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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Law, Eugene, Feher, Kamilo 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 27-30, 1997 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / The aeronautical telemetry community is investigating alternative modulation methods to the commonly used non-return-to-zero (NRZ) pulse code modulation (PCM)/frequency modulation (FM). This paper outlines the important characteristics being investigated. Measured data comparing the spectral occupancy and bit error probability (BEP) performance of PCM/FM with that of a prototype constant envelope Feher’s quadrature phase shift keying (FQPSK) modulator and demodulator will also be presented. Measured results in several radio frequency bands demonstrate that the 99.99% and -60 dBc bandwidths of filtered FQPSK are only approximately one-half of the corresponding bandwidths of optimized PCM/FM even when the signal is non-linearly amplified. The signal energy per bit to noise power spectral density (E /N ) required for a BEP of 1×10 b 0 -5 for non-optimized FQPSK was approximately 12 dB which is approximately the same as limiter discriminator detected PCM/FM.

Selection process of auto-ID technology in warehouse management : a Delphi study

Hassan, Mayadah January 2014 (has links)
In a supply chain, a warehouse is a crucial component for linking all chain parties. Automatic identification and data capture (auto-ID) technology, e.g. RFID and barcodes are among the essential technologies in the 21st century knowledge-based economy. Selecting an auto-ID technology is a long term investment and it contributes to improving operational efficiency, achieving cost savings and creating opportunities for higher revenues. The interest in auto-ID research for warehouse management is rather stagnant and relatively small in comparison to other research domains such as transport, logistics and supply chain. However, although there are some previous studies that explored factors for the auto-ID selection decision in a warehouse environment, those factors (e.g., operational factors) have been examined separately and researchers have paid no attention to all key factors that may potentially affect this decision. In fact, yet there is no comprehensive framework in the literature that comprehensively investigates the critical factors influencing the auto-ID selection decision and how the factors should be combined to produce a successful auto-ID selection process in warehouse management. Therefore, the main aim of this research is to investigate empirically the auto-ID technology-selection process and to determine the key factors that influence decision makers when selecting auto-ID technology in the warehouse environment. This research is preceded by a comprehensive and systematic review of the relevant literature to identify the set of factors that may affect the technology selection decision. The Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) framework has been used as lens to categorise the identified factors (Tornatzky & Fleischer, 1990). Data were collected by conducting first a modified (mixed-method) two-round Delphi study with a worldwide panel of experts (107) including academics, industry practitioners and consultants in auto-ID technologies. The results of the Delphi study were then verified via follow-up interviews, both face-to-face and telephone, carried out with 19 experts across the world. This research in nature is positivist, exploratory/descriptive, deductive/inductive and quantitative/qualitative. The quantitative data were analysed using the statistical package for social sciences, SPSS V.18, while the qualitative data of the Delphi study and the interviews were analysed manually using quantitative content analysis approach and thematic content analysis approach respectively. The findings of this research are reported on the motivations/reasons of warehouses in seeking to use auto-ID technologies, the challenges in making an auto-ID decision, the recommendations to address the challenges, the key steps that should be followed in making auto-ID selection decision, the key factors and their relative importance that influence auto-ID selection decision in a warehouse. The results of the Delphi study show that the six major factors affecting the auto-ID selection decision in warehouse management are: organisational, operational, structural, resources, external environmental and technological factors (in decreasing order of importance). In addition, 54 key sub-factors have been identified from the list of each of the major factors and ranked in decreasing order of the importance mean scores. However, the importance of these factors depends on the objectives and strategic motivations of warehouse; size of warehouse; type of business; nature of business environment; sectors; market types; products and countries. Based on the Delphi study and the interviews findings, a comprehensive multi-stage framework for auto-ID technology selection process has been developed. This research indicates that the selection process is complex and needs support and closer collaboration from all participants involved in the process such as the IT team, top management, warehouse manager, functional managers, experts, stockholders and vendors. Moreover, warehouse managers should have this process for collaboration before adopting the technology in order to reduce the high risks involved and achieve successful implementation. This research makes several contributions for both academic and practitioners with auto-ID selection in a warehouse environment. Academically, it provides a holistic multi-stage framework that explains the critical issues within the decision making process of auto-ID technology in warehouse management. Moreover, it contributes to the body of auto-ID and warehouse management literature by synthesising the literature on key dimensions of auto-ID (RFID/barcode) selection decision in the warehouse field. This research also provides a theoretical basis upon which future research on auto-ID selection and implementation can be built. Practically, the findings provide valuable insights for warehouse managers and executives associated with auto-ID selection and advance their understanding of the issues involved in the technology selection process that need to be considered.


Papich, William J. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1999 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / The U.S. Army Redstone Technical Test Center (RTTC) uses telemetry as a vital part of its data acquisition and analysis for electromagnetic environmental effects developmental testing of U.S. Army weapon systems. Testing in an electromagnetic environment poses several unique challenges. These challenges have resulted in the development of highly customized telemetry and data acquisition systems. This paper discusses the design and integration of past and current telemetry needs to incorporate real-time or near real-time simulations or scene generations into the testing process.


Bracht, Roger, Dimsdle, Jeff, Rich, Dave, Smith, Frank 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 26-29, 1998 / Town & Country Resort Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, California / High explosive radio telemetry (HERT) is a project that is being developed jointly by Los Alamos National Laboratory and AlliedSignal FM&T. The ultimate goal is to develop a small, modular telemetry system capable of high-speed detection of explosive events, with an accuracy on the order of 10 nanoseconds. The reliable telemetry of this data, from a high-speed missile trajectory, is a very challenging opportunity. All captured data must be transmitted in less than 20 microseconds of time duration. This requires a high bits/Hertz microwave telemetry modulation code to insure transmission of the data within the limited time interval available.

The measurement of radio frequency complex permeability of thin round wires

Stuart, Thomas (Thomas Edward Walter) 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is concerned with the measurement of the complex permeability of thin round wires at radio frequencies. This is of interest as such wires are used in various applications, such as absorbing chaff. Iron and nickel alloys are also used for their good tensile properties but have an undesired electromagnetic effect which needs to be characterised. Although little work has been done in this field in recent decades it remains a relevant problem. In this thesis the advantages of accurate wide-band measurements performed by automatic network analysers are applied to the field. The measurement system is a closed coaxial transmission line with a short circuit termination. The centre conductor is the wire of interest. The surface impedance of the wire is related to complex permeability and is measured using low-loss transmission line approximations applied to half-wavelength resonances. The loss associated with complex permeability is separated from conductivity by a D.C. conductivity measurement. A full wave analysis of the coaxial mode was performed and compared to measured values. The maximum error of the propagation constant was found to be 31% at the highest frequencies and was primarily due to length uncertainties. By varying parameters expected error bands around the measured permeability were found. These bands are of the order 1 and demonstrate that the system is sufficiently robust. The measurement of the permeability of two non-magnetic wires was performed and a relative permeability of 1 was found, demonstrating the correct working of the system. A steel wire was measured and compared to measurements found in literature. The permeability dropped as frequency rose as was expected, and an acceptable comparison to other measurements was made as there is no verification standard. Thus a simple measurement system that takes advantage of calibrated automatic network analyser measurements has been developed and demonstrated to work with sufficient accuracy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word die meting van die komplekse permeabiliteit van dun ronde drade by radio frekwensies ondersoek. Hierdie drade word in verskeie toepassings gebruik, waaronder dié van absorberende materiale. Nikkel- en ysterallooie word ook vir hul goeie breekkrageienskappe gebruik. In laasgenoemde gevalle moet die ongewenste elektromagnetiese effekte wat voorkom, gekarakteriseer word. Hoewel baie min werk in onlangse dekades gedoen is, bly die meting van die komplekse permeabiliteit 'n relevante probleem. In hierdie tesis word die voordele van akkurate wyeband metings, soos geneem deur 'n outomatiese netwerk analiseerder, toegepas in dié veld. Die meetopstelling is 'n geslote koaksiale transmissielyn, kortgesluit aan een end. Die middel geleier is die draad van belang. Die oppervlak impedansie van die draad is verwant aan die komplekse permeabiliteit, en word gemeet deur die gebruik van lae verlies transmissielyn benaderings, soos toegepas op halfgolf resonante frekwensies. Die verlies wat met die komplekse permeabiliteit geassosieer word, word van die geleidingsvermoë onderskei deur 'n G.S. meting van die geleidingsvermoë. 'n Volgolf analise van die koaksiale mode is uitgevoer en met gemete waardes vergelyk. 'n Maksimum fout van 31% by die hoogste frekwensie is in die voortplantingskonstante gevind. Hierdie volg primêr uit onsekerhede in lengte. Deur die parameters te varieer kon 'n verwagte foutband rondom die gemete permeabiliteit gevind word. Hierdie bande is van die orde 1 waaruit volg dat die stelsel 'n genoegsame robuustheid toon. Die komplekse permeabiliteit van twee nie-magnetiese drade is gemeet en 'n relatiewe permeabiliteit van 1 is gevind. Hierdie bevestig die korrekte werking van die stelsel. 'n Staal draad is opgemeet en met gepubliseerde meetresultate vergelyk. Soos verwag, verminder die permeabiliteit met 'n verhoging in frekwensie. Hoewel geen verifiëringstandaard beskikbaar is nie, is 'n aanvaarbare vergelyking met ander metings gemaak. Die produk van die navorsing is 'n metingstelsel wat, met behulp van 'n gekalibreerde outomatiese netwerk analiseerder, aanvaarbare akkuraatheid in die meting van die komplekse permeabiliteit van dun ronde drade by radio frekwensies kan verkry.

Pulse power device characterization for amplifier design

Fourie, Paul 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSCIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Bi-polar Si transistors optimized for pulse conditions is still the most popular choice as amplification element in the final stages of solid-state radar amplifiers in L and S band. With the radar market being small, the design data for these devices is normally fairly limited and it is up to the designers to thoroughly characterize them for their designs. This is normally done through loadpull experiments. Professional automated load-pull equipment is very expensive especially at the higher power levels. In spite of being automated and under computer control, load-pull exercises still is very time consuming and as such expensive. For small companies that only occasionally need to design such amplifiers it is not economically viable to acquire such equipment and different strategies have to be found to stay competitive. This report investigates such a strategy and its implementation. A procedure to quickly and accurately characterize such devices was developed and two amplifiers were designed and build with this procedure and compared to their traditional counterparts for verification. The results were very promising and with a bit more work, the technique can likely be used to characterize these devices for design work outside of the parameters designated by the manufacturers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bipolere Silikon transistors wat vir werking onder gepulsde toestande geoptimiseer is, is nog steeds die mees gewilde keuse as versterkingselement in die finale stadiums van vastetoestand radar versterkers in die L en S bande. Met die radar mark wat geredelik klein is, is die ontwerp inligting vir hierdie elemente gewoonlik redelik karig en is dit die taak van die ontwerpers om die elemente te karakteriseer vir hulle ontwerp doeleindes. Dit word normaalweg gedoen deur lastrek eksperimente. Geoutomatiseerde lastrek toerusting is baie duur, veral as dit onder hoë drywingstoestande moet werk. Al is die toerusting geoutomatiseer en onder rekenaar beheer, is lastrek oefeninge nog steeds baie tydrowend en daarom dan ook baie duur. Vir klein maatskappye wat net nou en dan nodig het om sulke versterkers te ontwerp is dit gewoon nie ekonomies regverdigbaar om sulke toerusting aan te skaf nie, en ander strategië moet gevind word om ekonomies kompeterend te bly. Hierdie verslag ondersoek so 'n strategie en die implimentering daarvan. n Prosedure om gepulsde bipolere transistore vinnig en akkuraat te karakteriseer is ontwikkel en twee versterkers is met die prosedure ontwerp en gebou. Die versterkers is geverifieer deur hulle met hulle tradisionele eweknië te vergelyk. Die resultate lyk baie belowend en met n bietjie meer werk kan die metode waarskynlik ook gebruik word om die transistors buite die toepassings gebied, soos deur die vervaardigers aangedui, te gebruik.

Modular approach to the development of a two-way radio receiver system

Kellerman, Valpre Cecilia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The preliminary development of a FM radio receiver module is discussed. An existing narrowband system operating between 48MHz and 50MHz will be replaced. Digital components were investigated, compared and used with analogue techniques to build a more flexible two-way radio receiver system. A direct digital synthesizer was considered as a replacement for the current synthesized phased lock loop local oscillator and much attention was given to the local oscillator and mixer design, characteristics and measurement procedures. A detailed study of receiver systems was undertaken to determine the specifications needed for every receiver component to achieve satisfactory receiver performance in the end. Receiver characteristics as well as receiver measurement procedures are defined. A software tool was developed to aid the design process, establishing computationally whether the receiver specifications are met prior to the final design. The complete design process, from fundamental specifications through to the developed final receiver module is discussed. A modular design approach was used to guarantee easy manufacturing, substitution and testing. This approach comprises the break-down of the receiver into well defined components that are each matched to 50O. The separate components of the system were designed, measured and characterized to make it possible to replace only a single component instead of the entire system when a part becomes redundant. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die grondslag vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n FM radio ontvanger module word in hierdie dokument gelê. ‘n Bestaande noubandstelsel wat tussen 48MHz and 50MHz ontvang word vervang deur hierdie nuwe stelsel wat aangewend sal kan word in die bestaande tweerigtingradio se omhulsel. Digitale komponente is ondersoek, vergelyk en gebruik saam met analoogtegnieke om ‘n meer buigsame radiostelsel te bewerkstellig. ‘n Direkte digitale sintitiseerder is oorweeg as ‘n vervanging vir die huidige fasesluitlus ossillator met heelwat klem op die oscillator-en mengerontwerp, komponent spesifikasies en metingsprosedures. ‘n Diepgaande studie van ontvangerstelsels is gedoen om te bepaal wat die tipiese spesifikasies vir elke ontvangerstadium is, sodat die finale ontvanger se spesifikasies behaal kan word. Ontvanger eienskappe en meetprosedures word volledig gedefinieer. ‘n Sagtewareprogram is ontwikkel om die ontvanger-ontwerpsproses te vergemaklik deur vooraf te kan vasstel watter ontvangerspesifikasies bereik sal kan word al dan nie. Die volledige ontwerpsproses, vanaf fundamentele spesifikasies tot by die finale ontvanger word omskryf. ‘n Modulere-ontwerp prosedure is gebruik ter versekering van die maklike vervaardiging, vervanging en toetsing van elke komponent. Die radio is tydens ontwerp opgebreek in boublokkies wat elkeen aangepas word na 50O. Elke aparte boublokkie van die ontvangerstelsel is afsonderlik ontwerp, gemeet en volledig gespesifiseer om dit moontlik te maak om slegs een komponent te vervang in plaas van die hele stelsel wanneer ‘n enkele komponent nie meer beskikbaar is nie.

The experimental design and characterisation of Doherty power amplifiers

Brand, Konrad Frederik 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Modern day digital modulation techniques in communication systems produce large peak-to-average ratios. To maintain linearity, power amplifiers have to operate at backed-off levels. This results in low efficiency with consequences such as high power consumption, short battery life and excessive heat in power amplifiers. A Doherty amplifier is an efficiency enhancement technique which increases an amplifier’s efficiency at backed-off levels. This thesis presents a design procedure for a Classical Doherty amplifier. A method where Sparameter measurements from a transistor are used to predict the transistor’s transmission phase response for varying input power is presented. This method is found to be accurate by comparing it to measurements done on a non-linear network analyser. The measured S-parameters are also used to design the Doherty amplifier at its predicted peak output power. Two Classical Doherty amplifiers are designed, manufactured and characterised. The measurements are performed on a custom measurement setup using in-house developed Matlab code to automate the measurements. The first Doherty amplifier used small-signal Siemens CFY30 GaAs FETs and the second Doherty amplifier used 10W Motorola MRF282 LDMOS transistors. The performance of both amplifiers is compared to similar balanced amplifiers and shows improvements in their efficiency. The improvement in efficiency for the 10W Doherty power amplifier in relation to a balanced amplifier is compared to results found in the literature and a good correspondence between the measured and published results were obtained.

Benefits to processor load for quadrature baseband versus radio frequency demodulation algorithms

Ndovi, Lusungu 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The continued advancement and improvement of software-defined radio technology has been a key factor in furthering research into the implementation of most signal processing algorithms at baseband. Traditionally, these algorithms have been carried out at RF, but with the coming of SDR, there has been a need to shift the processing down to baseband frequencies which are more compatible with the fast developing software radio technology. The study looks at selected demodulation algorithms and investigates the possibility and benefits of carrying them out at QBB. The study ventures into the area of beamforming, multipath compensation, Doppler shift compensation and matched filter detection. The analysis is carried out using Matlab simulations at RF and QBB. The results obtained are compared, not only to evaluate the possibility but also the benefits in terms of the processing load. The results of the study showed that indeed, carrying out the selected demodulation algorithms at QBB was not only possible, but also resulted in an improvement in the processing speed brought about by the reduction in the processing load.

Photonic microwave processor based on fiber optical parametric amplifier

Li, Jia, 李佳 January 2009 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Electrical and Electronic Engineering / Master / Master of Philosophy

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