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A walk through superstring theory with an application to Yang-Mills theory: k-strings and D-branes as gauge/gravity dual objectsStiffler, Kory M 01 July 2010 (has links)
Superstring theory is one current, promising attempt at unifying gravity with the other three known forces: the electromagnetic force, and the weak and strong nuclear forces. Though this is still a work in progress, much effort has been put forth toward this goal. A set of specific tools which are used are gauge/gravity dualities. This thesis consists of a specific implementation of gauge/gravity dualities to describe k-strings of strongly coupled gauge theories as objects dual to Dpbranes embedded in confining supergravity backgrounds from low energy superstring field theory.
Along with superstring theory, k-strings are also commonly investigated with lattice gauge theory and Hamiltonian methods. A k$string is a colorless combination of quark-anti-quark source pairs, between which a color flux tube develops. The two most notable terms of the k-string energy are, for large quark anti-quark separation L, the tension term, proportional to L, and the Coulombic 1/L correction, known as the Luscher term.
This thesis provides an overview of superstring theories and how gauge/gravity dualities emerge from them. It shows in detail how these dualities can be used for the specific problem of calculating the k-string energy in 2+1 and 3+1 space-time dimensions as the energy of Dp-branes in the dual gravitational theory. A detailed review of k-string tension calculations is given where good agreement is found with lattice gauge theory and Hamiltonian methods. In reviewing the k-string tension, we also touch on how different representations of k-strings can be described with Dp-branes through gauge/gravity dualities. The main result of this thesis is how the Luscher term is found to emerge from the energy calculation of Dp-branes. In 2+1 space-time dimensions, we have Luscher term data to compare with from lattice gauge theory, where we find good agreement.
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Baryon resonances in large $N_c$ QCDMatagne, Nicolas 18 December 2006 (has links)
This thesis deals with the study of baryon spectra in the context of the $1/N_c$ expansion. The standard tool to study baryon properties is the constituent quark model. The results are naturally model dependent. The $1/N_c$ expansion generates a new perturbative approach to QCD, convenient for low momentum transfer. It provides a new theoretical method that is quantitative, systematic and predictive.
In the first part of the thesis, the $1/N_c$ expansion is introduced as well as the baryon structure at large $N_c$. A summary of important results for ground-state baryons is provided.
The second part of the thesis is devoted to excited baryon states. The symmetric orbital states are treated by analogy to the ground state. For mixed symmetric states, two approaches are presented. The traditional one starts from the decoupling of the wave function into an excited quark and a symmetric core. To make the problem tractable the wave function is treated approximately, justified by a Hartree scheme. This approach is applied to the study of the $[{f 70},ell^+] (ell=0,2)$ multiplets (nonstrange and strange cases) and of the $[{f 56},4^+]$ multiplet. An important physical result is the dependence of the spin dependent terms of the mass operator on the excitation energy.
Recently we suggested a new approach based on a rigorous group theoretical treatment of the matrix elements of SU(4). No decoupling and no approximations are necessary. When applied to the $[{f 70},1^-]$ nonstrange multiplet, it is found that the leading corrections to the mass operator are of order $1/N_c$ instead of $N_c^0$, as predicted by the decoupling procedure.
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Measurement of Inclusive Jet Cross Sections in Z/γ ∗( → e+e−) + jets Production in pp Collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV with the CDF DetectorSaltó Bauzà, Oriol 27 June 2008 (has links)
La Cromodinàmica Quàntica (QCD) és la teoria de camps que descriu les interaccions fortes entre quarks i gluons. La signatura més destacada de QCD en col·lisionadors hadrúnics és la producció de jets col·limats d'hadrons. La mesura de la producció d'aquests jets associats amb un bosó vectorial, W o Z/gamma*, proporciona un test estricte dels càlculs pertorbatius de QCD (pQCD). A més a més, alguns processos de nova física en col·lisionadors hadrúnics, com ara la producciÓ del bosó de Higgs i partícules supersimètriques, poden ser molt semblants a la producció de bosons vectorial associats amb jets que constitueixen un fons irreductible en aquestes cerques. Per tant l'estudi i comprensió de processos Z/gamma*+jets és una part crucial del programa de física del col·lisionador Tevatron. Durant el Run I del Tevatron, protons i antiprotons col·lidien amb una energia en el centre de masses sqrt(s) de 1.8 TeV. La producciÓ de Z/gamma*+jets es va estudiar durant el Run I amb el detector CDF utilitzant 106 pb-1 de dades. Les mesures es van comparar amb les prediccions de l'ordre més baix en teoria de pertorbacions (LO) més parton shower d'alguns generadors de Monte Carlo. Les comparacions estaven dominades per les grans incerteses en les prediccions de LO. En el Run II, el Tevatron i el detector CDF es van millorar i, entre d'altres importants millores, sqrt(s) es va augmentar a 1.96 TeV. El bon funcionament de l'accelerador i del detector van proporcionar una quantitat més gran de dades que va fer possible mesures diferencials de gran precisió.Aquesta tesi doctoral presenta la mesura de seccions eficaces inclusives de jets en esdeveniments amb Z/gamma*->ee utilitzant 1.7 fb-1 de dades obtingudes amb el detector CDF durant el Run II del Tevatron. L'algoritme de con Midpoint s'ha utilitzat per a buscar jets en els esdeveniments després d'haver identificat la presència d'un bosó Z/gamma* a través de la reconstrucció dels productes de la seva desintegració. Les mesures s'han comparat amb les prediccions del següent nivell (NLO) en pQCD per esdeveniments amb un o dos jets en l'estat final. Les prediccions pertorbatives s'han corregit per les contribucions de processos no-pertorbatius, com l'underlying event i la fragmentació dels partons en jets d'hadrons. Aquests processos no són descrits per la teoria de pertorbacions i s'han d'estimar amb models fenomenològics. En aquesta tesi, s'han realitzat un conjunt de mesures per a testejar diferents models d'underlying event i hadronització implementats en programes de Monte Carlo de LO més parton shower. / Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the field theory that describes the strong interactions between quarks and gluons. The most prominent signature of QCD at hadron colliders is the production of collimated jets of hadrons. The measurement of the production of such jets in association with a vector boson, W or Z/gamma*, provides an stringent test of perturbative QCD (pQCD) calculations. Furthermore, some of new physics processes at hadron colliders, such as the production of Higgs bosons and supersymmetric particles, can be mimicked by the production of vector bosons in association with jets that constitute irreducible backgrounds to these searches. Therefore, the study and understanding of Z/gamma*+jets processes is a crucial part of the physics program of the Tevatron collider. At the Run I of the Tevatron, protons and antiprotons collided with an energy in the center-of-mass ps of 1.8 TeV. Z/gamma*+ jets production was studied during Run I with the CDF detector using 106 pb-1 of data. The measurements were compared to the predictions from leading order (LO) plus parton shower Monte Carlo generator programs. The comparisons were mainly dominated by the large scale uncertainties in the LO predictions. In Run II, the Tevatron and the CDF detector were upgraded and, among other important improvements, sqrt(s) was increased to 1.96 TeV. The good performance of the accelerator and the detector made available a larger amount of data, making possible precise differential measurements.This Ph.D. thesis presents the measurement of inclusive jet cross sections in Z/gamma*(->ee) events using 1.7 fb-1 of data collected by the upgraded CDF detector during the Run II of the Tevatron. The Midpoint cone algorithm is used to search for jets in the events after identifying the presence of a Z/gamma* boson through the reconstruction of its decay products. The measurements are compared to next-to-LO (NLO) pQCD predictions for events with one and two jets in the final state. The perturbative predictions are corrected for the contributions of non-perturbative processes, like the underlying event and the fragmentation of the partons into jets of hadrons. These processes are not described by perturbation theory and must be estimated from phenomenological models. In this thesis, a number of measurements are performed to test different models of underlying event and hadronization implemented in LO plus parton shower Monte Carlo generator programs.
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Simulation of the Measurement of the Inclusive Jet Cross Sections in Z(→e+e−/→µ+µ−)+jets Events in pp Collisions at 14 TeV witht he ATLAS experimentSegura i Solé, Ester 19 June 2009 (has links)
Després de 20 anys de preparació, el LHC s'encendrà a finals del 2009, col.lisionant protons a energies de 14TeV, per recrear els primers moments del Big Bang. Les partícules s'acceleraran al llarg del túnel circular de 27 km de circumferència fins a velocitats properes a la de la llum. El túnel, situat prop de Ginebra, i els seus experiments formen un dels més grans esforços de la història per estudiar l'estructura fonamental de la matèria. S'espera que a aquestes altes energies de col.lisió nous fenòmens físics puguin esdevenir i siguin descoberts. Entre les restes resultants de les col.lisions entre protons, evidències de dimensions extres, de la misteriosa matèria fosca que inunda el nostre univers o de la partícula de Higgs que dona massa a les partícules elementals, podran ser observades. ATLAS és un dels experiments del LHC. A més a més del descobriment de nova Física en el seu programa, també està inclosa la investigació de la Física ja coneguda. Un millor coneixement de la teoria pertorbativa de Quantum Chromodynamics és un dels objectius d'ATLAS. QCD és la teoria que descriu les interaccions fortes entre quarks i gluons. Aquesta teoria encara roman sense resoldre, ja que no exiteix un mètode d'aproximació vàlid per qualsevol escala d'energies. La teoria pertorbativa de QCD pot descriure un gran nombre d'interaccions a altes energies. El seu formalisme ha donat una eina molt valuosa dins l'estudi de les interaccions fortes. La signatura més notable dels processos QCD en col.lisionadors d'hadrons és la producció de jets de partícules col.limats. La mesura d'aquests jets en associació amb un bosó vector, W o Z, proporciona un test estricte dels càlculs de la teoria pertorbativa de QCD. A més, alguns dels processos de la nova Física, com la producció del bosó Higgs o de partícules supersimètriques, poden ser imitats per la producció dels bosons vectros en associació amb jets, que constitueixen un background irreduïble a l'investigació d'aquests nous processos. Aquesta tesi presenta la mesura de la "inclusive jet cross section" en events amb un bosó Z(e,e,) o Z(mu,mu), comparant les prediccions teòriques amb les dades "real", i.e. events Monte Carlo "fully-reconstructed", pel primer 1fb-1 de dades obtingudes amb el detector ATLAS. Les dades reconstruïdes i corregides es comparen amb les prediccions de la teoria pertorbativa de QCD a nivell NLO i LO. Aquestes prediccions pertorbatives es corregeixen amb les contribucions de processos no pertorbatius, com l'underlying event o la fragmentació dels partons dins dels jets d'hadrons. Aquests processos no poden ser descrits per la teoria pertorbativa, i s'estimen amb models fenomenològics. S'han utilitzat dos tipus diferents de dades reconstruides Monte Carlo, ALPGEN i PYHTIA. S'han estudiat les comparacions entre les prediccions d'ambdós generadors. Els processos background han estat estimats utilitzant diferents mètodes "data-driven". Per la recerca dels jets, s'ha utilitzat l'algoritme ATLAS Cone 0.4, després d'identificar la presència d'un bosó Z mitjançant la reconstrucció del seu decaiment (electrons o muons). Les dades reconstruides han estat corregides pels efectes del detector, utilitzant factors independents. Aquest anàlisi ha estat realitzat abans que ATLAS recollís les primeres dades reals, abans de l'inici del LHC, per aquest motiu aquesta tesi es basa en dades simulades amb generadors Monte Carlo. Mentres dura la preparació d'un experiment de Física d'altes energies com ATLAS, aquestes simulacions són molt importants pel desenvolupament d'estratègies eficaces d'anàlisi de dades i reconstrucció d'objectes físics mesurats pel detector. / Después de 20 años de preparación, el LHC va a encenderse a finales del 2009, colisionando protones a una energia de 14 TeV, para recrear los primeros momentos después del Big Bang. Las partículas serán aceleradas a lo largo del tunel circular de 27 km de circumferencia hasta velocidades próximas a la de la luz. El túnel, situado cerca de Ginebra, y sus experimentos forman uno de los más grandes esfuerzos de la história para estudiar la estructura fundamental de la materia. Se espera que a estas elevadas energías de colisión, nuevos fenómenos físicos puedan ocurrir y sean descubiertos. Entre los resultantes escombros de las colisiones entre protones, evidencias de dimensiones extras, de la misteriosa materia oscura que inunda nuestro universo o de la partícula de Higgs que da masa a las partículas elementales serán observadas. ATLAS es uno de los experimentos del LHC. Además del descubrimiento de nueva Fisica en su programa, también está la investigación de la Fisica ya descubierta. Un mejor conocimiento de la teoría perturbativa de Quantum Chromodynamics es uno de los objetivos de ATLAS. Quantum Chromodynamics es la teoria de campos que describe las interacciones fuertes entre quarks y gluones. Esta teoría todavia permanece sin resolver, ya que no existe un método de aproximación válido para cualquier escalada de energía. La teoría perturbativa de QCD puede describir un gran numero de interacciones a altas energías. Su formulismo ha dado una herramienta muy valiosa en el estudio de las interacciones fuertes. La signatura más notable de procesos QCD en collisionadores de hadrones es la producción de jets colimados de hadrones. La medición de estos jets en asociación con un bosón vector, W o Z, proporciona un test severo de los cálculos de la teoría perturbativa de QCD. Además, algunos de los procesos de nueva Física en los colisionadores de hadrones, como la production del boson de Higgs o de partículas supersimétricas, pueden ser imitados por la producción de bosones vectores en asociación con jets, que constituyen un background irreducible a la investigación de estos nuevos procesos. Esta tesis presenta la medida de la "inclusive jet cross section" en sucesos con un boson Z (ee) o Z(mu,mu), comparando las prediciones teoricas con los datos "reales", i.e. sucesos Monte Carlo "fully-reconstructed", para el primer 1fb-1 de datos obtenidos con el detector ATLAS. Los datos reconstruidos y corregidos son comparados a las predicciones de la teoria perturbativa de QCD a nivel NLO y LO. Estas predicciones perturbativas se corrigen con las contribuciones de procesos no perturbativos, como el underlying event o la fragmentación de los partones en jets de hadrones. Estos procesos no pueden ser descritos por la teoria perturbativa, y son estimados con modelos fenomenologicos. Se han ultilizado dos tipos distintos de datos reconstruidos Monte Carlo, ALPGEN y PYTHIA. Comparaciones entre las predicciones de ambos generadores Monte Carlo han sido estudiadas. Los procesos background han sido estimados usando distintos métodos "data-driven". Para la búsqueda de jets se ha usado el algoritmo ATLAS Cone 0.4 jet, después de identificar la presencia de un bosón Z a través de la reconstrucción de su decaimiento (electrones o muones). Los datos reconstruidos son corregidos por los efectors del detector, usando factores independientes. Este analisis ha sido realizado antes que ATLAS recogiera los primeros datos reales, antes del inicio del LHC, por este motivo esta tesis esta basada en datos simulados con generadores Monte Carlo. Mientras dura la preparación de un experimento de fisica de altas energías como ATLAS, estas simulaciones son de vital importancia para el desarrollo de estrategias eficaces de analisis de datos y reconstrucción de objetos físicos medidos por el detector. / After 20 years of preparation, the Large Hadron Collider is going to be switched on in late 2009, smashing protons at an energy of 14 (10) TeV, to recreate the first moments after the Big Bang. Particles will whizz around a circular tunnel of 27 km in circumference at near light speed. The tunnel, built near Geneva, and its experiments constitute one of the largest coordinated efforts ever made to study the fundamental structure of nature. It is expected that at the energies reached in the proton-proton collisions at the LHC, unknown physical phenomena will have to occur and will be observable. Among the particle debris may lie evidence for extra dimensions, mysterious dark matter that pervades the universe or the Higgs boson, which gives mass to elementary particles. ATLAS is one of the LHC experiments. Besides the new phenomena goals in its physics program, there is the understanding of the already known physics. The better understanding of perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics theory is one of the aims of ATLAS. Quantum Chromodynamics is the field theory which describes the strong interaction between quarks and gluons. It remains an "unsolved" theory, since no single approximation method can be used to all length scales. Perturbative QCD naturally describes a large set of high-energy, large-momentum-transfer cross sections and its formalism has provided an invaluable tool in the study of the strong interactions. The most prominent signature of QCD at hadron colliders is the production of collimated jets of hadrons. The measurement of the production of such jets in association with a vector boson, W or Z, provides a stringent test of perturbative QCD (pQCD) calculations. Furthermore, some of new physics processes at hadron colliders, such as the production of Higgs bosons and supersymmetric particles, can be mimicked by the production of vector bosons in association with jets that constitute irreducible backgrounds to these searches. This PhD. thesis presents the measurement of the inclusive jet cross section in Z → e+e− and in Z → μ+μ− events, comparing theory predictions with "real data", i.e. Monte Carlo fully-reconstructed events, for the first 1fb−1 of data at the ATLAS detector. Reconstructed corrected data is compared to next-to-LO (NLO) and LO pQCD predictions. Perturbative predictions are corrected for the contributions of the non-perturbative processes, like the underlying event and the fragmentation of the partons into jets of hadrons. These processes are not described by perturbation theory and must be estimated using phenomenological models. Two different reconstructed data are used, PYTHIA and ALPGEN Monte Carlo data. Comparisons of both Monte Carlo predictions are studied. Background processes are estimated proposing different data-driven methods to be applied to real data. ATLAS Cone 0.4 algorithm is used to look for jets in the events after identifying the presence of a Z boson through the reconstruction of its decay (electrons or muons). Reconstructed data is corrected for detector effects, using independent factors. As this work was carried out before the "physics-data" start of the LHC, the presented studies are based on Monte Carlo simulations. During the preparation of a high-energy collider experiment, such simulations are important to develop efficient strategies for data analysis and for the reconstruction of the physics objects observed with the detectors.
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Charged particle multiplicities in pp interactions at p s = 900 GeV and p s = 7 TeV measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHCVolpi, Matteo 16 December 2010 (has links)
La tesis se centra en los estudios de la producción inelástica de las partículas cargadas en el colisionador LHC que opera en la frontera de la energía del centro de masa de 7 TeV.
Los datos corresponden a 16 μb-1 de la primera recogida de la luminosidad integrada por el detector ATLAS, a principios de 2010.
Las secciones de la producción de las partículas cargadas fueron comparadas con la variedad de los populares modelos fenomenológicos de la QCD suave.
Los resultados reportados en la tesis constituyen una muestra de datos correspondiente a una nueva región cinemática de QCD. Por lo tanto, el leve (10-20)% desacuerdo entre los datos y las predicciones de diferentes modelos fenomenológicos no fue una sorpresa.
Los resultados reportados estuve utilizados para ajustar los modelos existentes de soft QCD para reproducir de manera adecuada la hadrónica presente en las colisiones del LHC.
El tipo de estudios presentados en la
tesis pertenece a una línea de investigación bien establecida en el ámbito de la física de alta energía (HEP), que consiste en el pleno re-descubrimiento del Modelo Estándar antes de tratar de avanzar más.
Los estudios presentados en la tesis han
conducido ya a una publicación en una revista líder de la física de altas energías, PLB (marzo 2010), y otro articulo está en preparación. Tuve un papel importante en esta primera publicación de los resultados de ATLAS.
Otro punto importante de los trabajos presentados en la tesis puede ser resumido de la siguiente manera:
1) Muy bien estructurado y buena presentación de los estudios realizados.
2) Meticuloso seguimiento de los cánones de análisis recogidos en la comunidad HEP.
3) El uso adecuado de la información más actualizada de simulaciones de soft QCD.
4) Estudios cuidadosos de los efectos de las condiciones del detector y de la eficiencia del trigger para seleccionar los resultados.
5) La evaluación cuidadosa de los errores sistemáticos. / The thesis is focused on the studies of the inclusive inelastic production of the charged particles at the LHC collider that operates at the frontier center-of-mass energy of 7TeV. The analyzed data correspond to about sixteen inverse micro-barn of the very first integrated luminosity collected by the ATLAS detector by the beginning of 2010. Having fully taken advantage of above factors, scrupulous studies performed in the thesis resulted in the measurements of the charged particles inclusive production cross-sections that were compared to the variety of popular phenomenological models of the soft QCD. The results reported in the thesis constitute a novel data sample corresponding to a new kinematic QCD region. Thus, the mild (10-20)% disagreement between the data and the predictions of different phenomenological models came as no surprise. The reported results were used to adjust existing soft QCD models to adequately reproduce the busy hadronic environment present in the LHC collisions, thus reinforcing current theoretical framework. The type of the studies presented in the thesis belongs to a well established research line in the field of high energy physic (HEP) that consists of full re-discovery of the Standard Model in the environment of new collider experiment before attempting to move further. Studies presented in the thesis have already led to one publication in the leading high energy physics journal, PLB (March 2010), and another paper is in preparation. I took an important role in this, very first publication of the ATLAS results, often considered as an informal criteria for the PhD thesis merits inside of the HEP community.
Additional strong points of the work presented in the thesis may be summarized as following:
1) Very well structured and focused presentation of the studies performed.
2) Meticulous following of the analysis canons adopted in the HEP community.
3) Appropriate usage of the most up-to-date soft QCD simulations.
4) Careful studies of the impact of the detector conditions and trigger selection efficiency on the results.
5) Careful evaluation of the systematic errors on the reported cross-sections and distributions.
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Traveling waves and impact parameter correlations in QCD beyond the 1D approximationHaley, Matthew Troy 28 September 2011 (has links)
The theory of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) predicts that at high energies, such as those investigated in deep inelastic scattering experiments, hadrons evolve into dense gluonic states described by the BFKL equation, and at very high densities, the more general BK equation. In certain approximations, the BK equation reduces to a well studied reaction-diffusion type nonlinear partial differential equation, the FKPP equation, for which analytical results are known. In this work, we model the BK equation using a classical branching process rooted in the dipole model of QCD evolution. Because the BK equation is inherently two dimensional, our model allows dipole impact parameters to occupy the full transverse space. A one dimensional limit of this model is studied as well. Results are compared with the predictions of the FKPP equation, and correlations between evolution at different impact parameters are presented. The general features of previously studied one dimensional impact parameter models are verified, but the details are refined in what we believe to be a more accurate model. / text
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Non-perturbative renormalization and low mode averaging with domain wall fermionsArthur, Rudy January 2012 (has links)
This thesis presents an improved method to calculate renormalization constants in a regularization invariant momentum scheme using twisted boundary conditions. This enables us to simulate with momenta of arbitrary magnitude and a fixed direction. With this new technique, together with non-exceptional kinematics and volume sources, we are able to take a statistically and theoretically precise continuum limit. Thereafter, all the running of the operators with momentum scale is due to their anomalous dimension. We use this to develop a practical scheme for step scaling with off shell vertex functions. We develop the method on 16³ × 32 lattices to show the practicality of using small volume simulations to step scale to high momenta. We also use larger 24³×64 and 32³×64 lattices to compute renormalization constants very accurately. Combining these with previous analyses we are able to extract a precise value for the light and strange quark masses and the neutral kaon mixing parameter BK. We also analyse eigenvectors of the domain wall Dirac matrix. We develop a practical and cost effective way to compute eigenvectors using the implicitly restarted Lanczos method with Chebyshev acceleration. We show that calculating eigenvectors to accelerate propagator inversions is cost effective when as few as one or two propagators are required. We investigate the technique of low mode averaging (LMA) with eigenvectors of the domain wall matrix for the first time. We find that for low energy correlators, pions for example, LMA is very effective at reducing the statistical noise. We also calculated the η and η′ meson masses, which required evaluating disconnected correlation functions and combining stochastic sources with LMA.
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Measurement of the underlying event in pp collisions using the ATLAS detector and development of a software suite for Bayesian unfoldingWynne, Benjamin Michael January 2013 (has links)
First measurements are made of the underlying event in calorimeter jet events at the LHC, using 37 pb-1 of pp collisions at √s = 7TeV, recorded during 2010 by the ATLAS detector. Results are compared for an assumed di-jet topology based on a single identified jet, and an exclusive di-jet requirement. The number of charged particles in the azimuthal region transverse to the jet axis is recorded, as well as their total and average transverse momentum. The total energy carried by all particles - charged and neutral - is also calculated, using the full calorimeter acceptance |η| < 4:8. Distributions are constructed to show the variation of these quantities versus the transverse momentum of the selected jet, over the range 20 - 800 GeV. Additional jets in the transverse region are shown to dramatically influence the measured activity. Software is developed to perform Bayesian iterative unfolding, testing closure of the process and stability with respect to the number of iterations performed. Pseudo-experiments are used to propagate systematic errors, and the intrinsic error due to unfolding is estimated. Although the correction relies on a prior probablitity distribution, model-dependence is reduced to an uncertainty comparable to or smaller than experimental systematic errors. The software is used to correct underlying event measurements for effects introduced by the ATLAS detector. Unfolded results are compared to predictions from different Monte Carlo event generators used in LHC analyses, showing general agreement in the range |η| < 2:5, but discrepancies in the forward region. Comparison with other ATLAS results shows compatible behaviour in events defined by any high-momentum charged particle, or by leptonic Z-boson decays.
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At the frontier of precision QCD in the LHC eraKarlberg, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
This thesis discusses recent advances in precision calculations of quantum chromodynamics and their application to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) physics program and beyond. The first half of the thesis is dedicated to the study of vector boson fusion Higgs (VBF) production; fully differential at the next-to-next-to-leading order level (NNLO), and inclusively at next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (N<sup>3</sup>LO). Both calculations are performed in the structure function approximation, where the VBF process is treated as a double deep inelastic scattering. For the differential calculation a new subtraction method, "projection-to-Born", is introduced and applied. We study VBF production in a number of scenarios relevant for the LHC and for Future Circular Colliders (FCC). We find NNLO corrections after typical cuts of 5-6% while differential distributions show corrections of up to 10-12% for some standard observables. For the inclusive calculation we find N<sup>3</sup>LO corrections at the order of 1-2‰. The second half of the thesis presents recent results on the matching of fixed order calculations with parton showers. We first present the POsitive Weight Hardest Emission Generator (POWHEG) method for matching next-to-leading order (NLO) calculations with parton showers. We then proceed to apply it to the case of vector boson fusion ZZjj production and discuss the results for scenarios relevant for the LHC and a possible FCC. In order to present the matching of a NNLO calculation with a parton shower, we next discuss the Multi-Scale Improved NLO (MiNLO) procedure. By applying a reweighting procedure to MiNLO improved Drell-Yan production, we obtain a generator which is NNLO accurate when integrated over all radiation while providing a fully exclusive description of the final state phase space. We compare the calculation to dedicated next-to-next-to-leading logarithm resummations and find very good agreement. The generator is also found to be in good agreement with 7 and 8 TeV LHC data.
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Borel singularities in the high energy limit of QCDAnderson, Kevin David January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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