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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neigiamas informacijos apdorojimo stilius / Negative style of information processing

Mittaitė, Lina 26 June 2014 (has links)
Neigiamas informacijos apdorojimo stilius SANTRAUKA Mes nuolatos apdorojame vienokią ar kitokią informaciją, nuolatos vertiname, keičiame savo nuostatas, požiūrius, įkomponuodami naują patyrimą tiek į suvokimą, tiek į atmintį, todėl svarbu yra suvokti, kokiu informacijos apdorojimo stiliumi esame linkę naudotis. Pagrindinis mūsų tyrimo tikslas buvo nustatyti, ar daliai individų yra būdingas neigiamas informacijos apdorojimo stilius, taip pat norėjome išsiaiškinti, kaip toks apdorojimo stilius įtakoja emocinę būseną — konkrečiau, kaip mūsų informacijos apdorojimo stilius veikia afektą ar emocinę būseną ir ar ši sąveika turi įtakos atminties procesams. Tyrime dalyvavo 106 respondentai — 60 moterų ir 46 vyrai, kurių amžiaus vidurkis 23 metai. Visi dalyvavę tiriamieji — aukštesniųjų kursų studentai. Tyrime buvo naudojamos kelios metodikos: Beck depresijos klausimynas (BDI) — jo pagalba buvo įvertinta tiriamųjų emocinė būsena, Teigiamo ir neigiamo afekto skalė (sudaryta remiantis PANAS-Now metodika) — panaudota būdingų afektų tyrimo metu nustatymui, Emocinės išraiškos įvertinimo metodas, kurio pagalba įvertinome tiriamiesiems būdingą informacijos apdorojimo stilių bei Teigiamų ir neigiamų žodžių atgaminimo metodas, kurį sukūrėme siekdami nustatyti neigiamo informacijos apdorojimo stiliaus bei informacijos atgaminimo ypatumus. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, jog dalis individų yra linkę naudotis neigiamu informacijos apdorojimo stiliumi. Taip pat išsiaiškinta, kad kuo neigiamiau individai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Negative style of information processing SUMMARY We always process different kind of information; we evaluate and change our attitudes and opinions composing new experiences to our perception as well as memory, that is why it is so important to recognize the information processing style which is common to us. The prime objective of our research was to ascertain if some individuals are apt to use negative style of information processing. We also wanted to see if this kind of information processing conditions the emotional state and if this interaction affects memory processes. The study involved 106 participants, 46 male and 60 female, all of them were students. Our research methodology was based on Beck depression inventory (BDI) — by the medium of this questionnaire we evaluated participants’ emotional state, Positive and negative affect scale (that was based on PANAS-Now metodology) — was used to ascertain the affect that was common to certain participant at the time of the research. With the help of The classing of emotional expressions method we measured the information processing styles that was typical for the participants and finally, the method of recalling Positive and negative words was invented to evaluate singularities of the negative style of information processing and information recalling. The findings of our research suggest that part of individuals are prone to using negative style of information processing. The analysis of our experimental evidence also... [to full text]

Biometrijos taikymo e-komercijos autentifikavimo moduliuose galimybių tyrimas / Research of applying biometrics in e-commerce authentication modules

Tomkevičius, Kęstutis 23 June 2014 (has links)
Visuomenė vis labiau tampa priklausoma nuo mašinų ir technologijų. Informacijos saugumo užtikrinimas, persikraustant į elektroninę erdvę, vis aktualesnis. Šio baigiamojo darbo tikslai yra ištirti dabar plačiausiai naudojamas autentifikavimo sistemas ir priemones, bei įvertinus jų trūkumus, ištirti, ar diktoriaus atpažinimas paremtas fonemų diskriminavimu gali būti laikoma perspektyvia tyrimų sritimi. Kitaip sakant, tyrimo metu siekiama išsiaiškinti, ar skirtingų diktorių fonemų aibėje galima išskirti reikšmines fonemas, pagal kurias būtų galima sudarinėti diktoriams charakteringas slaptažodines frazes ir jei taip, kaip tos fonemos turėtų būti parenkamos. Tyrimo metu naudotasi Mel frequency cepstral coefitiens (MFCC) diktoriaus tariamų fonemų savybių išskyrimo stadijoje, o tinkamiausios diktoriui fonemos skaičiuojamos pasitelkiant tikimybinius metodus. Atlikti tyrimo rezultai parodo, jog skirtingų lyčių skirtingų diktorių fonemų savybės ir kartu skaitiniai tikimybių teisingai atpažinti diktorių įverčiai skiriasi, o geriausiai diktoriams atpažinti tinka visos fonemų eilės antro ir trečio ketvirčio fonemos: nepaisant to, kad moterų diktorių imtyje fonemos antrame ir trečiame kvartilyje sutapo su bendros aibės dažniausiai pasikartojančiomis fonemomis daugiau nei pirmame ir ketvirtame kvartilyje vieną kartą, o vyrų diktorių – net tris kartus (vienu atveju skirtumas yra 23%), apskritai taikant pasirinktą metodą gaunamas 23,37% nesutapimų skirtumų vidurkis moterų diktorių imtyje, ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / TOMKEVICIUS, Kestutis. (2008) Research of Applying Biometrics in E-commerce Authentication Modules. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Vilnius University, Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Department of Informatics. 77 p. SUMMARY Contemporary society is highly dependent on machines and technology. As a result, the reassurance in information security becomes a global issue, when going to the internet world. Information security is closely associated with privacy protection and thus, is of high importance nowadays. There are several major tasks in the Master‘s thesis. First, this paper aims to investigate the world-wide standards of authentication systems and the devises used. Second, after the foregoing views on certain effects of the evaluation procedure and its possible drawbacks, it aims to explore, whether or not the speaker recognition based on the discrimination of phoneme is considered to be one of the most promising areas for the future research. In other words, the process of investigation seeks to find out whether it is possible to provide a thorough analysis of the speaker verification system and distinguish the significant phonemes in the subsets of different speaker phonemes that would allow forming the characteristic password phrases and if they would, how these phonemes were to be selected. In the feature-extraction stage of the speaker verification system, the Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) give the bases for the research paper and various most suitable... [to full text]

Ant colony technologies for image processing / Skruzdžių kolonijų technologijos vaizdams apdoroti

Laptik, Raimond 03 March 2010 (has links)
In this work ant colony technologies for image processing are analyzed. Modifications of Max-Min ant system for automatic image pre-processing are proposed. Image segmentation by multiple ant colonies technique based on pheromone competition is proposed. Modified ant system is implemented in FPGA and MicroBlaze core units influence on performance is analyzed. / Darbe nagrinėjamos skruzdžių kolonijų technologijos vaizdams apdoroti. Pasiūlomos max-min skruzdžių sistemos modifikacijos tinkamos automatizuoti pirminį vaizdų apdorojimą. Pristatoma vaizdų segmentavimo metodika grįsta skruzdžių kolonijų varžymusi feromono pagalba. Nagrinėjama, įgyvendintos LPLM įrenginyje, modifikuotos skruzdžių sistemos sparta ir MicroBlaze modulių įtaka spartai.

Skruzdžių kolonijų technologijos vaizdams apdoroti / Ant colony technologies for image processing

Laptik, Raimond 03 March 2010 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjamos skruzdžių kolonijų technologijos vaizdams apdoroti. Pasiūlomos max-min skruzdžių sistemos modifikacijos tinkamos automatizuoti pirminį vaizdų apdorojimą. Pristatoma vaizdų segmentavimo metodika grįsta skruzdžių kolonijų varžymusi feromono pagalba. Nagrinėjama, įgyvendintos LPLM įrenginyje, modifikuotos skruzdžių sistemos sparta ir MicroBlaze modulių įtaka spartai. / In this work ant colony technologies for image processing are analyzed. Modifications of Max-Min ant system for automatic image pre-processing are proposed. Image segmentation by multiple ant colonies technique based on pheromone competition is proposed. Modified ant system is implemented in FPGA and MicroBlaze core units influence on performance is analyzed.

Duomenų analizės priemonių tyrimas ir taikymas interneto sistemose / Data Analysis Tools Research and Usage in Internet Systems

Vilimas, Marius 24 September 2004 (has links)
Every day Internet sites collect and store lots of user data. For effective usage of that data, special tools are required. Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) tools are suggested for that purpose. Usage of these tools is related to usage of Data Warehousing tools. Therefore issues of Data Warehouse design, data transformation and transferring to data warehouses were discussed. In the present years there are new trends in business computer systems industry – WEB Data Warehouses. New characteristics of such systems were analyzed. OLAP tools usage is not possible without multidimensional data model. Main entities and operations with these entities were reviewed and mathematical definitions given. Data transformation process was proposed. This process flow shows how transformations can be used for transferring data from WEB site to multidimensional database. OLAP tools of Microsoft SQL server and Oracle database server (the most popular database management systems in Lithuania) were analyzed in experimental part of work. Data transformation and reviewing in desktop applications, WEB systems and office applications tools were compared and recommendations given.

Balso signalo aptikimo ir triukšmo pašalinimo algoritmo tyrimas, naudojant aukštesnės eilės statistiką / Voice Activity Detection and Noise Reduction Algortihm Analysis using Higher-Order statistics

Makrickaitė, Raimonda 29 May 2006 (has links)
This work presents a robust algorithm for voice activity detection (VAD) and noise reduction mechanism using combined properties of higher-order statistics (HOS) and an efficient algorithm to estimate the instantaneous Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) of speech signal in a background of acoustic noise. The flat spectral feature of Linear Prediction Coding (LPC) residual results in distinct characteristics for the cumulants in terms of phase, periodicity and harmonic content and yields closed-form expressions for the skewness and kurtosis. The HOS of speech is immune to Gaussian noise and this makes them particularly useful in algorithms designed for low SNR environments. The proposed algorithm uses HOS and smooth power estimate metrics with second-order measures, such as SNR and LPC prediction error, to identify speech and noise frames. A voicing condition for speech frames is derived based on the relation between the skewness, kurtosis of voiced speech and estimate of smooth noise power. The algorithm presented and its performance is compared to HOS-only based VAD algorithm. The results show that the proposed algorithm has an overall better performance, with noticeable improvement in Gaussian-like noises, such as street and garage, and high to low SNR, especially for probability of correctly detecting speech. The proposed algorithm is replicated on DSK C6713.

Birštono miesto „Tulpės“ sanatorijos įvaizdžio formavimas ir vartotojų vertinimas / Forming of the image of birstonas sanatorium "Tulpe” and evaluation by clients

Norkienė, Regina 19 June 2006 (has links)
Aim of study. To evaluate the image of sanatorium „Tulpe“ in respect of its clients. Objectives: 1) to inspect means that sanatorium makes for image forming and 2) to investigate the image that is formed for different groups of clients Methods. Questionnaire survey, comparative analysis, statistical data analysis. The questionnaire made from 20 basic questions that had alternative choices. Statistical data analysis was performed with the statistical package SPSS 11.0 for Windows and Microsoft Excel. χ2 criterion was implemented for hypothesis evaluation. Risk estimation was counted with 95 % confidence interval (C.I. = 0.95). Results. Surveyed population was 136 respondents: 86 (63,3%), females and 50 (36,7 %) males. 26 clients arrived for weekend rest and 110 - for rehabilitation after treatment. 86 respondents had the possibility to choose concrete sanatorium. Analysis of means that sanatorium makes for image forming showed that „Tulpe“ implements and caries out purposive advertisement in the Internet, press and other printed papers. The prime factor for image forming is the broad offer of services, good quality and personnel with high professional qualification. Questionnaire results show that „Tulpe“ has a positive image in all groups of examined respondents. More than half of respondents despite of their income, age range, gender or social group evaluated the professional quality of personnel as high. The sight of „Tulpe“ staff to their work with clients was evaluated... [to full text]

Bangelių transformacijos panaudojimas ultragarsiniams signalams apdoroti / Ultrasonic signal processing using wavelet transform

Kondratas, Gytis 27 May 2004 (has links)
The major task of imaging systems used in non-destructive testing is detection of defects (flaws, holes) echoes and evaluation or their dimensions and position. Images generated by direct imaging are poor quality due to diffraction, coherent echoes, limited capabilities of system, white noise. So acoustic images and optic images are very different. Solving these problems, numerical methods are used for signal processing and analysis. An application for ultrasonic signal processing of wavelet transformations was investigated in the work. The investigation was signals distortion type and level when wavelets transformation may give effective results. The investigation was performed using modeling and signal processing of the experimental signals.

Kelių su žvyro danga dulkėjimo mažinimo reglamentavimas / The Regulation of Dustiness Reduction for Gravel Roads

Pavilionytė, Jolita 09 June 2005 (has links)
The impact of transport and climate factors on dust formation and causation on gravel roads was analysed in this work. The condition of cover of gravel roads, when the dust spreading is minimized, was estimated. As well, the quality of gravel, used to upbuild the road cover, was assessed. It was suggested to regulate the reduction of dust on gravel covers by selecting certain sectors of gravel roads, choosing means to decrease the dustiness and determining the order of their usage, as well, as regulating the performance of technological process and control of the quality.

Objektų vietos nustatymo technologinių paklaidų įvertinimo sistema / System of evaluation of objects location uncertainty

Butkus, Kazimieras 28 January 2008 (has links)
Šis darbas tiria objetų vietos nustatymo paklaidų problemą bevieliuose tinkluose ir leidžia jas įvertinti įvairiais aspektais. Įvertinimo rezultatas pateikiamas kaip sugeneruotas geografinis žemėlapis bei tekstinės reikšmės. Sistema sukurta taip, kad nepriklausytų nuo bevielių ryšių technologijos, o duomenų analizės rezulate sistema leidžia juos peržiūrėti valdant geografinę padėtį bei tikslumą. Ši sistema naudojama realiose aplikacijose, pavyzdžiui, MSC MPS R5 LBS, MPS112 platformoje, taip pat „Bitės tinklo padengimo žemėlapiai“ sprendime. Sistemos veikimas yra universalus ir ji gali būti naudojama įvairiose komercinėse tinklų planavimo ar LBS platformose. Sistema nepriklauso nuo bevielės technologijos ypatumų ir bus tinkama naudoti ateities bevielių tinklų įvertinimui. / This work investigates problem of positioning calculation error in mobile cellular networks and provides means to evaluate the errors in variuos aspects. Evaluation results are presented as generated geographical maps and values. The positioning calculation error evaluation is then used to extract requirements for engineered system. System is engineered in a way that it is cellular technology independand and is not limited by generations or carrier technologies of particular investigated networks. Resulting system allows users to select geographical area and precision of analysis to be carried on positioning calculation error. Radio signal propagation and coverage estimation algorithms are used to interpret input data and GIS data is used together to provide visual interpretation for positioning calculation error. This system is beeing used in real word aplications. At the time the system is used in MSC MPS R5 LBS, MPS112 platforms, also in solution „Bitės tinklo padengimo žemėlapiai“. Solution is universal, it can be used in variuos commercial network planning and LBS platforms. The system is cellular network technology neutral and it will be possible to evaluate future cellular or wireless networks as well.

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