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Koncepční návrh malého tříkolového užitkového vozidla / Design concept three wheel small utility vehicleAmbrož, Petr January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with design concept of three wheel small utility vehicle with curb weight 300kg. At the beginning is short description of some similar vehicles. Analyses of used concepts and descriptions of constructions parts have preceded their choice. Then is created 3D model in PRO Engineer and calculations of driving output and stress analyses are based on it. In design concept is accent putted on ergonomics, look, practical utilization and manufacturability.
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Bezpečnostní rám závodního vozu / Race Car Roll CageSedlář, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
Master thesis is about increasing of protection the crew in race car with changes in its roll-over protective structure according to current safety rules. For examination was used the Finite Element Method. The products of this thesis are different variation of roll cages, which are tasked to increasing the safety of existent race car.
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Rám přívěsu Variant pro přepravu kabelových cívek / Trailer frame VARIANT for transport cabel spoolsBuchta, Vladislav January 2010 (has links)
Thesis deals with the truck frame VARIANT 252. The main task is to analyze weighting states, setting the values for weigting states. Strength control of the frame by using the Finite Element Method (FEM). And each subsequent frame adjustments based on the results of FEM. Part of this thesis is also the drawing documentation provided a modified frame assembly and each modified components.
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Rám přívěsu CHTP24 pro přepravu stavebních strojů / Frame of trailer CHTP24 for the building machines transportValach, Přemysl January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a frame design of a trailer for the transportation of building machinery. The thesis focuses mainly on the cross-check of strength, and also proposes suitable construction adjustments including their calculations in cases of stress. The strength and stability check is carried out by means of the finite element method. A drawing documentation of the trailer amendments is also included. This diploma thesis was created in collaboration with the company SVAN Chrudim s.r.o..
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Vidle pro manipulaci s kulatinou / Forks for handling logsSeďa, Marek January 2011 (has links)
This master’s thesis with product design forks for handling logs as attachments for tractors Zetor Forterra the specified load capacity 1200 kg. The work is mainly focused on the design frame and fork clamps, the necessary calculations and ultimately strength check of designed structures. The work is also addressed in detail the linear hydraulic motor used for the rotational movement of the jaws, including the calculation of fork. Then there are the design calculations and stress analysis of journals. It also checked the stability of the machine. Stress analysis is performed for different load conditions and the jaw frame finite elements. As another part is making all the drawings.
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Pevnostní analýza a optimalizace rámu samonakládacího transportéru balíků / Strength analysis and frame optimization of the self-loading package transporterHovádek, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with stress analysis and optimalization frame of the self- loading package transporter. It consists the analysis of original frame, the proposed changes and analysis of new frame.
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Konstrukce malého CNC soustruhu / Design of small CNC turning machinePodloucký, Milan January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is construction a small CNC lathe ideal for small series of mostly minor workpieces or for learning needs. In the first part of the work is carried out general literature search containing turning technology, tools for turning and the allocation of turning machines. There is also retrieval of small lathes located not only in our market. Based on research are selected technical parameters of the machine and carried out construction calculations. Also included is a 3D model of the entire assembly and assembly drawings of machine nodes.
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Návrh nové evoluce trubkového rámu vozidla Formule Student / Formula Student Tubular Frame New Evolution DesignSlimařík, Dušan January 2012 (has links)
Design of new evolution steel welded tubular frame specified for Formula Student series is the main goal of this thesis. In the first instance, type of frame designs is described. Next part of thesis is devote to rules, which must be respected in designing of new evolution of tubular frame. In main part, construction design and calculations of torsional stiffness using MKP analysis are mentioned. Interesting point of this work is located at penultimate part, which deals with preparation of tubular frame production. This is integral part of the construction process at all. Thesis ends with project summary.
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Zdvihací a manipulační zařízení pro podvěsné příslušenství letadla / Lifting and handling equipment for aircraft overhead AccessoriesKaše, Vladimír January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is dealing with the design proposal of mobile handling equipment for the aircrafts´ overhead accessory. In its initial part it describes different types of manipulators in use, following by several possibilities how to solve the problematics. The main part of the thesis is focused on concrete solution and construction of such manipulating facility, including the strength and control calculations.
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Rám převíjecího zařízení elektrických kabelů / Machinery frame for rewinding electric cablePalík, Milan January 2012 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is a frame of rewind device of the electric cabels. The main aim is the analysis of the load conditions of the frame and defining figures for those conditions. The method of final elements will be used to check the firmness of the frame followed by the analysis of the particular results. Drawing documentation of the frame set and other parts according to the instructions of head of this thesis are also components of this thesis.
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