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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cost Estimation Of Trackworks Of Light Rail And Metro Projects

Ozturk, Erhan 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The main objective of this work is to develop models using multivariable regression and artificial neural network approaches for cost estimation of the construction costs of trackworks of light rail transit and metro projects at the early stages of the construction process in Turkey. These two approaches were applied to a data set of 16 projects by using seventeen parameters available at the early design phase. According to the results of each method, regression analysis estimated the cost of testing samples with an error of 2.32%. On the other hand, artificial neural network estimated the cost with 5.76% error, which is slightly higher than the regression error. As a result, two successful cost estimation models have been developed within the scope of this study. These models can be beneficial while taking the decision in the tender phase of projects that includes trackworks.

Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment for Railroad Construction in Stockholm, Sweden, using Spatial Multi Criteria Analysis.

Tsoy, Irina January 2015 (has links)
The environmental impact of transportation construction, operation and maintenance is of critical importance. Therefore it is vital to carry out a groundwater vulnerability assessment for transportation projects at an early stage. The objective of the study was to apply a methodology for groundwater vulnerability assessment for transportation planning in order to identify and avoid areas susceptible to contamination. In this study a spatial multi criteria analysis (SMCA) was conducted where the impacts of railroads on groundwater were examined. Physical factors that influence the groundwater vulnerability such as infiltration capacity, hydraulic conductivity, effective porosity, slope, land cover, depth to groundwater and topographic wetness index (TWI) were considered in this study. Results from the study show that about 30% of the total area was prone to high and very high groundwater vulnerability. The final vulnerability map illustrated the highly vulnerable areas in the sand deposits and till and less vulnerable areas of rock outcrops and clay deposits. According to the outcome of the sensitivity analysis the methodology used in this study shows promising results and can be employed further with some improvements. / På grund av ökad efterfråga på transport planerar Stockholms Lokaltrafik (SL) en ny järnväg i norra Stockholm mellan Vallentuna kommun och Arlanda flygplats (Sveriges största internationella flygplats). Väg- och järnvägskonstruktion och underhåll förorenar inte bara luft, mark och närliggande vattendrag utan även den mättade zonen genom infiltrerande vatten. Denna studie fokuserar på effekterna av järnvägen på grundvattnet, eftersom grundvatten är en viktig resurs för vattenförsörjning (hushåll, industri etc.) Syftet med denna studie var att utveckla en modell för sårbarhetsanalys av grundvatten för transportplanering genom Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) och geografiska informationssystem (GIS). För att hantera detta komplexa problem har sju kriterier kritiska för grundvattnets sårbarhet identifierats (t.ex. hydraulisk konduktivitet, infiltration och effektiv porositet, djup till grundvatten, marktäcke, topografisk wetness index (TWI) och lutning); viktats med tanke på dess påverkan på grundvattnet och dess noggrannhet i data; och till sist kombinerats för att framställa en grundvattensårbarhetkarta. GIS (ArcGIS) verktyg användes i studien för att hantera rumslig heterogenitet inom det studerade området samt komplexiteten av MCA. För att utvärdera påverkan av varje kriterium på resulterad sårbarhetskarta tillämpades enda variabel metoden. Genom att jämföra värdena från den teoretiska viktningen (tilldelade värden) och den effektiva viktningen (beräknade värden) för varje kriterium kunde det mest inflytelserika kriteriet identifieras. Som ett resultat av studien, producerades en grundvattensårbarhetskarta över det studerade området vilket indikerade att sand och moränavlagringar är mycket känsliga för föroreningar på grund av hög infiltrationskapacitet i grovkornig jord, högt värde av hydraulisk konduktivitet och effektiv porositet. Men på grund av låg infiltration och hydraulisk konduktivitet tillsammans med låg effektiv porositet, erhöll lera som ligger på låga upphöjda områden det lägsta värdet av sårbarhet.

En skandinavisk järnvägskontraktörs karriär i Indien 1860–1867 : ackumulering av socialt och kulturellt kapital som framgångsstrategi i en kolonial kontext / Career of a Scandinavian railway contractor in India 1860–1867 : accumulation of social and cultural capital as a success strategy in a colonial context

Gunnarsson, Ingemar January 2020 (has links)
This study is about Joseph Samuel Frithiof Stephens (1841–1934) and how he as a Scandinavian contractor acquired an economic fortune in the colonial India. The fortune was used for the acquisition of the mill property Huseby Bruk in Småland and also contributed to the Stephens family's strategy of advancing in the then Danish bourgeois class establishment. The study aims to present an individual actor's opportunities to achieve financial success through access to non-financial capital forms. Social capital in the form of important social relations and cultural capital in the form of information, skills, etc., can be used for transformation into economic capital. The identification and analysis of the personal networks that occurred in Joseph's career determines the importance of family networks and professional networks for access to the various alternative forms of capital. Joseph's career in British India in the 1850s and 60s was surrounded by the colonial power context linked to global capitalist progression and characterized by civilization ambitions, technological transfer and dominance. The aftermath of the Revolt 1857–1858 opened the playing field for wealth-seeking risk-takers from Europe. The power structures previously maintained by the East India Company were gradually replaced by the British central power apparatus. The new power relations established a new administration and altered social institutions in the emerging crown colony. The Indian railways became a significant element in the colonial intervention and consisted of trunk lines that crossed the subcontinent. The used source material in the form of private letters, diaries, business correspondence and more, constitutes the research basis for the studies, and are included in the India-related material stored in the Huseby Archives at Linnaeus University in Växjö, Sweden. The results of the study show that network contacts and access to alternative forms of capital became crucial success factors for Joseph Stephen's career and wealth accumulation. The networks were linked to both the private and traditional spheres as well as to the professional and rational spheres and sometimes seemed cross-border. The study has further demonstrated the structures, colonial thought patterns and hierarchies that the individual actor was actively related to, and that affected the often-strained everyday life of the contractor.

Klimatkalkylering / Climate calculation

Ahlin, Rikard, Brinck, Viktor January 2014 (has links)
Detta är en studie om klimatpåverkan i samband med anläggandet av järnvägsbroar i syfte att ta fram nyckeltal (moment, material, mängder) för att effektivt kunna reducera utsläppen av växthusgaser. Till grund för studien har vi arbetat med Trafikverkets verktyg klimatkalkyl 2.0. Det har granskats utifrån användarvänlighet och riktighet i indata och emissionsomräkningsfaktorer. Det för att se till skillnaden mellan modellen och ett unikt anläggningsprojekt, var skiljer sig Trafikverkets typvärden mot de projektspecifika förutsättningarna samt vilka blir dess konsekvenser? Studien har kommit fram till att utan viss försiktighet vid arbete i klimatkalkyl 2.0 finns risk för inkorrekta resultat. Dessutom har studien påvisat tvivelaktiga standardvärden för betydande poster. Utöver dessa resultat har studien konstaterat att de mest betydande delarna för det unika anläggningsprojektets utsläpp är reduktion av mängden stål och betong samt att hitta leverantörer som kan bevisa låga emissionsfaktorer. Med relativt enkla åtgärder skulle det unika anläggningsprojektets totala utsläpp av koldioxidekvivalenter minskas med nästan 20%. / This is a study on the climate impacts associated with the construction of railway bridges in order to develop key performance indicators such as operation, material and amounts to effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The basis of the study has been work in Trafikverkets tool klimatkalkyl 2.0. It has been reviewed on the basis of ease of use and accuracy of input data and emission conversion factors. That’s because we wanted to see the difference between the model and a unique project. What was different and why? This study has concluded that without some care and work in klimatkalkyl 2.0 is a risk of incorrect results. In addition the study demonstrated questionable defaults for significant items. In addition to these results the study found that the most significant parts of the unique projects emissions is reducing the amount of steel and concrete and to find suppliers who can demonstrate low emission factors. With relatively simple measures could the unique projects total carbon emissions be reduced by almost 20%

Nové možnosti využití druhotných surovin pro obnovu tělesa železničního spodku / New possibilities of using secondary raw materials for the renewal of the railway substructure

Buřičová, Karolína January 2022 (has links)
The work is devoted to new possibilities for the recovery of secondary raw materials and track bed waste with a combination of both suitable and unsuitable soils. The aim of the thesis is to develop a new functional sample suitable for the recovery of a substructure of railways based on secondary raw materials. The theoretical part addresses the issue of the use of soil and secondary raw materials as the base layers of railway structures, and is focused on the possibilities of soil adjustments or enhancement. The practical part is focused on the analysis and selection of potentially suitable raw materials, the design of new raw material mixtures containing concrete recyclables, waste from cleaning the auto mixer and waste from cleaning the rail bed. Further, to modify the mixtures designed with fluid ash from biomass combustion to achieve higher toughness. Then they will be experimentally verified and based on the results the optimal formula for use in the solid of the railway bottom will be determined. Final optimal recipe achieving basic required parameters for use in active zone without the requirement for frost resistance and ecology is composed of 30 % of F4-CS, 4 % of portland cement CEM II-B/LL, 3 % of lime hydrate, 70 % of recycled concrete and 10 % of fluid ash from biomass combustion.

Tagungsband zum 4. BIH-Treffen 2019: Interdisziplinäre Forschung - Chancen und Herausforderungen: Fachtagung für wissenschaftlich Beschäftigte und Nachwuchskräfte an Bauingenieur-Institutionen deutscher Hochschulen

Löwe, Benedict, Käßler, Daniel, Köllner, Florian, Kunze, Stefanie, Heinen, Bernd, Vogt, Isabelle, Freyer, Lola, Dridiger, Andreas, Weiler, Simon, Schönfeld, Larissa, Spörl, Sebastian 04 September 2019 (has links)
Forschung und Wissenschaft sind wichtige Standbeine einer modernen Hochschule. Sie stellen eine Grundlage für die primäre Aufgabe der Hochschulen dar, die praxisnahe und berufsbefähigende Lehre auf dem aktuellen Stand der Technik und Wissenschaft. Mittlerweile widmen sich auch die Hochschulen der Ausbildung von wissenschaftlichem Nachwuchs. Prosperierende Forschungsarbeit ist dafür ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil. Der Leitgedanke „Interdisziplinäre Forschung – Chancen und Herausforderungen“ des BIH-Treffens 2019 soll zum fachübergreifenden Austausch von Know-how in Forschungs- und Lehrmethoden anregen. Eine große Bandbreite an Fachbeiträgen bietet spannende Einblicke in die Arbeit der Kolleginnen und Kollegen in den unterschiedlichen Fachbereichen des Bauwesens der zahlreichen deutschen Hochschulen. Dazu gehören Beiträge zu modernen Messmethoden in der Geotechnik und dem Bahnbau ebenso wie Forschungsergebnisse aus dem konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, der Baukonstruktion, der Haustechnik und der Verkehrsplanung und nicht zuletzt Erfahrungen zu interdisziplinären Lehrmethoden.:Einfluss der Nachverdichtung granularer Böden auf die Phasengeschwindigkeiten von Rayleighwellen Sommerliche Überhitzung in Wohngebäuden – Baukonstruktive und haustechnische Anpassungsmaßnahmen Die „Hochschulweite Interdisziplinäre Projektwoche (HIP)“ an der TH Köln – andere Welten kennenlernen! Forschungsprojekt „Duale Radlösung“ – Wahlfreie Führung als Mittel der Radverkehrslösung Zwang in Hochbaudecken aus Stahlbeton (Kooperative Promotion) Robustheit und Vulnerabilität der Wasserstraßeninfrastruktur Vergleichbarkeit der Messsysteme an Zug- und Biegeproben aus den Werkstoffen Stahl und Holz Entwicklung einer Messmethodik zur Bestimmung der Schienenbewegung unter dem rollenden Rad / Research and science are important mainstay of a modern university. They provide a basis for the primary task of the universities, the practical and occupational teaching on the current state of technology and science. In the meantime, the universities are also dedicating themselves to the training of junior scientists. Prospering research is an indispensable part of this. The guiding idea 'Interdisciplinary Research - Opportunities and Challenges' of the BIH meeting 2019 is intended to stimulate the interdisciplinary exchange of expertise in research and teaching methods. A wide range of specialist contributions provides exciting insights into the work of colleagues in the various specialized fields of civil engineering at numerous German universities. This includes papers to modern measuring methods in geotechnical engineering and railway construction, as well as research results from structural engineering, building construction, building technology and traffic planning, and last but not least, experience in interdisciplinary teaching methods.:Einfluss der Nachverdichtung granularer Böden auf die Phasengeschwindigkeiten von Rayleighwellen Sommerliche Überhitzung in Wohngebäuden – Baukonstruktive und haustechnische Anpassungsmaßnahmen Die „Hochschulweite Interdisziplinäre Projektwoche (HIP)“ an der TH Köln – andere Welten kennenlernen! Forschungsprojekt „Duale Radlösung“ – Wahlfreie Führung als Mittel der Radverkehrslösung Zwang in Hochbaudecken aus Stahlbeton (Kooperative Promotion) Robustheit und Vulnerabilität der Wasserstraßeninfrastruktur Vergleichbarkeit der Messsysteme an Zug- und Biegeproben aus den Werkstoffen Stahl und Holz Entwicklung einer Messmethodik zur Bestimmung der Schienenbewegung unter dem rollenden Rad

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