Spelling suggestions: "subject:"quarrel"" "subject:"quarry""
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Lithic raw material procurement and the social landscape in the Central Mesa Verde Region, A.D. 600-1300Arakawa, Fumiyasu, January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Washington State University, December 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 314-334).
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A chip off the old block : investigations of a Maritime Archaic lithic workshop/quarry site in Big Brook (EjBa-2), northwestern Newfoundland /Beaton, Gregory, January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2004. / Bibliography: leaves 122-133.
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Le moulin hydraulique et son approvisionnement en meules : technique, espace et société en Vivarais du Moyen Age au XIXe siècle / Water mills and their provision with millstones : techniques, territory and society in the Vivarais from the Middle Ages to the 19th centuryVeron, Colette 24 June 2015 (has links)
Le Vivarais recouvre une zone de transition entre monde rhodanien et montagne, zone encore en cours de peuplement au moment où le moulin à eau se généralise. L'étude du moulin hydraulique et de son approvisionnement en meules a démontré un contraste certain entre zones de pente où de nombreuses petites unités assurent la production de farine et grandes vallées où des unités plus importantes ont été construites et ceci depuis le Moyen Age.La féodalité et l'emphytéose perpétuelle expliquent la pérennité des sites depuis le XIVe ou XVe siècle. L'exploitation directe domine en montagne tandis qu'ailleurs les moulins, plus rentables et aux mains d'une élite, sont volontiers affermés. L'indivision est fréquente partout mais s'accentue à proximité du rivage rhodanien où les parts de moulins, qu'ils soient sur terre ou sur le Rhône, sont convoitées par les marchands.Les roues horizontales et verticales coexistent depuis la période médiévale, parfois dans le même moulin. La roue horizontale est présente dans de nombreux petits moulins ruraux mais elle domine aussi sur l'Ardèche et dans les villes principales, Aubenas, Privas et Annonay et jusqu'au XIXe siècle et l'adoption du moulin à l'anglaise aux mécanismes de fonte.L'approvisionnement en meules, qui comme partout, se fait d'abord au plus près du moulin, se caractérise par un abandon progressif du basalte et des roches cristallines en faveur des grès dont l'utilisation entraîne l'exploitation de nombreuses meulières jusqu'au XIXe siècle.Les meules en silex d'Ile de France ne pénètrent que peu à l'intérieur de la province et ne sont présentes avant la construction des voies ferrées à la fin du XIXe siècle, que dans les moulins proches du rivage rhodanien.Quand l'ensemble du département s'équipe en mécanismes de fonte et en meules françaises le déclin des moulins est déjà bien engagé. L'industrie convoite leurs droits d'eau depuis plus d'un siècle, de nombreuses régions se vident, on n'y porte plus son grain à moudre et les premières minoteries industrielles apparaissent dans les villes où se concentre de plus en plus la population.Pourtant le moulin généralisé pendant plusieurs siècles structure encore durablement l'espace, par ses aménagements hydrauliques, par le chemin qui y conduit comme par les activités qu'il a induites. Il apparaît encore au milieu du XIXe siècle comme un élément incontournable de l'équipement des campagnes comme des villes, même s'il est de plus en plus marginalisé dans celles-ci. / The Vivarais covers a transitional area between the Rhône corridor and the mountain, a zone which was still being settled at the time when the water mill was spreading.The study of the hydraulic mill and its supply of mill stones has showed an unquestionable contrast between hillsides, where many small units ensure the production of flour, and large valleys where more sizeable units have been built ever since the Middle Ages.Feudality and the perpetual long lease explain the perennial nature of the sites since 14th or 15th century. Direct use is more wide-spread in mountain areas while elsewhere the mills, more profitable in the hands of an elite, are readily leased out. Joint possession is frequent everywhere but is most prevalent near the banks of the Rhone, where shared ownership of mills, whether on land or on the Rhone, is coveted by merchants.Horizontal and vertical wheels have coexisted since the Medieval period, sometimes in the same mill.The horizontal wheel is found in many small rural mills but it also prevails in the Ardeche and in the main towns, Aubenas, Privas and Annonay , and continues until the 19th century and the adoption of the English style mill with its iron mechanisms.The basalt and crystalline mill stones, which, like everywhere else, are first supplied from the immediate environment, are progressively abandoned in favour of sandstones, which necessitates the opening and exploitation of numerous quarries, still in use until the 19th century.The flint mill stones of the Ile de France region are rarely found in the province and are only installed in mills near the Rhône until the arrival of the railway in the 19th century.By the time the whole of the department is equipped with cast iron mechanisms and French mill stones, the decline of the mills is already well under way. Industrialists have coveted the millers' water rights for over a century, many areas are becoming depopulated, people no longer bring their grist to the mill and the first industrial flour mills are appearing in large, more densely populated cities.However, the mill which was widespread for several centuries is still a determining feature in the region's landscape, through its hydraulic installations, the track leading to it, and the activities associated with it.In the middle of the 19th century, it still features as an essential element, both in urban and rural settings, although in towns it is becoming marginalized.
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Ferramentas para o prognóstico do ruído ambiental em pedreiras. / Tools for the environmental noise prognosis in quarries.Michiel Wichers 25 August 2017 (has links)
Pedreiras se destacam pela intensa relação com as comunidades situadas em seu entorno, uma vez que a proximidade aos centros consumidores configura importante vantagem competitiva, por possibilitar uma redução nos custos de transporte. Essa proximidade, entretanto, também intensifica os impactos ambientais percebidos pela população. Dentre os impactos ambientais negativos destaca-se o ruído, gerado pela maior parte das atividades desenvolvidas em pedreiras. Um adequado prognóstico dos níveis de pressão sonora, durante a fase de licenciamento ambiental, permite minimizar o número de moradores expostos a esse incômodo. Um programa de monitoramento dos níveis de ruído constitui também uma ferramenta para indicar em quais locais do entorno as comunidades podem estar expostas a níveis de pressão sonora superiores aos padrões normativos. Para realizar um prognóstico dos níveis de ruído parte-se da potência sonora dos equipamentos. Esta informação, entretanto, não está disponível para a maior parte dos equipamentos utilizados em pedreiras. Para o prognóstico dos níveis de ruído existem pacotes de software revendidos pelos principais fabricantes de sonômetros que, entretanto, possuem preços elevados, além de não possuírem um banco de dados com potências sonoras para equipamentos de pedreiras. Dessa forma, são raros os estudos ambientais em pedreiras que contam com um adequado prognóstico ambiental de ruído. Neste estudo foram selecionadas três pedreiras de pequeno, médio e grande porte para levantamentos de campo. Os três empreendimentos mineiros apresentam conflitos com as comunidades relacionados com o ruído. Por meio de medições de níveis de pressão e de intensidade sonoras, foram determinados os níveis de potências sonoras de equipamentos empregados na lavra e na britagem para essas três pedreiras. Existem na bibliografia diversos modelos de atenuação do ruído com a distância, incorporando fatores como barreiras, reflexões no solo, presença de vegetação, absorção pelo ar, parâmetros meteorológicos, entre outros. Estes modelos variam em complexidade, em quantidade de informações de entrada necessárias e em precisão. Foram comparados os resultados de três modelos: o modelo que considera apenas a divergência geométrica das ondas sonoras, o modelo da OCMA (Oil Companies Materials Association) e o modelo da norma ISO 9613. O modelo da norma ISO 9613, mais complexo, requer mais dados de entrada, mas fornece, por outro lado, resultados consideravelmente mais precisos que os outros dois modelos. Desenvolveu-se um software, denominado PROGNOISE, baseado na norma ISO 9613, que representa uma alternativa gratuita aos softwares comerciais e que, em conjunto com as potências sonoras das máquinas e equipamentos determinadas neste trabalho, formam uma ferramenta acessível para o prognóstico do ruído ambiental em pedreiras. / Quarries stand out by the intense elationship with communities located in its surroundings. The proximity of these mines to consumer centers constitutes an important competitive advantage, allowing a reduction in transportation costs. This proximity, however, also intensifies the environmental impacts perceived by the population. Among the negative environmental impacts, we can highlight noise generated by most activities in quarries. A proper prognosis of sound pressure levels during the environmental licensing phase minimizes the number of residents exposed to this nuisance, providing indication of areas where high levels are expected and required to be incorporated into the boundaries of the enterprise, the locations indicated for deployment of the processing facilities aiming at smaller spread of noise for residential areas, or indicating locations for implementation of noise barriers. An environmental noise monitoring program is also a tool to indicate locations in the surrounding communities that may be exposed to sound pressure levels exceeding the regulatory standards. A forecast of noise levels starts with the sound power of equipment. This information, however, is not available for most of the equipment used in quarries. There are software packages resold by leading sound level meter manufacturers for prognosis of noise levels, which, however, have high prices, in addition to not having a sound power database for quarries. In this way, only few environmental studies for quarries have a proper environmental noise prognosis. In this study, we selected three quarries for field surveys: small, medium and large sized. These three quarries are facing noise conflicts with the community. The sound power levels of the main mining equipment used in quarries were determined through sound pressure levels. There are several noise forecasting models in the bibliography, incorporating factors such as barriers, reflections on the ground, presence of vegetation, air absorption and meteorological conditions, among others. These models vary in complexity, in amount of necessary input information, and precision. The results of three models were compared: a simple model considering only the geometric divergence of sound waves, the OCMA (Oil Companies Materials Association) model and the ISO 9613 standard model. While the ISO 9613 standard model requires more input data and is more complex, it provides on the other hand considerably more accurate results than the other two models. A software, called PROGNOISE, was developed based on the ISO 9613 standard, which represents a free alternative to commercial software and, together with the sound power of the machines and equipment determined in this study, form an accessible tool for the prognosis of environmental noise in quarries.
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Aspectos relacionados às lavras de granitos ornamentais com fio diamantado no norte do estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil / Aspects related to quarries of ornamental granites with diamond wire in the north of Espirito Santo state, BrazilIsaura Clotilde Martins da Costa Regadas 10 October 2006 (has links)
A utilização do fio diamantado na lavra de granitos ornamentais no Brasil é uma técnica de corte relativamente recente e, por esta razão, alguns problemas são decorrentes, principalmente do uso incorreto dos equipamentos, assim como também da falta de experiência dos operadores. Os casos aqui apresentados se reportam a observações em pedreiras localizadas no estado do Espírito Santo, nas quais as imperfeições no corte se relacionam à velocidade de corte, à torção do cabo, à refrigeração do fio, à retirada antecipada das polias auxiliares e à execução inadequada das emendas. A estes fatores técnicos se somam outros, de natureza geológica, como a necessidade de melhor conhecimento das características dos maciços rochosos e da petrografia dos granitos. / The use of the diamond wire in quarries of ornamental granites in Brazil is a relatively recent technique of cut and, for this reason, some problems are decurrent, mainly, of the incorrect use of the equipment, as well as of the lack of experience of operators. The cases here presented report the observations in quarries located in the state of Espirito Santo, in which the imperfections in the cut if regard the speed of cut, the twist and refrigeration of the wire and to the inadequate execution of the amendings. To these technical factors others are added, of geologic nature, like the necessity of better knowledge of the characteristics of the rocky bulks and the petrography of granites.
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L'utilisation du granite dans les temples de Karnak / Use of granite in Karnak's templesLabarta, Charlie 09 December 2014 (has links)
Dès le début de leur histoire, les Égyptiens ont réussi à maîtriser l'extraction et la taille du granite dans les carrières d'Assouan. Cette roche, réputée pour sa dureté, est particulièrement appréciée au Nouvel Empire où son exploitation prend une importance sans précédent. Les temples de Karnak, lieux de cultes majeurs à cette époque, constituent à ce titre les sites d'érection privilégiés de ces monuments en granite, à l'image des quinze obélisques qui furent, pendant un temps, dressés dans l'enceinte d'Amon. L'utilisation de ce matériau ne se limite cependant pas à ces monolithes ; il a également été employé pour de nombreux éléments d'architecture, de statuaire et de mobilier de culte.S'inscrivant dans une démarche pluridisciplinaire comprenant une approche égyptologique, géologique et technique, cet ouvrage propose une étude sur ces réalisations à travers le prisme du site de Karnak, suffisamment riche pour être, dans une certaine mesure, représentatif de l'utilisation générale du granite dans les temples de l'Égypte ancienne / From the beginning of their history, the Egyptians have acquired an expert knowledge of granite quarrying and cutting in Aswan region. This stone, whose hardness made it famous, has been particularly used during the New Kingdom, when it got an unprecedented importance. The Karnak temples, as major cult spots at that time, have been a privileged site for the erection of monuments made from granite, as reflected by the fifteen obelisks which stood in the Amon enclosure for centuries. Its usage has not been limited to these large monolith pieces ; it has also been shaped in a tremendous amount of architectural elements, statues and objects for worship.Following an interdisciplinary approach combining an egyptological, a geological and a technical study, this work presents an investigation of granite monuments through the prism of the Karnak temples, whose history spreads far enough to be representative, in some way, of the general use of granite in ancient Egypt temples.
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Sukcese pavoučích společenstev v lomech Českého krasu / Succession of spider assemblages in quarries of Bohemian KarstSiegelová, Eva January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, the succession of spider assemblages in five limestone quarries of different ages in Bohemian Karst has been studied. The main goal of this paper was studying changes of spider assemblages along successional gradient. Furthermore, different environmental factors affecting spider communities and also assemblages of spider communites in different terraces of the quarry have been studied. Standardized methods (pitfall traps, hanging desk traps, shifting leaf litter, sweeping of herb vegetation, and beating shrubs) have been used for recording the highest possible richness of spiders. The results showed that position of the terraces and the age of the quarry do not affect species richness and density. Species density of epigeic spiders increased significantly with number of the plant species. The results showed that spiders do not have their own succession, but they are following vegetational succession. The environmental factors which affect species composition of spiders from the pitfall traps are positon of terraces, shading and moss cover. Although the age of the quarry was insignificant for spiders from pitfall traps, every quarry was inhabited by different spider communities. Shrubs and tree-dwelling spiders showed correlations with the age of the quarry. Data recorded from...
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A Geographic Study of Stone Houses in Selected Utah CommunitiesRoth, Barry M. 01 January 1973 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis will investigate the spatial location of stone houses and the areal differentiation of several characteristics of stone houses in selected communities. Some differences in cultural and historical factors and in types of building stone, quarries and quarrying techniques will be studied. The thesis will also investigate why stone houses are still in existence and things that owners, residents, and others like and dislike about them.
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Mining and environmental factors in selecting an underground versus a quarry mining systemHaycocks, Scott Gavin 30 March 2010 (has links)
Historically, the decision on whether to mine by underground or surface methods has been based on mining and economic considerations. This is rapidly changing since the environmental imperatives that have evolved over the past two decades are now a critical part of the decision process. As a result, quarry operations are increasingly considering the option of going underground. This research was carried out to identify the factors which would cause a surface quarry operator to consider the transition to underground mining.
To identify the major incentives for going underground, primary factors influencing the decision for selecting underground mining over continued quarrying were investigated. Analysis of the literature and data gathered from site visits showed that significant benefits could be gained from mining underground, with respect to selected economic factors, environmental permitting and legal compliance, and post-production site usage for continued income.
To determine mining characteristics of the typical surface quarry, data on the production phase (mining sequence) and environmental problems was collected from 18 quarries at various stages of their operating life spans. The data was obtained from sites in the Appalachian region of four states: Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and Tennessee. Corresponding data was also gathered from successful underground operations to determine the values for a typical underground mine. Comparisons of this information indicated that the biggest differences between surface and underground operations existed in: the drilling and blasting phase, and in the haulage phase of the mining sequence; the size of the equipment; the extent of environmental concerns; and the potential for post-production income from the site.
The process of environmental risk assessment was reviewed as a supporting tool to aid in the selection of underground over surface mining. By assigning probabilities of failure to specific, independent, environmental hazards, an operator can evaluate and compare the likelihood of success or failure operating as a quarry or underground mine. A case study from the data collected was used as an example to show how the procedure can be practically implemented. / Master of Science
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Improved quarry design using deterministic and probablistic techniquesBullock, John C. 10 November 2009 (has links)
Limestone and dolomite quarries were mapped to determine specific slope failure mechanisms for the various geological and structural conditions. Wedge failure and plane failure were determined to be the most influential mechanisms. Algorithms for analyzing these mechanisms were incorporated into the software package PSLOPE. The program is designed to facilitate progressive stability evaluation of quarry high walls as mining continues and permits calculation of safety factors and probabilistic reliability. Safety factor evaluations with the potential for back-analysis and sensitivity studies are included to investigate alternative high wall designs. Reliability analysis using Monte Carlo sampling minimizes uncertainty and allows the use of all available data in a stability evaluation. E~tensive "help" menus are incorporated into the program. The "help" menus include ranges of physical properties such as cohesion and friction angle for specific lithologic units determined from published research. This package includes an optimum design protocol that can be followed to avoid massive failure. The program was developed in conjunction with the quarry industry and is demonstrated through technical problem solving and a detailed case study. A large carbonate quarry in the eastern U.S. was studied in detail to demonstrate the utility of PSLOPE. / Master of Science
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