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Diffusion in Nanoporous Materials: Challenges, Surprises and Tasks of the DayChmelik, Christian, Hwang, Seungtaik, Kärger, Jörg 22 September 2022 (has links)
Diffusion is an omnipresent, most fundamental phenomenon in nature and thus critical for
the performance of numerous technologies. This is in particular true for nanoporous materials
with manifold applications for matter upgrading by separation, purification and conversion. The
path lengths of molecular transportation within the industrial plants range from the elementary
steps of diffusion within the micropores of the individual particles up to the matter flow over
macroscopic distances. Each of them might be decisive in determining overall performance so
that detailed knowledge of all modes of mass transfer is crucial for a knowledge-based
optimization of the devices with reference to their transport properties. The rate of mass transfer
is particularly complicated to be assessed within the individual (adsorbent) particles/crystallites
with pore sizes of the order of molecular dimensions. We are going to present two powerful
techniques exactly for this application, operating under both equilibrium (Pulsed Field Gradient
(PFG) NMR) and non-equilibrium (Microimaging by interference microscopy and IR
microscopy) conditions. The potentials of these techniques are demonstrated in a few
showcases, notably including the options of transport enhancement in pore hierarchies. The
contribution concludes with a survey on present activities within an IUPAC initiative aiming at
the elaboration of “guidelines for measurements and reporting of diffusion properties of
chemical compounds in nanoporous materials”.
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Transport and Anisotropy inside Ionic Polymer MembranesHou, Jianbo 26 October 2012 (has links)
Water and ion transport critically determine the performance of many functional materials and devices, from fuel cells to lithium ion batteries to soft mechanical actuators. This dissertation aims to address some fundamental issues regarding transport and anisotropy, structural heterogeneity and molecular interactions inside ionic polymers.
I first discuss a main deficiency of a standard protocol for calibrating high pulsed-field-gradient NMR. I show that high gradient calibration using low γ nuclei is not amenable to measurements on slow diffusing high γ nuclei. Then I employ NMR diffusometry to investigate transport and anisotropy for a series of ionic polymers, from poly(arylene ether sulfone) hydrophilic-hydrophobic multi-block copolymers to polymer blends to perfluorosulfonate random copolymers.
For the multi-block copolymers, NMR diffusion measurements yield diffusion anisotropy as a function of water uptake and block lengths. ²H NMR spectroscopy on absorbed D₂O probes membrane alignment modes. These measurements also provide insights into average defect distributions.
For the blend membranes, we examine the impact of compatibilizer on their transport properties. An increase in compatibilizer significantly improves the membrane phase homogeneity confirmed by SEM and transport studies. Theories of diffusion in porous media yield changes in domain size and tortuosity that correspond to drastic changes in local restrictions to water diffusion among different blend membranes. NMR relaxometry studies yield multi-component T₁ values, which further probe structural heterogeneities on smaller scales than diffusion experiments.
For the random copolymer, the exploration of ion transport reveals inter-ionic associations of ionic liquids (ILs) modulated by hydration level and ionic medium. When ILs diffuse inside ionic polymers, isolated anions diffuse faster (≥ 4X) than cations at high hydration whereas ion associations result in substantially faster cation diffusion (≤ 3X) at low hydration inside membranes, revealing prevalent anionic aggregates.
Finally, I present the strategy and analytical protocol for studying ionomer membranes using ILs. The normal cation diffusion contrasts to the anomalous anion diffusion caused by local confinement structures inside the membranes, which vary drastically with temperature and hydration level. These structures correspond to a density variation of SO₃⁻ groups, which define a distribution of local electrical potentials that fluctuate with temperature and nature of ionic media. / Ph. D.
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Molecular Interactions Studied by Electrophoretic and Diffusion NMRHallberg, Fredrik January 2010 (has links)
Even though electrophoretic NMR (eNMR) experiments may provide unique chemical information and have been performed for three decades, the technique is still rarely applied, mainly because several experimental sources of artifacts have to be controlled to achieve accurate results. In this thesis, new experimental setups and protocols for accurate and precise eNMR experiments are presented. These include a novel eNMR sample cell, a radiofrequency filter and methods to suppress bulk flow effects. These developments improved the signal-to-noise ratio by roughly an order of magnitude compared to the U-tube setup previously used for eNMR. Convection-compensated pulse sequences in combination with a phase correction method were found to efficiently suppress bulk flow effects in the experiments and greatly increase experimental accuracy. These experimental setups and protocols were applied to probe association of ions and molecules in solution. It is particularly illustrated that the combination of diffusion and eNMR has great potential to provide quantitative results on ionic and molecular association in a variety of systems. The extent to which ionic surfactants associate with uncharged cyclodextrin probed by eNMR yielded very similar results to those obtained by diffusion NMR experiments. Complexation of a large set of small mono- and polyvalent metal cations to poly(ethylene oxide) was quantified by estimating the effective charge of the polymer through combined diffusion and eNMR information. Significant association was found for cations that have a surface charge density below a critical value. Ion pairing between tetramethylammonium cations and a series of anions in several solvents was also probed by diffusion NMR and eNMR experiments. For the monovalent anions in ethanol and ethanol-water mixture a dependence on ionic size was demonstrated. In water, dimethylsulfoxide, and methanol no such trend and very little pairing was observed. In acetonitrile, a different pattern was seen that did not correlate well with any single ionic parameter. An experimental cell and procedures for electrokinetic studies of solvated proton-conducting polymer materials is also presented. Electro-osmotic flow and diffusion were studied for each molecular component in water-methanol mixtures that swell Nafion membranes. / Elektroforetisk NMR (eNMR) är en experimentell metod som funnits i tre decennier och som kan ge unik kemisk information. Ändå används den sällan då flera experimentella artefakter måste korrigeras för, om man ska få korrekta resultat. I denna avhandling presenteras nya experimentella uppställningar och protokoll ämnade att uppnå korrekta och noggranna resultat. Dessa inkluderar en ny mätcell, ett radiofrekvensfilter och metoder för att minimera effekten av samtidiga bulkflöden i provlösningen. Sammantaget uppnås ungefär en storleksordning högre signal-brus-förhållande jämfört med den U-rörsuppställning som tidigare använts. Konvektions-kompenserande pulssekvenser i kombination med en faskorrektionsteknik minskade också bulkflödeseffekter effektivt, vilket ökade resultatens noggrannhet högst avsevärt. De experimentella uppställningarna och protokollen användes här för att mäta association av joner och molekyler i lösning. Mätningarna visar att kombinationen diffusions- och eNMR har en stor potential att kvantitativt kunna bestämma associationgraden i många olika typer av kemiska system. Associationsgraden mellan joniska tensider och cyklodextriner undersöktes både med eNMR och diffusions-NMR, och resultaten var mycket lika. Komplex-bildningen mellan en serie enkel- och flerladdade metalljoner och poly-(etylenoxid) kvantifierades genom att uppskatta polymerens effektiva laddning från kombinerad diffusions- och eNMR. Betydande komplexbildning hittades för katjoner med ytladdningstäthet under ett kritiskt värde. Jonparbildning mellan tetrametylammoniumjoner och en serie av anjoner i flera olika lösningsmedel undersöktes också med diffusions- och eNMR. För de monovalenta anjonerna i etanol och etanol-vatten-blandning påvisades ett samband med jonstorleken. I vatten, dimetylsulfoxid och metanol var däremot jonparbildningen låg och inget liknande samband hittades. I acetonitril observerades ett annat mönster, som inte korrelerade bra med någon av anjonernas normala joniska karakteristika. Slutligen presenteras en mätcell och procedurer för elektrokinetiska studier i de solvatiserade protonledande polymermaterial som bland annat används i bränsleceller. Elektroosmotiskt flöde och diffusion uppmättes för varje molekylär komponent i Nafion-membran solvatiserade av vatten-metanol-blandningar. / QC20100709
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Taking magnetic resonance into industrial applicationsBlythe, Thomas January 2018 (has links)
Magnetic resonance (MR) is a highly versatile technique with great potential for use in industrial applications; from the in situ study of unit operations to the optimisation of product properties. This thesis, concerned with the latter, is divided into two parts. Firstly, dynamic MR is applied to characterise the flow behaviour, or rheology, of process fluids. Such characterisation is typically performed using conventional rheometry methods operating offline, with an online, or inline, method sought for process control and optimisation. Until recently, MR was an unlikely choice for this application due to the requirement of high-field MR hardware. However, recent developments in low-field MR hardware mean that the potential of MR in such applications can now be realised. Since the implementation of MR flow imaging is challenging on low-field MR hardware, two new approaches to MR rheometry are described using pulsed field gradient (PFG) MR. A cumulant analysis of the PFG MR signal is first used to characterise the rheology of model power-law fluids, namely xanthan gum-in-water solutions, accurate to within 5% of conventional rheometry, the data being acquired in only 6% of the time required when using MR flow imaging. The second approach utilises a Bayesian analysis of the PFG MR signal to characterise the rheology of model Herschel--Bulkley fluids, namely Carbopol 940-in-water solutions; data are acquired in only 12% of the time required for analysis using MR flow imaging. The suitability of the Bayesian MR approach to study process fluids is demonstrated through experimental study on an alumina-in-acetic acid slurry used by Johnson Matthey. Secondly, MR imaging is used to provide insights into the origins and mechanisms of colloidal gel collapse. Many industrial products are colloidal gels, a space-spanning network of attractive particles with a yield stress. Colloidal gels are, however, known to undergo gravitational collapse after a latency period, thus limiting the shelf-life of products. This remains poorly understood, with a more detailed understanding of both fundamental interest and practical importance. To this end, MR imaging is applied offline to investigate the phase behaviour of colloidal gels. In particular, a comparison of the simulated and experimental phase diagrams suggests gravitational gel collapse to be gravity-driven. Furthermore, measurement of the colloid volume fraction using MR imaging indicates the formation of clusters of colloids at the top of the samples. Whether such clusters initiate gravitational gel collapse is yield stress-dependent; the gravitational stress exerted by a cluster must be sufficient to yield the colloidal gel.
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Microscopic diffusion measurements with nanoporous materials: complementary benefits of infrared microimaging and pulsed field gradient NMRHwang, Seungtaik 15 February 2021 (has links)
This cumulative dissertation is a compilation of eight peer-reviewed, published scientific papers on the subject of two microscopic techniques of diffusion measurement, namely infrared (IR) microimaging and pulsed field gradient (PFG) NMR. The dissertation contains mainly five chapters. The first chapter introduces diffusion phenomena in general and concisely explains the importance and the current challenges of the investigation of molecular diffusion in nanoporous materials, which are the primary motivations behind the present work. To rise the challenges, it proposes an option of employing IR microimaging in parallel with PFG NMR in the measurement of the molecular diffusion. The second chapter describes the basic principles of the two diffusion measurement techniques and what they are capable of. Chapters 3 and 4 deliver convincing demonstrations of their applicability and potential in diffusion studies. Lastly, Chapter 5 concludes the present work by discussing complementary benefits of the two techniques, along with the novel application of the two-region model for assessing mass transfer in hierarchically porous materials.:Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1. Introduction
CHAPTER 2. Basics of diffusion measurement techniques
2.1. Introduction to infrared microscopy (IRM)
2.1.1. Working principle
2.1.2. Experimental setup
2.2. Introduction to pulsed field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance (PFG NMR)
2.2.1. Self-diffusion and propagator
2.2.2. Theory of PFG NMR
CHAPTER 3. Applicability and potential of IRM
• Publication 3.1. Anomaly in the chain length dependence of n-alkane diffusion in ZIF 4 metal-organic frameworks
• Publication 3.2. Metal-organic framework Co-MOF-74-based host-guest composites for resistive gas sensing
• Publication 3.3. Revealing the transient concentration of CO2 in a mixed-matrix membrane by IR microimaging and molecular modeling
• Publication 3.4. IR microimaging of direction-dependent uptake in MFI-type crystals
CHAPTER 4. Importance of PFG NMR in diffusion studies
• Publication 4.1. NMR diffusometry with guest molecules in nanoporous materials
• Publication 4.2. Structural characterisation of hierarchically porous silica monolith by NMR cryo-porometry and -diffusometry
CHAPTER 5. Complementary benefits of IR microimaging and PFG NMR
• Publication 5.1. Diffusion in nanopores: correlating experimental findings with 'first-principles' predictions
• Publication 5.2. Diffusion analysis in pore hierarchies by the two-region model
Appendix A. Supporting information
Appendix B. Author contributions
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Characterizing Interactions of Ionic Liquid Based Electrolytes with Electrospun Gas Diffusion Electrode Frameworks by 1H PFG NMRMerz, Steffen, Jakes, Peter, Tempel, Hermann, Weinrich, Henning, Kungl, Hans, Eichel, Rüdiger-A., Granwehr, Josef 11 September 2018 (has links)
Pulsed field gradient (PFG) 1H NMR was used to characterize the mobility of ionic liquid cations in porous gas diffusion electrode (GDE) frameworks for metal–air electrochemical systems. The carbon GDE frameworks were produced by electrospinning. It was found that the motion of ionic liquids in the highly porous hosts is more complex than what is commonly exhibited by conventional fluids, which makes a multimodal investigation essential for an adequate description of mobility and wetting of GDEs. Observed NMR diffraction-like patterns cannot be linked to the tortuosity limit but may serve as a proxy for structural features in the fibrous material. While the observed data were interpreted using standard theoretical models, alternative explanations and causes for artifacts are discussed.
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NMR diffusion studies on lyotropic liquid crystalline systemsOrädd, Greger January 1994 (has links)
The pulsed field gradient fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance (PFG-FTNMR) method to measure translational diffusion coefficients in multicomponent systems has been applied to amphiphilic molecules forming liquid crystalline phases. By analyzing the concentration dependence of the diffusion coefficients of water and amphiphile in a micellar system of N,N-dimethyldodecy lamine oxide (DDAO) in water it was possible to conclude that the micelles formed were polydisperse in size and shape. It was also shown that solubilization of small amounts of hydrophobic molecules into the micelles induces spherical micelles of a narrow size distribution. From the magnitude of the lateral diffusion coefficient in the cubic phase of DDAO/water it was concluded that this phase is built up of bicontinous aggregates. The lipid lateral diffusion in the cubic phase of monooleoylglycerol (MO)/water has been measured. The decrease in the lateral diffusion of MO in this phase, when the water was replaced by glycerol, was ascribed to changes in viscosity in the polar region. Measurements by electron spin resonance and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy showed that changes in viscosity of the solvent also affected the motions in the hydrocarbon region. The diffusion coefficients of all three components in the cubic phase located in the lowwater region of the ternary system of diacylglycerol (DAG)/soybean phosphatidylcholine (SPC)/water have been determined. Conclusive evidence was provided for that this cubic phase is built up of reversed micelles containing mainly SPC in a continous matrix of mainly DAG. The effect on the phase properties of DDAO upon incorporation of the peptide gramicidin D has been investigated. It was shown that gramicidin D induces a lamellar phase at all water contents. The change in the order parameter profile of the C-2H bonds in perdeuterated DDAO upon incorporation of gramicidin D is compatible with theoretical calculations for proteins exhibiting a positive hydrophobic mismatch. A method for using the PFG FTNMR technique in measurements of the transmembrane exchange rate of small molecules in vesicular suspensions is discussed and some preliminary data is shown. / <p>Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 1994, härtill 4 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu
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MRI and NMR Investigations of Transport in Soft Materials and Explorations of Electron-Nuclear Interactions for Liquid-State Dynamic Nuclear PolarizationWang, Xiaoling 28 August 2015 (has links)
The first part of this dissertation (Chapters 1 to 4) describes the use of magnetic resonance techniques for polymeric material characterizations in solutions, with emphasis on methods utilizing magnetic field gradients - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and pulsed-field-gradient (PFG) NMR. The second part (Chapter 5) presents enhancements to dynamic nuclear polarization, an intensity enhancement approach for magnetic resonance techniques.
In Chapter 2, I illustrate a characterization method to quantify free polymer chain content in a polymer/DNA complex (polyplex) formulation via one-dimensional proton NMR experiments. This assessment of free polymer quantity has critical impacts on in vivo gene transfection efficiency, cellular uptake, as well as toxicity of polycationic gene delivery vectors. Specifically, I investigated the complexation properties of three different polymeric "theranostic" agents, which combine an imaging functionality on the polymer as well as a DNA/RNA complexation component. These agents are under development to allow real time clinical monitoring of drug delivery and efficacy using MRI. Our NMR method provides simple and quantitative assessment of free and DNA-complexed polymers, including the actual polymer amine to DNA phosphate molar ratio (N/P ratio) within polyplexes. The NMR results are in close agreement with the stoichiometric number of polymer/DNA binding obtained by isothermal titration calorimetry. The noninvasive nature of this method allows broad application to a range of polyelectrolyte coacervates, for understanding and optimizing polyelectrolyte complex formation.
Chapter 3 demonstrates a time-resolved MRI approach for measuring diffusion of drug-delivery polymeric nanoparticles on mm to cm scales as well as monitoring nanoparticle concentration distribution in bulk biological hydrogels. Our results show that as the particle size and surface charge become larger, collagen gel at tumor relevant concentration (1.0 wt.%) presents a more significant impediment to the diffusive transport of negatively charged nanoparticles. These results agree well with those obtained by fluorescence spectroscopies (neutral or slightly positively charged diffusing particles) as well as the proposed electrostatic bandpass theory of tumor interstitium (negatively charged particles). This study provides fundamental information for the design of polymeric theranostic vectors and carries implications that would benefit the understanding of nanoparticle transport in solid tumors. Furthermore, this work takes a significant step toward developing quantitative and real time in vivo monitoring of clinical drug delivery using MRI.
Chapter 4 addresses the application of PFG-NMR for the determination of weight-average molar mass (Mw) for polyanions that have anti-HIV activity through the measurement of polymer diffusion coefficients in solutions. The effective characterization of molecular weights of polyelectrolytes has been a general and growing problem for the polymer industry, with no clear solutions in sight. In this study, we obtained the molar masses (Mw) for two series of sulfonated copolymers using sodium polystyrene sulfonate samples as molecular weight standards. PFG-NMR has notable advantages over conventional techniques for the characterization of charged polymers and shows great promise for becoming an effective alternative to chromatography methods.
Chapter 5 is devoted to experimental and theoretical studies of liquid state dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) via the Overhauser effect. Based on the adventurous work done by previous Dorn group members, we show that for 1H-nuclide-containing systems, the dipolar DNP enhancement can be significantly improved by decreasing the correlation time of the interaction by utilizing a supercritical fluid (SF CO2) which allows for greater dipolar enhancements at higher magnetic fields. For molecules containing the ubiquitous 13C nuclide, we show that previously unreported sp hybridized (H-C) alkyne systems represented by the phenylacetylene-nitroxide system exhibit very large scalar-dominated enhancements. Furthermore, we show for a wide range of molecular systems that the Fermi contact interaction can be computationally predicted via electron-nuclear hyperfine coupling and correlated with experimental 13C DNP enhancements. For biomedical applications, the enhancement of metabolites in SF CO2 followed by rapid dissolution in water or biological fluids is an attractive approach for future hyperpolarized NMR and MRI applications. Moreover, with the aid of density functional theory calculations, solution state DNP provides a unique approach for studying intermolecular weak bonding interaction of solutes in normal liquids and SF fluids. / Ph. D.
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Diffusion dans un hydrogel : applications aux biocapteurs et optimisation de la technique de spectroscopie par corrélation de fluorescence (FCS)Gendron, Pierre-Olivier January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Diffusion dans un hydrogel : applications aux biocapteurs et optimisation de la technique de spectroscopie par corrélation de fluorescence (FCS)Gendron, Pierre-Olivier January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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