Spelling suggestions: "subject:"quenched"" "subject:"quencher""
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Non-equilibrium aspects of the holographic duality / Aspectos da dualidade holográfica fora do equilíbrioSilva, Giancarlo Thales Camilo da 16 February 2017 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to study far-from-equilibrium aspects of quantum systems at strong coupling using the holographic duality as a tool. The duality, originated from string theory and further generalized to broader scenarios, relates certain strongly coupled gauge theories to classical gravity theories in higher dimensions. Over the last years, it has proved itself useful as a calculational tool to map difficult questions of interest in the gauge theory into a dual (i.e., equivalent) problem in a higher-dimensional gravity language where the solution may become feasible. The interest in strongly coupled quantum field theories, in particular non-Abelian gauge theories, is motivated by a number of nuclear and condensed matter physics phenomena which are known to take place at a non-perturbative regime, such as the quark-gluon plasma phase of quantum chromodynamics or high-Tc superconducting materials. While dealing with strong coupling is typically a very hard task even at equilibrium, the situation becomes yet more dramatic when non-equilibrium setups are concerned since the main non-perturbative tool available nowadays lattice field theory suffers from serious problems when it comes to real-time dynamics. This is the reason why unconventional techniques such as the ones provided by holography are welcome. Of particular interest here are the problems of thermalization of strongly coupled plasmas as well as the quench dynamics of quantum systems, both of which admit a dual gravitational description involving time-dependent solutions to the corresponding classical equations of motion in the bulk of Anti de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes, such as collapsing solutions describing AdS black hole formation. Specifically, and always from a holographic point of view, in this thesis we deal with three classes of problems: the thermalization properties of a charged non-Abelian plasma after a sudden injection of energy (such as a heavy ion collision); the dynamics of a symmetry breaking quench process from a relativistic to a non-relativistic setup of the Lifshitz type with dynamical exponent z; and, finally, a new analytical approach to the non- equilibrium properties of conformal field theory plasmas placed in an expanding background. Apart from the specific problems, we also provide a self-contained but concise introduction to the holographic duality with a view towards newcomers with an elementary general relativity and quantum field theory background. / Esta tese designa-se ao estudo de sistemas quânticos fortemente acoplados e fora do equilíbrio utilizando como ferramenta a dualidade holográfica. A dualidade, originária da teoria de cordas e posteriormente generalizada a cenários mais abrangentes, relaciona certas teorias de calibre fortemente acopladas e teorias de gravidade clássica em dimensões mais altas. Nos últimos anos, ela tem se mostrado útil como uma ferramenta de cálculo para mapear questões complicadas na teoria de gauge em um problema \\q{dual} (isto é, equivalente) formulado na linguagem completamente diferente de gravidade em dimensões extras, onde obter uma solução pode ser viável. O interesse em teorias quânticas de campo fortemente acopladas, em particular teorias de calibre não-Abelianas, motiva-se por uma variedade de fenômenos das físicas nuclear e da matéria condensada que, reconhecidamente, ocorrem em um regime não-perturbativo, tais como o plasma de quarks e glúons da cromodinâmica quântica ou certos materiais supercondutores com temperatura crítica alta. Em geral, lidar com acoplamentos fortes é uma tarefa bastante complicada mesmo em configurações de equilíbrio, mas a situação se torna ainda mais dramática quando configurações longe do equilíbrio são tratadas, visto que a principal ferramenta não-perturbativa disponível atualmente (teoria de campos na rede) enfrenta sérios problemas em situações dinâmicas. Esta é a principal razão pela qual técnicas alternativas tais como as fornecidas pela dualidade holográfica são bem vindas. De particular interesse aqui são os problemas da termalização de plasmas fortemente acoplados bem como a dinâmica pós-\\emph{quench} de sistemas quânticos, ambos os quais admitem uma descrição gravitacional dual envolvendo soluções dependentes do tempo às correspondentes equações gravitacionais em espaços-tempo de Anti de Sitter (AdS), tais como soluções de colapso descrevendo a formação de buracos negros assintoticamente AdS. Especificamente, e sempre sob um ponto de vista holográfico, nesta tese lidamos com três tipos diferentes de problemas: a termalização de um plasma não-Abeliano carregado como resultado de uma injeção repentina de energia (tal como uma colisão de íons pesados); a dinâmica durante um processo de quebra da simetria relativística para uma simetria não-relativística do tipo Lifshitz com expoente dinâmico $z$; e, finalmente, uma nova abordagem analítica para tratar propriedades fora do equílibrio de plasmas conformes colocados em um fundo que se expande. Além de tais problemas específicos, este texto fornece também uma introdução sucinta e auto-contida à dualidade holográfica direcionada a um leitor com conhecimento elementar de relatividade geral e teoria quântica de campos.
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Non-equilibrium aspects of the holographic duality / Aspectos da dualidade holográfica fora do equilíbrioGiancarlo Thales Camilo da Silva 16 February 2017 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to study far-from-equilibrium aspects of quantum systems at strong coupling using the holographic duality as a tool. The duality, originated from string theory and further generalized to broader scenarios, relates certain strongly coupled gauge theories to classical gravity theories in higher dimensions. Over the last years, it has proved itself useful as a calculational tool to map difficult questions of interest in the gauge theory into a dual (i.e., equivalent) problem in a higher-dimensional gravity language where the solution may become feasible. The interest in strongly coupled quantum field theories, in particular non-Abelian gauge theories, is motivated by a number of nuclear and condensed matter physics phenomena which are known to take place at a non-perturbative regime, such as the quark-gluon plasma phase of quantum chromodynamics or high-Tc superconducting materials. While dealing with strong coupling is typically a very hard task even at equilibrium, the situation becomes yet more dramatic when non-equilibrium setups are concerned since the main non-perturbative tool available nowadays lattice field theory suffers from serious problems when it comes to real-time dynamics. This is the reason why unconventional techniques such as the ones provided by holography are welcome. Of particular interest here are the problems of thermalization of strongly coupled plasmas as well as the quench dynamics of quantum systems, both of which admit a dual gravitational description involving time-dependent solutions to the corresponding classical equations of motion in the bulk of Anti de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes, such as collapsing solutions describing AdS black hole formation. Specifically, and always from a holographic point of view, in this thesis we deal with three classes of problems: the thermalization properties of a charged non-Abelian plasma after a sudden injection of energy (such as a heavy ion collision); the dynamics of a symmetry breaking quench process from a relativistic to a non-relativistic setup of the Lifshitz type with dynamical exponent z; and, finally, a new analytical approach to the non- equilibrium properties of conformal field theory plasmas placed in an expanding background. Apart from the specific problems, we also provide a self-contained but concise introduction to the holographic duality with a view towards newcomers with an elementary general relativity and quantum field theory background. / Esta tese designa-se ao estudo de sistemas quânticos fortemente acoplados e fora do equilíbrio utilizando como ferramenta a dualidade holográfica. A dualidade, originária da teoria de cordas e posteriormente generalizada a cenários mais abrangentes, relaciona certas teorias de calibre fortemente acopladas e teorias de gravidade clássica em dimensões mais altas. Nos últimos anos, ela tem se mostrado útil como uma ferramenta de cálculo para mapear questões complicadas na teoria de gauge em um problema \\q{dual} (isto é, equivalente) formulado na linguagem completamente diferente de gravidade em dimensões extras, onde obter uma solução pode ser viável. O interesse em teorias quânticas de campo fortemente acopladas, em particular teorias de calibre não-Abelianas, motiva-se por uma variedade de fenômenos das físicas nuclear e da matéria condensada que, reconhecidamente, ocorrem em um regime não-perturbativo, tais como o plasma de quarks e glúons da cromodinâmica quântica ou certos materiais supercondutores com temperatura crítica alta. Em geral, lidar com acoplamentos fortes é uma tarefa bastante complicada mesmo em configurações de equilíbrio, mas a situação se torna ainda mais dramática quando configurações longe do equilíbrio são tratadas, visto que a principal ferramenta não-perturbativa disponível atualmente (teoria de campos na rede) enfrenta sérios problemas em situações dinâmicas. Esta é a principal razão pela qual técnicas alternativas tais como as fornecidas pela dualidade holográfica são bem vindas. De particular interesse aqui são os problemas da termalização de plasmas fortemente acoplados bem como a dinâmica pós-\\emph{quench} de sistemas quânticos, ambos os quais admitem uma descrição gravitacional dual envolvendo soluções dependentes do tempo às correspondentes equações gravitacionais em espaços-tempo de Anti de Sitter (AdS), tais como soluções de colapso descrevendo a formação de buracos negros assintoticamente AdS. Especificamente, e sempre sob um ponto de vista holográfico, nesta tese lidamos com três tipos diferentes de problemas: a termalização de um plasma não-Abeliano carregado como resultado de uma injeção repentina de energia (tal como uma colisão de íons pesados); a dinâmica durante um processo de quebra da simetria relativística para uma simetria não-relativística do tipo Lifshitz com expoente dinâmico $z$; e, finalmente, uma nova abordagem analítica para tratar propriedades fora do equílibrio de plasmas conformes colocados em um fundo que se expande. Além de tais problemas específicos, este texto fornece também uma introdução sucinta e auto-contida à dualidade holográfica direcionada a um leitor com conhecimento elementar de relatividade geral e teoria quântica de campos.
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Non-equilibrium dynamics of interacting many-body quantum systems in one dimensionBertini, Bruno January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis we study three examples of interacting many-body systems undergoing a non equilibrium time evolution. Firstly we consider the time evolution in an integrable system: the sine-Gordon field theory in the repulsive regime. We will focus on the one point function of the semi-local vertex operator e<sup>iβφ(x)/2</sup> on a specific class of initial states. By analytical means we show that the expectation value considered decays exponentially to zero at late times and we determine the decay time. The method employed is based on a form-factor expansion and uses the "Representative Eigenstate Approach" of Ref. [73] (a.k.a. "Quench Action"). In a second example we study the time evolution in models close to "special" integrable points characterised by hidden symmetries generating infinitely many local conservation laws that do not commute with one another, in addition to the infinite commuting family implied by integrability. We observe that both in the case where the perturbation breaks the integrability and when it breaks only the additional symmetries maintaining integrability, the local observables show a crossover behaviour from an initial to a final quasi stationary plateau. We investigate a weak coupling limit, identify a time window in which the effects of the perturbations become significant and solve the time evolution through a mean-field mapping. As an explicit example we study the XYZ spin-1/2 chain with additional perturbations that break integrability. Finally, we study the effects of integrability breaking perturbations on the non-equilibrium evolution of more general many-particle quantum systems, where the unperturbed integrable model is generic. We focus on a class of spinless fermion models with weak interactions. We employ equation of motion techniques that can be viewed as generalisations of quantum Boltzmann equations. We benchmark our method against time dependent density matrix renormalisation group computations and find it to be very accurate as long as interactions are weak. For small integrability breaking, we observe robust prethermalisation plateaux for local observables on all accessible time scales. Increasing the strength of the integrability breaking term induces a "drift" away from the prethermalisation plateaux towards thermal behaviour. We identify a time scale characterising this crossover.
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Intrication dans des systèmes quantiques à basse dimension / Entanglement in low-dimensional quantum systemsStephan, Jean-Marie 12 December 2011 (has links)
On a compris ces dernières années que certaines mesures d'intrications sont un outil efficace pour la compréhension et la caractérisation de phases nouvelles et exotiques de la matière, en particulier lorsque les méthodes traditionnelles basées sur l'identification d'un paramètre d'ordre sont insuffisantes. Cette thèse porte sur l'étude de quelques systèmes quantiques à basse dimension où un telle approche s'avère fructueuse. Parmi ces mesures, l'entropie d'intrication, définie via une bipartition du système quantique, est probablement la plus populaire, surtout à une dimension. Celle-ci est habituellement très difficile à calculer en dimension supérieure, mais nous montrons ici que le calcul se simplifie drastiquement pour une classe particulière de fonctions d'ondes, nommées d'après Rokhsar et Kivelson. L'entropie d'intrication peut en effet s'exprimer comme une entropie de Shannon relative à la distribution de probabilité générée par les composantes de la fonction d'onde du fondamental d'un autre système quantique, cette fois-ci unidimensionnel. Cette réduction dimensionnelle nous permet d'étudier l'entropie aussi bien par des méthodes numériques (fermions libres, diagonalisations exactes, ...) qu'analytiques (théories conformes). Nous argumentons aussi que cette approche permet d'accéder facilement à certaines caractéristiques subtiles et universelles d'une fonction d'onde donnée en général.Une autre partie de cette thèse est consacrée aux trempes quantiques locales dans des systèmes critiques unidimensionnels. Nous insisterons particulièrement sur une quantité appelée écho de Loschmidt, qui est le recouvrement entre la fonction d'onde avant la trempe et la fonction d'onde à temps t après la trempe. En exploitant la commensurabilité du spectre de la théorie conforme, nous montrons que l'évolution temporelle doit être périodique, et peut même être souvent obtenue analytiquement. Inspiré par ces résultats, nous étudions aussi la contribution de fréquence nulle à l'écho de Loschmidt après la trempe. Celle-ci s'exprime comme un simple produit scalaire -- que nous nommons fidélité bipartie -- et est une quantité intéressante en elle-même. Malgré sa simplicité, son comportement se trouve être très similaire à celui de l'entropie d'intrication. Pour un système critique unidimensionnel en particulier, notre fidélité décroît algébriquement avec la taille du système, un comportement rappelant la célèbre catastrophe d'Anderson. L'exposant est universel et relié à la charge centrale de la théorie conforme sous-jacente. / In recent years, it has been understood that entanglement measures can be useful tools for the understanding and characterization of new and exotic phases of matter, especially when the study of order parameters alone proves insufficient. This thesis is devoted to the study of a few low-dimensional quantum systems where this is the case. Among these measures, the entanglement entropy, defined through a bipartition of the quantum system, has been perhaps one of the most heavily studied, especially in one dimension. Such a quantity is usually very difficult to compute in dimension larger than one, but we show that for a particular class of wave functions, named after Rokhsar and Kivelson, the entanglement entropy of an infinite cylinder cut into two parts simplifies considerably. It can be expressed as the Shannon entropy of the probability distribution resulting from the ground-state wave function of a one-dimensional quantum system. This dimensional reduction allows for a detailed numerical study (free fermion, exact diagonalizations, \ldots) as well as an analytic treatment, using conformal field theory (CFT) techniques. We also argue that this approach can give an easy access to some refined universal features of a given wave function in general.Another part of this thesis deals with the study of local quantum quenches in one-dimensional critical systems. The emphasis is put on the Loschmidt echo, the overlap between the wave function before the quench and the wave function at time t after the quench. Because of the commensurability of the CFT spectrum, the time evolution turns out to be periodic, and can be obtained analytically in various cases. Inspired by these results, we also study the zero-frequency contribution to the Loschmidt echo after such a quench. It can be expressed as a simple overlap -- which we name bipartite fidelity -- and can be studied in its own right. We show that despite its simple definition, it mimics the behavior of the entanglement entropy very well. In particular when the one-dimensional system is critical, this fidelity decays algebraically with the system size, reminiscent of Anderson's celebrated orthogonality catastrophe. The exponent is universal and related to the central charge of the underlying CFT.
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Dynamique quantique hors-équilibre et systèmes désordonnés pour des atomes ultrafroids bosoniques / Out of equilibrium quantum dynamics and disordered systems in bosonic ultracold atomsSciolla, Bruno 13 September 2012 (has links)
Durant cette thèse, je me suis intéressé à deux thématiques générales qui peuvent être explorées dans des systèmes d’atomes froids : d’une part, la dynamique hors-équilibre d’un système quantique isolé, et d’autre part l’influence du désordre sur un système fortement corrélé à basse température. Dans un premier temps, nous avons développé une méthode de champ moyen, qui permet de résoudre la dynamique unitaire dans un modèle à géométrie particulière, le réseau complètement connecté. Cette approche permet d’établir une correspondance entre la dynamique unitaire du système quantique et des équations du mouvement classique. Nous avons mis à profit cette méthode pour étudier le phénomène de transition dynamique qui se signale, dans des modèles de champ moyen, par une singularité des observables aux temps longs, en fonction des paramètres initiaux ou finaux de la trempe. Nous avons montré l’existence d’une transition dynamique quantique dans les modèle de Bose-Hubbard, d’Ising en champ transverse et le modèle de Jaynes-Cummings. Ces résultats confirment l’existence d’un lien fort entre la présence d’une transition de phase quantique et d’une transition dynamique.Dans un second temps, nous avons étudié un modèle de théorie des champs relativiste avec symétrie O(N) afin de comprendre l’influence des fluctuations sur ces singularités. À l’ordre dominant en grand N, nous avons montré que la transition dynamique s’apparente à un phénomène critique. En effet, à la transition dynamique, les fonctions de corrélations suivent une loi d’échelle à temps égaux et à temps arbitraires. Il existe également une longueur caractéristique qui diverge à l’approche du point de transition. D’autre part, il apparaît que le point fixe admet une interprétation en terme de particules sans masse se propageant librement. Enfin, nous avons montré que la dynamique asymptotique au niveau du point fixe s’apparente à celle d’une trempe d’un état symétrique dans la phase de symétrie brisée. Le troisième volet de cette thèse apporte des éléments nouveaux pour la compréhension du diagramme des phases du modèle de Bose-Hubbard en présence de désordre. Pour ce faire,nous avons utilisé et étendu la méthode de la cavité quantique en champ moyen de Ioffe et Mézard, qui doit être utilisée avec la méthode des répliques. De cette manière, il est possible d’obtenir des résultats analytiques pour les exposants des lois de probabilité de la susceptibilité.Nos résultats indiquent que dans les différents régimes de la transition de phase de superfluide vers isolant, les lois d’échelle conventionnelles sont tantôt applicables, tantôt remplacées par une loi d’activation. Enfin, les exposants critiques varient continûment à la transition conventionnelle. / The fast progress of cold atoms experiments in the last decade has allowed to explore new aspects of strongly correlated systems. This thesis deals with two such general themes: the out of equilibrium dynamics of closed quantum systems, and the impact of disorder on strongly correlated bosons at zero temperature. Among the different questions about out of equilibrium dynamics, the phenomenon of dynamical transition is still lacking a complete understanding. The transition is typically signalled, in mean-field, by a singular behaviour of observables as a function of the parameters of the quench. In this thesis, a mean field method is developed to give evidence of a strong link between the quantum phase transition at zero temperature and the dynamical transition. We then study using field theory techniques a relativistic O($N$) model, and show that the dynamical transition bears similarities with a critical phenomenon. In this context, the dynamical transition also appears to be formally related to the dynamics of symmetry breaking. The second part of this thesis is about the disordered Bose-Hubbard model and the nature of its phase transitions. We use and extend the cavity mean field method, introduced by Ioffe and Mezard to obtain analytical results from the quantum cavity method and the replica trick. We find that the conventional transition, with power law scaling, is changed into an activated scaling in some regions of the phase diagram. Furthermore, the critical exponents are continuously varying along the conventional transition. These intriguing properties call for further investigations using different methods.
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