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Víceůčelové obchodní centrum ve Vsetíně / The multipurpose shopping centre in VsetínMužná, Alena January 2013 (has links)
Objective of the work is desingning the steel structure of multipurpose shopping centre. Structure is in two sections, structure A has two floors and structure B is ground floor. The main bearing components are the traversal restrained columns and the strut-frame stringers and traverse frames. Frame stringers are after the the axial distance 15 m. Ceiling are designed as a composite. The purlins are plate and trusses. The structure is desingned for the distrikt of east Morava.
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Statická analýza konstrukce administrativní budovy / Static analysis of structure of administrative buildingKoch, Filip January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with static analysis of supporting structure of multifunctional building with an atypical floor plan shape. Thesis contains static reports of the main elements of the structure. The lower construction is made of reinforced concrete. The upper structure consists a steel frame and composite elements.
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Sport hotel na břehu Vltavy / Sport Hotel at the Vltava BankFojtáchová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
Theme of diploma thesiss is a Sport hotel on the Vltava riverbank. The thesis is concerned with a proposal of multifunctional building - hotel with restaurant and sports center. Proposal includes outdoor playground. Ther are a restaurant, sports center and changing rooms in the first floor. The building is located on the Vltava riverbank and all hotel rooms have a view on the river. Hotel rooms are located in the second and third floors. There is an access to the terrace on the second floor with view of the entire area. The whole building is wheelchair accessible.The building is placed on the footing. The structural system si consists of a reinforced skeleton. The roof of the building is flat.
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Návrh dvounápravového podvozku traktorového nosiče / Design of two-axled undercarriage for tractor trailerPučálka, Lukáš January 2008 (has links)
Barter system super - structures in the area agriculture shows like most effective way of transport materials. Single-level memory exchange super - structures, that's biggest trump for higher effectiveness investment that the consumer will do. Work treat of in many ways structural design on the part of using and driving quality.
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Návrh speciálního manipulátoru / Project of special manipulatorMartinů, Jan January 2009 (has links)
This thesis describes the design of a special manipulator, driven by a special mechanism with a pushed chain. The chain is conducted from the bottom branch of a horizontal guide slot via a chain wheel to the upper branch of a guide slot. To the end of the chain there is connected a frame manipulator via a tap connection. In this work there are described and suggested the most important component units of a manipulator, including a drive.
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Koncepční návrh malého šestikolového užitkového vozidla. / Design concept six wheel small utility vehicle.Horák, Šimon January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with a conceptual design of small utility vehicle with three axles. The aim is to devise a suitable type of frame along with construction of all axles and a steering system, implementation of a drive train, a braking system and other basic equipment. Own solution is preceded by elaboration of a survey dealing with small utility vehicles produced nowadays as well as in the past together with a description of all variants of basic assemblies suitable for the construction of the specified vehicle.
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Vysokovýklopná lopata / High loading shovelPetro, Roman January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves construction project high dumping shovel for back hoe loader New Holland B100 and B110. There are described operating conditions in the introduction, transport material and technical parameters for back hoe loader B100, B110. There are mentioned possible construction’s solutions and own design. Follow the kinematics analysis of material’s dumping and the static analysis on shovel and frame. This is connected with following peg’s control and the solidity analysis of shovel and frame for different load cases, where the MFE was used
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Rám přívěsu se sklápěcí nástavbou / Frame trailer with tipping bodyUher, Milan January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of the frame of a trailer with a tipping body. Its main contents are stability inspection of a carrying frame, further then designing suitable construction adjustments including their check calculations of case of stress. The stability inspection of the frame is carried out by means of the finite element method. A draft of the drawing documentation of the frame is as well included in this thesis. This diploma thesis was created in collaboration with the SVAN Chrudim company, Ltd.
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Komplet návěsu se skříňovou nástavbou s výsuvnými boky / The unit of a semi-trailer with box body with extensible sidewallsPlachký, Jakub January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to establish the basis for a presentation study, whose goal is to approximate the problems and dilemas of special semi-trailer with extensible sidewalls construction to the future consumer. The thesis explains which parts the semitrailer is made of as well as which essentials should be considered when designing the construction itself. The paper partly shows one particular semi-trailer project. On this project the calculation of stabilisation system, solidity analysis of the extensible part frame and the complete visualization of the trailer unit have been completed.
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Nákladní manipulační výtah / Freight ElevatorMálek, Ondřej January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is dealing with rebuilding of a lift with load 1000 kg into lift with load 1500 kg. This thesis is mainly intent on dimensioning of propulsion and choosing of traction means. The frame cage of a lift is counted by MKP analysis.
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