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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genomic Rearrangements in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Identification of Novel Candidate Genes

Malenfant, Patrick 23 November 2009 (has links)
There is evidence from family studies for the importance of genetic factors in the development of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) but the identification of major genes has not been achieved to date. There are several reports of deletions and duplications in individuals with ASDs, some of which are not unique to an individual. In most cases, the frequencies and relevance of these abnormalities are unknown, as they have been identified serendipitously in one or a few individuals. My overall hypothesis was that such rearrangements would facilitate the identification of “culprit” genes associated with ASDs by identifying a small chromosomal region for candidate gene testing. I molecularly characterized two overlapping 2p15-2p16.1 deletions detected in unrelated individuals with confirmed autistic disorder (Subject 1) or autistic features (Subject 2), a 1.4Mb deletion on chromosome Xp22 (Subject 1) and a duplication of chromosome 7q11.23, reciprocal to the Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS) deletion, in one individual with an ASD (Subject 3). Using real-time semi-quantitative PCR, I screened a total of 798 individuals with an ASD and 186 healthy controls for the presence of similar abnormalities. No additional cases were identified in either group. Subsequently, I selected 6 genes [Orthodenticle homolog 1 (OTX1), Variable charge, X-linked (VCX), Neuroligin 4, X-linked (NLGN4X), Syntaxin 1A (STX1A), Cytoplasmic linker 2 (CYLN2) and General transcription factor IIi (GTF2i)], based on their function and localization within or in the vicinity of the rearrangements and tested them for association with ASDs. Although there was no evidence for association for any marker or haplotype in most of the genes tested, this was not so for GTF2i. Haplotype transmission disequilibrium testing revealed an increased transmission, from healthy parents to their affected offspring, of the common alleles of one marker and one haplotype in GTF2i (P = 0.0010 and 0.0005, respectively). This gene encodes a brain-expressed transcription factor previously implicated in the mental retardation associated with WBS. Based on these findings, I propose that, although the genomic rearrangements reported herein are not a common cause of ASDs, the GTF2i gene within the WBS critical region is important in the aetiology of autism. / Thesis (Ph.D, Physiology) -- Queen's University, 2009-11-20 00:35:11.727

Genetic Risk Factors in Parkinson’s Disease

Daniel Buchanan Unknown Date (has links)
Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a complex disease with a multi-factorial aetiology, comprising both genetic and environmental risk factors. The disease pathology is progressive and neurodegenerative where dopaminergic nerve cell death occurs predominantly in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc) with the subsequent loss of the dopamine neurotransmitter in the basal ganglia. The most significant risk factors for PD include an advancing age and a family history of the disease, while environmental and lifestyle risk factors such as pesticide exposure and smoking are widely accepted as risk altering exposures. Currently up to 10% of PD is attributed to Mendelian inherited PD at one of 13 PARK loci in 9 genes. The pursuit of common susceptibility alleles for idiopathic PD has proven challenging with only a few loci reproducibility associated with an altered risk. The aim of this thesis is to study, using a candidate gene case-control design, the potential role of genetic variants in PD. The APOE candidate gene was hypothesized to modify the risk of PD as it is a proven modifier of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The common pathological finding in PD of elevated levels of iron within the SNpc is proposed to increase the oxidative state of the nerve cells and predispose the dopaminergic neurons to apoptosis. Therefore, susceptibility alleles within the candidate genes that regulate iron metabolism and homeostasis are hypothesized to alter iron metabolism and predispose to iron-induced neurodegeneration in PD. Missense variants and common “tagging” SNPs with the HFE, Transferrin and Transferrin Receptor genes are investigated extensively in this thesis. Finally, autosomal recessively inherited PD can result from mutations in the parkin gene at the PARK2 locus. The final hypothesis explored in this thesis suggests that non-deleterious missense variants in the parkin gene modify the risk for developing sporadic PD. Further genetic variation in the parkin gene such as exon rearrangements is a frequently reported mutation where heterozygosity for these rearrangements may increase the risk of PD. Heterozygous deletions or duplications of exons in the parkin gene provide technical challenges for their detection. In this thesis a novel assay for the detection of these mutations is investigated. Methods: Genotyping was performed using PCR-RFLP for genetic variants in the APOE (E2 and E4 alleles), HFE (C282Y, H63D and S65C), Transferrin receptor (TfR; S142G), Transferrin (Tfn; P570S and G258S), IREB2 genes (L159V) and the parkin gene (S167N, R366W and V380L) in a cohort of 425 PD cases and 387 controls recruited from throughout Queensland, Australia. A tagged SNP high-throughput genotyping approach was then employed to try to replicate single SNP associations in 6 iron-related genes using a cohort of 1034 PD cases and 774 controls. These genetic variants were analysed for direct association with PD risk, age of onset effects as well as potential gene x gene (GxG) and gene x environment (GxE) interactions. Additionally, a quantitative PCR assay was developed to detect heterozygous deletions and duplications within the parkin gene and utilised to screen 43 YOPD cases for these mutations. Results: The initial study of the HFE C282Y variant revealed a significant protective association with PD in the two independent cohorts studied. Further study did not reveal significant associations with PD for the other HFE variants or missense variants within the Tfn and TfR genes. When analysed for GxE interactions, the C282Y, P589S and G277S variants showed evidence for an increased risk of PD in synergy with pesticide and herbicide exposure. Carriers of the risk variant and with toxin exposure were at two-fold increased risk of PD, although the number of individuals in this category was small. A further investigation of the role of common genetic polymorphisms in iron genes revealed only one of the 20 SNPs genotyped using high-throughput multiplex methods, remained significantly associated with PD after correction for age and sex. The rs198855 SNP is downstream of the HFE gene and further implicates a role for HFE in PD. The APOE E4 allele demonstrated modifying effects for the age of PD onset, restricted to the female cases. Analysis of the parkin missense variants also demonstrated a modifying effect on the age of PD onset in carriers of the S167N variant, with putative interactions between the APOE E4 allele, a family history of PD and toxin exposure that further reduced the age of onset. Twenty individuals of the 43 YOPD cases screened demonstrated heterozygous parkin exon rearrangements using the novel qPCR method. Conclusions: Non-synonymous variants within iron-related genes or the parkin gene putatively interact with herbicide and pesticide exposure to increase the risk of PD or modify the phenotype, highlighting the need for future studies to address the multi-factorial aetiology of PD in their study design and analysis. This thesis provides evidence for the association between genetic variation within the HFE locus and PD and for the APOE E4 allele as a modifier of PD.

Plasticité du génome au cours d'une expérience d'évolution au long terme chez Escherichia Coli / Plasticity of the genome of the course of a long term evolution experiment in Escherichia coli

Raeside, Colin 17 October 2014 (has links)
Les réarrangements d'ADN à grande échelle, tels que inversions, amplifications, duplications, délétions, insertions et transposition des éléments génétiques mobiles, sont des acteurs essentiels de l'évolution. Ils ont une forte incidence sur l'organisation et l'expression des chromosomes, ce qui affecte le phénotype des organismes. Toutefois, la dynamique de ces réarrangements au cours de l'évolution et leurs effets sur l'adaptation des organismes sont souvent inconnus. Nous avons abordé ces questions en utilisant la plus longue expérience d'évolution en cours. A partir d'un ancêtre commun d'Escherichia coli, douze populations indépendantes sont cultivées dans un milieu limité en glucose depuis plus de 60 000 générations, soit 26 ans. La plupart des études antérieures ont porté sur les mutations ponctuelles et les petites insertions et délétions (InDels). En utilisant des clones isolés au cours du temps dans ces 12 populations, nous avons caractérisé les réarrangements d'ADN à grande échelle à la fois par l'analyse des séquences de génomes et par cartographie optique. A 40 000 générations, nous avons identifié 110 réarrangements parmi lesquelles 82 délétions, 19 inversions et 9 duplications. Plusieurs régions du chromosome ont été touchées à plusieurs reprises par le même type de réarrangements dans des populations indépendantes. Dans une des populations au moins, les réarrangements se sont produits au début de l'expérience d'évolution, au moment où l'augmentation de la valeur sélective est la plus élevée. Par conséquent, certains de ces réarrangements pourraient être bénéfiques dans ces conditions. Même dans le cas contraire, nous avons montré que ces réarrangements affectaient fortement la structure du chromosome au cours de l'expérience d'évolution.Au niveau moléculaire, nous avons montré que ~ 70% des réarrangements se produisent par recombinaison entre séquences d'insertion (IS), ce qui illustre l'importance de ces dernières dans la plasticité du génome. Nous avons donc caractérisé la distribution et la dynamique de ces petits éléments génétiques mobiles dans l'ensemble des 12 populations. Nous avons montré que les éléments IS ont fortement contribué à l'ensemble des mutations après 40 000 générations. Dans une population, les IS représentent même la moitié des mutations, et un des types d'IS, IS150, présente une forte prolifération avec 6 fois plus de copies à 40 000 générations, intervenant dans la plupart des réarrangements détectés dans cette population. Nous avons montré une forte dynamique temporelle d'IS150, avec une forte expansion suivie d'une domestication par l'hôte. En testant trois scenarii évolutifs, nous avons démontré que l'expansion d'IS150 était liée à une forte augmentation de la valeur sélective conférée par les événements initiaux de transposition ayant eu lieu avant 2000 générations. Plus tard, entre 20 000 et 40 000 générations, nous avons mesuré une diminution de la fréquence de transposition, probablement en raison d'une régulation négative de la transposition imposée par l'hôte. Enfin, et pour la première fois, nous avons développé un modèle d'évolution de la dynamique des IS, qui confirme que leur expansion est liée à un nombre seuil d'insertions bénéfiques initiales. Ces résultats montrent que les réarrangements chromosomiques à grande échelle et les éléments IS ont joué un rôle actif dans la trajectoire évolutive au cours de 40 000 générations d'évolution bactérienne. / Large-scale DNA rearrangements, including inversions, amplifications, duplications, deletions, insertions, and transposition of mobile genetic elements, are major drivers of evolution and strongly impact on chromosome organization and expression, thereby altering organismal phenotypes. However, their long-term evolutionary dynamics and effects on organismal fitness are often unknown. We addressed these questions by using the longest-running evolution experiment, during which twelve independent populations are propagated from a common E. coli ancestor in a glucose-limited environment for now over 60,000 generations (26 years). Most past studies have focused on point mutations and small InDels. Using evolved clones sampled over time in all 12 populations, we characterized all large-scale DNA rearrangements by using whole genome sequences and Whole Genome MappingTM (i.e optical mapping). After 40,000 generations, we identified a total of 110 rearrangements including 82 deletions, 19 inversions and 9 duplications. Many chromosomal regions were repeatedly affected by similar rearrangements and, at least in one population, they occurred early in evolution when fitness increase was strong. Therefore, many rearrangements may be under positive selection. At the very least, these rearrangements strongly affected the structure of the chromosome during evolution.At the molecular level, we showed that ~ 70% of all rearrangements occurred by recombination between Insertion Sequence (IS) elements, illustrating their importance in mediating genome plasticity. We therefore investigated the distribution and temporal dynamics of these small mobile genetic elements in all 12 populations. We showed that IS elements were strong contributors of the total mutations after 40,000 generations. In one population, they even represented about half of the total mutations and one IS type, IS150, revealed a strong 6-fold increase in copy number, accounting for the production of most of the rearrangements detected in this population. We showed that IS150 revealed a dynamic temporal behavior with a strong expansion followed by domestication by the host. By testing three evolutionary scenarios, we demonstrated that the IS150 expansion was related to a strong fitness increase conferred by the initial transposition events that occurred before 2000 generations. Later, between 20,000 and 40,000 generations, we measured a decreased transposition frequency, likely owing to a down regulation imposed by the host. Finally, and for the first time, we developed an evolution model of IS dynamics confirming that the IS expansion was related to a threshold number of initial IS beneficial insertions. All of our data showed that large-scale chromosomal rearrangements and IS elements have played an active role in the evolutionary outcomes after 40,000 generations of bacterial evolution.

Heteromorfismo cromossômico em populações de Geophagus brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (Teleostei: Cichlidae) da bacia do Rio Doce, Brasil / Charomosome heteromorphism in Geophagus brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) (Teleostei: Cichlidae) population from Doce River basin, Brazil

Silva, Ana Paula Alves 23 July 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:42:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 3965956 bytes, checksum: 7ee9799f71d65ccd8dd579d596629d39 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-07-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Karyological analysis of Geophagus brasiliensis (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824) was performed on 81 specimens from six localities, three geologically recent lakes and three stream collection sites. Techniques included conventional staining with Giemsa, NOR banding, C-banding and in situ hybridization (FISH) with 5S rDNA and 18s rDNA probes. The diploid number was 2n = 48 chromosomes, and fundamental number varied between 50-52. We observed four different karyotypes, based on heteromorphisms presented by the first chromosome pair and were not related to sex, NOR location or collection site. This heteromorphism is related to differences in the ratio arms, which led to variations in the karyotypic formulae (3sm +18 st +26 t; 2sm +20 st +26 t; 4sm +18 st +26 t). This heteromorphism may be related to chromosome rearrangements, such as pericentromeric inversions, deletions, and unequal crossing-over, which together with other processes, such as Muller s ratchet, background selection and dosage compensation caused size alterations in some chromosomes. The number of NORs varied within and between specimens, however most individuals had NOR bands in more than one chromosome pair, a distinctive feature of the Doce River populations. The 18S rDNA probe confirmed the presence of NORs in more than two chromosomes. The location of the 5S rDNA probe remained conserved in all samples, marking a pair of chromosomes. The heterochromatin blocks occurred predominantly in the centromeric / pericentromeric chromosomes, and this a characteristic of the Cichlidae family. Heterochromatin blocks in interstitial regions were observed in two pairs of chromosomes. The presence of two subtelocentric chromosomes, with fully heterochromatic small arms is a diagnostic feature of the populations of the Doce River Basin. We conclude that the populations of G. brasiliensis of the Rio Doce Basin present unique characteristics, as evidenced by four configurations of the first pair of chromosomes and different results obtained by banding techniques. Results suggest differential viability of the chromosomal variations described in this study. / A análise cariotípica de Geophagus brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) foi realizada em 81 espécimes de seis localidades da bacia do rio Doce. Foram usadas as técnicas de coloração convencional com Giemsa, bandeamento NORs, bandeamento C e hibridização in situ (FISH) com sondas rDNA 18s e rDNA 5S. O número diplóide foi de 2n=48 cromossomos, com variação do número fundamental entre 50-52. Foram observados quatro diferentes cariótipos, com base em heteromorfismos apresentados pelo primeiro par cromossômico e não foram associados ao sexo, à NOR nem ao local de coleta. Esse heteromorfismo está relacionado com diferenças de razão de braços, o que acarretou variações nas fórmulas cariotípicas encontradas (3sm+18st+26t; 2sm+20st+26t; 4sm+18st+26t). Este heteromorfismo pode estar relacionado com rearranjos cromossômicos, como inversões pericentroméricas, deleções, e crossing-over desiguais, as quais, associadas a outros processos, como catraca de Muller, seleção de fundo e compensação de dosagem, determinaram a alteração do tamanho de alguns cromossomos. O número de NORs observadas teve variações intra e inter-individuais, contudo a maioria dos indivíduos apresentou marcações em mais de um par cromossômico, uma característica única das populações de G. brasiliensis da bacia do rio Doce. A sonda de rDNA 18S confirmou a presença de NORs em mais de dois cromossomos. A localização da sonda de rDNA 5S manteve-se conservada em todas as amostras, marcando par de cromossomos telocêntricos. Os blocos de heterocromatina ocorreram predominantemente nas regiões centroméricas/pericentromérica, sendo essa uma característica da família Cichlidae. Blocos de heterocromatina em regiões intersticiais foram observados em dois pares de cromossomos. A presença de dois subtelocêntricos apresentando seus braços menores totalmente heterocromáticos é uma característica diagnóstica das populações da bacia do rio Doce. Conclui-se que as populações de G. brasiliensis da bacia do rio Doce apresentam A análise cariotípica de Geophagus brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) foi realizada em 81 espécimes de seis localidades da bacia do rio Doce. Foram usadas as técnicas de coloração convencional com Giemsa, bandeamento NORs, bandeamento C e hibridização in situ (FISH) com sondas rDNA 18s e rDNA 5S. O número diplóide foi de 2n=48 cromossomos, com variação do número fundamental entre 50-52. Foram observados quatro diferentes cariótipos, com base em heteromorfismos apresentados pelo primeiro par cromossômico e não foram associados ao sexo, à NOR nem ao local de coleta. Esse heteromorfismo está relacionado com diferenças de razão de braços, o que acarretou variações nas fórmulas cariotípicas encontradas (3sm+18st+26t; 2sm+20st+26t; 4sm+18st+26t). Este heteromorfismo pode estar relacionado com rearranjos cromossômicos, como inversões pericentroméricas, deleções, e crossing-over desiguais, as quais, associadas a outros processos, como catraca de Muller, seleção de fundo e compensação de dosagem, determinaram a alteração do tamanho de alguns cromossomos. O número de NORs observadas teve variações intra e inter-individuais, contudo a maioria dos indivíduos apresentou marcações em mais de um par cromossômico, uma característica única das populações de G. brasiliensis da bacia do rio Doce. A sonda de rDNA 18S confirmou a presença de NORs em mais de dois cromossomos. A localização da sonda de rDNA 5S manteve-se conservada em todas as amostras, marcando par de cromossomos telocêntricos. Os blocos de heterocromatina ocorreram predominantemente nas regiões centroméricas / pericentromérica, sendo essa uma característica da família Cichlidae. Blocos de heterocromatina em regiões intersticiais foram observados em dois pares de cromossomos. A presença de dois subtelocêntricos apresentando seus braços menores totalmente heterocromáticos é uma característica diagnóstica das populações da bacia do rio Doce. Conclui-se que as populações de G. brasiliensis da bacia do rio Doce apresentam características únicas, associadas à existência de quatro configurações do primeiro par cromossômico e aos diferentes resultados obtidas nas técnicas de bandeamento realizadas. Os resultados também sugerem uma viabilidade diferenciada das variáveis cromossômicas descritas nesse trabalho.

Investigação dos mRNAs de Fusão do Gene TMPRSS2/ERG em Pacientes com Câncer de Próstata. / Investigation of mRNAs of the Fusion Gene TMPRSS2/ERG in Patients with Prostate Cancer in Brazil.

Bruna Ferreira de Souza 26 April 2013 (has links)
O interesse científico em rearranjos gênicos relacionados com a etiogênese e progressão do câncer relaciona-se, principalmente, à descoberta da fusão BCR/ABL na Leucemia Mieloide Crônica, sendo que desde então, houve uma evolução no manejo dessa doença, instigando uma série de estudos correlatos em outras neoplasias. Essas pesquisas culminaram no encontro do primeiro rearranjo gênico em tumores sólidos, o gene de fusão TMPRSS2/ERG, envolvendo a região promotora do gene da serina protease, o TMPRSS2, e o gene da família de fatores de transcrição ETS, o ERG. Ele é específico de adenocarcinoma da próstata, o que o torna forte candidato a biomarcador e já demonstra exercer papel de destaque no manejo clínico do câncer de próstata (CaP), tal qual o exercido pela fusão BCR/ABL. Sua frequência têm se mostrado associada a diversos fatores, sobretudo à etnia de origem. Indivíduos portadores de CaP oriundos de diversos países já foram estudados quanto à frequência dessa fusão e o resultado é bastante diversificado. No Brasil, entretanto, ainda não há dados a respeito desse rearranjo, e este trabalho visa contribuir para a identificação da frequência da mesma e sua contribuição para o diagnóstico e o tratamento do CaP no país. Para tal, utilizamos mRNA de 20 indivíduos com CaP provenientes do serviço de atendimento do HCFMRP/USP, e por meio da técnica de RT-PCR, obtivemos o cDNA dos mesmos que foram investigados quanto à presença da fusão TMPRSS2/ERG, e as amostras positivas sequenciadas para determinação do tipo de isoforma envolvida. Identificamos que 35% das amostras continham o rearranjo e que todas correspondiam à isoforma do tipo III, cuja literatura a relaciona com um fenótipo agressivo do CaP, porém não metástico, e é também a mais comumente identificada. Ao confrontarmos essa evidência com os dados clínicos e histopatológicos, constatamos que havia correlação entre eles, sugerindo assim, como em outros trabalhos, o potencial desse rearranjo como marcador de agressividade do CaP. No entanto, não verificamos relação entre a presença da fusão e dados de progressão da doença. Em vista desses resultados, destacamos a necessidade da promoção de outros trabalhos de mesmo caráter, abrangendo outras regiões, a fim de se delinear um perfil mais representativo desse rearranjo no Brasil, uma vez que seu potencial como biomarcador diagnóstico e clínico é enorme e pode influenciar sobremaneira no manejo do CaP. / Scientific interest in gene rearrangements associated with cancer progression and etiogenesis relates mainly to the discovery of BCR/ABL fusion in chronic myelogenous leukemia, and since then there has been an evolution in the management of this disease, prompting a series of related studies in other malignancies. These researches resulted in the meeting of the first gene rearrangement in solid tumors, the fusion gene TMPRSS2/ERG involving the promoter region of the gene of serine protease, TMPRSS2, and the gene family of transcription factors ETS, the ERG. It is specific for adenocarcinoma of the prostate, which makes it a strong candidate biomarker and shows already exert a prominent role in the clinical management of prostate cancer (PCa), as is exercised by the BCR/ABL. Its frequency has been shown to be associated with several factors, especially the ethnic origin. Individuals with CaP from different countries have been studied in the frequency of this merger and the result is quite diverse. In Brazil, however, there is no data about this rearrangement, and this paper aims to contribute to the identification of the same frequency and its contribution to the diagnosis and treatment of PCa in the country. Therefore, we used mRNA from 20 individuals with CaP from the answering service HCFMRP/USP, and by RT-PCR, cDNA obtained from the same people who were investigated for the presence of fusion TMPRSS2/ERG, and positive samples sequenced to determine the type of isoform involved. We found that 35% of the samples contained the rearrangement and that all corresponded to the type III isoform, whose literature relates to an aggressive phenotype of PCa, but not metastatic, and is also the most commonly identified. When we compared this evidence with clinical and histopathological data, we found that there was a correlation between them, suggesting, as in other studies, the potential of this rearrangement as a agressivity marker of PCa. However, no significant association between the presence of data fusion and disease progression. In view of these results, we highlight the need to promote other works of the same character, covering other regions, in order to delineate a more representative profile of this rearrangement in Brazil, since its potential as a biomarker and clinical diagnosis is huge and can influence greatly in the management of PCa.

Em busca da etiologia das displasias frontonasais / In search of the etiology of frontonasal dysplasias

Melina Guerreiro Rodrigues 04 October 2013 (has links)
A displasia frontonasal (DFN) compreende quadros de aparência facial variável, sendo clinicamente caracterizada por dois ou mais dos seguintes sinais: hipertelorismo ocular com consequente alargamento da base nasal; fissura facial mediana afetando o nariz ou o nariz e lábio superior e, por vezes, o palato; fissura alar (uni ou bilateral); ponta nasal ausente; crânio anterior bífido oculto, e implantação em 'V' dos cabelos na fronte. A DFN pode ser vista como um defeito de desenvolvimento que pode ocorrer por si só ou como parte do quadro clínico de várias síndromes. A maioria dos casos de DFN é esporádica, e em raras circunstâncias foram observadas alterações cromossômicas em alguns indivíduos. Até o momento, quatro genes foram relacionados à patogênese molecular de algumas das síndromes com DFN, EFNB1, associado a uma forma de DFN ligada ao X e os genes ALX1, ALX3 e ALX4, todos associados a formas de DFN com herança autossômica recessiva. Embora esteja claro haver heterogeneidade etiológica, na maioria dos casos de DFN a causa não é conhecida, dificultando o adequado aconselhamento genético aos pacientes e seus familiares. Sendo assim, realizamos estudos com diferentes estratégias metodológicas buscando melhor compreender as possíveis causas genéticas da DFN. Ao todo foram analisados 10 pacientes: um caso familial de DFN leve com herança aparentemente autossômica dominante, um caso clinicamente sugestivo de mutação em ALX1, e oito casos de DFN associada a atraso de desenvolvimento com ou sem outras anomalias, dos quais um apresentava um rearranjo de novo aparentemente balanceado entre os cromossomos 4 e 12. Optamos por realizar sequenciamento dos genes previamente relacionados a fenótipos com DFN em todos os casos; para aqueles em que não foram detectadas mutações patogênicas, realizamos análise de variações de número de cópias (CNV) por microarray de polimorfismos de base única e, para o paciente com rearranjo cromossômico, realizamos o mapeamento do ponto de quebra por hibridação in situ fluorescente. Constatamos uma mutação em heterozigose no gene ALX4 co-segregando com o fenótipo do caso familial, sendo esta a primeira descrição de alteração em tal gene causando uma forma de DFN com herança dominante, e sugerimos pela primeira vez um mecanismo de dominância negativa. No caso sugestivo de mutação em ALX1, o diagnóstico foi confirmado através da identificação de uma mutação em homozigose neste gene do paciente; este caso consiste no 3o da literatura mundial e evidencia pela primeira vez que mutações em ALX1 não necessariamente levam a atraso de desenvolvimento ou deficiência intelectual. Os estudos citogenéticos e moleculares dos pontos de quebra do paciente com rearranjo cromossômico sugeriram os genes ARAP2 e CAND1 como possíveis responsáveis por seu quadro clínico, enquanto o estudo de CNVs nos indivíduos com DFN associada a atraso de desenvolvimento apontou os genes DNAJB12 e ENOX2 como possíveis candidatos para explicar o fenótipo de dois dos pacientes. É preciso que novos estudos sejam realizados a fim de melhor compreender o significado de tais achados e a real contribuição de cada gene para o desenvolvimento craniofacial humano e para a etiologia da DFN. Para os casos em que não foram identificadas alterações conclusivas no presente estudo, embora causas ambientais não possam ser descartadas, é preciso que seja investigada também a existência de fatores genéticos e epigenéticos não detectáveis pelas metodologias utilizadas, bem como a hipótese de mosaicismo somático. Nossos resultados, além de corroborarem o envolvimento dos genes ALX1 e ALX4 em fenótipos com DFN, sugerem também novos genes candidatos: ARAP2, CAND1, DNAJB12 e ENOX2 / Frontonasal dysplasia (FND) is a rare group of disorders that comprises cases with a variety of facial appearances, and is clinically characterized by two or more of the following signs: ocular hypertelorism with consequent broadening of the nasal root; median facial cleft affecting the nose and/or upper lip and palate; clefting of the alae nasi (uni or bilateral); lack of formation of the nasal tip; anterior cranium bifidum occultum; and a V-shaped frontal hairline. FND is a developmental defect that can occur alone or as part of several syndromes. Most cases of FND are sporadic, and in rare circumstances chromosomal alterations were observed in affected individuals. To date, four genes have been related to the molecular pathogenesis of some syndromes with DFN, one (EFNB1) is associated with an X-linked form while the 3 others (ALX1, ALX3 and ALX4) are associated with autosomal recessive forms. Although it is clear that FND is etiologic heterogeneous, the causative mechanism is unknown in most cases which makes it hard to give proper genetic counseling to patients and their families. In order to get new insights into the genetic mechanisms leading to FND, we performed studies with different methodologies. Altogether, 10 patients were analyzed: a familial case of a mild form of FND with an apparently autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, a case clinically suggestive of mutation in ALX1, and eight cases of FND associated with developmental delay with or without other anomalies, one of which with an apparently balanced de novo rearrangement between chromosomes 4 and 12. We chose to sequence the genes previously associated with FND phenotypes in all cases; for those in which pathogenic mutations were not detected, we conducted an analysis of copy number variations (CNV) by single nucleotide polymorphisms microarrays; for the patient with chromosomal rearrangement, we also mapped the breakpoints by using fluorescence in situ hybridization. We found a heterozygous mutation in ALX4 co-segregating with the phenotype of the familial case; this is the first description of mutation in this gene causing a form of FND with dominant inheritance pattern, and we suggested for the first time a dominant negative mechanism. In the case suggestive of mutation in ALX1, the diagnosis was confirmed by the identification of a homozygous mutation in this gene; this is the third case of the literature and shows for the first time that mutations in ALX1 are not necessarily related to developmental delay or intellectual disability. Breakpoints cytogenetic and molecular studies done with the patient with chromosomal rearrangement suggested ARAP2 and CAND1 genes as causative candidates for his condition, while the study of CNVs in individuals with FND associated with developmental delay pointed DNAJB12 and ENOX2 genes as possible candidates to explain the phenotypes of two of the patients. Further studies are necessary to better understand the significance of such findings and the actual contribution of each of these genes to human craniofacial development and the etiology of FND. Although environmental causes cannot be ruled out, it should also be investigated the existence of genetic and epigenetic factors as well as the possibility of somatic mosaicism, among the cases negative for the molecular approaches used in our study. Our results corroborate the involvement of ALX1 and ALX4 in FND phenotypes, and suggest new candidate genes: ARAP2, CAND1, DNAJB12 and ENOX2.

Os mecanismos de formação e os efeitos clínicos de duas deleções cromossômicas: del(X)(p11.23) e del(8)(p23.1) / The mechanisms of formation and clinical effects of two chromosomal deletions: del(X)(p11.23) e del(8)(p23.1)

Luiz Carlos Zangrande Vieira 17 August 2007 (has links)
As alterações cromossômicas estruturais associadas a fenótipos clínicos oferecem a oportunidade de identificação de genes cujas mutações possam estar determinando essas patologias, tendo em vista a possibilidade de que esses genes podem ter sido alterados pelas quebras ou ter o número de cópias modificado. Um número cada vez maior de evidências aponta para a participação de certas seqüências do genoma na formação de rearranjos cromossômicos recorrentes e não recorrentes. Neste trabalho, estudamos duas deleções cromossômicas detectadas em indivíduos com retardo mental associado a sinais clínicos. O objetivo foi determinar que mecanismos originaram esses rearranjos e como a perda ou quebra dos segmentos cromossômicos está relacionada com o fenótipo dos portadores. A caracterização das seqüências nos pontos de quebra e junção desses rearranjos é fundamental para a compreensão dos mecanismos de formação das alterações cromossômicas. A delimitação precisa dos segmentos deletados é necessária para a correlação com o quadro clínico. Para isso, este trabalho aliou o estudo cromossômico por hibridação in situ fluorescente (FISH) à análise do DNA. / Structural chromosomal alterations related to clinical phenotypes bring the opportunity to identify gene mutations determining the pathologies, because the causative genes may have been disrupted by the breaks or may have an altered number of copies. The delimitation of the segments involved in the chromosomal rearrangements is necessary for these genotype-phenotype correlations. The characterization of breakpoint and junction sequences in these chromosome alterations enables the identification of mechanisms originating them, and evidence has been produced pointing to the participation of particular genomic sequences in their formation. In this work, we studied two chromosomal deletions in patients with syndromic mental retardation, combining chromosomal analysis by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to DNA analysis. Our aim was to determine the mechanisms that originated these aberrations and how they were involved with the clinical phenotypes.

Models and Algorithms for Sorting Permutations with Tandem Duplication and Random Loss

Hartmann, Tom 25 April 2019 (has links)
A central topic of evolutionary biology is the inference of phylogeny, i. e., the evolutionary history of species. A powerful tool for the inference of such phylogenetic relationships is the arrangement of the genes in mitochondrial genomes. The rationale is that these gene arrangements are subject to different types of mutations in the course of evolution. Hence, a high similarity in the gene arrangement between two species indicates a close evolutionary relation. Metazoan mitochondrial gene arrangements are particularly well suited for such phylogenetic studies as they are available for a wide range of species, their gene content is almost invariant, and usually free of duplicates. With these properties gene arrangements of mitochondrial genomes are modeled by permutations in which each element represents a gene, i. e., a specific genetic sequence. The mutations that shape the gene arrangement of genomes are then represented by operations that rearrange elements in permutations, so-called genome rearrangements, and thereby bridge the gap between evolutionary biology and optimization. Many problems of phylogeny inference can be formulated as challenging combinatorial optimization problems which makes this research area especially interesting for computer scientists. The most prominent examples of such optimization problems are the sorting problem and the distance problem. While the sorting problem requires a minimum length sequence of rearrangements that transforms one given permutation into another given permutation, i. e., it aims for a hypothetical scenario of gene order evolution, the distance problem intends to determine only the length of such a sequence. This minimum length is called distance and used as a (dis)similarity measure quantifying the evolutionary relatedness. Most evolutionary changes occurring in gene arrangements of mitochondrial genomes can be explained by the tandem duplication random loss (TDRL) genome rearrangement model. A TDRL consists of a duplication of a consecutive set of genes in tandem followed by a random loss of one copy of each duplicated gene. In spite of the importance of the TDRL genome rearrangement in mitochondrial evolution, its combinatorial properties have rarely been studied. In addition, models of genome rearrangements which include all types of rearrangement that are relevant for mitochondrial genomes, i. e., inversions, transpositions, inverse transpositions, and TDRLs, while admitting computational tractability are rare. Nevertheless, especially for metazoan gene arrangements the TDRL rearrangement should be considered for the reconstruction of phylogeny. Realizing that a better understanding of the TDRL model is indispensable for the study of mitochondrial gene arrangements, the central theme of this thesis is to broaden the horizon of TDRL genome rearrangements with respect to mitochondrial genome evolution. For this purpose, this thesis provides combinatorial properties of the TDRL model and its variants as well as efficient methods for a plausible reconstruction of rearrangement scenarios between gene arrangements. The methods that are proposed consider all types of genome rearrangements that predominately occur during mitochondrial evolution. More precisely, the main points contained in this thesis are as follows: The distance problem and the sorting problem for the TDRL model are further examined in respect to circular permutations, a formal concept that reflects the circular structure of mitochondrial genomes. As a result, a closed formula for the distance is provided. Recently, evidence for a variant of the TDRL rearrangement model in which the duplicated set of genes is additionally inverted have been found. Initiating the algorithmic study of this new rearrangement model on a certain type of permutations, a closed formula solving the distance problem is proposed as well as a quasilinear time algorithm that solves the corresponding sorting problem. The assumption that only one type of genome rearrangement has occurred during the evolution of certain gene arrangements is most likely unrealistic, e. g., at least three types of rearrangements on top of the TDRL rearrangement have to be considered for the evolution metazoan mitochondrial genomes. Therefore, three different biologically motivated constraints are taken into account in this thesis in order to produce plausible evolutionary rearrangement scenarios. The first constraint is extending the considered set of genome rearrangements to the model that covers all four common types of mitochondrial genome rearrangements. For this 4-type model a sharp lower bound and several close additive upper bounds on the distance are developed. As a byproduct, a polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the corresponding sorting problem is provided that guarantees the computation of pairwise rearrangement scenarios that deviate from a minimum length scenario by at most two rearrangement operations. The second biologically motivated constraint is the relative frequency of the different types of rearrangements occurring during the evolution. The frequency is modeled by employing a weighting scheme on the 4-type model in which every rearrangement is weighted with respect to its type. The resulting NP-hard sorting problem is then solved by means of a polynomial size integer linear program. The third biologically motivated constraint that has been taken into account is that certain subsets of genes are often found in close proximity in the gene arrangements of many different species. This observation is reflected by demanding rearrangement scenarios to preserve certain groups of genes which are modeled by common intervals of permutations. In order to solve the sorting problem that considers all three types of biologically motivated constraints, the exact dynamic programming algorithm CREx2 is proposed. CREx2 has a linear runtime for a large class of problem instances. Otherwise, two versions of the CREx2 are provided: The first version provides exact solutions but has an exponential runtime in the worst case and the second version provides approximated solutions efficiently. CREx2 is evaluated by an empirical study for simulated artificial and real biological mitochondrial gene arrangements.

Etude clinique et génétique de l’albinisme oculocutané : développement d’outils de diagnostic moléculaire et recherche de nouveaux gènes / Clinical and molecular study of oculocutaneous albinism : development of molecular diagnosis tools and search for new genes

Morice-Picard, Fanny 11 December 2013 (has links)
Notre travail s’est intéressé à l’albinisme oculocutané en étudiant ses aspects clinico- moléculaires. Malgré l’analyse approfondie des gènes connus d’albinisme oculocutané, 15 % des patients restent sans mutation identifiée indiquant que les mutations sont situées dans des régions géniques non analysées par les techniques classiques de diagnostic moléculaire, ou qu’il existe d’autres gènes d’albinisme oculocutané. Nous avons établi une base de données clinico- biologiques décrivant les caractéristiques de plus de 400 patients analysés. Des outils de diagnostic moléculaire ont été développés à la recherche de mutations situées dans les introns et les régions régulatrices et de réarrangements géniques. Différentes stratégies ont également été utilisées pour rechercher des gènes candidats. La puce à façon a permis l’identification de grands réarrangements dans les gènes TYR, OCA2 et SLC45A2 et un réarrangement complexe du gène OCA2 chez 2 patients non apparentés. L'analyse de gènes candidats nous a permis d'identifier, chez 5 patients non apparentés présentant un albinisme oculocutané non syndromique, des mutations dans le gène SLC24A5, très récemment associé à l’AOC6. Le séquençage d’exome de 6 patients a mis en évidence des gènes candidats pour lesquels des analyses complémentaires sont poursuivies afin de confirmer leur implication dans la pathogenèse de l’AOC.Les résultats de ce travail permettent de redéfinir les aspects cliniques et moléculaires de l’AOC, d’identifier de nouveaux mécanismes moléculaires à l’origine de l’AOC ainsi que des gènes candidats dont la fonction dans le développement pigmentaire reste à élucider. L’identification de nouveaux gènes impliqués dans l’AOC pourrait permettre de mieux comprendre et de mieux prendre en charge les patients avec un AOC. / Our work focused on oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) by studying its clinical and molecular aspects. Despite a thorough analysis of the known genes involved in oculocutaneous albinism, 15% of patients remain without diagnostic at the molecular level indicating that mutations are located in unexplored regions and are undetected by standard techniques or that other genes are involved in albinism. We established a clinicomolecular database describing more than 400 patients and developped molecular tools in order to improve molecular diagnostic including a custom high resolution array-CGH dedicated to the four OCA genes (TYR, OCA2, TYRP1 and SLC45A2). We also used different strategies to identify new genes. Array-CGH allows us to detect large deletion in TYR, OCA2 and SLC45A2 and a complexe rearrangement in OCA2 in 2 unrelated patients. We identified, in 5 patients presenting with a non syndromic OCA, mutations in SLC24A5, recently associated with OCA6. Exome sequencing of 6 different patients allows us to identify candidate genes, for which further studies are required to confirm their involvement in OCA pathogenesis. The results of this work allowed us to delineate clinical and genetics aspects of more than 400 OCA patients and to identify new molecular mechanisms leading to OCA and candidates genes for which exact nature of their functions has to be understood. Giving the complexity of pigmentary system development and its regulation, identification of new genes leading to OCA could help to better understand OCA and take care of patients

Estudos de citogenética e de filogenia molecular em roedores da tribo Akodontini / Cytogenetics and molecular phylogenetics in rodents of the tribe Akodontini

Ventura, Karen 02 October 2009 (has links)
Estudos de citogenética comparativa são rotineiramente desenvolvidos a partir da comparação dos padrões de bandamentos cromossômicos. Contudo, quando se trata de espécies que apresentam genomas altamente rearranjados, como no caso das espécies de Akodon, ou que são muito divergentes, a comparação de cromossomos por padrões de bandas torna-se inadequada. Como consequência, a pintura cromossômica tem se tornado o método de escolha assertivo, já que permite comparação genômica no nível citogenético. Nessa tecnologia sondas de um cromossomo inteiro de uma determinada espécie são hibridadas in situ em cromossomos de outra espécie, detectando as regiões homólogas entre os genomas. No presente estudo comparamos os cariótipos altamente diferenciados de algumas espécies de Akodon por meio de pintura cromossômica recíproca com uso de sondas espécie-específicas, obtidas a partir de cromossomos separados por citometria de fluxo. Os resultados revelaram homologia completa entre os complementos de Akodon sp. n. (ASP), 2n=10, A. cursor (ACU), 2n=15, A. montensis (AMO), 2n=24 e A. paranaensis (APA), 2n=44 e evidenciaram com precisão muitos rearranjos cromossômicos entre os complementos das espécies. Rearranjos Robertsonianos e em tandem, inversões pericêntricas e/ou reposicionamento de centrômero, inversão paracêntrica, translocações, inserções e existência de sítios frágeis nos complementos foram observados. A pintura cromossômica empregando o conjunto de sondas de APA para 21 autossomos mais cromossomos X e Y evidenciou oito segmentos sintênicos compartilhados entre A. montensis, A. cursor e Akodon sp. n., cinco associações exclusivas para A. cursor e seis para Akodon sp. n. Foi também detectada homologia completa dos cromossomos X, com exceção da região heterocromática de ASP X, e até mesmo dos cromossomos Y que geralmente não apresenta sinal hibridação entre diferentes espécies de mamíferos. Esses dados indicam que essas espécies intimamente relacionadas passaram por um processo recente de intensa diferenciação autossômica, no qual se conservou a homologia total, por exceção de Akodon sp. n., entre os cromossomos sexuais. Pertencente a tribo Akodontini, Deltamys Thomas 1917 é um táxon pouco estudado e que é raramente capturado. Utilizando-se de caracteres morfológicos ou genéticos, alguns autores consideram Deltamys como um gênero pleno enquanto outros acreditaram que esse devesse ser referido como subgênero ou sinônimo de Akodon. A única espécie formalmente descrita é Deltamys kempi que apresenta cariótipo básico com 2n=37 nos machos e 2n=38 nas fêmeas, NF=38, com sistema de determinação de sexo do tipo X1X1X2X2: X1X2Y. Uma característica citogenética que distingue Deltamys de Akodon é a presença de um pequeno par metacêntrico marcador em Akodon. Um cariótipo com 2n=40 e NF=40; XX: XY foi relacionado ao gênero Akodon porém, como em Deltamys kempi , esse complemento não apresenta o pequeno par metacêntrico. As análises filogenéticas de máxima parcimônia e máxima verossimilhança baseadas em sequências do gene mitocondrial do citocromo b evidenciaram o monofiletismo dos espécimens de Akodon sp. 2n=40, e o monofiletismo de Deltamys kempi. Além disso, revelaram que Akodon sp. é grupo irmão de Deltamys kempi, estando mais relacionado a este último gênero do que às demais espécies de Akodon, sugerindo a inclusão dos espécimens portadores do cariótipo com 2n=40 em Deltamys. Dessa forma, o gênero Deltamys se mostrou mais diverso do que até então se tinha conhecimento, agrupando duas linhagens: Deltamys kempi , 2n=37-38 ; X1X1X2X2: X1X2Y e Deltamys sp. 2n=40, XX: XY, que apresentam entre sí uma marcante divergência genética que chega a 12, 1%. Um cariótipo com 2n=50, NF=48 foi descrito para espécimes de Thaptomys Thomas,1916, coletados em Una, estado da Bahia, Brasil, que são indistinguíveis morfologicamente dos Thaptomys nigrita que apresentam 2n=52, NF=52, encontrados em outras localidades brasileiras. Foi então proposto que esse novo cariótipo com 2n=50 pertencesse a uma espécie críptica de Thaptomys nigrita, uma vez que os rearranjos cromossômicos observados somados a distância geográfica pode representar uma barreira reprodutiva entre as duas formas. Com o intuito de se estabelecer as relações entre indivíduos de Thaptomys com os dois números diplóides, análises filogenéticas moleculares foram realizadas com o uso de dezoito sequências do gene mitocondrial do citocromo b provenientes de espécimes cariotipados coletados ao longo da distribuição geográfica do gênero. Dois clados principais, Nordeste (A) que agrupa espécimens com 2n=50 e Sudeste (B) que agrupa espécimes com 2n=52, foram recuperados por análises de máxima parcimônia e máxima verossimilhança. As relações filogenéticas intra-genéricas corroboram os distintos números diplóides, e mostram os cariótipos com 2n=50 e 2n=52 como clados irmãos entre si separados pela cladogênese basal de Thaptomys . No presente trabalho são apresentados estudos de filogenia molecular e citogenética para o gênero monotípico de roedor fossorial Blarinomys Thomas 1896. Foram realizadas análises de máxima parcimônia e máxima verossimilhança com base em sequências do gene mitocondrial citocromo b , para amostra de 11 exemplares de B. breviceps provenientes de nove localidades de quatro estados do território brasileiro. Todas as topologias recuperaram duas linhagens principais: um clado Nordeste (A) e outro Sudeste. O clado sudeste agrupou dois clados irmãos, B e C. A divergência de sequência entre os indivíduos variou de: 4,7- 8,0% entre os clados nordeste e sudeste; 4,3-5,7% entre os clados B e C; 6,1-8,0% entre os clados nordeste; e B, e 4,7-6,4% entres os clados nordeste e C. Dentro dos clados a divergência variou de 0- 4,2% no clado nordeste, foi de 0,7% no clado B, e variou de 0,1- 1,3% no clado C. Variação entre espécimes da mesma região geográfica foi de 0-1,3%. Os estudos de citogenética de cinco exemplares revelaram alta diversidade cariotípica com cinco números diplóides distintos: 2n=52 (48A+2Bs, XY), 2n=43 (37A+4Bs, XX), 2n=37 (34A+1B, XY), 2n=34 (32A, XX) e 2n=31 (27A+2Bs, XX) e mesmo número de braços autossômicos (NF=50), excluindo-se os cromossomos sexuais e os supernumerários. Foram observados polimorfismos decorrentes de rearranjos Robertsonianos, além de variação de 0 a 4 cromossomos Bs, que são heterogêneos quanto a morfologia, constituição de heterocromatina e presença de sinais teloméricos intersticiais (ITS). ITS também foram observados na região pericentromérica de alguns pares autossômicos com dois braços em três dos exemplares. Foi realizada pintura cromossômica com sonda do cromossomo X de Akodon cursor (ACU X). Nossos dados revelaram uma diversidade até então desconhecida para Blarinomys , mostrando duas linhagens distintas correspondentes a regiões na Mata Atlântica e um extraordinário polimorfismo cromossômico. / Traditionally comparative cytogenetic studies are based mainly on banding patterns. Nevertheless, when dealing with species with highly rearranged genomes, as in Akodon species, or with other highly divergent species, cytogenetic comparisons of banding patterns prove to be inadequate. Hence, comparative chromosome painting has become the method of choice for genome comparisons at the cytogenetic level, since it allows complete chromosome probes of a species to be hybridized in situ onto chromosomes of other species, detecting homologous genomic regions between them. In the present study, we have explored the highly rearranged complements of the Akodon species using reciprocal chromosome painting through species-specific chromosome probes obtained by chromosome sorting. The results revealed complete homology among the complements of Akodon sp. n. (ASP), 2n=10, A. cursor (ACU), 2n=15, A. montensis (AMO), 2n=24 and A. paranaensis (APA), 2n=44 and extensive chromosome rearrangements have been detected within the species with high precision. Robertsonian and tandem rearrangements, pericentric inversions and/or centromere repositioning, paracentric inversion, translocations, insertions and fragile sites were observed. The chromosome painting using the APA set of 21 autosomes plus X and Y exhibited eight syntenic segments that are shared with A. montensis, A. cursor and Akodon sp. n. plus five exclusive associations for A. cursor and six for Akodon sp. n. Chromosomes X, except for the heterochromatin region of ASP X, and even chromosome Y that often present no hybridization signal when hybridized between species of mammals, shared complete homology among the species. These data indicate that all those closely related species have experienced a recent intensive process of autosomic differentiation, in wich, there is still complete maintenance, except for chromosome X of Akodon sp. n., of the sex chromosomes homologies. Member of the tribe Akodontini, Deltamys Thomas 1917 is a poorly studied and rarely collected taxon. Based on morphological or genetic characters, some authors considered Deltamys as a full genus while others regarded it as subgenus or synonym of Akodon. The single described species, Deltamys kempi presents a basic karyotype with 2n=37 in males and 2n=38 in females, FN=38, and with sex determination system of the type X1X1X2X2: X1X2Y. A cytogenetic character that distinguishes Deltamys from Akodon is the presence of a small metacentric pair marker in Akodon. A karyotype with 2n=40 and FN=40; XX: XY was related to the genus Akodon, but as in Deltamys kempi, this complement does not present the small metacentric pair. Phylogenetic analyses of maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood based on sequences of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b evidenced the monophyly of a clade grouping specimens of Akodon sp. 2n=40 and monophyly of a clade containing specimens of Deltamys kempi. Besides that, the analyses showed that Akodon sp. is the sistergroup of Deltamys kempi, thus more related to this genus than to other species of Akodon and suggesting the placement of specimens with 2n=40 Deltamys. The genus Deltamys is, thus, more diverse than previously thought, grouping two lineages: Deltamys kempi, 2n=37-38 ; X1X1X2X2: X1X2Y and Deltamys sp. 2n=40, XX: XY, with a marked genetic divergence of 12,1% between them. A karyotype with 2n=50, FN=48 has been described for specimens of Thaptomys Thomas, 1916 collected at Una, State of Bahia, Brazil, which are morphologically indistinguishable from Thaptomys nigrita with 2n=52, FN=52 found in other Brazilian localities. It has been hence proposed that this new karyotype with 2n=50 could belong to a distinct species, cryptic of Thaptomys nigrita, once chromosome rearrangements observed along with the geographic distance could represent a reproductive barrier between both forms. Molecular phylogenetic analyses using the cytochrome b sequences of eighteen karyotyped specimens of Thaptomys were performed attempting to establish the relationships among the individuals along the geographic distribution of the genus. Two major clades, Northeastern (A) with specimens with 2n=50 and Southeastern (B) with specimens with 2n=52, were reconstructed by maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML). The intra-generic relationships recovered by phylogenetic analyses corroborated the distinct diploid numbers. The 2n=50 and 2n=52 karyotypes appeared as monophyletic separated by the basal cladogenesis of the genus, sister-group to each other. We present molecular phylogenetic and cytogenetic data on the monotypic fossorial rodent genus Blarinomys . Maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood based on cytochrome b gene sequences were performed for a sample of 11 individuals from nine localities of four states of Eastern Brazil. All topologies recovered two main lineages: a Northeastern (A) and a Southeastern clade. The Southeastern grouped two sister-clades B and C. Sequence divergence between individuals ranged from 4.7-8.0% between northeastern and southeastern clades, from 4.3-5.7% between clades B and C, from 6.1-8.0% between clades northeastern and B, and from 4.7-6.4% between clades northeastern and C. Within the clades, divergence varied from 0- 4.2% in the northeastern clade, was 0.7% in the clade B, and varied from 0.1- 1.3% in clade C. Variation among specimens from the same geographic regions ranged from 0-1.3%. Cytogenetic studies of five individuals revealed high karyotypic diversity with five distinct diploid numbers: 2n=52 (48A+2Bs,XY) from state of Bahia, and 2n=43 (37A+4Bs,XX), 2n=37 (34A+1B,XY), 2n=34 (32A,XX), and 2n=31 (27A+2Bs,XX) from state of São Paulo; and same number of autosomic arms (FN=50) excluding sex chromosomes and supernumeraries. Polymorphisms are due to Robertsonian rearrangements, in addition to the variation from none to four B chromosomes, which are heterogeneous regarding morphology, heterochromatin constitution and presence of interstitial telomeric signals (ITS). ITSs were also observed in the pericentromeric regions of some biarmed autosomic pairs of three specimens. Our results revealed a high unknown diversity for Blarinomys , showing two distinct lineages corresponding to regions of the Atlantic Rainforest, besides an extraordinary chromosomal polymorphism.

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