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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Realization Of Detector Based Spectral Responsivity Scale From Ultraviolet To Near Infrared Regions Of Electromagnetic Spectrum

Bazkir, Ozcan 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Realization of spectral responsivity scale was studied in three stages. Firstly, absolute optical power measurements using Electrical Substitution Cryogenic Radiometer (ESCR) was studied. The absolute measurements were done at discrete laser wavelengths of tunable Ar+ (488 nm and 514.5 nm), Nd:YAG (532 nm) and fixed He-Ne (632.8 nm) laser sources. To increase measurement accuracy the method used for the stabilization of laser beams, transmittance measurements of optical windows, and minimization of scattered beams were discussed. Secondly, realization of absolute responsivity scale between 350- 850 nm ranges was studied. The scale based on reflection type trap detectors consisting of three silicon photodiodes. Various measurement systems were established in order to make optical characterization of trap detectors like non-linearity, surface non-homogeneity, polarization dependency, reflectance, and internal quantum efficiency. The absolute responsivity was linked to the absolute optical power by measuring the current response of trap detectors to the absolute power measured by ESCR system at laser wavelengths. Using models for the trap detector&rsquo / s, reflectance and internal quantum efficiency the scale between 350- 850 nm ranges was realized with an uncertainty of 0.05 %. Finally, the spectral responsivity scale in ultraviolet (UV) and near-infrared (NIR) regions was realized using Electrically Calibrated Pyroelectric Radiometer (ECPR). Optically characterizing the spatial non-uniformity of pyroelectric detector and its surface reflectance, the spectral responsivity scale was established with uncertainties &plusmn / 0.5-1.0 % between 250 nm and 350 nm and &plusmn / 0.5-1.5 % between 850 and 2500 nm.

Seawinds Radiometer Brightness Temperature Calibration And Validation

Rastogi, Mayank 01 January 2005 (has links)
The NASA SeaWinds scatterometer is a radar remote sensor which operates on two satellites; NASA's QuikSCAT launched in June 1999 and on Japan's ADEOS-II satellite launched in December 2002. The purpose of SeaWinds is to provide global measurements of the ocean surface wind vector. On QuikSCAT, a ground data processing algorithm was developed, which allowed the instrument to function as a QuikSCAT Radiometer (QRad) and measure the ocean microwave emissions (brightness temperature, Tb) simultaneously with the backscattered power. When SeaWinds on ADEOS was launched, this same algorithm was applied, but the results were anomalous. The initial SRad brightness temperatures exhibited significant, unexpected, ascending/descending orbit Tb biases. This thesis presents an empirical correction algorithm to correct the anomalous SeaWinds Radiometer (SRad) ocean brightness temperature measurements. I use the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR) as a brightness temperature standard to calibrate and then, with independent measurements, validate the corrected SRad Tb measurements. AMSR is a well-calibrated multi-frequency, dual-polarized microwave radiometer that also operates on ADEOS-II. These results demonstrate that, after tuning the Tb algorithm, good quality SRad brightness temperature measurements are obtained over the oceans.

Seasonal and Spatial Variation in Leaf Area Index, Litter Production, and Light Levels in Myrica Cerifera,Shrub Thickets Across a Barrier Island Chronsequence

Brantley, Steven T. 01 January 2005 (has links)
Leaf area index (LAI), litter production and understory light levels of Myrica cergera shrub thickets were assessed on Hog Island, Virginia to quantify spatial and seasonal variations in leaf area and light attenuation among four thickets representing a successional chronosequence and compare methods of estimating LA1 in shrub- dominated systems. Seasonal LA1 estimates were made seven times throughout the year with a portable integrating radiometer (Li-Cor LAI-2000) and three times by measurement of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and use of the Beer-Larnbert law. Leaf area index was also estimated through leaf litter collection and use of allometric relationships between stem diameter and leaf area. The oldest of the four thickets had the lowest LA1 and litter production throughout the year. Peak LA1 measurements with the portable integrating radiometer ranged from 2.0 ± 0.2 to 4.0 ± 0.3 for the oldest and youngest thickets, respectively which appear to be substantial underestimates of the actual values. According to annual litterfall, LA1 ranged from 4.1 ± 0.5 for the oldest thicket to 10.2 ± 0.4 for a 20 year old thicket. Leaf area index varied from 6.4 ± 0.2 for the oldest thicket to 1 1.4 ± 2.1 for the 40 year old thicket according to the allometric relationships, which may overestimate LA1 in stands with many large stems. The high light attenuation by the shrub canopy and heavy litterfall may contribute to the low diversity within thicket canopies by inhibiting germination and growth of other species. The study demonstrates that these low diversity shrub thickets have a higher LA1 and litter production, and thus higher potential for primary productivity, than many temperate forested systems and that stand age may be the major determinant of productivity.

Pau-synthetic aperture: a new instrument to test potential improvements for future interferometric radiometers

Ramos Pérez, Isaac 27 February 2012 (has links)
The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission is an Earth Explorer Opportunity mission from the European Space Agency (ESA). It was a direct response to the global observations of soil moisture and ocean salinity. Its goal is to produce global of these parameters using a dual-polarization L-band interferometric radiometer the Microwave Imaging Radiometer by Aperture Synthesis (MIRAS). This instrument is a new polarimetric two-dimensional (2-D) Y-shaped synthetic aperture interferometric radiometer based on the techniques used in radio-astronomy to obtain high resolution avoiding large antenna structures. MIRAS measures remotely the brightness temperature (TB) emitted by the Earth's surface, which is not isotropic, since it depends on the incidence angle and polarization, the Soil Moisture (SM) or the Sea Surface (SSS), the surface roughness etc. among others. The scope of this doctoral thesis is the study of some potential improvements could eventually be implemented in future interferometric radiometers. To validate improvements a ground-based instrument concept demonstrator the Passive Advanced Unit Synthetic Aperture or (PAU-SA) has being designed and implemented. Both MIRAS and PAU-SA are Y-shaped array, but the receiver topology and the processing unit are different. This Ph.D. thesis has been developed in the frame of The European Investigator Awards (EURYI) 2004 project entitled "Passive Advanced Unit (PAU): Hybrid L-band Radiometer, GNSS Refectometer and IR-Radiometer for Passive Sensing of the Ocean", and supported by the European Science Foundation (ESF).

Wellenausbreitung in Funk-, Mikrowellensystemen und Navigation, WFMN07

Keydel, Wolfgang, Chandra, Madhu 11 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der Aktivitäten des ITG Fachausschusses 7.5 „Wellenausbreitung“ im VDE wird eine Fachtagung auf dem Gebiet Wellenausbreitung bei Funk-, Mikrowellensystemen und Navigation vom 4. – 5. Juli 2007 in Chemnitz abgehalten. Die Tagungsphilosophie betont den gemeinsamen Nenner der Wellenausbreitung in diversen Bereichen wie Mikrowellensensorik und Mikrowellensystemen. Bei der Fachtagung sind zusätzlich zu den Beiträgen der Fachausschussmitglieder, die zur Information über die Fachausschussaktivitäten dienen, auch Übersichtsvorträge und Diskussions-Sitzungen vorgesehen. Dem Leitthema zugeordnet, werden die folgenden Themen aus Fernerkundung, Kommunikation und Navigation besonders berücksichtigt: Mikrowellenausbreitung in der Kommunikation und Mikrowellensensorik - Gleichwellennetz - Digitale Übertragung - Mehrwegeausbreitung - Mehrfachnutzung - Innen-Gebäude-Übertragung - Mittelwellenausbreitung - Mobilfunk Nutzung und Anwendung in der Mikrowellensensorik - Radar-Polarimetrie - Bistatische und Multistatische Radarverfahren - Polarimetrische und Multistatische Interferometrie - Multiparameter-Wetterradar-Verfahren - Automobil- und Flugzeugradar - Kalibrierung - Biologische Effekte der EM-Strahlung / The ITG section 7.5 „Wellenausbreitung“ within the VDE (German Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies) is organising a conference on Wave Propagation in Communication, Microwave Systems and Navigation to be held during 4th and 5th of July 2007 in Chemnitz, Germany. The conference philosophy is to emphasize the commonalty between propagation aspects of microwave remote sensing sensors and microwave systems at large. In addition to the contributions from the members of ITG section 7.5, planned are review presentations and discussion sessions. The following topics of Remote Sensing, Communication and Navigation are eligible for presentation: Microwave Propagation in Communication and Microwave Sensors - Band Shared Broadcasting - Multi-Path Propagation - Digital Broadcasting - MIMO Systems and Reuse - Indoor Propagation - Medium Wave Propagation - Mobile Communication Applications of Microwave Sensors - Radar Polarimetry - Bistatic and Multistatic Radar - Polarimetric and Multistatic Interferometry - Multi-Parameter Weather Radar Systems - Automotive and Airborne Radars - System Calibration - Biological Effects of EM-Radiation

Nachtrag zu Wellenausbreitung in Funk-, Mikrowellensystemen und Navigation, WFMN07

Keydel, Wolfgang, Chandra, Madhu 18 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der Aktivitäten des ITG Fachausschusses 7.5 „Wellenausbreitung“ im VDE wird eine Fachtagung auf dem Gebiet Wellenausbreitung bei Funk-, Mikrowellensystemen und Navigation vom 4. – 5. Juli 2007 in Chemnitz abgehalten. Die Tagungsphilosophie betont den gemeinsamen Nenner der Wellenausbreitung in diversen Bereichen wie Mikrowellensensorik und Mikrowellensystemen. Bei der Fachtagung sind zusätzlich zu den Beiträgen der Fachausschussmitglieder, die zur Information über die Fachausschussaktivitäten dienen, auch Übersichtsvorträge und Diskussions-Sitzungen vorgesehen. Dem Leitthema zugeordnet, werden die folgenden Themen aus Fernerkundung, Kommunikation und Navigation besonders berücksichtigt: Mikrowellenausbreitung in der Kommunikation und Mikrowellensensorik - Gleichwellennetz - Digitale Übertragung - Mehrwegeausbreitung - Mehrfachnutzung - Innen-Gebäude-Übertragung - Mittelwellenausbreitung - Mobilfunk Nutzung und Anwendung in der Mikrowellensensorik - Radar-Polarimetrie - Bistatische und Multistatische Radarverfahren - Polarimetrische und Multistatische Interferometrie - Multiparameter-Wetterradar-Verfahren - Automobil- und Flugzeugradar - Kalibrierung - Biologische Effekte der EM-Strahlung

Vicarious Calibration of a High-View Angle Sensor using In-situ Automated Ground-Viewing Radiometers

Leisso, Nathan Philip January 2008 (has links)
The Remote Sensing Group (RSG) at the University of Arizona performs vicarious radiometric calibration of various airborne and space borne sensors. Test site characterization parameters are typically collected by RSG personnel present at the site. Previous work has described and implemented a method for an autonomous collection at the test site without RSG personnel present.This dissertation extends methodology and instrumentation used in an autonomous retrieval of test site characterization parameters for use with a high-view angle geostationary sensor to compute multiple calibration data points in a single day. Atmospheric sensitivity studies are performed determining the effect of large off-nadir view angles typical of the GOES-11 geometry. Instrumentation and collection methodology are modified for the standard and the ground viewing radiometer (GVR)-based reflectance collection of the test site. Multiple GOES-11 radiometric calibration data points in a single day are determined using the modified GVR and compared to typical manned collect with modified instrumentation and methodology.

An infrared radiometer for millimeter astronomy

Smith, Graeme John, University of Lethbridge. Faculty of Arts and Science January 2000 (has links)
The performance of existing and planned millimeter and submillimeter astronomical arrays is limited by fluctuations in the amount of atmosperic water vapor along the atenna's line of sight. Correcting the resulting phase distortion of the received signals is seen as a significant technological challenge. Measurements of the variation in the line-of-sight water vapor abundance at the level of 1 micron precipitable water vapor on a time scale of 1 second and at arbitrary antenna positions are required. This thesis describes the design of, and preliminary results obtained with, a water vapor monior operating at abundance at the level 1 micron precipitable water vapor on a time scale of 1 second and at arbitrary antenna positions are required. This thesis describes the design of, and preliminary results obtained with, a water vapor monitor operating at infrared wavelengths which shows considerable promise for this application. Improvements in, and future plans for, the second generation water vapor monitor currently under development are also discussed. / xiii, 167 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm.

Naftos dėmių atpažinimo metodai / Oil spill detection methods

Ramonas, Vaidotas 02 July 2014 (has links)
Darbo eigoje siekiama išanalizuoti automatinės naftos dėmių atpažinimo sistemos (kuri remtųsi „Fuzzy“ klasifikatoriumi ir analizuotų radaro ir radiometro duomenis) egzistavimo galimybes ir parinkti optimaliausius metodų bei jų parametrų rinkinius. Šiam tikslui realizuoti sukurta eksperimentinė naftos dėmių atpažinimo sistema, galinti be vartotojo įsiterpimo analizuoti duomenis. Eksperimentų metu buvo nustatyti optimalūs duomenų interpretavimo, apdorojimo bei klasifikavimo metodai ir parinkti kiek įmanoma universalesni šių metodų parametrai. Sistemos efektyvumui išanalizuoti parinkti trys skirtingi metodų rinkiniai ir testinės duomenų sekos su naftos dėmėmis ir be jų. Atlikus šią analizę buvo pastebėta, kad taikant įvairius pasirinktų metodų rinkinius, tikrosios naftos dėmės atpažinimo rezultatai gavosi neprieštaringi. Esminis skirtumas tarp įvairių taikytų metodų rinkinių rezultatų buvo klaidinančių objektų pašalinimo kokybė. Taigi, galima teigti, kad taikant atitinkamą metodų rinkinį bei detaliai sukūrus „Fuzzy“ klasifikatoriaus taisyklių aibę automatinės naftos dėmių atpažinimo sistemos egzistavimas yra realus. / In the course of the work the possibilities of automatic oil spills identification system, based on radar and radiometer data and "Fuzzy" classification, where analyzed. The optimal identification methods and sets of their parameters where chosen. In the present theses the oils spills identification system, capable to analyze radar and radiometer data without user’s interruption was created. Testing different identification methods, the set of the optimal methods for data interpretation, clasification, and treatment was chosen. To test system efficiency, three different sets of identification methods and radar data where analyzed: both with oil spills and without them. The analysis indicated that all investigated methods where able to identify the real oil spill. The main difference between investigated methods is in the ability to filter additional objects. In conclusion: applying appropriate set of identification methods and using carefully deviced set of "Fuzzy" classificator rules, the creation of automatic oil spills identification system is possible.

A compact borehole, thermal-infrared radiometer and infrared reflectometer for the characterization of subsurface habitability and presence of water ice on Mars

Fletcher, Lauren January 2016 (has links)
One of the most important steps in the search for life on Mars is to determine if a specific sub-surface location it is "habitable", or that it provides the conditions and requirements to support life as we know it. In this thesis, I present a miniature, thermal-IR radiometer and reflectometer designed to determine temperature, the presence of water ice, and the discrimination of minerals, all necessary for a habitable environment. A dual use detector was selected for the thermal and five reflectance channels. The IR source is provided by five LEDs. These components were embedded in a thermally controlled aluminium block. Integrated electronics provided signal amplification and demodulation. This device will be suitable for drilling applications with less than 25 mm diameter boreholes and with limited available power (<5watts). Thermal testing was within a simulated borehole mounted in a thermal vacuum chamber. The results were compared to a theoretical model of the expected temperature. The maximum temperature error between predicted and measured was 0.21 K (∼0.08%). The total RMS error of all sources were calculated to be <3%. Reflectance testing in all five channels included a variety of minerals and a two point calibration method. The results were compared to the predicted reflectance values for the samples. The results of the reflectance channel testing demonstrated that the measured values matched the predicted values with a 2.5% measured error. The total RMS error was 6.1%. Detection and discrimination of water ice and hydrated minerals included a non-linear mixing model and/or testing. The model predicted that water ice mixed in a pyroxene mineral matrix can be detected and discriminated from 5% to 60% concentration by weight. Testing with a hydrated mineral mixed within a non-hydrated mineral matrix demonstrated that the measured result matched the predicted result from 5-45% concentration by weight.

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