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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psykodynamiska psykoterapeuters resonemang kring den psykodynamiska ramen och den yttre påverkan under Covid-19 pandemin : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Psychodynamic psychotherapists' reasoning about the psychodynamic framework and the external influence during the Covid-19 pandemic : A qualitative interview study

Lindahl, Jesper January 2023 (has links)
Inledning: Ramen är grundförutsättningen för terapiprocessen. Det saknas i dagsläget kunskap om hur psykoterapeuter resonerar kring de svårigheter som kan uppstå för psykoterapeuter när den psykodynamiska ramen påverkas och förändras under de särskilda omständigheter som Covid-19 pandemin inneburit. Syfte: Att undersöka hur psykodynamiskt skolade psykoterapeuter resonerar kring sitt arbete med den psykodynamiska ramen och den yttre påverkan under Covid-19 pandemin.  Metod: Kvalitativ metod användes där fem psykoterapeuter intervjuades med semistruktureradr intervjuer. Materialet analyserades med tematisk metod. Resultat: Alla deltagare beskrev den psykodynamiska ramen som oerhört viktig och som ett fundament för terapin. Samtliga deltagare i studien återgav ett förhållningssätt i sitt kliniska arbete, som utgick från tydliga överenskommelser i tid, plats, betalning, sekretess och anledning till att träffas för att prata kring det som patienten ville arbeta med. Alla deltagare ger en enhetlig och klar bild av att politiska direktiv i samband med Covid-19 påverkat dem. Diskussion: Diskussionen visar tre betydelsefulla delar, hur ramen är ett krav för en terapiprocess, att ramen behöver anpassas efter verkligheten och att ramen både är konstant och föränderlig. Studies resultat bekräftades i relation till tidigare forskning. Mer kvalitativ forskning behövs i ämnet. / Abstract: The "frame" is the basic prerequisite for the therapy process. There is currently a lack of knowledge about how psychotherapists reason about the difficulties that may arise for psychotherapists when the psychodynamic "framework" is affected and to change under the special circumstances that the Covid-19 pandemic has entailed. Purpose: To examine how psychodynamically trained psychotherapists reason about their work with the psychodynamic "framework" and the external influence during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: Qualitative method was used where five psychotherapists were interviewed with a semi-structured interviews. The material was analyzed using the thematic method. Results: All participants described the psychodynamic framework as extremely important and as a foundation for the therapy. All participants in the study reported an approach in their clinical work, which was based on clear agreements in time, place, payment, confidentiality and reason for meeting to talk about what the patient wanted to work on. All participants give a uniform and clear picture that political directives in connection with Covid-19 affected them. Discussion: The discussion shows three important parts, how the frame is a requirement for a therapy process, that the frame needs to be adapted to reality and that the frame is both constant and changeable. The results of this study were confirmed in relation to previous research. More qualitative research is needed on the subject.

Vibrational spectroscopic techniques (Raman, FT-IR and FT-NIR spectroscopy) as a means for the solid-state structural analysis of pharmaceuticals]

Ali, H. R. H. January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this work was to assess the suitability of vibrational spectroscopic techniques (Raman, FT-IR and FT-NIR spectroscopy) as a means for the solid-state structural analysis of pharmaceuticals. Budesonide, fluticasone propionate, salbutamol hemisulfate, terbutaline hemisulfate, ipratropium bromide, polymorphic forms of salmeterol xinafoate and two polymorphic forms of sulfathiazole were selected since they are used in the management of certain respiratory disorders and from different chemical and pharmacological entities along with some pharmaceutical excipients. Conventional visual examination is not sufficient to identify and differentiate spectra between different pharmaceuticals. To confirm the assignment of key molecular vibrational band signatures, quantum chemical calculations of the vibrational spectra were employed for better understanding of the first five selected drugs. The nondestructive nature of the vibrational spectroscopic techniques and the success of quantum chemical calculations demonstrated in this work have indeed offered a new dimension for the rapid identification and characterisation of pharmaceuticals and essentially warrant further research. The application of simultaneous in situ Raman spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry for the preliminary investigation of the polymorphic transformation of salmeterol xinafoate polymorphs and two polymorphic forms of sulfathiazole has also been explored in this work leading to the development of a new method for the solid-state estimation of the transition temperature of entantiotropically related pharmaceutical polymorphs which represents the first analytical record of the use of this approach for pharmaceutical polymorphs.

Anställningsbarhet : hur har nyexaminerade studenter formats inför framtida arbetsliv / Employability : How newly graduated students are shaped for future working life

Abdusemed, Wefae, Shahin, Antonella, Gustafsson, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Employability among newly graduated students, a concept that is being discussed more as of late, as well as it is growing. The interesting aspect of the concept is how you, as an individual, can contribute in order to better your employability skill or competence. Additional interesting aspects subsists of which factors within employability that are interesting among the employers and what the government, different organizations or education can do to contribute for a greater employability skill set. However, this thesis mainly focuses on what it actually means to be employable. This study is based on an analysis between two groups, one study group and one control group. The study concludes whether newly graduated students from two different groups feel that it is somewhat difficult to enter the labor market, where the study group have had some kind of connection with different business companies, through experience or shorter internships. How well do the individuals within these two different groups know their own employability? The aim of the study is to analyze whether there is a difference between the newly graduated students, within the two different groups, regarding their employability. Moreover, whether the students from the study group with internship experiences within their degree, have better employability competence or not. In order to reach out to a larger group, which we decided to define to no later graduation than five years prior to this study, we decided to use a quantitative method. A questionnaire survey was conducted where the survey was based on fixed options with possibility for voluntary supplementary comments. Furthermore, the choice of a questionnaire fell naturally because of the time limit as well as the need of a large amount of answers to reach the purpose of the study. A total of 183 answers were obtained where 1213 questionnaire were sent out, giving a response rate of 15, 09 percent and a loss of 84, 9 percent in the study. Based on the respondents results on their estimation of their different characteristics, which were in connection with the different employability factors, has the following concluding results been drawn: When it comes to the respondents’ estimation of themselves in the survey, the three most common options, which they consider to have acquired their characteristics from, are: education, family / upbringing and previous employment. The research group and the control group showed similar values and results, with no major differences. However, some interesting relations were found. / Anställningsbarhet bland nyexaminerade studenter är någonting som på senare tid diskuterats allt mer. Hur ska individen göra sig mer anställningsbar samt vilka kompetenser bör utvecklas hos studenter under studietiden. Vad kan stat, organisation samt utbildning göra för att bidra till att en individ som efter avslutade studier möts av ett mottagande näringsliv. Främst, vad innebär det att vara anställningsbar? Bakgrund Studien bygger på en undersökning om huruvida nyexaminerade studenter ur två olika grupper anser hur det är att ta sig från examen till näringsliv. Hur väl dessa individer känner till sin egen anställningsbarhet. Av egna erfarenheter så har anställningsbarhet varit någonting som funnits med under hela utbildningens gång, vikten läggs dock på individen. Syfte Syftet med studien är att undersöka om det finns en skillnad gällande anställningsbarhet mellan studenter som under sin studietid har, eller inte har utfört ett verklighetsbaserat praktiskt projekt. Metod Metoden som använts i denna studie har ett kvantitativt utformande. En enkätundersökning genomfördes där enkäten var uppbyggd av fasta svarsalternativ med möjlighet till kompletterande kommentarer. Valet av en enkätstudie föll sig naturligt, eftersom en större mängd svar behövdes för att kunna besvara frågeställningar samt nå upp till syftet med studien. Enkäten skickades ut till en undersökningsgrupp samt en kontrollgrupp som bestod av studenter som tagit examen mellan åren 2013-2017. Sammanlagt samlades 183 enkäter in av 1213 som skickades ut vilket ger en svarsfrekvens på 15,09 procent samt ett bortfall på 84,91 procent på studien. Resultat Resultatet grundar sig i respondenternas skattning av de egenskaper som är kopplade till begreppet anställningsbarhet. De flesta respondenterna skattar sig högt vad gäller egenskaperna med undantag för enstaka respondenter. De tre mest förekommande alternativen, där studenter anser sig fått egenskaperna ifrån är: utbildning, familj/uppfostran samt tidigare anställning. Undersökningsgruppen och kontrollgruppen visade snarlika värden, eftersom inga större skillnader hittades, däremot intressanta samband.

Mechanismus rozkládání aplikačních ramen postřikovače

TRETERA, Jakub January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the analysis of the structure of the spraying mechanism of the sprinkler, namely the folding handles. The introductory part is theoretical and describes the construction of the main parts of the sprayer. Further, this section deals with materials used in construction and their properties, testing and their weldability. The practical part focuses on the description of the part, ie the design and the type of steel used. In addition, an analysis is performed in Autodesk Invertor. The conclusion of the work consists of recommended modifications of the existing construction and design of a new solution.

Vibrational spectroscopic techniques (Raman, FT-IR and FT-NIR spectroscopy) as a means for the solid-state structural analysis of pharmaceuticals

Ali, H.R.H. January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this work was to assess the suitability of vibrational spectroscopic techniques (Raman, FT-IR and FT-NIR spectroscopy) as a means for the solid-state structural analysis of pharmaceuticals. Budesonide, fluticasone propionate, salbutamol hemisulfate, terbutaline hemisulfate, ipratropium bromide, polymorphic forms of salmeterol xinafoate and two polymorphic forms of sulfathiazole were selected since they are used in the management of certain respiratory disorders and from different chemical and pharmacological entities along with some pharmaceutical excipients. Conventional visual examination is not sufficient to identify and differentiate spectra between different pharmaceuticals. To confirm the assignment of key molecular vibrational band signatures, quantum chemical calculations of the vibrational spectra were employed for better understanding of the first five selected drugs. The nondestructive nature of the vibrational spectroscopic techniques and the success of quantum chemical calculations demonstrated in this work have indeed offered a new dimension for the rapid identification and characterisation of pharmaceuticals and essentially warrant further research. The application of simultaneous in situ Raman spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry for the preliminary investigation of the polymorphic transformation of salmeterol xinafoate polymorphs and two polymorphic forms of sulfathiazole has also been explored in this work leading to the development of a new method for the solid-state estimation of the transition temperature of entantiotropically related pharmaceutical polymorphs which represents the first analytical record of the use of this approach for pharmaceutical polymorphs.

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