1990-02), a lo largo de la cual se analiza la mayor parte de las políticas educativas des de ésta perspectiva. Esperamos que pueda ayudar a la Comunidad Educativa a estar mejor informados y que contribuya al necesario debate de la cualidad de nuestras escuelas y cómo se debe hacer frente a los gastos que se originen.La tesis versa sobre el Sistema Educativo obligatorio público Catalán (1990-2002). Las 369 páginas han sido elaboradas pensando en aportar información a los ciudadanos del estado sobre el complejo sistema de financiación y de las políticas desarrolladas en este período."Muchos y importantes cambios legislativos han tenido lugar. Nuestro objetivo no era sólo proporcionar una visión precisa de la financiación del Sistema Educativo en el período de implantación de la LOGSE a Cataluña, si no también proporcionar una información pedagógicamente asequible de entender por parte de los ciudadanos."La parte referida al análisis del Sistema Educativo está dividida en cuatro secciones:Primera sección: Visión del sistema educativo Catalán 1990-02 (alumnos, centros docentes, unidades escolares y profesores)Segunda i tercera sección: Visión de la financiación estatal 1990-02 y de la aplicación de estos fondos de acuerdo con el gasto en educación. La información en estas secciones está estructurada en petición de fondos, origen i aplicación de los mismos en Cataluña.La cuarta sección compara el gasto educativo entre diferentes Comunidades Autónomas y da una visión del gasto pública en educación a lo largo de los años correspondientes al período de implantación de la LOGSE (1990-2002)Dos anexos se incluyen conteniendo información específica: una referida a algunos debates aparecidos en la prensa respecto a las necesidades de financiación del Sistema Educativo y otra referida a los comentarios i valoraciones propias para que el ciudadano pueda animarse a debatir cuestiones referidas a la financiación de la educación en España y Cataluña. / In this thesis, we provide a broad overview of the K-6 K-16 public education finance system, along with a discussion of several major policy issues. We hope it helps citizens become more informed and engaged in the discussion about our schools and how they are -directly or indirectly- paid for.The Catalonia Public Education Finance Research 1990-2002 Edition. The 369 pages is designed to help Catalonian citizens grasp the basics of the state's complex education finance system and the policy issues surrounding it."Several important legislative changes along with a new emphasis on linking education spending with educational outcomes prompted us to revisit this important tool for citizen awareness. Our goal was not only to provide an accurate overview of Catalonia education finance and reform issues, but also to present the information in a way that is easy for the average citizen to understand."The analysis booklet is divided into four sections:· Section One provides an overview Catalonian education system 1990-2002. (pupils, primary and high school , units and teachers) · Sections Two and Three provides an overview of the state's finance 1990-2002 period as well as a summary of how education funds are used in Catalonia with this spending. The information in these sections is presented as ask, origin and application of bottoms format.· Section four, entitled "Spanish Education Finance regional comparison" provides an overview of key issues shaping the recent past of public education regions in Spain. Two appendices are also included containing more information on specific information on how citizens can get involved in educational policy debates at both the kingdom and regional levels.

O diferencial de notas entre as escolas públicas e privadas no Brasil: uma nova abordagem quantílica / The test scores differences between public and private schools in Brazil: a new quantile approach

André Guerra Esteves de Moraes 14 June 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho busca trazer robustez aos resultados observados em estudos comparativos entre escolas públicas e privadas do Brasil, que indicam uma maior capacidade da rede particular de ensino em gerar qualidade educacional. Para isso, uma abordagem quantílica, baseada na seleção em observadas, foi realizada. Vale ressaltar que, ao contrário de outras abordagens, a realizada nesta dissertação tem inferência assintótica. A base de dados utilizada foi a do SAEB de 2005, para as provas de matemática de oitava série. Novamente foi evidenciada uma superioridade das escolas privadas, mesmo controlando para diversas covariadas de alunos, professores e escolas. Este fato fortalece a possibilidade de implantação de políticas de cupons para escolas particulares, apesar de haver a necessidade de estudos adicionais sobre o assunto. Em relação às covariadas que reduziriam a distância entre as distribuições de notas de alunos de escolas públicas e privadas, constatouse que fatores determinantes do grupo de alunos na escola e na sala (peer group effects) seriam os mais importantes. Isso corrobora com resultados de outros trabalhos que evidenciam a importância desses fatores para explicar a maior efetividade das escolas privadas em relação às escolas públicas. / This paper aims at bringing strength to the results observed in other studies that point out a larger ability of the private school network to generate quality education in Brazil. To achieve that result, this study applies a quantile approach based on the selection on observable variables. Note that unlike other approaches , the one applied in this dissertation has asymptotic inference. The data base used in this study was that of SAEB 2005 for math tests in the 8th grade. As in other studies, here again the superiority of the private schools was made evident, even though various students\', teachers\' and schools\' covariates are controlled. This result strengthens the possibility of a policy of quotas for private schools, although additional studies on the subject are necessary. In relation to the variables that would reduce the distance between the grades distributions of students on public and private schools, peer group effects were observed to be the more important ones. These results are similar to the ones observed in other studies that point out the importance of the peer group effects to explain the higher effectiveness of the private schools in comparison to the public schools.

The power of online genetic algorithm in stealth assessment for school readiness

Suleiman, Iyad, Arslan, M., Alhajj, R., Ridley, Mick J. 09 March 2016 (has links)
Yes / Assessment of children for school readiness is a crucial process that requires extensive effort to select the sequence of tests most appropriate for the particular case to be investigated. Indeed, the success of the assessment depends highly on the diversity, flexibility, and comprehensiveness of the tests available and the ability of the applied system to decide on the specific sequence of tests to be utilized for each child based on his/her skills which should be discovered dynam- ically as the assessment progresses. Given the huge search space for the test cases to be utilized in the assessment process, it is preferred to apply an optimization technique capable of finding an appropriate test case that better fits the skills of a given child. It was decided to use a genetic algorithm (GA)-based approach for the optimization process. Any other optimization technique could have been used and utilizing the GA is a personal decision to complement the framework developed for this paper. GAs have been widely and successfully used in various application domains. Fortunately, the results reported in this paper demonstrate the effective- ness of the utilized GA in handling the assessment process to decide on school readiness. Assessment of a person’s abilities and skills is an important task for organizations. Examples include evaluating a child’s readiness for school or determining an employee’s aptitude for a position. The assessment involves various parameters related to the test subject’s aptitude, such as motor skills, linguistic development, or deductive capabilities, among others. The assessment may be conducted by various bodies, such as public education systems, commercial testing companies, and recruiters. To facilitate the assessment process in a systematic way less influenced by the attitude of a specific domain expert, it is preferred to develop and employ web-based assessment systems which integrate the skills of professional domain experts. A recent innovation is an adaptive web-based stealth assessment that analyzes the subject’s skill and dynamically adapts the assessment tests accordingly. A web-based stealth assessment is used for evaluating school readiness of a child by having the child play a series of games comparing the child’s per- formance with a database of performance results for a population. The web-based stealth assessment includes a processor for processing the child’s performance data, for comparing the performance data with the performance results of the population, and for applying a GA to determine the most appropriate next test for the child.

Education's Loss of the Public: An Archival Exploration of American Public Schools' Diminishing Social Returns and the Emerging Utility of Social Entrepreneurship

Ho, Tia Ha-Quyen 01 January 2017 (has links)
The literature presented in the following pages explores the shortcomings of the American public education system in the context of creating long-term, sustainable social change. Using financial illiteracy and its relationship to low quality of life as an entry point, the first section exposes public schools’ shortcomings as agents of social change by delving into the hardships endured by the original public school promoters of the 19th century, the pitfalls of President George W. Bush’s 2001 enactment of No Child Left Behind, and the shortcomings of the financial literacy programming that found traction in urban schools following the subprime lending crisis. These examples render the public education system unfit to address social change, at which point the paper segues into a discussion of social enterprise and the new field’s demonstrated potential to capture social value. After a brief historical exploration of social innovation which examines some values and principles of this “fourth sector,” successful ventures and failed social organizations are scrutinized in the penultimate chapter. The comparisons made ultimately argue in favor of social entrepreneurship’s fitness, on both a structural and ideological level, in addressing the complex social, environmental, and cultural issues of our time.

POLÍTICA DE INCLUSÃO: um estudo na rede pública de educação em Jataí-Goiás. / INCLUSION POLICY: a study in Jataí-Goiás public education system.

Lima, Eunice Tavares Silveira 30 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:53:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EUNICE TAVARES SILVEIRA LIMA.pdf: 1232200 bytes, checksum: d4c489c62ba1b07a6ead5287b06cb3c8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-30 / This work has inclusive education as an object of study. Seeking the construction of this object the following general objective was drawn: to analyze educational policy as policy for the process of inclusion of students with disabilities in public schools in the state and municipal systems of the city of Jataí, Goiás. In particular, the research focused on the policy for intellectual disabled of the mentioned city in order to answer the following research problem: what is the reality of inclusive education for students with intellectual disabilities in public primary schools of the state and local systems in Jataí-Goias? To do so, the historical process of special education that triggered the drafting of current inclusive policies was regained. The analysis was made from the perspective of the students, their families, the classroom teachers, the support teacher and four coordinators from inclusive regular schools: two state and two local, all located in the urban area of Jataí and that serve more students with disabilities. The research sought closer ties with the dialectical historical materialist method, developing a quantitative and qualitative research. To interpret the data, we used the content analysis. To get them existing secondary sources about the topic were used; documents (laws, ordinances, decrees, and resolutions); individual questionnaires to each group of subjects in the research. Also, data was collected on unscheduled visits to the investigated schools. The studies that provided the foundation for analysis and organization were basically those of: Jannuzzi (2012); Bueno (1999); Mittler (2003); Sassaki (2002); Karagiannis; Stainback and Stainback (1999); Krynski (1969); Assumpção Junior and Sprovieri (2000); Bardin (1977) and Sarup (1980), among others. The survey results showed that the educational inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in Jataí-Goiás is not yet consolidated in a satisfactory manner, lacking, among other factors, the investment for training and teaching qualification; appreciation of education professionals, and the overcoming of many values and attitudes towards people with disabilities. / Este trabalho tem como objeto de estudo a educação inclusiva. Buscando a construção deste objeto foi traçado o seguinte objetivo geral: analisar a política educacional como política voltada para o processo de inclusão de alunos com deficiência em escolas públicas do sistema estadual e municipal da cidade de Jataí-Goiás. Particularmente, a pesquisa focou a política voltada para os deficientes intelectuais do município mencionado, visando responder ao seguinte problema de pesquisa: qual é a realidade da educação inclusiva para os alunos com deficiência intelectual em escolas públicas do ensino básico dos sistemas estadual e municipal, no município de Jataí-Goiás? Para tanto, retomou o processo histórico da educação especial que desencadeou a elaboração das políticas públicas de inclusão atuais. A análise feita se deu a partir da perspectiva dos alunos, de seus familiares, do professor regente da sala, do professor de apoio e dos coordenadores de quatro escolas inclusivas do ensino regular: duas estaduais e duas municipais, todas situadas na zona urbana de Jataí e que atendem maior número de alunos com deficiência. A pesquisa buscou aproximação com o método materialista histórico dialético, desenvolvendo uma investigação quanti-qualitativa. Para interpretar os dados, utilizou-se da análise de conteúdo. Para obtê-los foram usadas fontes secundárias existentes sobre o tema; documentos (leis, portarias, decretos, e resoluções); questionários para coleta de dados singulares a cada grupo de sujeitos participantes da pesquisa. Utilizou-se ainda de dados coletados em visitas não programadas às escolas investigadas. Os estudos que forneceram fundamentos para as análises e sua organização foram, basicamente, os de: Jannuzzi (2012); Bueno (1999); Mittler (2003); Sassaki (2002); Karagiannis; Stainback e Stainback (1999); Krynski (1969); Assumpção Junior e Sprovieri (2000); Bardin (1977) e Sarup (1980), dentre outros. Os resultados da pesquisa evidenciaram que a inclusão educacional das pessoas com deficiência intelectual no município de Jataí-GO ainda não se consolidou de forma satisfatória, carecendo, além de outros fatores, de investimentos destinados à formação e qualificação docente; da valorização do profissional da educação, e da superação de valores e atitudes de muitos em relação às pessoas com deficiência.

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