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Vliv první transmembránové domény na kinetiku desenzitizace P2X4 receptoru. / On the role of the first transmembrane domain in desensitization kinetics of the P2X4 receptor.Kalasová, Ilona January 2011 (has links)
Extracellular adenosin-5'-triphosphate (ATP) is an important signalling molecule. Cells of eukaryotic tissues release ATP and express responding purinergic receptors. Ionotropic P2X receptors are trimeric ion channels permeable for K+, Na+ and Ca2+ ions. Each subunit consists of two transmembrane domains (TM1 and TM2), an extracellular loop and intracellular N- and C- termini. The transmembrane region is formed by six helical domains. According to the known crystal structure of zfP2X4 receptor, TM1 helixes are oriented peripherally and stabilize TM2 helixes which form the ion gate. However, eletrophysiological studies revealed that TM1 might also participate in channel gating and forming of the ion pore in the open state. The aim of this work was to investigate the role of TM1 in the process of desensitization of rat P2X4 receptor using cystein-scanning mutagenesis. Mutation of two residues (in Asn32 and Tyr42) prolonged desensitization of P2X4 receptor. Moreover, experiments with a partial agonist α,β-methylenadenosin-5'-triphosphate (αβ-meATP) proved that conformation change of TM domains in the process of desensitization is independent on conformation change caused by an agonist binding. Conserved residue Tyr42 is located in the proximity of TM2 of neighbouring subunit. It probably interacts with Met336...
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Astrocyte-mediated purinergic signalling in the Fragile X mouse cortex / Purinergic signalling in the Fragile X mouse cortexReynolds, Kathryn January 2021 (has links)
Disordered communication between cortical neurons and glia underlies many of the characteristics of Fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common monogenic form of intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Despite extensive research, no effective treatments exist to comprehensively mitigate ASD- or FXS-related cognitive and motor disabilities, sensory hyperresponsivity, seizures, and other excitation-related symptoms. Glial-glial and glial-neuronal communication can be facilitated by purinergic signalling pathways, which utilize ATP, UTP, and their metabolites to influence both short-term and longer-term activation. The overall objective of this thesis work was to establish whether purinergic signalling is dysregulated within cortical astrocytes derived from the Fmr1 KO mouse model of FXS, and furthermore, to determine whether astrocyte purinergic dysregulations contribute to aberrant Fmr1 KO neuronal-glial interactions. Collectively, these studies provide the first reported evidence that P2Y receptor-driven purinergic signalling is elevated in Fmr1 KO cortical astrocytes, and suggest that this impacts the formation and activity of neuronal circuitry in a manner consistent with FXS symptomatology. Fmr1 KO cortical astrocyte dysregulations included elevated expression of P2Y2 and P2Y6 purinergic receptors, increased intracellular calcium release following P2Y activation, aberrant levels of intracellular purinergic signalling molecules, and increased ectonucleotidase glycosylation. UTP treatment promoted excess Fmr1 KO astrocyte expression and secretion of the synaptogenic protein TSP-1 to potentially influence neuronal connectivity, as well as increased phosphorylation of transcription factor STAT3 to likely drive cortical immune responses. Both exogenous UTP and the presence of Fmr1 KO astrocyte secretions promoted neurite outgrowth, while Fmr1 KO astrocyte-neuron co-cultures demonstrated elevated neuronal burst frequency that was normalized through chronic and selective P2Y2 antagonism. Together, these findings indicate novel and significant astrocyte P2Y-mediated purinergic upregulations within the Fmr1 KO mouse cortex, and suggest that astrocyte purinergic signalling should be further investigated in the search for innovative FXS treatments. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) have become a serious health concern in recent years due to rapidly rising rates of diagnosis. Despite extensive research, there are still no effective treatments for these disorders of brain development. It is therefore important that we study the cellular events contributing to ASDs in order to design new therapeutic strategies. The most common inherited form of ASD is Fragile X syndrome (FXS), which is characterized by cognitive and motor disabilities, sensory hyperresponsivity, attention deficits, hyperactivity, and seizures. Using the Fmr1 knockout (KO) mouse model of FXS, recent research has shown that many of these symptoms are related to disordered communication between brain cells within the cerebral cortex; specifically, between neurons and the helper-like cells known as astrocytes. One form of cellular signalling that supports this communication is known as the purinergic signalling pathway. Collectively, this thesis work is the first to show that purinergic signalling is increased in Fmr1 KO mouse cortical astrocytes and that it impacts FXS neuronal connections. Specifically, Fmr1 KO cortical astrocytes demonstrated increased communication using purinergic signalling, due to greater expression of P2Y2 and P2Y6 purinergic receptors and altered levels of the molecules that stimulate these receptors. Activation of Fmr1 KO astrocyte P2Y receptors promoted expression of the neuronal connection-forming protein TSP-1 and stimulated additional astrocyte signalling pathways. As a result of these changes, when Fmr1 KO neurons were grown in the presence of Fmr1 KO astrocytes, they grew longer extensions and demonstrated greater activity than wildtype controls, in a manner consistent with the excitation-related symptoms of FXS. Selectively targeting P2Y2-driven purinergic pathways with drug treatments corrected this activity, thereby revealing a potential new therapeutic approach for FXS. Understanding excess astrocyte P2Y-driven purinergic communication within the brain may therefore provide a foundation for the future development of new FXS treatments.
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Novel signalling pathways regulating epithelial-mesenchymal transition in bone metastatic prostate cancerRao, Srinivasa Rao January 2014 (has links)
Prostate cancer (PCa) cells predominantly metastasize to bone and the complex crosstalk between PCa cells and osteoblasts (bone-forming cells) and osteoclasts (bone-destroying cells) leads to increased tumour growth and worsening of bone disease. Understanding the mechanisms of PCa bone metastasis can identify the aggressive fraction of PCa resulting in earlier intervention. The ability of PCa cells to express bone cell-specific features, termed osteomimicry, could potentially explain the osteotropic nature of PCa cells. The aim of this study was to determine the role of osteomimicry in the regulation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in bone metastatic prostate cancer cells. It was demonstrated that the osteoblast-specific marker alkaline phosphatase (bone/liver/kidney) (ALPL) was overexpressed in bone metastatic (ARCaPM), compared to non-metastatic (ARCaPE), human PCa cells. Knockdown of ALPL resulted in decreased cell viability, increased cell death and a change from mesenchymal to epithelial morphology in ARCaPM and PC3 cells, and increased CDH1 expression along with decreased migration in ARCaPM cells. Treatment with extracellular ATP also resulted in decreased viability, increased expression of epithelial markers (CDH1, KRT14) and decreased expression of mesenchymal markers (VIM, ZEB1), and reduced expression of ALPL in ARCaPM cells. Small RNA-sequencing identified microRNAs differentially expressed between ARCaPE and ARCaPM PCa cell lines: miR-373 expression was lower in ARCaPM compared to ARCaPE cells and its overexpression in ARCaPM cells resulted in a change to epithelial morphology, increased expression of the epithelial marker CDH1 and decreased expression of the mesenchymal markers VIM and ZEB1. Finally, the development of a high-throughput screening method to identify novel microRNA regulators of osteomimicry was described, which identified two microRNAs miR-199a-5p and miR-212 as positive regulators of ALP activity. Taken together, this thesis describes the identification of ALPL and ATP as novel regulators of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in PCa cells and high-throughput ALP-activity screening as a powerful tool to identify novel microRNA regulators of ALP expression.
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Nucleosídeo trifosfato difosfohidrolase e ecto-5'-nucleotidase de Trichomonas vaginalis : metabolismo dos nucleotídeos e nucleosídeo de guanina, efeito na citotoxicidade e modulação da atividade anti-T. vaginalis de floroglucinoisMenezes, Camila Braz January 2016 (has links)
Trichomonas vaginalis é o protozoário flagelado que parasita o sistema urogenital humano causando a tricomoníase, a doença sexualmente transmissível não viral mais comum no mundo, sendo registrados aproximadamente 276 milhões de novos casos a cada ano. O sucesso da colonização das células hospedeiras e desenvolvimento da infecção envolve um complexo processo que culmina em citoaderência e citotoxicidade. Nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos são liberados para o espaço extracelular por células em situações de estresse ou lesão tecidual e desencadeiam seus efeitos sinalizadores através da ativação de purinoceptores. Ainda, a hidrólise sequencial de nucleotídeos pelas ectonucleotidases, nucleosídeo trifosfato difosfoidrolase (NTPDase) e ecto-5’-nucleotidase leva à formação de nucleosídeos que são essenciais para o metabolismo de purinas do parasito. Efeitos antagônicos são desencadeados por nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos, respectivamente próinflamatórios e anti-inflamatórios, na mediação de respostas imunes. A atividade dessas enzimas sobre os nucleotídeos da guanina e o efeito de restrição metabólica sobre a hidrólise de nucleotídeos foi avaliada. Além disso, a participação da sinalização mediada pelos nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos também foi avaliada em um modelo de citotoxicidade. Os resultados demonstram que os nucleotídeos GTP, GDP e GMP são substratos para as ectonucleotidases de T. vaginalis com parâmetros cinéticos compatíveis para enzimas dessa família. A condição de restrição de soro aumentou a atividade da NTPDase e da ecto-5’-nucleotidase e o aumento da expressão gênica das TvNTPDase 2 e 4 pode justificar o aumento da atividade. A recaptação de guanosina extracelular foi menor do que a recaptação de adenosina, demonstrada pela razão isotópica C12/C13 no nucleosídeo detectada no DNA dos parasitos. A fim de investigar um possível papel biológico para o acúmulo de guanosina extracelular, bem como avaliar o envolvimento da sinalização purinérgica na citotoxicidade mediada pelo parasito, diferentes isolados de T. vaginalis foram testados frente à capacidade de promover citólise. Todos os isolados foram capazes de promover efeito citolítico em alguma proporção, com destaque para o isolado TV-LACM6, que apresenta um perfil de hidrólise ATP, GTP > AMP > GMP. Quando nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos foram testados, o efeito citotóxico produzido pelo isolado foi potencializado na presença de ATP e GTP. Por outro lado, o efeito foi revertido na presença de eritro-9-(2-hidroxi-3-nonil) adenina (EHNA), um inibidor da adenosina deaminase. Importante, guanosina não foi capaz de reverter o efeito citotóxico produzido pelos trofozoítos, resultado que corrobora com o perfil de hidrólise de nucleotídeos e acúmulo de guanosina exracelular, sendo uma vantagem para o parasito. A possível participação dos receptores de adenosina foi avaliada, entretando os receptores ADORA1 e ADORA2A não parecem estar envolvidos no efeito protetor mediado pela adenosina. Considerando o potencial farmacológico desempenhado por essas enzimas no metabolismo de purinas em protozoários bem como no controle de respostas imunes, a modulação da hidrólise de nucleotídeos pode ser um alvo terapêutico importante e representar um mecanismo sinérgico na atividade antiparasiária de compostos ativos. Nesse sentido, o estudo demonstrou a atividade anti-T. vaginalis de três compostos, e em especial o isoaustrobrasilol B, com IC50 de 38 μM. O composto não apresentou efeitos hemolíticos frente a eritrócitos humanos e apesar de ter demonstrado efeito citotóxico in vitro frente à linhagem de células epiteliais vaginais humanas (HMVII), nenhuma citotoxicidade foi demonstrada no modelo in vivo. Isoaustrobrasilol B foi o único composto que inibiu significativamente as atividades da NTPDase e ecto-5’-nucleotidase e o efeito imune atribuído ao acúmulo extracelular de nucleotídeos foi avaliado. A produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio e interelucina-6 (IL-6) por neutrófilos estimulados por T.vaginalis não foi afetada pelo tratamento com o composto. Por outro lado, a liberação de interleucina-8 (IL-8), a principal interleucina produzida por neutrófilos na tricomoníase, foi aumentada. O efeito sinérgico de redução de viabilidade de trofozoítos e modulação da NTPDase e ecto-5’-nucleotidase pode aumentar a suscetibilidade do T. vaginalis frente à resposta imune do hospedeiro e consequentemente, sua eliminação do sítio de infecção. / Trichomonas vaginalis is a flagellate protozoan that parasitizes the human urogenital tract causing trichomoniasis, the most common non-viral sexually transmitted disease, infecting approximately 276 million people worldwide annually. To achieve success in parasitism trichomonads develop a complex process against the host cells that culminate in cytoadherence and cytotoxicity. Nucleotides and nucleosides are released into the extracellular space by cells under stress or injury and they exert their signaling effects through activation of the purinoceptors. Moreover, the ectonucleotidases, nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase (NTPDase) and ecto-5'-nucleotidase, are capable of hydrolyzing the nucleotides producing nucleosides that are essential to the parasite purine metabolism. The enzymatic cascade mediated by ectonucleotidases is relevant in controlling nucleotides and nucleosides levels as these molecules play antagonistic roles in inflammation, as proinflamatory and anti-inflammatory mediators, respectively. This study investigated the hydrolysis profile of guanine nucleotides in T. vaginalis as the effect of serum limitation condition in the enzymatic cascade. Furthermore, we investigated the influence of extracellular nucleotides and nucleosides on the modulation of the host cell cytotoxicity mediated by T. vaginalis. Results show that guanine nucleotides GTP, GDP, GMP are substrates for T. vaginalis ectonucleotidases, with expected kinetic parameters for this enzyme family. The metabolic restriction condition enhanced NTPDase and ecto-5’-nucleotidase activities and the highest gene expressions found for TvNTPDase 2 and 4 which may explain the enzymatic activity enhance. The extracellular guanosine uptake was lower than that observed for adenosine into parasite DNA measured by isotopic ratio C12/C13 of the nucleosides. In order to investigate the possible biological role for extracellular guanosine accumulation as well as to evaluate the involvment of purinergic signaling in the citotoxicity promoted by the parasite, a collection of T. vaginalis isolates were tested against a human epithelial vaginal cell line (HMVII). Fresh clinical T. vaginalis isolates produced cytolytic effect against human vaginal epithelial cells in a heterogeneous profile. The most cytotoxic isolate, TV-LACM6, presents the hydrolysis profile ATP, GTP > AMP > GMP. When the nucleotides and nucleosides were tested, the cytotoxic effect elicited by TV-LACM6 was increased in presence of nucleotides ATP and GTP. In contrast, the cytotoxicity was reversed by adenosine in presence of erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl) adenine (EHNA), but not by guanosine, which is in agreement with the accumulation of extracellular guanosine and the hydrolysis profile, acting as an advantage for the parasite. ADORA1 and ADORA2A are not involved in the protective mechanism of adenosine. Considering the pharmacological potential that ectonucleotidases play in the context of purine metabolism and in the imune response modulation, nucleotide hydrolysis may represent a therapeutic target as an additional mechanism in association with anti T.vaginalis compounds. The study demonstrated promissing activities for three derivatvies with isoaustrobrasilol B the most activity compound with IC50 38 μM. The compound did not demonstrate any hemolytic activity and although induced cytotoxicity against human epithelial vaginal cells (HMVII), absence of toxicity was obtained when in vivo model was studied. Isoaustrobrasilol B was the only compound that significantly inhibited NTPDase and ecto-5’-nucleotidase activities and the immune modulation attributed to extracellular nucleotide accumulation was evaluated. Reactive oxygen species production and interleukin-6 (IL-6) release by T.vaginalis stimulated neutrophils were not affected by phloroglucinol treatment. On the other hand, interleukin-8 (IL-8), the primarily cytokine produced by neutrophils during trichomoniasis, was significantly enhanced. The associative mechanism of trophozoites death and NTPDase and ecto-5’-nucleotidase modulation may increase the susceptibility of T. vaginalis to host immune responses and, consequently, the elimination from the infection site.
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Nucleosídeo trifosfato difosfohidrolase e ecto-5'-nucleotidase de Trichomonas vaginalis : metabolismo dos nucleotídeos e nucleosídeo de guanina, efeito na citotoxicidade e modulação da atividade anti-T. vaginalis de floroglucinoisMenezes, Camila Braz January 2016 (has links)
Trichomonas vaginalis é o protozoário flagelado que parasita o sistema urogenital humano causando a tricomoníase, a doença sexualmente transmissível não viral mais comum no mundo, sendo registrados aproximadamente 276 milhões de novos casos a cada ano. O sucesso da colonização das células hospedeiras e desenvolvimento da infecção envolve um complexo processo que culmina em citoaderência e citotoxicidade. Nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos são liberados para o espaço extracelular por células em situações de estresse ou lesão tecidual e desencadeiam seus efeitos sinalizadores através da ativação de purinoceptores. Ainda, a hidrólise sequencial de nucleotídeos pelas ectonucleotidases, nucleosídeo trifosfato difosfoidrolase (NTPDase) e ecto-5’-nucleotidase leva à formação de nucleosídeos que são essenciais para o metabolismo de purinas do parasito. Efeitos antagônicos são desencadeados por nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos, respectivamente próinflamatórios e anti-inflamatórios, na mediação de respostas imunes. A atividade dessas enzimas sobre os nucleotídeos da guanina e o efeito de restrição metabólica sobre a hidrólise de nucleotídeos foi avaliada. Além disso, a participação da sinalização mediada pelos nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos também foi avaliada em um modelo de citotoxicidade. Os resultados demonstram que os nucleotídeos GTP, GDP e GMP são substratos para as ectonucleotidases de T. vaginalis com parâmetros cinéticos compatíveis para enzimas dessa família. A condição de restrição de soro aumentou a atividade da NTPDase e da ecto-5’-nucleotidase e o aumento da expressão gênica das TvNTPDase 2 e 4 pode justificar o aumento da atividade. A recaptação de guanosina extracelular foi menor do que a recaptação de adenosina, demonstrada pela razão isotópica C12/C13 no nucleosídeo detectada no DNA dos parasitos. A fim de investigar um possível papel biológico para o acúmulo de guanosina extracelular, bem como avaliar o envolvimento da sinalização purinérgica na citotoxicidade mediada pelo parasito, diferentes isolados de T. vaginalis foram testados frente à capacidade de promover citólise. Todos os isolados foram capazes de promover efeito citolítico em alguma proporção, com destaque para o isolado TV-LACM6, que apresenta um perfil de hidrólise ATP, GTP > AMP > GMP. Quando nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos foram testados, o efeito citotóxico produzido pelo isolado foi potencializado na presença de ATP e GTP. Por outro lado, o efeito foi revertido na presença de eritro-9-(2-hidroxi-3-nonil) adenina (EHNA), um inibidor da adenosina deaminase. Importante, guanosina não foi capaz de reverter o efeito citotóxico produzido pelos trofozoítos, resultado que corrobora com o perfil de hidrólise de nucleotídeos e acúmulo de guanosina exracelular, sendo uma vantagem para o parasito. A possível participação dos receptores de adenosina foi avaliada, entretando os receptores ADORA1 e ADORA2A não parecem estar envolvidos no efeito protetor mediado pela adenosina. Considerando o potencial farmacológico desempenhado por essas enzimas no metabolismo de purinas em protozoários bem como no controle de respostas imunes, a modulação da hidrólise de nucleotídeos pode ser um alvo terapêutico importante e representar um mecanismo sinérgico na atividade antiparasiária de compostos ativos. Nesse sentido, o estudo demonstrou a atividade anti-T. vaginalis de três compostos, e em especial o isoaustrobrasilol B, com IC50 de 38 μM. O composto não apresentou efeitos hemolíticos frente a eritrócitos humanos e apesar de ter demonstrado efeito citotóxico in vitro frente à linhagem de células epiteliais vaginais humanas (HMVII), nenhuma citotoxicidade foi demonstrada no modelo in vivo. Isoaustrobrasilol B foi o único composto que inibiu significativamente as atividades da NTPDase e ecto-5’-nucleotidase e o efeito imune atribuído ao acúmulo extracelular de nucleotídeos foi avaliado. A produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio e interelucina-6 (IL-6) por neutrófilos estimulados por T.vaginalis não foi afetada pelo tratamento com o composto. Por outro lado, a liberação de interleucina-8 (IL-8), a principal interleucina produzida por neutrófilos na tricomoníase, foi aumentada. O efeito sinérgico de redução de viabilidade de trofozoítos e modulação da NTPDase e ecto-5’-nucleotidase pode aumentar a suscetibilidade do T. vaginalis frente à resposta imune do hospedeiro e consequentemente, sua eliminação do sítio de infecção. / Trichomonas vaginalis is a flagellate protozoan that parasitizes the human urogenital tract causing trichomoniasis, the most common non-viral sexually transmitted disease, infecting approximately 276 million people worldwide annually. To achieve success in parasitism trichomonads develop a complex process against the host cells that culminate in cytoadherence and cytotoxicity. Nucleotides and nucleosides are released into the extracellular space by cells under stress or injury and they exert their signaling effects through activation of the purinoceptors. Moreover, the ectonucleotidases, nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase (NTPDase) and ecto-5'-nucleotidase, are capable of hydrolyzing the nucleotides producing nucleosides that are essential to the parasite purine metabolism. The enzymatic cascade mediated by ectonucleotidases is relevant in controlling nucleotides and nucleosides levels as these molecules play antagonistic roles in inflammation, as proinflamatory and anti-inflammatory mediators, respectively. This study investigated the hydrolysis profile of guanine nucleotides in T. vaginalis as the effect of serum limitation condition in the enzymatic cascade. Furthermore, we investigated the influence of extracellular nucleotides and nucleosides on the modulation of the host cell cytotoxicity mediated by T. vaginalis. Results show that guanine nucleotides GTP, GDP, GMP are substrates for T. vaginalis ectonucleotidases, with expected kinetic parameters for this enzyme family. The metabolic restriction condition enhanced NTPDase and ecto-5’-nucleotidase activities and the highest gene expressions found for TvNTPDase 2 and 4 which may explain the enzymatic activity enhance. The extracellular guanosine uptake was lower than that observed for adenosine into parasite DNA measured by isotopic ratio C12/C13 of the nucleosides. In order to investigate the possible biological role for extracellular guanosine accumulation as well as to evaluate the involvment of purinergic signaling in the citotoxicity promoted by the parasite, a collection of T. vaginalis isolates were tested against a human epithelial vaginal cell line (HMVII). Fresh clinical T. vaginalis isolates produced cytolytic effect against human vaginal epithelial cells in a heterogeneous profile. The most cytotoxic isolate, TV-LACM6, presents the hydrolysis profile ATP, GTP > AMP > GMP. When the nucleotides and nucleosides were tested, the cytotoxic effect elicited by TV-LACM6 was increased in presence of nucleotides ATP and GTP. In contrast, the cytotoxicity was reversed by adenosine in presence of erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl) adenine (EHNA), but not by guanosine, which is in agreement with the accumulation of extracellular guanosine and the hydrolysis profile, acting as an advantage for the parasite. ADORA1 and ADORA2A are not involved in the protective mechanism of adenosine. Considering the pharmacological potential that ectonucleotidases play in the context of purine metabolism and in the imune response modulation, nucleotide hydrolysis may represent a therapeutic target as an additional mechanism in association with anti T.vaginalis compounds. The study demonstrated promissing activities for three derivatvies with isoaustrobrasilol B the most activity compound with IC50 38 μM. The compound did not demonstrate any hemolytic activity and although induced cytotoxicity against human epithelial vaginal cells (HMVII), absence of toxicity was obtained when in vivo model was studied. Isoaustrobrasilol B was the only compound that significantly inhibited NTPDase and ecto-5’-nucleotidase activities and the immune modulation attributed to extracellular nucleotide accumulation was evaluated. Reactive oxygen species production and interleukin-6 (IL-6) release by T.vaginalis stimulated neutrophils were not affected by phloroglucinol treatment. On the other hand, interleukin-8 (IL-8), the primarily cytokine produced by neutrophils during trichomoniasis, was significantly enhanced. The associative mechanism of trophozoites death and NTPDase and ecto-5’-nucleotidase modulation may increase the susceptibility of T. vaginalis to host immune responses and, consequently, the elimination from the infection site.
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Nucleosídeo trifosfato difosfohidrolase e ecto-5'-nucleotidase de Trichomonas vaginalis : metabolismo dos nucleotídeos e nucleosídeo de guanina, efeito na citotoxicidade e modulação da atividade anti-T. vaginalis de floroglucinoisMenezes, Camila Braz January 2016 (has links)
Trichomonas vaginalis é o protozoário flagelado que parasita o sistema urogenital humano causando a tricomoníase, a doença sexualmente transmissível não viral mais comum no mundo, sendo registrados aproximadamente 276 milhões de novos casos a cada ano. O sucesso da colonização das células hospedeiras e desenvolvimento da infecção envolve um complexo processo que culmina em citoaderência e citotoxicidade. Nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos são liberados para o espaço extracelular por células em situações de estresse ou lesão tecidual e desencadeiam seus efeitos sinalizadores através da ativação de purinoceptores. Ainda, a hidrólise sequencial de nucleotídeos pelas ectonucleotidases, nucleosídeo trifosfato difosfoidrolase (NTPDase) e ecto-5’-nucleotidase leva à formação de nucleosídeos que são essenciais para o metabolismo de purinas do parasito. Efeitos antagônicos são desencadeados por nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos, respectivamente próinflamatórios e anti-inflamatórios, na mediação de respostas imunes. A atividade dessas enzimas sobre os nucleotídeos da guanina e o efeito de restrição metabólica sobre a hidrólise de nucleotídeos foi avaliada. Além disso, a participação da sinalização mediada pelos nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos também foi avaliada em um modelo de citotoxicidade. Os resultados demonstram que os nucleotídeos GTP, GDP e GMP são substratos para as ectonucleotidases de T. vaginalis com parâmetros cinéticos compatíveis para enzimas dessa família. A condição de restrição de soro aumentou a atividade da NTPDase e da ecto-5’-nucleotidase e o aumento da expressão gênica das TvNTPDase 2 e 4 pode justificar o aumento da atividade. A recaptação de guanosina extracelular foi menor do que a recaptação de adenosina, demonstrada pela razão isotópica C12/C13 no nucleosídeo detectada no DNA dos parasitos. A fim de investigar um possível papel biológico para o acúmulo de guanosina extracelular, bem como avaliar o envolvimento da sinalização purinérgica na citotoxicidade mediada pelo parasito, diferentes isolados de T. vaginalis foram testados frente à capacidade de promover citólise. Todos os isolados foram capazes de promover efeito citolítico em alguma proporção, com destaque para o isolado TV-LACM6, que apresenta um perfil de hidrólise ATP, GTP > AMP > GMP. Quando nucleotídeos e nucleosídeos foram testados, o efeito citotóxico produzido pelo isolado foi potencializado na presença de ATP e GTP. Por outro lado, o efeito foi revertido na presença de eritro-9-(2-hidroxi-3-nonil) adenina (EHNA), um inibidor da adenosina deaminase. Importante, guanosina não foi capaz de reverter o efeito citotóxico produzido pelos trofozoítos, resultado que corrobora com o perfil de hidrólise de nucleotídeos e acúmulo de guanosina exracelular, sendo uma vantagem para o parasito. A possível participação dos receptores de adenosina foi avaliada, entretando os receptores ADORA1 e ADORA2A não parecem estar envolvidos no efeito protetor mediado pela adenosina. Considerando o potencial farmacológico desempenhado por essas enzimas no metabolismo de purinas em protozoários bem como no controle de respostas imunes, a modulação da hidrólise de nucleotídeos pode ser um alvo terapêutico importante e representar um mecanismo sinérgico na atividade antiparasiária de compostos ativos. Nesse sentido, o estudo demonstrou a atividade anti-T. vaginalis de três compostos, e em especial o isoaustrobrasilol B, com IC50 de 38 μM. O composto não apresentou efeitos hemolíticos frente a eritrócitos humanos e apesar de ter demonstrado efeito citotóxico in vitro frente à linhagem de células epiteliais vaginais humanas (HMVII), nenhuma citotoxicidade foi demonstrada no modelo in vivo. Isoaustrobrasilol B foi o único composto que inibiu significativamente as atividades da NTPDase e ecto-5’-nucleotidase e o efeito imune atribuído ao acúmulo extracelular de nucleotídeos foi avaliado. A produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio e interelucina-6 (IL-6) por neutrófilos estimulados por T.vaginalis não foi afetada pelo tratamento com o composto. Por outro lado, a liberação de interleucina-8 (IL-8), a principal interleucina produzida por neutrófilos na tricomoníase, foi aumentada. O efeito sinérgico de redução de viabilidade de trofozoítos e modulação da NTPDase e ecto-5’-nucleotidase pode aumentar a suscetibilidade do T. vaginalis frente à resposta imune do hospedeiro e consequentemente, sua eliminação do sítio de infecção. / Trichomonas vaginalis is a flagellate protozoan that parasitizes the human urogenital tract causing trichomoniasis, the most common non-viral sexually transmitted disease, infecting approximately 276 million people worldwide annually. To achieve success in parasitism trichomonads develop a complex process against the host cells that culminate in cytoadherence and cytotoxicity. Nucleotides and nucleosides are released into the extracellular space by cells under stress or injury and they exert their signaling effects through activation of the purinoceptors. Moreover, the ectonucleotidases, nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase (NTPDase) and ecto-5'-nucleotidase, are capable of hydrolyzing the nucleotides producing nucleosides that are essential to the parasite purine metabolism. The enzymatic cascade mediated by ectonucleotidases is relevant in controlling nucleotides and nucleosides levels as these molecules play antagonistic roles in inflammation, as proinflamatory and anti-inflammatory mediators, respectively. This study investigated the hydrolysis profile of guanine nucleotides in T. vaginalis as the effect of serum limitation condition in the enzymatic cascade. Furthermore, we investigated the influence of extracellular nucleotides and nucleosides on the modulation of the host cell cytotoxicity mediated by T. vaginalis. Results show that guanine nucleotides GTP, GDP, GMP are substrates for T. vaginalis ectonucleotidases, with expected kinetic parameters for this enzyme family. The metabolic restriction condition enhanced NTPDase and ecto-5’-nucleotidase activities and the highest gene expressions found for TvNTPDase 2 and 4 which may explain the enzymatic activity enhance. The extracellular guanosine uptake was lower than that observed for adenosine into parasite DNA measured by isotopic ratio C12/C13 of the nucleosides. In order to investigate the possible biological role for extracellular guanosine accumulation as well as to evaluate the involvment of purinergic signaling in the citotoxicity promoted by the parasite, a collection of T. vaginalis isolates were tested against a human epithelial vaginal cell line (HMVII). Fresh clinical T. vaginalis isolates produced cytolytic effect against human vaginal epithelial cells in a heterogeneous profile. The most cytotoxic isolate, TV-LACM6, presents the hydrolysis profile ATP, GTP > AMP > GMP. When the nucleotides and nucleosides were tested, the cytotoxic effect elicited by TV-LACM6 was increased in presence of nucleotides ATP and GTP. In contrast, the cytotoxicity was reversed by adenosine in presence of erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl) adenine (EHNA), but not by guanosine, which is in agreement with the accumulation of extracellular guanosine and the hydrolysis profile, acting as an advantage for the parasite. ADORA1 and ADORA2A are not involved in the protective mechanism of adenosine. Considering the pharmacological potential that ectonucleotidases play in the context of purine metabolism and in the imune response modulation, nucleotide hydrolysis may represent a therapeutic target as an additional mechanism in association with anti T.vaginalis compounds. The study demonstrated promissing activities for three derivatvies with isoaustrobrasilol B the most activity compound with IC50 38 μM. The compound did not demonstrate any hemolytic activity and although induced cytotoxicity against human epithelial vaginal cells (HMVII), absence of toxicity was obtained when in vivo model was studied. Isoaustrobrasilol B was the only compound that significantly inhibited NTPDase and ecto-5’-nucleotidase activities and the immune modulation attributed to extracellular nucleotide accumulation was evaluated. Reactive oxygen species production and interleukin-6 (IL-6) release by T.vaginalis stimulated neutrophils were not affected by phloroglucinol treatment. On the other hand, interleukin-8 (IL-8), the primarily cytokine produced by neutrophils during trichomoniasis, was significantly enhanced. The associative mechanism of trophozoites death and NTPDase and ecto-5’-nucleotidase modulation may increase the susceptibility of T. vaginalis to host immune responses and, consequently, the elimination from the infection site.
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Studies relating to the differentiation of human embryonic stem cellsAnyfantis, Georgios January 2015 (has links)
Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have been a useful tool in the study of the embryo development and could be used by drug developing companies to create disease models and assist in the production of new medicines. One of the models that has been studied before, is the development of the pancreas. Scientists have obtained mixed results so far in the generation of functional pancreatic cells from hESCs. We studied the differentiation potential of hESCs. As purinergic signalling is involved in may physiological processes, including cell proliferation and differentiation, a study of purinergic signalling in hESCs would help us deeper understand the hESC physiology. In order to study the purinergic profile of hESCs we established a culture system that allowed the transfer and attachment of pluripotent hESC colonies on glass coverslips. We then studied the functional purinergic profile of hESCs and found that they do not express functional P2X1 receptors, but they do express functional P2Y6 receptors, which might be implicated in the hESC differentiation. In parallel to these studies, we developed a reporter gene lentivirus, where the mouse Pdx-1 promoter area controlled the expression of a reporter fluorochrome, eGFP. We managed to generate a functional lentivirus, however, further analysis is needed in order to be able to use it in developmental studies. Finally, we tested the hypothesis that glucose affects the differentiation of hESCs towards pancreatic endoderm. Our preliminary results suggested that glucose does affect the differentiation potential of hESCs.
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Le rôle de l’adénosine au cours de l'embryogenèse des vertébrés / Role of adenosine during the embryogenesis of vertebratesTocco, Alice 28 October 2014 (has links)
L’adénosine extracellulaire appartient à la voie de signalisation purinergique et réguledivers processus physiologiques à travers l’activation de ses récepteurs spécifiques (adora).La disponibilité de cette purine dans l’espace extracellulaire est régulée par plusieurs ectoenzymesassurant sa production ou sa dégradation, mais également par des transporteurs denucléosides permettant son passage à travers la membrane. Chez l’adulte, le rôle del’adénosine est assez bien connu. Cependant, l’implication de cette purine au cours del’embryogenèse reste très peu étudiée. Pourtant, un excès d’adénosine dans les phasesprécoces du développement est létal chez la souris et l’oursin, démontrant l’importance de larégulation des concentrations de cette molécule de signalisation lors de l’embryogénèse. Lebut de ma thèse est de comprendre le rôle de l’adénosine au cours de l’embryogenèse enutilisant l’amphibien xénope. En effet, ce modèle a permis de mettre en évidence in vivol’implication de l’ADP au cours du développement de l’oeil chez les vertébrés. La premièrepartie de ce projet a permis de caractériser les acteurs de la voie de signalisation del’adénosine chez le xénope afin d’établir la première carte comparative de leur profild’expression embryonnaire. Cette partie a également permis de mettre en avant laphosphatase alcaline alpl pour son profil d’expression particulier, dans le rein et la rétine. Laseconde partie s’est focalisée sur l’étude fonctionnelle de cette enzyme. Les expériences deperte de fonction montrent son implication lors de la formation de ces deux tissus. / Extracellular adenosine belongs to the purinergic signalling pathway and regulatesvarious physiological processes through activation of specific receptors named adora. Theextracellular concentration of adenosine is regulated by several ecto-enzymes involved eitherin its generation or in its degradation but also by nucleoside transporters enabling its exitoutside or entry inside the cell. In adults, the functions of adenosine are quite well known,however, the its involvement during embryogenesis remains poorly studied. An excess ofadenosine in early phases of development is lethal in mouse and sea urchins, demonstratingthe importance of the extracellular adenosine level regulation during embryogenesis. The aimof my phD is to understand the role of adenosine during embryogenesis using Xenopus as avertebrate model. Indeed, the first in vivo evidence of the implication of the purinergic signallingpathway during vertebrate development, and in particular of ADP during eye formation hasbeen demonstrated using this model. The first part of this project was to characterize all theadenosine signalling pathway actors in Xenopus in order to generate the first comprehensiveand comparative embryonic expression map of these genes. This work allowed me to selectthe alkaline phosphatase alpl for functional studies based on its specific expression profile, inthe retina and kidney. These functional studies, mostly carried out by knockdown experiments,constituted the second part of this phD and showed the implication of this enzyme during theeye and kidney development.
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Beyond Seizure Control: Treating Comorbidities in Epilepsy via Targeting of the P2X7 ReceptorGil, Beatriz, Smith, Jonathon, Tang, Yong, Illes, Peter, Engel, Tobias 20 January 2024 (has links)
Epilepsy is one of the most common chronic diseases of the central nervous system (CNS).
Treatment of epilepsy remains, however, a clinical challenge with over 30% of patients not responding
to current pharmacological interventions. Complicating management of treatment, epilepsy comes
with multiple comorbidities, thereby further reducing the quality of life of patients. Increasing evidence
suggests purinergic signalling via extracellularly released ATP as shared pathological mechanisms
across numerous brain diseases. Once released, ATP activates specific purinergic receptors, including
the ionotropic P2X7 receptor (P2X7R). Among brain diseases, the P2X7R has attracted particular
attention as a therapeutic target. The P2X7R is an important driver of inflammation, and its activation
requires high levels of extracellular ATP to be reached under pathological conditions. Suggesting
the therapeutic potential of drugs targeting the P2X7R for epilepsy, P2X7R expression increases
following status epilepticus and during epilepsy, and P2X7R antagonism modulates seizure severity
and epilepsy development. P2X7R antagonism has, however, also been shown to be effective in treating
conditions most commonly associated with epilepsy such as psychiatric disorders and cognitive
deficits, which suggests that P2X7R antagonisms may provide benefits beyond seizure control. This
review summarizes the evidence suggesting drugs targeting the P2X7R as a novel treatment strategy
for epilepsy with a particular focus of its potential impact on epilepsy-associated comorbidities.
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The Safeguarding Microglia: Central Role for P2Y12 ReceptorsLin, Si-Si, Tang, Yong, Illes, Peter, Verkhratsky, Alexei 30 March 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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