Spelling suggestions: "subject:"quasars""
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Quantum Foundations with Astronomical PhotonsLeung, Calvin 01 January 2017 (has links)
Theoretical work in quantum information has demonstrated that a classical hidden-variable model of an entangled singlet state can explain nonclassical correlations observed in tests of Bell’s inequality if while measuring the Bell correlation, the underlying probability distribution of the hidden-variable changes depending on the measurement basis. To rule out this possibility, distant quasars can be utilized as random number generators to set measurement bases in an experimental test of Bell’s inequality. Here we report on the design and characterization of a device that uses the color of incoming quasar photons to output a random bit with nanosecond latency. Through the 1-meter telescope at JPL Table Mountain Observatory, we observe and generate random bits from quasars with redshifts z = 0.1−3.9. In addition, we formulate a mathematical model that quantifies the fidelity of the bits generated.
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Determining the characteristic mass of DLA host haloes from 21cm fluctuationsPetrie, Stephen January 2010 (has links)
Absorption profiles are found in the observed spectra from quasars, and the most prominent of these are the Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers (DLAs). They are caused by large collections of neutral hydrogen (HI) gas, which are thought to be housed in galaxies that lie along the line-of-sight to quasars. HI gas associated with DLAs contains most of the HI gas in the Universe during 2 < z < 5, and hence details about DLAs are important for understanding the history of star formation, as well as the formation and evolution of galaxies. Wyithe (2008) proposed a method of determining the characteristic mass of dark matter haloes that host DLAs. This involves generating an analytic power spectrum of the fluctuations in 21cm brightness temperature caused by the HI gas in the Universe. Calculating this analytic 21cm power spectrum requires a formalism for the HI mass weighted clustering bias of DLAs on both large and small scales. We include this DLA clustering bias by firstly generating an analytic galaxy power spectrum using the halo model of Peacock & Smith (2000), as well as including the occupation of haloes by galaxies -- using the Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) weighting of Peacock (2003). This weighting is then adapted to account for the occupation of haloes by HI gas. / We then fit the analytic 21cm power spectrum generated using this formalism to a simulated 21cm power spectrum, with the characteristic mass of DLA host haloes being used as a fitting parameter. The DLA host halo mass is in turn dependent upon two parameters in our model: the minimum mass of haloes M_{min} included in our formalism, and the HI weighting index alpha_{HI}. The neutral hydrogen fraction is another parameter, which we can choose to be the same as that from our simulation volume. If we also choose a value for alpha_{HI} that is motivated by analysis of the dark matter and HI gas content of the haloes in the simulation, then we are able to fit the 21cm power spectrum at both large and small scales, with an M_{min} that is the same or similar to the lowest mass in the simulation's halo catalogue. This in turn gives a similar value for the DLA host halo mass that is known to be the case in the simulation. This demonstrates the viability of the Wyithe (2008) method for determining the DLA host halo mass using observations of 21cm fluctuations. However, degeneracies in the free parameters of our analytic formalism would hinder an accurate determination of the DLA host halo mass from actual future observations. This is due to the fact that the real space, spherically averaged 21cm power spectrum is used throughout this thesis. However, extending our analytic formalism to the redshift space, angular-dependent 21cm power spectrum should be capable of breaking the degeneracy between DLA host halo mass and neutral hydrogen fraction.
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Modélisation des jets relativistes et de l'émission haute énergie des blazars et des microquasars galactiquesRenaud, Nicolas 03 November 1999 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, je présente un modèle permettant de rendre compte des caractéristiques essentielles des Blazars, i.e. l'émission haute énergie (du MeV au TeV) et l'éjection de matière à des vitesses relativistes, compatibles avec l'observation de mouvements apparemment superluminiques, en interférométrie à très grande base (VLBI). Ce même type de mouvement a été observé pour des objets galactiques, les microquasars. L'ingrédient principal de ce modèle est la présence d'un plasma non thermique de paires évoluant dans un jet Magnéto-hydrodynamique (modèle à deux écoulements). Je montre comment la force résultant des interactions Compton Inverses d 'un plasma relativiste de paires, dans le champ de photons anisotrope provenant d'un disque d'accrétion (phénomène de fusée Compton) permet de propulser ce plasma jùsqu'à des vitesses d'ensemble relativistes. Les facteurs de Lorentz d'ensemble terminaux obtenus sont compatibles avec ceux déduits des observations des objets extragalactiques et galactiques. L'émission de photons haute énergie est associée au rayonnement Compton Inverse du plasma de paires sur deux types de photons sources, ceux provenant du dIsque d'accrétion et ceux provenant du propre rayonnement synchrotron de ces paires. Le processus de création de paires par absorption gamma-gamma permet d'expliquer naturellement la formation de ce plasma. Les différents rayonnements émis par le faisceau de paires permettent d'obtenir de bons ajustements des spectres multi-longueur d'onde de différents objets. L'instabilité due à la création de paires semble être une bonne clef pour l'explication de la variabilité des Blazars. Un modèle dépendant du temps, couplant de manière simplifiée création de paires et accélération des particules, est présenté. Sous certaines conditions, des éjections de paires apparaissent de manière quasi-périodique, pouvant expliquer l'apparition des nouvelles composantes VLBI, associées à un sursaut d'activité aux hautes énergies.
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Modeling the Power Evolution of Classical Double Radio Galaxies over Cosmological ScalesBarai, Paramita 03 August 2006 (has links)
During the quasar era (redshifts between 1 and 3) Radio Galaxies (RGs) have been claimed to have substantially influenced the growth and evolution of large scale structures in the universe. In this dissertation I test the robustness of these exciting claims. In order to probe the impacts in more detail, good theoretical models for such RG systems are required. With this motivation, I seek to develop an essentially analytical model for the evolution of Fanaroff-Riley Class II radio galaxies both as they age individually and as their numbers vary with cosmological epoch. To do so, I first compare three sophisticated semi-analytical models for the dynamical and radio lobe power evolution of FR II galaxies, those given by Kaiser, Dennett-Thorpe & Alexander (1997, KDA), Blundell, Rawlings, & Willott (1999, BRW) and Manolakou & Kirk (2002, MK). I perform multi-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations leading to virtual radio surveys. The predictions of each model for redshift, radio power (at 151 MHz), linear size and spectral index are then compared with data. The observational samples are the low frequency radio surveys, 3CRR, 6CE and 7CRS, which are flux-limited and redshift complete. I next perform extensive statistical tests to compare the distributions of model radio source parameters and those of the observational samples. The statistics used are the 1-Dimensional and 2-Dimensional Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) tests and the 4-variable Spearman partial rank correlation coefficient. I search for and describe the "best" parameters for each model. I then produced modifications to each of the three original models, and extensively compare the original and the modified model performances in fitting the data. The key result of my dissertation is that using the Radio Luminosity Function of Willott et al. (2001) as the redshift birth function of radio sources, the KDA and MK models perform better than the BRW models in fitting the 3CRR, 6CE and 7CRS survey data when using K-S based statistical tests, and the KDA model provides the best fits to the correlation coefficients. However, no pre-existing or modified model can provide adequate fits for the spectral indices. I also calculate the volume fraction of the relevant universe filled by the generations of radio galaxies over the quasar era. This volume filling factor is not as large as estimated earlier. Nonetheless, the allowed ranges of various model parameters produce a rather wide range of astrophysically interesting relevant volume fraction values. I conclude that the expanding RGs born during the quasar era may still play significant roles in the cosmological history of the universe.
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Propriétés statistiques des AGN de faibles luminositéesGavignaud, Isabelle 25 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Ces dernières années les principaux relevés cosmologiques ont collectés plusieurs dizaines de milliers de spectres de noyaux actifs de galaxies (connus aussi sous l'abréviation anglaise AGN), illustrant ainsi la grande éfficacité des techniques de pré-sélections optiques de candidat AGN. Ils ont ainsi permis une étude statistique détaillée de la population d'AGN.<br />Le revers de ces techniques de pré-sélection est que certaines catégories de la population globale des AGN optiques sont peut-être sous-représentées dans ces échantillons, biaisant notre compréhension actuelle de l'évolution de ces objets.<br /><br />Cette thèse de doctorat est dédiée à l'étude des propriétés des AGN de type 1 de faible luminosité. Dans ce but nous utilisons un échantillon spectroscopique de 130 AGN à raies<br />d'émission larges, extrait d'un grand relevé de galaxie: le VIRMOS VLT Deep Survey (VVDS).<br />Cet échantillon présente un intérêt unique, de part la simplicité des critères de pré-sélection de ces objets (une simple limite en magnitude) ainsi que par la profondeur en magnitude atteinte: il fournit d'une part un aperçu des propriétés des AGN de type 1 à des magnitudes encore peu explorées spectroscopiquement (les AGN étudiés ici sont jusqu'à cent fois plus faibles que ceux du SDSS) et il permet d'autre part de quantifier les biais qui seraient introduits par des critères classiques de sélection.<br /><br />Nous mesurons une densité sur le ciel d'environ 470 AGN par degré carré à notre magnitude limite (Iab=24). Une fraction importante des AGN que nous observons ne serait pas sélectionée par les techniques de sélections morphologiques et d'excès d'UV classiquement appliquées. Nous attribuons cet effet à la contamination de nos AGN par leur galaxie hôte, vue leur faible luminosité. La fonction de luminosité des AGN montre qu'il y a relativement plus d'AGN de faible luminosité à bas redshift qu'á plus grand redshift. Cette observation corrobore le scénario de croissance anti-hierarchique de trous-noirs galactiques suggéré par les echantillons d'AGN sélectionnés en rayons-X.<br />Finalement nous nous sommes intéressés à la nature des trous noirs qui sont à l'origine de nos AGN. S'agit-il de petits trous noirs galactiques ou bien, au contraire, de trous noirs de grandes masses accrétant faiblement ?<br />Nos résultats, encore préliminaires, suggèrent que nos AGN correspondent en moyenne à des trous noirs galactique de masses intermediaires (~100 millions de masses solaires) accrétant à des taux d'Eddington modeste (~< 10%).
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Circum galactic medium emission : from modeling to detection by a dedicated UV space mission / Milieu circum galactique : de la modélisation de l'émission à la détection dans l'UV par une mission spatiale dédiéeQuiret, Samuel 18 November 2016 (has links)
L’évolution des galaxies est un sujet relativement débattu en astronomie extra-galactique, étant donné que la plupart des mécanismes responsables des propriétés observées dans les galaxies (masse, taux de formation d’étoiles, contenu en métaux, moment angulaire) sont encore peu contraints et certains ne sont probablement même pas encore observés. Ma thèse porte sur une analyse de la région entourant les galaxies, connue sous le nom de Milieu Circum Galactique (MCG). Le MCG est à l’interface entreles galaxies et le Milieu Inter Galactique (MIG) et est considéré comme le lieu de prédilection pour les échanges gazeux et énergétiques entre les galaxies et le MIG, ce qui en fait la clé pour une meilleure compréhension de l’évolution des galaxies et du destin des baryons. Je présenterai dans un premier temps l’analyse d’un échantillon de systèmes à forte absorption issuent de la spectroscopie de quasars en absorption qui tracent les régions denses en hydrogène généralement associées au MCG des galaxies.Dans un deuxième temps, je présenterai ma contribution au développement d’une mission ballon embarquant un spectrographe UV, FIREBall-2, spécialement conçu pour observer l’émission faible et diffuse du MCG des galaxies à décalage vers le rouge inférieur à 1. D’un point de vue technique, je présenterai l’étude du composant optique clé de l’instrument: le réseau. D’un point de vue modélisation, je décrirai une simulation complète des observations, qui servira à la préparation du vol prévu pour l’Automne 2017notamment en ce qui concerne la sélection des cibles, la stratégie observationelle et le traitement des données. / The evolution of galaxies is a rather hot topic in extra galactic astronomy, as many of the main mechanisms underlying the observed properties of galaxies (mass, star formation rate, metal content, angular momentum) are still poorly constraints and many of them are probably undiscovered yet. My thesis focuses on an analysis of the region surrounding galaxies, known as the Circum Galactic Medium (CGM). The CGMinterfaces the galaxy with the Inter Galactic Medium (IGM) and is thought to be the most active location for gas and energy exchanges (in and out), which makes it a key ingredient towards a better understanding of galaxy evolution and the fate of all baryons. I will present in a first part, the analysis of a sample of strong absorption features based on quasar absorption spectroscopy, that probe the dense neutral hydrogen usually associated with galaxies’ CGM. In a second part, I will present my contribution to the development of a balloon-borne UV spectrograph, FIREBall-2, specifically designed to observe the faint and diffuse emissions from the CGM of galaxies at redshifts below 1. On the technical side, I will present the characterization of the key optical component ofthe instrument: the grating. On the modeling side, I will focus on an end-to-end pixel simulation of the observations to prepare for the upcoming flight, planned for Autumn 2017, in terms of target selection, observational strategy and data analysis.
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Mapování akrečního disku kvasaru gravitačním mikročočkováním / Quasar accretion disk mapping by gravitational microlensingLedvina, Lukáš January 2014 (has links)
Quasar microlensing is a relatively newly explored phenomenon, which is ideally suited for studying the spatial distribution of emission from the innermost accretion disc. By now we know many macrolensed quasars, in which we can observe multiple images formed by the deflection of light in the gravitational field of an intervening galaxy. In case one of these images passes directly through the stellar population of the galaxy, it can be additionally microlensed by individual stars. The gravitational field of these stars forms a caustic network for light passing by. When a quasar accretion disc crosses behind this network, induced changes can be observed in the light curve as well as in the spectrum. In the first part of this thesis we study the statistics of the time intervals between successive caustic crossings. In the second part we use a fully relativistic Kerr-metric thin-disc model for studying the light curve of a fold-caustic crossing and its dependence on the accretion- disc parameters. In the last part we simulate changes in the X-ray iron-line profile during a fold-caustic crossing. We find characteristic spectral features formed on the line, and derive their analytical description. Finally, we map the maximum strength of microlensing-generated peaks on the spectral line for different...
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Outflow and Accretion Physics in Active Galactic NucleiMcGraw, Sean Michael 21 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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<p>The properties of neutron stars and black holes are investigated within a class of alternative theories of gravity known as Scalar-Tensor theories, which extend General Relativity by introducing additional light scalar fields to mediate the gravitational interaction.</p> <p>It has been known since 1993 that neutron stars in certain Scalar-Tensor theories may undergo ‘scalarization’ phase transitions. The Weak Central Coupling (WCC) expansion is introduced for the purpose of describing scalarization in a perturbative manner, and the leading-order WCC coefficients are calculated analytically for constant-density stars. Such stars are found to scalarize, and the critical value of the quadratic scalar-matter coupling parameter β<sub>s</sub> = −4.329 for the phase transition is found to be similar to that of more realistic neutron star models.</p> <p>The influence of cosmological and galactic effects on the structure of an otherwise isolated black hole in Scalar-Tensor gravity may be described by incorporating the Miracle Hair Growth Formula discovered by Jacobson in 1999, a perturbative black hole solution with scalar hair induced by time-dependent boundary conditions at spatial infinity. It is found that a double-black-hole binary (DBHB) subject to these boundary conditions is inadequately described by the Eardley Lagrangian and emits scalar dipole radiation.</p> <p>Combining this result with the absence of observable dipole radiation from quasar OJ287 (whose quasi-periodic ‘outbursts’ are consistent with the predictions of a general-relativistic DBHB model at the 6% level) yields the bound |φ/Mpl| < (16 days)<sup>-1</sup> on the cosmological time variation of canonically-normalized light (m < 10<sup>−23</sup> eV) scalar fields at redshift z ∼ 0.3.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Studies of active galactic nuclei with the MAGIC telescopesCaneva, Gessica De 30 March 2015 (has links)
Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit ist die Emission von hochenergetischer Gammastrahlung aus Aktiven Galaxienkernen, anhand von Beobachtungen mit den MAGIC Teleskopen. Aktive Galaxien entstehen durch die Freisetzung von Gravitationsenergie der Stellarmaterie, die in das zentrale Schwarze Loch fällt. Zwei diametral entgegengesetzte Jets strömen aus dem Kern. Falls einer von diesen Jets zum Beobachter zeigt, wird der aktive Galaxienkern als Blazar bezeichnet. In dieser Doktorarbeit wird die Analyse der MAGIC Beobachtungen von drei Blazaren präsentiert: der bisher unbekannte hochenergetische Blazar 1ES 1727+502 und die bekannten Objekte 3C 279 und PKS 1510-089. Die Quelle 1ES 1727+502 gehört zu der Unterklasse der BL Lac Objekte, die die zahlenmässig größte Klasse an extragalaktischen hochenergetische Objekten ist. Diese Entdeckung beweist, wie wichtig es ist, mehrere und verschiedene Kriterien für die Auswahl von Objekten zu benutzen. Der Blazar 1ES 1727+502 wurde aus einem X-ray Katalog ausgesucht, die Datennahme war unabhängig von dem Aktivitätsstatus der anderen Energiebänder. Die Blazare 3C 279 und PKS 1510-089 gehören zu der Unterklasse des Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars. Es gibt nur drei bekannte Flat Spectrum Radio Quasare. Die Entdeckung von Flat Spectrum Radio Quasaren ist schwierig, weil im leisen Zustand der hochenergetische Fluss niedrig ist. Während eines Flares steigt der Fluss in sehr kurzer Zeit um mehrere Größenordnungen an, deswegen ist die Beobachtung eines Flares schwer zu realisieren aber physikalisch äußerst interessant. Die MAGIC Beobachtungen sind mit Messungen aus anderen Energiebändern kombiniert. Mögliche Interpretationen des beobachteten Verhaltens werden diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse werden erläutert und mit historischen Beobachtungen verglichen. Die offenen Fragen und Probleme, die Ziel zukünftiger Studien sein sollen, werden am Schluss hervorgehoben. / This PhD thesis addresses the problem of understanding the very high energy emission from active galactic nuclei as detected with the MAGIC telescopes. Active galactic nuclei are galaxies powered by the release of gravitational energy of stellar material falling into a black hole, located in their core. Two opposed jets extend from the central region outwards, if one of the them points towards the observer, the source is called a blazar. In this thesis the analysis of MAGIC observations of three different blazars is presented: the newly discovered very high energy blazar 1ES 1727+502, and the two known objects 3C 279 and PKS 1510-089. The source 1ES 1727+502 belongs to the subclass of BL Lac objects, the most numerous class of extragalactic very high energy emitters. This source was selected for observations from an X-ray catalogue and was observed even if no high activity states were reported at lower energies. For this reason, this discovery proves the importance of using several criteria for the selection of very high energy observation targets. The other two objects, 3C 279 and PKS 1510-089, belong to the subclass of flat spectrum radio quasars. We count only three representatives of this class in the very high energy domain. Their detection is critical because during quiescent states they have low flux levels at very high energies. During flaring states, flat spectrum radio quasars exhibit flux enhancements of orders of magnitudes and short time scales. Observations during such states, difficult to catch, are interesting because extreme processes are taking place. Very high energy observations of these three objects are complemented with measurements at lower energies and interpretations of the observed behaviours are discussed. The results are compared with historical observations, highlighting open questions and problems which should be addressed by future studies.
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