Spelling suggestions: "subject:"quarrel"" "subject:"quarry""
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Les dynamiques géomorphologiques de l'est des bas-plateaux tertiaires du Bassin de Paris : apports de l'approche souterraine / Spatial distribution of underground quarries in lutetian area (east of Soissons - Aisne - France) : interactions and relationships of sides geomorphologic process, lithology and types of exploitation.Sosson, Christelle 26 September 2014 (has links)
Ce travail aborde les dynamiques géomorphologiques des bas-plateaux calcaires du Bassin parisien. Ces dynamiques géomorphologiques sont généralement étudiées à partir d'observations de surface avec l'étude des formes et des formations et la cartographie géomorphologique. Cependant, avec la disparition des sites d'extractions et des carrières, les affleurements se font rares, ce qui ne facilite pas l'interprétation des morphologies et des processus associés. Les chercheurs sont alors obligés de recourir à des procédés de reconnaissances lourds et coûteux comme l'instrumentation de géophysiques ou de profiter des sondages archéologiques. L'intérêt de cette contribution est de montrer l'apport de l'étude des carrières souterraines dans la compréhension des dynamiques géomorphologiques, hydrogéologiques et hydrologiques des bas plateaux tertiaires du Bassin parisien. La bibliographie fait souvent référence à des processus occultes, sous couverture, comme la crypto-corrosion, le soutirage ou l'hydrocompaction, difficilement observables en surface qui laissent souvent trop de place à l'interprétation. Le secteur de Reims, Laon, Soissons et Villers-Cotterêts est particulièrement intéressant car il regroupe plus de 400 carrières souterraines dans les calcaires lutétiens. Les héritages historiques y sont importants avec un patrimoine monumental très dense construit grâce aux géomatériaux calcaires locaux fournis par les carrières souterraines. / This work tackles the geomorphological dynamics of calcareous low-plateaus, in the Paris basin. These dynamics are usually studied from observations of surface, the study of shapes and superficial formations and geomorphological mapping. However, with the disappearance of sites and quarries, outcrops are scarce, which does not facilitate the interpretation of morphologies and associated processes. Researchers are forced to resort to methods of reconnaissance heavy and expensive, as instrumental geophysical or benefit of archaeological surveys. The value of this work is to show the contribution of the study of underground quarries in the understanding of geomorphological, hydrogeological and hydrological tertiary lowlands of the basin of Paris. The literature often refers to the process of hidden under cover as the crypto-corrosion, racking or hydrocompaction, easily observable on the surface or often leaving too much room for interpretation of fault outcrops. The area of Reims, Laon, Soissons and Villers-Cotterets is particularly interesting because it includes more than 400 underground quarries in the lutetian limestone. Historical legacies are important monuments with very dense built through geomaterials local limestone quarries provided by underground quarries.
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Étude des effets de l’eau sur les phénomènes de rupture et de déformation affectant les carrières souterraines de craie / Study of water effects on failure and strain phenomena occuring in chalk underground quarriesLafrance, Noémie 30 March 2016 (has links)
Le risque d’instabilités d’ouvrages souterrains (naturels ou anthropiques) concerne plus de 10 000 communes en France. Les accidents ayant pour cause l’effondrement soudain de carrières souterraines sont parmi les plus destructeurs, aussi bien humainement que matériellement. L’évolution des possibles instabilités, dès lors que les enjeux sont importants, implique d’enrichir les connaissances actuelles afin de prévoir leur ampleur et leur impact en surface. Des travaux précédents ont démontré l’importance du couplage hydro-mécanique dans le diagnostic de stabilité. La complexité du phénomène d’interaction eau-craie est due à de nombreux facteurs environnementaux et la sensibilité à chacun de ces facteurs dépend entièrement de la craie considérée. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’étudier l’influence de l’eau et de l’interaction eau-roche sur le comportement mécanique de trois craies dans le cadre d’une approche multi-échelles et multi-physiques. L’étude des caractéristiques physiques et mécaniques de trois craies du Bassin Parisien, ainsi que leur rapport avec l’eau, a été réalisée. Les résultats obtenus à l’aide d’essais hydromécaniques à court terme restent cohérents avec la littérature. Le « vieillissement » de la craie dans le cadre des carrières souterraines soumises à des fluctuations du niveau de la nappe a été prouvé et caractérisé. Il se traduit selon la craie, soit par un changement de la forme et la taille des cristaux dans la microstructure impliquant une amélioration des propriétés mécaniques en bord de pilier au détriment du cœur, soit par la présence de traces de dissolution dont la fréquence augmente dès que l’on s’éloigne du cœur, soit par une augmentation du nombre de microfissures en cœur amenant une diminution de ses propriétés. L’étude du comportement différé de chaque craie a été faite à l’aide d’essais de fluage uniaxial à hygrométrie contrôlée avec ennoyage. Il a été établi entre autre que le fluage dépend de la minéralogie/microstructure et du couple déviateur-hygrométrie mais pas de l’histoire du chargement. Les mécanismes supposés être à l’origine des déformations différées sont d’ordre physico-mécanique et impliquent la rupture et le rétablissement de liaisons électro-statiques. L’interprétation de tous les essais réalisés a permis de quantifier l’importance des contributions relatives des différents paramètres sur le comportement différé. Le but à long terme reste d’alimenter à la fois l’expertise et les modèles de calculs de sorte à pouvoir prédire notamment l’impact d’une variation du niveau des nappes sur la stabilité à long terme des carrières de craie. Un modèle rhéologique a en ce sens été développé au sein de l’INERIS (Souley et al. 2016) / The risk of instability of underground structures (natural or anthropogenic) involves over 10 000 towns in France. The accidents due to the sudden collapse of underground quarries are among the most destructive, both humanly and materially. The evolution of possible instabilities, since the issues are significant, implies to enrich current knowledge to predict their extent and their impact on the surface. Previous work has demonstrated the importance of the hydro-mechanical coupling in the diagnosis of stability. The complexity of the chalk-water interaction phenomenon is due to many environmental factors and sensitivity to each factor depends entirely on the chalk considered. The main objective of this thesis is to study the influence of water and water-rock interaction on the mechanical behaviour of three chalks as part of a multi-scale and multi-physics approach. The study of physical and mechanical characteristics of chalks from three underground quarries situated in the Parisian Basin, and their interaction with water was carried out. The results obtained through short-term hydro-mechanical tests remain consistent with the literature. The "ageing" of chalk from the underground quarries subjected to fluctuations in the water table has been proven and characterized. It is expressed, based on the chalk considered, by a change in the shape and size of crystals in the microstructure involving improved mechanical properties at the edge of the pillar to the detriment of the heart, or by the presence of traces of dissolution whose frequency increases as one moves from the heart, or by increasing the number of microcracks in the heart causing a decrease in the properties of the chalk. The study of the long-term behaviour of each chalk was developed through uniaxial creep tests with controlled humidity and waterlogging. It was established among other things that creep depends on the mineralogy / microstructure and the deviatoric stress-humidity couple but not on the loading history. The mechanisms believed to be the origin of creep deformations are of a physico-mechanical nature and involve the breaking and the restoring of electrostatic bonds between grains. The interpretation of all the tests carried out allowed to quantify the importance of the relative contributions of various parameters on the long-term behaviour. The long-term goal remains to power both the expertise and the model calculations so that one can predict the impact of a particular variation of the groundwater level on the long-term stability of chalk underground quarries. A rheological model has been developed in this direction within the INERIS (Souley et al. 2016)
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Ecological restoration and urban frige park development at Anderson Road QuarryTai, Kai-wai, Thomas., 戴繼尉. January 2009 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Landscape Architecture
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L’art de bâtir à Río Bec (Campeche, Mexique)Gillot, Céline 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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A exploração de pedreiras na região metropolitana de São Paulo no contexto do planejamento e gestão do território / Regional planning and management in the metropolitan area of the Great Sao Paulo related to quarries exploitationPoletto, Cleide 30 August 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma avaliação do planejamento urbano e regional realizado na região metropolitana da Grande São Paulo, no que se refere a exploração de minerais não metálicos usados na produção de agregados para a construção, mais especificamente as pedreiras. Adota como premissa a inexistência de uma política específica para esse setor da economia, e demonstra a inter-relação entre o desenvolvimento urbano e o consumo de brita, dando destaque para a necessidade de harmonizar o desenvolvimento social e econômico com a preservação ambiental. Constata a crescente demanda por rochas britadas e identifica os impactos ambientais advindos desse tipo de exploração mineral. Avalia os principais aspectos legais envolvidos na regulamentação dessa atividade extrativa, enfatizando as normas relativas à mineração e ao meio ambiente. Com relação à região da Grande São Paulo, identifica as origens da sua institucionalização e a implantação do planejamento regional integrado, bem como avalia os estudos e projetos realizados pela EMPLASA, principalmente durante a década de 1980, para organizar aquele setor da economia. Os estudos realizados constataram ser a experiência, na região metropolitana paulista, pioneira na tentativa de organização do setor da mineração em nível regional; confirmaram a premissa de que o Estado não dispõe de política para organizar esse setor, embora já tenha produzido uma quantidade significativa de dados e informações que hoje se encontram dispersos e carentes de atualização. Nos aspectos legais identificou superposição e conflitos de atribuições que, somados à imprecisão de conceitos, acabam por dificultar o atendimento aos objetivos pretendidos. Conclui observando que a experiência acumulada e documentada nos próprios órgãos do Estado pode fornecer os elementos básicos para a elaboração de uma política para esse setor da indústria extrativa, com resultados social e economicamente desejáveis / This study focus on a particular assessment of urban and regional planning developed for the Metropolitan Area of Great Sao Paulo (Brazil) associated with mineral exploitation to produce crushed stones. The research assumes the inexistence of an appropriate policy for this extractive sector, comparing the close relationship between urban development and crushed stone production, demonstrating the need to adequate social and economic development with environmental protection. The study identifies increasing demand for crushed stone and main environmental impacts from its exploitation, while evaluating the existing main legal framework in Brazil related to this subject, emphasizing those associated with mineral exploitation and environmental regulation. With regards to the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo, this research identifies its origin and the regional planning statement and evaluates projects that had already been developed by EMPLASA in order to organize this sector of extractive industry. As a result, this study gathered evidence to present the lack of appropriate policies, in spite of several projects and data about the subject, mainly during the 80´s. However, most of such information remains, nowadays, lost or forgotten in several public organizations with no use. Concerned with legal aspects, this study identified existing overlap of laws and legal conflicts among duties of several public institutions, while discussing imprecise concepts that bring difficulties to reach the intended purposes. In conclusion, the experience and data, already collected by public sectors, are enough to establish a proper policy in order to organize the exploitation of raw materials used by the construction industry as aggregates, with desirable social and economic outcomes
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Recherches sur la statuaire et les monuments en quartzite en Égypte au Nouvel Empire (XVIIIe - XIXe dynasties) / Researches on quartzite statuary and monuments in Egypt during New Kingdom (XVIIIth and XIXth dynasties)Galazzo, Daniela 28 November 2017 (has links)
Basée sur un vaste corpus d’œuvres en quartzite, axé sur la statuaire mais prenant aussi en compte d’autres types de monuments, l’étude vise à examiner l’utilisation de cette pierre dure par les anciens Égyptiens au Nouvel Empire, sous les XVIIIe et XIXe dynasties. Correspondant à du grès silicifié, le quartzite a été extrait du Gebel el-Ahmar au nord et des carrières d’Assouan au sud. Après avoir évoqué les caractéristiques géologiques du quartzite et sa désignation dans les anciens textes égyptiens, l’étude traite du travail dans les carrières du point de vue de son organisation et de ses aspects techniques (méthodes d’extraction, outils employés, ébauches in situ), avant d’envisager la question du transport et de la finition dans les ateliers de sculpteurs. La seconde partie, introduite par un chapitre sur l’usage du quartzite avant le Nouvel Empire, est consacrée à l’examen des œuvres du corpus replacées dans leur contexte : il permet de mettre en évidence l’essor de ce matériau au cours de la XVIIIe dynastie, avec une utilisation majeure sous les règnes d’Amenhotep III et d’Akhénaton, fortement marqués par les conceptions solaires, et un nouveau regain sous Séthi Ier, notamment à Héliopolis, et sous Ramsès II qui a cherché à imiter son prédécesseur Amenhotep III. La symbolique solaire du quartzite, due à sa couleur rouge et à l’origine mythique du Gebel el-Ahmar, explique en grande partie son emploi dans les monuments royaux et divins et en fait une pierre de prestige, presque exclusivement réservée à l’élite. Les résultats d’analyses scientifiques menées sur des objets en quartzite du musée du Louvre sont annexés au travail. / Based on a large corpus of works made of quartzite, centred on statuary but also taking into account other types of monuments, the present study is a review of this hard stone use by the ancient Egyptians during New Kingdom, mainly 18th and 19th dynasties. Quartzite or silicified sandstone was extracted from Gebel el-Ahmar quarries in the North and from Aswan quarries in the South. Having mentioned the geologic characteristics of quartzite and its name in the ancient Egyptian texts, the study deals with the work in the quarries (organization and technical aspects like extraction technologies, tools, rough or unfinished pieces found in situ) and the transport of the stone from the quarry to the workshop. The second part of the research, introduced by a chapter on quartzite use before New Kingdom, is dedicated to the monuments of the catalogue put in their context : their examination reveals the significant development of this material during the 18th dynasty, with a peak under the reigns of Amenhotep III and Akhenaton, heavily influenced by solar beliefs, and a revival under Seti Ist (especially in Heliopolis) and Ramesses II, who wanted to emulate his predecessor Amenhotep III. The use of quartzite in royal and divine monuments might be explained by its solar symbolism, due to the red colour of the stone and the mythical origin of the Gebel el-Ahmar : it is the reason why this high-value stone is almost exclusively reserved for the Egyptian elite. An appendix containing the results from scientific analysis conducted on some quartzite objects kept in the Louvre Museum completes the study.
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Dlouhodobé změny vegetace ve vápencových lomech Českého krasu / Vegetation succession on abandoned limestone quarries of Czech KarstBARTOŠOVÁ, Alena January 2014 (has links)
Vegetation sampling was carried out to determine changes on the limestone quarries after 30 years. These semi-permanent plots are located in the Czech Karst Protected Landscape Area in the Czech Republic.
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A exploração de pedreiras na região metropolitana de São Paulo no contexto do planejamento e gestão do território / Regional planning and management in the metropolitan area of the Great Sao Paulo related to quarries exploitationCleide Poletto 30 August 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma avaliação do planejamento urbano e regional realizado na região metropolitana da Grande São Paulo, no que se refere a exploração de minerais não metálicos usados na produção de agregados para a construção, mais especificamente as pedreiras. Adota como premissa a inexistência de uma política específica para esse setor da economia, e demonstra a inter-relação entre o desenvolvimento urbano e o consumo de brita, dando destaque para a necessidade de harmonizar o desenvolvimento social e econômico com a preservação ambiental. Constata a crescente demanda por rochas britadas e identifica os impactos ambientais advindos desse tipo de exploração mineral. Avalia os principais aspectos legais envolvidos na regulamentação dessa atividade extrativa, enfatizando as normas relativas à mineração e ao meio ambiente. Com relação à região da Grande São Paulo, identifica as origens da sua institucionalização e a implantação do planejamento regional integrado, bem como avalia os estudos e projetos realizados pela EMPLASA, principalmente durante a década de 1980, para organizar aquele setor da economia. Os estudos realizados constataram ser a experiência, na região metropolitana paulista, pioneira na tentativa de organização do setor da mineração em nível regional; confirmaram a premissa de que o Estado não dispõe de política para organizar esse setor, embora já tenha produzido uma quantidade significativa de dados e informações que hoje se encontram dispersos e carentes de atualização. Nos aspectos legais identificou superposição e conflitos de atribuições que, somados à imprecisão de conceitos, acabam por dificultar o atendimento aos objetivos pretendidos. Conclui observando que a experiência acumulada e documentada nos próprios órgãos do Estado pode fornecer os elementos básicos para a elaboração de uma política para esse setor da indústria extrativa, com resultados social e economicamente desejáveis / This study focus on a particular assessment of urban and regional planning developed for the Metropolitan Area of Great Sao Paulo (Brazil) associated with mineral exploitation to produce crushed stones. The research assumes the inexistence of an appropriate policy for this extractive sector, comparing the close relationship between urban development and crushed stone production, demonstrating the need to adequate social and economic development with environmental protection. The study identifies increasing demand for crushed stone and main environmental impacts from its exploitation, while evaluating the existing main legal framework in Brazil related to this subject, emphasizing those associated with mineral exploitation and environmental regulation. With regards to the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo, this research identifies its origin and the regional planning statement and evaluates projects that had already been developed by EMPLASA in order to organize this sector of extractive industry. As a result, this study gathered evidence to present the lack of appropriate policies, in spite of several projects and data about the subject, mainly during the 80´s. However, most of such information remains, nowadays, lost or forgotten in several public organizations with no use. Concerned with legal aspects, this study identified existing overlap of laws and legal conflicts among duties of several public institutions, while discussing imprecise concepts that bring difficulties to reach the intended purposes. In conclusion, the experience and data, already collected by public sectors, are enough to establish a proper policy in order to organize the exploitation of raw materials used by the construction industry as aggregates, with desirable social and economic outcomes
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Land Use and Landsliding in Price Hill, Cincinnati, OhioAgnello, Tim Joseph 22 May 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Case studies of environmental impacts of sand mining and gravel extraction for urban development in GabaroneMadyise, Tariro 10 1900 (has links)
Economic development is one of the main objectives of developed and developing nations worldwide. Development comes with growth of urban areas. Urban growth is achieved through sand and gravel mining for construction of modern, attractive and durable structures. The study examined positive and negative environmental impacts of the continuous removal of river sand, pit sand and gravel from sampled rivers and open areas surrounding Gaborone developing Central Business District, malls and private properties in city.
Quantitative and qualitative research designs that is questionnaire survey, oral interviews, field observation and measurements were used to collect data from selected sampled points. Metsimotlhabe and Ditlhakane rivers were selected because they are nearer to Gaborone and most river sand is mined from these rivers. More points were sampled from open areas in Kumakwane, Kopong and Bela Bela farms where pit sand and gravel are mined. Convenience and purposive sampling methods were used to pick questionnaire survey respondents (175) from Kumakwane and Metsimotlhabe villages where people affected lives.
Findings of the study highlighted that river sand was mined most from rivers near Gaborone compared to pit sand and gravel because of its multi uses. Mining is important for economic development, to construct durable, modern structures, employment creation and revenue collection but removal of river sand leads to deepening and widening of rivers. Artificial rivulets are formed as resource is extracted uncontrollably. Pit sand and gravel are extracted from open areas creating uncovered deep pits, which caused of accidents to children and livestock. Erosion and environmental degradation occur due to continuous mining. Miners dispose waste on open areas and riverbeds causing land pollution. Dust and noise pollution from tipper trucks ferrying sand and gravel are a cause of concern to villagers as the trucks move even at night, disturbing sleep.
Solutions to uncontrolled mining include 24 hour security and regular raids on illegal miners. The author recommends that heavy penalties should be imposed to curb illegal mining. High level decision making forum involving all stakeholders is necessary to discuss problems of illegal mining and how to limit negative impacts. Department of Mines need to develop an Environmental Management Plan and a close monitoring program nationwide. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Management)
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