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Moderna verksamhetsstrategiers för- och nackdelar ur ett officersperspektivLaestadius, Nils January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Spínané zdroje ve vozidlech elektrické trakce / Switching source in electric tractions vehicleŠkunda, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The first part of this work describes the design and implementation of switch-mode power supply for control circuits for 12/2x24V 4.5A fuel cells. The introduction picks the issue of power sources in electromobiles and final design and implementation of switching power suply. The next part deals with the issues of fast-charger and generators for power transistors. It describes the structure of DC converter and control and protectin circuits of quick-charger. In the end this work describes selected driver circuits and charge tests on fast-charger as evidenced by measurements.
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Optimisation du ConWip dans un environnement multiproduit / ConWip optimization in a multiprodut environmentJaegler, Yann 07 December 2018 (has links)
Au cours de la dernière décennie, le système de contrôle de production (PCS) Constant Work InProgress (CONWIP) a été étudié par un nombre croissant de publications. Compte tenu des défis industrielsactuels, tels que la nécessité de s’adapter, la personnalisation croissante des produits, la réduction des délaiset l’importance grandissante du service rendu aux clients, le ConWip semble être un PCS efficace et agilepour les industriels. Cette thèse débute par une revue systématique des travaux sur le ConWip remontant à2003 basée sur une méthode de classification originale. Cette méthode permet de catégoriser les papiers quise concentrent sur le dimensionnement, la performance, le contexte d’implémentation et la comparaison avecd'autres PCS. En plus de proposer une clé de lecture pour interpréter les approches de recherche, les critèresconsidérés répondent à des questions sur la façon de mettre en oeuvre, la façon d’optimiser et les raisonspour lesquelles utiliser le ConWip. Une étude sur les pistes de recherche proposées ou applicables au ConWipa ensuite permis de mettre en évidence les plus prometteuses et d’en extraire les principales tendances.L'objectif consiste ici à mettre à jour les lacunes de la recherche existante sur le ConWip. L'une d'entre ellesamène à des questions clés liées à la mise en oeuvre du ConWip dans un environnement caractérisé par unmix produit élevé et/ou par un mix gamme opératoire élevé. Dans ce contexte, quatre algorithmes qui génèrentdifférentes gammes génériques sont ensuite présentés. Ces gammes, appelées « gammes enveloppes » sontimplémentées dans Wipsim, un outil d'ingénierie utilisé dans les projets de conception et d'amélioration deslignes d'assemblage ConWip, qui permet de calculer les paramètres ConWip optimisés pour chacune desgammes. Un échantillon de données, dérivé d'un cas industriel, est utilisé pour tester les quatre algorithmes.Nous les comparons à travers leur sensibilité au mix produit et selon l'impact induit par l'introduction dedifférents produits atypiques dans le mix. Nos expériences montrent que nos algorithmes génèrent desgammes enveloppes pertinentes et aident les praticiens à choisir le plus adapté à leur contexte spécifique. / In the past decade, a growing body of literature has investigated the CONstant Work InProgress (ConWip) production control system (PCS). In view of the current industrial challengesentailing adaptability, product customisation, decreas- ing leadtimes and customer satisfaction, ConWipseems to be an effective and adaptive PCS for manufacturers. A ConWip systematic review datingback to 2003 and provides a guide for understanding through an original classification method. Thismethod enables the differentiation of papers that concentrate on Con- Wip sizing, performance andcontext as well as a comparison with other PCSs. In addition to providing a key to interpreting theresearch approaches, the criteria considered answers questions on how to implement, how to optimiseand why and when to use ConWip. The survey of research avenues proposed or applicable to CONWIPclassify them, highlight the most promising and extract the main trends. The final aim is to provide somegaps. One of the them deals with key questions related to the implementation of ConWip in a highproduct mix and/or high routing mix environment. Four algorithms that generate different genericroutings are presented. These routings are implemented into Wipsim, an engineering tool used inprojects to design and improve ConWip assembly lines, which allows the optimized ConWip parametersfor each routing to be calculated. A sample of data, derived from an industrial case, is used to test thefour models. We compare them via their sensitivity to the mix product and through the impact of theintroduction of different, atypical products. Our experiments show that our algorithms generatedworthwhile generic routings and help practitioners choose among them, depending on a specificcontext.
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Investigation into Characteristics of Bench Press using PUSH™ BandPeters, Avery, Sato, Kimitake 12 April 2019 (has links)
Investigation into Characteristics of Bench Press using PUSH™ Band
Peters, Avery1 and Sato, Kimitake1
Department of Sport, Exercise, Recreation, and Kinesiology, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN1
Introduction: Sport scientist and strength coaches use resistance training to increase athletic performance and muscle hypertrophy. Improving muscular strength is the most essential task for these scientists, however, how best to identify weakness has yet to be established. The popularity of velocity-based resistance training has recently increased as a method to prescribe resistance training intensity, therefore, the purpose of the study was to identify the characteristics of bench press concentric velocity. It is hypothesized that the velocity output will decrease during the change from the 75% relative load of the 1RM to the 85% relative load of 1RM. It is believed that there will be a greater output of velocity during the 75% set than the 85% set. Methods: Nine female collegiate athletes (18-21 yrs), participated in this study. PUSH™ bands were used to measure barbell velocity during the bench press exercise. Each female was expected to preform 3 sets of 5 repetitions (3x5) at an intensity of 75% and 85% of their 1 repetition maximum (1RM). Only data from repetition 2-4 were used for analysis. Results: The results drawn from data collected supported our hypothesis showing a decrease in velocity among the 85% 1RM test when compared to the 75% 1RM test group. Comparisons were drawn using a t-Test table comprised of PUSH™ Band data. Conclusion: The results supported the hypothesis that this type of technology can identify the load specific velocity to help strength coaches to identify the optimal resistance for certain training program and goals by using collected data with the PUSH™ Band to identify weakness in strength and/or endurance.
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Motivational factors among entrepreneursWilliamsson, Vanessa January 2022 (has links)
There are several motivational factors for why entrepreneurs start a venture, continue to run the venture and also exit the venture. A prevalent theme in previous literature regarding entrepreneurial motivation, is the dichotomy of push and pull theory. This suggests that an entrepreneur can either be a necessity entrepreneur or an opportunity entrepreneur, meaning their motivation comes from either push or pull factors. Newer research argues that push and pull factors can co-exist and also change over time, highlighting that this dichotomy is ambiguous. However, this is still an under-researched area and many researchers call for more empirical findings concerning this topic. To gather more information regarding this disagreement, a qualitative study was executed, through semi-structured interviews with Swedish entrepreneurs from different entrepreneurial phases. The findings in this study indicate that motivational push and pull factors can be present simultaneously in an individual, and also change over time, depending on dynamic internal and external factors regarding the entrepreneur themselves and/or the venture.
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Skellefteås stadsomvandling : En kvalitativ studie om unga utflyttade skelleftebors framtidsplaner / The urban transformation of Skellefteå : A qualitative study of young emigrants from Skellefteå's futureHolmgren Lundström, Gustaf January 2022 (has links)
We are all aware of the environmental challenges we are facing. To achieve the environmental goals, we must adjust the way we plan cities for the future. Northern Sweden is a region with potential for sustainable development projects with a good supply of natural resources and the basis for sustainable power sources. The interest in northern Sweden has exploded in recent years and the region is one of the forefronts for the movement towards sustainable urban transformation. One of the towns that are undergoing this process as we speak is Skellefteå. Skellefteå is anindustrial town with strong connections to older types of industry such as the mining and lumber industry. The development of the town was stagnant for a long time with little development projects and a frozen population growth. The shift towards a greener industry and new type of innovation will affect the town significantly. To achieve the goal of a sustainable urban transformation the municipality have set multiple population growth goals and are keen to attract a new innovative and educated workforce suitable for the new types of industry that are establishing in the area. Skellefteå has for a long time had a problem of young emigration to other cities. The population today is rather old and that’s something they want to work towards changing. This study explores the migration motives of young people from the Skellefteå area that have moved to other locations to pursue a higher education. The study focuses on the reasons why they left Skellefteå, if they want to return after their graduation and how they perceive the urban transformation of their hometown. The study explores what factors are seen as attractive, pull factors and what factors are considered less attractive, push factors when it came to their decision to move from and potentially back to Skellefteå.
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Maxflödesalgoritmer i Java : En studie av vikten att välja rätt algoritm och datastruktur för att minimera körtiden för exakta maxflödesalgoritmerBorgström, Erik, Grape, Felix January 2015 (has links)
Maxflödesproblemet har många praktiska tillämpningar och probleminstanserna kan bli mycket stora. Effektiva implementationer är därför nödvändigt för att körtiden inte ska bli alltför hög. I den här studien har två maxflödesalgoritmer, Edmonds-Karps algoritm och Goldberg-Tarjans push-relabel-algoritm, implementerats i Java med två olika da- tastrukturer och jämförts med varandra. Det framkommer att det är fördelaktigt att implementera en mer komplex, objektbaserad, grafre- presentation för grafinstanser som ligger under en kritisk gräns i antal kanter. När antalet kanter överstiger den kritiska gränsen blir en enkla- re, men mer minneskrävande, implementation med grannlista av heltal tillsammans med matriser effektivare. Tyvärr saknas tillräcklig data för att kunna dra slutsatser om huruvida Edmonds-Karps algoritm eller Goldberg-Tarjans push-relabel-algoritm är att föredra vid implementa- tion i Java. / The maximum flow problem has many real world applications and the problem instances can get very large. Efficient implementations are therefore important to limit execution time. In this report, two maximum flow algorithms, Edmonds-Karps algorithm and Goldberg-Tarjans push-relabel algoritm, has been implemented in Java, each with two different data structures. The efficiancy of the datastructures and algorithms was evaluated. It was found that a more complex, object based, graph representation is preferable for graph instances that have fewer than a critical number of edges. When the number of edges exceeds the critical limit the simpler, but more memory intensive, graph representa- tion is faster. Due to insufficient data, we were unable to analyze which of push-relabel and Edmonds-Karp that is preferable to implement in Java.
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Identifying the push and pull factors of a medical tourism destinationNgobeni, Clara Claire Lobisa January 2020 (has links)
Some tourists travel for medical reasons, and this is known as medical tourism. The growth of medical tourism is mainly spurred by globalisation and the availability of quality healthcare services in receiving countries. Once a medical need arises, a prospective medical tourist would usually search and gather information about prospective medical tourism destinations. Various push and pull factors would determine whether a destination will be selected by tourists to satisfy their medical needs. The aim of this study was thus to identify the push and pull factors of a medical tourism destination, and based on these, to measure South Africa’s performance as a medical tourism destination.
Making use of a qualitative research approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 medical tourism tour operators. Content analysis was used to analyse the data. Some of the push factors identified were the cost and lack of treatment/medical services in medical tourists’ home countries, the availability of expertise and medical facilities at the receiving destination, and the wish to avoid long waiting lists. The quality of hospitals, cost of surgery, expertise of the physicians, as well as the accessibility of destinations were indicated as the pull factors. The findings also show that medical tourists seem to be more interested in the reputation of the healthcare providers and hospitals than in typical tourist activities in medical tourism destinations. The findings of this study highlight the fact that South Africa is not known as a medical tourism destination. Hence there is a need for South Africa to be promoted by government and other stakeholders as a credible, affordable and accessible medical tourism destination. The study contributes to the available literature on medical tourism but from the perspective of medical tourism tour operators as major stakeholders in the medical tourism industry. / Dissertation (MPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2020. / Tourism Management / MPhil / Unrestricted
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Finlandssvenskars tankar kring flytt efter examen vid Umeå universitet : En kvalitativ studie om flyttmotivSchulman, William January 2021 (has links)
Abstract The Finland-Swedish migration towards Sweden has increased during the latest years. Moving to the western neighbour has become more and more usual amongst the younger generation of Finland-Swedes. However, recent studies have shown that half of those who have moved to Sweden do not move back to the motherland, creating a major net loss of Finland-Swedish citizens in Finland. A majority of those who move to Sweden do so with the intention of studying at a university. As a result, Finland suffers a potential risk of brain drain, whilst Sweden on the other hand has a chance of benefitting from a potential brain gain. For Umeå it is vital whether or not the newly graduated students, who possess valuable academic competence, stay in the municipality. This study has explored which primary motives Finland-Swedish students give regarding their choice of where to live after graduating. This study has also aimed to investigate which factors are considered beneficial for a location, i.e. pull factors, and which factors tend to be considered less desirable, i.e. push factors, regardless of whether the intention is to stay in Umeå, move back to Finland or move to a completely different location. As a consequence of personal preferences and experiences, the respondents give different motives for moving. Despite of this some patterns can be distinguished from the results, among which the value of social bonds, in or close to a certain location, can be found. Furthermore, the results show that the respondents’ experience of cultural differences between Finland and Sweden also affect their future plans on moving. Keywords: Motives for moving, push factors, pull factors, social bonds, cultural differences
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Migrating Abroad : Factors and Experiences of Bangladeshi Students in Umeå, SwedenFaruq, Md Lutful Bin January 2021 (has links)
The predominance of International Higher Education has switched from the USA, Canada, England and Australia, the pioneers of internationalization of higher education, to Europe and other countries. European countries have become the higher study destination for many students from all over the world. Own strategies and policies for internationalization have developed by European countries, building on and seeing beyond the policies stipulated by the European Commission. As a member of European Union, Swedish Government and universities have developed strategies, measures and tools to attract international students. Scholarships and grants, different projects, extended visa, education quality, social security, ranking of institutions etc. play important role behind third country students choosing Sweden for higher studies. However, other features such as education cost, ideological affinity, language aptitude, job availability, easy visa process etc. can influence the choice of students. These features make Sweden attractive as higher education destination to Bangladeshi Students. This study tries to understand the factors behind decision of Bangladeshi students choosing Swedish University for tertiary education. The study also attempts to discuss the experience of Bangladeshi students during their study period in Sweden as well as after finishing study. The theory of “Push and Pull factors” is used as the main theoretical reference to discuss findings of the study. Social insecurity, political instability, education opportunity and quality of home country, personal choice, job opportunity etc. are recognized as major ‘push factors and education quality, world class institution, social security, standard of life, easy application process etc. are recognized as ‘pull factors’ behind the decision of Bangladeshi student choosing Sweden as higher education destination. The Study not only discusses the challenges and experiences of Bangladeshi students including covid-19 situation but also gives implications for future students. The data was collected by taking interviews from the Bangladeshi students studying at masters’ level in Umea university, Sweden and used qualitative method for analysis.
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