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Radial-Growth Forecasting and the Implications for Planning and Management in the Grand River Watershed of Ontario, CanadaSelig, Nigel January 2009 (has links)
The first objective of this thesis was to predict the future success of selected tree species under low (B1, 550 CO2 ppm) and moderate (A1B, 720 CO2 ppm) climate change scenarios as defined in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES). This was accomplished through the creation of radial-growth forecasts for eastern hemlock (Tsuga Canadensis (L.) Carr.), sugar maple (Acer saccharum L.), white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench.) Voss), and white pine (Pinus strobus L.) in the Grand River Watershed of Ontario, Canada. The forecasts were founded on historic growth-climate relationships between standardized regional dendrochronologies for each species and past climate data from the Guelph OAC weather station. These species-specific growth-climate relationships were then extended to 2100 using modeled climate data from the Third Generation Coupled Global Climate Model (CGCM3) to project radial-growth under both emissions scenarios. Results indicated that eastern hemlock radial-growth will remain stable throughout the 21st-century, sugar maple and white spruce growth will start to decline, and white pine growth will increase. While the radial-growth forecasts were limited by the length of the past climate data, the accuracy of the modeled climate data, and the number and type of variables used in the forecast model, the results were statically significant and strongly supported in the literature.
The second thesis objective was to assess the potential impact of the radial-growth forecasts on environmental planning policy and forest management strategy in the Grand River Watershed. Examples of how the forecasts could influence basic management strategies in the watershed were provided to display the conceptual linkages between the results and policy formulation. Next, the radial-growth forecasts were presented to four forest managers working in the watershed to gage the practical implications, perceptions and limitations of the radial-growth forecasting method. While the managers found the radial-growth forecasts interesting, they also noted that the results were of limited use since they could not account for other factors important to the future success of the study species, such as seedling dispersal and establishment rates, as well as the potential effects of pathogens, insects and invasive species. Therefore, it was recommended that future research should work to extrapolate the results of the radial-growth forecasts to other tree species and types in the region, as well as incorporate more variables into the models, so that more accurate and applicable growth projections could be constructed in the watershed.
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3D Model of Fuel Tank for System Simulation : A methodology for combining CAD models with simulation toolsWikström, Jonas January 2011 (has links)
Engineering aircraft systems is a complex task. Therefore models and computer simulations are needed to test functions and behaviors of non existing systems, reduce testing time and cost, reduce the risk involved and to detect problems early which reduce the amount of implementation errors. At the section Vehicle Simulation and Thermal Analysis at Saab Aeronautics in Linköping every basic aircraft system is designed and simulated, for example the fuel system. Currently 2-dimensional rectangular blocks are used in the simulation model to represent the fuel tanks. However, this is too simplistic to allow a more detailed analysis. The model needs to be extended with a more complex description of the tank geometry in order to get a more accurate model. This report explains the different steps in the developed methodology for combining 3-dimensional geometry models of any fuel tank created in CATIA with dynamic simulation of the fuel system in Dymola. The new 3-dimensional representation of the tank in Dymola should be able to calculate fuel surface location during simulation of a maneuvering aircraft. The first step of the methodology is to create a solid model of the fuel contents in the tank. Then the area of validity for the model has to be specified, in this step all possible orientations of the fuel acceleration vector within the area of validity is generated. All these orientations are used in the automated volume analysis in CATIA. For each orientation CATIA splits the fuel body in a specified number of volumes and records the volume, the location of the fuel surface and the location of the center of gravity. This recorded data is then approximated with the use of radial basis functions implemented in MATLAB. In MATLAB a surrogate model is created which are then implemented in Dymola. In this way any fuel surface location and center of gravity can be calculated in an efficient way based on the orientation of the fuel acceleration vector and the amount of fuel. The new 3-dimensional tank model is simulated in Dymola and the results are compared with measures from the model in CATIA and with the results from the simulation of the old 2-dimensional tank model. The results shows that the 3-dimensional tank gives a better approximation of reality and that there is a big improvement compared with the 2-dimensional tank model. The downside is that it takes approximately 24 hours to develop this model. / Att utveckla ett nytt flygplanssystem är en väldigt komplicerad arbetsuppgift. Därför används modeller och simuleringar för att testa icke befintliga system, minska utvecklingstiden och kostnaderna, begränsa riskerna samt upptäcka problem tidigt och på så sätt minska andelen implementerade fel. Vid sektionen Vehicle Simulation and Thermal Analysis på Saab Aeronautics i Linköping designas och simuleras varje grundflygplanssystem, ett av dessa system är bränslesystemet. För närvarande används 2-dimensionella rätblock i simuleringsmodellen för att representera bränsletankarna, vilket är en väldigt grov approximation. För att kunna utföra mer detaljerade analyser behöver modellerna utökas med en bättre geometrisk beskrivning av bränsletankarna. Denna rapport går igenom de olika stegen i den framtagna metodiken för att kombinera 3- dimensionella tankmodeller skapade i CATIA med dynamisk simulering av bränslesystemet i Dymola. Den nya 3-dimensionella representationen av en tank i Dymola bör kunna beräkna bränsleytans läge under en simulering av ett manövrerande flygplan. Första steget i metodiken är att skapa en solid modell av bränslet som finns i tanken. Därefter specificeras modellens giltighetsområde och alla tänkbara riktningar hos accelerationsvektorn som påverkar bränslet genereras, dessa används sedan i den automatiserade volymanalysen i CATIA. För varje riktning delar CATIA upp bränslemodellen i ett bestämt antal delar och registrerar volymen, bränsleytans läge samt tyngdpunktens position för varje del. Med hjälp av radiala basfunktioner som har implementerats i MATLAB approximeras dessa data och en surrogatmodell tas fram, denna implementeras sedan i Dymola. På så sätt kan bränsleytans och tyngdpunktens läge beräknas på ett effektivt sätt, baserat på riktningen hos bränslets accelerationsvektor samt mängden bränsle i tanken. Den nya 3-dimensionella tankmodellen simuleras i Dymola och resultaten jämförs med mätningar utförda i CATIA samt med resultaten från den gamla simuleringsmodellen. Resultaten visar att den 3-dimensionella tankmodellen ger en mycket bättre representation av verkligheten och att det är en stor förbättring jämfört med den 2-dimensionella representationen. Nackdelen är att det tar ungefär 24 timmar att få fram denna 3-dimensionella representation.
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Machine vision for automating visual inspectionof wooden railway sleepersSajjad Pasha, Mohammad January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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In-Plane Motion Correction in Reconstruction of non-Cartesian 3D-functional MRI / Korrigering av 2D-rörelser vid rekonstruktion av icke-kartesisk 3D funktionell MRIKarlsson, Anette January 2011 (has links)
When patients move during an MRI examination, severe artifacts arise in the reconstructed image and motion correction is therefore often desired. An in-plane motion correction algorithm suitable for PRESTO-CAN, a new 3D functional MRI method where sampling of k-space is radial in kx-direction and kz-direction and Cartesian in ky-direction, was implemented in this thesis work. Rotation and translation movements can be estimated and corrected for sepa- rately since the magnitude of the data is only affected by the rotation. The data were sampled in a radial pattern and the rotation was estimated by finding the translation in angular direction using circular correlation. Correlation was also used when finding the translation in x-direction and z-direction. The motion correction algorithm was evaluated on computer simulated data, the motion was detected and corrected for, and this resulted in images with greatly reduced artifacts due to patient movements. / När patienter rör sig under en MRI-undersökning uppstår artefakter i den rekonstruerande bilden och därför är det önskvärt med rörelsekorrigering. En 2D- rörelsekorrigeringsalgoritm som är anpassad för PRESTO-CAN har tagits fram. PRESTO-CAN är en ny fMRI-metod för 3D där samplingen av k-rummet är radiell i (kx,kz)-planet och kartesisk i ky-riktningen. Rotations- och translationsrörelser kan estimeras separat då magnituden av signalen bara påverkas av rotationsrörelser. Eftersom data är samplat radiellt kan rotationen estimeras genom att hitta translationen i vinkelled med hjälp av cirkulär korrelation. Korrelation används även för att hitta translationen i i x- och z-riktningen. Test på simulerat data visar att rörelsekorrigeringsalgoritmen både detekterar och korrigerar för rörelser vilket leder till bilder med mycket mindre rörelseartefakter.
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Evaluation of a least-squares radial basis function approximation method for solving the Black-Scholes equation for option pricingWang, Cong January 2012 (has links)
Radial basis function (RBF) approximation, is a new extremely powerful tool that is promising for high-dimensional problems, such as those arising from pricing of basket options using the Black-Scholes partial differential equation. The main problem for RBF methods have been ill-conditioning as the RBF shape parameter becomes small, corresponding to flat RBFs. This thesis employs a recently developed method called the RBF-QR method to reduce computational cost by improving the conditioning, thereby allowing for the use of a wider range of shape parameter values. Numerical experiments for the one-dimensional case are presented and a MATLAB implementation is provided. In our thesis, the RBF-QR method performs better than the RBF-Direct method for small shape parameters. Using Chebyshev points, instead of a standard uniform distribution, can increase the accuracy through clustering of the nodes towards the boundary. The least squares formulation for RBF methods is preferable to the collocation approach because it can result in smaller errors for the same number of basis functions.
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Estimation of Radial RunoutNilsson, Martin January 2007 (has links)
The demands for ride comfort quality in today's long haulage trucks are constantly growing. A part of the ride comfort problems are represented by internal vibrations caused by rotating mechanical parts. This thesis work focus on the vibrations generated from radial runout on the wheels. These long haulage trucks travel long distances on smooth highways, with a constant speed of 90 km/h resulting in a 7 Hz oscillation. This frequency creates vibrations in the cab, which can be found annoying. To help out with the vibration diagnosis when a truck enters a mechanical workshop, this work studies methods for radial runout detection using the wheel speed sensors. The main idea is to represent the varying radius signal with a sinusoid, where the calculations are based on Fourier series. The estimated radial runout value is then the amplitude of the sinusoid. In addition to the detection part, the work also present results regarding how the relative phase difference between two wheels with radial runout effects the lateral motion of the cab. This thesis work was performed at Scania CV AB in Södertälje, Sweden and all measurements have been full scale experiments on real trucks.
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Radial-Growth Forecasting and the Implications for Planning and Management in the Grand River Watershed of Ontario, CanadaSelig, Nigel January 2009 (has links)
The first objective of this thesis was to predict the future success of selected tree species under low (B1, 550 CO2 ppm) and moderate (A1B, 720 CO2 ppm) climate change scenarios as defined in the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES). This was accomplished through the creation of radial-growth forecasts for eastern hemlock (Tsuga Canadensis (L.) Carr.), sugar maple (Acer saccharum L.), white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench.) Voss), and white pine (Pinus strobus L.) in the Grand River Watershed of Ontario, Canada. The forecasts were founded on historic growth-climate relationships between standardized regional dendrochronologies for each species and past climate data from the Guelph OAC weather station. These species-specific growth-climate relationships were then extended to 2100 using modeled climate data from the Third Generation Coupled Global Climate Model (CGCM3) to project radial-growth under both emissions scenarios. Results indicated that eastern hemlock radial-growth will remain stable throughout the 21st-century, sugar maple and white spruce growth will start to decline, and white pine growth will increase. While the radial-growth forecasts were limited by the length of the past climate data, the accuracy of the modeled climate data, and the number and type of variables used in the forecast model, the results were statically significant and strongly supported in the literature.
The second thesis objective was to assess the potential impact of the radial-growth forecasts on environmental planning policy and forest management strategy in the Grand River Watershed. Examples of how the forecasts could influence basic management strategies in the watershed were provided to display the conceptual linkages between the results and policy formulation. Next, the radial-growth forecasts were presented to four forest managers working in the watershed to gage the practical implications, perceptions and limitations of the radial-growth forecasting method. While the managers found the radial-growth forecasts interesting, they also noted that the results were of limited use since they could not account for other factors important to the future success of the study species, such as seedling dispersal and establishment rates, as well as the potential effects of pathogens, insects and invasive species. Therefore, it was recommended that future research should work to extrapolate the results of the radial-growth forecasts to other tree species and types in the region, as well as incorporate more variables into the models, so that more accurate and applicable growth projections could be constructed in the watershed.
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Surface reconstruction using variational interpolationJoseph Lawrence, Maryruth Pradeepa 24 November 2005 (has links)
Surface reconstruction of anatomical structures is an integral part of medical modeling. Contour information is extracted from serial cross-sections of tissue data and is stored as "slice" files. Although there are several reasonably efficient triangulation algorithms that reconstruct surfaces from slice data, the models generated from them have a jagged or faceted appearance due to the large inter-slice distance created by the sectioning process. Moreover, inconsistencies in user input aggravate the problem. So, we created a method that reduces inter-slice distance, as well as ignores the inconsistencies in the user input. Our method called the piecewise weighted implicit functions, is based on the approach of weighting smaller implicit functions. It takes only a few slices at a time to construct the implicit function. This method is based on a technique called variational interpolation. <p> Other approaches based on variational interpolation have the disadvantage of becoming unstable when the model is quite large with more than a few thousand constraint points. Furthermore, tracing the intermediate contours becomes expensive for large models. Even though some fast fitting methods handle such instability problems, there is no apparent improvement in contour tracing time, because, the value of each data point on the contour boundary is evaluated using a single large implicit function that essentially uses all constraint points. Our method handles both these problems using a sliding window approach. As our method uses only a local domain to construct each implicit function, it achieves a considerable run-time saving over the other methods. The resulting software produces interpolated models from large data sets in a few minutes on an ordinary desktop computer.
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Forward-Selection-Based Feature Selection for Genre Analysis and Recognition of Popular MusicChen, Wei-Yu 09 September 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, a popular music genre recognition approach for Japanese popular music using SVM (support vector machine) with forward feature selection is proposed. First, various common acoustic features are extracted from the digital signal of popular music songs, including sub-bands, energy, rhythm, tempo, formants. A set of the most appropriate features for the genre identification is then selected by the proposed forward feature selection technique. Experiments conducted on the database consisting of 296 Japanese popular music songs demonstrate that the accuracy of recognition the proposed algorithm can achieve approximately 78.81% and the accuracy is stable when the number of testing music songs is increased.
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High Temperature, Permanent Magnet Biased Magnetic BearingsGandhi, Varun R. 2009 May 1900 (has links)
The Electron Energy Corporation (EEC) along with the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA) is researching magnetic bearings. The purpose of this
research was to design and develop a high-temperature (1000�F) magnetic bearing
system using High Temperature Permanent Magnets (HTPM), developed by the EEC.
The entire system consisted of two radial bearings, one thrust bearing, one motor and 2
sets of catcher bearings.
This high temperature magnetic bearing system will be used in high
performance, high speed and high temperature applications like space vehicles, jet
engines and deep sea equipment. The bearing system had a target design to carry a load
equal to 500 lb-f (2225N). Another objective was to design and build a test rig fixture to
measure the load capacity of the designed high temperature radial magnetic bearing
(HTRMB) called Radial Bearing Force Test Rig (RBFTR).
A novel feature of this high temperature magnetic bearing is its homopolar
construction which incorporates state of the art high temperature, 1000 �F, permanent
magnets. A second feature is its fault tolerance capability which provides the desired
control forces even if half the coils have failed. The permanent magnet bias of the radial magnetic bearing reduces the amount of
current required for magnetic bearing operation. This reduces the power loss due to the
coil current resistance and also increases the system efficiency because magnetic field of
the HTPM is used to take up the major portion of the static load on the bearing. The bias
flux of the homopolar radial bearing is produced by the EEC HTPM to reduce the related
ohmic losses of an electromagnetic circuit significantly.
An experimental procedure was developed using the Radial Bearing Force Test
Rig (RBTFR) to measure actual load capacity of the designed bearing at the test rig. All
the results obtained from the experiment were compiled and analyzed to determine the
relation between bearing force, applied current and temperature.
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