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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fabrication of Model Plant Cell Wall Materials to Probe Gut Microbiota Use of Dietary Fiber

Nuseybe Bulut (5930564) 31 January 2022 (has links)
The cell wall provides a complex and rigid structure to the plant for support, protection from environmental factors, and transport. It is mainly composed of polysaccharides, proteins, and lignin. Arabinoxylan (AX), pectin (P), and cellulose (C) are the main components of cereal cell walls and are particularly concentrated in the bran portion of the grain. Cereal arabinoxylans create networks in plant cell walls in which other cell wall polysaccharides are imbedded forming complex matrices. These networks give an insolubility profile to plant cell wall. A previous study in our lab showed that soluble crosslinked arabinoxylan with relatively high residual ferulic acid from corn bran provided advantageous <i>in vitro </i>human fecal fermentation products and promoted butyrogenic gut bacteria. In the present work, arabinoxylan was isolated from corn bran with a mild sodium hydroxide concentration to keep most of its ferulic acid content. Highly ferulated corn bran arabinoxylan was crosslinked to create an insoluble network to mimic the cereal grain cell wall matrices. Firstly, arabinoxylan film (Cax-F), pectin film (P-F), the film produced by embedding pectin into arabinoxylan networks (CaxP-F), and cellulose embedding arabinoxylan matrices (CaxC-F), and embedding the mixture of cellulose and pectin into arabinoxylan networks (CaxCP-F) were fabricated into simulated plant cell wall materials. Water solubility of films in terms of monosaccharide content was examined and revealed that Cax-F was insoluble, and P-F was partially insoluble, and nanosized pectin and cellulose were partially entrapped inside the crosslinked-arabinoxylan matrices. In a further study, these films were used in an <i>in vitro </i>human fecal fermentation assay to understand how gut microbiota access and utilize the different simulated plant cell walls to highlight the role of each plant cell wall component during colonic fermentation. <i>In vitro </i>fecal samples, obtained from three healthy donors were used to ferment the films (Cax-F, P-F, CaxP-F, CaxC-F, and CaxCP-F) and controls (free form of cell wall components -Cax, P and C). The fabricated films that were compositionally similar to cell walls were fermented more slowly than the free polysaccharides (Cax and P). Besides, CaxP-F produced the highest short chain fatty acids (SCFA) amount among the films after 24 hour <i>in vitro </i>fecal fermentation. Regarding specific SCFA, butyrate molar ratio of all films was significantly higher than the free, soluble Cax and P. 16S rRNA gene sequencing explained the differences of the butyrate proportion derived from specific butyrogenic bacteria. Particularly, some bacteria, especially in a butyrogenic genera from Clostridium cluster XIVa, were increased in arabinoxylan films forms compared to the native free arabinoxylan polysaccharide. However, no changes were observed between P and P-F in terms of both end products (SCFA) and microbiota compositions. Moreover, CaxP-F promoted the butyrogenic bacteria in fecal samples compared with pectin alone, arabinoxylan alone, and the arabinoxylan film. Differences in matrix insolubility of the film, which was high for the covalently linked arabinoxylan films, but low for the non-covalent ionic-linked pectin film, appears to play an important role in targeting Clostridial bacterial groups. Overall, the cell wall-like films were useful to understand which bacteria degrade them related to their physical form and location of the fiber polymers. This study showed how fabricated model plant cell wall films influence specificity and competitiveness of some gut bacteria and suggest that fabricated materials using natural fibers might be used for targeted support of certain gut bacteria and bacterial groups.

Relation structure-activité des lipopolysaccharides isolés des bactéries sulfato-réductrices de la flore intestinale chez le sujet sain et diabétique / Structure-activity relationships of lipopolysaccharides isolated from gut microbiota Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in healthy and diabetic subjects

Zhang-Sun, Wei 02 December 2013 (has links)
Des études ont récemment mis en évidence le rôle des lipopolysaccharides (LPS) des bactéries à Gram négatif de la flore intestinale dans le processus de l’inflammation conduisant à l’obésité et au diabète de type 2.Le présent travail est réalisé dans le cadre d’une collaboration entre les équipes du Dr. Caroff (U. Paris-Sud, Orsay) et du Pr. Zhao (U. Jiao Tong, Shanghai). Les expériences présentées ont été réalisées lors de séjours dans les deux laboratoires.Il a été démontré en Chine que des bactéries Sulfato-réductrices (SRB) à Gram négatif étaient présentes en plus forte proportion dans la flore intestinale chez les souris suivant un régime gras. Les mêmes résultats ont été observés chez l'homme. L’hypothèse selon laquelle des SRB seraient à l’origine de grandes quantités d’endotoxines chez les obèses et les patients diabétiques a été émise. Plusieurs souches de SRB isolées de la flore intestinale humaine d’un sujet sain et d’un sujet diabétique ont été cultivées en Chine. Des études de relation structure/activité des LPS isolés de ces bactéries ont été réalisées dans le laboratoire Français pour déterminer leur rôle dans le développement des maladies métaboliques. Les souches isolées des deux sujets ont pu être classées dans le genre Desulfovibrio. Les LPS correspondants ont été extraits et purifiés par des méthodes mises au point dans l’équipe d’Orsay. La structure chimique a été élucidée par les méthodes suivantes : Electrophorèse, Chromatographie sur couche mince, Chromatographie en phase gazeuse et Spectrométrie de masse MALDI. C’est ainsi que des spectres de masse ont été obtenus et que la structure des lipides A, principes actifs des LPS, isolés de SRB a été décrite pour la première fois. Les activités biologiques testées (TNFα, IL-6) varient en fonction du nombre d’acides gras présents. Les LPS de SRB du patient sain ont une structure variable (Smooth versus Rough) en fonction de la quantité de fer présent dans le milieu, et ceux isolés du patient diabétique présentent des structures atypiques qui ne sont pas toutes inflamogènes. Une molécule membranaire inconnue, que nous avons nommée « Glycosyl’X » était co-extraite avec les LPS. Elle joue apparemment un rôle important dans la croissance des SRB et a été étudiée après des étapes de purification complexes. Les structures et le pouvoir inflammatoire de ces molécules dont la structure varie avec les souches, et qui chélatent le fer, ont été étudiées. Elles sont de nature principalement osidique et fixées à la membrane. La proportion de ces molécules par rapport aux LPS varie avec la quantité de fer disponible dans le milieu. Un milieu riche en fer favorise la croissance des Desulfovibrio portant les Glycosyl’X qui n’ont pas de pouvoir inflammatoire eux-mêmes, mais entrent en compétition avec les LPS, modulant ainsi indirectement l’activité de ces derniers. L’augmentation du nombre de Desulfovibrio conduisant à l’augmentation des molécules Glycosyl’X pourrait aussi moduler positivement (par présentation) ou négativement (par élimination des bactéries) l’adsorption du fer dans les intestins dont l’équilibre est essentiel pour l’homéostasie métabolique.Par ailleurs, la croissance des Desulfovibrio augmente la production d’Hydrogène Sulfuré connu pour son action délétère sur les cellules. Nous favorisons l’hypothèse selon laquelle son action sur la disjonction des cellules épithéliales permettrait le passage des différents LPS relargués par la flore Gram-négative intestinale, et même des bactéries entières, vers la circulation sanguine. / Recent studies have highlighted the role of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the intestinal flora (gut microbiota) which could contribute to the inflammation process leading to obesity and type 2 diabetes. This thesis is part of a collaborative project between the laboratories of Dr. Caroff (U. Paris -Sud, Orsay, France) and Prof. Zhao (U. Jiao Tong , Shanghai, China). It has been shown by Pr.Zhao’s team in 2010 that the Sulfate -Reducing Bacteria (SRB) were presented in greater proportion in the intestinal mice flora following a fat diet compared to mice following a normal diet. The same results were observed in humans. The starting hypothesis was that SRB could produce a large amount of endotoxin in obese and diabetic patients and play a role in the development of metabolic diseases. Several SRB strains isolated from the human intestinal flora of a healthy subject and of a diabetic subject were grown in the Chinese laboratory. Studies of their LPS structure / activity relationships were carried out in the French laboratory. The aim of this study was to determine their roles in the development of metabolic diseases.Strains isolated from the two subjects could be classified in the Desulfovibrio genus. The corresponding LPS were extracted and purified by the methods developed in the French laboratory. The chemical structure was elucidated by the following methods: Electrophoresis, Thin layer chromatography, Gas chromatography and MALDI mass spectrometry. The mass spectra were obtained and the structure of lipid A, the active part of LPS isolated from SRB was described here for the first time. The biological activities test (TNFα, IL-6) vary depending on the number of fatty acids present in their lipid A structure. The LPS of SRB isolated from the healthy patient had a variable structure (Smooth versus Rough) depending on the amount of iron present in the medium, and those isolated from diabetic patients had atypical structures are not all inflamogenic .An unknown membrane molecule, which we named "Glycosyl'X" was co-extracted with the LPS. It apparently plays an important role in the growth of SRB was investigated after complex purification steps. The structures and the inflammatory power of these molecules variying with strains chelating iron were studied. They are mainly of glycosidic nature and linked to the bacterial membrane.The proportion of these molecules relatively to LPS varies with the amount of iron in the medium. An environment rich in iron promotes the growth of Desulfovibrio Glycosyl'X, molecules but competes with LPS and indirectly modulates the activity of the latter. The increase number of Desulfovibrio leading to increased Glycosyl'X molecules may also modulate positively (by presentation) or negatively (by killing bacteria) the absorption of iron in the intestines which balance is essential for metabolic homeostasis.Furthermore, the growth of Desulfovibrio increasing the production of Hydrogen Sulfide is known for its deleterious effects on the cells. We favor the hypothesis that its action on the separation of epithelial cells favors the passage of different LPS released by the Gram- negative of intestinal flora and even whole cell bacteria into the bloodstream.

Anabaena - Phenotypic and genotypic diversity of planktonic strains in fishponds and reservoirs of the Czech Republic / Anabaena - Phenotypic and genotypic diversity of planktonic strains in fishponds and reservoirs of the Czech Republic

ZAPOMĚLOVÁ, Eliška January 2008 (has links)
Morphological diversity of 61 Anabaena populations of 13 morphospecies was described under the field conditions of Czech fishponds and reservoirs. Polyphasic approach was then applied in classification of 45 clonal strains isolated from those populations. Detailed morphological analyses were performed and partial 16S rRNA gene sequences were obtained for 33 of the strains, and secondary metabolite production was evaluated in 20 strains. Plasticity of morphological characteristics under varied conditions of light, temperature, nitrogen and phosphorus was studied in selected strains, as well as their temperature and light growth requirements. The results were then discussed with respect to the delimitation of single Anabaena morphospecies. A new genus Sphaerospermum was defined for the morphospecies Anabaena kisseleviana, A. reniformis and Aphanizomenon aphanizomenoides, whose phenotypic and genotypic features differed considerably from all other Anabaena morphospecies. Unique information was provided on the occurrence and distribution of A. reniformis and Aph. aphanizomenoides in the Czech Republic.

Microbiota development and mucosal IgA responses during childhood in health and allergic disease

Dzidic, Majda 02 September 2019 (has links)
[ES] Antecedentes: Los patrones de colonización microbiana alterados durante la infancia pueden ser en parte responsables del aumento de enfermedades alérgicas en los países desarrollados. La microbiota intestinal difiere en composición y diversidad durante los primeros meses de vida en niños que luego desarrollan o no una enfermedad alérgica. Sin embargo, poco se sabe sobre la importancia de las respuestas inmunitarias tempranas de la mucosa a la microbiota intestinal en el desarrollo de alergias infantiles. Además, los estudios con respecto al efecto protector de la microbiota de la leche materna en el riesgo de desarrollar alergias no han sido concluyentes. Aunque la cavidad bucal es el primer lugar de encuentro entre la mayoría de los antígenos exógenos y el sistema inmunológico, no existen datos sobre la influencia de las bacterias orales en el desarrollo de alergias durante la infancia. Objetivos: El objetivo general de esta tesis fue evaluar la composición y diversidad microbiana en muestras orales, intestinales y de leche materna, junto con su interacción con IgA, para estudiar el papel de la colonización microbiana durante edades tempranas de la vida en condiciones de salud y de enfermedad alérgica. Sujetos: Los bebés y las madres incluidas en este estudio forman parte del ensayo aleatorio doble ciego más grande de Suecia, entre 2001 y 2003, donde se evaluaron los posibles efectos preventivos sobre la alergia de Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC 55730 hasta los 2 y 7 años. En esta tesis, utilizamos muestras de heces recogidas a los 1 y 12 meses, y muestras orales de bebés, obtenidas longitudinalmente a los 3, 6, 12, 24 meses y 7 años. Además, analizamos muestras de leche materna, recogidas a un mes después del parto de las madres correspondientes. Métodos: Se utilizaron tecnologías de secuenciación de segunda generación dirigidas al gen 16S rARN, en combinación con citometría de células marcadas por fluorescencia, para abordar las respuestas de IgA de la mucosa hacia las bacterias intestinales y de la leche materna. Además, se utilizó la secuenciación del gen 16S para describir la colonización oral de la microbiota, en muestras de saliva, de niños que desarrollaron alergias o de aquellos que se mantuvieron sanos. Los niveles de carga bacteriana en diferentes hábitats microbianos se obtuvieron mediante la metodología de qPCR y los niveles totales de IgA de las muestras de heces se determinaron mediante inmuno-ensayo ELISA. Resultados y conclusión: La colonización de la cavidad bucal durante la infancia temprana es progresiva, aumenta en complejidad con el tiempo, y varios factores externos parecen influir en gran medida en la maduración de la microbiota oral, ya sea con un impacto a corto o largo plazo. Los cambios tempranos en la composición microbiana oral parecen influir en la maduración inmune y el desarrollo de alergias en la infancia, y la presencia de especies bacterianas específicas puede ser importante para este proceso. Además, las respuestas de IgA alteradas hacia la microbiota intestinal durante la infancia precedieron a las manifestaciones de asma y alergia durante los primeros 7 años de vida, y el consumo de leche materna con una riqueza microbiana reducida en el primer mes de vida puede aumentar el riesgo de desarrollar alergia durante la infancia. Los hallazgos observados en la presente tesis deben confirmarse en cohortes más grandes y la importancia de los factores ambientales postnatales para el desarrollo temprano de la microbiota debe abordarse más a fondo. Las investigaciones futuras deben ir más allá de la caracterización de la composición de la comunidad bacteriana e investigar los mecanismos funcionales entre los microorganismos colonizadores tempranos, la maduración inmunitaria y la alergia, así como el desarrollo del asma durante la infancia. / [CAT] Antecedents: S'ha proposat que els patrons de colonització microbiana alterats durant la infància podrien ser en part els responsables de l'augment de malalties al·lèrgiques als països desenvolupats. La microbiota intestinal difereix en composició i diversitat durant els primers mesos de vida en els nens que després van desenvolupar una malaltia al·lèrgica. No obstant això, poc es sap sobre la importància de les respostes immunes de la mucosa a la microbiota intestinal en el desenvolupament d'al·lèrgies infantils. A més, les investigacions amb relació a l'efecte protector de la microbiota de la llet materna en el risc de desenvolupar al·lèrgies no han sigut concloents. Encara que la cavitat bucal és el primer lloc de trobada entre la majoria dels gèneres externs i el sistema immunològic, encara no s'ha descobert la influència dels bacteris en el desenvolupament d'una al·lèrgia durant la infància. Objectius: L'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi va ser avaluar la composició microbiana i la diversitat de mostres orals, fecals i llet materns, juntament amb la seva interacció amb IgA, per estudiar el paper del desenvolupament microbià durant el període de la infància primerenca a la salut i la malaltia al·lèrgica. Subjectes: Les mares i xiquets inclosos en aquest estudi formen part d'un estudi aleatori doble-cec a Suècia, entre el 2001 i el 2003, on es van avaluar els possibles efectes preventius de la suplementació amb Lactobacillus ATCC 55730 fins als 2 i 7 anys. En aquesta tesi, s'utilitzaren mostres de bebès arreplegades longitudinalment, obtinguts a 1 i 12 mesos, 3, 6, 12, 24 mesos i 7 anys, respectivament. A més, s'analitzaren les mostres de llet materna, arreplegades a un mes postpart de les corresponents mares. Mètodes: S'han utilitzat tecnologies de seqüenciació de nova generació dirigides al ARNr 16S, en combinació amb la classificació de les cèl·lules activades, per abordar les respostes de la mucosa cap als bacteris intestinals i de la llet materna. A més, s'utilitzà la seqüenciació d'Illumina MiSeq del gen 16S per descriure la colonització microbiana oral, i es van obtenir mostres longitudinals de saliva de menuts que varen desenvolupar al·lèrgies i d'alguns que es van mantenir saludables. Els nivells de càrrega bacteriana en diferents nínxols microbians s'han obtingut mitjançant la metodologia de qPCR i els nivells totals d'IgA de les mostres fecals es determinaren mitjançant l'immunoassaig ELISA. Resultats i conclusions: La colonització de la cavitat bucal durant la primera infància és transitòria, augmenta la seva complexitat amb el temps, i diversos factors externs influeixen en gran mesura el procés de maduració de la microbiota oral, amb un impacte a curt i llarg termini. Els canvis primerencs en la composició microbiana oral pareixen influir en la maduració del sistema immunològic i el desenvolupament d'al·lèrgies a la infància, així com la presència d'espècies bacterianes específiques pot ser important per a aquest progrés. A més, les respostes d'IgA alterades cap a la microbiota intestinal durant la infància precedeixen a les manifestacions relatives a la malaltia asmàtica i al·lèrgiques durant els primers 7 anys de vida. Per altra banda, el consum de llet materna amb una microbiota de riquesa reduïda al primer mes de vida podria augmentar el risc de desenvolupar al·lèrgia durant la infància. Els resultats observats en aquest estudi haurien de confirmar-se en cohorts humanes més grans i la importància dels factors ambientals post natals que influeixen en el desenvolupament de la microbiota primerenca han de ser més estudiats. Les investigacions futures deuen anar més enllà de la caracterització de la composició de la comunitat bacteriana i investigar els mecanismes funcionals entre els microorganismes colonitzadors primerencs, la maduració del sistema immunològic i el desenvolupament de l'al·lèrgia i l'asma durant la in / [EN] Background: It has been proposed that altered microbial colonization patterns during infancy may be partly responsible for the increase of allergic diseases in developed countries. The gut microbiota differs in composition and diversity during the first months of life in children who later do or do not develop allergic disease. However, little is known about the significance of early mucosal immune responses to the gut microbiota in childhood allergy development, and the findings regarding the protective effect of breastmilk microbiota in the risk of allergy development have been inconclusive. Furthermore, even though the oral cavity is the first site of encounter between a majority of foreign antigens and the immune system, the influence of oral bacteria on allergy development during childhood has not yet been reported. Objectives: The general aim of this thesis was to assess the microbial composition and diversity of oral, fecal and breastmilk samples, together with its interaction with IgA, in order to study the role of microbial development during early childhood in health and allergic disease. Subjects: The infants and mothers included in this study were part of a larger randomized double-blind trial in Sweden, between 2001 and 2003, where potential allergy preventive effects of Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC 55730 were evaluated until 2 and 7 years of age. In this thesis, we used longitudinally collected stool and oral samples from infants, obtained at 1 and 12 months and 3, 6, 12, 24 months and 7 years of age, respectively. Furthermore, we analyzed breastmilk samples, collected at one month post partum, from the corresponding mothers. Methods: Next-generation sequencing technologies targeting the 16S rRNA gene, in combination with cell activated cell sorting, were used in order to address mucosal IgA responses towards gut and breastmilk bacteria. Furthermore, sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene was used in order to describe oral microbiota colonization, in longitudinally obtained saliva samples, from children developing allergy or staying healthy. Bacterial load levels in different microbial habitats were obtained by qPCR methodology and total IgA levels of stool samples were determined by ELISA immunoassays. Results and conclusion: Colonization of the oral cavity during early childhood is transitional, increasing in complexity with time, and several external factors appear to greatly influence oral microbiota maturation, having either a short or a long-term impact. Early changes in oral microbial composition seem to influence immune maturation and allergy development in childhood, and the presence of specific bacterial species may be important for this progress. Furthermore, altered IgA responses towards the gut microbiota during infancy preceded asthma and allergy manifestations during the first 7 years of life, and consumption of breastmilk with a reduced microbial richness in the first month of life may increase the risk for allergy development during childhood. Findings observed here need to be confirmed in larger cohorts and the importance of postnatal environmental factors for early microbiota development should be addressed further. Future research should go beyond characterization of bacterial community composition and investigate the functional mechanisms between early colonizing microorganisms, immune maturation and allergy and asthma development during childhood. / Dzidic, M. (2019). Microbiota development and mucosal IgA responses during childhood in health and allergic disease [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/125479 / TESIS

Importance of substrate quality and clay content on microbial extracellular polymeric substances production and aggregate stability in soils

Olagoke, Folasade K., Bettermann, Antje, Nguyen, Phuong Thi Bich, Redmile-Gordon, Marc, Babin, Doreen, Smalla, Kornelia, Nesme, Joseph, Sørensen, Søren J., Kalbitz, Karsten, Vogel, Cordula 04 June 2024 (has links)
We investigated the effects of substrate (cellulose or starch) and different clay contents on the production of microbial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and concomitant development of stable soil aggregates. Soils were incubated with different amounts of montmorillonite (+ 0.1%, + 1%, + 10%) both with and without two substrates of contrasting quality (starch and cellulose). Microbial respiration (CO2), biomass carbon (C), EPS-protein, and EPS-polysaccharide were determined over the experimental period. The diversity and compositional shifts of microbial communities (bacteria/archaea) were analysed by sequencing 16S rRNA gene fragments amplified from soil DNA. Soil aggregate size distribution was determined and geometric mean diameter calculated for aggregate formation. Aggregate stabilities were compared among 1–2-mm size fraction. Starch amendment supported a faster increase than cellulose in both respiration and microbial biomass. Microbial community structure and composition differed depending on the C substrate added. However, clay addition had a more pronounced effect on alpha diversity compared to the addition of starch or cellulose. Substrate addition resulted in an increased EPS concentration only if combined with clay addition. At high clay addition, starch resulted in higher EPS concentrations than cellulose. Where additional substrate was not provided, EPS-protein was only weakly correlated with aggregate formation and stability. The relationship became stronger with addition of substrate. Labile organic C thus clearly plays a role in aggregate formation, but increasing clay content was found to enhance aggregate stability and additionally resulted in the development of distinct microbial communities and increased EPS production.

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