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The Renovation of Post World War Two Ranch House Interiors: Case Study - Wood's House C. 1947January 2010 (has links)
abstract: Mid-Century ranch house architecture and design is significant to the architectural landscape of the Phoenix Metropolitan Area. The increasing age of the city's post-WWII properties is creating a need for renovation and rehabilitation, and new technologies have created modern conveniences for today's homeowners, changing interior space plan requirements. These homeowners will need guidance to alter these properties correctly and to preserve the home's essential features. This thesis analyzes the design trends and materials used during the mid-twentieth century, and demonstrates methods for applying them to a current renovation project. The research outlined in this document proves that it is possible to maintain historic integrity, include "Green" design strategies, and apply contemporary technology to a modern ranch renovation. / M.S.D. Architecture 2010
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Sítio arqueológico Ruínas da Estância Santa Clara: uma unidade doméstica da fronteira oeste/RS / Ruínas da Estância Santa Clara archaeological site: a domestic unity of the West Frontier/RSPes, Jaqueline Ferreira 28 February 2013 (has links)
This paper aims to present research carried out at the historical Ruínas da Estância
Santa Clara archaeological site, a place located in the rural area of Quaraí / RS, in
the Artigas and Uruguay border. The field interventions were done in 2009 and 2011,
continuing the Salamanca project developed by the Archaeological Studies and
Research Laboratory at the Federal University of Santa Maria, which aims to recover
and enhance the archaeological heritage of the city. Aspects of material culture are
presented throughout this work which focused on the analysis of chinaware,
regarding its consumption meaning. Although the primary purpose of either
contemporary or pre-colonial ceramic artifacts is to maintain either solid or liquid
waste, they can be endowed with a symbolic characteristic which transcends their
original functionality. Would the chinawares have only a functional character? Were
they status registering devices? What meaning would they have for those who used
them? From the study of the chinawares, we tried to interpret part of the everyday life
of that site inhabitants. / Este trabalho visa apresentar as pesquisas realizadas no sítio arqueológico
histórico Ruínas da Estância Santa Clara, um estabelecimento rural localizado no
município de Quaraí/RS, fronteira com Artigas no Uruguai. As intervenções de
campo foram efetivadas no ano de 2009 e 2011, dando continuidade ao projeto
Salamanca desenvolvido pelo Laboratório de Estudos e Pesquisas Arqueológicas da
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, que visa resgatar e valorizar o patrimônio
arqueológico do Município. Os aspectos da cultura material serão apresentados no
decorrer do trabalho, sendo que se deteve na análise das louças, buscando seu
significado de consumo. Ainda que a finalidade primordial dos artefatos cerâmicos,
sejam eles contemporâneos ou pré-coloniais, seja conter resíduos sólidos ou
líquidos, eles podem ser dotados de uma carga simbólica que transcende a
funcionalidade original. As louças teriam apenas caráter funcional? Eram
demarcadores de status? Que significados poderiam ter para aqueles que a
consumiam? A partir do estudo das louças buscou-se perceber parte do cotidiano
dos habitantes dessa estância.
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"Using Design to Make the Home Whole": Meaning and the Model Home-Arizona in the 1950sJanuary 2013 (has links)
abstract: Scholars have written much about home and meaning, yet they have said little about the professionally furnished model home viewed as a cultural artifact. Nor is there literature addressing how the home building industry uses these spaces to promote images of family life to increase sales. This research notes that not only do the structure, design, and layout of the model home formulate cultural identity but also the furnishings and materials within. Together, the model home and carefully selected artifacts placed therein help to express specific chosen lifestyles as that the home builder determines. This thesis considers the model home as constructed as well as builder's publications, descriptions, and advertisements. The research recognizes the many facets of merchandising, consumerism, and commercialism influencing the design and architecture of the suburban home. Historians of visual and cultural studies often investigate these issues as separate components. By contrast, this thesis offers an integrated framework of inquiry, drawing upon such disciplines as cultural history, anthropology, and material culture. The research methodology employs two forms of content analysis - image and text. The study analyzes 36 model homes built in Phoenix, Arizona, during the period 1955-1956. The thesis explores how the builder sends a message, i.e. images, ideals, and aspirations, to the potential home buyer through the design and decoration of the model home. It then speculates how the home buyer responds to those messages. The symbiotic relationship between the sender and receiver, together, tells a story about the Phoenix lifestyle and the domestic ideals of the 1950s. Builders sent messages surrounding convenience, spaciousness, added luxury, and indoor-outdoor living to a growing and discriminating home buying market. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S.D. Design 2013
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Detecting Change in Central California Coast Coho Salmon Habitat in Scotts Creek, California, from 1997–2013Hillard, Ashley Brubaker 01 June 2015 (has links)
Scotts Creek, in Santa Cruz County, Calif., supports the southernmost extant population of Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in North America. In 1997, the California Department of Fish and Game (now Fish and Wildlife) conducted an extensive habitat typing survey of mainstem Scotts Creek, describing all habitat units from the top of the estuary to the limit of anadromy approximately 12 km upstream. I repeated this survey in 2013 to (1) assess changes in the quantity and quality of instream habitat, (2) compare the current condition to goals and standards established in the federal Central California Coast (CCC) Coho Salmon Recovery Plan, and (3) identify opportunities for possible future restoration. A comparison of the two surveys revealed an overall increase in mean canopy cover, mean bank vegetation, mean percentage instream cover, pool depth diversity, and percentage riffles since 1997, and decreases in mean residual pool depth, percentage flatwater, and number of primary pools. Overall, the percentage of the total mainstem classified as pool habitat did not change between the two survey periods. Results for individual habitat metrics were more variable when the stream was broken into discrete reaches delineated by major tributary junctions. Although a large woody debris (LWD) survey was not conducted as part of the 1997 survey, contrasting our results with data collected during intervening years indicated that instream LWD has become more abundant, primarily due to increases in hard-wood species (i.e., red alder [Alnus rubra] and California bay [Umbellularia californica]). When compared to habitat goals established in the federal CCC Coho Salmon Recovery Plan, Scotts Creek has adequate canopy cover and percentage pools, but is lacking in percentage riffles, instream cover, key pieces of LWD per100 m, and percentage primary pools.
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Una Legua Cuadrada: Exploring the History of Swanton Pacific Ranch and EnvironsScaramozzino, Jeanine Marie 01 December 2015 (has links)
Swanton Pacific Ranch is an educational and research facility owned by the Cal Poly Corporation and managed by the Cal Poly State University (Cal Poly) College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences. Located about 180 miles north of campus and just 14 miles north of Santa Cruz, California on Highway 1, the property was first leased to and then donated to Cal Poly by the late Albert E. Smith in 1993. The rancho’s original inhabitants included Native Americans, Spaniards, Mexicans, as well as various European immigrants and their descendants; currently, the staff, faculty, and students of Cal Poly occupy the land. Each of these groups used the land’s rich environment for a variety of purposes from subsistence to financial and intellectual pursuits. Over time, researchers and local historians have discussed specific aspects of the Swanton Pacific Ranch and its environs, particularly concerning its occupants, land use (e.g. businesses, farming, research), and land features (e.g. geology, botany). The following work offers a more cohesive, descriptive narrative of the land and its people organized chronologically from prehistory to the present.
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Evaluating Geomorphic Change in Little Creek Using Repeated Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Profile SurveysPerkins, Drew Allen 01 March 2012 (has links)
Six geomorphic study reaches were established in 2002 along a forested mountain stream (gradients range from 0.02 to 0.05) on Cal Poly's Swanton Pacific Ranch in Santa Cruz County, California. These study reaches are a component of paired and nested watershed studies in the approximately 500 hectare Little Creek watershed. The overall goal of this study was to monitor water quality and channel conditions before, during, and after a selective harvest of redwood. A selective harvest occurred in the North Fork of Little Creek in Summer 2008. In August 2009, approximately 90% of the Little Creek Watershed was burned in the Lockheed Fire. Channel change was evaluated by measuring ground profiles using traditional survey methods. Cross section and longitudinal profiles are surveyed annually every summer in the six study reaches. Change is assessed through evaluation of cross sections and longitudinal profiles, analysis of bed elevation and cross-sectional area change data, and analysis of residual pool characteristics and longitudinal profile variability. Changes in the channel during this time have been relatively small and are typically associated with movement or introduction of coarse woody debris to the stream channel. However, during the study period no large stream flow events occurred (return interval at the closest USGS gauging station does not exceed 5 years). Historically, large debris flow events have occurred in this watershed, with well documented events in 1955 and 1998. The survey data is an important tool for understanding change detection in channel characteristics before and after harvesting, and following fire disturbance.
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Our Mountain Home: The Oscar and Emma Swett RanchToone, Carolyn 01 May 2010 (has links)
In this thesis, I examined the lives of my great-grandparents, Oscar and Emma Swett. Oscar began a homestead in the Uinta Mountains in 1909, which he successfully ran for nearly sixty years. My grandmother was born on the ranch, and my own father spent much of his time there. I look at how land policy changed from encouraging ranching and farming in the early 1900's to tourism and recreation in the 1960's, with the coming of the Flaming Gorge Dam. The lives of my great-grandparents and their children were shaped by these changes and they felt the consequences of the shifting values of the Forest Service and government.
I used many primary documents in my research, from interviews given by the Swett children to photographs and documents. I also drew from literature and research by other western authors, such as Wallace Stegner, Mary Clearman Blew, and Steve Trimble. I connected my personal and family stories and memories with the larger framework of land policy in the West and the culture of ranching families similar to my own family. This enabled me to show how land policy affected many individuals and families on a personal level, looking through the prism of my own family and experiences.
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The Marriage of Eolian Rock Properties and Deformation of the Nugget Formation; Anschutz Ranch East Field: Northeast Utah and Southwest WyomingKeele, Dustin J. 01 May 2007 (has links)
The Nugget Formation in the Anschutz Ranch East field, northeast Utah and southwest Wyoming, provides an exceptional example of how primary eolian rock properties have a considerable influence on the style of structural deformation. Both new and existing subsurface data were integrated for an overall characterization of sedimentologic and diagenetic heterogeneities, which demonstrate relationships with different styles of structural compartmentalization in reservoirs. The Anschutz Ranch East field is a large asymmetric anticlinal trap in the Utah-Wyoming thrust belt. Three cores were analyzed in order to investigate brittle deformation in eolian facies: dune, apron, and interdune. Selected cores are located along the back limb of the main structure and are nearly perpendicular to the fold axis. Each eolian facies appears to have an associated style of deformation that generally occurs within this tectonic setting. Within the dune facies, deformation bands are the most common style of deformation, unless a fault is present; when faults are present open fractures and breccia occur. In the apron facies, open fractures are more prevalent; however deformation bands are still very frequent. The primary styles of brittle deformation observed in interdune facies are breccias and closed fractures. This relationship between facies and rheology also correlates with porosity. These results support a hypothesis that high porosity rocks tend to be weaker and develop deformation bands, while low porosity rocks have a greater strength and will deform brittlely.
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Peromyscus Populations as Related to Seasons and Vefetative Types at the Hardware Ranch, Cache County, UtahTurner, George Cleveland, Jr. 01 May 1950 (has links)
Members of the genus Peromyscus, White-footed Mice, are known to occur in nearly all habitats of North America. Because of their numerical abundance and widespread distribution, these mice are extensively used in the study of the dynamics of animal populations. Thus, information perteining to the local distruibution and activities of these mice is of value to the more comprehensive studies that are being carried out in the field of zoological research.
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Geologic mapping of exhumed, mid-Cretaceous paleochannel complexes near Castle Dale, Emery County, Utah: On the correlative relationship between the Dakota Sandstone and the Mussentuchit Member of the Cedar Mountain FormationSorensen, Amanda Elizabeth MacKay 21 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Numerous well-preserved, exhumed paleochannels in the Morrison, Cedar Mountain and Dakota Sandstone formations are exposed east of Castle Dale, Utah. These channels consist primarily of point bar complexes and scattered, low sinuosity channels. To determine the vertical and lateral relationships of these channels within the Cedar Mountain and Dakota Sandstone formations, a 1:24,000 scale geologic map covering ~140 km2 was created showing the fluvial sandstones. In the study area the Cedar Mountain Formation consists, from bottom to top, of 2.5-10 m of Buckhorn Conglomerate Member equivalent units, ~80 m of the Ruby Ranch Member, and ~30 m of the Mussentuchit Member. The Dakota Sandstone consists of conglomeratic to sandy, meandering channel fills within the Mussentuchit Member. The Ruby Ranch-Mussentuchit member contact is diagnosed as the top of a laterally extensive, ~10 meter thick, maroon paleosol with calcrete horizons and root traces. When deeply weathered the contact is discernable as a shift from maroon mudstone to a pale green-white, silty mudstone. Like the balance of the Mussentuchit Member overbank deposits, the white-green mudstone is rich in smectitic clays. In the southern one-third of the mapped area, Ruby Ranch Member sandstones are thin, discontinuous channel segments surrounded by floodplain deposits. In the middle to northern area, point bar complexes dominate, some of which are laterally amalgamated. Flow direction data from four meander complexes and a low sinuosity channel indicate an average northeast flow. Dakota Sandstone channels all of which are within the Mussentuchit Member also flowed to the northeast but point bar complexes are both more numerous and more laterally continuous than in the Ruby Ranch Member, indicating deposition in an area with less accommodation space than during Ruby Ranch Member time. The data indicate the Dakota Sandstone consists exclusively of fluvial sandstones encased within the Mussentuchit Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation. Therefore, these units are coeval and simply different facies of the same depositional system. Consequently the Mussentuchit Member is considered a member facies of the Dakota Formation.
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