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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O modelo do sistema viável na concepção da arquitetura de sistemas de informação: aplicação no contexto de incidentes em instalação de pesquisa na área nuclear. / The Viable System Model (VSM) in the conception of information system architectures - an application in the context of incidents for a research nuclear installation.

Maria Cláudia Santiago Hampshire 10 November 2008 (has links)
O trabalho apresenta um estudo com a finalidade de verificar a aplicabilidade do Modelo do Sistema Viável (VSM Viable System Model) no projeto de uma arquitetura robusta de um Sistema de Informação voltado à área naval nuclear. A ênfase do estudo está em avaliar uma modelagem alternativa para a especificação da arquitetura do Sistema de Informação, incorporando o conjunto de funcionalidades especificadas pelo VSM, com o objetivo de fortalecer esta arquitetura. A estratégia desta pesquisa baseia-se em uma revisão bibliográfica relacionada ao VSM, aos Sistemas de Informação e a sua arquitetura, e às influências destes elementos na sobrevivência das organizações diante das mudanças constantes no ambiente. É apresentado um estudo de caso onde são mostrados os elementos teóricos do VSM e da arquitetura de SI aplicados na elaboração da arquitetura de um SI. O Sistema escolhido para esta aplicação é o Sistema de informação de incidentes nucleares (SIN) nas instalações onde são feitas pesquisas e desenvolvimento de tecnologia nuclear a ser aplicada na propulsão de um submarino. / The present work presents a study aiming to verify the applicability of the Viable System Model (VSM) in a robust architecture for an Information System targeting nuclear naval area. The emphasis of the study is in assessing an alternative modeling for the Information System (IS) architecture specification, incorporating a set of functionalities defined by the VSM, with the purpose of strengthening this architecture. The strategy of this research is based on a bibliographic revision on VSM, Information System and its architecture, and the influence of those elements in the survival of the organizations in a ever changing environment. It is presented one case study where it is showed the theoretical elements of the VSM and IS architecture applied on the development of a IS architecture. The selected system for this application is the IS for nuclear incidents (SIN) on the installations dedicated to research and development on nuclear technology applied to submarine propulsion system.

O Profissional da Informação no Sistema da Qualidade nas Empresas: Um Novo Espaço para Atuação com Ênfase no Controle de Documentos e Registros da Qualidade / The Information Professional in the Companies’ Quality System: a new area for performance, with focus on document Control and Quality records.

Valeria Martin Valls 16 November 1998 (has links)
Descreve e analisa a participação do Profissional da Informação no Sistema da Qualidade nas Empresas, com ênfase no controle de documentos e registros da Qualidade. Os objetivos do estudo são: Colaborar para o enriquecimento teórico do tema, através da realização de uma revisão de literatura; Contribuir para a conscientização dos Profissionais da Informação nas Empresas quanto à sua atuação no gerenciamento da informação do Sistema da Qualidade; Apresentar conceitos básicos para a implantação do Controle de Documentos baseado na ISO 9000, com o objetivo de apoiar a efetiva participação do Profissional da Informação nos Sistemas da Qualidade; e Analisar uma experiência prática de atuação de Profissionais da Informação em Sistemas da Qualidade, por intermédio de Estudo de Caso, realizado no Serviço de Informação da COPENE. Com esta pesquisa, conclui-se que o Profissional da Informação tem capacidade profissional para atuar em Sistemas da Qualidade, principalmente tendo em vista sua similaridade com Sistemas de Informação, área de atuação deste profissional. É feita uma análise sobre o perfil básico esperado deste Profissional, relacionado a fatores comportamentais, situacionais, técnicos e intelectuais. / Describes and analyses the participation of the Information Professional in the Quality System, with a special focus on document Control and Quality records. The objectives of the study are: to contribute to the theorethical strenghtening of the theme, by a literatura review; to contribute to Information Professionals working in companies, enlightening them about their roles in the Quality System Information Management; to present the basic concepts for the introduction of Document Control based on ISO-9000, with the objective of giving support to the effective participation of the Information Professionals in the Quality Systems; and, by a case study of COPENE’s Information Service, analyse a practical experience of Information Professionals working in Quality Systems. By this research, it is possible to conclude that the Information Professional has the ability to work in Quality Systems, principally due to its similarity to the Information Systems. Furthermore, an analysis of the basic profile of this professional is proposed, relating it to behavioral, environmental, technical and intellectual factors.

Analýza řízení jakosti ve společnosti Brněnské vodárny a kanalizace a. s. / Quality control analysis in company Brněnské vodárny a kanalizace a. s.

Petrovská, Jana January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyzes the present state of a quality system inside the joint – stock company Brněnské vodárny a kanalizace. On the basis of comparison with choice modern continual improvement‘s methods of quality systems this diploma work availeble method, which leads to improvement of the quality system in the test lab of sewage works Brno-Modřice, as part of water quality control’s section.

En utvärdering av kvalitetssystemet Medrave som används av hälso- och sjukvården i Region Dalarna / An evaluation of the Medrave quality system used in Region Dalarnas healthcare

Ghaderi, Simko January 2022 (has links)
Hur blir vi bättre på att rädda liv? Hur förbättrar vi kvalitén på mötena med våra patienter? Kvalitetssystem inom sjukvården är ett svar på de ovannämnda frågorna. Kvalitetssystem i vården inkluderar verktyg som tillåter användaren utföra analyser på patientdata i syfte att förbättra vårdkvalitén. Detta gör man genom att leta efter mönster i patientdata som lett till negativa utfall. År 2019 implementerade Region Dalarna ett kvalitetssystem med namnet Medrave M4. Sedan dess har regionen inte utvärderat användning av systemet. För att ernå nya perspektiv kring fördelar och nackdelar med kvalitetssystem i vården redogörs användningen avMedrave M4 i Region Dalarna i denna rapport, detta utifrån vårdpersonalens perspektiv. Syftet med studien är att ta reda på vilka styrkor, svagheter, möjligheter och hot som föreligger med ett kvalitetssystem. Således avgöra om kvaliteten på vården har ändrats sedan RegionDalarna implementerade Medrave M4. Studiens frågeställning har kunnat besvaras genom att granska tidigare forskning, analysera insamlade data, intervjuer, utför en fallstudie och observera kvalitetssystemet Medrave. Resultatet visar att det finns fördelar med att använda kvalitetssystem i vården. Exempelvis kunde Region Dalarnas primärvård genomföra vaccinationer av Covid – 19 mer effektivt med hjälp av kvalitetssystemet. Systemet möjliggjorde för personalen att enkelt identifiera patienter i mest behov av vaccin. Vidare gör ett kvalitetssystem även det möjligt för verksamheter att jämföra resultat med andra verksamheter, vilket har visat sig gynna organisationsutveckling. Kvalitetssystem kan också fungera som ett verktyg för forskning inom vården. Man har sett att enheter som använder kvalitetssystem har mindre förskrivning av onödiga läkemedel till patienter. Nackdelarna med användandet av systemet är att man har sett att det finns en liten risk att patientdata läcker ut. Studien visade också att kvalitetssystemet inte interagerade optimalt med andra system, vilket kan försvåra arbetet för personalen. Det går även att se att de råder brist på kunskap gällande kvalitetssystemets fördelar bland vårdpersonal. Detta kan i sin tur leda till att systemet avskaffas i onödan av verksamheter. / How do we become better at saving lives? How do we improve the quality of the encounters with our patients? Quality systems in the healthcare are functioned and designed to answer the above-mentioned questions. They include tools that allow the user to perform analysis on patients’ data to improve the quality of care. One does this, by looking for patterns in the data that results in negative outcomes. In the year of 2019, Region Dalarna implemented a quality system named Medrave M4. Since then, an evaluation on the use of this quality system within this region has yet not been done. As a way of getting new perspectives on the benefits and cons of quality systems in the healthcare, this thesis chose to evaluate the use of Medrave M4in Region Dalarna. The purpose was to find out what the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats were with the system. And to determine if the quality of care has improved since Region Dalarna implemented the system. The study's questions have been answered by reviewing previous research, analysing collected data, interviewing relevant people, and observing the Medrave quality system. These parameters have been compared and have been analysed to answer the questions in depth. By analysing the collected data from these sources, the results are that the benefits of utilizing quality systems in the healthcare are diverse and many. The primary care of Region Dalarna managed the vaccinations of Covid–19 much better because of the quality system. It allowed them to easily identify patients in most need of the vaccinations. The quality system has also allowed comparison of results with other organisations. It also supports research and made it possible to reduce unnecessary prescription of medicine to the patients. The disadvantages of using the system are that there is a risk of patient data being leaked. The study also showed that the quality system did not interact optimally with other systems, which can make the work for the staff more difficult. It has also been seen that there is a lack of knowledge within the staff regarding the benefits of the quality system, this in turn can lead to the business unnecessarily abolishing the system.

AI Strategier för kvalitetssystem : En guide till AI-lösningar / AI Strategies for Quality Systems : A Guide to AI solutions

Ahmadi, Wali, Mokdessi Elias, Carl-Johan January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie utforskar möjligheterna att integrera Artificiell Intelligens (AI) i AstraZenecas Sweden Operations kvalitetssystem för att effektivisera processer och beslutsfattande. Genom en litteraturgenomgång analyseras hur AI kan automatisera uppgifter, förutsäga avvikelser och optimera kvalitetsledningssystem. Specifika områden inom AstraZenecas kvalitetssystem identifieras som potentiella mottagare av AI-implementering. Studien lyfter fram fördelarna men pekar också på utmaningar som datatillförlitlighet, säkerhet och etiska överväganden. Föreslagna strategier för att övervinna dessa utmaningar inkluderar investeringar i robusta säkerhetsåtgärder, etablering av tydliga etiska riktlinjer och löpande användarutbildning. Studien har också använt intervjuer och observationer med processägare inom AstraZenecas kvalitetssystem för att säkerställa ett omfattande resultat. Genom att samla in insikter och perspektiv från dem som är direkt involverade i kvalitetsprocesser, ger studien en djupare förståelse för både utmaningar och möjligheter med AI-integrationen. Denna metod stärker studiens trovärdighet och användbarhet av slutsatser och rekommendationer. Sammanfattningsvis lovar en framgångsrik AI-implementering att förbättra effektiviteten i AstraZenecas kvalitetssystem i Sverige. Ansvarsfull integrering av AI-teknologier har potential att höja kvalitetsstandarder, förbättra beslutsfattande processer och främja innovation, vilket positionerar AstraZeneca som en föregångare inom farmaceutisk excellens och framsteg. / This project investigates the potential integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into AstraZeneca's Sweden Operation quality system to streamline processes and decision-making. Drawing from a review of relevant literature, the analysis examines how AI can automate tasks, predict deviations, and optimize quality management processes. Specific areas within AstraZeneca's quality system are identified as potential beneficiaries of AI implementation. While acknowledging the benefits, the study also highlights challenges such as data integrity, security, and ethical considerations. Proposed strategies for overcoming these challenges include investment in robust security measures, establishment of clear ethical guidelines, and ongoing user education. Additionally, this study has utilized interviews and observations with process owners within the quality system at AstraZeneca to ensure a comprehensive result. By gathering insights and perspectives from those directly involved in quality processes, the study provides a deeper understanding of both challenges and opportunities associated with the integration of AI. This approach strengthens the credibility and usability of the study's conclusions and recommendations. In conclusion, successful AI implementation holds the promise of enhancing AstraZeneca's Sweden Operation quality system’s efficiency. Responsible integration of AI technologies has the potential to elevate quality standards, improve decision-making processes, and foster innovation, positioning AstraZeneca as a frontrunner in pharmaceutical excellence and advancement.

An economic analysis of digitalized and standardized workflows within the operating room

Von Schudnat, Christian 02 February 2025 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La digitalización en la sanidad sigue poco desarrollada en comparación con muchos otros sectores, pero ofrece la posibilidad de hacer frente a retos cada vez mayores. A partir del caso de un sistema digital de gestión del flujo de trabajo implantado en el quirófano, esta tesis examina cuál podría ser el impacto de la digitalización en la calidad, la eficiencia y la economía de la gestión hospitalaria. La metodología de investigación se basa en un enfoque cuantitativo. En primer lugar, se ha desarrollado una visión general y un análisis del mercado sanitario europeo, así como una amplia y sistemática revisión bibliográfica. Esta se ha enfocado en la eficiencia y el impacto económico de la estandarización y digitalización de los procesos intraoperatorios en el quirófano. Los resultados proporcionaron la base para derivar las preguntas de investigación en torno a los sistemas digitales de gestión del flujo de trabajo. Para cubrir las lagunas de investigación identificadas, se han obtenido y analizado de forma retrospectiva datos de un hospital, como estudio de caso, sobre un sistema digital de gestión del flujo de trabajo, Surgical Process Manager (SPM), en ortopedia y cirugía general. Los datos adicionales proporcionados por los pacientes, se han utilizado de forma retrospectiva para realizar cálculos económicos con el fin de responder a la pregunta principal de la investigación en cirugía general, centrándose en la cirugía de la obesidad. Las principales conclusiones de la tesis muestran que la implantación de sistemas digitales de gestión del flujo de trabajo, como el SPM, mejora la eficiencia y la economía en la cirugía de la obesidad. El análisis de odds ratio (razón de oportunidades/probabilidades) para evaluar el impacto en la calidad no permitió extraer conclusiones ni en ortopedia ni en cirugía de la obesidad. El cálculo coste-beneficio en cirugía de la obesidad mostró un ahorro de costes de 318 euros por paciente, lo que supuso un total de 10.073 euros. Este beneficio económico se consiguió gracias a la disminución de la duración de la estancia (-1,2 días). Por primera vez, esta investigación aporta pruebas sobre el valor económico de los procesos digitalizados y estandarizados en el quirófano en cirugía general y ambulatoria. Los resultados facilitarán las decisiones de inversión en digitalización de la gestión hospitalaria y ofrecerán opciones para superar la carga económica en el mercado sanitario actual. Además, los resultados proporcionan detalles en profundidad sobre estructuras de costes específicas, cálculos, así como reembolsos y cómo medir eficazmente el impacto financiero en los sistemas digitales en el quirófano. / [CA] La digitalització de l'assistència sanitària encara està endarrerida en comparació amb moltes altres indústries, però ofereix el potencial per fer front als reptes creixents. Aquesta tesi examina sobre l'exemple d'un sistema de gestió de flux de treball digital, implementat al quiròfan quirúrgic (OR), quin podria ser l'impacte de la digitalització en la qualitat, l'eficiència i l'economia per a la gestió hospitalària. La metodologia d'aquesta investigació es basa en un enfocament quantitatiu. En primer lloc, es va fer una visió general i anàlisi del mercat sanitari i una extensa revisió sistemàtica de la literatura. Es va centrar en l'eficiència i l'impacte econòmic de l'estandardització i la digitalització dels processos intraoperatoris al quiròfan. Les troballes van proporcionar la base per derivar les preguntes de recerca al voltant dels sistemes de gestió de flux de treball digitals. Per cobrir els buits de recerca identificats, s'han extret i analitzat retrospectivament dades d'hospitals d'un sol centre en un sistema de gestió de flux de treball digital, Surgical Process Manager (SPM), en ortopèdia i cirurgia general i visceral (G&V). S'han utilitzat retrospectivament dades addicionals dels pacients per a càlculs econòmics per concloure la pregunta principal de recerca en G&V amb un enfocament en la cirurgia de l'obesitat. Les principals conclusions de la tesi mostren que la implementació de sistemes digitals de gestió de flux de treball, a partir de l'exemple de l'SPM, millora l'eficiència i l'economia en la cirurgia de l'obesitat. L'anàlisi d'odds ratio per avaluar l'impacte en la qualitat no va permetre treure conclusions ni en ortopèdia ni en cirurgia de l'obesitat. El càlcul cost-benefici en cirurgia de l'obesitat va mostrar un estalvi de costos de 318 € per pacient, que va ascendir a 10.073 €. Aquest benefici econòmic es va aconseguir mitjançant la disminució de la durada de l'estada (-1,2 dies). Per primera vegada la investigació proporciona evidència sobre el valor econòmic dels processos digitalitzats i estandarditzats a la sala d'operacions en G&V. Els resultats facilitaran les decisions d'inversió en la digitalització de la gestió hospitalària i oferiran opcions per superar la càrrega econòmica del mercat sanitari actual. A més, les troballes proporcionen detalls detallats sobre estructures de costos específiques, càlculs, així com el reemborsament i com mesurar eficaçment l'impacte financer en els sistemes digitals de l'OR. / [EN] Digitalization in healthcare still lags compared to many other industries but offers the potential to cope with increasing challenges. This thesis examines the example of digital workflow management implemented in the surgical Operating Room (OR) and what the impact of digitalization on quality, efficiency and economics for hospital management could be. The methodology for this research is based on a quantitative approach. First, an overview and analysis of the healthcare market and an extensive systematic literature review were carried out. It was focused on the efficiency and economic impact of standardization and digitalization of intraoperative processes in the OR. The findings provided the basis for the research questions around digital workflow-management-systems. Single-center hospital data on a digital workflow-management-system, Surgical Process Manager (SPM), has been retrospectively extracted and analyzed in orthopedics and general & visceral surgery (G&V) to fill identified research gaps. Additionally, provided patient data has been retrospectively used for economic calculations to conclude the main research question in G&V, focusing on obesity surgery. The main findings of the thesis show that implementing digital workflow management systems, in the example of the SPM, improves efficiency and economics in obesity surgery. The odds ratio analysis to assess the impact on quality did not allow conclusions in orthopedics or obesity surgery. The cost-benefit calculation in obesity surgery showed cost savings of 318 € per patient, totaling 10,073€. This economic benefit was achieved by decreasing the length of stay (-1.2 days). For the first time, research provides evidence of the economic value of digitized and standardized processes in the OR in G&V. The results will facilitate investment decisions in digitization of hospital management and offer options to overcome the financial burden in the current healthcare market. Also, the findings provide in-depth details on specific cost structures, calculations, reimbursement, and how to effectively measure the financial impact on digital systems in the OR. / Von Schudnat, C. (2024). An economic analysis of digitalized and standardized workflows within the operating room [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203008 / Compendio

Procesní model výrobního podniku / Process model of manufacturing company

Kuběna, Lubomír January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with process modeling respectively application specific modeling methodology developed by prof. Ing. Václav Řepa Csc. for the selected company active in manufacturing. The main objective and part of the thesis forms creation of process model. It's preceded by introductory description of the selected company and its global long-term goals set by management, SWOT analysis revealing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, on the basis of which is elaborated a strategy to exploit opportunities for the development of strengths. Before analyzing the processes and the design of process model Balanced Scorecard analysis is realized. Within its four perspectives, I propose and summarize the identified targets, along with their metrics, current and desired state. Further it's followed by process analysis and elaboration of process models to global (Eriksson-Penker model) and detailed (BPMN notation) level. Models have added the descriptive tables and description and main points of the design are summarized in the end. The main objective of work is followed by others, represented by the comparison of designed model and current situation in company, where is implemented quality management system ISO 9001:2000 (comparing similarities and differences, problems of quality system, etc.) and assessment of enviromental maturity of the company and its functioning from process perspective, using the knowledge model Michael Hammer PEMM (Process & Enterprise Maturity Model). Information obtained from the analysis and designs are put into context with each other to ensure consistency of whole design and my thesis and summarized in Chapter Conclusion.

Statistická regulace v řízení jakosti - kontrola způsobilosti procesu a zařízení / Statistical process control in quality management - quality control of process and utility

Vrtílek, Filip January 2007 (has links)
The analysation of the quality system in the production, in the preparatoring and producing stage. The evaluation of modern phase in the preparatoring and producing stage. Summary of methods of solution in a problem of quality. Basic statistic methods and methods of management of quality. Basic mathematics term in statistics and SPC. Valuation of numerical characteristics and test of statistical hypotheses. Process of creating of machine and process card of regulations. Pc program SPC - TEST

Systém integrovaného managementu / Integrated Management System

Slavíček, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the introduction of integrate management system. Spe-cifically, the introduction of quality management and environmental management systems. The practical part includes a review of the current status of compliance with the requirements of standards ISO 9001/2009 and ISO 14001/2005, a registry of legal requirements, identifying environmental aspects and their evaluation in terms of significance and identification of emergency danger situation.

Dodržování legislativy zdravotnickými pracovníky na anesteziologicko-resuscitačním oddělení / Compliance with legislation by healthcare professionals in the ICU

Šašková, Marcela January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is the compliance with legislation in an area of competencies of general nurses and special nurses working in intensive care units (ICU). The aim of the investigation was to map out, how nurses in the ICU comply with legislation in the area of their competencies and whether their work is influenced by anything. The results showed two trends - situation within a specific unit, that means whether nurses contravene their competencies; whether nurses are aware about their competencies and about competencies of doctors and in addition why nurses are contravening their competencies and what is the opinion of doctors on compliance of competencies for medical professionals, what is the position of management towards contravention of competencies by nurses . Furthermore, the situation overall, that means existence of further regulatory measures, which impact on the conduct of nurses within units. On the basis of those findings the following recommendations are made for leaders of department. The first part explains the legislation that relates to the topic of the work, description of the performance, overview of the management of quality system in health care. The analytic investigation part describes the process, result of investigation, and recommendations based on the...

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