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Cementotřískové desky s využitím alternativních surovin / Cement-bonded particleboards with utilization of alternative raw materialsUrbánek, Libor January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on effective utilization of currently produced alternative raw materials in the production of cement-bonded boards. The emphasis is primarily on the scraps and dust arising from the processing of cement-bonded slabs, as well as on slag and limestone. The theoretical part contains a survey of current knowledge about the given issue. In the experimental part, the alternative raw materials were analyzed in detail and their influence (as modifier components of the matrix and the filler) on the properties of cement-bonded slabs was examined. Research and development took place using physico-mechanical, thermal and microstructural methods.
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Globální hospodářská recese na trhu druhotných surovin a její možná řešení pohledem institucionální analýzy / Global economic recession on trhe market for secondary raw materials and its solutions with the view of institutional analysisOsersová, Marta January 2010 (has links)
At the end of 2008, the sector of secondary raw materials, as well as a major part of other sectors of economy, has been hit by a global economical recession. In comparison with usual incidences as sales, employment or payment problems, the recession had here, nevertheless, one specificity -- impact upon environment. The secondary raw materials are used to be employed by the manufacturers to the production of goods provided their price is lower than this of primary commodities. However, in the said period, consumer demand and production decreased, and in this consequence also prices of primary raw materials diminished heavily. Thereby the market of secondary raw materials practically stopped. But it was not possible to stop also their production, because recycling, process of secondary raw materials manufacture, is compulsory in the EU countries. Due to this situation, fears on the collapse of the whole system of waste separation occurred, but also different proposals for solutions of this problem appeared. Although the situation on the market for secondary raw materials in the latest months starts to be stabilized, this problem is always actual and that's why it became also theme of this dissertation. Thus, this diploma paper's objective is to make an attempt to characterize the current situation in the market for secondary raw materials with the exploitation of the institutional analysis and, subsequently, to examine its changes evoked by the introduction of the "anti-crisis" measures. The practical part of these theses is based on the application of the method developed by proprietress of the Nobel Prize for economy for 2009, Elinor Ostrom, and her colleagues at Indiana University, so-called IAD Framework -- Institutional Analysis and Development Framework. This selected research method is relatively unknown in our place and so a quite new and authentic view at this whole matter can be therefore expected.
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Regionální aspekty trhu druhotných surovin v České republice / The Regional Aspects of Secondary Raw Materials Market in the Czech RepublicBotková, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the market for secondary raw materials. First, basic terms are explained together with the close analysis of different interpretation of the term "waste" and "secondary raw material", next "recycling". Then general principles of the functioning of markets are applied to the issue of secondary raw materials. It is discussed if theoretical knowledges described below follow the reality of markets in which commodities produced from the solid waste are traded. After that structure of the market is analysed from the mikroeconomic perspective. The objective of the qualitative research was to determine the impacts of the crises on the regional market.
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L'industrie minière de l'antimoine et du tungstène : emergence, prospérité et disparition des exploitations de France métropolitaine aux XIXe et XX siècles / The antimony and tungsten mining industry : emergence, prosperity and the disappearance of Metropolitan France's mines during 19th and 20th centuriesGuiollard, Pierre-Christian 11 December 2009 (has links)
Antimoine et tungstène, deux "petits métaux" qui, à différentes périodes, eurent une importance stratégique liée à l'industrialisation et l'armement. L'antimoine, connu depuis l'Antiquité, fut exploité en France à partir du XVIe siècle mais c'est aux XIXe et XXe siècles qu'il fit l'objet d'une exploitation significative. Les applications industrielles du tungstène, plus récentes, datent de la fin du XIXe siècle. Aux XIXe et XXe siècles, plusieurs périodes présentent une convergence entre la taille des gisements, les méthodes d'exploitation et de traitement employées, la structure des entreprises et la consommation de ces métaux. Cette conjonction s'avère favorable à la prospérité, dans la période préindustrielle puis au XXe siècle, au développement des mines métropolitaines. La dispersion des compagnies et la multitude de petits gisements fut, au contraire, préjudiciable à la prospérité de cette activité. Dans les années 1960, l'implication de l'Etat dans la recherche minière, à travers le BRGM, puis les mesures de soutien à la prospection privée, aboutirent à la découverte de nouveaux gisements de métaux non-ferreux. En revanche, l'implication de l'Etat dans l'exploitation minière, à travers COFRAMINES, fut moins favorable. La gestion administrative et peu réactive s'avéra inadaptée à la versatilité du marché de ces métaux. Aujourd'hui, en France, la mine se heurte à de telles contraintes, sociales, administratives et environnementales, que la relance d'une exploitation de l'antimoine et du tungstène parait peu probable, dans les conditions économiques actuelles. / Antimony and tungsten, two "small alloy metals" that both, at different periods of time, had a strategic importance, linked to industrialisation and armament. Antimony which was known in Antiquity, has been mined in France since the 16th century, but it was truly during the 19th and 20th centuries. Industrial applications of tungsten are recent, dating back to the last decade of the 19th century. During the 19th and 20th centuries, several periods present a convergence between the size of deposits, the methods used to exploit and process, the companies' structure, and the consumption of these two metals. This conjunction was favourable to the antimony mines' prosperity during the pre-industrial period then, in the 20th century, to the development of several mines. The dispersion of companies, on a multitude of small deposits, is prejudicial to the development of antimony and wolfram-rich districts like those of the Massif Central. The French State's implication, through the BRGM's actions starting in the 1960s, then by the establishment of aids towards private prospecting, was beneficial for the discovery of non-ferrous metals deposits. However, the State's decision to change from exploration to mining, through COFRAMINES, was less favourable. The administration management, sometimes burdened and slow to react, showed itself to be inadequate in a context as versatile as the antimony and tungsten market. Today the mining industry, in its whole, faces such social, administrative and environmental constraints, that the antimony and tungsten mining industry's revival, in today's economic and political situation, remains improbable.
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Approche techno-économique des industries lithiques des grottes de la Terrasse, de Coupe-Gorge, de la Niche, Boule et des Putois, à Montmaurin (Haute- Garonne), France et potentiel d'application sur quelques sites sénégalais. / Techno-economic approach of the lithic industries of the caves of the Terrasse, Coupe-Gorge, Niche, Boule and Putois, to Montmaurin (Haute-Garonne), France and potential of application on some senegalese sites.Thiam, Djibril 17 September 2018 (has links)
L'imposant réseau karstique de Montmaurin situé à l’extrémité occidentale du chaînon des Petites Pyrénées, renfermait plusieurs grottes. Aujourd'hui, seulement huit cavités ont échappé à l'exploitation des carriers. Malgré la dispersion des collections, l’industrie lithique des fouilles de L. Méroc et R. Cammas (1946-1962) dans les grottes de Montmaurin a pu bénéficier d’un inventaire et de l’étude de l’intégralité des niveaux acheuléens et moustériens. L’étude techno-typologique et pétroarchéologique menée lors de ce travail de recherche montrent des spécificités inhérentes aux grottes de Montmaurin. Les caractéristiques de ce que nous proposons de nommer « le complexe de Montmaurin » dégage une spécificité dans les contreforts pyrénéens. Ce « complexe » possède une certaine unité typologique et technologique. Le cortège lithologique est composé de galets de quartzite de lydienne de quartz etc. qui proviennent des affluents de la Garonne et de silex pré-pyrénéen. Les territoires d’acquisition des ressources minérales sont plus ou moins vastes, d'une centaine de mètres à environ 80 kilomètres. L'application de la méthode d'étude des grottes de Montmaurin sur des sites sénégalais a donné des résultats significatifs : approvisionnement local en matière première avec une utilisation de galets ; traitement différentiel de la matière, changement dans le choix, orienté vers les roches siliceuses ; abandon du macro-outillage et diversification des matières, pour les étendre sur l'ensemble des sites Acheuléens du Sénégal et plus largement en Afrique de l'Ouest, afin d'établir une nouvelle séquence de référence en Afrique occidentale de l’Early Stone Age, jusqu'au Later Stone Age. / The huge karstic network of Montmaurin is located at the western end of the chain of the Petites Pyrenées, and contained several caves. There are only eight caves that have escaped the exploitation of quarrymen. Despite the dispersion of the collections, the lithic industry of the L. Meroc and R. Cammas' excavations in the Montmaurin caves benefited from an inventory and the study of the Acheulean and Mousterian collections.The techno-typological and petro-archaeological study conducted during this research shows the specificities inherent to the Montmaurin caves. The characteristics of what we propose to call "the Montmaurin complex" have a specificity in the Pyrenean foothills. This "complex" has a typological and technological unity. The lithological procession is composed of pebbles quartzite lydian quartz. that come from the tributaries of the Garonne and pre-Pyrenean flint. The acquisition territories of mineral resources are more or less vast, from a hundred meters to about 80 kilometers. We applied this method to Senegalese sites yielded significant results: local supply of raw material with a use of pebbles, a differential of the raw material, change in the choice, oriented towards siliceous rocks, abandonment of macro-tools and diversification. These results allow us to propose the application to Acheulean sites in Senegal and widely in West Africa, for establishing a new reference sequence in West Africa from Early Stone Age to Later Stone Age.
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Energetická závislost EU - stávající stav a návrh řešení / European Union's Energy DependenceHladíková, Andrea January 2010 (has links)
In the first part of my diploma thesis I analyze energy policies of six selected Member states (France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Finland and Czech Republic) and the development of the creation efforts of the external European Union's energy policy during the process of the european integration. Third chapter is devoted to the analysis of the EU's energy situation, primarily to the possibilities of the reduction of the strong EU's external energy dependence. The following chapter deals with the analysis of global raw materials market and their (potential) suppliers. In the last chapter I analyze creation possibility of the common external energy policy as the energy security tool of Member states.
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Eco-efficiency for sustainability : IKEA's environmental policy in RussiaSklyarova, Mariya, Kobets, Tetiana January 2011 (has links)
In the modern world businesses are seen more often not only as carriers of technological development, innovations, capital investments and profit makers. The present-day situation with growing ecological problems has put a high demand on organizational environmental responsibility of small, medium, large and transnational enterprises all over the world. IKEA is a well known furniture and textile retailer operating worldwide. The company has received a great amount of publicity concerning its leadership in adopting more environmentally friendly measures in manufacturing process and operations. The company issues its global sustainability report yearly and is very popular with the media; however, the actual environmental impact of IKEA’s production and operation may be more damaging than it is usually perceived. The following research work aims to provide the answer whether IKEA is really eco-efficient and looks with more detail to its operation in Russia. A sound theoretical background is provided concerning the definition and means of measuring eco-efficiency, as well as its place in the concept of sustainable development. A great emphasis is placed on comparing IKEA initiatives worldwide and in Russia, as well as discussing their actual environmental impact. Finally, barriers and challenges IKEA faces when implementing its environmental policy in Russia are defined and conclusions are drawn.
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Méthodes numériques pour la valorisation d'options swings et autres problèmes sur les matières premièresKourouvakalis, Stylianos Geman, Hélyette. January 2008 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat : Sciences de gestion : Université Paris-Dauphine : 2008. / L'introduction générale est en français, les différents chapitres sont en anglais. bibliogr.54 ref. Index.
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Antrinių žaliavų tvarkymo situacijos Vilniaus mieste valdymas / Recycled Materials handling the situation in the city of Vilnius ManagementČaplia, Jaroslav 22 February 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbe vertinamas antrinių žaliavų tvarkymo situacijos Vilniaus mieste valdymas ir valdymo efektyvumas.
Pirmajame skyriuje yra apžvelgiami svarbiausi komunalinių atliekų tvarkymą reglamentuojantys Europos sąjungos ir Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktai, klasifikuojamos antrinių žaliavų ir aptariami jų tvarkymo budai, vertinama institucinė atsakomybė atliekų tvarkymo srityje.
Antrajame skyriuje, remiantis Vilniaus miesto savivaldybės administracijos medžiaga, nagrinėjama antrinių žaliavų tvarkymo situacija Vilniaus mieste, komunalinių atliekų tvarkymo sistemos kontekste, apžvelgiama Vilniaus miesto antrinių žaliavų sistema. Analizuojama antrinių žaliavų surinkimo ir tvarkymo situacija Lietuvoje ir Vilniuje, vertinami antrinių žaliavų sutvarkymo kaštai.
Trečiajame skyriuje, remiantis gyventojų apklausos rezultatu bei interviu su Savivaldybės ir atliekas tvarkančių įmonių ekspertais duomenimis, analizuojama antrinių žaliavų tvarkymo sistema, šios sistemos valdymas ir efektyvumas. Analizė parodė, kad Vilniaus miesto antrinių žaliavų tvarkymo sistema nėra pakankamai efektyvi. Pagrindinė grandis, kuri organizuoja savo teritorijoje susidarančių komunalinių atliekų ir antrinių žaliavų tvarkymą, yra Savivaldybė. Savivaldybė atsakinga už šių atliekų tvarkymo sistemos sukūrimą ir valdymą – reglamentavimą, plėtojimą ir administravimą. Tačiau atlikta analizė parodė, kad antrinių žaliavų tvarkymo sistemos valdymas yra nepakankamai efektyvus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master's work evaluated the processing of secondary raw material situation in Vilnius city management and management efficiency.
The first chapter provides an overview of the most important municipal waste management regulations of the European Union and the Lithuanian legal acts of secondary materials are classified and discussed their management techniques; assess the institutional responsibility for waste management.
The second chapter, on the basis of the Vilnius City Municipality Administration material issue in the processing of secondary raw material situation in the city of Vilnius, municipal waste management systems in the context of an overview of the city of Vilnius secondary materials system. Analyzing the collection of secondary raw materials and processing situation in Lithuania and Vilnius, evaluates the recycled material clean-up costs.
The third chapter, on the basis of the survey results and interviews with municipal waste-management companies and experts in data analysis of secondary raw materials handling system, the system management and efficiency. The analysis showed that the city of Vilnius secondary raw materials handling system is not sufficiently effective. The main chains, which organizes its own territory due to municipal waste and secondary raw materials processing is the municipality. Municipality responsible for the waste management system development and management - regulation, development and... [to full text]
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L'impact des difficultés d'approvisionnement en matières premières sur la qualité du produit des PME du secteur agro-industriel au Gabon /Makessi, Jacqueline. January 1992 (has links)
Mémoire (M.P.M.O.)-- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1992. / BIbliogr.: f. [106]-113. Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU
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